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DER TOD CHRISTI: DARSTELLUNG UND DEUTUNG IM CORPUS PAULINUM UND IN DER GEGENWÄRTIGEN DISKUSSION UM DIE SÜHNETHEOLOGISCHE DEUTUNG DES TODES JESU / The death of Christ: presentation and interpretation in the Corpus Paulinum and the recent debate regarding its atoning propitiatory significanceOrth, Christopher Jonas 02 1900 (has links)
Text in German, abstracts in English and German / Die Diskussion zum richtigen Verständnis des Todes Christi hat zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhundertsnoch an Vehemenz zugenommen. Dabei wird vor allem die traditionelle Deutung desTodes Christi als stellvertretender Sühnetod stark kritisiert und ihre Berechtigung in Fragegestellt. Die vorliegende Arbeit nimmt die wesentlichen Fragen dieser Kritik aus dem deutschsprachigenRaum auf. Anhand einer historisch-kanonischen Exegese der Stellen, bei denen derTod Christi in den als echt anerkannten paulinischen Briefen explizit oder implizit angeführtwird, wird die jeweilige Deutung dieses Todes geprüft. Ferner werden die Fragen nach demtraditionsgeschichtlichen Hintergrund der verschiedenen Deutungen behandelt. Lässt sich dieVorstellung des stellvertretenden Sühnetods bei Paulus als zentrale und angemessene Deutungdes Todes Christi nachweisen oder kann sie aufgegeben werden? / The discussion of the proper interpretation of the death of Christ has been gaining momentum
since the beginning of the 21st century. In particular, the traditional interpretation of Christ’s
death as expiation and penal substitution faces severe criticism and its warranty is challenged
from several perspectives. This thesis takes up the essential critique voiced in the discussion in
central Europe. By means of a historical-canonical exegesis of the explicit or implicit references
to Christ’s death in the authentic Pauline letters, it examines how Christ’s death is understood
in each case. The questions of the possible backdrop of these references to the death
of Christ will also be examined. The thesis argues that, in Paul’s understanding of Christ’s
death, penal substitution and atonement are appropriate and central categories which must not
be abandoned in reconstructions of Pauline soteriology / New Testament / .M. Th. (New Testament)
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In search of the understanding of the Old Testament in Africa : the case of the LembaLe Roux, Magdel 11 1900 (has links)
This project seeks to determine, to what extent the culture of early Israel (1250-1000 BC) is
similar to African cultures, more specifically, to that of the Lemba. However, a comparison
between the cultures of early Israel and those of certain African tribes is not the primary
objective in this case. This project is neither an anthropological study nor does it intend to
mainly focus on the Lemba as such -though this may appear to be the case. This endeavour primarily
fits into the ambit of Old Testament Studies. The investigation into the Lemba is meant to be
subsidiary to the point of contingence between their culture and Old Testament customs and
traditions, and how this information affects the interpretation of the Old Testament and its
teaching in Africa. A number of comparisons between the early Israelite religion as reflected in
the Old Testament and the Lemba are drawn. Though the qualitative research (inductive approach) is
employed in the field work, the greatest part of the data on religious perspectives and practices
is mediated by the theory of a phenomenological approach as advocated by Ninian Smart on matters of
experience, mythology, ritual, and ethical/judicial dimensions. Therefore, the approach is also
The Lemba is a very specific group with claims about Israelite/Judaic origins. Their early
departure from Israel (according to them ca 586 BC) can mean that there are remnants of a very
ancient type oflsraelite religion, now valuable when juxtaposed to that of early Israel. This study
takes Lemba traditions seriously, but finally does not verify or falsify Lemba claims - but the
outcomes in this thesis may take this debate a step further.
Their claims make them special and extremely interesting to study from the point of view of oral
cultures. Their oral culture is constitutive of their world-view and self-understanding or
identity. It incorporates the role of oral traditions, history and historiography and parallels
are drawn between orality in early Israelite and Lemba religions. The reciprocity between orality
and inscripturation of traditions, yielding valuable information on what may have happened in the
developent of traditions in Israel, are also attended to in this project.
Nevertheless, this project is primarily a search for the understanding and relevance of the Old
Testament in Afiica and is, therefore, a selective and not an exhaustive comparison between the
Lemba and early Israel. And so, taking cognisance of the hermeneutic of contextualisation in
Africa in particular, a teaching module syllabus for Old Testament Studies is developed, of which
the very strands of religion among the Lemba and early Israel are constitutive for teaching Old
Testament Studies in present-day African cultures (and perhaps elsewhere). / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Biblical Studies)
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Ikonografiese studie van Ou Nabye-Oosterse ivoor gedurende die Ystertydperk, 1200 v.C. - 538 v. C.Grobler, Estelle Cornelia 02 1900 (has links)
Die Bybel is die boek wat die meeste gelees word en tog is dit moeilik om die leefwêreld van daardie era te verstaan. My doel is om ’n nuwe blik te gee op ’n paar Ou-Testamentiese simbole. Die ontdekking van ivoorobjekte in die middel negentiende eeu in Nimrud se paleise het tot groot opwinding gelei, aangesien dit met die literatuur ooreenstem. Die ivoorstukke het ’n “verhaal” kom vertel. Deur die streke se kuns te bestudeer kan ons ’n prentjie vorm van die kuns wat in die Ystertydperk in Mesopotamië en Palestina se paleise en welaf huise voorgekom het. Die ikonografie word ontrafel deur ’n paar ivoorstukke te “lees.” Ikonografie is die beskrywing en verklaring van beelde wat op bepaalde onderwerpe betrekking het. Sekere beelde kom herhaaldelik voor in Mesopotamië. In dié studie word hoofsaaklik die Gevleuelde Wesens, die Boom van Lewe, die Gevleuelde Sonskyf asook Rosette beskryf. / The Bible is widely read but it is difficult to understand the world and culture of the era that it is set in. It is my aim to provide new insight into a few Old Testament verses with their symbolic meaning. When ivory was discovered at Nimrud the discovery elicited huge excitement. The ivory pieces came to tell a story. Through studying the art of the different cultures a picture begins to appear of the palaces and homes of the wealthy in the Levant. The iconography could be “read.” Iconography is the science of interpreting the message the art wants to convey to the viewer. A few images are repeatedly showing up in the Levant during the Iron Age. In this study I am focusing mainly on The Tree of Life, the Winged Disc, the Rosette and Winged Spiritual Beings. I am attempting to discern the meaning behind these images. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Ou Nabye-Oosterse Studies)
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Geschwisterrivalitäten im Buch Genesis : Eine literaturwissenschaftliche Analyse ausgewählter Geschwisterrivalitäten / Sibling rivalries in Genesis : a literary analysis of selected sibling rivalriesMartella, Immanuel Matthäus 11 1900 (has links)
Genesis ist ein Buch von Familiengeschichten, welche durchgehend von Konflikten geprägt sind. Insbesondere gilt dies für Rivalitäten zwischen Brüdern. Häufige Vertauschungsepisoden und weitere Katalysatoren entfachen Konflikte, die die familiäre Kontinuität stets gefährden. Die Geschwisterriva-litäten wurden in der Forschung ausgiebig behandelt, doch die Analyse verbindender und wiederkeh-render literarischer Motive zwischen den Erzählungen wurde bisher nicht ausreichend erforscht. Daher untersucht die vorliegende Studie drei Hauptrivalitäten zwischen Brüdern in ihren literarischen Verbindungen: Kain und Abel, Jakob und Esau sowie Josef und seine Brüdern. Dabei werden beson-ders die Abschnitte analysiert, die den Ausgangspunkt, die Eskalation und die Auflösung dieser Kon-flikte behandeln. Als Ergebnis der Studie werden lexikalische und thematische Motive, sowie Motive im Handlungsverlauf zwischen den Erzählungen erarbeitet. Die beschriebenen Motive stellen ein dicht verwobenes literarisches Netzwerk zwischen den Erzählungen dar. Sie zeigen einen narrativen Span-nungsbogen auf, der vom urgeschichtlichen Brudermord zur Bruder-Vergebung geht und sich im Verlauf stets am Rande eines Brudermords bewegt
Genesis is a book of family histories which are marked throughout by conflict. This applies in particular to rivalry between brothers. Frequent episodes of reversals and other catalysts ignite conflicts which continually endanger family continuity. Although sibling rivalry has been extensively addressed by the academic research, the analysis of interconnected and recurrent literary motifs among the stories has not yet been sufficiently explored. Therefore, the present study investigates the literary connections among three principal rivalries: Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau and Joseph and his brothers. This includes, in particular, the analysis of those texts which deal with the origin, escalation and resolution of these conflicts. As a result of this study, lexical and thematic motifs, as well as motifs of plot development among the stories are worked out. These motifs present a tightly interwoven narrative network among the stories. They reveal a narrative arc of suspense which ranges from the primeval fratricide to fraternal forgiveness, teetering continually on the brink of fratricide / Genesis is a book of family histories which are marked throughout by conflict. This applies in particular to rivalry between brothers. Frequent episodes of reversals and other catalysts ignite conflicts which continually endanger family continuity. Although sibling rivalry has been extensively addressed by the academic research, the analysis of interconnected and recurrent literary motifs among the stories has not yet been sufficiently explored. Therefore, the present study investigates the literary connections among three principal rivalries: Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau and Joseph and his brothers. This includes, in particular, the analysis of those texts which deal with the origin, escalation and resolution of these conflicts. As a result of this study, lexical and thematic motifs, as well as motifs of plot development among the stories are worked out. These motifs present a tightly interwoven narrative network among the stories. They reveal a narrative arc of suspense which ranges from the primeval fratricide to fraternal forgiveness, teetering continually on the brink of fratricide / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M. Th. (Old Testament)
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The shepherd metaphor in the Old Testament, and its use in pastoral and leadership modelsGan, Jonathan 01 1900 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 441-459 / The shepherd metaphor is a prominent and significant one in the Old Testament.
However, it has shifted from an agrarian context, of shepherd and sheep in the literal
sense, to a socio-political context, of rulers and people in the political sense: a king is a
shepherd to the people. A careful review of the given metaphor raises the question
whether the metaphor should be the basis of the pastoral and leadership models that
are derived from the image of the shepherd, and whether such models can be enriched
by the analysis of the said metaphor as applied to the implementation of the
shepherding responsibility described in the Old Testament.
This research aims to examine various pastoral and leadership models and their use of
the shepherd metaphor in the light of the significance of the said metaphor in the Old
Testament. It utilises rhetorical criticism in consultation with metaphorical theory to
examine the given metaphor used in the models of pastoral and leadership roles and
their relationship with the shepherd metaphor in the New Testament. The objective is
threefold: (1) exploring the use of the shepherd metaphor in the Old Testament; (2)
examining the use of the shepherd metaphor in pastoral and leadership models, which
could include pointing out that some of these models rely heavily on their understanding
of New Testament uses of this metaphor; and (3) comparing the Old Testament and
pastoral/leadership models’ uses of the shepherd metaphor and drawing conclusions
based on this comparison. To achieve that end, the discussion also includes the ancient
Near Eastern literature and deuterocanonical texts. The thesis shows that a careful analysis of the uses of the shepherd metaphor in the Old Testament could enrich the
literature on Christian leadership as well as pastoral models that use this metaphor as
their point of departure. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D. Phil. (Old Testament)
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Wahre Weinstock: die bedeuting des Weinstockmotivs in Johannes 15:1-8 / The true vine: the meaning of the vine motif in John 15:1-8Volker, Daniel 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / Text in German / Ziel der Forschungsarbeitet ist es, zu zeigen, dass die johanneische Weinstockrede das
alttestamentlich und frühjüdisch geprägte Weinstockmotiv aufgreift und weiter entfaltet.
So finden sich in Joh 15:1-8 die Beziehungsebene zwischen Gott und seinen Nachfolgern,
die ethische Konnotation, der Gerichtsgedanke, der messianisch-eschatologische Aspekt
und der Gedanke von Fruchtbarkeit und Fülle wieder.
Es wird deutlich, dass sich in Jesus erfüllt hat, worauf die alttestamentlichen und
frühjüdischen Schriften durch die Verwendung des Weinstockmotivs abgezielt haben: Er
ist der angekündigte Messias, dessen Kommen Fülle mit sich bringt. Dies hat sich bereits
durch Jesu erstes Zeichen, die Verwandlung von Wasser zu Wein (Joh 2:1-11),
Neu ist der Gedanke, dass Jesus seine Nachfolger in sein Wirken mit einbezieht.
Sie partizipieren an seiner messianischen Fülle und produzieren den Überfluss in
Abhängigkeit von Jesus auch selbst mit. Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass die Jünger ihre
enge Beziehung zu Jesus durch Gebet und das Einhalten seines Wortes aufrechterhalten
und sich an seinem Vorbild orientieren. / The purpose of this thesis is to show that the Johannine vine speech takes up and further
develops the vine motif of the Old Testament and early Jewish history. In John 15:1-8 we
find emphasis on the relationship between God and his disciples, the ethical connotation,
the warning of judgement, the messianic-eschatological aspect and the concepts of
fruitfulness and fullness.
I will show in this thesis, that the the Old Testament and early Jewish writings that
use the vine motif are fulfilled in Jesus Christ: He is the announced Messiah, whose
coming will bring fullness. This is already implied in Jesus’s first miracle, turning water
into wine (John 2:1-11).
What is new is that Jesus includes his disciples in his ministry. They participate in his
messianic abundance and in dependence on Jesus they themselves produce abundance.
The prerequisite for this abundant fruitfulness is a close relationship with Jesus through
prayer, abiding in his word, and following his example. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)
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Das Ereignis des Verstehens / Untersuchungen zur Hermeneutik des Alten Testaments im christlich-jüdischen DialogJastrzembski, Volker 28 January 2008 (has links)
Die Untersuchung geht von dem im christlich-jüdischen Dialog erreichten hermeneutischen Konsens aus. In einer theologischen Grundlagenreflexion werden ausgehend von der Erkenntnis, dass die Bibel Israel das gemeinschaftlich geteilte Erbe ist, das Judentum und Christentum verbindet und zugleich der Ausgangspunkt zweier religiöser Überlieferungen ist, die das Erbe auf verschiedene Weise rezipiert haben, vertiefende hermeneutische Kriterien entwickelt. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Konzeptionen von Brevard S. Childs, Rolf Rendtorff und Erich Zenger, die mit der Fokussierung auf den Kanon und die Christologie, auf die gemeinsame christlich-jüdische Lektüre und die lesetheoretisch begründete Hermeneutik der „kanonischen Dialogizität“ exemplarische Positionen abdecken. Die Untersuchung kommt zu folgenden Ergebnissen: In Anknüpfung an rezeptionstheoretische Überlegungen ist die Hermeneutik des Alten Testaments im christlich-jüdischen Dialog erstens als spezifisch christliche Leseweise zu definieren, die zugleich auf das Gespräch mit der gleichrangigen jüdischen Lesart angewiesen bleibt. Sie ist zweitens als theologische Auslegung zu entwerfen, die auf den Kanon aus Altem und Neuem Testament bezogen ist. Dabei trägt sie der Vielfalt der biblischen Stoffe Rechnung, indem sie von Zengers Konzept der kanonischen Dialogizität ausgeht. Als Beitrag zu einer „Theologie nach Auschwitz“ wird sie drittens keinen neutralen Standort einnehmen können. Viertens wird sie an die christologische Interpretation anschließen und sich dabei von Childs’ Verständnis des christologischen Bezugs als pneumatologisch qualifizierter Ausdehnung leiten lassen. Indem sie schließlich fünftens an das Textdenken Jacques Derridas und dessen Verständnis des Ereignisses anknüpft, das von ihm als messianischer Einbruch verstanden wird, kann sie aus theologischer Perspektive das Verstehen nur als pneumatologisch qualifiziertes Ereignis der Offenbarung Gottes begreifen, das methodisch nicht sicherzustellen ist. / The starting point chosen in this work is the hermeneutic consensus achieved in the Jewish-Christian dialogue. Reflecting upon some of the fundamental aspects of theology, the study develops more in-depth hermeneutic criteria based on the insight that the Bible of Israel is the shared common heritage that both establishes a link between Jews and Christians and is the point of origin of two religious traditions that have interpreted the heritage in different ways. It primarily deals with the conceptions held by Brevard S. Childs, Rolf Rendtorff and Erich Zenger who cover paradigmatic positions, ranging from a focus on the canon and on christology to a common Jewish-Christian reading and to a hermeneutic approach of “canonical dialogism”. The study yields the following results: Firstly, building on considerations embraced by the theory of reception, Old Testament hermeneutics within the Jewish-Christian dialogue have to be defined as a specifically Christian reading that, at the same time, continues to depend on the dialogue with the equal-ranking Jewish reading. Secondly, this hermeneutic approach has to be designed as a theological interpretation that relates to the canon of the Old and New Testament. This involves taking into account the diversity of the biblical material by using Zenger’s concept of canonical dialogism as a starting point. Thirdly, as is makes a contribution to “post-Auschwitz theology”, this reading will not be able to adopt a neutral standpoint. Fourthly, it will expand upon the christological interpretation and, in doing so, it will go by Childs’ concept of the christological relation being an extension conceived in pneumatological terms. Fifthly, by adopting Derrida’s deconstruction and his notion of the “event” as a messianic irruption, this hermeneutic approach can only conceive the act of understanding as an event where God is revealed, an event to be described in pneumatological terms that can not be warranted by any methodological effort.
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Aspects of ancient Near Eastern chronology (c. 1600-700 BC)Furlong, Pierce James January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The chronology of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Near East is currently a topic of intense scholarly debate. The conventional/orthodox chronology for this period has been assembled over the past one-two centuries using information from King-lists, royal annals and administrative documents, primarily those from the Great Kingdoms of Egypt, Assyria and Babylonia. This major enterprise has resulted in what can best be described as an extremely complex but little understood jigsaw puzzle composed of a multiplicity of loosely connected data. I argue in my thesis that this conventional chronology is fundamentally wrong, and that Egyptian New Kingdom (Memphite) dates should be lowered by 200 years to match historical actuality. This chronological adjustment is achieved in two stages: first, the removal of precisely 85 years of absolute Assyrian chronology from between the reigns of Shalmaneser II and Ashur-dan II; and second, the downward displacement of Egyptian Memphite dates relative to LBA Assyrian chronology by a further 115 years. Moreover, I rely upon Kuhnian epistemology to structure this alternate chronology so as to make it methodologically superior to the conventional chronology in terms of historical accuracy, precision, consistency and testability.
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