Spelling suggestions: "subject:"derivate life"" "subject:"5private life""
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Ar valstybė, be teisinių apribojimų rinkdama visų jos jurisdikcijoje esančių fizinių asmenų duomenis su tikslu užkirsti kelią teroristiniams išpuoliams, nepažeistų asmenų teisės į privatų gyvenimą? / Would the State not Infringe the Persons' Right to Private Life if, in Order to Prevent Terrorist Attacks, it Collected Data on All the Natural Persons within its Jurisdiction without any Legal Restrictions?Gusevičius, Kęstutis 14 June 2014 (has links)
Kova su terorizmu yra svarbus viešas interesas. Fizinių asmenų duomenys, patenkantys į privataus gyvenimo sferą, galėtų padėti valstybei minėtoje kovoje. Taigi kyla klausimas, ar valstybė, be teisinių apribojimų rinkdama visų jos jurisdikcijoje esančių fizinių asmenų duomenis su tikslu užkirsti kelią teroristiniams išpuoliams, nepažeistų asmenų teisės į privatų gyvenimą. Šis klausimas toliau bus nagrinėjamas universaliuoju tarptautiniu, regioniniu Europos Tarybos, Europos Sąjungos ir nacionaliniu Lietuvos lygmeniu.
Terorizmo sąvokos reikėtų ieškoti 17 universalių „sektorinių“ tarptautinių sutarčių. Dabartinė terorizmo sąvoka universaliojoje tarptautinėje teisėje yra labai fragmentiška, t. y. atskiros sutartys terorizmą tiesiogiai ar netiesiogiai apibrėžia tik atitinkamos tarptautinės sutarties taikymo sričiai. Pažymėtina, kad kai kurių požymių įtraukimas į terorizmo sąvoką kelia grėsmę tarptautinės teisės ginamoms žmogaus teisėms ir gali neprotingai varžyti kovotojų už laisvę galimybes gintis nuo neteisėtų užsienio okupantų ar siekti pasinaudoti tautų apsisprendimo teise. Europos Taryba terorizmą apibrėžia darydama nuorodas į universaliąsias „sektorines“ tarptautines sutartis, tačiau kartu tiesiogiai apibrėžia kai kuriuos terorizmo nusikaltimo aspektus. O ES teisė pateikia bendrą terorizmo nusikaltimo apibrėžimą. Lietuva yra prisiėmusi įsipareigojimų pagal kai kurias universaliąsias ir ET lygiu priimtas tarptautines sutartis, jai taikoma ES teisė, be to, teroristinių ir su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Fight against terrorism is an important public interest. Data on natural persons that belongs to the area of their private life could help the state in the aforementioned fight. Therefore, the state may be interested in collecting the data on all the natural persons within its jurisdiction in order to prevent terrorist attacks. This raises the question if the state could collect that information without any legal restrictions. In this work, the relevant provisions of universal international law, the law of the Council of Europe, the European Union and Lithuania will be examined and the answer to the question will be provided.
In the universal international law, 17 “sectorial” treaties describe certain types of behaviour that can be called terrorism. Therefore, the present concept of terrorism is very fragmented, i. e. different treaties directly or indirectly provide the definition of terrorism applied just for that certain treaty. It is important to mention that the inclusion of certain features in the concept of terrorism endangers the human rights protected by the international law and may unreasonably restrict the possibilities of freedom fighters to defend themselves from illegal foreign occupation or to seek to realise the right to self-determination. For example, the inclusion of substantial harm to the environment in the definition of terrorism as an alternative feature of this crime may unreasonably restrict the possibilities of freedom fighters, as they may... [to full text]
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Employeur, salarié et vie privée / Employer, employee and private lifeDirrenberger, Géraldine 21 December 2012 (has links)
La frontière entre vie privée et vie professionnelle tend vers la confusion. La notion de vie privée est variable par l'importance que chaque individu lui accorde, elle suit également l'évolution de la société. Au sein de la relation de travail, caractérisée par le lien de subordination, quelle place doit-on lui assigner ? S'il est admis qu'il existe bel et bien une sphère privée résiduelle dans l'entreprise, comment la conjuguer efficacement avec les impératifs de productivité du monde du travail ? Malgré une forte protection de la vie privée du travailleur, l'empiètement de la sphère professionnelle sur la sphère privée est un risque supplémentaire de voir la notion se vider de sa substance. Notre étude s'attache à mettre en exergue les mutations intervenues dans l'entreprise notamment par l'usage des nouvelles technologies et les difficultés qu'elles occasionnent au regard de l'impératif de respect des libertés individuelles du salarié. Dans ce contexte, nous envisagerons des solutions pour faire coexister les deux sphères au regard de l'exigence de proportionnalité qui doit présider à la relation de travail. / The border between private and professional life can be confusing. The notion of private life differs from the importance each individual allows it, it follows as well the evolution of the society. Inside the working relationship, distinguished among the subordination connection, which priority should we assign it ? If there is agreement that in the working place a remaining private sphere truly exists, how can we efficiently unite it with the productivity requirements of the working environment ? Despite a strong protection of the employee's private life, the professional sphere stepping into the private one is an additional risk to see this idea to lose its meaning. The goal of our study is to point out the changes that occurred at work especially with the use of new technologies and the difficulties experienced due to the requirements to respect the employee's personal freedom. In this context we are considering some solutions to have those two spheres working together despite the balance requirement that must oversee the working relationship.
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Limites ao poder de fiscalização nas relações de trabalho / Limits to the supervisory power in labor relationsVinagre, Bianca Dias Ferreira 08 April 2015 (has links)
A maioria das demandas envolvendo pedidos de danos morais no judiciário trabalhista brasileiro é originada a partir de abusos patronais cometidos no exercício do poder diretivo, em especial de sua dimensão fiscalizatória. Embora inexista, no Brasil, disciplina normativa específica quanto aos limites à maior parte das manifestações do poder de fiscalização, seu exercício é restringido pela dignidade da pessoa humana, que deve ser compreendida de acordo com a noção de trabalho decente propugnada pela OIT. A dignidade humana constitui cláusula geral de proteção aos direitos da personalidade, dentre eles, os direitos à intimidade e à vida privada, os mais ofendidos por meio da fiscalização patronal abusiva nas fases précontratual, contratual e pós-contratual. Práticas como a revista pessoal nos trabalhadores e em seus pertences, a limitação à utilização de banheiros, a instalação de câmeras e microfones no local de trabalho e o monitoramento dos computadores utilizados na empresa revelam, por vezes, violações a esses direitos. A revista não encontra fundamento no poder de fiscalização e no direito de propriedade do empregador, salvo quando tiver por objetivo a garantia da saúde ou segurança no ambiente laboral. A instalação de equipamentos audiovisuais, quando visar a proteção patrimonial do empregador ou for essencial ao procedimento de gestão, somente pode se dar nos espaços em que o trabalho for efetivamente desenvolvido e por tempo determinado, fundada em situação específica, sendo imprescindível a ciência dos monitorados quanto à instalação e à localização dos equipamentos. A escuta telefônica e o monitoramento de computadores e e-mails somente será possível quando o empregador determinar a utilização dos meios exclusivamente para os fins da prestação laboral, com ciência inequívoca dos trabalhadores, além de disponibilizar ou autorizar a utilização de meios alternativos para a comunicação pessoal. Não devem ser admitidas quaisquer limitações à utilização de banheiros, bem como o estabelecimento de escala de gravidez no âmbito empresarial. Sendo o tomador de serviços legitimado a exercer o poder fiscalizatório sobre a atividade produtiva empreendida no estabelecimento e havendo a indiscutível imperatividade da proteção aos direitos da personalidade obreiros, é necessária a fixação normativa de limites ao poder patronal, em prol do estabelecimento da segurança jurídica. O direito de resistência é contraface do poder diretivo, no sentido de que o uso irregular deste faz nascer aquele e, consequentemente, os limites do poder diretivo condicionam os do ius resistentiae. Os trabalhadores devem exercê-lo com fulcro nos direitos à vida privada, à intimidade, à honra e à dignidade humana. A doutrina deve valer-se da técnica da ponderação para estabelecer os limites ao poder fiscalizatório patronal, com fulcro no princípio da proporcionalidade. A divergência jurisprudencial deve ser minimizada pela atividade criativa dos juízes quanto aos limites ao poder fiscalizatório, consoante o princípio da proporcionalidade, e por meio da utilização de mecanismos específicos voltados à redução da insegurança jurídica no Judiciário Trabalhista, tais como recursos de revista, embargos de divergência, incidentes de uniformização de jurisprudência, súmulas, precedentes normativos e orientações jurisprudenciais. Nada impede, ainda, que limites ao poder fiscalizatório patronal sejam estabelecidos por meio de negociação coletiva. / Most lawsuits involving claims for moral damages in Brazilian labor courts are originated from abuses committed in employer\'s power of direction, especially on its supervisory dimension. Although there is no specific normative discipline, in Brazil, about the limits of most of the supervisory power demonstrations, its exercise is restricted by humans dignity, which must be understood according to the concept of decent work proposed by the ILO. Humans dignity is a general protection principle to the personality rights, including the rights to intimacy and private life, the most offended by abusive employers supervision in precontractual, contractual and post-contractual phases. Practices such as inspecting workers and their belongings, limiting the use of toilets, installing cameras and microphones in the workplace and monitoring the computers used at the company reveal sometimes violations of these rights. The inspection has no basis in the supervisory power nor in the employers right to property, except when it is intended to guarantee the health or safety in the work environment. The installation of audiovisual equipment to protect employers heritage or when its essential to the management procedure can only occur in areas where the work is effectively developed and for a specified time, based on the specific situation. The monitored workers knowledge about the installation and location of equipment is essential. Wiretapping and monitoring computers and emails will be possible only when the employer determine the use of the means exclusively for the labor purposes with workers\' unequivocal knowledge, and provide or authorize the use of alternative means for personal communication. Any limitations on the use of bathrooms as well as the establishment of \"pregnancy scale\" should not be allowed in the workplace. Once the employer is legitimated to exercise the supervisory power on the productive activity undertaken on his property and since there is the indisputable imperative protection of the workers personality rights, rules prescribing limits to the employers power are needed for the establishment of legal certainty. The right to resistance is the counterface of the power of direction, insofar as the irregular use of this power raises the right to resistance and, consequently, the limits of the power of direction condition the limits of the ius resistentiae. Workers must exercise it based on the rights to privacy, intimacy, honor and humans dignity. Doctrine should use the weighting technique to establish the limits to employers supervisory power, based on the principle of proportionality. The jurisprudential divergence should be minimized by the creative activity of the judges based on the principle of proportionality, and through the use of specific mechanisms developed to reduce legal uncertainty in Labour Courts, including recursos de revista, embargos de divergência, jurisprudence uniformity incidents, súmulas, regulatory precedents and jurisprudential guidelines. Limits to the employers supervisory power can also be established through collective bargaining.
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Le cadre privatif : des données aux contextes : approche interdimensionnelle des enjeux de médiation de la vie privée / Privatory frame : from data to contexts : interdimensional approach of private life mediationPierre, Julien 19 April 2013 (has links)
Nous construisons une analyse des dispositifs identitaires contemporains (dont les réseaux socionumériques) sur plusieurs niveaux : au niveau informatique (modèle conceptuel clôturant représentations sociales et sociabilités) ; au niveau microsocial (négociation des singularités subjectives et ancrage des normes sociales) ; au niveau économique (stratégies hégémoniques et partenariat avec les industries culturelles) ; au niveau sociopolitique (expérimentation de postures individuelles sur la base d'expériences affectives et dans un cercle privé rendant possible l'engagement dans les processus délibératifs constituant le sens commun). Pour appréhender ces enjeux, nous avons mis en œuvre une méthodologie immersive et multi-située en compagnie d'une population composée de figures du sujet contemporain : des apprentis en BTS dans le secteur du Tertiaire, soumis à un complexe de contraintes, et engagés au niveau personnel et socioprofessionnel dans divers dispositifs identitaires. Il ressort de ces analyses plusieurs propositions théoriques, dont celle du cadre privatif présenté comme ensemble de contraintes identitaires définies ou négociées par les interactants et resitué au niveau informatique (ingénierie de la vie privée médiatisée), microsocial (veille mutuelle), économique (modèle socioéconomique du salon), sociopolitique (espace anecdotique), et méthodologique (immersion auprès des usagers). / We build an analysis of contemporary identity devices (including social network sites) on several levels: computer (conceptual model ending social representations and sociability), microsocial (negotiating subjective singularities and anchoring social norms), economics (hegemonic strategies and partnerships with cultural industries), socio-political (experimenting individual postures based on emotional experiences in a « private club model » and making it possible to engage in deliberative processes constituting common sense). To understand these issues, we have implemented an immersive and multi-situated methodology located in a population composed of contemporary subject's figures: young apprentices in the Tertiary, subject to complex constraints, and committed personal level, social and professional identity in various devices. It is clear from these analyzes several theoretical proposals, including the « privatory framework » presented as a set of identity constraints defined or negotiated by interactants and situating in Computer Science (engineering publicized privacy), the micro (mutual insight), economic (socioeconomic model of the « private club »), socio-political (anecdotical sphere) and methodological (immersion to users).
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A vida privada na mira do sistema: a Internet e a obsolescência da privacidade no capitalismo conexionista / Private life on target: the Internet and the obsolescence of privacy in the network capitalismMariana Zanata Thibes 04 September 2014 (has links)
Tornou-se comum, no presente, a percepção de que a privacidade está sob ameaça. As novas tecnologias da informação, por seu potencial inédito de coleta e disseminação de dados pessoais, parecem ter se tornado um grande obstáculo à manutenção do resguardo da vida privada, cuja violação não se faz sem prejuízos ao indivíduo e sem perturbações para a vida social. Entretanto, nota-se também que a exibição voluntária da vida privada não presenciou nenhum tipo de recuo diante dessas ameaças, ao contrário, apenas expandiu-se nos canais que a Internet oferece para ela se realizar. Para entender devidamente a natureza dessa contradição, procuramos mostrar como, em cada fase, ou espírito do capitalismo, a relação entre vida privada e sistema irá criar uma estrutura própria para a manifestação da privacidade. Ao fazer isso, percebemos que o papel que a vida privada desempenha no atual capitalismo conexionista é fundamental para explicar os condicionantes que levam à exposição de informações pessoais na rede, mesmo a despeito de todas as implicações individuais e sociais que a obsolescência da privacidade possa trazer, e também para compreender de que modo a perda da privacidade pode gerar, além de conflitos e ameaças, renda / It has become usual to say that, currently, privacy is under threat. The unprecedented potential for collection and dissemination of personal data brought by the new information technologies seems to have become a major obstacle to the maintenance of private life protection. Its violation does not occur, however, without consequences for individuals and society. In spite of that we note that the voluntary display of personal life has not suffered any fallback in face of those threats; on the contrary, it seems to be growing on the channels offered by the Internet for that purpose. To properly understand the nature of this conflict, we try to show how, in each stage of capitalism, the relation between private life and the system engenders a particular structure that will give privacy its specific features in each period. By doing so, we realize that the role private life plays in network capitalism is essential to explain the reasons that lead to exposure of private life in spite of all the individual and social implications that the decline of privacy can cause and also to understand how the loss of privacy can generate conflicts and, at the same time, wealth
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A vida privada na mira do sistema: a Internet e a obsolescência da privacidade no capitalismo conexionista / Private life on target: the Internet and the obsolescence of privacy in the network capitalismThibes, Mariana Zanata 04 September 2014 (has links)
Tornou-se comum, no presente, a percepção de que a privacidade está sob ameaça. As novas tecnologias da informação, por seu potencial inédito de coleta e disseminação de dados pessoais, parecem ter se tornado um grande obstáculo à manutenção do resguardo da vida privada, cuja violação não se faz sem prejuízos ao indivíduo e sem perturbações para a vida social. Entretanto, nota-se também que a exibição voluntária da vida privada não presenciou nenhum tipo de recuo diante dessas ameaças, ao contrário, apenas expandiu-se nos canais que a Internet oferece para ela se realizar. Para entender devidamente a natureza dessa contradição, procuramos mostrar como, em cada fase, ou espírito do capitalismo, a relação entre vida privada e sistema irá criar uma estrutura própria para a manifestação da privacidade. Ao fazer isso, percebemos que o papel que a vida privada desempenha no atual capitalismo conexionista é fundamental para explicar os condicionantes que levam à exposição de informações pessoais na rede, mesmo a despeito de todas as implicações individuais e sociais que a obsolescência da privacidade possa trazer, e também para compreender de que modo a perda da privacidade pode gerar, além de conflitos e ameaças, renda / It has become usual to say that, currently, privacy is under threat. The unprecedented potential for collection and dissemination of personal data brought by the new information technologies seems to have become a major obstacle to the maintenance of private life protection. Its violation does not occur, however, without consequences for individuals and society. In spite of that we note that the voluntary display of personal life has not suffered any fallback in face of those threats; on the contrary, it seems to be growing on the channels offered by the Internet for that purpose. To properly understand the nature of this conflict, we try to show how, in each stage of capitalism, the relation between private life and the system engenders a particular structure that will give privacy its specific features in each period. By doing so, we realize that the role private life plays in network capitalism is essential to explain the reasons that lead to exposure of private life in spite of all the individual and social implications that the decline of privacy can cause and also to understand how the loss of privacy can generate conflicts and, at the same time, wealth
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Multipla sociala roller : En stressfaktor för arbetande föräldrar?Holte, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p>I det moderna samhället är det många faktorer som leder till upplevelsen av stress. Dessa faktorer kan bland annat bero på samhällets snabba förändringar, de höga kraven, och att vi ska finnas till hands större delen av dygnet. Kombinerar man dessa faktorer med individens olika sociala roller är risken hög att individen upplever kraven som stressande. Förutom arbetets krav existerar även krav efter arbetet när man måste ägna sig åt familjen. Min studie fokuserar på att ta reda på vilka faktorer som kan ge upphov till stress hos arbetande föräldrar. För att komma närmare det studerade ämnet valde jag att göra en fallstudie på min egen arbetsplats och låta fyra medarbetare som har barn att komma till tals om sin vardag i intervjuer. Uppsatsen fokusserar på att ta reda på hur sociala roller påverkar föräldrars vardag. </p><p>I uppsatsen har teorier från Robert Karaseks och Töres Theorells krav-kontroll-stöd modell tillämpats. Denna modell beskriver kombinationen mellan individens höga krav och låga egenkontroll. Studien är sedan styrkt med teoretiska utgångspunkter från Anthony Giddens modernitetsperspektiv och Mikael Nordenmarks teorier om rollkonflikter. Resultatet blev att intervjupersonerna upplever en viss grad av stress i relationen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. Bristen på egenkontroll, beslutsutrymme och socialt stöd bidrar till uppkomsten av stress. Resultaten av intervjuerna visade att det främst var bristen på struktur och kontroll över vardagen som skapade stress hos individen. Samtliga respondenter ansåg också att stress är ett naturligt inslag i dagens moderna samhälle.</p> / <p>There are many contributing factors to the experience of stress in modern society. These factors may among others be caused by the fast changes of society, the high demands, a person’s low rate of self-control and the that we are supposed to be available almost all the time. These factors combined with the different social roles of the individual increases the risk for the individual to experience stress. Except from the demands at work there are also demands after the working day when you have to spend time at home with the family. Focus in this thesis is to find out what may cause stress among full-time working parents. To get closer to the problem, I decided to carry out a case study and interviews with four persons at the work in which I am employed. The research wants to find out what causes stress by focusing on the conflict between the social roles that parents play in their every day life.</p><p>The thesis is assumed from the demand-control-social support model of Robert Karasek and Töres Theorell. This model describes the combination between the high rate of self-demands and low rate of self-control. Further the thesis is supported by theoretical views of Anthony Giddens perspective of modernity and the theories about multiple social roles of Mikael Nordenmark. The results of the interviews showed that it was mainly the lack of self-control and lack of structure in every day life that caused stress. All the interviews also claimed that stress is a part of modern society.</p>
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Multipla sociala roller : En stressfaktor för arbetande föräldrar?Holte, Anna January 2010 (has links)
I det moderna samhället är det många faktorer som leder till upplevelsen av stress. Dessa faktorer kan bland annat bero på samhällets snabba förändringar, de höga kraven, och att vi ska finnas till hands större delen av dygnet. Kombinerar man dessa faktorer med individens olika sociala roller är risken hög att individen upplever kraven som stressande. Förutom arbetets krav existerar även krav efter arbetet när man måste ägna sig åt familjen. Min studie fokuserar på att ta reda på vilka faktorer som kan ge upphov till stress hos arbetande föräldrar. För att komma närmare det studerade ämnet valde jag att göra en fallstudie på min egen arbetsplats och låta fyra medarbetare som har barn att komma till tals om sin vardag i intervjuer. Uppsatsen fokusserar på att ta reda på hur sociala roller påverkar föräldrars vardag. I uppsatsen har teorier från Robert Karaseks och Töres Theorells krav-kontroll-stöd modell tillämpats. Denna modell beskriver kombinationen mellan individens höga krav och låga egenkontroll. Studien är sedan styrkt med teoretiska utgångspunkter från Anthony Giddens modernitetsperspektiv och Mikael Nordenmarks teorier om rollkonflikter. Resultatet blev att intervjupersonerna upplever en viss grad av stress i relationen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. Bristen på egenkontroll, beslutsutrymme och socialt stöd bidrar till uppkomsten av stress. Resultaten av intervjuerna visade att det främst var bristen på struktur och kontroll över vardagen som skapade stress hos individen. Samtliga respondenter ansåg också att stress är ett naturligt inslag i dagens moderna samhälle. / There are many contributing factors to the experience of stress in modern society. These factors may among others be caused by the fast changes of society, the high demands, a person’s low rate of self-control and the that we are supposed to be available almost all the time. These factors combined with the different social roles of the individual increases the risk for the individual to experience stress. Except from the demands at work there are also demands after the working day when you have to spend time at home with the family. Focus in this thesis is to find out what may cause stress among full-time working parents. To get closer to the problem, I decided to carry out a case study and interviews with four persons at the work in which I am employed. The research wants to find out what causes stress by focusing on the conflict between the social roles that parents play in their every day life. The thesis is assumed from the demand-control-social support model of Robert Karasek and Töres Theorell. This model describes the combination between the high rate of self-demands and low rate of self-control. Further the thesis is supported by theoretical views of Anthony Giddens perspective of modernity and the theories about multiple social roles of Mikael Nordenmark. The results of the interviews showed that it was mainly the lack of self-control and lack of structure in every day life that caused stress. All the interviews also claimed that stress is a part of modern society.
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Hanteringen när medarbetares privata problem inverkar negativt på arbetsplatsen : En studie ur ett ledarskapsperspektivEriksson, Maria, Larsson Norlund, Erika January 2015 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur ledare hanterar situationer där medarbetares privata problem inverkar negativt på arbetet för både arbetsgivare och övriga medarbetare. För att få svar på det har vi inspirerats av vinjettstudie som utgår från diskussioner av fiktiva fall. Vi har genomfört studien med fyra enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer och en fokusgruppsintervju där vi först introducerade respondenterna med vinjetterna. Deltagarna till undersökningen valdes ut genom ett subjektivt urval där vi riktade in oss på ledare, angående vilken organisation de tillhörde var av mindre vikt. I teoridelen introducerades teorierna ledarskap, medarbetarskap, individen i gruppen, ekonomi, hälsa, lagar, organisationskultur och föreskrifter samt försäkringskassans roll. Resultatet analyserades sedan mot teorierna och vi kan konstatera att respondenterna generellt menade att det var viktigt att prioritera kommunikation och relationer. Betydelsefullt var att relationerna etablerades innan problemen uppstår eftersom det anses vara svårt att skapa relationer i konfliktfyllda lägen. Tiden har betydelse vid hantering av problem av den orsaken att gränsen för vad som är acceptabelt förflyttas med tidens gång. Beroende på problem varierade graden av toleransnivå hos chefer och övriga medarbetare i vår undersökning. Resultatet visade att gränsen för privatlivets påverkan på arbetslivet går när arbetet blir misskött och när kunder och andra medarbetare påverkas. Utifrån ett genusperspektiv ansåg intervjupersonerna att det saknade betydelse om chefen var en man eller kvinna när det handlade om att hantera problem som uppkom, det ansågs vara personligt. / Essay aims was to examine how leaders handle situations where the employee's personal problems have a negative impact on the work of both the employer and other employees. To get an answer to that, we have been inspired by the vignette study based on discussions of fictional cases. We have, through continued study with four individual semi-structured interviews and a focus groups interview where we first introduced the respondent theme with the vignettes. Participants for the study were selected by a judgmental sample where we focused ourselves on leaders, about which organization they belonged to was of minor importance. In the theoretical part introduces the theories of leadership, teamwork, the individual in the group, finances, health, laws organizational culture and regulations and social insurance role. The results are then analyzed against the theories and we can conclude that the respondent theme generally believe that it is important to prioritize communication and relationships. It is significant that the relations established before problems arise because it is considered difficult to form relationships in conflicted situations. Time is important when handling problems of the cause to the limit of what is acceptable is moved with the passage of time. Depending on the problem varied degree of tolerance level of managers and other employees in our survey. The results showed that the limit for private life's influence on the world of work is when the work will be mismanaged and when customers and other employees are affected. From a gender perspective, respondents felt that the missing matter whether the manager was a man or woman when it came to dealing with the problems that arose, it was considered to be private.
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Žurnalistinio tyrimo ribos asmens teisės į privatų gyvenimą kontekste / The boundaries of journalistic investigation in the context of a person's private lifeČekanauskaitė, Loreta 14 June 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas yra nustatyti, kokiais atvejais ir kokiu būdu žiniasklaida atlikdama žurnalistinį tyrimą peržengia jai nustatytas ribas privataus asmens gyvenimo kontekste. Kyla tikslas rasti ribą tarp žodžio laisvės ir kitos konstitucinės žmogaus teisės - teisės į privatų gyvenimą. Todėl šiame darbe svarbu suprasti ne tik žurnalistinio tyrimo ir žiniasklaidos laisvės ribas, bet ir kylančią atsakomybę už šių ribų peržengimą. Pasirinktam tyrimui atlikti naudojami aprašomasis, lyginamasis bei analitinis metodas. Ieškoma nagrinėjamos problemos priežasčių, siekiama atskleisti teisinio reguliavimo trūkumus bei teikiami siūlymai dėl žiniasklaidos priemonių teisinio reguliavimo ir pažeistų asmens teisių į privatų gyvenimą gynimo gerinimo. Magistrinio darbas yra sudarytas iš keturių pagrindinių dalių.
Pirmiausia yra pristatoma visuomenės informavimo teisės kaip naujos besiformuojančios teisės šakos samprata, jos teisės dalykas, sistema ir metodai, aptariami bendrieji teisės principai taikytini visuomenės informavimo priemonėms, analizuojami jos reguliuojami teisiniai santykiai, nacionaliniai ir tarptautiniai šios teisės šaltiniai.
Antroje dalyje pristatoma žurnalisto kaip teisės subjekto samprata, aptariami bendrieji žurnalisto etikos principai, žurnalistiniam tyrimui keliami reikalavimai, teisinio reguliavimo trūkumai ir šiandieninė problematika.
Trečioji dalis yra skirta išaiškinti teisės turėti įsitikinimus ir juos laisvai reikšti sampratą, šios teisės teisinį ribojimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY
The goal of this work „The boundaries of journalistic investigation in the context of a person's private life" is to determine in what situations and by what methods the public media, when performing journalistic research, crosses the boundaries of an individual in the context of private life. It becomes necessary to find the boundary between free speech and other personal rights mandated by the Constitution – rights to a private life. Thus, not only is it important to understand the limits of media’s freedom, but also the increasing liability for crossing those limits. Characterizing, comparative, and analytical methods were used for the chosen research topic. The paper will attempt to find the reasons behind the chosen inquiry, defend the shortcomings of the legal regulations, and it will provide recommendations for tools to regulate the media and protect the right to a private life. This paper is made up of four main parts.
The first section introduces the interpretation of a new developing law of civic broadcasting, its lawful base, organization and methods. It also discusses general law that is relevant to mass media and analyzes regulatory and legal statutes and national and international origins of this law.
The second section of the paper presents journalists as being subject to law and discusses general ethical principles of journalism, the requirements for journalistic investigation, the limitations of regulatory law and present-day problems.
The third... [to full text]
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