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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gerenciamento ágil de projetos: proposta e avaliação de método para gestão de escopo e tempo / Agile project management: proposal and evaluation of a method for scope and time management

Edivandro Carlos Conforto 22 June 2009 (has links)
A demanda crescente por produtos inovadores desafia as práticas e métodos consagrados de gerenciamento de projetos. Uma das respostas foi o surgimento da abordagem do gerenciamento ágil de projetos (GAP). Essa abordagem, inicialmente aplicada na área de software, está embasada em um conjunto de princípios que buscam simplificar o processo de gestão, tornando-o mais flexível e auto-gerido. Seu enfoque está no aprendizado contínuo por meio de iterações constantes e entregas em tempo reduzido, possibilitando assim, agregar valor em ambientes dinâmicos de negócio. No entanto, existe uma lacuna nessa teoria quanto à aplicação desses princípios no desenvolvimento de novos produtos, principalmente os que envolvem hardware. O tema do trabalho é investigar a aplicação prática desses princípios no desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Para tal, foi adotada a seguinte estratégia: desenvolver, implantar e avaliar um método para planejamento e controle de escopo e tempo utilizando como base um conjunto de princípios do gerenciamento ágil de projetos. O método desenvolvido foi intitulado IVPM2 (Iterative and Visual Project Management Method) e sua criação deu-se por meio do extensivo estudo da literatura sobre GAP combinado com uma pesquisa-ação pura realizada em duas empresas de base tecnológica da região de São Carlos, nomeadas Empresa A e Empresa B. O desenvolvimento e implantação do método ocorreu simultaneamente e contou com a participação dos profissionais dessas empresas, considerando dois cenários distintos. Na empresa A, o IVPM2 foi implantado em um único projeto piloto, de longa duração e com maior complexidade e grau de inovação. Na empresa B o método foi testado em um ambiente multiprojetos (7 projetos) com menor duração e complexidade. Para avaliação do IVPM2 foi utilizada estatística descritiva a partir da análise de dados qualitativos e quantitativos, coletados a partir da aplicação de questionários, entrevistas e análise de documentos. O objetivo foi responder ao problema central de pesquisa e as duas perguntas específicas que guiaram este estudo. O problema central dessa pesquisa foi descrito como: É possível aplicar os princípios do GAP para o planejamento e controle de projetos de produtos inovadores? E, consequentemente as questões específicas consideradas nesse estudo: Q1) O IVPM2 adere aos princípios da abordagem de gerenciamento ágil de projetos? Q2) O IVPM2 trouxe benefícios para a gestão de projetos das empresas? Os resultados apontaram evidências da presença de alguns princípios do GAP no IVPM2, classificando-o como um método ágil. Além disso, o IVPM2 foi capaz de proporcionar vários benefícios para a gestão de projetos de desenvolvimento de novos produtos em ambas as empresas estudadas. Contribuiu também, para a melhoria de outros aspectos da gestão de projetos não tratados diretamente nesse estudo. As evidências coletadas durante a pesquisa, portanto, indicaram diversos benefícios a partir da combinação de princípios do GAP com técnicas tradicionais de gestão de projetos e um software. São indícios de que é possível aplicar os princípios dessa teoria do GAP no planejamento e controle de projetos de desenvolvimento de produtos inovadores inseridos em ambientes dinâmicos de negócio. Por fim, o estudo aponta a necessidade de aprimorar as análises conduzidas e o próprio IVPM2 para aplicação e validação em outras empresas e ambientes de projeto. / The high demand for innovative products has been treated as a challenge for the adoption of traditional project management (PM) practices and methods, specially those ones developed in turbulent and complex business environments. Recently, an alternative approach to deal with these challenges emerged. This approach, entitled Agile Project Management (APM), firstly applied in the software development area, is based on a set of principles which has the purpose to keep the management process as simple as possible, becoming more flexible and self-manageable. By focusing on continuous learning using constant iterations and rapid value deliverable driven, APM aims to improve the results for clients in face of turbulent business environment. However, there is lack on the literature regarding APM principles application in new product development (NPD) projects. The aim of this research is to investigate this issue and the practical application of those principles to NPD projects, developed under turbulent and innovative business environments. To achieve this goal the following strategy was adopted: develop, implement and evaluate a method for planning and controlling scope and time. It was based on a set of principles extracted from the APM literature. The method developed was entitled IVPM2 (Iterative and Visual Project Management Method) and its creation comprised an extensive literature review combined with a pure action-research methodology carried out in two small technology-based companies from the São Carlos technological pole. The companies were called Company A and Company B, and the IVPM2 development, implementation and evaluation activities occurred simultaneously in both companies, considering two distinct scenarios. In the company A the IVPM2 was implemented in a single long term project, with a high level of complexity and innovation. In the company B the IVPM2 was implemented in more than one project (a total of 7 projects) with less complexity and innovation aspects. In order to evaluate the IVPM2 adherence and contribution to project management a statistic descriptive approach was applied using qualitative and quantitative data. The data was collected by questionnaire, interviews and document analysis. The main purpose of this evaluation was to respond the central research problem and the specific research questions. The central research problem was described as: Is it possible to apply APM principles for planning and controlling innovative product projects? Consequently, the specific research questions considered after the method implementation were: RQ1) Did IVPM2 adhere to APM principles? RQ2) Did IVPM2 contribute to enhance project management process in the companies under study? The results showed many evidences of the presence of APM principles in the IVPM2 as stated in the literature. Moreover, the IVPM2 was capable to enhance many aspects of project management process of new product development in both companies studied. It also contributed to improve other aspects not directly addressed in the current research. Finally, the evidences collected during the research have indicated many benefits by combining principles from APM approach with traditional PM techniques and a PM software to support project management. This result is important to consider the applicability and viability of APM principles application to NPD projects in turbulent, innovative and complex business environments. Finally, this study has presented many indications of the need to explore this theme and improve the analysis and the IVPM2 components in order to implement them in different companies and project contexts.

Processo administrativo de apuração de conduta anticoncorrencial: perspectiva instrumentalista / Administrative antitruste proceedings: instrumentalist perspective

Burini, Bruno Corrêa 14 June 2010 (has links)
A presente tese propôs-se a examinar a possibilidade de se transportar a teoria instrumentalista ao processo administrativo de apuração de condutas perante o Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência. Foram cotejadas premissas estruturais e de técnicas processuais, de modo a examinar se o processo administrativo de apuração de condutas anticoncorrenciais é hábil para a consecução do escopo magno de pacificação com justiça, valendo-se ainda de técnicas processuais adequadas para o alcance daqueles escopos sociais, políticos e jurídicos estabelecidos como premissa de raciocínio. O trabalho faz uma análise da história do pensamento antitruste estrangeiro e no Brasil para a definição do escopo do direito antitruste no Brasil, expõe o conceito de função administrativa judicante (quase jurisidicional) exercida pelo CADE, concebida a partir da ausência de rigidez da concepção tripartite das funções-poderes-atividades do Estado. Debate-se a natureza do órgão, sua concepção no desenho institucional do Estado e a influência da política e da discricionariedade administrativa sobre a sua atividade. No âmbito dos axiomas processuais, são analisados ao longo do texto os preceitos democráticos, o conceito de processo e sua definição em um modelo processual constitucional. A Teoria Geral do Processo também fornece relevante disciplina metodológica aplicável a todo e qualquer processo, dentre eles, o administrativo-concorrencial, cuja natureza também é examinada. Propôs-se então a análise crítica do processo administrativo concorrencial por meio de seus escopos e respectivas técnicas de atuação, a partir da estrutura fornecida pelo pensamento instrumentalista do processo de Dinamarco. O escopo social é examinado à luz das técnicas relacionadas com a imunização, a idoneidade estrutural, a imparcialidade (sob a ótica do princípio da demanda, do princípio dispositivo, do exame da nomeação, mandato e quarentena dos julgadores) e a finalidade educativa. Os escopos políticos são cotejados com as concepções de poder e liberdade (constitucionalização e devido processo legal), participação democrática (como acesso à ordem jurídica justa de representantes, terceiros interessados), direito à informação e publicidade de atos. Por fim, o escopo jurídico do processo é examinado sob a ótica da atuação prática da vontade jurídica preexistente mediante técnicas incidentes sobre os temas do conflito entre correntes unitárias e dualistas do direito, da busca da verdade possível e sua relação com o ideal de pacificação trazido com a solução definitiva e célere de controvérsias por técnicas de imutabilidade e de aceleração de julgamentos, da segurança jurídica outorgada pelas formas, do direito à prova e os meios inerentes ao seu exercício, do duplo grau e da uniformização de decisões. Conclui-se pela identificação de pontos sensíveis em que o processo administrativo não atinge satisfatoriamente os escopos do processo, mas que o sistema caminha em direção da legitimação de sua atividade. / The present thesis proposes to examine the hypothesis of carrying the instrumentalist theory to the antitrust proceedings before the Brazilian Competition Policy System (SBDC). Structural and procedural technique assumptions were collated in order to examine whether the antitrust proceedings is able to achieve the grand purpose of pacification with justice, availing itself of appropriate procedural techniques to reach those social, political and legal scopes established as premise of reasoning thinking. Throughout the present thesis, the history of the foreign and Brazilian antitrust thought is analyzed to define the scope of the antitrust law in Brazil, and it exams the concept of administrative adjudicate function (almost jurisdictional) exerted by the Brazilian Council for Economic Defense (CADE), conceived from the absence of formality of the tripartite conception of the function-power-activities of the State. The agency nature, its conception in the institutional design of the State and the influence of the politics and the administrative discretionarity on its activity is discussed. In the scope of the procedural axioms, the democratic principles, the concept of process and its definition in a constitutional procedural model are analyzed throughout the text. The General Theory of the Process also supplies relevant methodological disciplines applicable to all and any procedure, amongst them, the administrative-antitrust procedure, whose nature is also examined. Moreover, a critical analysis of the process by means of its scope and by its respective techniques of performance is proposed, from the structure provided by the instrumentalist thought of the process by Professor Candido Rangel Dinamarco. The social scope is examined in the light of the techniques related with the immunization, the structural suitability, the impartiality (considering the principle of the action, the dispositive principle, the examination of the appointment, term and quarantine of the Commissioners) and the educational purpose. The political scopes are discussed taking into account the conceptions of power and freedom (constitutionality and due process of law), democratic participation (as access of interested parties and third parties to the legal system), right to information and publicity of acts. Finally, the legal scope of the process is examined from the perspective of the practical performance of the preexisting law by means of techniques incident on the subjects of the conflict between Unitarian and Dualist doctrines, the pursue of the possible truth and its relation with the ideal of pacification brought with the definitive and fast solution of controversies by techniques of immutability and acceleration of judgments, of legal certainty afforded by the forms, of the right of production of evidence and those inherent instruments, of the right of appeal to a hierarchically superior body and the predictability of decisions. In conclusion, sensitive points are identified where the administrative procedures do not satisfactorily achieve the scope of process, but where the system moves toward the legitimization of its activity.

Análise histopatológica de lesões leucoqueratósicas da mucosa oral avaliadas pelos exames de luminescência, cromoscopia e microscopia confocal reflectante / Histological analysis identified and assessed by tests of luminescence, chromoendoscopy and confocal reflectance leukokeratosis lesions

Bezerra, Ana Patricia Carneiro Gonçalves 12 August 2014 (has links)
O câncer de mucosa oral é um problema de saúde pública, com maior incidência em homens acima de 50 anos. Uma das manifestações clínicas mais precoces do câncer da mucosa oral são as lesões leucoqueratósica. O aspecto clínico não homogêneo e o tamanho maior de 200mm2, em mucosa não queratinizada como a do assoalho da boca e ventre da língua, são aspectos que implicam na possibilidade de evolução da lesão. A dificuldade do diagnóstico das lesões precoces está na seleção do local a ser biopsiado principalmente frente a lesões extensas e heterogêneas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar se a utilização do exame clínico juntamente com os métodos auxiliares de diagnóstico das lesões leucoqueratósica da mucosa oral (VELscope®, Azul de toluidina e Solução de lugol) contribui para uma maior precisão do diagnóstico de displasias nestas lesões quando comparado ao histopatológico. E, identificar os padrões morfológicos destas lesões quando avaliadas por meio da microscopia confocal reflectante. Foram selecionados 30 pacientes, maiores de 18 anos, portadores de lesão clínica compatível com leucoplasia oral triados no ambulatório da disciplina de Estomatologia Clínica da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo e que precisavam ser submetidos à biópsia para o estabelecimento do diagnóstico final. Foram realizados os testes de Azul de Toluidina, Solução de Lugol, VELscope®, microscopia confocal reflectante e posteriormente, a biópsia incisional para obtenção do diagnóstico final. Os pacientes incluídos possuíam média de idade 60,66 anos, sendo 70% (21/30) do gênero feminino e 30% (9/30) do gênero masculino. O tabagismo foi relatado por 16,7% (5/30) dos pacientes, sendo 60% (3/5) homens. A associação do tabagismo e etilismo foi relatada em 10% (3/30) dos pacientes, o tabagismo isoladamente por 6,6% (2/30) e o de etilismo por 3,3%(1/30). A associação dos hábitos e o etilismo isolado foram relatados somente por homens. Enquanto que o hábito de tabagismo isolado foi relatado somente por mulheres. Com o uso do VELscope® todas as lesões apresentaram perda da fluorescência tecidual sendo, portanto todas positivas para este método. Com a Solução de Lugol, 100% das lesões não coraram, sendo portanto positivas para este método. O exame histopatológico permitiu o diagnóstico de 30% (9/30) casos de carcinoma epidermoide, 10% (3/30) de neoplasia intraepitelial, 20% (6/30) de líquen plano oral e 40% (12/30) de líquen simple crônico oral. Para o uso do VELscope® e do Lugol foi observada uma sensibilidade de 100% e uma especificidade de 50%.Para o Azul de Toluidina foi observada uma sensibilidade de 63,15%- 66,66% e especificidade de 75,67%-82,35%.Na Microscopia Confocal Reflectante foram definidos padrões para os quatro diferentes diagnósticos observados. Os métodos auxiliares de diagnóstico por cromoscopia e fluorescência de mucosa se mostraram eficientes no auxílio da delimitação da extensão da lesão e a Microscopia Confocal Reflectante permitiu a visualização de padrões morfológicos das lesões brancas de forma não invasiva. A utilização da Microscopia Confocal Reflectante permitiu também a determinação de padrões morfológicos para o carcinoma epidermoide, a neoplasia intraepitelial, o líquen plano oral e o líquen simples crônico oral e se mostrou eficiente quando comparada ao exame histopatológico. / Cancer of the oral mucosa is a public health problem, with higher incidence in men above 50 years. One of the earliest manifestations of cancer of the oral mucosa lesions are leukokeratosis. The inhomogeneous clinical aspect and the larger size of 200mm2 in non-keratinized mucosa as the floor of the mouth and constipation of the tongue, are aspects that imply the possibility of evolution of the lesion. The difficulty of diagnosis of early lesions is in the selection of the site to be biopsied primarily against large and heterogeneous lesions. The objective of this research is to evaluate the use of clinical examination along with diagnostic aids leucoqueratósica of oral lesions (VELscope ®, Toluidine blue and Lugol solution) methods contributes to greater accuracy of diagnosis of dysplasia in these lesions when compared the histopathological. And identify the morphological patterns of these lesions when evaluated by reflectance confocal microscopy. 30 patients older than 18 years, with clinical lesion compatible with oral leukoplakia screened in the outpatient discipline of Clinical Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of São Paulo and that needed to be biopsied to establish the final diagnosis were selected. Tests toluidine blue, Lugol\'s solution, VELscope ®, reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) and subsequently, incisional biopsy to obtain the final diagnosis were performed. Patients enrolled had a mean age 60.66 years, 70% (21/30) were female and 30% (9/30) were male. Smoking was reported by 16.7% (5/30) of patients, 60% (3/5) homens.A association of smoking and alcohol use was reported in 10% (3/30) of patients, smoking alone by 6.6% (2/30) and of alcoholism by 3.3% (1/30). The association of habits and alcoholism alone were reported by men only. While the habit of smoking alone was reported by women only. Using the VELscope ® all lesions showed loss of tissue fluorescence, so being all positive for this method. With Lugol\'s solution, 100% of the lesions did not stain, thus being positive for this method. Histopathological examination allowed the diagnosis of 30% (9/30) cases of squamous cell carcinoma, 10% (3/30) of intraepithelial neoplasia, 20% (6/30) of oral lichen planus and 40% (12/30) chronic oral lichen simple. For the use of Lugol VELscope ® and a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 50% was observed for the toluidine blue a sensitivity of 63.15%- 66.66% was observed and a specificity of 75.67% - 82.35%. Confocal Microscopy In reflective patterns observed for the four different diagnoses were defined. Auxiliary diagnostic methods chromoscopy and fluorescence mucosa were effective in aiding the delimitation of the extent of injury and Reflectance Confocal Microscopy allowed the visualization of morphological patterns of white lesions noninvasively. Use the Reflectance Confocal Microscopy also allowed the determination of morphological patterns to epidermoid carcinoma, intraepithelial neoplasia, oral lichen planus and lichen simplex chronic oral and proved efficient when compared to histopathology.

Análise da eficiência econômica relativa das empresas de seguros dos segmentos de danos e pessoas: uma abordagem através do DEA para avaliar ganhos de escala e escopo

Monteiro, Eneida Justen 24 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-05-07T13:38:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Eneida Monteiro.pdf: 1058530 bytes, checksum: 99163b280dcbfed23373cbde8ec74cb8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T13:38:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eneida Monteiro.pdf: 1058530 bytes, checksum: 99163b280dcbfed23373cbde8ec74cb8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-24 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Em decorrência das modificações ocorridas no mercado de seguros a partir da década de 90, as empresas de seguros têm como de safio a busca por resultado operacional, exigindo delas um aprimoramento na gestão de riscos e normas de subscrição de riscos. Esta dissertação objetivou a análise da eficiência econômica relativa do mercado de segurador brasileiro, para o período de 2010 a 2012. Com base nos dados extraídos do Sistema de Estatística da SUSEP, identificando as seguradoras em especialistas (que trabalham somente com seguro de danos ou pessoas) e as seguradoras diversificadas (que trabalham somente com seguro de danos ou pessoas) foi possível avaliar a existência de ganhos de escala ou escopo das empresas de seguros no Brasil. A metodologia de análise utilizada foi a DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis), que identificou a eficiência econômica relativa de seguradoras e com base nos resultados dessa pesquisa, evidenciou que não há economia de escala, ou seja, o ganho de escala ocorre para as seguradoras que comercializam em um segmento específico de seguros, danos ou pessoas. / Due to the changes occurring in the insurance market from the 90s, insurance companies are challenged to search for perating in come, requiring of them an improvement in risk management and underwriting standards. This dissertation aimed to analyze the relative economic efficiency of the Brazilian insurance arket for the period 2010-2012. Based on data from the Statistical System SUSEP, insurers in identifying experts ( working only ith damage or personal insurance ) and diversified insurers ( who work only with damage or personal insurance ) it was possible to evaluate the existence of gains of scale or scope of nsurance companies in Brazil . The analysis methodology used was DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis), identifies the relative economic efficiency of insurers and based on the results of this research, it is evident that there is economy of scale, ie, the gain range is given for insurers that sell at a specific segment of insurance, Damage or People.

生存利基與範疇經濟之互動-以富邦金融集團相關多角化成長歷程為例 / The Interaction between Survival Niche and Economic of Scope - A study of Growing Process of Fubon Financial Group on Related Diversification Case

張情福, Chang, Chin Fu Unknown Date (has links)
政府將金融中心列為亞太營運六大中心之一,由此可知,金融服務業在未來台灣經濟發展的重要性將逐漸增加,而且不論國內外,金融服務業皆有集團化的趨勢,因此,本研究希望能夠透過實務上的觀察,詳實記錄下金融服務業相關多角化的成長過程,藉以瞭解資源累積的循環過程及多角化成長歷程會遭遇的困難,希望能對集團的成長過程能有較細緻的解釋,並對金融服務業的未來成長提供一個參考。   本研究從哈佛大學企業史教授Chandler所著的“Scale and Scope”中的觀念出發,透過文獻的探討,加入交易成本及資源基礎的觀點,以核心資源為中心概念,觀察企業的成長歷程中核心資源的累積及移轉的狀況。   本研究的主要發現如下:   一、金融服務業可以人才招募及訓練、日常營運累積、高階人際網路及合作關係等方式累積資源,以達規模經濟。   二、根據核心資源的相似性,可將金融服務業區分為保險事業群、證券事業群及商業銀行等三群。   三、金融服務業間可移轉的資源具有兩種特質:高外溢效果及高交易成本。   四、資源外溢效果及交易成本的高低決定潛在範疇經濟利益大小,而組織協調能力及專業能力的高低,則決定企業所能實現潛在經濟利益的大小。   五、金融集團可以透過組織及管理設計,克服相關多角化的困難,實現範疇經濟。   觀察結果顯示核心資源的特性、組織協調能力及專業能力都會影響企業相關多角化所能實現範疇經濟的程度,值得有心進行相關多角化的企業作為參考。

多產品產業規模經濟與多樣化經濟之探討─以台灣旅行業為例 / Economies of Scale and Scope in the Travel Agencies Industry in Taiwan

翁志強, Weng, Chih Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
本文將設定一 Translog 多產品成本函數模型,以估計台灣旅行業之規模 經濟 (Economies of Scale) 及多樣化經濟 (Economies of Scope)程度 。在 Translog 多產品成本函數模型中,係以廠商所經營之四項業務,包 括來華觀光、出國旅遊、國民旅遊及代辦業務等,當作四種不同的產品, 而要素投入則為勞動與資本租賃。實證結果顯示,台灣旅行業普遍存在規 模經濟的現象。此結果可能導致:第一,所謂``靠行''的形成;第二,規 模較小的廠商可能根據本身的競爭優勢與經營特色而採取市場區隔化策略 ,以服務某特定之顧客群;第三,現有旅行業廠商之間的合併,或是來自 產業外的廠商藉購併進入旅行業市場,以從事多角化經營。另外,就產品 生產效率而言,我們以多樣化經濟存在與否認為,來華觀光與出國觀光之 間、來華觀光與國民旅遊之間,以及出國觀光與國民旅遊之間,因其業務 關聯性不大,而無法發揮資源共用共享的效果,因此不適合聯合生產。而 出國觀光與代辦業務之間,因業務關聯性大,因此若能聯合生產,則必然 能夠產生綜效。至於來華觀光與代辦業務之間,以及國民旅遊與代辦業務 之間,雖無明顯之證據顯示其具有聯合生產之優勢,但若存在閒置產能, 或是因某種業務之專業性不高,致使人力資源之轉換成本不大時,亦不排 除聯合生產之可能。

金融控股公司發展與綜效分析 / The development and synergy analysis of Financial Holding Company

陳瑞輝, Chen Jui Hui Unknown Date (has links)
近二十年來,臺灣積極推動金融自由化及國際化,臺灣銀行業於1991年陸續開放16家新銀行設立以來,競爭加劇。同時,臺灣正式加入WTO後,臺灣金融機構面臨來自國際間跨國金融業嚴峻的挑戰,然而銀行體系普遍所面臨的問題,包括銀行家數過多、規模過小、同質性過高、逾放比過高等現象,都是主管機關在近年來希望能進行金融改革的重要課題。正當此際,為了迎接國際強大的金融集團競爭挑戰,政府必需盡速解決國內的金融問題,加速整合金融機構,因此早在2001年6月27日即通過《金融六法》,其中《金融控股公司法》對臺灣金融業的影響甚巨,其立法目的是希望臺灣金融體制朝向“股權集中化、組織大型化、經營多角化、監理透明化”方向發展,以提升金融機構的競爭力及國際化。 《金融控股公司法》通過至今已有十四家金融控股公司成立,重整了金融版圖,也影響銀行的經營模式。本研究透過搜集先進國家的金融制度發展及臺灣目前金融市場概況來研究金融控股制度對銀行業經營所產生之影響。 跨業經營已是國際間金融業整合之趨勢,因此,金融控股公司法的設立將付予臺灣金融機構進行整合、轉型的機制,讓其更具競爭力,只是是否每一金融控股公司均能成功經營,恐怕短期間業者仍要面臨階段性的調整壓力,並非一蹴可及;再則,在該法設立後,金融監理一元化將更形重要,否則當金融機構跨業經營形成金融巨人後,未來發生弊端時,就會變成金融怪獸,所引爆的金融危機,將更為迅速且嚴重,連鎖反應將更為擴大。究竟金融控股公司的設立,能否為臺灣的金融業帶來生機?以及政府應在准許業界設立金融控股公司的同時,要如何建立專業、獨立與有效率的監理機制,以避免增加業者的管理成本,並提升金融業的競爭力?是本文的研究目的。 本研究以質化研究中之個案分析法為研究方法,針對個案公司之總體策略進行研究,以策略形態分析法進行。因我國金控公司成立年代尚短,金控公司中子公司業別、轉投資事業與策略聯盟等總體策略的完整性與代表性皆具足較少,在個案選擇上來源有限。富邦金控(Fubon Financial Co., Ltd)在子公司業別、轉投資事業與策略聯盟等總體策略的完整性與代表性較其他金控公司相對完整,且經營績效表現亦佳,故以個案分析法綜合上述資料分析歸納出本研究之結論。 研究結果顯示,金融控股公司制度為近代世界金融體制之新潮流,全球金融商品已進入國際化,多元化的時代,傳統銀行的金融商品已無法滿足顧客之需求,因此銀行經營多元化已為一種趨勢,在金控公司體制下的銀行可藉交叉行銷金控子公司之各項金融商品提供顧客「一次購足」的服務,且能有效運用資源,降低成本,因此較單獨經營之銀行更具範疇經濟的效果及優勢。所以許多銀行選擇加入金控公司,也間接加速了銀行合併。 / Taiwan has been actively promoting financial liberalization and internationalization in the last two decades, and the competition is intensified when 16 new banks were set up since 1991. After Taiwan enters WTO formally, all the financial institutions face severe challenge from international banks, moreover, the domestic banking system has been facing problems such as over banking, small business scale, similar business nature, high NPL ratio, etc, and these are the problems that the government must solve as quick as possible. Taiwan government passed "Six Laws on Finance" on June 27th 2001, in order to improve the competitiveness and internationalization of the financial institutions in the following four aspects, "centralization of ownership, organization maximization, business diversification and transparent supervision". Cross business operating is becoming the main driver of international financial industry integration nowadays. The Financial Holding Company Law can help Taiwan financial institutions to merge and transform to become more competitive. At the same time, supervising authority should also review the guidelines and standards to cope with the fast changing financial habitat. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of the Financial Holding Company model to the Taiwan financial industry and the measures that authority should take to have better monitoring and supervising over financial institutions in the effective and cost saving way. The case analytic approach in this research is studied with the qualitative method and analyzed by shape tactics. Fubon Financial Holding Company is more representative with better performance, so we choose it as an example in our case study. The study result shows that financial holding company model is a new trend of the modern banking system. Traditional financial products can no longer meet customers’ needs and the global financial products nowadays must be internationalized and diversified, that’s why diversification of business is also a main theme of the banking industry now. Under the Financial Holding Company model banks can cross sell products from subsidiaries of holding companies. By providing this “one stop shopping” service banks can allocate resources more efficiently and lower cost, so a lot of banks choose to join to become Financial Holding Company and which accelerated the merger of banks indirectly.

Hot om vräkning : Tre aktörers perspektiv

Holmdahl, Johan January 2009 (has links)
<p>From the filing of an application to evict to the final execution of an eviction order is a long and complicated process. This raises questions about how the actors involved experience and act during this process. The general aim of the study was to describe and analyse this process from the respective perspectives of the landlords, the social services and the individuals (families) facing eviction in three municipalities in the county of Stockholm. The issues discussed are how the landlords and the social welfare offices are organised, their work procedures, respective scopes of action and resources, and how individuals facing eviction cope with their life situation.</p><p>The material for the study consists of qualitative interviews with nine handling officers at six landlord offices, fifteen social workers at three social welfare offices, twelve individuals who were facing eviction and fifteen observations of conversations between social workers and individuals who were facing eviction. The analytic framework used consists of perspectives and concepts derived from organisation theory – Human Service Organizations and street-level bureaucrats – and theories on coping. A main result of the study is that the work procedures of the professionals are standardised in many ways and are characterised by similar procedures for classifying and categorising the individuals facing eviction, irrespective of how the three municipalities have organised their work. Another main result is that the primarily interests of the individuals facing eviction are to meet what they experience to be their children’s needs, and to avoid eviction. Further, the individuals experience as stressful their life situation marked by the threat of eviction in combination with reduced financial resources that make it difficult for them to meet their children’s needs. The study has identified two types of strategies that individuals facing eviction use in order to cope with their life situation and to achieve their interests. These are emotion-focused strategies and problem-focused strategies, which are described and discussed.</p>

Parcours acquisitionnel de la négation et de quelques particules de portée en français L2 / An acquisitional study of negation and some focus particles in French L2

Sanell, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis investigates acquisition of negation and focus particles in oral L2 French. It concerns adverbs of addition (aussi, encore), restriction (seulement) and temporal contrast (déjà, encore). These items all lack independent referential value i.e. they depend on other constituents in an utterance for their interpretation, they are not structurally obligatory and they variably affect other constituents in an utterance. The learner has to capture the significance of each item, its syntactic position and its pragmatic function in a given context.</p><p>The study aims at describing the development in oral production of 24 Swedish learners, beginners to very advanced, and 6 native speakers, in all together 80 interviews, in order to postulate an acquisitional itinerary.</p><p>The analysis consists of two parts. The first one concerns negation types such as non in various functions, constituent negation (pas X), phrasal negation (ne…pas) and semi-negations (ne…aucun/jamais/personne/rien). The results show, inter alia, that non is used in different pragmatic functions at different levels of acquisition. At the initial stage, non is also used idiosyncratically as a constituent negation and as a preverbal phrasal negation. At the post-initial stage, where also the verbs are mainly finite, phrasal negation (ne) pas is post-verbal. Furthermore, the analysis showed that jamais and rien appear prior to the other semi-negations. In the second part, the use of focus particles is analyzed. The study revealed that the additive particle aussi appears first, in an initial or final position of an utterance, followed by additive encore and restrictive seulement at the post-initial stage and that the temporal adverbs encore and déjà are almost solely used by advanced learners. An acquisitional sequence was postulated, with idiosyncratic negation and additive focus particles appearing previous to post-verbal negation and restrictive particles. The temporal adverbs of contrast appear at the advanced stages.</p>

Agents of Change and Policies of Scale : A policy study of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise in Education

Mahieu, Ron January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to describe and understand the introduction of entrepreneurship and enterprise projects in primary and secondary schools in the North of Sweden and to identify and analyse the driving forces and actors behind this process. In particular the influence and significance of education policy at supranational, national and subnational level for the introduction of entrepreneurship and enterprise in education are analysed. The main questions of the study have been:</p><p>• How and why have entrepreneurship and enterprise education come to the schools in the northern region of Sweden, in particular within the framework of the PRIO1 project?</p><p>• How were important stakeholders involved at the subnational level and how did they reason and act in relation to the introduction of entrepreneurship and enterprise in the schools?</p><p>• How are the concepts of entrepreneurship and enterprise education presented in policy documents at different policy levels?</p><p>The study wants to report on changes in education policy during recent years. Especially the emergence of international policy convergence and new forms of governance are among the factors that are considered. Drawing on a conceptual framework of structure and agency, the analyses in the empirical studies are informed by a combination of theoretical fields. Important contributions are rendered from the education policy literature. The first method consists of a policy study of documents produced by organisations at different levels (supranational, national and subnational). The purpose of this analysis is to capture the ideas and arguments that have been used but also to understand the context and driving forces for the introduction of entrepreneurship and enterprise in education. Starting from the supranational level, the analysis focuses mainly on two organisations, OECD and EU. These organisations were chosen because they are widely regarded as leading organisations in setting the supranational policy agenda for education. The document study consists of a selection of OECD documents that have been released during the period 1970 - 2006, as well as a selection of EU documents. The EU documents cover the last 15 years. Attention is paid to several documents at the national and subnational level as well. The second method is an interview study. The interview study aims to focus on some of the key stakeholders (agents/actors) that have been participating in the formation (initiation, financing and realisation) of a county wide project “PRIO1”, Priority Enterprise in Västerbotten, in the North of Sweden. In order to understand why and how these actors at the subnational level have become involved in the process, there exists a need to hear their arguments. The document study shows that there is interplay between the different levels, but intertextual aspects have also become visible. The policy drive and policy scope show the concatenation but also the complexity of the policy development. Education is increasingly related to economic policies, in particular through labour market policies. Although the concepts of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise have developed within the economic sector, they are penetrating the education and training systems of many countries. From the results presented in this study, it seems that lifelong learning has become the guiding principle for the amalgamation of education and the world of work, while learning is no longer equated with just schooling. The opening of the school towards the surrounding world is a characteristic development in all this, but it is also a process that certainly is stipulated by agencies and actors at different levels, as is shown in this study. The interviews with some stakeholders at the subnational level show that the promotion of entrepreneurship and enterprise in education is related to arguments for economic and societal development. The interviews also reveal some of the “bottom-up” aspects of the policy process. One of the important results of this study is that the education policy studies have to include the level beyond the national borders. The interplay between the different policy-levels (supranational, national and subnational) needs more attention in order to understand the transformation of the education system.</p>

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