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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hinder och möjligheter : En jämförande studie kring lärares och förskollärares tankar av vad som uppfattas vara betydelsefullt för samarbete i arbetslag

Lindblad, Emelie, Olsson, Elin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Lärare i dagens skola förväntas att vilja arbeta tillsammans med andra lärare i arbetslag, men har dock en lång tradition bakom sig att individuellt planera och leda arbetet i klassummet. Förskollärare å sin sida har en längre tradition bakom sig att tillsammans planera och leda arbetet bland barnen. Men vad är viktigt för samarbete i arbetslag? Syftet med studien är att bidra till kunskap om variationer i förskollärares och lärares tankar kring arbetslag i förskola och skola med fokus på det som uppfattas vara betydelsefullt för samarbete, för att sedan jämföra dessa båda yrkesgruppers uppfattningar. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod har tre lärare samt tre förskollärare intervjuats för att hitta olika sätt att förstå vad som är betydelsefullt för samarbete i arbetslag. Utsagorna tolkades för att hitta variationer samt likheter och skillnader i förskollärarnas respektive lärarnas uppfattningar. I resultatet presenteras ett antal variationer av uppfattningar genom likvärdiga kategorier, som anses betydelsefulla för samarbete i arbetslag. Resultatet visade på likheter i lärares och förskollärares sätt att uppfatta vad som är viktigt för samarbete, men även skillnader. Tid till att planera och diskutera i arbetslaget, tillåtande klimat, arbetslagets sammansättning och utbildning är exempel på vad som uppfattades vara betydelsefullt. Resultatet sätts sedan i ett sammanhang där vi diskuterar vårt resultat i förhållande till tidigare forskning och vilka konsekvenser detta medför i dagens förskola och skola.</p> / <p>In today’s education system, teachers are expected to work together with other teachers as a team; however teachers have a long history of individually planning and leading work in the classroom. On the other hand, pre-school teachers have an even longer tradition of collaboratively planning for and leading the classroom among their colleagues. Given these two differing approaches, what contributes to cooperation in a work team? This study will further the knowledge of variations in preschool teachers and teachers’ thoughts about working together as a team and what´s important for collaboration for to compare and contrast these approaches. Through qualitative research three teachers and three pre-school teachers have been interviewed in order to uncover what contributes to cooperation in teacher teams. The teachers and pre-school teachers’ statements were interpreted to find similarities and differences among their understandings. Although some differences were found among the two groups, the results display similarities in the teachers and pre-school teachers’ understanding of what is important for cooperation. Time to plan and discuss, the group climate, and the composition of members and education were all provided as examples of what is important for cooperation among teaching teams. The results are put in context as we discuss their relationship to earlier research and the consequences that this will have in today’s pre-schools and schools.</p>

Fysik i förskolan. : Pedagogers arbete med fysik: en jämförande studie mellan kommunala och fristående förskolor. / Physics in pre-school. : Pedagogues  work with physics: a comparative study between public and independant pre-schools.

Brown, Katarina January 2015 (has links)
Abstract. The aim with this study was to investigate how pedagogues work with physics in pre-school and if their work differs depending on if they work in a public or in an independent pre-school.   Ten pedagogues from four pre-schools participated in the study and the method used was semi-structured interviews. This means that an interview consisted of a number of questions were used as a base and then questions were asked in relation to the answers the pedagogues gave. The result shows that work with physics looks quite similar in the pre-schools. The working method that dominates more than others is experiments and the majority of the pedagogues that work with physics use this method in pre-school. The result shows that the majority of pedagogues in public pre-schools were given opportunity to take part in further training in physics; only one pedagogue from the independent pre-schools did the same. Further training is important in the work of physics as it, according to the results, affects if pedagogues are working with physics in pre-school.

Samverkan för barnens bästa : Ett organisatoriskt och sociokulturellt perspektiv på övergången mellan förskola och förskolaklass / Co-operation for the sake of the children : With organization and the social process in perspective of the transition to pre-school class

Gärling Brolin, Louise January 2010 (has links)
Each municipality in Sweden have to offer all children a place in a pre-school class starting the autumn term of the year the child turns six until it starts compulsory school. Despite the fact that it is a non-compulsory education, 95 % of all six-year-olds attend pre-school class. The purpose of this study has been to explore how pre-school and compulsory schools organize the pre-school children’s transition to pre-school. It also aims at examining how teachers’ co-operate in order to fulfill the commission of the national curriculum and how they make a smooth transition to the new school for the children. Research questions: In what way do teachers in pre-school and compulsory school co-operate in in order to make the children’s transition easy? What part of the process and which operators are most important for the children in the transition? To what extent does the school organization fulfill the commission of the national curriculum regarding co-operation between pre-school and compulsory school? To answer these questions I have used a qualitative method where I have made seven interviews as well as a text analysis of annual reports from the studied schools. Organization theory, as well as social process theory has been used to analyze the data. The result shows that each part of the organization mostly provide for the other’s interests, instead of interacting towards the purpose of the national curriculum commission meaning to accomplish co-operation between pre-school and compulsory school. Especially pre-school teachers supports the children through the transition as well as the after school center that works as an important bridge in the process. In spite of good intentions, and pre-school teachers’ initiatives to develop better equivalent routines, the organization still has a lot left to do before every part is involved and the mission is accomplished. A good organization, and good leadership, is in the end very important for the sake of the children.

Från samhällsmoder till forskarbehörig lärare : kontinuitet och förändring i en lokal förskollärarutbildning

Tellgren, Britt January 2008 (has links)
From Mother of Society to a Teacher Qualified for Post-graduate Studies – Continuity and Change in a Local Pre-school Education. The aim of this thesis is to throw light upon the basic values and representations of knowledge within a local female teacher education tradition and identify what kind of expectations are held of a pre-school teacher over time. The main question concerns central values and notions in a local pre-school teacher education regarding what is expected of a recognised pre-school teacher between the beginning of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century. A key interest is how these underlying values and notions are maintained and how they are transformed over time. Another interest is how these values and notions are maintained and transformed when they meet other teacher education traditions and when they are confronted with traditional academic values. The preschool teacher education is deeply rooted in a female tradition and the study presented here also focuses on the role that gender plays in the formation, changes and continuity of the central values in pre-school teacher education. The empirical sources include in-depth-interviews with 22 lecturers and supervisors from a local pre-school education in addition to document studies of selected materials from the archives of the Department of Education at Örebro University and at the Örebro University Library. The historical context and the dimension of time have been analysed using James Wertsch’s (2002) conception of voices of collective remembering in addition to the concepts of knowledge cultures (Englund &amp; Linné 2005, Nerland 2008) and communities of practice (Lave and Wenger 2003). The results presented in this dissertation indicate that major shifts have occurred in the collective memory of the local pre-school teacher education during the 20th century and the first years of the 21st century. I have distinguished seven historical periodic themes in the analysis. These are: Mother of society – formation of a new female activity system (ca 1902–1942), All-round kindergarten leader (ca 1942–1963), Personality development and child observation (ca 1963–1972), Developmental psychology and dialogue pedagogy (ca 1972–1977), Education in a university setting and a citizen of society (ca 1977–1983), Reflective child pedagogue (ca 1982 1993) and Teacher of younger children – qualified for a research tradition (ca 2001– 2007).

Gestaltande lekpedagogik som utvecklingsprocess : En intervjustudie med förskollärare / Drama pedagogy as a developing process : An interview study with pre-school teachers

Fager, Linnea January 2014 (has links)
I min studie vill jag undersöka och belysa hur gestaltande lekpedagogik som arbetsprocess kan startas upp och fortlöpa. För att få förskollärares egna berättelser och perspektiv väljer jag att använda mig av intervju som metod. Jag utgår ifrån Lindqvists teori (1996) om gestaltande lekpedagogik. Lindqvist menar att ett gestaltande arbetssätt låter de teoretiska och de estetiska ämnena samarbeta. Lekvärldar byggs upp och gestaltningar genomförs, barnen får en mening och lärandet blir lustfyllt. I Lindqvists teori framträder begreppen; tema, drama, gestaltning, lekmiljö, lekvärld och fantasi, som centrala. Begreppen använder jag för att rikta samtalet i mina intervjuer och för att förklara och förstå vid analys samt redogörelse av mitt resultat. Jag har identifierat olika faser i förskollärarnas arbetsprocess. Dessa faser presenterar jag som mitt resultat, exempelvis “starten”, “syftet”, “välja tema”, “bygga lekvärld”. Varje fas innehåller utmaningar som förskollärarna behöver lösa. En slutsats jag kan dra av min studie är att gestaltande lekpedagogik inte endast är en metod, ett förhållningssätt eller drama. Gestaltande lekpedagogik är något kollektivt som byggs upp tillsammans genom ett gemensamt prövande under en längre tid. Det är en utvecklingsprocess utan slut. / The goal of this study is to examine and illustrate how drama pedagogy as a working process can get started and be continued. To get the teachers own stories and perspectives, I chose to interview them. My study is based on Lindqvist theory (1996) of drama pedagogy. According to Lindqvist, you let the theoretical and the aesthetics subjects cooperate in drama pedagogy. Playworlds are built, drama is used, the children create a purpose and the learning becomes joyful. Lindqvists theory contains different concepts that are central, such as; theme, drama, playworld and fantasy. I use these concepts to guide the conversations in my interviews and to explain my analysis and to submit the result. I have identified different phases in the pre-school teachers' working process. I submit these phases as my result, for example “the start”, “the purpose”, “choosing of theme” and “building a playworld”. Every phase contains challenges that the pre-school teachers have to solve. I have made one conclusion from my study, namely that drama pedagogy is not only a method, an approach or drama. Drama pedagogy is something collective that is built together through cooperative testing during a longer time, it´s a developing process without end.

Barnlitteratur &amp; genus : en kvalitativ studie av bilderböcker för ett- till treåringar ur ett genusperspektiv / Children’s literature &amp; gender : a qualitative study of picture books for one to three-year olds from a gender perspective

Nyberg, Jenny January 2014 (has links)
Redan i små barns vardag, kan en traditionell genussyn observeras i exempelvis leksaks- och klädaffärernas kategorisering av ”flick- och pojkprodukter”. En kategori-sering som jag anser kan styra in barnen i den konstruerade bilden av hur man är, och därmed ska ”göra”, sitt kön. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka tre förskole-avdelningars barnlitteratur, som barn i åldrarna ett till tre år har tillgång till, ur ett genusperspektiv. Studien syftade även till att ta reda på hur förskollärare från respektive avdelning ser på och uppfattar den barnlitteratur som de använder sig av i sitt arbete med barn.Studien utgick från en i huvudsak kvalitativ metod där tre olika datainsamlingsverktyg användes för att samla in underlag till studien: fotografering av barnlitteratur, en översiktlig litteraturanalys av barnlitteratur samt kvalitativa intervjuer med förskol-lärare.Resultatet visade att de undersökta förskoleavdelningarnas bokutbud har dubbelt så många böcker om manliga karaktärer än om kvinnliga karaktärer. Dessa karaktärer skildras utifrån ett könstraditionellt perspektiv vilket på olika sätt förstärker den manliga dominansen. När det gäller förskollärarnas uppfattningar om barnlitteraturens betydelse och innebörd visade det sig att deras utsagor kännetecknas av ett dubbelt budskap där deras verbala medvetenhet inte praktiseras i deras handlingar, vare sig när det gäller val av barnlitteratur eller användning av barnlitteratur. / Already in the everyday of children, a traditional view of gender can be identified. For example how toys and clothing stores’ categorize products for girls respective boys. A categorization that I consider may direct children into the constructed picture of how one is, and therefore “does”, its gender. This essay aimed to investigate the selection of children’s literature at three pre-schools, that children between the ages of one and three, from a gender perspective. The purpose with this essay was also to find out how pre-school teachers, from each pre-school, comprehend the children’s literature that they use in their line of work.The essay is based mainly on a qualitative study that used three different types of methods to collect data as the study’s foundation: photography of children’s literature, a general literature analysis of children’s literature and qualitative interviews with pre-school teachers.The result showed that the book selections of the investigated pre-schools had double the amount of books about male characters than about female characters. These characters are portrayed from a stereotypical gender perspective that, in different ways, reinforces the male dominance. The result that pertains the pre-school teachers’ comprehensions of the importance and significance of children’s literature in pre-schools showed that their statements are characterized by a double message. A message where their verbal awareness does not show in their actions, not in the way they select children’s literature nor in the way they use children’s literature.

Pedagogisk samling i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärarnas tankar kring samlingens betydelse för barns språkliga och sociala utveckling / Educational circle time in pre-school : A qualitative study of pre-school teachers' thoughts on the circle time for children's linguistic and social development

Matossian, Sara, Pereira Cortes, Stephanye January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how pre-school teachers think about the importance of circle time in regard to the child's language and social development from a sociocultural perspective. Furthermore the study will include what role the educators’ have during the circle time. To answer our purpose we have chosen the following question: What is the role of the teachers in the circle time? What are the teacher’s thoughts about the circle time’s importance to children's social development? What are the teacher’s thoughts about the circle time’s importance to children's language development? The study is constructed on qualitative methods, where we conducted structured interviews with six preschool teachers and observed their circle time to collect our empirical material. The study is also based on Vygotsky's sociocultural perspective which says that all learning takes place through relations and interaction with other people in the cultural context you are in. The results have shown that pre-school teachers are aware of the circle time’s importance to children’s development, and purposely plan the circle time to give children the opportunity to develop both socially and linguistically skills.

Utomhuspedagogik : Tvång eller tillgång

Karlsson, Eric, Elofsson, Anton January 2014 (has links)
This paper is a study about outdoor education in pre- school. The main purpose is to look over if outdoor education in pre- school is a restraint or a resource. The study is based on two questionnaires, one to personnel in pre- school and one to parents who have children in pre- school. The study showed that outdoor education is mostly viewed to be a resource but there can be some problems in how to use it. Time, planning and knowledge were problems that were often mentioned by teachers. Parents often thought that outdoor education was important, but they didn’t choose pre- school because of the outdoor education orientation. It showed that location was more important. / Arbetet beskriver utomhuspedagogik i förskolan. Syftet med studien var att se om utomhuspedagogik i förskolan var ett tvång eller en tillgång. Studien är baserad på två enkäter, en till personal på förskolan och en till föräldrar som har barn på förskolan. Resultatet visade att utomhuspedagogik i förskolan oftast var en tillgång, men det fanns problem i hur man använde det. Tid, planering och kunskap var problem som ofta nämndes av lärarna. Föräldrar tyckte oftast att utomhuspedagogik var viktigt,  men de valde inte förskola på grund av utomhuspedagoik som inriktning, läget var viktigare.

Förskollärares tolkning av bygg och konstruktion i verksamheten. : En studie om pedagogers möjligheter för undervisning gällande bygg och konstruktion i ämnet teknik.

Gräsberg, Frida January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate pre-schooler teachers interpretation and preception of building and construction in technology together with the children. The preschool curriculum states that preschoolers should stive for each child to ''develop their ability to build and construct using differnt techniques, materials and tools'' (Skolverket, 2016, p. 10). To meet answer this purpose, the follwing questions have been the starting point: How do educators interpret the curriculum goal regarding building and construction? And how can the goal be concretized in the activities of the educators? In order to answer the question, interviews have been held at two different preschools with six different legitimized preschool teachers. The results of these interviews show how the pre-schoolers teachers reflected what building and construction were in their activities and what individual preschool teachers perceive is building and construction, how they see their role in involvement in activities is building and construction and the approach to the curriculum goals. The result also takes up the pre-school teachers' thoughts on continuing education on technology in the preschool. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka förskollärares tolkning och uppfattning av att bygga och konsturera i teknik tillsammans med barngruppen. Förskolans läroplan skriver att verksamheten ska sträva efter varje barn ska '' utveckla sin förmåga att bygga och konstruera med hjälp av olika tekniker, material och redskap '' (Skolverket, 2016 s.10). För att nå detta syftet har följade frågeställningar varit utgångspunkten: Hur tolkar pedagogerna läroplansmålet rörande, bygg och konsturera? Och hur kan målet konkritiseras i verksamheten enligt pedagogerna? För att besvara frågeställningen har intervjuer skett på två olika förskolor med sex olika legitimerade förskollärare. Resultatet av dessa intervjuer visar hur förskollärarna refelkterar över vad bygg och konstruktion var i deras verksamhet och vad enskilda förskollärare upplever är bygg och konstruktion, hur förskollärarna ser på sin roll vid involveringen under aktiviteter vid bygg och konstruktion samt förhållningsättet till läroplanens mål. Resultatet tar även upp förskollärarnas tankar kring fortutbildning gällande teknik i verksamheten.

Projekt na podporu čtenářství u dětí na počátku školní docházky / Project to support reading among children at the beginning of their school attendence

Rodová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
TITLE: Project to support reading among children at the beginning of their school attendence AUTHOR: Bc. Jana Rodová DEPARTMENT Department of Czech literature SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Štěpánka Klumparová, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: This dimploma thesis deals with reading development options of children in a kindergarten. The main task is to work out a reading project for the pre-school children an to follow its impact on reading behaviour and relation to books. Thesis comes up with the teoretical way-out to reading and its development. It rates present form of books, pre-school children reading literacy characteristics and summarizes methods for support reading and reading projects among kindergartens in the Czech republic. Qualitative and quantitative research methods are used in the practical part of the thesis. This part contains questionnaire, interviews and the project which was the main part of the practical thesis. The project includes reading lessons, participation in the national reading- support projects and other methods of supporting active reading. The project outcomes are based on a long-term subject observation, summarized and evaluated in a conclusion of the research part. KEYWORDS: Pre-school children - reading development - project - pre-school reading literacy

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