Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bplanning canprocess"" "subject:"bplanning 3.3vprocess""
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Förutsättningar inför detaljplanearbetet - Hur påverkar detta processen? / Preconditions for the detailed planning - How does this affect the process?Jakobsson, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Detaljplaneprocessens tidsåtgång:En djupanalys av två detaljplaner i tre kommuner / The time-cost of the planning processes:An in-depth analysis of two detailed development plans in three municipalitiesLindblom, Agnes January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrunden till detta examensarbete har sin grund i den bostadsbrist som finns i Sverige idag och den allmänna debatten om ökat bostadsbyggande och långsamma planprocesser som pågår. I studien har två detaljplaner, med huvudändamål bostäder, i var och en av de tre kommunerna Botkyrka, Norrköping och Västerås djupgående analyserats, i syfte att bringa klarhet i vilka aktiviteter och komponenter som faktiskt ger upphov till tidsåtgång i detaljplaneprocessens olika skeden. Av studien, vars tillvägagångssätt baserats på dokumentanalyser och intervjuer, framgår att detaljplaneprocessen utifrån sin utformning samt uppbyggnad via plan- och bygglagen (PBL) tar ”tid”. Hur lång tid en process tar beror enligt studien på flera olika anledningar som kan ha med den specifika planen och/eller kommunen att göra. Resultatet av undersökningen visar på att det i ett tidigt skede är väldigt svårt att uppskatta tidsåtgången för en detaljplan, då alla planer till viss del är unika och då oförutsebara komponenter och aktiviteter vanligtvis dyker upp under processens gång. Tidsåtgången för detaljplaneprocessen, räknat från det att ett formellt planuppdrag ges till det att detaljplanen vinner laga kraft, har för de planer som studerats i arbetet kraftigt varierat mellan 21 månader till 7 år. I snitt har dock processen för samtliga planer endast aktivt bedrivits under 1,5 – 3 år. Anledningen till att arbetet med vissa detaljplaner avstannat eller fördröjts har bland annat med oerfarna byggherrars brist på kunskap, politisk oenighet, sena inspel och bristen på resurser att göra. Enligt studien är de aktiviteter som ger upphov till störst tidsåtgång i detaljplaneprocesserna framförallt kopplade till utredningsarbetet. Det handlar både om att det är många utredningar som behöver tas fram och att de tar tid. Av studien framgår att tidseffektiviseringar i planprocessen är önskvärt så länge kvalitén kan bibehållas och detaljplanernas genomförbarhet kan säkerställas. Bostadsbristen i regionerna och det höga trycket i kommunerna lyfts fram som aspekter till varför det är viktigt. De förslag till förbättringsåtgärder som framhålls i denna studie handlar bland annat om att få till stånd bättre former för tidig samverkan mellan involverade parter, att ge den strategiska planeringen större tyngd och att utreda mer i ett tidigt skede, att skapa tydliga kommunövergripande mål och prioriteringsordningar för detaljplaner samt förbättra kommunens system och arbetsrutiner. Utöver det omnämns även ett behov av att utöka kommunens resurser och att öka tydligheten i vilka beslut som behöver fattas politiskt och på vilken nivå samt om det finns beslut som kan delegeras till kommunernas förvaltningar. / The background of this master thesis stems from the housing shortage that exists in Sweden today and the general debate on increased housing and slow planning processes that are currently taking place. In this study an in-depth analysis of two detailed development plans in each of the three municipalities of Botkyrka, Norrköping and Västerås has been carried out, in order to shed light on which activities and components that give rise to time consumption in the various stages of the planning process. The study, which is based on document analysis and interviews, concludes that the Swedish planning process due to its overall design and by being regulated by the Swedish planning and building act (PBL) takes "time". How much time the process takes depends, according to the analysis, on several different reasons that may have with the specific detailed development plan and/or the municipality to do. The result of the case studies carried out in this master thesis shows that it’s very difficult in an early stage to estimate how much time that will be required in order to create a detailed development plan. The reason for this is that every plan is somewhat unique and that unforeseeable components and activities usually emerge during the process. The time-cost of the planning process for the detailed development plans studied in this master thesis varied greatly from 21 months to 7 years. On average, however, the process for all the plans was only actively pursued during 1,5 - 3 years. The reason that the development of some of the plans was delayed or postponed has to do with, among other things, inexperienced developers lack of knowledge with regards to the planning process, political disagreements, belated demands for additional investigations and shortage of staff. According to this study, conducting surveys and investigations are the most time consuming activities within the planning process. It is a combination of many surveys needed to be carried out and that each one of them takes time to complete. The result of this study shows that more time-efficient planning processes are desirable as long as the quality can be maintained and the feasibility of the detailed development plans can be guaranteed. The housing shortage in the regions and the high pressure to draw up plans and build homes in the municipalities are brought up as aspects of why it is important. The improvements that are suggested in the study involves, among others things, establishing better forms of early collaboration between all parties involved, giving the strategic planning greater weight and conducting more surveys in an early stage, creating clear common goals and priorities within the municipality's and furthermore improve the municipality's systems and working practices. In addition, it is suggested that the municipality's resources should be extended and that there should be an increased transparency regarding which decisions in the planning processes that need to be made politically and at what level, and if there are decisions that can be delegated to the municipality’s administrations.
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Den digitala klyftan : Den digitala planprocessens tillgänglighet och de äldres förutsättningar att delta / The digital divide : The accessibility of the digital planning process and the elderly's conditions for participationAronsson, Emma, Johansson, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
Digitaliseringen fortsätter att utvecklas inom kommuner genom den nya föreskriften för digitaliseringen av detaljplaner. Studien syftar till att analysera äldres förutsättningar att ta del av kommuners planarbete med hänsyn till digitaliseringen av planprocessen. Detta görs med utgångspunkt i tre kommuner och med fokus på tillgänglighet. Digitaliseringen öppnar upp nya sätt att inkludera kommunernas medborgare men samtidigt riskerar de äldre som samhällsgrupp att hamna i ett digitalt utanförskap. Studien genomfördes genom intervjuer med planarkitekter från Varbergs kommun, Trollhättans Stad och Karlskronas kommun samt en projektledare från Pensionärernas Riksorganisation (PRO). Studien visar att kommunerna arbetar med tillgänglighet genom digitalisering på olika sätt. Kommunerna menar att de inte fokuserar på tillgängligheten specifikt för äldre, vilket resulterar i slutsatsen att det finns en risk att de äldre exkluderas från planprocessen, när allt fler delar av den digitaliseras. / Digitization continues to develop within municipalities through the new regulation for the digitization of detailed plans. This study aims to analyze the pre-conditions of the elderly to take part in municipalities' planning work regarding digitization. This is done based on three municipalities, with a focus on accessibility. Digitization creates new ways of including the citizens of the municipalities, but it also creates the risk of exclusion of the elderly as a social group. The study was carried out through interviews with planning architects from Varbergs kommun, Trollhättans Stad, and Karlskrona kommun, as well as a project manager from the Pensionärernas Riksorganisation (PRO). The study shows that the municipalities work with accessibility through digitization in different ways. The municipalities mentioned that they do not focus on accessibility specifically for the elderly, which leads to the conclusion that the elderly may risk exclusion from the planning process, as it becomes digitized.
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Planprocessen – En nulägesanalys : Kommuners och exploatörers åsikter kring planarbetet / The planning process – A situation analysis : Municipalities and developers views regarding the planning processSjöstrand, Christofer, Stanislawska, Daniela January 2012 (has links)
Sammanfattning Planprocessen har den senaste tiden legat i fokus för ett antal utredningar och rapporter. Den bostadsbrist som råder i bl.a. Stockholm påverkas av långa planprocesser som kan sträcka sig upp till fem år eller mer. Även konkurrensen mellan små och stora byggherrar påverkas då endast de större byggherrarna har resurser att ta sig igenom de långa planprocesserna. Vissa förändringar som ska effektivisera processen har gjorts i den nya PBL som infördes den 2 maj 2011, men det finns även andra faktorer som påverkar längden och smidigheten hos processen. I detta examensarbete har sju detaljplaner från olika kommuner i Stockholms län valts ut och studerats. De personer som varit handläggare på kommunen respektive projektledare hos exploatören har intervjuats kring olika aspekter av planprocessen, och huvudsyftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka åsikterna kring dessa aspekter. De intervjuade har fått svara på frågor kring tidsåtgång, lagstiftning, samarbete och kommunikation. Ett delsyfte har även varit att studera tidsåtgången från initiering till antagande för de utvalda detaljplanerna. Resultatet av studien visar att tidsåtgången för de utvalda planprocesserna varierar mycket. Med initieringstiden inräknad varierade tidsåtgången mellan 29 och 84 månader fram till antagandet. Initieringstiden, som är svårdefinierad, spelar en stor roll för tidsåtgången och medelvärdet av initieringstiden utgör 35% resp. 27% av den totala tidsåtgången, beroende på om det är med eller utan planprogram. Resultatet från intervjuerna berör en rad aspekter. Politikens roll och kommunens organisation är faktorer som kan påverka planprocessen på olika sätt, både gällande tidsåtgången men även styrningen av tjänstemännen. De enskilda handläggarnas roll påverkar också planprocessen i hög grad. Det ställs höga krav på handläggarna att de genomför processen på ett korrekt sätt och personliga egenskaper är viktiga. Handläggarna får även en roll som projektledare i planprocessen och det ställer ytterligare krav på dem. Detaljstyrningen i detaljplanerna är en viktig fråga för både kommuner och exploatörer och verkar till en viss grad styras av den tillit och samarbete som finns mellan kommunen och exploatören, och utgör en garanti för kommunen att exploatören utför det han utlovat. Länsstyrelsen är den remissinstans som har mest att säga till om i planprocessen och har en tendens att fördröja den med månader p.g.a. långa handläggningstider, och detta skapar frustration hos både exploatörer och handläggare / The planning process in Sweden has been the topic of a number of recent studies and reports. The lack of housing in cities, for example in Stockholm, is affected by long detail planning processes which can span up to five years or more. This also affects the competition between small and large housing developers, since only larger companies have the resources to endure the long processes. Some changes that are meant to improve the efficiency of the process have been made to the new Planning and Building act which was introduced on the 2nd of May 2011, but there are also other factors that affect the length and flexibility of the process. Seven detailed development plans from different municipalities in Stockholm County have been studied, and interviews have been held with both the developer and the planning official at the municipality for each plan. The main purpose of this thesis is to examine the planning officials’ and the developers’ views on different aspects of the planning process. The examined aspects are time, legislation, cooperation and communication. Another purpose is to study the time taken for the planning process from initiation to adoption of the chosen plans. The result from the study shows that the time for the chosen plans varies greatly. The time varied between 29 and 84 months, including the initiation time. The initiation time, which is often difficult to define, has major effects on the time taken. The mean value of the initiation time is 35% and 27% respectively of the total time taken, depending on if a planning program was used or not. The results from the interviews touch a number of aspects. The role of politics and the municipality’s organisation are factors that can affect the planning process in different ways, both in the time taken and in the control of the officials. The planning officials’ role also affects the planning process to a high extent. There are high demands on the officials to perform their work in a correct way and their personal abilities are important. The planning officials also have the role of project leader for the planning process, which puts further demands on them. The level of detail in the detailed development plans is an important question for both municipalities and developers. The level of detail is, to some extent, dependent on the level of trust and cooperation that exists between the developer and the municipality. Furthermore, the level of detail in the detailed development plans work as a guarantee for the municipalities that the developer will execute the project in the promised way. The County Administrative Board is the referral body that has most influence in the planning process and the results shows that they can prolong the process by months due to long processing times. This is something that creates frustration among both developers and planning officials.
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Valuation of development rights : Current practice and limitationsNilsson, Carolina January 2011 (has links)
Valuations play an important role for transactions decisions regarding properties and should indicate the most probably price for the object if sold on the open market. There are different valuation approaches and methods generally summarized as the comparable sales method and the investment method.The object of this thesis is to find out the general practical approach among appraisers when appraising development rights.The methodology used for answering the thesis question is based on a theoretical background of market value definitions, valuation methods, investment theory, and fundamentals of land development, together with an empirical section analyzing valuation reports and interviews held with leading valuation companies in Sweden. Development rights valuations have in this work been characterized by having few comparables. This work has also found that there are many difficulties estimating an appropriate risk regarding how long the development process will take and how the market will look like when property is completed. Due to the lack of available market data, there is also a high uncertainty regarding the variables used as inputs in the valuation. This thesis has found that the preferred approach among appraisers is to use the comparable sales method, trying to find comparable objects that are in the same phase in the development and planning process as the subject property. The residual method, using an investment calculation and then subtract all costs identified as necessary for completing the property, is identified the second best preferred choice. But a conclusion of this thesis is also that many variables assumed are not necessarily derived from the market, but rather from appraisers own experience and general knowledge as well as second hand information given from other actors like property owner expectations, information of municipalities and developer´s own beliefs and perceptions.The risk within the valuations is also concluded to be handled by very diverse approaches by the appraisers and there is a wish to make deeper research about how this could be more ultimately handled by the valuation core in the future.
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Färgholmen: Ny Stadsform – En destination i Stockholm för konst, kultur och nya bostäder / Färgholmen: New Urban Form - Culture, Community and Coastline in StockholmEdlund, Stina January 2021 (has links)
Lövholmen är ett stadsutvecklingsprojekt där Stockholms sista centrala industriområde omvandlas till en ny, tät stadsdel. Detta examensprojekt redogör (i) en kritisk analys av den aktuella strukturplanen, (ii) och min alternativa illustrationsplan för Lövholmen; “Färgholmen – Ny Stadsform”. Med arkitektonisk nyfikenhet och ett kritiskt perspektiv undersöker jag hur en tät stadsdel kan tillgodose essentiella värden såsom, grönytor,dagsljusförhållanden, publika och offentliga rum. Jag invänder mig mot stadens tillvägagångssätt att maximera lönsamhet med hög exploatering. Genom att frigöra mig från de låsningar och positioner som uppstår med nuvarande fastighetsgränser, kan jag gestalta Ny Stadsform som ger utrymme för essentiella värden och en genhet i staden. Projektets målsättning är att skapa en levande stadsdel i symbios med sig själv och Stockholm; en destination för konst och kultur, ett avtryck i historien som speglar vår samtid. Mitt förslag uppnår 90% byggnadsyta jämfört med stadens förslag, men ger mer utrymme för publika och offentliga rum samt grönområden, i.e. en centraliserad grön park och generösa bostadsgårdar. Låg bebyggelse som gradvis ökar i höjd utifrån kajstråket, skapar varierad skala och typologi vilket även förbättrar mikroklimat och dagsljusförhållanden längs med vattnet. Detta examensprojekt visar en ny stadsform som lyfter de essentiella värdena och samtidigt uppnår en tät, levande stad. / Lövholmen, Stockolm´s last central industrial area, is to be transformed into a high-density residential area. This thesis presents (i) a critical analysis of the proposal from the City of Stockholm, (ii) and my alternative proposal for Lövholmen; “Färgholmen - New Urban Form”. I have approached this thesis project through an architect’s curiosity and a questioning perspective, aiming to understand how to promote essential values such as green areas, daylight conditions, civic space, and varied typologies that include mixed housing and achieve high exploitation. I challenge the City´s profit driven developments that lack the aforementioned essential values. I challenge the boundaries between different property owners. I aim to holistically create a neighbourhood that is connected within itself and with Stockholm City; a destination for art, culture and community, an imprint in history that reflects our contemporary time. My proposal achieves 90% of the developed built space, compared to Stockholm’s proposal, whilst increasing green area and shared space, i.e. in form of a centralised green park. Low rise buildings along the coastline gradually increase in height, creating diverse typology and scale whilst reducing wind tunnels and shadows. This thesis shows a new urban form, promoting essential values whilst achieving a dense living city.
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The process of simplifying information exchange within urban planning : Designing for the facilitation of information exchange and process supportStål, Julia January 2022 (has links)
The urban planning process in Sweden encompasses all design and development of the physical environment in society. It involves a large number of actors and a large amount of data. To be as effective as possible the exchange of data between actors needs to become easier and more effective. This thesis explores how a digital platform for urban planning can be designed to facilitate the exploration of and access to information within urban planning. The method followed an iterative design process based on the UX lifecycle by Hartson and Pyla. Interviews were conducted with potential users to learn about their wants and needs, and research was done on the urban planning process to gather the theory on the subject matter domain. The result of the thesis is a UX prototype of a digital urban planning platform. The prototype was designed in Figma and tested on potential users in a design walkthrough and a usability test together with an interview. The results also show what type of functionality is important for users in this type of platform.
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An Approach to Data-Based Standardization of Automatic Miniload WarehousesRief, Jona I., Fottner, Johannes 14 June 2023 (has links)
Automatic miniload warehouses with stacker cranes are used in intralogistics processes to decouple demand from supply. However, these systems are highly complex, requiring an extensive planning phase. By identifying the commonalities among these warehouses, our research presents an approach to reduce the complexity of the planning process of automatic miniload warehouses with stacker cranes.
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A Proposed Model for Successful Design Research PlanningPeets, Jami 30 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Traumatic Brain Injury: A Case Study of the School Reintegration ProcessMcWilliams, Karen P. 29 April 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this linear-analytic exploratory case study is to illustrate the reintegration process from acute care and rehabilitative care to the traditional school setting after one has sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). TBI is an unrecognized educational challenge. Few educational professionals are aware of the divarication of TBI. Traumatic Brain Injury is the leading cause of death and disability in children and adolescents in the United States. The review of literature reveals there is a void between the requirements of the law and educator preparedness regarding TBI. There is a need for a proactive means to enhance transition and reintegration of a TBI student from rehabilitation to the traditional school setting. The research study showed the schematic efforts of one school division to integrate a TBI student. This exploratory case study emphasized the importance of a proactive education treatment planning process that facilitates the transition to the school setting. The study is qualitative in design and examined the sequence of subtopics of the problem, a review of relevant literature, methods used, findings of the data collected and analyzed, and conclusions and implications from the findings. This case study is analogous to a single experiment. Data were gathered from archival records, educational records, medical records, teachers and therapists comments, friends' perceptions, family histories, recollections, and interviews with participants in the reintegration process.
There were three major domains that have been extracted from the case study. The first domain, the strengths and weakness of the student in the post traumatic brain injury environment were collated, collected, and analyzed. The second domain, the adaptation of Larry involved three general sub sets: (1) Larry's self adaptation, (2) the participants' roles in the student's adaptation, and (3) other influential factors in Larry's adaptation. The third domain centers on the strengths and weaknesses of the strategies used by the school division in the reintegration process. The strengths fell into five general categories; (1) caring professional (2) existing structure for disabled students, (3) cooperation, (4) willingness of general education teachers to make accommodations, and (5) willingness of school-based clinicians to try a variety of approaches. The weaknesses consisted of seven categories; (1) little knowledge of TBI, (2) no in-house pro-active plan,(3) no historical data on TBI, (4) no written records, (5) not central structure (scattered resources), (6) no written plan, and (7) no roster teacher/case manager with authority to direct staff with TBI scenario.
The study will enhance the understanding of TBI and will provide a meaningful guide to parents, educators, and school based clinicians. The results illustrated that the data base of this study contained the critical pieces of evidence, this evidence was presented neutrally, and the evidence is valid.
A holistic overview of the findings included the major domains and data sources that were explored. Additionally, the integrant building blocks that support this holistic overview are provided. In conclusion this case study discusses implications and recommendations. Of note is the reconciliation of this case study with the literature on TBI. / Ed. D.
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