Spelling suggestions: "subject:"presumption"" "subject:"resumption""
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Théorie bidimensionnelle de l'argumentation: définition, présomption et argument a fortiori.Goltzberg, Stefan 20 June 2011 (has links)
La thèse propose une nouvelle théorie de l’argumentation – bidimensionnelle – reposant sur deux paramètres : la force et l’orientation. Quatre types de marqueurs sont identifiés, articulés autour de ces deux paramètres.
Le chapitre 1 porte sur le réductionnisme topique : la théorie selon laquelle tous les arguments sont défaisables, c’est-à-dire réfutables.
Le chapitre 2 retrace l’histoire du réductionnisme logique : la théorie selon laquelle tous les arguments valides sont indéfaisables. L’argument étudié est la définition.
Le chapitre 3 présente la théorie bidimensionnelle, qui explique à la fois les arguments défaisables et indéfaisables.
Les chapitre 3 et 4 sont une application de la théorie bidimensionnelle de l’argumentation.
Le chapitre 4 étudie l’argument appelé présomption.
Le chapitre 5 offre un traitement nouveau de l’argument a fortiori.
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新聞訪談之「語用技巧」分析:以前提概念為例 / On Pragmatic Strategies in News Interviews葉方珣, Yeh,Fanghsun Unknown Date (has links)
歸納個案文本的言說分析與個案記者訪談後,本研究發現,記者前提所產生的命題確實影響並誘導受訪者回應,並以記者的前設知識來探討前提技巧如何獲得受訪者更多、更深入的回應。整理上述提問、回應模式,本研究擬出語用前提作為「問好問題」之言談方法及雙方互動的橋樑,盼能提供訪談者一套語言策略。 / The goal of this research aims to explore how pragmatic presuppositions in news interviews influence the interaction of interlocutors, conducted by discourse analysis on assertions and presuppositions within each pair of questioning. By identifying the face-threatening questions which ends up leading the interviewee to non-reply responses, the case study concentrates on one public-figure interview in attempts to unveiling the tactics of placing presuppositions, added by the in-depth interview with the journalist of the case to take the speaker’s meaning into account.
The result of this research enabled the author to discover the interaction of presupposition in the form of propositions between the interlocutors that leads the interviewee’s response to challenge the journalist’s presuppostions. The researcher also found evidences indicating the presumption of the journalist produces presuppostion as well as the response, which enables this research to develop a pragmatic strategy of news interview based on the use of presuppositions.
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The penalty fee in the Electricity Certificates Act : in relation to article 6 in the European Convention on Human RightsRosenberg, Jennifer January 2010 (has links)
The government of Sweden encourage the development of electricity produced from renewable sources by maintaining an electricity certificates system in which producers that use renewable sources in their production are given certificates. The system is regulated in the Swedish Electricity Certificates Act (lag (2003:113) om elcertifikat). To prevent fraudulent behaviour a penalty fee is charged upon producers that have recieved certificates due to incorrect or misleading information. The penalty fee can be appealed to a court but under the Electricity Certificates Act it is not allowed to reduce or adjust. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse if the penalty fee in the Electricity Certificates Act meets the requirements of legal certainty in article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (the Convention) including right to a fair trial and to be seen as innocence until proven guilty. The method used is analysing applicable sources in accordance with the Swedish legal hierarchy in which laws have the highest value. The Convention is incorporated into Swedish law and has the same legal value as such. Judgments from the European Court of Human Rights on the Swedish tax surcharge are used for guidance on how to interpret article 6 in the Convention. Two cases from Swedish courts concerning the penalty fee are used to find what problems the penalty fee encounters in a legal process. The rules on the penalty fee does not allow adjustments of it and circumstances in each case cannot be taken into consideration, therefore the penalty fee can be charged even when it would be unreasonable and there is a conflict with legal certainty in article 6 of the Convention. For that matter rules on evidentiary issues also has to be implemented. Courts can refuse to use rules which are in conflict with the Convention, but it is concluded that a change in regulation is needed.
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Le renvoi des jeunes contrevenants aux tribunaux pour adultes : la loi et les pratiquesRoy, Mélanie 12 1900 (has links)
La mesure d'exception de renvoi des adolescents vers les tribunaux pour adultes qui était prévue par la
Loi sur les jeunes contrevenants, désormais abolie, est le sujet de cette recherche. Depuis quelques
années, des modifications apportées à la mesure de renvoi sont venues faciliter la procédure permettant
d'envoyer un adolescent devant la juridiction criminelle adulte. Les années qui se sont écoulées depuis
les amendements législatifs apportés en 1992 et 1995 à la mesure de renvoi et les nouveaux changements
apportés par la récente Loi sur le système de justice pénale pour les adolescents soulèvent
inévitablement plusieurs questions. La question principale de recherche concerne plus particulièrement
l'étude des perceptions des différents acteurs impliqués (juges, procureurs de la Couronne et avocats de
la défense) dans le processus judiciaire quant aux changements sur leur pratique et ce, dans le contexte
des amendements législatifs. Nous voulons vérifier si les changements apportés permettent toujours aux
différents praticiens de privilégier en matière de renvoi les mesures de traitement, de réhabilitation,
d'aide ou d'éducation. Par l'analyse des résultats d'entrevues que nous avons effectuées avec différents
acteurs judiciaires, nous concluons que les perceptions sont à l'effet qu'il n'y a eu que peu de
modifications aux pratiques. Les différents acteurs perçoivent qu'ils ont pu, malgré les amendements,
privilégier la réhabilitation de l'adolescent et ce, malgré le fait qu'ils aient aussi la perception que les
modifications apportées aient un caractère de plus en plus répressif. / The exceptional measure of youth transfer to ordinary court, which was prescribed by the recently
abolished Young of Jenders Act, is the subject ofthis research. Over the last few years, some
amendments thave modified the measure of transfer which has eased the procedure to transfer a youth to
an ordinary court.The years that have passed since the legislative amendments enacted in 1992 and 1995
to the transfer provisions and the changes brought by the recent Youth Criminal Justice Act raise several
questions. The principal question of this research particularly concerns the manner in which the actors
(judges, Crown prosecutors and defense lawyer) involved in the judicial proceedings perceive the
changes in their practices within the context of the amendments. We want to verify ifthe different actors
are still able to give greater importance to the measures of treatment, rehabilitation, assistance and
education despite the fact that the legislative provisions are more repressive. With the help ofthe results
obtained from the interviews heId with differents actors, we conclude that the perceptions indicate that
there is not much change in the practices. The different actors, despite the amendments, perceive that
they were able to give greater importance to the measures of treatment, rehabilitation, assistance and
education, even though they believe that the amendments are more and more repressive. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en droit (LL.M.)"
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O princípio da presunção de inocência: sua mitigação frente à criminalidadeLuiz Andrey Viana de Oliveira 06 August 2014 (has links)
O objeto de estudo desta dissertação é uma análise quanto à mitigação do princípio da presunção de inocência, quando confrontado com as espécies de criminalidade. Na pesquisa
empírica realizada, foram levantados os dados, inicialmente os inquéritos policiais do ano de 2009, na cidade do Recife, relacionada às investigações de crimes contra a administração
pública, efetuados pela Delegacia Especializada de Repressão aos Crimes contra a Administração Pública, e as investigações de crimes de roubo realizados pela Delegacia Especializada de Repressão ao Roubo, analisando posteriormente a transformação destes inquéritos em processos, sendo levantados estes no Tribunal de Justiça de Pernambuco -
TJPE em seu site na internet, fazendo uma análise da relação do princípio da presunção de inocência com as medidas cautelares deferidas, o lapso temporal em relação à sentença de primeiro grau, os recursos interpostos, o lapso temporal em relação ao trânsito em julgado, bem como a análise da divulgação pela mídia dos fatos e pessoas investigados, sendo estes dados levantados através de pesquisa na internet pelo Google, tendo como filtro inicial os nomes das pessoas indiciadas. A metodologia utilizada foi a revisão de literatura, além do método estatístico/boleana. A análise qualitativa da pesquisa viabilizou a demonstração da mitigação do citado princípio de forma diferenciada a depender da criminalidade colocada à frente, se grave violenta ou grave não violenta Na revisão de literatura, estuda-se aspectos da verdade e justiça, a construção e desenvolvimento do princípio da presunção de inocência, bem como a utilidade das decisões. Analisa ainda as formas de controle e a atuação dos
meios de comunicação, a colisão de direitos fundamentais em relação ao princípio da presunção de inocência, bem como sua ligação com a seletividade em relação à criminalidade e sua relativização face à criminalidade grave violenta e não violenta. / The aim of this study dissertation is analyzing on mitigation of the presumption of innocence principle when confronted with types of criminality. In the empirical research, data were initially collected from police inquiry in the year 2009 from Recife city, related to crimes investigations against public administration obtained from Specialized Police Department for Repression Crime against Public administration and the theft crimes investigations recorded by the Specialized Police Department of Theft Repression, analyzing later the evolution of this inquiry during lawsuit, collected from Pernambuco Justice Tribunal (TJPE) site, studying the relation between presumption of innocence principles and protective measures differed, the temporal limits related with the verdict of first degree, the appeals, temporal limits related with the process in judgment, the media divulgation by the facts and
investigated persons were informations obtained from google research, doing a initial screening of indicted persons. The literature review and the statistical Boolean/method were
applied in the methodology. The research qualitative analysis allowed to demonstrating the mitigation of this principle in a different way, according to the violent grave criminality or not violent grave criminality. The truth and justice aspects, the construction and development of the presumption of innocence principle, as well as the decisions utility were studied in the literature review founded in legal dogmas. The media communication way of control and act, the collision of fundamental rights and the presumption of innocence principle relation, besides the connection of the selectivity criminality and its connection with violent grave criminality and not violent grave criminality are also analyzed.
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Contribution à l'étude des abus de la liberté d'expression dans le domaine judiciaire : étude de politique criminelle : l'exemple de la France et du Costa Rica / Contribution to the study of abuse of freedom of expression in the judiciary : study of criminal policy : the example of France and Costa RicaBrenes Vargas, Rodolfo 15 June 2016 (has links)
La liberté d’expression est aujourd’hui considérée comme l’un des éléments essentiels d’une société démocratique. Sous l’impulsion de la jurisprudence européenne et interaméricaine des droits de l’homme, elle a acquis une dimension nouvelle et bénéficie d’une large protection. Cependant, et malgré son importance, cette liberté n’est pas absolue, elle doit être conciliée avec d’autres droits de valeur équivalente et des impératifs juridiques qui méritent aussi d’être protégés.Traditionnellement le moyen de régulation et de sanction des abus de la liberté d’expression a été le droit pénal. Cependant, le renforcement de la liberté a produit, de manière inversement proportionnelle, un phénomène de «retrait progressif» du droit pénal, lequel est considéré de moins en moins comme un mode «strictement nécessaire» etproportionnel de sanction par rapport au but poursuivi. Cette thèse analyse la pertinence du recours au droit pénal dans le domaine judiciaire, où la liberté d’expression se trouve souvent confrontée au droit à la présomption d’innocence, droit à la réputation, et aux impératifs de protection de l’autorité et de l’impartialité du pouvoir judiciaire. La question est abordée à partir d’une approche de politique criminelle, laquelle nous permet de déborder le champ du droit pénal, pour fairedes propositions de régulation et de sanction nouvelles, d’une nature autre que pénale. / Freedom of speech is now considered one of the essential elements of a democratic society. Driven by the European and Inter-American Court of Human Rights, it has acquired a new dimension and has an extensive protection. However, despite its importance, this freedom is not absolute, it must be balanced with other rights of equal value and legal imperatives which also deserve protection. Traditionally the way of regulating and sanctioning abuses of freedom of speech was criminal law. However, the strengthening of the freedom has produced, inversely, a phenomenon of " gradual withdrawal " of criminal law, which is considered less and less as "strictly necessary" and is often viewed as a disproportionate mode of sanction in regards to the goal pursued. This thesis analyzes the relevance of the use of criminal law in the judiciary field, where freedom of expression is often confronted with the right to presumption of innocence, right to reputation, and the need to protect the authority and impartiality of the judiciary. The issue is studied from a criminal policy approach, which allows us to go beyond the field of criminal law to make proposals for new regulation and punishment by other means than criminal.
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Le soupçon en droit / The suspicionFaillet-Sblandano, Margaux 19 June 2015 (has links)
Fréquemment utilisé en droit pénal et procédure pénale mais également présent dans d’autres domaines de la matière juridique, le soupçon en droit n’a pourtant jamais fait l’objet d’une étude juridique transversale. Présent mais non encadré, le soupçon en droit laisse dans son sillage un certain nombre de dérives et d’atteintes à des principes ou droits fondamentaux. Cette constatation parachève l’idée d’une nécessaire conceptualisation juridique de la notion à travers notamment l’élaboration d’une définition. Partant du recensement des différentes manifestations du soupçon en droit la thèse a cherché à dégager les points convergents mais aussi les différences découlant de ces différentes utilisations du soupçon afin de la caractériser. La détermination du soupçon étant ainsi achevée, la question de son traitement s’est posée. D’un point de vue actuel, le constat a été celui d’une certaine subjectivation engendrée par l’utilisation du soupçon que ce soit de la part du législateur ou de celle du juge. Il en découle un certain nombre d’atteintes à des éléments pourtant essentiels tel que le principe de la présomption d’innocence mais également le principe de la légalité des délits et des peines ou plus généralement la nécessité d’une stabilité et d’une sécurité juridique. La volonté affichée par la thèse a alors été de proposer un encadrement juridique futur du soupçon qui permettrait de parer à ce risque de subjectivisme. Pour cela un travail définitionnel de la notion a été opéré. De cette définition, des propositions de réécriture de certains articles du Code de procédure pénale se sont imposées / Frequently used in criminal law and proceedings but also present in all the other Law matters, the suspicion has never been the subject of a legal study as it will here. Although the suspicion is closely linked to the legal matter as a whole, the first observation that can be made is that there is no legal definition of it. Present, but not clearly defined, the suspicion is an open door to all kind of abuses and could infringe fundamental rights and principles. This observation lead to the idea to make headway in the conceptualization of this notion, its delimitation and its definition. Therefore, beginning with the different legal appearances of the Suspicion - in the criminal law and above - the thesis tried to expose all the converging points and the differencies coming from all the uses of the suspicion in order to synthesise and define it clearly. We thus had to deal with the question within the following observations. From today’s point of view, the suspicion stay a subjective term whether it is use by the legislators or the judges. The main purpose of this thesis has been to suggest a futur legal framework for the notion of suspicion which could eliminate, or at least severely reduce the possibility of bias due to the subjectivism. For this to happen, we had to define, first of all, the notion distinctly from the twin notions of doubt, presumption, and then to propose a genuine legal definition of the suspicion. From this definition came some proposals to rewrite certain articles of the Criminal Code
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O princípio da presunção de inocência: sua mitigação frente à criminalidadeOliveira, Luiz Andrey Viana de 06 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:18:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-06 / The aim of this study dissertation is analyzing on mitigation of the presumption of innocence principle when confronted with types of criminality. In the empirical research, data were initially collected from police inquiry in the year 2009 from Recife city, related to crimes investigations against public administration obtained from Specialized Police Department for Repression Crime against Public administration and the theft crimes investigations recorded by the Specialized Police Department of Theft Repression, analyzing later the evolution of this inquiry during lawsuit, collected from Pernambuco Justice Tribunal (TJPE) site, studying the relation between presumption of innocence principles and protective measures differed, the temporal limits related with the verdict of first degree, the appeals, temporal limits related with the process in judgment, the media divulgation by the facts and
investigated persons were informations obtained from google research, doing a initial screening of indicted persons. The literature review and the statistical Boolean/method were
applied in the methodology. The research qualitative analysis allowed to demonstrating the mitigation of this principle in a different way, according to the violent grave criminality or not violent grave criminality. The truth and justice aspects, the construction and development of the presumption of innocence principle, as well as the decisions utility were studied in the literature review founded in legal dogmas. The media communication way of control and act, the collision of fundamental rights and the presumption of innocence principle relation, besides the connection of the selectivity criminality and its connection with violent grave criminality and not violent grave criminality are also analyzed. / O objeto de estudo desta dissertação é uma análise quanto à mitigação do princípio da presunção de inocência, quando confrontado com as espécies de criminalidade. Na pesquisa
empírica realizada, foram levantados os dados, inicialmente os inquéritos policiais do ano de 2009, na cidade do Recife, relacionada às investigações de crimes contra a administração
pública, efetuados pela Delegacia Especializada de Repressão aos Crimes contra a Administração Pública, e as investigações de crimes de roubo realizados pela Delegacia Especializada de Repressão ao Roubo, analisando posteriormente a transformação destes inquéritos em processos, sendo levantados estes no Tribunal de Justiça de Pernambuco -
TJPE em seu site na internet, fazendo uma análise da relação do princípio da presunção de inocência com as medidas cautelares deferidas, o lapso temporal em relação à sentença de primeiro grau, os recursos interpostos, o lapso temporal em relação ao trânsito em julgado, bem como a análise da divulgação pela mídia dos fatos e pessoas investigados, sendo estes dados levantados através de pesquisa na internet pelo Google, tendo como filtro inicial os nomes das pessoas indiciadas. A metodologia utilizada foi a revisão de literatura, além do método estatístico/boleana. A análise qualitativa da pesquisa viabilizou a demonstração da mitigação do citado princípio de forma diferenciada a depender da criminalidade colocada à frente, se grave violenta ou grave não violenta Na revisão de literatura, estuda-se aspectos da verdade e justiça, a construção e desenvolvimento do princípio da presunção de inocência, bem como a utilidade das decisões. Analisa ainda as formas de controle e a atuação dos
meios de comunicação, a colisão de direitos fundamentais em relação ao princípio da presunção de inocência, bem como sua ligação com a seletividade em relação à criminalidade e sua relativização face à criminalidade grave violenta e não violenta.
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The new compensation provisions of the Expropriation Act / De nya ersättningsbestämmelserna i ExpropriationslagenSamaan, Julia January 2016 (has links)
In 2010 the compensation provisions of the Expropriation act changed and the proposals made in the bill (prop. 1971: 122) and which this essay takes focus on was to introduce a standard increment of 25% and to abolish the rule of presumption that limited the right for compensation for so-called expectation values. The essay examines the investigation behind the changes of the compensation provisions of the Expropriation act and outlines the propositions’ and respondents' cited pros and cons of the adjustments. The aim of the study is to explain what motivated the adjustments of the Expropriation act and to investigate whether there were alternative proposals for the changes introduced. The main motive behind the standard increment was that the private ownership would be strengthened and that the compensation would be determined closer to the market value and thus become more fair and equitable. In addition to this the intention with the changes were to adapt the compensation to the contemporary conditions. Alternative solutions to the standard increment that was proposed in the investigation was that the standard increment is limited only to be added to the value of current land use and not expectation values. Most of the respondents were in general optimistic to adjusting the rules for compensation with the motives that private ownership should be strengthened and that the regulation should be adapted to modern conditions. Many respondents anticipated that the changes of the compensation provisions would lead to a more reasonable and fair balance between individual and public interests. / År 2010 ändrades ersättningsbestämmelserna i expropriationslagen och de förslag som lämnades i propositionen (prop. 1971:122) och som uppsatsen fokuserar på var bland annat att införa ett schablonpåslag på 25 % samt att upphäva presumtionsregeln som begränsade ersättningsrätten för så kallade förväntningsvärden. Uppsatsen redogör för hur utredningen gått till vid införandet av de nya ersättningsbestämmelserna i ExL, propositionens anföranden samt remissinstansernas framförda för- och nackdelar med ändringsförslagen. Målet med undersökningen är att redogöra för motiven bakom ändringarna i expropriationslagen samt att undersöka om det fanns alternativa förslag till införda ändringar. Det huvudsakliga motivet bakom det schabloniserade påslaget var att den enskilda äganderätten skulle stärkas samt att ersättningen fortsättningsvis skulle bestämmas närmare marknadsvärdet och därmed bli mer rättvis och skälig. Utöver detta syftade ändringarna till att anpassa ersättningsregleringen till nutida förhållanden. Alternativa lösningar till schablonpåslaget har anförts i utredningen och det alternativ som uppmärksammats är en begränsning av ersättning för schablonpåslaget till att enbart läggas till värdet av pågående markanvändning och inte förväntningsvärden. De flesta remissinstanserna var positiva till ändring av ersättningsbestämmelserna vilket motiverades med att äganderätten borde stärkas och att regleringen borde anpassas till nutida förhållanden. Många remissinstanser ansåg att reglerna skulle medföra en rimlig och rättvis fördelning mellan enskilda och allmänna intressen.
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Recovering the Proceeds of Corruption: Why Kenya Should Foreground Civil ForfeitureMakhanu, Titus Barasa January 2012 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Today corruption is a major concern for most countries.1 Civil forfeiture of the proceeds of corruption has been embraced as a key strategy by many states in recovering public funds lost through corruption.2 It may be defined as a remedial statutory device designed to recover the
proceeds of a crime as well as its instrumentalities.3 Originally, asset recovery regimes adopted by most states were predominantly criminal
forfeiture. This mode of forfeiture is preceded by a conviction, after which the state takes possession of the proceeds of the crime from a convicted individual.4 Its proceedings are in personam and the standard of proof is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Thus, actual forfeiture
only takes place after the issue of a conviction order. As a consequence, it is always lengthy and often results in delayed realisation of the proceeds of crime. 5 The inherent weaknesses of criminal forfeiture gave birth to the idea of developing a civil forfeiture system.6 This mode is different from the former in that its proceedings are in rem. Hence the standard of proof is proof on a balance of probabilities and a conviction order is not required.7
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