Spelling suggestions: "subject:"piracy"" "subject:"liracy""
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Filmové regály: nástup soukromých videopůjčoven počátkem 90. let / Film Shelves: Private Video rental stores in the early 1990s Czech republicKrejčířová, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The subject of this thesis are now almost extinct brick and mortar video rental stores that were a crucial film distribution window between theatre and television premiere only a few decades ago. The research focuses on the arrival of video rental stores run by small private entrepreneur in Prague 1990-1995 right after the country reinstalled its market economy. The text tries to reconstruct, describe and analyse six particular places of business via interviews with their owners and further archive materials - and in addition maybe ascertain reasons of their closure / continuance after 1995. Part of the thesis is also a list of 90 addresses of Prague video rental stores from around that time and basic figures of their arrangement.
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[pt] Constatou-se que os atos piratas no Golfo da Guiné, especialmente em
Nigéria, estão fortemente associados ao roubo de cargas de petróleo e à pilhagem
das instalações de exploração do produto. As ações dos perpetradores de tais atos,
como é o caso da Nigéria que se debruçou mais, visam atingir o Estado Federal e
as multinacionais exploradoras do petróleo bruto nacional. Com base na Teoria
dos Complexos Regionais de Segurança e nos conceitos teóricos sobre a
securitização, procurou-se analisar a pirataria na região estudada como uma
ameaça existencial socialmente construída e como um objeto securitizado por
uma variedade de atores políticos (regionais e internacionais). O objetivo cabal é
mostrar que, no atual contexto da corrida pelo petróleo no Golfo da Guiné, a
securitização da pirataria provoca a despolitização de questões econômicas e
sociais inerentes aos Estados locais e a ameaça suas soberanias e integridades
territoriais. / [en] It was found that pirates acts in the Gulf of Guinea, especially in Nigeria,
are strongly associated with the theft of oil cargo and the pillaging of the product
exploration installations. The actions of the perpetrators of such acts, as is the case
of Nigeria which leaned more, aim to achieve the Federal State and the
multinationals exploiting the national crude oil. Based on the Theory of Regional
Security Complex and on the theoretical concepts of securitization, we tried to
analyze piracy in the region studied as a socially constructed existential threat
and a securitized object by a variety of political actors (regional and
international). The full goal is to show that, in the current context of the race for
oil in the Gulf of Guinea, the securitization of piracy causes the
depoliticization of economic and social issues related to local states and
threatens their sovereignty and territorial integrity.
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Управление рисками участников гражданского оборота при оказании интернет-услуг : магистерская диссертация / Risk management of civil traffic participants when providing internet servicesМашковцев, Д. С., Mashkovtsev, D. S. January 2019 (has links)
Master's work consists of 100 pages, 97 bibliographic lists are used. The relevance of the research topic is revealed in three interrelated aspects: doctrinal, economic and rule-making. The doctrinal aspect is manifested in the fact that today in the Russian Federation there are no special normative acts that would have a regulatory effect on public relations taking shape between entities on the Internet. The rule-making aspect is expressed in the fact that the tasks set by the leadership of the Russian Federation on the accelerated development of the economy and social sphere give particular relevance to this work. The most significant legislative adjustment will be required in connection with the development of the digital environment. Finally, the economic aspect is due to the need to strengthen government regulation in the field of digital technologies.
All this together determines the relevance of the research topic and determines its choice. The aim of the study is a comprehensive, comprehensive study and study of the legal nature and legal characteristics of obligations arising on the Internet when providing Internet services with the aim of generating theoretical and practical conclusions that can be taken into account when reforming the law and improving judicial and law enforcement practice in the analyzed public relations.
In pursuance of the research goal, the following specific tasks are set in the work: to consider the legal regulation of Internet services in the Russian Federation; define the concepts of “Internet service” and “legal risk”, substantiate the legally relevant criteria for their classification in order to increase the efficiency of their management; conduct a comprehensive analysis of legal risks associated with the protection of intellectual property; to offer a range of measures to improve legislation in the field of Internet services management. Research methods include general scientific and private scientific methods, in particular the formal legal, comparative legal, logical, statistical method, as well as other methods of economic analysis of private law. / Магистерская работа состоит из 100 страниц, использовано 97 библиографических списков. Актуальность темы исследования раскрывается в трех взаимосвязанных аспектах: доктринальном, экономической и нормотворческом. Доктринальный аспект проявляется в том, что на сегодняшний день в Российской Федерации отсутствуют специальные нормативные акты, которые бы осуществляли регулирующее воздействие на общественные отношения, складывающиеся между субъектами в сети «Интернет». Нормотворческий аспект выражается в том, что особую актуальность настоящей работе придают поставленные руководством Российской Федерации задачи по ускоренному развитию экономики и социальной сферы. Наиболее значимая перестройка законодательства потребуется в связи с развитием цифровой среды. Наконец, экономический аспект обусловлен потребностью усиления государственного регулирования в сфере цифровых технологий. Все это в совокупности обуславливает актуальность темы исследования и определяет ее выбор. Целью исследования является всестороннее, комплексное изучение и исследование правовой природы и юридической характеристики обязательств, возникающих в сети «Интернет» при оказании Интернет-услуг с целью формирования теоретических и практических выводов, которые могут быть учтены при реформировании законодательства и совершенствовании судебной и правоприменительной практики в анализируемой сфере общественных отношений. Во исполнение поставленной цели исследования в работе ставятся следующие конкретные задачи: рассмотреть правовое регулирование интернет-услуг в Российской Федерации; определить понятия «интернет-услуга» и «правовой риск», обосновать юридически значимые критерии их классификации для цели повышения эффективности управления ими; провести комплексный анализ правовых рисков, связанных с защитой интеллектуальной собственности; предложить комплекс мероприятий по совершенствованию законодательства в области управления интернет-услугами. Методы исследования включают в себя общенаучные и частные научные методы, в частности формально-юридический, сравнительно-правовой, логический, статистический метод, а также иные методы экономического анализа частного права.
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Handling the U.S.-China Intellectual Property Rights Dispute – the Role of WTO’s Dispute Settlement SystemWang, Yinan 08 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Knowledge, Cultural Production, and Construction of the Law: An Ideographic Rhetorical Criticism of CopyrightBerg, Suzanne Valerie Loen 06 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Hydrology and Bed Topography of the Greenland Ice Sheet : Last known surroundingsLindbäck, Katrin January 2015 (has links)
The increased temperatures in the Arctic accelerate the loss of land based ice stored in glaciers. The Greenland Ice Sheet is the largest ice mass in the Northern Hemisphere and holds ~10% of all the freshwater on Earth, equivalent to ~7 metres of global sea level rise. A few decades ago, the mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet was poorly known and assumed to have little impact on global sea level rise. The development of regional climate models and remote sensing of the ice sheet during the past decade have revealed a significant mass loss. To monitor how the Greenland Ice Sheet will affect sea levels in the future requires understanding the physical processes that govern its mass balance and movement. In the southeastern and central western regions, mass loss is dominated by the dynamic behaviour of ice streams calving into the ocean. Changes in surface mass balance dominate mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet in the central northern, southwestern and northeastern regions. Little is known about what the hydrological system looks like beneath the ice sheet; how well the hydrological system is developed decides the water’s impact on ice movement. In this thesis, I have focused on radar sounding measurements to map the subglacial topography in detail for a land-terminating section of the western Greenland Ice Sheet. This knowledge is a critical prerequisite for any subglacial hydrological modelling. Using the high-resolution ice thickness and bed topography data, I have made the following specific studies: First, I have analysed the geological setting and glaciological history of the region by comparing proglacial and subglacial spectral roughness. Second, I have analysed the subglacial water drainage routing and revealed a potential for subglacial water piracy between adjacent subglacial water catchments with changes in the subglacial water pressure regime. Finally, I have looked in more detail into englacial features that are commonly observed in radar sounding data from western Greenland. In all, the thesis highlights the need not only for accurate high-resolution subglacial digital elevation models, but also for regionally optimised interpolation when conducting detailed hydrological studies of the Greenland Ice Sheet. / De ökade temperaturerna i Arktis påskyndar förlusten av landbaserad is lagrad i glaciärer och permafrost. Grönlands inlandsis är den största ismassan på norra halvklotet och lagrar ca 10% av allt sötvatten på jorden, vilket motsvarar ca 7 meter global havsnivåhöjning. För ett par decennier sedan var inlandsisens massbalans dåligt känd och antogs ha liten inverkan på dagens havsnivåhöjning. Utvecklingen av regionala klimatmodeller och satellitbaserad fjärranalys av inlandsisen har under de senaste decenniet påvisat en betydande massförlust. För att förutse vilken inverkan inlandsisen har på framtida havsnivåhöjningar krävs en förståelse för de fysikaliska processerna som styr dess massbalans och isrörelse. I de sydöstra och centrala västra delarna av inlandsisen domineras massförlusten av dynamiska processer i isströmmar som kalvar ut i havet. Massförlusten i de centrala norra, sydvästra och nordöstra delarna domineras av isytans massbalans. Ytterst lite är känt om hur det hydrologiska systemet ser ut under inlandsisen; hur väl det hydrologiska systemet är utvecklat avgör vattnets påverkan på isrörelsen. I denna doktorsavhandling har jag använt markbaserade radarmätningar för att kartlägga den subglaciala topografin för en del av den västra landbaserade inlandsisen. Denna kunskap är en viktig förutsättning för att kunna modellera den subglaciala hydrologin. Med hjälp av rumsligt högupplöst data över istjockleken och bottentopografin har jag gjort följande specifika studier: Först har jag analyserat de geologiska och glaciologiska förhållandena i regionen genom att jämföra proglacial och subglacial spektralanalys av terrängens ytojämnheter. Sedan har jag analyserat den subglaciala vattenavrinningen och påvisat en potential för att avrinningsområdena kan ändras beroende på vattentryckförhållandena på botten. Slutligen har jag tittat mer i detalj på englaciala radarstrukturer som ofta observerats i radardata från västra Grönland. Sammanfattningsvis belyser avhandlingen behovet av inte bara noggranna rumsligt högupplösta subglaciala digitala höjdmodeller, utan även regionalt optimerad interpolering när detaljerade hydrologiska studier ska utföras på Grönlands inlandsis.
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出版業國際化經營模式之研究 / Business Models of Internationalization in Publishing Industry楊神珠, Yang, Angela Shen Chu Unknown Date (has links)
何以跨國出版公司,能夠在國際市場成功經營? 經研究了解,除了選擇尊重智財權的市場,還有多元運用經營模式,皆是發展無形『智慧財產』的必要條件。二次世界大戰之後,歐美跨國出版公司對於全世界『智慧財產權』的法律積極運作,唯有在智財權受法律保護的國家之下,出版業才有利可圖。舉亞洲為例,日本是最先響應智財權的法令推動的國家,戰後的日本受到重創,從廢墟中重新建立,新法律的推動,不僅重視本土的智慧財產權外,更重視對外來智慧財產權的保護。推出這樣的法案無異是送了一個很強的訊號給美國;歐英跨國出版公司陸續在日本建立亞洲分公司,以日本為跳板,開啟亞洲其他的市場。
至於台灣的早期的出版發展,可以追溯到70、80時期日治時代的出版事業(參考註一 ),直到90年代台灣經濟起飛,帶動國內多項產業蓬勃發展。當時台灣的商業人士拎著公事包在全球做生意,國際貿易成為時代顯學;其中在台灣世貿每年舉辦的『國際書展』吸引了無數的愛書人,擁擠的會場,不因出版業文化與語言地域限制而限縮,版權(翻印與翻譯)交易熱絡,堪稱亞洲排名第一;在1992智財權法的實行,促使所有不合法的翻譯,以及翻印書籍在1994年 『612大限』以前清空,從此台灣揚棄『海盜王國』的名稱。
然而研究的部分限制是,無法進行全面性的訪談個案或因為時間、空間與能力的限制等;最後,研究者提出三項作為未來研究參考,數位出版在近幾年因為電信、電訊、與IT資訊的整合運用,ㄧ是、出版業國際購併案例的研究;二是、如何將文創產業數位內容作更廣泛運用與實際的發展;三是、未來華語的學習熱潮,是否可以透過歐美跨國公司的經營模式,作為參考。 / Why does the international publishers can manage the international market successfully? Through the study we can understand not only the enforcement of the intellectual property (IP) law in place is important, but also the practice of various of business models . After World War II, international publishing companies were aggressively engaged in the implementation of intellectual property (IP) law, in order to provide regulation and protection to ensure their business profits in global market. In Asia, Japan was the first country to deploy specific law to protect both local and foreign businesses that involve intellectual property, for those who intended to expand their business into Asia. As a result of that, Japan became their first priority of choice to setup the overseas branches.
The development of publishing industry in Taiwan could retrospect to the 70’s to 80’s, the period of time that Taiwan was under the reign of Japan. Given the economic booming in the 90’s, Taiwanese businessmen thus had the opportunities to extend their antennae all over the world. International trading gradually became important and prevailing ever since. This annual event , International Taipei Book Fair (TIBF), held by the World Trade Center in Taiwan, always attracts vibrant attendance from both international traders and end customers. The trading volume in copyrights at the TIBF is huge and considered as the number one in Asian book fair markets.
The enforcement of IP law in Taiwan in 1992 was a key action that helped to eliminate Taiwan’s notoriety as a "Piracy Kingdom." Pursuant to such law, all illegal translations and unauthorized copies must be destroyed before the D-Day "612 deadline" in 1994. Since then, Taiwan has successfully turned over its long-haunted negative image in IP protection.
The business models are cited and organized from the interviews of four domestic and one international publishing company. The comparison of each Business models has summarized as a comprehensive chart for deduced case analysis. This study is conducted by a qualitative research method with the information abridged form in-depth interviews. It elucidates the current operation and unique internationalization experience of each referred company. Following the analysis of the Business model, current study gives a full set of internationalization model matrix suitable for domestic publishers who are interested in business globalization to use as a practical reference.
By drawing references and citing the business models from some of the major international publishers, the author is trying to make points of the strategic proposition and maneuvers on how to efficiently and successfully reach beyond the domestic market and be possessed of considerable shares in the competitive international market. The conclusion and suggestion drawn from current research are based on representative cases, yet expected to be able to precisely indicate the essence of business acquisitions internationalization in publishing industry first. To envision the prospects of publishing industry advocated by technology advances, the transformation of digital contents and its impact on the development of digital publishing have been outlined and proposed as well.
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Essais sur des questions internationales en économie des ressources naturellesKeutiben Njopmouo, Octave 07 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s'articule autour de trois essais portant sur des questions internationales en économie des ressources naturelles. Le premier essai examine la production et l'échange des ressources non-renouvelables dans un modèle spatial et souligne le rôle de la superficie des pays et du coût des transports dans la détermination du sens de l'échange. Le deuxième essai considère le tarif d'extraction de la rente de rareté liée aux ressources naturelles non-renouvelables avec le modèle spatial développé dans premier essai. Le cadre spatial (plus général) permet de représenter des pays qui sont à la fois importateurs et producteurs de la ressource, ce qui n'est pas possible dans les modèles traditionnels de commerce international où les pays sont traités comme des points (sans dimension). Le troisième essai aborde la question des droits de propriétés sur les zones maritimes et examine l'allocation d'une population de pêcheurs entre les activités productives et non-productives dans une communauté côtière.
Le premier chapitre propose un modèle spatial de commerce international des ressources non-renouvelables. Le cadre spatial considère explicitement la différence de taille géographique (superficie) entre les pays et permet ainsi de tenir compte du fait que les gisements naturels et leurs utilisateurs soient dispersés dans l'espace, même à l'intérieur d'un pays. En utilisant un modèle spatial à la Hotelling, nous examinons l'évolution dans le temps du sens de l'échange entre deux pays (ou régions) qui diffèrent du point de vue de leur technologie de production, de leur superficie et de leur dotation en gisement d'une ressource naturelle non-renouvelable. Le chapitre met en évidence le rôle de la taille géographique dans la détermination du sens de l'échange, à côté des explications traditionnelles que sont l'avantage comparatif et les dotations des facteurs. Notre analyse est fondamentalement différente des autres contributions dans la littérature sur le commerce international des ressources naturelles parce qu'elle souligne l'importance de la taille géographique et du coût de transport par rapport à d'autres facteurs dans la détermination des flux de ressource à l'équilibre. Le coût unitaire de transport joue un rôle capital pour déterminer si la différence de superficie entre les pays influence le sens de l'échange à l'équilibre plus que les autres facteurs. Le chapitre discute aussi du caractère régional des échanges qui a été observé pour certaines ressources telles que le minerai de fer et la bauxite.
Le chapitre deux aborde la question de la répartition de la rente de rareté liée aux ressources naturelles non-renouvelables entre les pays producteurs et les pays consommateurs. Cette question a été abordée dans la littérature sous une hypothèse quelque peu restrictive. En effet, dans la plupart des travaux portant sur ce sujet le pays importateur est automatiquement considéré comme dépourvu de gisement et donc non producteur de la ressource. Pourtant la réalité est qu'il existe des ressources pour lesquelles un pays est à la fois producteur et importateur. Le cadre d'analyse de ce second essai est le modèle spatial développé dans le premier essai, qui permet justement qu'un pays puisse être à la fois importateur et producteur de la ressource. Le pays importateur détermine alors simultanément le tarif optimal et le taux d'extraction de son propre stock. Nous montrons que le tarif optimal croît au taux d'intérêt et de ce fait, ne crée aucune distorsion sur le sentier d'extraction de la ressource. Le tarif optimal permet de récupérer toute la rente lorsque le pays exportateur ne consomme pas la ressource. Néanmoins, la possibilité pour le pays exportateur de consommer une partie de son stock limite la capacité du pays importateur à récupérer la rente chez le pays exportateur. La présence de gisements de la ressource dans le pays importateur réduit la rente du pays exportateur et de ce fait renforce la capacité du pays importateur à récupérer la rente chez le pays exportateur. Le tarif initial est une fonction décroissante du stock de ressource dans le pays importateur. Cet essai aborde également la question de la cohérence dynamique du tarif obtenu avec la stratégie en boucle ouverte.
Le troisième chapitre examine un problème d'allocation de l'effort entre les activités productives (par exemple la pêche) et les activités non productives (par exemple la piraterie maritime) dans une population de pêcheurs. La répartition de la population entre les activités de pêche et la piraterie est déterminée de façon endogène comme une conséquence du choix d'occupation. Nous établissons l'existence d'une multiplicité d'équilibres et mettons en évidence la possibilité d'une trappe de piraterie, c'est-à-dire un équilibre stable où une partie de la population est engagée dans les actes de piraterie. Le modèle permet d'expliquer l'augmentation significative des attaques de piraterie dans le Golfe d'Aden au cours des dernières années. Le chapitre discute aussi des différents mécanismes pour combattre la piraterie et souligne le rôle crucial des droits de propriété. / This thesis consists of three essays on international issues in natural resource economics. The first essay proposes a spatial model of trade in exhaustible resources and emphasizes the role of geographical size and transport costs in the determination of trade patterns. The second essay considers the rent-extracting tariff in a spatial (more general) framework in which the importing country can be simultaneously a producer and an importer of the resource, a feature which is not possible in the traditional trade model, where countries are assumed dimensionless. The third essay tackles the issue of property rights in maritime zones and examines the allocation of a population of fishermen between productive and unproductive activities in a coastal community.
The first chapter proposes a model of trade in exhaustible resources that explicitly accounts for the fact that countries have different geographical sizes while resource sites and their users are spatially distributed, even within a country. Using a spatial model à la Hotelling, we examine the evolution over time of the pattern of trade between two countries (or regions) which differ in terms of their technology, their geographical size, and their endowment of some nonrenewable natural resource. The model emphasizes the importance of geographical size in determining trade patterns besides the traditional explanations of comparative advantage and factor endowments. Indeed, three forces influence the direction of international trade in the presence of transport costs. The analysis fundamentally differs from other contributions in the natural resource literature because it emphasizes the importance of geographical size and of transport cost relative to other factors in the determination of the equilibrium resource flows. The unit cost of transport is shown to play a decisive role in determining whether the international asymmetry in terms of geographical sizes of countries has a greater influence than other factors on the equilibrium pattern of trade. The chapter also discusses the regional character of trade which has been observed for some resources such as iron ore and bauxite.
Most findings in the literature on tariff and exhaustible resources have been derived under a serious abstraction. Indeed, virtually all contributions on that issue have assumed that no stocks of the resource are available within the importing country's borders and therefore the importing country is not itself a producer. Reality is in fact quite different: there are many instances of countries that are simultaneously importers and producers of a natural resource. The second chapter makes use of the spatial trade model of chapter one to depart from the usual assumption and allow the importing country to have access to a stock of the resource of its own and to determine simultaneously the optimal tariff and the rate of depletion of its own stock. The optimal tariff is shown to increase at the rate of interest and is therefore nondistortionary. Moreover, the optimal tariff captures all the rent if the exporting country gets no utility from consuming the resource. Allowing the exporting country to consume the resource restricts the ability of the importer to capture all of the foreign rent. The presence of resource deposits in the importing country reduces the available rent to foreign producers and, in essence, reinforces the ability of the importer to capture the foreign rent. In effect, the initial tariff is shown to be a decreasing function of the initial resource stock in the importing country. The essay also discusses the time consistency of the open-loop tariff.
The third chapter examines how agents in a coastal community allocate effort between productive (fishing) and unproductive (piracy) activities. The allocation of population between fishing activity and piracy attacks is determined endogenously as a consequence of the occupation choice. We prove the existence of multiple equilibria and emphasize the possibility of a piracy trap, that is a steady state equilibrium where part of the population is engaged in piracy acts. The chapter offers an explanation for the significant increase in piracy attacks in the Gulf of Aden in the recent years. The chapter also discusses different schemes in combating piracy and highlights the crucial role of property rights.
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"Gotong royong" : la coopération sécuritaire américano-indonésienne depuis 2001. Analyse d'un partenariat stratégique en devenir par le prisme de la sécurité maritime. / ‘Gotong Royong’ : U.S. – Indonesia security cooperation since 2001 Analysis of an in building strategic partnership through the prism of maritime securitySciascia, Alban 19 November 2012 (has links)
Au cours de cette étude, nous avons cherché à déterminer l’implication de Washington dans la sécurité de l’Indonésie. Nous nous sommes demandé comment les États-Unis pouvaient revenir dans le jeu politico-sécuritaire indonésien par le biais d’une cause devenue commune, la sécurité maritime. Après avoir examiné l’historique de la relation de l’Indonésie avec l’élément maritime et l’émergence de menaces liées au domaine maritime, nous avons conclu que la sécurisation du domaine maritime apparaît alors comme un leitmotiv sécuritaire commun pour Washington et Jakarta. Confrontée aux errements de la coopération régionale et aux difficultés relatives à sa géographie et à son déficit capacitaire, la sécurisation du domaine maritime indonésien passe donc par l’implication d’un acteur extérieur. En réussissant à convaincre leurs homologues de Jakarta de la nécessité de sécuriser le domaine maritime, les hommes et femmes du Ministère de la Défense, du Département d’État et des administrations américaines ont permis à Washington de revenir dans le jeu sécuritaire indonésien par le biais d’une coopération devenue essentielle pour les deux partenaires. / In this study, we tried to determine the exact level of involvement of Washington in Indonesia’s security. We wondered how United States could go back in Indonesian political and security games through a common cause, maritime security.. After considering indonesian maritime history and the rise of threats to maritime domain, we concluded that the securitisation of maritime realm appears as a security leitmotiv for both Washington and Jakarta. Facing with the vagaries of regional cooperation and with difficulties related to the archipelagic geography of the country and the lack of capacity, securising indonesian maritime domain requires the involvement of an external actor. By succeeding in persuading their counterparts in Jakarta of the necessity of securing the maritime domain, men and women of the U.S. Department of Defense, State Department and other agencies have allowed Washington to be back into Indonesia’s security game through an all-out cooperation.
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Robert Searle and the Rise of the English in the CaribbeanAlford, Brandon Wade 01 January 2019 (has links)
This research examines the career of Robert Searle, an English privateer, that conducted state-sponsored attacks against the Spanish and Dutch in the Caribbean from 1655 to 1671. Set within the Buccaneering Period of the Golden Age of Piracy (1650-1680), Robert Searle’s personal actions contributed to the rise of the English in the Caribbean to a position of dominance over Spain, which dominated the region from 1492 until the 1670s. Searle serves as a window into the contributions of thousands of nameless men who journeyed to the Caribbean as a member of Oliver Cromwell’s Western Design Fleet. These men failed in their endeavor to take Hispaniola from the Spanish, successfully invaded Jamaica, and spent the next fifteen years securing England’s largest possession in the region, transitioning Jamaica from a military outpost to a successful plantation colony. These men, including Searle himself, have been overshadowed in the history of English Jamaica by more well-known figures such as Sir Henry Morgan, the famed “Admiral of the Buccaneers.”
Searle and his compatriots pursued the objectives of the core in London throughout the contested periphery of the Caribbean region. These goals were first framed as the complete destruction of the Spanish Empire in the Americas and later as achieving trade between Jamaica and Spain’s American colonies. The examination of Robert Searle through the core-periphery relationship between the metropole and the Caribbean illustrates how the totality of his actions contributed to the rising English position in the Caribbean. Ultimately, Searle and his fellow privateers proved vital to Spain conceding to England the rights of trade and formal recognition of their colonies in the region with a series of succeeding Treaties of Madrid.
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