Spelling suggestions: "subject:"participatoryaction 3research"" "subject:"participatoryaction 1research""
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Empowering Counseling Students Who Are Recovering from Substance Use DisorderMoss, Andrew Ryan 20 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Vuxeneleven i fokus : Att utforma metoder för individanpassad undervisning i en forskningscirkel vid Komvux / The adult student in focus : To design methods for individually adapted teaching in a research circle at KomvuxGunnarsson, Ann-Charlotte January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie tillhör deltagarorienterad forskning (PAR) i form av en forskningscirkel. Syftet var att beskriva och analysera en forskningscirkels kunskapsutveckling både gällande dess process och dess innehåll. Deltagarna i cirkeln var nio lärare som arbetar vid en komvuxskola och de undervisar vuxenelever i ämnena SFI, SVA och engelska. Forskningscirkelns fokus har varit frågor som gäller individanpassad undervisning inom komvuxutbildningar. I cirkeln har empiriska data kommit fram genom att låta deltagarna berätta sina livsberättelser om individanpassad undervisning och i gruppsamtal prata om individanpassad undervisning. I en växelverkan mellan deltagarnas erfarenheter om individanpassad undervisning och tidigare forskning inom detta område, arbetade vi i cirkeln fram metoder för individanpassad undervisning inom komvuxutbildningar. Deltagarna prövade dessa metoder i undervisningen. Metoderna som var utformade för individanpassad undervisning var både vitt och övergripande utformade, vilket var positivt på grund av att lärarna kunde anpassa metoderna och arbetssätten till varje elevgrupp och till enskilda vuxenelever. Resultatet visar att individanpassad undervisning bör utformas som individuell undervisning, en till en undervisning, mellan lärare och vuxenelev. Då kan vuxeneleven få individuell hjälp med studierna och eleven kan få arbetsuppgifter som är individuellt anpassad till hens förmåga att studera. Det har också framkommit att, det är viktigt att undervisningen är utformad utifrån relationell undervisning, vilket innebär att vuxeneleven både får möta lärare och andra elever under studiernas gång. Det innebär olika undervisningssätt som både är individanpassade, samtidigt som de utgår från en relationell undervisning. Det har framkommit i studien att relationell undervisning är särskilt viktigt i språkundervisningen. Det har också uppmärksammats individanpassade metoder som utgår från digital undervisning både inom individuell undervisning och relationell undervisning. I studien lyftes fram olika arbetssätt som utgår från digital undervisning. / This study belongs to the research tradition Participatory Action Research (PAR) in the form of a Research Circle. The task was to describe and analyse the process and content of knowledge development within a Research Circle. The participants in this circle were nine teacher who work at komvux, and teach adult students in subject such as SFI, SVA and English. In this circle with participating teachers, issues of individually adapted teaching in adult education have been in focus. In this circle, empirical data has been highlighted by having the participants tell life stories and in group interviews about the individualized teaching. In an interaction between the participants´ experiences of individually adapted teaching and previous research in this area, we in the circle developed methods for individually adapted teaching in adult education. The participants tried these methods in their teaching. The methods that were developed for individually adapted teaching were both broadly and comprehensive designed, which was positive because then the teacher can adapt the teaching methods to each student group and individual adult student. The result indicate that the individually adapted teaching needs to be designed based on individual teaching, one to one teaching between teacher and adult student. Then the adult student can receive individual support in their studies and receive tasks that are individually adapted to the student´s ability to study. It is also important that the teaching is designed based on relational teaching, were the adult student both meets the teacher and other students during the course of study. This means different working methods in teaching that are individually adapted based on relational teaching. Relational teaching is especially important in language teaching. It has also been highlighted methods for individually adapted teaching based on digital teaching which is both based on individual teaching and relational teaching. This digital teaching is based on different working methods that are highlighted in this study.
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Towards an Ecosystem of Youth Leadership DevelopmentSwed, Trisha 27 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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« Femmes, genre, (im)mobilités et vies précaires » : défis et opportunités de la solidarité féministe transnationale et décolonialeMalaket, Mireille 01 1900 (has links)
Malgré un intérêt grandissant pour les méthodes de recherche participative, peu d’écrits abordent les défis et les opportunités reliés à la participation à ce type de projet. Ce mémoire documente le démarrage d’un projet de développement partenarial entre des acteur·rice·s au Liban et au Canada (Québec) en contexte de crises multiples employant une méthode de recherche-action participative féministe transnationale et décoloniale. Il s’inscrit dans le projet de recherche plus large appelé projet GIPS (2021-2024) mené par R. Caron en collaboration avec des chercheur·e·s, des femmes migrantes et des représentant·e·s d’organismes. Ce mémoire présente les résultats d’une analyse thématique transversale de données recueillies auprès des acteur·rice·s dans le cadre de leur participation aux activités de démarrage du projet GIPS (octobre 2021 à juin 2022) par des méthodes ethnographiques d’observation participante, un questionnaire qualitatif (N=9) et une analyse documentaire. Des défis et des opportunités reliés à la communication, au budget, à la distance, au temps, à la diversité des acteur·rice·s et à la mise en application d’un cadre féministe transnational et décolonial en recherche ont été identifiés. La matrice de domination de Collins (2000) issue de la théorie féministe intersectionnelle mobilisée comme cadre d’analyse révèle la plus faible place occupée par les femmes migrantes dans la phase de démarrage du projet. Malgré les leviers d’action déployés par les acteur·rice·s pour les impliquer, des tensions inhérentes à la solidarité transnationale et aux contraintes structurelles persistent et appellent à la reconnaissance des spécificités propres à un cadre féministe transnational et décolonial en recherche partenariale. / Despite a growing interest in participatory research methods, little has been written about the challenges and opportunities of participating in this type of project. This master’s thesis documents the start of a new partnership development project between actors in Lebanon and Canada (Quebec) in the context of multiple crises employing a transnational and decolonial feminist participatory action research method. It is part of a larger research project called the GIPS project (2021-2024) led by R. Caron in collaboration with researchers, migrant women and representatives of organizations. This research project presents the results of a cross-sectional thematic analysis of data collected from stakeholders as part of their participation in the GIPS project's start-up activities (October 2021 to June 2022) using ethnographic methods of participant observation, a qualitative questionnaire (N=9) and documentary analysis. Challenges and opportunities related to communication, budget, distance, time, diversity of actors, and a transnational and decolonial feminist approach to research were identified. Collins' (2000) matrix of domination mobilized as an analytical framework from intersectional feminist theory reveals the weaker place occupied by migrant women in the start-up phase of the project. Despite the levers of action deployed by the actors to involve them, tensions inherent to transnational solidarity and structural constraints persist and call for the recognition of the specificities of a transnational feminist and decolonial approach in partnership research. / على الرغم من الاهتمام المتزايد بأساليب البحث التشاركي، لم يُكتب سوى القليل عن التحديات والفرص في هذا النوع من المشاريع. توثق أطروحة الماجستير هذه بداية مشروع تطوير شراكة جديد بين الجهات الفاعلة في لبنان وكندا (كيبيك) باستخدام طريقة بحث العمل التشاركي النسوي العابر للقومية والمناهض للاستعمار. إنه جزء من مشروع بحثي أكبر يسمى مشروع GIPS (2021-2024) بقيادة روكسان كارون R. Caron بالتعاون مع الباحثين والباحثات والمهاجرات وممثلي وممثلات المنظمات. تهدف أنشطة بدء المشروع إلى توثيق تجارب النساء المهاجرات اللائي يعشن في أوضاع هشة في لبنان وكيبيك في سياق أزمات متعددة. يعرض هذا المشروع البحثي نتائج التحليل الموضوعي المقطعي للبيانات التي تم جمعها من أصحاب وصاحبات المصلحة كجزء من مشاركتهم/ن في أنشطة بدء مشروع GIPS (أكتوبر 2021 إلى يونيو 2022) باستخدام الأساليب الاثنوجرافية لملاحظة المشاركين/ات، والاستبيان النوعي (N = 9) والتحليل الوثائقي. تُظهر نتائج البحث التحديات والفرص المتعلقة بالاتصال، والميزانية، والمسافة، والوقت، وتنوع الجهات الفاعلة، والنهج النسوي العابر للقومية والمناهض للاستعمار. تكشف مصفوفة كولينز (2000) للسيطرة التي تم الاستعانة بها كإطار تحليلي من النظرية النسوية التقاطعية عن المكانة الأضعف التي تحتلها النساء المهاجرات. على الرغم من استراتيجيات العمل التي نشرتها الجهات الفاعلة لإشراكهن، لا تزال التوترات الملازمة للتضامن العابر للقومية والقيود الهيكلية قائمة وتؤدي إلى صياغة توصيات لمتابعة المشروع.
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The Student Perspective: An Exploration of the Experiences and Needs of University Students with Mental IllnessGammon, Hannah Lee January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Can The Complex Care and Intervention (CCI) Program be Culturally Adapted as a Model For Use With Aboriginal Families Affected by Complex (Intergenerational) Trauma?McNichols, Chipo, McNichols 26 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Racial Integration in One Cumberland Presbyterian Congregation: Intentionality and Reflection in Small GroupGoings, Carolyn Smith 17 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Integrated natural resources management of coastal fisheries / the case of Nha Phu Lagoon, VietnamStrehlow, Harry Vincent 18 December 2006 (has links)
Das Untersuchungsgebiet, die Nha Phu Lagune, weist eine massive Degradation der fischereilichen Ressourcen auf. Die „Rural Livelihoods“ in den Gemeinden dieser Küstenregionen sind durch diese Degradation gefährdet. Da, die Ressourcennutzungsentscheidungen einzelner Haushalte von vielen Faktoren abhängen, bedarf es eines multi-sektoralen Forschungsansatzes. Dieser ermöglicht, die Komplexität und die Diversität des Ressourcennutzungssystems und seine Nutzer, zu erfassen. Das Integrated Natural Resources Management (INRM) ist ein multi-sektoraler Forschungsansatz, der innovative und flexible Managementformen zu entwickeln versucht, um natürliche Ressourcen nachhaltig zu nutzen. Interdisziplinarität und die Betonung von Partizipation sind zentrale Kennzeichen des angewandten INRM-Forschungsansatzes. Diese interdisziplinäre Vorgehensweise berücksichtigt sowohl sozio-ökonomische und institutionelle Einflussfaktoren, z.B. Ressourcennutzer-Gruppen und bestehende Regulierungen und Gesetze, als auch biologische und produktionstechnische Einflussfaktoren, z.B. Aquakultur und Fischfangtechniken. Während eines sechs monatigen Untersuchungszeitraums unter Anwendung Partizipativer Aktionsforschung und des INRM-Ansatzes wurden 12 Dörfer im Umkreis der Nha Phu Lagune besucht. Der innerhalb der Partizipativen Aktionsforschung angesiedelte Lernzyklus generiert Wissen durch die Reflektion von gesammelten Daten, die kontinuierlich an die Beteiligten zurückgeführt werden. Die Erhebung mittels Fragebögen, halbstrukturierter Interviews, Gruppendiskussionen, Observierung, „Resource Mapping“ und Venn Diagrammen identifizierte Ursachen für die Degradation fischereilicher Ressourcen. Diese Informationen wurden dann an die Beteiligten weitergereicht, was zu neuen Erkenntnissen über alternative Ressourcenmanagementstrategien führte. Die Integration biologischer und sozio-ökonomischer Aspekte erfasste die Komplexität des Ressourcensystems Nha Phu Lagune und seiner Nutzer. Dies beinhaltet eine Vielzahl von verschiedenen Ressourcen, Akteuren, Ebenen, Institutionen, Entscheidungsstrukturen, Livelihood Strategien, Trends und assoziierte Probleme des nachhaltigen Managements natürlicher Ressourcen. / The selected study site, Nha Phu Lagoon is characterized by massive degradation of coastal fishery resources. As a result rural livelihoods in coastal communities are threatened. Since household decisions concerning resource use are influenced by several factors, a multi-sectoral approach is necessary. A multi-sectoral approach enables to comprehend the complexity and diversity of the resource system and its users. Integrated natural resources management (INRM) is one multi-sectoral research approach that aims to develop innovative and flexible management forms to manage natural resources in a more sustainable way. The applied INRM-approach is characterized through strong interdisciplinarity and participation. Interdisciplinary means that socioeconomic and institutional aspects, e.g. resource-user groups and existing legal arrangements, are combined with biological as well as production system aspects, e.g. mangrove reforestation as well as aquaculture or gear-fishing techniques. For a period of six months participatory action research following an integrated natural resource management approach was carried out visiting 12 fishing villages around Nha Phu Lagoon. The inherent ‘learning cycle’ in participatory action research generates knowledge in a process of reflecting on the collected data that is continuously fed back to the participants. During questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, group discussions, observations, resource mappings, and Venn diagrams reasons for the degradation of fishery resources were gathered. This information was then shared with participants, which led to new insights as well as alternative resource management strategies. The integration of biological and socioeconomic aspects identified the complexity of the coastal fishery resource system Nha Phu Lagoon and its users. This includes a multitude of different resources, actors, levels, institutions, decision-making structures, livelihood strategies, trends, and associated problems in the sustainable management of the natural resources.
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Narratief-pastorale terapie met hartpasiënteTruter, Cornelius Johannes 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a life-threatening disease. When heart patients in the treatment of their disease, due to certain subjugating discourses practised by the biomedical model or biomedicine, are treated in a way that contributes to their anxiety and they feel themselves marginalised by society, then CAD becomes even more threatening. The narrative-pastoral approach of this study aims to treat heart patients in a way that has a calming effect on them that could assist them to deal with their heart disease more efficiently. This study shows how a heart patient's illness stories can be centralised by means of narrative therapy and how a pastoral and ethical attitude of love and respect can produce a climate that's conducive to better health and well-being.
I indicate how my methodology of participatory action research succeeds in making the heart patients active participants to the research project. Their active participation indicates that meaning is not created on their behalf in therapy; rather, they are responsible for the process of richer construction of meaning. I describe how the participants socially co-constructed alternative and richer descriptions of their illness. Futhermore, I point out how their richer descriptions of illness contribute to perceptible and measurable results that are of value to the heart patients. / Koronere hartvatsiekte (KHS) is 'n lewensbedreigende siekte. Wanneer hartpasiente
in die behandeling van hul siekte vanwee sekere onderdrukkende diskoerse van siekte
vanuit die biomediese model of biomedisyne s6 hanteer word dat dit spanning op hul
plaas en deur die samelewing gemarginaliseer word, word KHS des te meer gevaarlik.
In hierdie studie gaan dit oor 'n narratief-pastorale benadering wat hartpasiente op 'n
kalmerende manier hanteer sodat hulle kan kom tot 'n meer doeltreffende hantering
van hul hartsiekte. Hierdie studie toon aan hoe hartpasiente se siekteverhale deur
middel van narratiewe terapie gesentreer word en hoe 'n etiese en pastorale gesindheid
van liefde en respek 'n klimaat skep wat bevorderlik is vir beter gesondheid en
Ek dui aan hoe my metodologie van deelnemende aksienavorsing daarin geslaag het
om die hartpasiente aktiewe deelnemers te maak aan die navorsingsprojek. Hul
aktiewe deelname impliseer dat betekenis nie in terapie vir hulle geskep word nie,
maar dat hulle self skeppend betrokke is in die proses van ryker betekeniskonstruering.
Ek beskryf hoe die deelnemers altematiewe en ryker beskrywings van
hul siekte sosiaal ko-konstrueer. Ek dui verder aan hoe hul ryker beskrywings van
siekte bydra tot sigbare en meetbare resultate wat vir hartpasiente van waarde is. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Praktiese Teologie)
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The stories women tell: living with cancer and careHarrington, Michelle 01 January 2002 (has links)
This research was aimed at listening to the care stories of people living with cancer in remission. The participants spoke about relationships with their families, medical professionals and their spirituality, thereby giving a voice to personal experiences of cancer as part of family life.
Postmodern social construction discourse guided the explaining of how cancer invades and affects people's Jives and relationships. This participatory action research was situated in a contextual practical
Narrative conversations with the participants spoke about experiences of both care and communication by medical professionals, their struggles in communicating with their partners and families, their spiritual search and longing for pastoral care to sustain and guide them. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)
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