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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The reasear of influence factors on the futher intentions and determinations of Kaohsiung Junior High School students

Chen, Tsong-Jyi 29 July 2002 (has links)
Abstract The origin of Human Resource is education. In terms of marketing, the purpose of this study is to understand the main sources of information and influence as well as the priority of factors on the future intentions and determinations of junior high school students in the target market. Besides, Discussed and understood by way of Market Segmentation Analysis Technology, various sorts of students¡¦ characteristics affect on the recruitment on senior high and vocational high school students. Followed by the above analyses, there are some suggestions are concluded to the options of goals, the main focus of strategies and the plan of related activities on student recruitment, ought to think how to develop their own characteristics. Through the analyses of Market Segmentation, the priority of school types, the sources of information and influence, the outcomes are concluded to suggest the goals to recruit senior high school students will be focused on students which are Cluster 3 (ideal-approached), Cluster 1 (career-approached), living in the neighborhood of business areas, and whose the educational levels of parents are ranged above college; moreover, the grades of students are ranged within top 10 will have the priorities. As to the deliveries of information, family or relatives will be the first and best choice. Then, by way of the DM of senior high and vocational high schools, teachers and classmates will be in junior high school. Except for students themselves, those who are influential will be mother, and then father will comes after mother. Meanwhile, it is important to emphasize consultancy on future career, the distance from school, the peer quality, the ranges of Joint Entrance Exams for years and the faculty. The goals to recruit vocational high school students will be as follows: students who belong to Cluster 1, Cluster 3, who live in industrial or port areas, whose parents only received education below junior high school with mid-low payment and the students will be ranged after 21 in their class. As to the deliveries of information, family or relatives will be the first and best choice. Then, by way of the DM of senior high/vocational high schools, teachers and classmates in junior high school. Except for students themselves, those who are influential will be mother, father and then classmates. Meanwhile, it is important to emphasize consultancy on future career (consultancy on further study), the distance from school, the convenience of living, the ranges of Joint Entrance Exams for years and the percentages of further study to gradated students. The goals to recruit complex type of senior high school students will be as follows: students who live in industrial or port areas, whose parents finished senior/vocational high school education with mid-low payment and the students will be ranged within 11 to 20 in their class. As to the deliveries of information, family or relatives will be the first and best choice. Then, by way of the DM of senior high/vocational high schools, teachers from senior/vocational high schools, their own junior high school teachers. Except for students themselves, those who are influential will be mother, and then father will comes after mother. Meanwhile, it is important to emphasize consultancy on future career, the distance from school, the peer quality, the ranges of Joint Entrance Exams for years.

Socio-Geographical Mobilities : A Study of Compulsory School Students’ Mobilities within Metropolitan Stockholm’s Deregulated School Market

Wahls, Rina January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish educational reforms of the 1990s introduced a choice- and voucher-based system, which allowed students to choose schools regardless of their proximity to them. As a consequence, new opportunities for geographical disparities in educational provisions as well as in home-to- school mobilities have emerged. The following thesis addresses this development by focusing on compulsory school (grade 9) students’ home-to-school mobility patterns. More specifically, a Bourdieusian lens is applied to understand mobility in terms of both physical and social space. In contrast to the Bourdieusian tradition, articulations between social and physical space are operationalized by constructing individually defined, scalable neighbourhoods. The software EquiPop is used to compute neighbourhood context neighbours in the municipality of Stockholm (n = 779 079) using the k-nearest neighbour algorithm (k = 1 600). A k-means cluster analysis is applied to construct income-based neighbourhood types. On this basis, this thesis asks about the localizations and positions of schools and students as well as about the mobility patterns and predictors of students residing in low-income, and thus economic capital deprived, neighbourhoods (n = 2 346). Utilizing register data, the study finds an unequal distribution of educational provisions in relation to different providers, i.e. municipal schools and independent schools, as well as different school types. Furthermore, the results indicate that students from low-income neighbourhoods are unequally mobilized dependent on migration background and the educational background of mothers. Moreover, independent schools have been found to be a attractive alternative for students from low-income neighbourhoods. / Research project "On the outskirt of the school market" by Håkan Forsberg

Different Styles, Similar Shape : A Case Study on the Effects of Competition on Swedish Charter School Groups

Ibstedt, Jennie, Waern, Peder January 2013 (has links)
Abstract The school market was established in Sweden in the conjunction of several reforms, which, among other objectives, aimed at increasing diversity in the market. This allowed profitseeking firms to compete against each other in a former monopoly. According to certain theories, the mechanisms of competition are bound to make organizations more homogenous. Other researchers have claimed that differentiating mechanisms such as various strategies allow companies to become more diverse. This paradox presents an interesting research area which we have pursued. Our thesis addresses this contradiction by answering the research question: How do mechanisms of competition influence organizational diversity among charter school groups? This explanatory qualitative case study analyzes ongoing organizational trends among three Swedish charter school groups through a within – and cross case analysis. Our main findings indicate that 1) the mechanisms of competition reduces the diversity among organizations of charter school groups and thus the organizations are becoming more homogenous. However, 2) external imitation does not contribute to the homogenizing effects on organizations since brand strategy, lack of resources and transparency as well as employee resistance limits competitive imitation.


Olsson, Caroline, Rottbers, Linda January 2013 (has links)
This quantitative study aims to contribute to the understanding of how increasing educational costs on the Swedish market for upper secondary schools can be explained. With insights from previous research, a multiple regression analysis is performed to answer if competition implicates economic efficiency, why are upper secondary school costs for municipalities increasing along with increasing competition on the Swedish school market? Data on municipality-level was collected for the period of 2000-2011 and the results show that increasing educational costs are explained by increasing competition. In addition, increasing pupils’ change of school and/or program, and increasing overcapacity are statistically significant predictors of increasing educational costs. Furthermore, this study contributes to previous research as it takes an extended view of competition and demonstrates that is well founded when evaluating the effect of competition on educational costs. In addition, the results indicates that there are additional aspects to address namely, that competition affects costs indirectly by creating more complex competitive conditions with regards to education providers’ possibility to plan and set dimensions of their operations.

Vinnarskolor & Förlorarskolor : En kritisk stuide av vithet i skolorganisationer

Willy, Do, Yasmine, Nechma January 2015 (has links)
Uppsatsen tar ett avstamp i studier av den svenska skolmarknaden. Med företagen som ideal förmås skolorna att med uppgifterna som producenter konkurrera om elever som tar rollen som kunder. Marknadsföringen och synligheten i media blir en förutsättning för överlevnad på denna marknad. Skolmarknaden med dess fria skolval blir problematisk när den ökar segregationen. Problemet blir omfattande i följden vinnarskolor och förlorarskolor. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka marknadsföringsbroschyrer och medierepresentationen av fyra skolor i Stockholm, varav två är vinnarskolor och två är förlorarskolor. Teorin om New Public Management används i förståelsen för fenomenet skolmarknad och dess konsekvenser. Genom en innehållsanalys med ett intersektionellt perspektiv av skolornas broschyrer och representationen i media, kunna kartlägga maktasymmetrier. I synnerlighet används Bourdieus kapitaldefinitioner och postkolonial teori för förståelsen av hur segregation uppstått och kvarlever. Detta för att påvisa om etnisk- och socioekonomisk segregation synliggörs i marknadsföringen samt om denna kan bidra till en reproduktion av segregation. En analys av sekundärt insamlad statistik används i definieringen av dem olika skolorna. Resultatet visar på en förekomst av etnisk- och socioekonomisk segregation i skolornas marknadsföring och medierepresentation. Empirin av den kvalitativa undersökningen redovisar ett påtagligt samband mellan etnicitet/socioekonomi och studieresultat. Slutsatsen blir att marknadsföringen och medierepresentation påverkar reproduktionen av segregation men de sociala strukturerna är det som upprätthåller fenomenet.

Kampen om eleverna : Gymnasiefältet och skolmarknadens framväxt i Stockholm, 1987–2011

Forsberg, Håkan January 2015 (has links)
The Swedish educational reforms in the beginning of the 1990s, introducing a public-funded voucher system, free school choice and the right to run schools as commercial enterprises, had an important impact on upper secondary education. The Stockholm region, the most populous in Sweden, offered favourable conditions for the growth of a previously non-existent educational market. A massive expansion of independent schools took place, managed primarily by larger companies, along with the extensive marketing of profiled study programmes and the import of management models from the private sector. In 2011 alone, schools competed for 75 000 pupils representing an annual economic value of approximately 8.5 billion SEK. Covering the period 1988 to 2011, this thesis analyses the relationship between the educational market and upper secondary education as a social field structured by the educational strategies of social groups. Building on Bourdieu’s relational sociology, the study combines quantitative and qualitative methods, using correspondence analysis as a major analytical tool. While free school choice and the voucher system established a supply-demand relationship between schools and families and pupils, the analysis shows that the market has submitted to the same forces that structure the field of upper secondary education within which it unfolds, primarily the volume and composition of symbolic and other assets that students, families and schools possess. In fact, the social structure of the field of upper secondary education in Stockholm remains remarkably stable over time, opposing on the one hand female and male dominated education and on the other hand education with high social and scholarly recruitment to that with low. Euclidean clustering analysis unveils a complex social structure reflecting how the increasingly differentiated educational supply has adapted to the needs of various social groups. Elite schools, market-oriented schools and market-exposed schools develop different strategies in the battle over pupils. Competing amongst themselves for pupils rich in inherited and acquired capital, the elite schools withdraw from the openly market-oriented approach that characterises the other type of schools and instead opt for more subtle, long-term strategies for building up trust from their audience, involving investments in staff and other institutional assets.

”Maten är kass, men lärarna är snälla” : Recensioner av gymnasieskolor - ett beslutsunderlag för gymnasievalet på skolmarknaden / ”The food is crappy, but the teachers are kind” : Reviews of schools – basis for decision-making for upper secondary school election on a school market

Barakat, Mohammed, Östergren, Rolf January 2019 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en förståelse för vad det är elever som söker till gymnasieskolan kan tänkas möta då de läser recensionstexter. Syftet är således att kartlägga recensionssystemets omfattning och innehåll kvantitativt; vad som tas upp i recensionstexterna, samt att undersöka hur recensionstexterna är konstruerade. Avslutningsvis syftar uppsatsen till att diskutera recensionssystemet i en större samhällskontext - som ett resultat av och en del i vår samtid. Vilka ämnen och teman förekommer i recensionstexter av gymnasieskolor samt hur frekvent är förekomsten?  Hur värderas (positivt, negativt eller neutralt) de olika temana i recensionerna?  På vilket sätt är recensionstexterna konstruerade och hur kan det tolkas? På vilket sätt framträder en skolmarknadsdiskurs i recensionstexterna? Metod De kvantitativa frågorna undersöks genom en innehållsanalys av slumpmässigt utvalda recensioner på gymnasieskolor i Stockholms län. De förekomna orden kvantifieras och delas in i teman, kategorieroch subkategorier. En bedömning görs även utifrån om de förekomna orden lyfts i en positiv, negativ eller neutral kontext. Den kvalitativa delen utgörs av en textanalys inspirerad av diskursanalysen. Av ett antal utvalda recensioner, baserat på dess innehållsliga relevans, analyseras dessa semantiskt med diskursanalytiska verktyg. I diskussions- och analysdelen behandlas resultatet utifrån det teoretiska ramverket och tidigare forskning.  Resultat Av innehållsanalysen framgår att de vanligast förekommande temana var allmänna värdeomdömen om skolan, att kommentera lärare samt skolans upplägg och utbildningens kvalité. Det är även vanligt att sociala aspekter så som atmosfär och gemenskap lyfts fram i recensionerna. Av den kvalitativa delen framgår det att recensenterna uttrycker sig på ett sätt som speglar skolmarknadsdiskursen. I somliga fall framgår tydligt hur recensenten anammat skolmarknadsdiskursen. Slutsats Resultatet indikerar att recensionssystemet riskerar att generera segregerande effekter. Framförallt utifrån den asymmetriska tillgången av information och att skola och identitet knyts allt närmare varandra. Detta förtydligas och ställs på sin spets i hur recensionerna är konstruerade och kan, i vissa fall, tänkas vara svårare att bearbeta då gemene elev tenderar att se recensenter som objektiva (till skillnad från övrig tillgänglig information). / Aim The aim with this study is to explore what kind of information pupils, searching for upper secondary school, might get from reading reviews of schools. The purpose is thus to quantify the scope and content of the review system quantitatively; what is mentioned in the review texts, and to examine how the review are textually constructed. Finally, the paper aims to discuss the review system in a larger social context - as a result of and a part of our time. What topics occur in reviews of upper secondary schools and how frequent is the occurrence? How are the different themes in the reviews valued (positive, negative or neutral)? In what way are the review texts constructed and how can it be interpreted? In what way does a school market discourse appear in the reviews? Method The quantitative questions are examined through a content analysis on randomly selected reviews of upper secondary schools in Stockholm County. The words in question are quantified and divided into themes, categories and subcategories. An assessment is also made based on whether the existing words are lifted in a positive, negative or neutral context. The qualitative part consists of a text analysis inspired by the discourse analysis. From a number of selected reviews, based on its substantive relevance, these are semantically analyzed with discourse analytics tools. In a merged discussion and analysis section, the result is treated on the basis of the theoretical framework and previous research. Results The content analysis shows that the most common themes were general value reviews of the school, commenting on teachers and the school's structure and the quality of the education. It is also common to mention social aspects such as atmosphere and cohesion. From the qualitative part it appears that the reviewers express themselves in a way that reflects the school market discourse. In some cases, it is clear that the reviewer has adopted the school market discourse.  Conclusion The result indicates that the review system risks generating segregating effects. Especially based on the asymmetric availability of information and the fact that school and identity are getting more connected. This is clarified and put on its tip in how the reviews are constructed and, in some cases, may be more difficult to process when the common student tends to see reviewers as objective (in contrast to other available sources of information).

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