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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paradoxes et silences : étude des statuts de l'écriture chez Albert Cossery / Paradox and silence : study of the writing status of Albert Cossery's literary work

Geffroy, Cyril 17 June 2015 (has links)
Cette étude de l’œuvre d’Albert Cossery interroge les relations entre parole et silence qui la gouvernent. Sous cet angle, le paradoxe s’impose comme une clé de lecture essentielle. Il permet de questionner le statut d’une écriture suspendue à la menace de son extinction. Dans un premier temps, la thèse envisage la dimension existentielle de la création littéraire pour Cossery, ce qui soulève une triple problématique touchant l’autobiographie, le rapport au temps et l’inscription dans l’espace. A chaque fois, un même constat s’impose : écrire est aussi vital que subsidiaire, car le dandy Cossery entend faire de sa vie une œuvre, sublimer le monde tangible, et y affirmer sa liberté. En toute cohérence, ses huit récits principaux, que la deuxième partie analyse dans leur épaisseur diégétique, s’accordent à révéler l’imposture universelle, à promouvoir une résistance active à son règne avant de plaider pour une résistance passive. C’est une révolution solitaire qui se trouve proposée et qui redéfinit le rapport de l’individu au réel. Un tel parcours de création, orienté vers la paix intérieure et le silence littéraire, vise à l’épure. Dans la dernière partie, l’écriture de Cossery, examinée dans ses aspects historiques, génériques et stylistiques, apparaît promise à une esthétique de la faute, au risque de passer pour une faute d’esthétique. Sa finalité est, là encore, méta-discursive. Son but n’est plus de se multiplier en livres ni de se constituer en œuvre, mais de se taire et de se laisser vivre dans la réception. L’écriture fonde un pacte de lecture qui se résorbe dans sa propre finalité. En foi de quoi, elle dessine, dans sa progression, un mouvement spiralaire. Le silence qui suit l’écriture est celui d’un bonheur de vivre enfin réalisé. / To wonder about the writing status of Albert Cossery’s literary work and understand the connection between the words and the silence leads to three directions (autobiography, time, space) which come down to the same conclusion: it is as essential to write as it is to stop writing. The dandy Cossery turns his life into an art and transcends the world. Therefore, his eight main novels bring to light a universal deception, followed by an active resistance to face it and finally a passive resistance driving to freedom. It is an individual revolution that will help oneself to relocate within the world. This path to inner peace and literary silence is an outline. From a linguistic point of view (literary movement, genre and stylistic), Cossery’s writing includes deliberate errors that make it aesthetic. Its ending is here again outside literature. His intention is not only to build a literary work but to keep silent and live it the way it is perceived. In the end, three approaches of the writing have been presented and three similar and paradoxal conclusions have been found out: writing claims the end of its own writing. The overall theme of this thesis shapes it into a spiral. The silence that follows the writing enables the happiness of living.

Eléments vers une éthique de l'habitation / Elements toward an inhabitation’s ethic

Rollot, Mathias 18 March 2016 (has links)
Inquiétée par les récentes métamorphoses de l’habitation humaine toujours en devenir, la thèse propose d’interroger l’idée philosophique d’habiter dans ses lignes critiques. Par delà la réduction binaire que sous-tend la capacité de différenciation de la notion (ce qui serait habitable, ce qui ne le serait pas), elle voudrait mettre à jour des formes plus complexes d’explicitations des divers accompagnements et résistances aux processus habitationnels. Pour ce faire, la recherche déploie d’une part une reconstruction dialogique de l’idée d’habiter, et d’autre part une mise en résonance de cette proposition avec l’étude de la pensée du philosophe Günther Anders. Au travers des notions de conformisation, de « dividu », de familiarisation, ou encore de livraison du monde, elle cherche à faire voir la façon dont, aujourd’hui, les polarités habitationnelles peuvent concrètement être « mises en difficulté » par des dispositifs spatiaux, mais aussi par des appareils techniques et structures sociétales ou culturelles. En cela, l’étude travaille à l’établissement d’une nouvelle lecture des rapports complexes à envisager entre architectures, habitations, et responsabilités à l’heure de la modernité-liquide. Modeste prémisse d’une forme de « théorie critique des milieux habités » contemporains, elle cherche à fonder une somme d’éléments capable de mettre à jour l’habitation comme « valeur éthique » et d’éclairer la pensée vers de potentielles postures architecturales mais aussi habitantes. Esquissant par là les contours et contenus de ce que pourrait être une paradoxale mais nécessaire éthique de l’habitation. / The research aims at questioning the inhabitation philosophical idea in its critical contents. Beyond its binary reduction (inhabilitability : what would be inhabitable, and what may be un-inhabitable), it tries to shape more complex explainations of the different resistances to the inhabitations processes. To do so, the research first construct a dialogic structure of the « inhabitation » philosophical notion. Then, it put it in relation to the philosophical thinking of Günther Anders. Through the notions of conformisation, of « dividu », or the one of « familiarization », it wants to show how human inhabitation polarities can be difficult to realize in certains spatial configurations, with certains technological disposals, or inside certain societies or cultural structures. In all this, the study tries to establish a new reading of the complex relations that stands between architectures, inhabitations and responsabilities inside the liquid modernity we live in. Introduction of a larger « critical theory of milieus », it works at constructing a series of elements capable of representing inhabitation as a ethical value, as much as bringing the thinking to new potentialities. Sketching, in this way, contents and limits of what could be a paradoxal but also necessary inhabitation’s ethic.

Ética e Estética no ator: uma questão de desejo / Ética e Estética no ator: uma questão de desejo

Hugo Daniel Mengarelli 15 March 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho visa a discussão do processo criativo do ator, o paradoxo que representa sua criação e as conseqüências ética e estéticas que o mesmo carrega. Para isso tratamos de focalizar a discussão articulando-a à psicanálise e à filosofia trágica. O objetivo centra-se na função do desejo e a pulsão em relação com o inconsciente. Por isso desenvolvemos o Olhar, pulsão escópica, no processo criativo do ator e na sua relação deste com o público. Também abordamos as relações do sublime e do grotesco, não só na criação artística como assim também na própria vida. A pulsão invocante, a Voz, é estudada como material de importância ética, na construção da personagem. E o vazio nos aparece, na discussão da ética e a estética, como fundador, como mestre condutor da criação artística. Abordamos todos os temas salientando a impossibilidade de discutir ética e estética sem ter como matéria consistente o paradoxo que com tanta pertinência Pablo Picasso definiu quando expressou: dordure on fait lòr dur de la création. / The present work aims at discussing the actor creation process and the paradox represented by such creation and its ethic and aesthetic consequences. To that end, we focused on the discussion from the psychoanalysis and tragic philosophy viewpoint. The discussion objective is centered on the desire and pulsion functions and their relation with unconsciousness. Thus, we developed the Look, a scopic pulsion, within the creation process. We also focused on the relationship between sublime and grotesque not just in the artistic creation, but also in life. The evoking pulsion, the Voice, was studied as a material ethically important when building a character. And in the ethical discussion, emptiness appears to be the artistic creation founder and leading master. We approached the aforementioned themes and highlighted the impossibility of discussing ethics and esthetics without considering the paradox a consistent matter as defined by Pablo Picasso that said: dordure on fait lòr dur de la creation.

Revealing social networks\' missed behavior: detecting reactions and time-aware analyses / Revelando o comportamento perdido em redes sociais: detectando reações e análises temporais

Samuel Martins Barbosa Neto 29 May 2017 (has links)
Online communities provide a fertile ground for analyzing people\'s behavior and improving our understanding of social processes. For instance, when modeling social interaction online, it is important to understand when people are reacting to each other. Also, since both people and communities change over time, we argue that analyses of online communities that take time into account will lead to deeper and more accurate results. In many cases, however, users behavior can be easily missed: users react to content in many more ways than observed by explicit indicators (such as likes on Facebook or replies on Twitter) and poorly aggregated temporal data might hide, misrepresent and even lead to wrong conclusions about how users are evolving. In order to address the problem of detecting non-explicit responses, we present a new approach that uses tf-idf similarity between a user\'s own tweets and recent tweets by people they follow. Based on a month\'s worth of posting data from 449 ego networks in Twitter, this method demonstrates that it is likely that at least 11% of reactions are not captured by the explicit reply and retweet mechanisms. Further, these uncaptured reactions are not evenly distributed between users: some users, who create replies and retweets without using the official interface mechanisms, are much more responsive to followees than they appear. This suggests that detecting non-explicit responses is an important consideration in mitigating biases and building more accurate models when using these markers to study social interaction and information diffusion. We also address the problem of users evolution in Reddit based on comment and submission data from 2007 to 2014. Even using one of the simplest temporal differences between usersyearly cohortswe find wide differences in people\'s behavior, including comment activity, effort, and survival. Furthermore, not accounting for time can lead us to misinterpret important phenomena. For instance, we observe that average comment length decreases over any fixed period of time, but comment length in each cohort of users steadily increases during the same period after an abrupt initial drop, an example of Simpson\'s Paradox. Dividing cohorts into sub-cohorts based on the survival time in the community provides further insights; in particular, longer-lived users start at a higher activity level and make more and shorter comments than those who leave earlier. These findings both give more insight into user evolution in Reddit in particular, and raise a number of interesting questions around studying online behavior going forward. / Comunidades online proporcionam um ambiente fértil para análise do comportamento de indivíduos e processos sociais. Por exemplo, ao modelarmos interações sociais online, é importante compreendemos quando indivíduos estão reagindo a outros indivíduos. Além disso, pessoas e comunidades mudam com o passar do tempo, e levar em consideração sua evolução temporal nos leva a resultados mais precisos. Entretanto, em muitos casos, o comportamento dos usuários pode ser perdido: suas reações ao conteúdo ao qual são expostos não são capturadas por indicadores explícitos (likes no Facebook, replies no Twitter). Agregações temporais de dados pouco criteriosas podem ocultar, enviesar ou até levar a conclusões equivocadas sobre como usuários evoluem. Apresentamos uma nova abordagem para o problema de detectar respostas não-explicitas que utiliza similaridade tf-idf entre tweets de um usuário e tweets recentes que este usuário recebeu de quem segue. Com base em dados de postagens de um mês para 449 redes egocêntricas do Twitter, este método evidencia que temos um volume de ao menos 11% de reações não capturadas pelos mecanismos explicitos de reply e retweet. Além disso, essas reações não capturadas não estão uniformemente distribuídas entre os usuários: alguns usuários que criam replies e retweets sem utilizar os mecanismos formais da interface são muito mais responsivos a quem eles seguem do que aparentam. Isso sugere que detectar respostas não-explicitas é importante para mitigar viéses e construir modelos mais precisos a fim de estudar interações sociais e difusão de informação. Abordamos o problema de evolução de usuários no Reddit com base em dados entre o período de 2007 a 2014. Utilizando métodos simples de diferenciação temporal dos usuários -- cohorts anuais -- encontramos amplas diferenças entre o comportamento, que incluem criação de comentários, métricas de esforço e sobrevivência. Desconsiderar a evolução temporal pode levar a equívocos a respeito de fenômenos importantes. Por exemplo, o tamanho médio dos comentários na rede decresce ao longo de qualquer intervalo de tempo, mas este tamanho é crescente em cada uma das cohorts de usuários no mesmo período, salvo de uma queda inicial. Esta é uma observação do Paradoxo de Simpson. Dividir as cohorts de usuários em sub-cohorts baseadas em anos de sobrevivência na rede nos fornece uma perspectiva melhor; usuários que sobrevivem por mais tempo apresentam um maior nível de atividade inicial, com comentários mais curtos do que aqueles que sobrevivem menos. Com isto, compreendemos melhor como usuários evoluem no Reddit e levantamos uma série de questões a respeito de futuros desdobramentos do estudo de comportamento online.

Paradoxalen i Staffanstorp. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av nyhetsförmedling som kan påverkat den upplevda otryggheten

Boij, Rebecca, Staaf, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Brottspreventiva satsningar i Staffanstorp med användning av märk-DNA där projektet namngavs ”Staffanstorpsmodellen” genomfördes från oktober 2015 till september 2016 för att uppfylla sitt medborgarlöfte att bekämpa inbrotten i kommunen. Utvärdering av detta projekt utfördes 2017 där en paradox belystes, inbrottsstatistiken hade minskat drastiskt medan den senaste trygghatsmätningen påvisade en ökad otrygghet för att bli utsatt för inbrott. Denna studie är skriven på uppdrag av UC Syd för att undersöka en faktor som kan medfört detta resultat. Genom analys av tidningsartiklar kring hur dessa rapporterat kring inbrott och med utgång i tidigare forskning kring medias inflytande på upplevd otrygghet och rädsla, avser studien att se om framförandet på något sätt kunnat bidra till en ökad känsla av otrygghet för att bli utsatt för inbrott. Resultaten påvisar en genomgående objektivt framförande i tidningsartiklarna och därmed drogs slutsatsen att dessa inte varit en bidragande faktor. / Crime prevention initiatives in Staffanstorp using the method of DNA-marking where the project went by the name of “Staffanstorpsmodellen” was carried out from October 2015 to September 2016 in order to fulfill their citizen’s promise to fight the burglary in the city. Evaluation of this project was carried out 2017 in which a paradox was discovered, the burglary rates had drastically reduced while the latest security assessment of the residents showed an increased level of fear of being subjected to burglary. This study is written on behalf of UC Syd to investigate a factor which could lead to this increase. By analyzing newspaper articles on the topic of and how they reported burglary and comparing this to previous research of the media's influence on perceived insecurity and fear, the study intends to see if the performance could in any way contribute to an increased sense of insecurity for being subjected to burglary. The result shows a consistent objective presentation in the newspaper articles, thus concluding that these have not been a contributing factor.

New Perspectives on the Paradox of Participation : A Theoretical Evaluation of Rational Choice Theory as it Applies to Political Participation

Stendahl, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Theory is vital for our scientific understanding of the social world. Building, developing, and evaluating theory are therefore central practices within the social sciences. This study performs an evaluation of rational choice theory within the field of political participation. This is a theoretical framework that has had significant problems reconciling theoretical prediction with empirical findings, causing what is called the paradox of participation. For more than sixty years rational choice theorists have tried to develop new formulations of the theory to avoid this paradox. The purpose of this study is to forward this debate by providing a new perspective on rational choice theory that is purely theoretical. Using the evaluative criteria of falsifiability and leverage, the study finds that a theory using both collective and selective incentives, while also allowing the formulation of the theory to change depending on the form of political participation one wants to explain provides the most promising approach. However, the evaluation does reveal some issues in connection to selective incentives. A potential alternative solution to the paradox is therefore briefly discussed, yet a more thorough exploration of this venue is left to future research.

How Male Technology Leaders Navigate Inclusion and Diversity Expectations Using a Paradoxical Leadership Framework

Hofmann, Lori Ann 07 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Towards an Inclusive Democratic Educational Theory and Practice in South Africa: Mediating Individualism and Collectivism, Difference and Commonality

Subotzky, George Isaac January 1998 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This thesis is concerned with the definition of an inclusive democratic educational theory and practice which mediates the assumed tension between individualism and collectivism, difference and equality, and liberty and equality. In Part 1, I set out the elements of an inclusive theory of democracy and then proceed in Part 2 to examine various aspects of educational practice in the light of this. My main claim is that these assumed tensions can be mediated through the conceptualising of our composite identity in terms of the notion of dual social ontology. This refers to our two-fold identities as universal, common human beings and our multiple subjective positions as particular, different individuating beings. Together, these two aspects of our identity constitute the basis for conceptualising our simultaneous commonality and difference and for an inclusive notion of democracy. I argue further that the key to understanding the intersection of commonality and difference in social relations and institutional practices is the concept of the spheres of social relations and their constitutive meanings. The latter provide the criterion by which we can judge the appropriateness of difference or equality in that sphere or in practices which relate to it. In the light of these concepts, I trace the ideological contestation at the heart of democratic theory between liberalism and socialism. My claim is that the mutual limitations of these theories preclude constructing an inclusive theory of democracy which incorporates collective equality and individual liberty in a non-polarised way. I argue that the tension between individualism and collectivism can be mediated by analysing these cluster concepts into non-polarised simpler elements. My main contention is that only self-interested individualism, which assumes individuals as atomistic self-seekers, is necessarily in conceptual conflict with collectivism. The other two elements of individualism which I identify, namely, individuality, our universal common identity as bearers of rights, and individuation, the process of self-development through the expression of the unique difference, are shown to be compatible with collective concerns and the social view of human identity. Together, I suggest, individuality and individuation constitute our dual social ontology and the foundation for moral regard and an inclusive theory of democracy which accommodates difference and commonality. During the discussion, I draw from several theorists who provide inclusive frameworks in terms of the social, dialogical view of human nature and identity formation and who combine contemporary concerns for pluralism and critical social transformation. I examine the conceptual link between education and democracy through the educative notion of democracy and education for democracy. Critical educational theory is explored as an exemplar of an inclusive democratic educational practice incorporating individual and collective dimensions. The dynamics of commonality and difference are traced in key aspects of the educational process, namely, moral development, learning and the relationship between authority and freedom, and with regard to the democratisation of schooling, the appropriate boundary between the spheres of education and of politics, distributive justice in education and the curriculum. I argue throughout that the discursive tool of dual social ontology, along with the concept of the spheres of social relations and their constitutive meanings, provides the conceptual framework by which these tensions can be mediated and incorporated in an inclusive democratic educational theory and practice.

Surveillance? : The influence of information asymmetry on consumers’ perceptions of online personalization

Toivonen, Elisa January 2019 (has links)
Data collection and online personalization has become essential part of modern marketing, and thus, embedded into consumer’s everyday life. This has emerged a lot of negative attention in the media and privacy concerns among consumers – however, their attitudes towards privacy seems to be controversial with lack of privacy enhancing behavior. The purpose of this study was to find out what is consumers take on online personalization, data collection and GDPR. In order to the tackle the causing reasons of such perceptions, focus group discussions were performed. The emerging thoughts were analyzed with the concepts of privacy paradox and information asymmetry – how structural imbalance between the advertisement network, companies and consumers impacted to their thinking about personalization and which factors caused the unwillingness to enhance one’s privacy, despite the attitudes that would predict different behavior. The results showed, that many respondents do not mind personalization if they perceive it relevant. However, the intrusive nature of its practices made the participants, directly or indirectly, reluctant towards it, as it was highlighted that it is not personalization per se that made the respondents uncomfortable, but how it was done. Due to the advertisement networks’ opaque nature, the participants founded challenging to comprehend how personalization was performed. Thus, conspiracy theories about surveillance, such as tapping via smartphone, were broad up to explain companies’ ability to know and target them so well. The main channel for companies to inform consumers about their privacy policy is terms and conditions. However, due to several reasons, the decision making for one’s privacy face many hinders, that may influence in how consumers perceive their privacy and how their personal data is collected and used. A controversiality between GDPR’s, companies’ and consumers’ view on privacy self-management is evident, as the regulation and companies rely too much on consumer’s own responsibility.

Slovo jako obraz / Word as a picture

Majerová, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a concept of a word and a picture, it compares these two terms, identifies the differences and describes their mutual relationship. It charts those two terms as means of communication and as bearers of meaning. It also describes different ways to combine them in art - it explores presence of a word in paintings in both historical and contemporary art. Didactic part of the thesis is focused on a use of text in art and its meaning. It contains an art project which aims to transfer a text into a picture - to translate a literature into language of art. The project resulted in a series of staged photographic self-portraits representing personal reflection of a topic presented in a literature. Practical part reflects examined relationship of the word and the picture. It refers to the results of the theoretical part and describes author's personal standpoint. Author refers to different ways of connection of the text and fine art and updates them. Author tries to portray a word as a picture which becomes either paradox or harmony.

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