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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Styrning i ett förvaltningspolitiskt skiftande landskap, åt vilket håll är vi på väg? : En studie av regeringens styrning av Polisen 2012-2018

Frölén, Pia January 2019 (has links)
Regeringens styrning av sin förvaltning är en fråga som över tid varit i fokus för den förvaltningspolitiska forskningen. Uppsatsen har för avsikt att närmare undersöka en eventuell variation i regeringens styrning av Polisen under 2012-2018 genom att studera politiska dokument; förordning med instruktion, regleringsbrev och tillkommande regeringsbeslut. 2015 ombildades Polisen där regeringen valde en fortsatt styrning med ny ledningsform, enrådsmyndighet. Med grund i det teoretiska ramverket med fokus på New Public Management och governance undersöks även på vilket sätt styrningen kan sättas i relation till den valda ledningsformen och om det går att iaktta en förflyttning mot en mindre detaljerad styrning under den period regeringen har valt att styra Polismyndigheten genom enrådsmyndighet. Undersökningen präglas av en textanalytisk metod där genomförandet med utgångspunkt i analysverktyget kombineras dels med en kvantitativ utformning dels med en mer fördjupad kvalitativ inriktning. Med grund i empirin och den valda teorin visar undersökningen att regeringens styrning av Polisen under 2012-2018 i större utsträckning speglar en rik variation än kontinuitet över tid och att det därför inte går att iaktta några varaktiga tendenser. Vidare går det inte utläsa några styrningstendenser som specifikt kan återknytas till regeringens val av ledningsform, vare sig för Rikspolisstyrelsen eller för Polismyndigheten. Avslutningsvis genererar undersökningen även slutsatsen att det inte går iaktta en förflyttning mot en mindre detaljerad styrning under den period regeringen har valt att styra Polismyndigheten genom ledningsformen en-rådsmyndighet. I sammanhanget bör särskild uppmärksamhet riktas mot den utmaning som finns att tolka detaljeringsgraden, det vill säga styrningens precision, och den avslutande slutsatsen bör därför iakttas med viss försiktighet.

Svensk Form : En studie om hur föreningen Svensk Form styrs i bakgrund av regeringens uppdrag och föreningens mål

Aydin, Rojin, Refai, Sofia January 2008 (has links)
<p>Swedish design is known all over the world and is seen in national as well as in international arenas. There is only one design organization in Sweden that has the task to represent Swedish design in public. The organization is Swedish Form and it is the oldest design organization in the world. It has a huge influence in our society, within design and form. In the end of 1990 the association received its first government assignment, which still continues. A large part of this assignment involves being a venue to form and design in addition to distributing knowledge about these to the public. How is an association like this, that has a government assignment and has to follow the association prescription with a responsibility to its members, being ruled? Swedish Form is an association with thousands of members that are an important part of the association’s activity. The members and the government are two considerable parts of Swedish Form that in various ways controls and gives directives to the association. How much space is given to Swedish Form by the government to control the activity by itself, and which directives do they have to follow? These are questions that will be clarified in this study, which is about how Swedish Form is ruled by the government’s demand and the association’s aim.</p>

Svensk Form : En studie om hur föreningen Svensk Form styrs i bakgrund av regeringens uppdrag och föreningens mål

Aydin, Rojin, Refai, Sofia January 2008 (has links)
Swedish design is known all over the world and is seen in national as well as in international arenas. There is only one design organization in Sweden that has the task to represent Swedish design in public. The organization is Swedish Form and it is the oldest design organization in the world. It has a huge influence in our society, within design and form. In the end of 1990 the association received its first government assignment, which still continues. A large part of this assignment involves being a venue to form and design in addition to distributing knowledge about these to the public. How is an association like this, that has a government assignment and has to follow the association prescription with a responsibility to its members, being ruled? Swedish Form is an association with thousands of members that are an important part of the association’s activity. The members and the government are two considerable parts of Swedish Form that in various ways controls and gives directives to the association. How much space is given to Swedish Form by the government to control the activity by itself, and which directives do they have to follow? These are questions that will be clarified in this study, which is about how Swedish Form is ruled by the government’s demand and the association’s aim.

Att förvalta framtiden : En analys av Riksantikvarieämbetets styrdokument / To manage the future : An analysis of the Swedish National Heritage Board’s governing documents

Fröyen, Alida January 2024 (has links)
The Swedish National Heritage Board is Sweden’s central administrative agency for cultural heritage. As a national cultural heritage authority, the Swedish National Heritage Board is thus the body that puts the government's cultural heritage policy aspirations into practice, which is why it is relevant to examine the political and ideological currents that influence the authority's activities and by extension the entire cultural heritage administration. Through a mixed method study of governing documents, and an interview with a former Swedish National Heritage Board employee, this essay aims to increase knowledge of and understand the underlying processes and ideological driving forces that form the basis of how the Swedish National Heritage Board operations and tasks practiced during the last thirty years. The result gives an insight into a future oriented politicized authority whose main task seems to be to manage modern cultural heritage, motivated by political interests linked to equality, integration, and economic growth.

På uppdrag av regeringen : En studie av regeringens styrning genom myndigheternas uppdrag

Joel, Viegård January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar beskriva förändringen i formell styrning av förvaltningsmyndigheterna under tidsperioden 2006 till och med 2012. Av intresse för studien har varit styrutredningens (SOU 2007:75) kritik mot regeringens styrning av förvaltningen samt regeringens budgetproposition och förvaltningspolitiska proposition för år 2009. Studiens avsikt är således att beskriva förändringen över tid sedan styrutredningen presenterades. Centralt i studien är de av regeringen utfärdade uppdragen i regleringsbreven. I analysen presenteras ett antal mätbara variabler: antal uppdrag, storlek på uppdragen och antal återrapporteringskrav. I de fall som uppdragsdelen har förändrats eller stått oförändrad, utforskar studien dess innebörd för den sammantagna styrningen av förvaltningen.

Länsstyrelsens roll i den regionala makten : Viktig myndighet eller utdöende dinosaurie? / The Swedish County Administrative Boards role and power in the Regional Federation : A powerful authority or a dying dinosaur?

Stävmo, Lena January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this candidate essay is to analyze the Swedish County Administrative Boards assignment documents and point out the differences that has occurred during the years 2003-2017. It will also analyze how the role and power has changed after the decentralization when the Regional Federation took responsibility for the regional development. Will the County Adminitrative Board still be a powerful part in the region or is the game over?   The metod used is called ”the constant comparative method” where there is an analyzing process going on all the time during the investigation until the final reduction is ready.     Interesting findings:   The County Administrative board has lost several important assignments.   Its main role is not to make decisions but to coordinate in the Regional Federation and to pinpoint the goverments politics and monitoring.   Now a knowledge authority with many new assignments that are global, such as Agenda 2030, climate change, sustainability and refugee questions.   The goverment have decentralized many assignments to the regional level.

Målstyrning och prestationsmätning inom offentlig sektor : En fallstudie om Polismyndigheten i Sverige / Performance management and performance measurement in the public sector : A case study about the Swedish law enforcement

Avazpour, Nima, Bruce, Lukas, Weber, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Polismyndighetens mål och budget återfinns i regleringsbrevet som varje år ges ut av regeringen. Genom regleringsbrevet vill regeringen på så sätt styra polisverksamheten. Det kan uppstå ett problem i denna process då politikerna inte alltid innehar den insikt som krävs för att sätta målen på ett verklighetsenigt sätt, vilket innebär att målen inom offentlig sektor ofta ses som otydliga. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att förstå hur Polismyndigheten styr utifrån regeringens mål samt vilka problem som kan uppstå. Dessutom ligger fokus på att ge insikt i hur målen hanteras och omvandlas i praktiken samt hur man förstår dem på olika nivåer inom organisationen. Vidare undersöks hur prestationsmätning utförs i praktiken samt vilka problem som uppstår i detta arbete. Metod: Genom en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi och en abduktiv ansats har en enfallstudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Även dokument har studerats som ett komplement till de semistrukturerade intervjuerna. Slutsats: Regleringsbrevet bryts ner till en verksamhetsplan (Strategi 2024) och den operationaliseras sedan ute på de olika avdelningarna och regionerna. Problemen vi fann är en brist i förståelse mellan politiker och Polismyndigheten gällande kunskap samt att myndigheten inte äger hela rättsprocessen då andra myndigheters arbete också spelar in här. En enorm mängd mätningar görs både av kvalitativ och kvantitativ art. Under senare år har ett stort fokus lagts på effekten av insatserna vilket också är en del av problemet då effekter är svåra mäta. Uppföljningen handlar om att se till effekterna som målen ska leda till men det är däremot svårt att veta om ett mål är uppfyllt eller inte då målen är av ökande, minskande eller bibehållande art. Informationen från uppföljningarna används av högre uppsatta chefer för utvärdering samt förbättringar i verksamheten. / Background: The police agencies goals and budgets are given from government directives which are given out each year by the government. Through these directives the government means to manage the police operation. A problem can occur in this process since politicians do not always have the required understanding of needed to set realistic targets, which leads to goals within the public sector often being seen as obscure. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand how the Swedish police agency is managed through the governments goals and which problems can occur. The aim is also to provide insight these goals are handled and transformed in practice as well as how these goals are understood on different levels within the organisation. Furthermore, we examine how performance measurement is used in practice as well as which problems occur in the process. Method: Through a qualitative research strategy and an abductive approach, a case study containing semi-structured interviews has been completed. Documents have also been studied as a complement to these semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The government directives are broken down into a business plan (Strategy 2024) which is further operationalised in the different departments and regions. The problems we found were a lack of understanding between the politicians and police agency regarding knowledge as well as the agency itself does not own the entire legal process, since other agencies also play a part in it. An enormous number of measurements are being performed of both qualitative and quantitative sorts. During the last years, a large focus has been put on the actual effect of their efforts which also is a part of the problem since effects are difficult to measure. Monitoring is about looking at the effects that the goals are intended to provide but it can be difficult to assess whether a goal is attained or not since these goals are set in a way that they must always increase, decrease or be maintained. The information from the monitoring process is used by leaders within the organisation for evaluations as well as for making improvements to the organisation.

Den röd-gröna regeringens styrning av Polismyndigheten : En studie om regeringens förvaltningsstyrning av Polismyndigheten under mandatperioden 2014- 2018 / The Swedish Government's public management of the Swedish Police Authority

Widell, Oskar January 2018 (has links)
This study describes the Swedish Government's public management of the Swedish Police Authority. It also illustrates some of the Government's political promises towards the Police Authority. The reason for making this study is the situation of escalating shootings in the society and reports about a crisis in the Police Authority. Therefore is the purpose of the study to find out if there are any changes in the Government's public management of the police during the 2014-2018 term of office in relation to this situation. The method is a review of state budgets, appropriation directions, regulations, government bills and other acts which are compared with theories of public management. The results shows that the greatest change this far happened late in the term of office when the Swedish Police Authority received an increased appropriation. The Swedish Police Authority also received new government mandates with the purpose to solve specific problems within the police authority. In relation to theories of public management, the Swedish Government's management of the police focuses on the indirect types of management to reach results within the direct management of laws and regulations.

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