Spelling suggestions: "subject:"risk 1heory"" "subject:"risk btheory""
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Building Consumer Trust in Pure B2C E-commerce Setting in the Used Electric Car Market : An Exploratory B2C Case Study / Bygga förtroende i renodlade B2C e-handelssituationer på marknaden för begagnade elbilarGünther, Theodor, Lantz, Jesper January 2024 (has links)
In recent years, car dealerships have increasingly turned to e-commerce strategies as a key avenue for business growth and market expansion. Notably, companies like Tesla have shifted away from traditional showroom models, opting instead for online sales supplemented by internally owned showrooms. This transition extends beyond conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to include Electric Vehicles (EVs). However, despite the potential benefits, many online car dealers struggle to effectively engage and convert customers, particularly in the complex and evolving used EV market. This thesis addresses a critical aspect of the online car-buying experience of pre-owned EVs, namely trust. Drawing on literature from e-commerce, pre-owned EVs, and online customer journeys, the study aims to explore the factors and elements influencing the establishment and maintenance of trust between buyers and sellers in online EV transactions. The research adopts an exploratory and qualitative approach, utilizing focus group interviews to delve into the subjective nature of trust. Three focus group interviews were conducted with twenty participants representing diverse demographics and levels of experience in car buying and online shopping. Thematic analysis of the interviews yielded empirical findings, which were subsequently analyzed within the framework of information asymmetry, risk theory, and consumer perception. The study identified six critical factors impacting trust in online pre-owned EV transactions: Transparency, Vehicle Verification, Reputation, Customer Interaction, Ease of Transaction, and Security Assurance. These six factors were found to mitigate uncertainties, customer vulnerability, and perceived risks associated with purchasing high-involvement products such Industriell ekonomi och organisation as used EVs online. Furthermore, these factors contribute to the trust element of enhancing customers' sense of control during transactions, thereby fostering trust between parties. The thesis underscores the need for further research of the nuanced concept of trust in online car transactions, given its inherently subjective nature. / Under de senaste åren har bilförsäljningsföretag alltmer vänt sig till e-handelsstrategier som en nyckelväg för företagstillväxt och marknadsutvidgning. Särskilt har företag som Tesla gått bort från traditionella showroom-modeller och istället valt onlineförsäljning med interna showrooms som komplement. Denna övergång sträcker sig bortom konventionella förbränningsmotorfordon till att inkludera elbilar. Trots de potentiella fördelarna kämpar många onlinebilhandlare med att effektivt engagera och konvertera kunder, särskilt på den komplexa och ständigt föränderliga marknaden för begagnade elbilar. Denna avhandling behandlar en avgörande aspekt av den onlinebilinköpsupplevelsen för begagnade elbilar, nämligen förtroende. Med utgångspunkt från litteratur inom e-handel, begagnade elbilar och onlinekundresor, syftar studien till att utforska de faktorer som påverkar etableringen och upprätthållandet av förtroende mellan köpare och säljare i online-elbiltransaktioner. Forskningen antar en explorativ och kvalitativ metod, där fokusgruppintervjuer används för att undersöka förtroendets subjektiva natur. Tre fokusgruppintervjuer genomfördes med tjugo deltagare som representerade olika demografiska grupper och erfarenhetsnivåer av bilköp och online-shopping. Tematisk analys av intervjuerna genererade empiriska resultat, som sedan analyserades inom ramen för informationssymmetri, riskteori och konsumentuppfattning. Studien identifierade sex kritiska faktorer som påverkar förtroendet vid online-transaktioner av begagnade elbilar: Transparens, Fordonsverifiering, Rykte, Kundinteraktion, Transaktionslätthet och Säkerhetsgaranti. Dessa sex faktorer visade sig mildra osäkerheter, kundens sårbarhet och upplevda risker som är förknippade med köp av höginvolverade Industriell ekonomi och organisation produkter som begagnade elbilar online. Dessutom bidrar faktorerna till att förbättra kundernas känsla av kontroll under transaktioner, vilket främjar förtroendet mellan parterna. Rapporten understryker behovet av ytterligare forskning för att fördjupa förståelsen för det nyanserade begreppet förtroende vid begagnade elbiltransaktioner online, med tanke på dess inneboende subjektiva natur.
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[pt] O objetivo desta tese é apresentar novas alternativas para modelagem de variáveis aleatórias no setor de seguros, utilizando o arcabouço dos modelos orientados por score com parâmetros variantes no tempo. No primeiro artigo, propomos um modelo dinâmico para a distribuição do sinistro agregado, que corresponde à soma aleatória dos valores de sinistros (severidade) em determinado período de tempo. A obtenção da distribuição do sinistro agregado é um problema clássico na teoria do risco e fundamental para precificação de seguros, cálculo de provisões e de probabilidade de ruína. No entanto, a obtenção da expressão analítica para essa distribuição de probabilidade é uma tarefa difícil. Neste trabalho, especificamos distribuições não-Gaussianas, tanto para o número de sinistros como para severidade, sob o arcabouço GAS (Generalized Autoregressive Score), e, por meio do uso da Transformada Rápida de Fourier obtemos, numericamente, a distribuição do sinistro agregado. O segundo artigo trata da incorporação do efeito de variáveis macroeconômicas na modelagem de variáveis relevantes no setor de seguros, em linha com requisito internacional de avaliação de provisões de forma consistente com mercado, a qual leva em consideração as informações disponíveis nos mercados financeiros e de capital relevantes, utilizando metodologias e parâmetros consistentes com esses mercados. Modelamos uma série bivariada de número de sinistros (duas linhas de negócios) de seguros financeiros com modelos autorregressivos e utilizamos cópulas para modelar a estrutura de dependência das séries temporais condicionado aos modelos ajustados nas marginais. Com esta abordagem, é possível simular números de sinistros futuros de mais de uma carteira, podendo esse resultado ser utilizado em uma avaliação consistente de provisões e da saúde financeira da seguradora. / [en] The objective of this thesis is to present new alternatives for modeling random variables in the insurance industry, using the framework of the score driven models with time-varying parameters. In the first paper, we propose a dynamic model for the aggregate claims distribution, which corresponds to a random sum of claims severity in a certain period of time. Obtaining the aggregate claims distribution is a classic problem in the Risk Theory and fundamental for premium estimation, measurement of obligations and ruin probability valuation. However, obtaining the analytic expression for this probability distribution is a hard task. In this work, we specify nonGaussian distributions for both the number of claims and for the claims
severity, under the GAS framework, and, through the use of the fast Fourier transform, we obtain, numerically, the aggregate claims distribution. The second paper deals with the incorporation of macroeconomic variables on the modeling of relevant variables in the insurance sector, in line with
the international requirements for market consistent valuation of insurance liabilities, which means that one should take into account the available information in relevant financial and capital markets, using methodologies and parameters consistent with these markets. We model a bivariate time series (two lines of business) of financial insurance with autoregressive models and use copulas models to consider the dependency structure of the time series conditioned to the fitted models for the marginals. Within this approach, it is possible to simulate the numbers of claims from more than one portfolio, and this result can be used in a consistent valuation of liabilities and of the financial health of an insurer.
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On some damage processes in risk and epidemic theoriesGathy, Maude 14 September 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de processus de détérioration en théorie du risque et en biomathématique.<p><p>En théorie du risque, le processus de détérioration étudié est celui des sinistres supportés par une compagnie d'assurance.<p><p>Le premier chapitre examine la distribution de Markov-Polya comme loi possible pour modéliser le nombre de sinistres et établit certains liens avec la famille de lois de Katz/Panjer. Nous construisons la loi de Markov-Polya sur base d'un modèle de survenance des sinistres et nous montrons qu'elle satisfait une récurrence élégante. Celle-ci permet notamment de déduire un algorithme efficace pour la loi composée correspondante. Nous déduisons la famille de Katz/Panjer comme famille limite de la loi de Markov-Polya.<p><p>Le second chapitre traite de la famille dite "Lagrangian Katz" qui étend celle de Katz/Panjer. Nous motivons par un problème de premier passage son utilisation comme loi du nombre de sinistres. Nous caractérisons toutes les lois qui en font partie et nous déduisons un algorithme efficace pour la loi composée. Nous examinons également son indice de dispersion ainsi que son comportement asymptotique. <p><p>Dans le troisième chapitre, nous étudions la probabilité de ruine sur horizon fini dans un modèle discret avec taux d'intérêt positifs. Nous déterminons un algorithme ainsi que différentes bornes pour cette probabilité. Une borne particulière nous permet de construire deux mesures de risque. Nous examinons également la possibilité de faire appel à de la réassurance proportionelle avec des niveaux de rétention égaux ou différents sur les périodes successives.<p><p>Dans le cadre de processus épidémiques, la détérioration étudiée consiste en la propagation d'une maladie de type SIE (susceptible - infecté - éliminé). La manière dont un infecté contamine les susceptibles est décrite par des distributions de survie particulières. Nous en déduisons la distribution du nombre total de personnes infectées à la fin de l'épidémie. Nous examinons en détails les épidémies dites de type Markov-Polya et hypergéométrique. Nous approximons ensuite cette loi par un processus de branchement. Nous étudions également un processus de détérioration similaire en théorie de la fiabilité où le processus de détérioration consiste en la propagation de pannes en cascade dans un système de composantes interconnectées. <p><p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Gestaltningen av diabetes i svensk press : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av svenska dags- och kvällstidningar. / Framing of diabetes in the Swedish press: a quantitative content analysis of Swedish daily and evening newspapersSandqvist, Cecilia January 2018 (has links)
Background: Diabetes is a global health issue on the rise. Besides genetics as a cause of diabetes, diet, weight and lifestyle are amongst the main factors. Due to the modernized society, new technology and risks, there has been a shift in responsibility of safety and health. As a part of a health promoting policy development during the last few decades there has also been a natural de-authorization of health knowledge and expertise. Governmental expertise has been decentralized to the society and so has the responsibilities. Traces of this new health paradigm can be seen in the media discourse. It has been seen in studies of the reporting of diabetes in North American press, that societal factors – such as labor market, health care and infrastructure – often get veiled by individuals’ responsibility and guilt due to lifestyle and life choices. This affects how individuals feel about their life situation and how the public perceive them. Method and material: A quantitative content analysis was performed on 112 articles from six Swedish broadsheet and tabloid newspapers. The articles were coded with variables measuring article theme, dominant framing of diabetes´ causes and whose responsibility, what arguments are used and what agents with dignity can be seen. Excerpts from the articles were also analyzed with qualitative tools as modality and argumentation analysis. Results: Similarities between the Swedish and the North American newspapers were discovered. Societal factors and structures as causes and means of responsibilities were not as prominent as those aiming for the individual. The responsibility of the society was also reported to a much greater extent than society as a factor contributing to cause diabetes. This can be considered a sign of the health promoting strategy and the individualism that is rooted in modernization, industrialization and economic liberalization. Doctors and scientists were given dignity as often as celebrities and private citizens, which indicates the de-authorization of health knowledge and the further use of scientists and doctors as a truth repository in media. Several of the articles concern the critique of the diabetes unawareness and predominant individual responsibility that was the outset of this study. Celebrities and private citizens were frequently given dignity in these cases. In their criticizing, high modality contributed to a strong authority in their knowledge. / Grund för forskningsfrågan: Diabetes av olika slag drabbar ett växande antal människor världen över. Sjukdomen tros främst bero på genetik och omgivande faktorer så som livsstil, vilken påverkas av den omgivande miljön. Det har visat sig i studier av rapportering kring sjukdomen i bland annat nordamerikansk press att samhälleliga faktorer ofta hamnar i skymundan och att skulden och ansvaret för sjukdomen framstår ligga hos individen och dess egenvalda livsstil. Detta kan bero på en hälsofrämjande strategi som setts växa fram under de senaste decennierna, som en reaktion på effekterna av teknisk utveckling, modernisering och marknadskrafter. Strategin har inneburit en naturlig av-auktorisering av hälsokunskapen och individualisering av ansvaret. Detta hälsoparadigm återspeglas i medierna. Studien: Denna studie undersöker rapporteringen av diabetes i svensk press, genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av 112 artiklar från sex svenska dags- och kvällstidningar. Materialet kodades med variabler för bland annat artikeltema, dominant gestaltning av orsak samt ansvar för diabetes, vilka argument som förekommer och vilka aktörer som tillskrivs dignitet i sammanhanget. Detta kompletterades med en kvalitativ analys av några textutdrag från materialet, med verktyg och begrepp från och argumentationsanalys samt det lingvistiska begreppet modalitet. Resultat: Det framträder stora likheter mellan de svenska tidningarna och de nordamerikanska. Samhällsstrukturer som orsak till och ansvar för diabetes framgår inte i samma utsträckning som individens roll. Samhällets ansvar för sjukdomen framgår dock i större utsträckning än dess skuld, vilket går i linje med individualiseringen av hälsoansvaret. Läkare och professorer tillsammans förekommer med dignitet i ungefär lika många artiklar som privatpersoner och kändisar tillsammans, vilket indikerar avauktoriseringen av hälsokunskapen, och den fortsatta användningen av läkare och professorer som ett slags ”sanningsvittnen”. I flera artiklar framträder just den kritik mot okunskap kring sjukdomen och hur individerna själva måste arbeta för att förändra läget, en utgångspunkt för denna studie. Kändisar och privatpersoner fick i dessa fall dignitet. I deras kritiserande av andra uttalanden de inte höll med i, agerade hög modalitet en faktor som gav dem auktoritet i sina uttalanden.
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Adoption of e-banking amongst small, micro and medium enterprises in the City of Tshwane Metropolitan MunicipalityManala, Maseribe Maureen 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the level of adoption, usage and factors that influence the adoption of electronic banking (e-banking) by small, micro and medium enterprises (SMMEs) listed in the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (CTMM). Despite efforts by commercial banks to promote e-banking (internet and cell phone banking) to its customers, the adoption rate for internet and cell phone banking appears to be low. Based on the literature reviewed, the SMME sector has been widely excluded from the formal banking services. It is also observed that e-banking can enable SMMEs to grow and enter international markets. Technology acceptance model (TAM) integrated with perceived risk theory (PRT) was used to investigate factors that influence adoption and usage of e-banking. The study followed a quantitative research approach. Respondents were selected using simple random sampling technique. A structured survey questionnaire was used to collect the data. The survey was conducted on 160 SMMEs in the CTMM with the assistance of fieldworkers. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), Pearson’s bivariate correlation, and multiple regression. The results revealed that perceived ease of use had a significant positive influence on the attitude towards e-banking. Perceived usefulness had a positive but insignificant influence on the attitude towards e-banking. Security risk was the only perceived risk dimension that had a significant negative influence on attitude towards e-banking. However, financial risk, privacy risk, performance risk and social risk had a positive and insignificant influence on attitude towards e-banking. It was envisaged that this study will enable banks to develop strategies that are aimed at increasing their SMME market share. / Finance, Risk management and Banking / M. Com. (Finance)
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Semi-analytische und simulative Kreditrisikomessung synthetischer Collateralized Debt Obligations bei heterogenen Referenzportfolios / Unternehmenswertorientierte Modellentwicklung und transaktionsbezogene Modellanwendungen / Semi-Analytical and Simulative Credit Risk Measurement of Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligations with Heterogeneous Reference Portfolios / A Modified Asset-Value Model and Transaction-Based Model ApplicationsJortzik, Stephan 03 March 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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