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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O santuário de São Severino do Ramos: características de uma devoção da diocese de Nazaré

Antonio Inácio Pereira 08 September 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de descrever a estruturação das romarias da Diocese de Nazaré ao Santuário de São Severino do Ramos, situado na cidade de Paudalho PE, tentando compreender as suas características, a partir dos quatro setores pastorais que compõem a Diocese de Nazaré, salientando as motivações e as estratégias utilizadas pelos fretantes que realizam as constantes romarias ao Santuário do Engenho Ramos. Sendo a romaria uma prática religiosa universalmente conhecida, o Santuário de São Severino corresponde a esta necessidade dos devotos em busca de aprofundarem suas experiências com o sagrado. No Nordeste do Brasil este santuário alcança uma importância considerável pelos muitos devotos que o visitam, identificando-o como um espaço capaz de conceder às benesses mais necessárias à vida humana por intermédio de São Severino. Para se alcançar o objetivo desta pesquisa foram realizadas vinte entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os fretantes de romarias, sendo cinco em cada um dos setores da Diocese. No intuito de obter maior conhecimento do fenômeno das romarias nas dependências de um antigo engenho foram entrevistadas, ainda outras 19 pessoas, conhecedoras de fatos relativos à relação romeiro- santuário de São Severino do Ramos. Do ponto de vista teórico essa pesquisa buscou dialogar com as contribuições de Carlos Alberto Steil, Annette Dumoulin, Mircea Eliade e Aldo Natale Terrin, entre outros. Este estudo está distribuído em três capítulos: o primeiro apresenta a gênese do santuário, o segundo o resultado das entrevistas nos setores diocesanos e o terceiro à luz dos teóricos supracitados descreve as características comuns às romarias. O trabalho ousa ser mais uma contribuição na área de Ciência da Religião, como também uma bússola que dê um norte às iniciativas pastorais da Diocese de Nazaré em relação à religiosidade popular. / This abstract aims at describing the structure of the pilgrimages taking place to the sanctuary of São Severino do Ramos situated in the city of Paudalho in the diocese of Nazaré in Pernambuco, Brazil, and trying to understand their characteristics. It parts from the four districts that compose the diocese and accentuates the reasons and strategies used by the transportation contractors who perform these constant pilgrimages to the Santuário do Engenho Ramos. Pilgrimage being a universally known religious practice, the Santuário de São Severino answers to the necessity the pilgrims feel to go to certain hierophanic places in order to deepen their experience of the Holy. In the Northeast of Brazil, this sanctuary has considerable importance because of the thousands of devotees who visit it (yearly) and identify it as a place capable of conceding the blessings most necessary to human life through the mediation of São Severino. To reach the aim we have set ourselves, there were realized twenty semi-structured interviews with the transportation coordinators of the pilgrimage five in each of the four sectors of the diocese of Nazaré. To get more information about the phenomena of the pilgrimages in the vicinity of the old Engenho Ramos, we also interviewed another nineteen people who know facts about the relationship between the pilgrimages and the sanctuary of São Severino. From a theoretical point of view, this research sought dialogue with the contributions of Carlos Alberto Steil, Annette Dumoulin, Mircea Eliade and Aldo Natale Terrin, among others. This essay is divided into three chapters: the first one introduces the genesis of the sanctuary in question; the second brings out the result of the interviews realized in the four sectors of the diocese; and the third analyses some of the characteristics that are common to pilgrimages. The essay aims at being not only a contribution in the field of Religious Sciences, but also a compass that wants to give direction to the pastoral initiatives of the diocese of Nazaré where popular religiosity is concerned.

Göbekli Tepe: Stone Age Sanctuaries in Upper Mesopotamia / Göbekli Tepe: santuarios de la Edad de Piedra en la Alta Mesopotamia

Schmidt, Klaus 10 April 2018 (has links)
About 15 kilometers north-east of the Turkish city of Şanliurfa lies the mound of Göbekli Tepe with its Stone Age Sanctuaries. Its enormous deposit layers, up to 15 meters high, have accumulated over several millennia on an area of about 9 hectares. Excavations done by the German Archaeological Institute with the Archaeological Museum of Şanliurfa, which have been carried out since 1995, found a very important site, which contributes to a completely new understanding of the process of sedentism and the beginning of agriculture. Amazingly, no residential buildings have been discovered up to now. However, at least two phases of monumental religious architecture have been uncovered. Of these, the oldest layer, with its richly adorned monolithic T-shaped pillars, is the most impressive. The buildings on this layer are circular, with a diameter of over 20 meters, and constructed from quarry stone. There are the enclosures A-D on the southern slope and enclosure E at the western plateau. Their age is impressive, having been dated to the 10th millennium BC, a time when men still lived as hunter-gatherers. This opened up a layer of the Stone Age, in which the so-called Neolithic Revolution took place. Overlying layer III is layer II, which has been dated to the 9th millennium BC. During this latter period there is a certain reduction both in the size of the structures and in the numbers of pillars. The uppermost layer I is represented by the surface debris including enormous deposits of Hangfußsedimente, accumulations of eroded sediments from layers II and III. There is no occupation from periods younger than the Pre-Pottery Neolithic at the site. The sanctuaries of Göbekli Tepe were completely filled in during the Stone Age. The old surfaces that can be observed in the excavations and the processes that occurred in the sediment have been subjected to pedological analyses and allow the act of filling to be dated into the late 9th millennium BC. / El montículo de Göbekli Tepe, con sus santuarios de la Edad de Piedra, se ubica a unos 15 kilómetros al noreste de la ciudad de Şanliurfa, en Turquía. Sus enormes capas de sedimentos, que alcanzan más de 15 metros de espesor, se acumularon en una superficie de alrededor de 9 hectáreas durante varios milenios. En las excavaciones realizadas desde 1995 por el Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI), en cooperación con el Archaeological Museum of Şanliurfa, se descubrió un sitio muy importante que ofrece una comprensión totalmente nueva del proceso de la sedentarización y del inicio de la agricultura. Resulta sorprendente que no se hayan descubierto construcciones residenciales hasta el momento. En vez de ello, se han ubicado, al menos, dos fases de arquitectura monumental, de las que la más temprana es la más espectacular por sus grandes pilares ricamente adornados. Las construcciones de este nivel, hechas de piedras canteadas, son de planta circular y tienen un diámetro de más de 20 metros. Los denominados recintos A a D se encuentran en la pendiente sur, mientras que el Recinto E se ubica en la meseta occidental. Su edad es impresionante, ya que data del décimo milenio a.C., en una época en que el hombre aún vivía de la caza y la recolección; es, por lo tanto, un grado de la Edad de Piedra en el que ocurrió la Revolución Neolítica. La capa II cubre la III y fue fechada en el noveno milenio a.C. En este tiempo se advierte una cierta reducción en el tamaño de las estructuras y en la cantidad de los pilares. La capa I es superficial, con derrumbes e importantes depósitos de sedimentos de piedemonte, como acumulaciones de sedimentos erosionados procedentes de las capas II y III. No existen vestigios más recientes que el PPN (Pre-Pottery Neolithic o Neolítico Precerámico) en el sitio: los santuarios de Göbekli Tepe fueron rellenados completamente durante la Edad de Piedra. Las superficies antiguas se observan en la excavación y los procesos que ocurrieron en el sedimento fueron sometidos a análisis pedológicos que permitieron determinar la edad del relleno en la parte tardía del noveno milenio a.C.

La momia inca del nevado de Chuscha (noroeste argentino): resultado preliminar de su estudio

Schobinger, Juan 10 April 2018 (has links)
An Inka Mummy from Chuscha Mountain (Northwest Argentina): Preliminary Research ResultsEighty years ago, residents of the region between the provinces of Salta and Catamarca recovered a well-preserved body from a plateau located just below the peak of the mountain of Chuscha, which has an altitude of 5400 meters above sea level. This find was transported to the Museum of Natural Sciences and Anthropology of Mendoza for the purpose of undertaking an interdisciplinary study. The physical anthropological analysis determined that the body represented a young girl of approximately eight years of age. The child, who was dressed in typical Inca style, was the principal object of a ritual sacrifice. Her death was caused by a lance that pierced her thorax. This form of sacrifice of individual victims is unusual, although there have not been many other examples of high altitude mummies recovered to date. Two exploratory expeditions to the region added some information concerning Inca domination in this region, which has only recently been the focus of archaeological investigations. / Ochenta años atrás, lugareños de la zona entre las provincias de Salta y Catamarca extrajeron un cuerpo bien conservado de una meseta ubicada al pie de la cumbre del nevado de Chuscha, cuya altura es de 5400 metros. Este hallazgo fue llevado al Museo de Ciencias Naturales y Antropológicas de Mendoza con el fin de proceder a su estudio interdisciplinario. El análisis de antropología física determinó que se trataba de un individuo femenino de ocho años de edad, aproximadamente. El infante vestía un ajuar de típico estilo Inca y fue el personaje principal de un sacrificio ritual. Su muerte fue ocasionada al arrojársele una lanza que le atravesó el tórax. Este modo de sacrificar a los individuos es extraño, pues no se han encontrado casos similares para momias de altura. Dos expediciones proporcionaron algunos datos sobre la dominación inca en esta región, a la que recién se ha comenzado a estudiar arqueológicamente.

Os santuários nas apoikias do Ocidente: organização física e inserção de estruturas de culto no espaço / Sanctuaries in Western apoikias: physical organization and insertion of cult structures in space

Regina Helena Rezende Bechelli 07 June 2013 (has links)
Realizamos um levantamento e um estudo dos vestígios de santuários construídos nas apoikias do Ocidente, analisando aspectos referentes à sua organização física e inserção no espaço urbano e no território ligado a ele para, a partir daí, procurar entender a relação do culto religioso com esse espaço construído. O período estudado compreende o intervalo entre os séculos VII e III a.C., quando identificamos movimentos de expansão e retração na frequentação das áreas sacras estudadas. A compreensão em profundidade da dinâmica de instalação e uso desses santuários nos proporcionou um melhor entendimento de como a sociedade grega estruturava a religião no espaço e como esses lugares serviam como mecanismos políticos de posse e controle do território, usados pelos gregos para se estabelecerem nessas novas áreas já ocupadas por populações autóctones ou por gregos provenientes de outras regiões. / We conducted a research of the remains of sanctuaries in the Western apoikias, analyzing aspects related to their physical organization and insertion into the urban space and the territory attached to it, in order to understand the relationship of the religious worship to this constructed space. The chronological scope of the study is from VII to III centuries BC, a time frame when we identify movements of expansion and contraction in the utilization of the sacred areas studied. The deep understanding of the dynamics of installation and use of these sanctuaries gave us a better understanding of how Greek society structured religion in space and how these places served as mechanisms of political control and possession of territory, used by the Greeks to settle in these new areas already occupied by indigenous communities or by Greeks from other regions.

Du héros épique à l'icône divine. L'image de Rama dans les décors sculptés de l'empire de Vijayanagar / From epic hero to divine icon. The image of Rāma in the sculpted decoration of the Vijayanagara Empire

Le Sauce-Carnis, Marion 27 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie l’émergence du culte de Rāma à travers l’évolution de son iconographie dans les décors sculptés des temples de l’époque de Vijayanagar. À partir du XIIe siècle, Rāma qui, jusqu’ici, était un avatar de Viṣṇu, se détache de sa tutelle pour acquérir une autonomie de culte, avec ses propres dévots. Nous nous sommes demandé dans quelle mesure le changement de statut de Rāma était perceptible dans les reliefs qui le prennent pour sujet et comment l’étude de ces reliefs pouvait nous éclairer sur ce changement. Notre étude se fonde sur un corpus d’environ 2700 reliefs, relevés dans 47 temples sur tout le territoire de l’empire (Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu). Trois catégories de reliefs se dégagent : les cycles narratifs, les séquences narratives et les reliefs iconiques. En comparant les modes de représentation au sein d’une même catégorie, puis entre catégories, nous avons observé l’importance prise par les images iconiques. Nous avons constaté le faible rôle du régionalisme, mais plutôt une homogénéité à travers l’empire, confirmée par le rapprochement que nous avons fait des reliefs avec six versions du Rāmāyaṇa, et qui démontre que les différentes régions ont toutes eu, de préférence, recours à la même version. Cette analyse s’inscrit dans un examen plus vaste de la place de Rāma dans la culture indienne et aboutit à des conclusions sur la relation entre arts visuels et littérature, les liens entre Rāma et la royauté de Vijayanagar et montre les différents moyens de signifier la divinité désormais accomplie de Rāma. / This thesis studies the emergence of the cult of Rāma through the development of his iconography in the sculpted decoration of temples from the Vijayanagara era. From the 12th century, Rāma, who until then had been an avatar of Viṣṇu, broke away and acquired a separate cult, with his own worshippers. We wondered to what extent the change in Rāma’s status could be observed in the reliefs in which he features and how studying these reliefs could shed light on this change. Our study is based on a corpus of around 2700 reliefs from 47 temples throughout the territory of the Empire (Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu). Three categories of relief can be identified: narrative cycles, narrative sequences and iconic reliefs. When we compared the means of representation within each category, then between categories, we noted the increasingly important role of iconic images. We observed little difference between regions, but rather homogeneity throughout the Empire, confirmed by our comparison between the reliefs and six versions of the Rāmāyaṇa, which showed that the various regions all favoured the same version. This analysis forms part of a broader study of the role of Rāma in Indian culture and leads to conclusions on the relationship between visual arts and literature, the links between Rāma and the Vijayanagara royalty, and the different ways of representing the divine status that Rāma had, by then, acquired.

Athènes et ses sanctuaires : l’administration économique et financière des lieux de culte en Attique à l’époque classique et au début de l’époque hellénistique / Athens and its sanctuaries : financial management of sacred places in Attica during the classical and early Hellenistic periods

Mussa, Valentina 30 November 2019 (has links)
Au cours de l’époque classique, la gestion des cultes et des richesses sacrées d’Athènes devient de plus en plus centralisée autour de l’Acropole. La cité en effet met en place un système de gestion plus rationnel et cohérent de ses biens sacrés en même temps qu’elle se dote de structures administratives et institutionnelles lui permettant de gérer un empire maritime en expansion. Ce système, loin d’être figé, repose sur la mobilisation des pratiques et instruments comptables qui conduisent à une connaissance plus précise des fortunes des sanctuaires et à une organisation et exploitation plus efficaces des trésors sacrés. La structure administrative semble bien s’adapter aux statuts variés des sanctuaires attiques ainsi qu’aux spécificités liées à leur positionnement géographique. La polis décline en effet de façon différente ses interventions dans la gestion économique des lieux de culte dispersés sur son territoire : elle procède souvent au maintien des spécificités régionales dans l’administration des sanctuaires mais elle adapte en même temps ces différentes réalités administratives aux nécessités d’une gestion centralisée et unitaire. A la lumière de perspectives évoquées, la recherche en cours se consacre à étudier l’articulation et l’évolution au fils du temps des formes et des méthodes de l’administration économique et financière des richesses sacrées athéniennes ainsi que le rôle et l’action de ses acteurs principaux : la polis et les autres instances civiques, les sanctuaires et le territoire. / At Athens, since de development of the maritime Empire, the management system of sacred finances became increasingly centralized on the Acropolis. The city developed a more rational and coherent method of administration of its sacred properties. This system was based on several practices and instruments of accountability that allowed the Athenian State to better control the wealth of attic sanctuaries and to better exploit it in order to finance religious life. Furthermore, attic sanctuaries bore different statuses and different economic roles inside Attic boundaries. For these reasons, Athens declined in a different way its interventions in the economic management of its sacred treasures. The Polis maintained, anyway, regional diversities in the administration and harmonized it inside a unified and coherent management system. Thus, the current study is devoted to study the articulation and evolution over time of the forms and methods of economic and financial administration of Athenian sacred wealth as well as the role and action of its main actors in this system : central and local civic authorities, sanctuaries and the territory.

Ritual Incubation in Graeco-Roman Egypt / Rituell inkubation i Grekisk-romerska Egypten

Gutierrez Haddad, Christie January 2023 (has links)
This essay explores the divinatory practice of incubation in ancient Egypt during the Graeco-Roman period with a particular focus on the magical and religious significance of the practice. Two main sanctuaries, Abydos and Deir el-Bahari have been investigated with a focus on the gods Bes and Osiris in the former and Amenhotep and Imhotep in the latter. The study has mainly examined surviving epigraphy and the ritual and cultic elements of the sites in relation to physical space as a prerequisite for ritual incubation. In addition, this study has related Greek influences on the practice of incubation in Egypt as a potential source of origin but has also investigated indigenous Egyptian traditions both for questioning the origin of and placing the practice into context. / Denna uppsats undersöker den spådomspraktik så kallad inkubation i Antika Egypten under dess Grekisk-romerska period med ett särskilt fokus på den magiska och religiösa meningen med praktiken. Två primära helgedomar, nämligen Abydos och Deir el-Bahari, har undersökts med ett fokus på gudarna Bes och Osiris i den förra och Amenhotep samt Imhotep i den senare. Studien har främst undersökt kvarlevande epigrafik och den rituella och det kultiska elementet av platserna i relation till fysiskt utrymme som en föregångare för rituell inkubation. Dessutom har denna studie relaterat grekiska influenser på inkubation i Egypten som ett potentiellt ursprung men har även undersökt inhemsk egyptisk tradition både i frågan om dess härkomst och för att ställa praktiken i sin kontext.

Pratiques et valeurs spatiales, pèlerines et touristiques : grands et petits lieux de pélérinage aujourd'hui / Pilgrimage and tourism, spatial practices and spatial values : great and small places of pilgrimage today

Chevrier, Marie-Hélène 25 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse articule géographie et fait religieux, ce dernier n’étant pas seulement étudié en creux mais constituant au contraire l’objet central de l’étude. Les recherches menées partent d’un paradoxe contemporain particulièrement observable dans les sociétés dites occidentales. Leur sécularisation de plus en plus forte, impliquant un effacement progressif de toute référence religieuse dans l’espace public, s’accompagne pourtant, depuis une vingtaine d’années, d’un regain de fréquentation des lieux de pèlerinage, qui touche, certes, les sanctuaires les plus connus, à forte valeur historique et culturelle (le Mont-Saint-Michel, Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, par exemple), mais également les plus récents et confidentiels (L’Ile-Bouchard, entre autres). Les pratiques des visiteurs oscillent, au cours d’une même visite, entre pèlerinage et tourisme, remettant en cause les catégories, jusqu’ici restées relativement étanches dans la littérature scientifique francophone, de « pèlerin » et « touriste ». Cette hybridation des pratiques et des publics invite à envisager, comme effet de la sécularisation, une remonétisation de la valeur sacrée et des espaces considérés comme investis de cette valeur. Il s’agit ici, à partir d’une étude comparative des pratiques spatiales dans plusieurs lieux de pèlerinage catholiques en France, en Bosnie-Herzégovine, en Espagne, en Irlande, en Italie, au Mexique et au Portugal, de questionner à nouveaux frais la catégorisation des pratiques pèlerines et touristiques et d’entrer dans l’étude de la valeur spatiale. Les pratiques permettent en effet d’accéder aux représentations de l’espace construites par les visiteurs, qui elles-mêmes trahissent les valeurs dont ces mêmes visiteurs investissent les lieux. Ici est en jeu, dans un contexte de sécularisation, l’évolution, qui oscille entre résistance et résilience, de l’inscription de la valeur sacrée dans l’espace. / This thesis links up geography and religion. Religion, here, is not just a footnote in the analysis but constitutes the central matter of this work. The research work done here, starts from a contemporary paradox, particularly intense in western societies. The latter are under a growing secularization which implies the progressive obliteration of any religious reference in public space. Yet, for twenty years or so, the number of visitors in places of pilgrimage is increasing. This rise concerns not only the most famous pilgrimage centers such as Le Mont-Saint-Michel or Santiago de Compostela, invested with high historical and cultural values, but also some places of pilgrimage more recent and confidential (for instance L’Ile-Bouchard shrine). During a visit, the visitors’ spatial practices fluctuate between pilgrimage and tourism. These variations challenge the categories of “tourism” and “pilgrimage” which are usually kept separated in the French scientific literature. This hybridization of audiences and practices leads to consider the remonetization of the sacred value and the sacred spaces as a consequence of secularization. This thesis is based on a comparative study of spatial practices in several catholic places of pilgrimage in France, Bosnia Herzegovina, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Mexico and Portugal. The purpose here is to question once again the categorization of the practices of pilgrimage and tourism. This work also aims to study the spatial value. Spatial practices allow indeed to grab the representations of space built up by the visitors and these representations betray the values granted to the places by the same visitors. The evolution of the spatial form taken by the sacred value in a secular context, between resistance and resilience, is at stake here.


Blid, Jesper January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis examines the Christian context of the former pagan sanctuary of Zeus Labrandeusin Caria during the Early Byzantine period, ca. 325-730 A.D. The focus is on the church, positioned outside the pagan sanctuary’s temenos area. The architecture of the church has been empirically analysed. It is argued that the church shows strong Syrian influences. The Syrian features are a tripartite sanctuary enclosed by a straight back wall, an interior supported by pilasters and a west part with two towers. The study of the architecture has also been used in an attempt to discuss the liturgy at Labraunda.The finds from the excavations of 1951-2005 have been categorized and examined in order to establish a <em>terminus post quem</em> for the Christian presence at the site of the church. This has been crucial for the dating of the church. Furthermore, the finds illustrate the social and economic conditions that prevailed at Labraunda during the Early Byzantine period. Finally, this study tries to enlighten the process of transition from a pagan sanctuary into a Christian place of worship.</p>


Blid, Jesper January 2006 (has links)
This thesis examines the Christian context of the former pagan sanctuary of Zeus Labrandeusin Caria during the Early Byzantine period, ca. 325-730 A.D. The focus is on the church, positioned outside the pagan sanctuary’s temenos area. The architecture of the church has been empirically analysed. It is argued that the church shows strong Syrian influences. The Syrian features are a tripartite sanctuary enclosed by a straight back wall, an interior supported by pilasters and a west part with two towers. The study of the architecture has also been used in an attempt to discuss the liturgy at Labraunda.The finds from the excavations of 1951-2005 have been categorized and examined in order to establish a terminus post quem for the Christian presence at the site of the church. This has been crucial for the dating of the church. Furthermore, the finds illustrate the social and economic conditions that prevailed at Labraunda during the Early Byzantine period. Finally, this study tries to enlighten the process of transition from a pagan sanctuary into a Christian place of worship.

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