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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metableties-eksemplariese ondersoek na die globaliseringsverskynsel en die implikasies daarvan vir die opvoeding en onderwys

Van Niekerk, Magrietha Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie word die metableties-eksemplariese aanloop tot die globaliseringsverskynsel ondersoek. Daar word gekonsentreer op die benadering van vier f ilosowe wat met reg die f ilosof iese wegbereiders van bogenoemde verskynsel genoem kan word. Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche en Dewey het gewis •n belangrike bydrae tot die bevordering van die Globalisme gelewer. Vervolgens word op die aanloop tot •n plurale samelewingsverband en die fundamentele rol van verskeie ideologiee gef okus. Verskeie globalistiese en inoutentieke opvoedings- en onderwysbenaderings word ook ontleed om die neerslag van die Globalisme op onderwysgebied aan die lig te bring. Die berekende denke voer die botoon in die globalistiese bestel, gevolglik word die besinnende denke nie in die opvoeding en onderwys in aanmerking geneem nie. Die globaliseringsverskynsel het onder andere die volgende implikasies vir die opvoeding en onderwys: Inoutentieke beroepsafrigting. Identiteitskrisis. Ontheemding Waarde- en normrelativisme. Gedegradeerde mens- en kindbeskouing. Sins- en waarheidsverduistering. / The metabletic-exemplary advance of the phenomenon of Globalism is examined in this study. The approach of four philosophers who may aptly be described as the philosophical pioneers of Globalism, has been focused upon. Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche and Dewey have certainly made an important contribution towards the advancement of this phenomenon. The advent of a pluralistic societal structure and the fundamental role of several ideologies, responsible for the advancement of a globalistic society, will also be focused upon. Various inauthentic and globalistic approach~s to education are analised in order to illustrate the impact of Globalism on education. Natural-scientific thought sets the pace in the globalistic order, with the result that reflective thought is not taken into account in education. The implications of the globalistic phenomenon for education are the following: Inauthentic job training. Identity crisis. - Alienation. - Value and norm relativism. - Degraded view of mankind and the child. - Obscurity of truth and meaning. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Historiese Opvoekunde)

La Moyenne-Égypte du VIIe au IXe siècle : apports d’une perspective régionale à l’étude d’une société entre Byzance et l’Islam / Middle Egypt between the 7th and the 9th century : a regional perspective on the study of a society from Byzantium to Islam

Legendre, Marie 06 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une étude régionale des deux premiers siècles de l’Islam au cœur de la vallée du Nil. Elle se concentre sur la Moyenne-Égypte, plus précisément sur deux divisions administratives byzantines au moment de la conquête de l’Égypte par l’armée de ‘Amr b. al-‘Āṣ : celle de la capitale de la province de Thébaïde, Antinoé, et une de ses dépendances, la pagarchie d’Hermopolis Magna. Nous suivons dans cet espace les situations de contact entre conquérants et conquis au niveau local, entre les VIIe et IXe siècles, afin d’interroger l’évolution de ces deux catégories d’acteurs jusqu’à l’arrivée des Tulunides (868). Le corpus disponible pour cette étude est formé principalement par des papyrus arabes, grecs et coptes, alors que les sources littéraires s’intéressent très peu à la région. Ce riche ensemble documentaire permet de bien connaître la région et sa population à la fin de l’époque byzantine ainsi que de proposer un point de vue local sur l’histoire de la conquête. Un intérêt particulier est porté au développement d’une administration islamique locale née de la refonte du système régional byzantin en place au milieu du VIIe siècle. Au sein du développement de cette nouvelle structure administrative et provinciale au cours de la période umayyade, Antinoé perd tout statut administratif provincial. Elle prend le nom arabe d’Anṣinā, et Hermopolis celui d’Ašmūn(ayn). Cette dernière devient le principal échelon administratif de la Moyenne-Égypte islamique. En parallèle, nous pouvons suivre le développement d’une communauté musulmane de Moyenne-Égypte, impliquée à partir du VIIIe siècle dans l’administration et au cours de la période abbasside dans la propriété terrienne et dans la vie citadine et villageoise de la région. / This thesis offers a regional study of the two first centuries of Islam in the heart of the Egyptian Nile valley. It concentrates on Middle Egypt, precisely on the administrative divisions of the Byzantine system at the time of the conquest of Egypt by the armies of ‘Amr b. al-‘Āṣ (642) : the capital of the province of the Thebaid, Antinoe, and one of its dependencies, the pagarchy of Hermopolis Magna. Particular focus is given to the relationships between conquerors and conquered in this region between the 7th and the 9th century, the goal being to question the evolution of those two categories until the rise of the Tulunid dynasty (868). The sources available for this research are mainly non-literary papyri written in Arabic, Greek, and Coptic, as literary sources rarely express interest in this region. This rich documentary corpus allows us to examine in detail the administrative geography of the region and its population before the conquest and to offer a local point of view on the history of the conquest. Particular attention is given to the development of a new administrative and provincial structure during the Umayyad period in which the Thebaid is suppressed and Antinoe loses its place in the provincial structure of Egypt. It then appears under the Arabic name of Anṣinā and Hermopolis, as Ašmūn(ayn). The latter becomes the main administrative centre of Middle Egypt in the Islamic period and even supervises Anṣinā. In parallel, we can follow the development of the Muslim community involved in the administration of the region from the 8th century, in landholding and in city and village life in the Abbasid period.

Paulus in gemeinschaft seiner Mitarbeiter: eine Untersuchung der Kollegialmission im Corpus Paulinum und in der Apostelgeschichte (Paul in the fellowship of his co-workers: a survey of Paul among his co-workers in the Corpus Paulinum and in Acts)

Drews, Alexander 30 April 2006 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to illuminate the significance of what has been called the "coworkers" for Paul's mission. At the same time it revises the traditional portrait of Paul as a "lone ranger", not properly understood and appreciated by others. Thus the focus is on the way in which Paul together with his co-workers as his missionary partners achieved the various tasks of early Chrisian mission, namely the proclamation of the gospel and the consolidation of churches. This phenomenon is best described with the German term Kollegialmission, i.e. a mission carried by a team of colleagues. A survey of research is followed by a detailed analysis of this phenomenon in the letters commonly recognised as written by Paul himself. In additon to explicit statements on the co-workers, attention is also given to implicit references, e.g. verb forms in the first person plural which appear in some letters and contribute to understanding this Kollegialmission. Then the same methodological procedure is applied to the disputed letters of Paul. A final chapter examines the portrait of Paul and his co-workers in the Book of Acts. This dissertation demonstrates that this understanding and practice of Kollegialmission was a central point in Paul's mission and self-understanding. His co-workers receive their commission and authority from God, to whom they are responsible. The gospel constitutes the foundation for this cooperation between Paul and his co-workers. Thus the co-workers perform the same duties as Paul himself, though his special apostolate remains in place. The picture of the Kollegialmission in the Deuteropauline letters differs only slightly from that of the letters generally recognised as Paul's own. As the author of Acts is mainly interested in the person of Paul, his co-workers appear increasingly on the backstage as the story unfolds. This examination closes with an application of some principles of Paul's Kollegialmission to present day congregational ministry and mission work. / Theology / M.Th.

Metableties-eksemplariese ondersoek na die globaliseringsverskynsel en die implikasies daarvan vir die opvoeding en onderwys

Van Niekerk, Magrietha Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie word die metableties-eksemplariese aanloop tot die globaliseringsverskynsel ondersoek. Daar word gekonsentreer op die benadering van vier f ilosowe wat met reg die f ilosof iese wegbereiders van bogenoemde verskynsel genoem kan word. Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche en Dewey het gewis •n belangrike bydrae tot die bevordering van die Globalisme gelewer. Vervolgens word op die aanloop tot •n plurale samelewingsverband en die fundamentele rol van verskeie ideologiee gef okus. Verskeie globalistiese en inoutentieke opvoedings- en onderwysbenaderings word ook ontleed om die neerslag van die Globalisme op onderwysgebied aan die lig te bring. Die berekende denke voer die botoon in die globalistiese bestel, gevolglik word die besinnende denke nie in die opvoeding en onderwys in aanmerking geneem nie. Die globaliseringsverskynsel het onder andere die volgende implikasies vir die opvoeding en onderwys: Inoutentieke beroepsafrigting. Identiteitskrisis. Ontheemding Waarde- en normrelativisme. Gedegradeerde mens- en kindbeskouing. Sins- en waarheidsverduistering. / The metabletic-exemplary advance of the phenomenon of Globalism is examined in this study. The approach of four philosophers who may aptly be described as the philosophical pioneers of Globalism, has been focused upon. Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche and Dewey have certainly made an important contribution towards the advancement of this phenomenon. The advent of a pluralistic societal structure and the fundamental role of several ideologies, responsible for the advancement of a globalistic society, will also be focused upon. Various inauthentic and globalistic approach~s to education are analised in order to illustrate the impact of Globalism on education. Natural-scientific thought sets the pace in the globalistic order, with the result that reflective thought is not taken into account in education. The implications of the globalistic phenomenon for education are the following: Inauthentic job training. Identity crisis. - Alienation. - Value and norm relativism. - Degraded view of mankind and the child. - Obscurity of truth and meaning. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Historiese Opvoekunde)

Plurale Weltinterpretationen: Das Beispiel der Tyva Südsibiriens: Fürstenberg/Havel 2013: SEC Publications/Kulturstiftung Sibirien gGmbH. ISBN: 978-3-942883-13-9.

Oelschlägel, Anett C. 04 July 2011 (has links)
Plurale Weltinterpretationen praktizieren wir täglich, meist ohne uns darüber bewusst zu sein. Zustande kommen sie durch die gleichzeitige und gleichwertige Existenz verschiedener Modelle der Weltinterpretation. Sie sind Produkte menschlicher Schöpferkraft und stehen als parallele Realitäten einander ergänzend und einander widersprechend nebeneinander. Das Buch führt am Beispiel der Tyva Südsibiriens in zwei Modelle der Weltinterpretation und in die Praxis des Umgangs mit ihnen ein. Es zeigt, wie einzelne lokale Akteure zwei von mehreren Modellen flexibel zum Einsatz bringen, um Situationen zu deuten und in ihnen zu handeln. Es wird deutlich, welchen Regeln die Tyva dabei folgen, welche Gründe sie leiten und welche Folgen sie zu tragen haben. Das Ergebnis ist ein Bild zeitgenössischer Kultur, das der gegenwärtig gegebenen Flexibilität und Pluralität des menschlichen Deutens, Handelns und Verhaltens gerecht wird. / Plural World Interpretations are part of our everyday lives, even if we are not aware of the fact. They result from the simultaneous existence of different but equal models for interpreting the world we live in. These models are the product of human constructivity and co-exist as parallel realities, complementing and contradicting each other. Based on fieldwork among the Tyva of southern Siberia, the book discusses the practice of dealing with this multiplicity of world interpretations and shows how individual actors oscillate flexibly between two of many possible models for interpreting specific situations and act on them. The rules Tyvans apply in varying contexts, the reasons behind their choices and the consequences they have to deal with, are analysed. The result is an account of contemporary culture that explores the flexibility and plurality of human interpretation, action and behaviour. / Мы используем множественные интерпретации мира (нем. plurale Weltinterpretationen) ежедневно и, в большинстве случаев, неосознанно. Осуществляется это за счёт одновременного и равноценного сосуществования различных моделей мировоззрения. Они являются продуктом творческой деятельностей человека и сосуществуют в качестве параллельных реальностей, дополняя и, одновременно, противореча друг другу. На примере тувинцев Южной Сибири данная книга знакомит с двумя моделями мировоззрения, а также с практикой их применения. Показывается, как локальные акторы гибко применяют две из существующего множества моделей: и для того, чтобы действовать в складывающихся ситуациях, и чтобы толковать их. Станет понятным, каким правилам при этом следуют тувинцы, какими мотивами руководствуются и какие это имеет последствия. Результатом явится картина современной культуры, которая будет отвечать имеющимся на данный момент запросам гибкости и многообразия в мировоззрении, действиях и поведении человека.

Die roeping van Suid-Afrikaanse owerhede binne 'n grondwetlike demokrasie in die lig van artikel 36 van die Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis / D.F. Muller

Muller, Daniel Francois January 2010 (has links)
Reformed Christians utilise article 36 of the Belgic Confession (BC) to state the Godly calling of civil authorities. This confession may however be in conflict with the South African constitution. According to article 36 authorities have, in accordance with the keeping of order, a duty concerning the removal of false religion. The constitution guarantees everyone in South Africa freedom of religion. This study thus investigates the following stated problem: To what does God call South-African authorities within the constitutional democracy in the light of art. 36 and how can they fulfil this calling? The investigation has been undertaken in line with the argument that the principals of art. 36 are not only Biblical but should also still be used as a starting point to identify the calling of South African authorities concerning the keeping of order as well as the protection of the ministry of the Holy Word and the Christian life according to this Word. The following three investigations were then launched: * A dogmahistorical and theological-ethical investigation Chapter 2 focuses on the context in which the BC originated. It was drafted to convince Roman Catholic minded authorities to stop persecuting Reformed Christians as they - in contrast with some revolutionary Anabaptists - wanted to obey the government. Reformed Christians wanted to live according to the Word (which requires obedience to the authorities). If the authorities protected the ministry of the Word, peace and order would be promoted. Chapter 3 explains art. 36. This explanation is complicated by the fact that the article has been changed over time. In certain instances it has been interpreted to mean that God, in light of the close bond between church and state at that time, calls civil authorities to persecute heretics even with force. The article however actually calls authorities to protect the ministry of the Word and so doing support the removal of heresy. The article takes a narrow view of the true form of the true religion. * A constitutional investigation Chapter 4 describes the South African constitutional democracy as well as its origin and indicates what (sometimes unrecognised) role the Reformed tradition played in forging constitutional democracy. Subsequently the fundamental values and forthcoming stipulations concerning the freedom of conscience and religion are highlighted. Although authorities do not - in a juridical sense - contend with what would be the true form of the true religion, this study has found the constitutional values and forthcoming stipulations broadly agree with Biblical principles. Yet South African authorities interpret these values and stipulations in accordance with secularist / humanistic beliefs. * A contextual investigation This final chapter investigates how well the current constitutional framework enables (chapter 4) South African authorities to fulfil the calling (chapter 2 and 3).The final conclusion is that this framework does indeed enable these authorities to fulfil the calling by recognising, protecting and expanding the fundamental values, freedoms and rights which have been constitutionally entrenched in order that every one has the space and opportunity to utilise these rights and freedoms to live according to the gospel of Jesus Christ in all spheres of life This task undoubtedly includes that the authorities should protect the ministry of the Word by pertinently ensuring that churches have the opportunity to minister the Word to everyone. It has been found that authorities should preferably take up the attitude of the active plural option towards religion as this option is most suitable for fulfilling their calling. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Church and Dogma History))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Die roeping van Suid-Afrikaanse owerhede binne 'n grondwetlike demokrasie in die lig van artikel 36 van die Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis / D.F. Muller

Muller, Daniel Francois January 2010 (has links)
Reformed Christians utilise article 36 of the Belgic Confession (BC) to state the Godly calling of civil authorities. This confession may however be in conflict with the South African constitution. According to article 36 authorities have, in accordance with the keeping of order, a duty concerning the removal of false religion. The constitution guarantees everyone in South Africa freedom of religion. This study thus investigates the following stated problem: To what does God call South-African authorities within the constitutional democracy in the light of art. 36 and how can they fulfil this calling? The investigation has been undertaken in line with the argument that the principals of art. 36 are not only Biblical but should also still be used as a starting point to identify the calling of South African authorities concerning the keeping of order as well as the protection of the ministry of the Holy Word and the Christian life according to this Word. The following three investigations were then launched: * A dogmahistorical and theological-ethical investigation Chapter 2 focuses on the context in which the BC originated. It was drafted to convince Roman Catholic minded authorities to stop persecuting Reformed Christians as they - in contrast with some revolutionary Anabaptists - wanted to obey the government. Reformed Christians wanted to live according to the Word (which requires obedience to the authorities). If the authorities protected the ministry of the Word, peace and order would be promoted. Chapter 3 explains art. 36. This explanation is complicated by the fact that the article has been changed over time. In certain instances it has been interpreted to mean that God, in light of the close bond between church and state at that time, calls civil authorities to persecute heretics even with force. The article however actually calls authorities to protect the ministry of the Word and so doing support the removal of heresy. The article takes a narrow view of the true form of the true religion. * A constitutional investigation Chapter 4 describes the South African constitutional democracy as well as its origin and indicates what (sometimes unrecognised) role the Reformed tradition played in forging constitutional democracy. Subsequently the fundamental values and forthcoming stipulations concerning the freedom of conscience and religion are highlighted. Although authorities do not - in a juridical sense - contend with what would be the true form of the true religion, this study has found the constitutional values and forthcoming stipulations broadly agree with Biblical principles. Yet South African authorities interpret these values and stipulations in accordance with secularist / humanistic beliefs. * A contextual investigation This final chapter investigates how well the current constitutional framework enables (chapter 4) South African authorities to fulfil the calling (chapter 2 and 3).The final conclusion is that this framework does indeed enable these authorities to fulfil the calling by recognising, protecting and expanding the fundamental values, freedoms and rights which have been constitutionally entrenched in order that every one has the space and opportunity to utilise these rights and freedoms to live according to the gospel of Jesus Christ in all spheres of life This task undoubtedly includes that the authorities should protect the ministry of the Word by pertinently ensuring that churches have the opportunity to minister the Word to everyone. It has been found that authorities should preferably take up the attitude of the active plural option towards religion as this option is most suitable for fulfilling their calling. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Church and Dogma History))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

佛瑞爾斯《美麗壞東西》中的監控、人權,與聯合策略 / Surveillance, Human Rights, and Solidarity in Stephen Frears’s Dirty Pretty Things

曾尹璽, Tseng,Yin Hsi Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文企圖探討史蒂芬‧佛瑞爾斯 ( Stephen Frears ) 的電影《美麗壞東西》( Dirty Pretty Things ) 中的公民權與人權之議題。片中描述從奈及利亞非法入境的奧奎 (Okwe) 與來自土耳其申請政治庇護的桑娜 (Senay) 因其游移的身分,遭逢英國政府監控與資本主義社會剝削,並揭露倫敦城市中非法難民販賣器官以求生存的黑暗面。本篇論文著重分析政治庇護者的矛盾身分如何擾亂民族國家的監視、暴露僅以公民權利保障境內人民的缺失,並主張唯有透過跨種族、階級,與性別的聯合 ( solidarity ) 才能對抗國家機制裡的矛盾與全球資本主義的剝削。論文第二章以德希達 ( Jacques Derrida ) 的制約款待 ( conditional hospitality ),與傅柯 ( Michel Foucault ) 的監視 ( Panopticon ) 概念,探討片中監控 ( surveillance ) 機制的形成。第三章引進布斯克與夏弗 (Alison Brysk and Gershon Shafir ) 提出公民權 (citizenship) 與人權 ( human rights ) 的差距,來揭發片中政治庇護者與外籍勞工在地主國 ( host countries ) 因為缺乏公民權而導致人權被忽視的困境。第四章從傅柯 ( Michel Foucault ) 的反抗 ( resistance ) 與拉克勞 ( Ernesto Laclau ) 與穆芙 ( Chantal Mouffe ) 的激進多元民主 ( radical plural democracy ) 的概念,探討以跨種族、階級,與性別的聯合 ( solidarity ) 來對抗國家制度本身的裂縫與經濟全球化的無情剝削。最後總結在全球化時代,唯有檢視國家制度的缺失,並揚棄封閉排他的意識形態,才能體現種族與文化的差異與多元性,並促進跨界聯合之實現。 / This thesis aims to explore the issue of citizenship and human rights in Stephen Frears’s Dirty Pretty Things. Dirty Pretty Things describes the British government’s surveillance on asylum seekers, such as Okwe, an illegal refugee from Nigeria, and Senay, the Turkish asylum applicant, and unveils illegal refugees’ organ trade in exchange for passports in London. The thesis attempts to decipher how the ambivalent status of asylum seekers disturbs the surveillance of nation-states, exposes the defect of the citizenship gap and argues only through solidarity among different ethnicity, class and gender, could the subordinated fight against deficiencies in the mechanism of nation-states and exploitation of global capitalism. Through the perspectives of Derrida’s conditional hospitality and Foucault’s Panopticon, Chapter Two examines the surveillance of nation-states on asylum seekers in Dirty Pretty Things. In Chapter Three, I adopt Brysk and Shafir’s analysis to explore the citizenship gap between citizenship and human rights in the film, which reflects the difficulty in handling the cases of legal and illegal asylum seekers in nation-states on the basis of citizenship in the era of globalization. In Chapter Four, I will utilize the perceptive of Foucault’s resistance and Laclau and Mouffe’s radical plural democracy to suggest how counter strategies and solidarity could rebel against fissures in nation-states’ apparatuses and reveal a new possibility of alliance beyond borders in the era of globalization. The last chapter concludes by summing up the gaps in the system of nation-states and rejecting any enclosed ideology so as to articulate multiplicities and differences beyond limitations of ethnicity, class and gender across borders in the era of globalization.

Beyond the electronic connection : the technologically manufactured cyber-human and its physical human counterpart in performance : a theory related to convergence identities

Sharir, Yacov January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is an investigation of the complex processes and relationships between the physical human performer and the technologically manufactured cyber-human counterpart. I acted as both researcher and the physical human performer, deeply engaged in the moment-to-moment creation of events unfolding within a shared virtual reality environment. As the primary instigator and activator of the cyber-human partner, I maintained a balance between the live and technological performance elements, prioritizing the production of content and meaning. By way of using practice as research, this thesis argues that in considering interactions between cyber-human and human performers, it is crucial to move beyond discussions of technology when considering interactions between cyber-humans and human performers to an analysis of emotional content, the powers of poetic imagery, the trust that is developed through sensory perception and the evocation of complex relationships. A theoretical model is constructed to describe the relationship between a cyber-human and a human performer in the five works created specifically for this thesis, which is not substantially different from that between human performers. Technological exploration allows for the observation and analysis of various relationships, furthering an expanded understanding of ‘movement as content’ beyond the electronic connection. Each of the works created for this research used new and innovative technologies, including virtual reality, multiple interactive systems, six generations of wearable computers, motion capture technology, high-end digital lighting projectors, various projection screens, smart electronically charged fabrics, multiple sensory sensitive devices and intelligent sensory charged alternative performance spaces. They were most often collaboratively created in order to augment all aspects of the performance and create the sense of community found in digital live dance performances/events. These works are identified as one continuous line of energy and discovery, each representing a slight variation on the premise that a working, caring, visceral and poetic content occurs beyond the technological tools. Consequently, a shift in the physical human’s psyche overwhelms the act of performance. Scholarship and reflection on the works have been integral to my creative process throughout. The goals of this thesis, the works created and the resulting methodologies are to investigate performance to heighten the multiple ways we experience and interact with the world. This maximizes connection and results in a highly interactive, improvisational, dynamic, non-linear, immediate, accessible, agential, reciprocal, emotional, visceral and transformative experience without boundaries between the virtual and physical for physical humans, cyborgs and cyber-humans alike.

La structure de la réalité sociale abstraite inhérente aux sociétés prescrites : La quiddité des liens et des structures de coopérations intra-organisationnels issus de l’activité réelle, dans le cas du processus de co-construction de sens découlant des décisions stratégiques / The structure of abstract social reality inherent to prescribed societies : the quiddity of intraorganizational cooperation links and structures resulting from the actual activity, in the case of the sensemaking process deriving from strategic decisions

Dandelot, Damien 15 May 2012 (has links)
Partant de l’idée que des filiales d’une entreprise sont en mesure de remettre en cause les décisions de la direction générale (maison-mère), l’approche holistique développée dans ce travail part du principe qu’une organisation peut être un « être », laissant entendre ainsi que les informations dont elle dispose seraient extérieures aux individus qui la composent. Ce qui conduit à s'interroger s’il est concevable d’ignorer l’individu dans une telle relation de domination. Cette thèse propose justement un modèle autour de résultats qui montrent la difficile exclusion de l’individu dans un contexte méta-organisationnel (dans lequel les membres seraient des organisations et non des individus). Dans cette veine, ce sont les dynamiques humaines de l’organisation qui sont au cœur de ce travail : il existe par et au travers de l’individu une dynamique issue de l’activité réelle qui permet de faire vivre l’organisation par elle-même, mais également qui permet au prescrit de cette dernière d’évoluer. Bien que les résultats obtenus montrent que l’organisation n’est pas un objet mort et sans force et qu’elle a bien la possibilité de vivre par elle-même, ce sont les individus qui — par leurs engagements conditionnels — permettent cette existence propre de l’organisation comme structure intra-consciente qui impose des droits et des obligations. Dans cette perspective, le modèle proposé vise à dessiner les structures de la réalité sociale abstraite (dénommé dans la recherche menée, l’Entité X) en montrant les forces et les contraintes organisationnelles qui pèsent sur les individus-membres, tout en relevant les capacités humaines à sortir des structures prescrites par la co-construction de liens et de structures transversales de coopérations issus de l’activité réelle. / Based on the idea that the subsidiaries of a company are able to call into question the decisions of senior management (the parent company), the holistic approach developed in this study assumes that an organization can be a “being”, implying thereby that the information in its possession is external to the individuals who compose it. This raises the question of whether it is conceivable to ignore the individual in such a relationship of domination. This thesis proposes a model based on the results which show the difficult exclusion of the individual in a meta-organizational context (in which members would be organizations and not individuals). Along these same lines, the organization’s human dynamics are at the heart of this research: there exists by and through the individual a dynamic resulting from actual activity that allows the organization to live by itself, while also allowing prescribe to evolve. Although the results show that the organization is not a dead and strengthless object, and it has the opportunity to live by itself, it is the individuals who —through their conditional commitments— allow the separate existence of an organizational structure’s intra-consciousness, which imposes rights and obligations. In this perspective, the proposed model aims to draw the structures of abstract social reality (referred as Entity X in this study) by showing the strengths and organizational constraints that weigh on individual members, while raising the human capacity to emerge from the structures prescribed by the sensemaking of links and transversal structures for cooperation that originate from the actual activity.

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