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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Karriärövergången från amatör till professionell elitnivå för manliga fotbollsspelare i svenska elitfotbollsklubbar

Carlsson, Casper January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine and analyse the career transitions from amateur to elite level for male soccer players in Swedish elite football clubs and to identify which factors that affects and develops the player linked to this process. Research material has been collected through semi-structured qualitative interviews with professional players in Swedish elite football clubs to answer the research questions of this study. The theoretical framework from which the collected material has been analysed is The holistic athletic career model which provides an opportunity to investigate the phenomen on a multidimensional and holistic way (Wylleman, Reints & De knop, 2013). The results suggests that there are several differences between being an amateur and a professional elite football player in Swedish football clubs. Also, that a career transition from amateur level to professional level for a player is considered being problematic and difficult. The result of this study adds new knowledge to the previous research by identifying significant internal and external factors that are considered crucial for a football players transition to be able to play at a professional elite level within a Swedish elite football club. The most prominent significant factors that are considered to be crucial is a mental strength, the ability to deal with setbacks and a clear target image, as well as support from family, coaches and teammates in the players environment. In this way, this study contributes with a new insight into the subject area which complements the previous research that has previously been studied.

Socialarbetares handlingsutrymme i förhållande till metoden Lean

Rolf, Jaqueline, Laurin, Emil January 2020 (has links)
This qualitative essay’s purpose was to interpret the expirience of professional social workers discretion after the implementation of the standardization method Lean. The focus of the study was on: 1) The expirience of changes in discretion from the perspectives of professional social workers and the perspective from managers after Lean implementation; 2) how does the social workers handle the discretionary limits through strategies. The study is based on six semi-structural interviews. Three with professional social workers and three managers in social work. Through thematization and analyzation it showed that the professional social workers did not interpret any discretionary changes with the implementation of Lean. The managers interpretation was of an increase of discretionary power for the professional social worker. Through earlier research we found tendencies of limitation in the discretionary power in planning for the professional social worker in Lean. We found that policies and guidelines implemented politically were more relevant in limiting the discretionary power of professional social workers. The strategies were related to finding loopholes in guidelines to achieve individualized care. The strategies related to Lean were related to managers implementation of the method. They emphasized on the importance of including the social workers in the process of implementation and the work on improvements.

Konsten att balansera : Waldorflärares uppfattningar om kunskapsbedömningar

Dagaris, Elina January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie rör waldorflärares uppfattningar om kraven på och arbetet med kunskapsbedömningar, samt vilken betydelse dessa har för lärarnas professionella handlingsutrymme, mot bakgrunden av ökade krav på mätbarhet i utbildning. Tio waldorflärare, verksamma på högstadiet, har intervjuats och en tematisk analys (Braun & Clarke, 2006) av deras berättelser har gjorts. Studien har ett professionsteoriskt perspektiv (Evetts, 2014; Freidson, 2001), för att analysera hur lärarnas uppfattningar kan bidra till en förståelse för professionens villkor i en vidare bemärkelse. En utgångspunkt i studien är tanken att mätning inom utbildning måste relateras till värdeomdömen om utbildningens syfte (Biestas, 2011). För att förstå lärarnas uppfattningar om kunskapsbedömningar har dessa därför satts i relation till lärarnas förståelse av sitt professionella uppdrag. Analysen visar att lärarna gav uttryck för två olika paradigm i synen på kunskapsbedömningar; det waldorfpedagogiska och det standardiserande, vilket även kan förstås som uttryck för yrkesmässig respektive organisatorisk professionalism (Evetts, 2014). Från ett yrkesprofessionellt /waldorfpedagogiskt perspektiv var lärarna kritiska mot bedömningskraven, som de menade var upphackande, tidskrävande och detaljstyrande och därmed begränsade deras möjligheter att agera utifrån sitt professionella omdöme. Samtidigt kunde lärarna se fördelar med bedömningskraven, och kunde förespråka dessa då de ansågs öka rättvisan, rättssäkerheten och även till viss del upplevdes professionsutvecklande för lärarna. Lärarna talade mestadels om detta som två separata enheter, vilket här har kallats en ’tudelning’ av lärarnas syn på sitt yrkesuppdrag, samt sig själva som professionella. Därmed kunde lärarna betrakta sig själva som professionella både då de uppfyllde kraven på kunskapsbedömningar och då de kritiserade desamma utifrån sina yrkesmässigt professionella värderingar. Trots utsagor om att kunskapsbedömningarna begränsade det professionella handlingsutrymmet uppfattade lärarna sig ha en hög grad av autonomi och tillit. De hade en pragmatisk inställning till konflikten mellan de två synsätten och strävade efter att uppfylla både inre krav att arbeta waldorfpedagogiskt och yttre krav på kunskapsbedömningar. Centralt för att kunna arbeta enligt sina waldorfpedagogiska, professionella ideal menade lärarna var gedigen erfarenhet av både waldorfpedagogik och styrdokumenten. För att stärka professionen önskade de mer kollegialt samarbete inom dessa två områden.

Identities of Alternative Medicine Practitioners

Estevez, Mychel 07 April 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to collect and analyze information from massage therapists on how they construct their identities. It is meant to be a starting point in giving voice to a group of alternative health practitioners who have been marginalized and misunderstood. It also helps us to understand what it means (to them) to be massage therapists and practitioners of "alternative medicine." This study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with five licensed massage therapists in two metropolitan areas in Florida. Massage therapists work at the micro level to boost the image of themselves and their form of "alternative" medicine. They do this by pulling professionalizing tactics from general business practices and from biomedicine. They also pull from "alternative" belief systems, balancing the two in a bid to construct their practice as legitimate and "alternative" professional health care.

Teaching Professionalism in Nursing: A Quantitative Survey of Beginning Student Nurse Perceptions of Professional Values Interpreted Within a Leadership Context

Corrao, Jocelyn J. 01 January 2016 (has links)
The researcher designed this quantitative dissertation research to explore the perceptions of beginning nursing students toward professionalism in nursing, specific to professional values within the context of curriculum delivery for a leadership and management course in one baccalaureate nursing program. In addition, the researcher reviewed the literature for defining characteristics of professionalism in nursing. Adult students admitted to nursing programs today create multi-generational cohorts with prior learning from experiences and academic degrees in other disciplines. Often, content on professionalism in nursing is integrated in a nursing curriculum. However, students in a leadership and management course were unable to state the meaning of professionalism in nursing shortly before graduation. This study focused on professional values based on the nursing code of ethics as one attribute of the complex concept of professionalism. This exploratory study analyzed responses of students prior to beginning nursing courses to the Nurses Professional Values Scale-Revised (NPVS-R) survey. Findings indicated that beginning student perceptions of professionalism in nursing specific to professional values were generally in alignment with nursing standards. Significant findings suggested a lack of alignment to professional standards under the themes of trust, activism, caring and professionalism through autonomous practice, self-regulation, and participation professional activities positively associated to five variables. Recommendations are made for enhancing curriculum design of leadership and management in nursing content to address these areas.

The professionalization of medical students : a longitudinal analysis of professional identity formation and professionalism perceptions in second and third year medical students

Byram, Jessica Nichole 09 November 2017 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Background: Recent literature on professional identity formation (PIF) conceptualizes the developmental process into stage theories that remove critical context. This study employed a longitudinal approach to PIF that explored the processes through which professional identity is formed in second (MS2) and third (MS3) year medical students and how their perceptions of professionalism transformed and influenced their PIF. Methods: Nine medical students (n=9) from Indiana University School of Medicine completed this study spanning MS2 and MS3. Participants completed three semi-structured interviews and submitted 10 audio diaries at two-month intervals between interviews. Participants also completed the Professionalism Assessment Tool (PAT) at the beginning of MS2 (PAT1) and end of MS3 (PAT2). Interviews and audio diaries were analyzed using the constant comparative approach and a Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to determine significant differences between mean domain scores of PAT1 and PAT2. Results: This study found several processes of PIF within five themes: Exploring Self in Medicine, Connecting to Image of Medicine, Embodying Role, Internalizing Values, and Exploring Specialty Choice. Processes of participating in patient care and selecting a specialty have the most profound impact on PIF and resulted in medical students feeling like members of the medical community. Analyses revealed participants’ perceptions of professionalism became more complex with clinical experiences and their perceptions of their ability to enact those behaviors transformed across the study period. Furthermore, the participants’ perceptions of professionalism set the foundation for the values they desired to demonstrate as part of their professional identities. Conclusions: This study presents a cohesive picture of how PIF occurs across MS2 and MS3 and how professionalism influences this important developmental process. These results indicate PIF is best cultivated within a medical curriculum where students are able to utilize processes to foster its development. Since professionalism serves as an important foundation to professional identity and a comprehensive understanding is needed for medical students to appreciate a physician’s role in society, the curriculum must be structured in a way to promote a complex, reflective understanding of professionalism that is based on values, actions, and who one wants to be as a physician.

Barns lek i förskolan och den professionella pedagogen

Carming, Anna January 2007 (has links)
I detta examensarbete presenterar jag olika pedagogers sätt att se på barnen i deras fria lek. Jag utforskar vad pedagogerna ser i leken och hur de ser på barnens färdigheter och andra kunskaper som barnen förmedlar i den fria leken. Detta för att slutligen kunna analysera varför och vilka skillnader det finns i deras tolkningar. Skiljer sig pedagogernas uppfattningar om barnens lek beroende på om de observerade barnen är kända eller okända för dem sedan tidigare?

Den professionella förskolläraren - En textanalys av den svenska förskolans läroplan och den nya zeeländska förskolans läroplan

Svensson, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys analysera den svenska läroplanens och den nya zeeländska läroplanens innehåll för att synliggöra hur förskolläraryrkets professionalism framträder samt diskutera vilka möjligheter och hinder läroplanerna skapar i relation till förskolläraryrkets professionaliseringsprocess. Dessa länders läroplaner valdes då initiativet till läroplanerna tillkommit på olika sätt samt att innehållet och utformningen av innehållet skiljer sig åt. Den svenska läroplanen har tillkommit på initiativ av staten och den nya zeeländska har tillkommit internt på initiativ av verksamma förskollärare. Först analyserades respektive lands läroplan utifrån hur den professionella förskolläraren konstrueras utifrån studiens fyra kriterier för professionalism som grundar sig i den funktionalistiska professionsteorin. Sedan jämfördes likheter och skillnader utifrån vilka möjligheter och hinder läroplanerna skapar i relation till förskolläraryrkets professionaliseringsprocess. Båda läroplanerna beskriver att den professionella förskolläraren ska med sin förvärvade kompetens dokumentera och analysera för att kunna tillämpa lämpliga metoder utifrån alla barns intresse och behov samt utifrån föräldrars inflytande. Den svenska läroplanens mål är kort beskrivna utan förslag på metoder och den nya zeeländska läroplanens mål är utförligt beskrivna men utan förslag på metoder. Det är professionaliserande att förskollärarna i den svenska läroplanen har förtydligade arbetsuppgifter och ansvar medan det är deprofessionaliserande att förskollärarna inte är utskrivna i den nya zeeländska läroplanen. Båda läroplanerna innehåller omsorg och lärande men de beskrivs på olika sätt och läroplanerna kan ses som dokument som beskriver förskollärarnas yrkesetiska regler.

Vad kännetecknar en "bra" lärare? - i ett elevperspektiv

Jansson, Ann January 2005 (has links)
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"De är värst i klassen" : En kvalitativ studie om otrygga arbetsvillkor på Public service / The working conditions of journalist in Public service : A qualitative interview study

Kindgren Wadstedt, Sabrina, Rasmussen, Mathilda January 2023 (has links)
Public service in Sweden is one of the biggest employers for journalists. But there are numerous articles out there talking about the problematic working conditions that journalists have to deal with on a daily basis. The most frequent reasons that describe the working conditions for journalists are high stress, overworked, no time and short-term employment.  This study aims to examine how poor working conditions affect journalists at Public service, what the consequences for the journalists are, and how it impacts the quality of journalism. Journalistic professionalism can be described as how journalists see themselves. Normative ideas defining journalistic work, ethics and what the mission of a journalist is, what's important and the journalistic ideals are strong among journalists in Sweden. And today this is challenged by managerialism, which focuses on how the organization can evolve and promote organizational efficiency, business ideals and how the organization itself can move forward and reach the goals. This leads the organization further from in this case the values of journalisms. And in the end can affect the duty of Public service and in the long run also affect the most important job a journalist has which is being the fourth estate. A qualitative interview study was adopted for this study. We conducted in depth interviews with six journalists that work or have worked at Public service. By doing this the result of the study shows that poor working conditions like efficiency, affects the journalistic process and the result is negative. And in the end it also affects the democracy which is according to Public service themself the most important task they have. But as mentioned above journalists have a strong professional identity, even though the working conditions are not good, they still stay because of  professionalism.

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