Spelling suggestions: "subject:"socialisation"" "subject:"resocialisation""
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Education, intégration sociale et développement en Angola : le cas du Cabinda, problématique d'une construction sociale et culturelle en équilibre / Education, social integration and development in Angola : the case of Cabinda, problem of social and cultural construction balanced / Educação, integração social e desenvolvimento em Angola : o caso de cabinda, problematica da construção social e cultural em equilíbrioMuko, Constantino Humberto 30 September 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse donne à voir l’avenir de la société cabindaise de la République d’Angola, pays situé en Afrique Australe. Elle interpelle la quasi-totalité de la conscience publique, et spécialement celle des autorités angolaises, de l’intérêt des avancées du XXIè siècle, notamment dans l’éducation, l’intégration et le développement, dans une perspective de construction sociale positive. Sachant que le développement d’un pays passe, entre autre, par le processus d’éducation en tant que valeur suprême, plus exactement tout citoyen doit être en possession des possibilités d’acquisition des capacités intellectuelles et affectives, d’ouverture au monde et à la connaissance qui le préparent à construire lui-même son identité, car l’éducation est une base fondamentale de l’évolution humaine et sociétale. D’un point de vue sociologique, accorder une attention à l’éducation d’un peuple, peut le conduire à son inscription dans une société moderne et démocratique. Cette éducation est la condition empiriquement indispensable à la mise en oeuvre de la responsabilité du cabindais, qui soit le premier acte fondateur de son éthique. Le schéma classique veut que cette éducation soit dispensée d’une façon démocratique, avec des contenus démocratiques, c’est-à-dire qu’elle passe par l’enseignement formel. Et il n’en demeure pas moins que l’enseignement informel puisse aussi jouer un rôle déterminant dans un processus de changement social dont la socialisation s’impose. A cela, cette thèse montre que c’est dans la mix-éducation fondée sur les valeurs démocratiques que le Cabindais pourrait être maitre de son destin. / This thesis gives to see the future of Cabinda society in the Republic of Angola, country located in Southern Africa. It calls almost all of the public conscience, and especially that of the authorities, the interest of progress of the XXI century, especially in education, integration and development problem of social and cultural construction balanced. Recognizing thatdevelopment of a country depends, among other things, by the education process as a supreme value. Rather every citizenmust be in possession of intellectual and affective openness to the world and knowledge to prepare them for building his own identity, because education is a fundamental basis of human evolution and society. From a sociological point of view,attention to education of people returns to the entry in a modern and democratic society. This education is provided essential empirical implementation of the personal responsibility of Cabinda, which is the first founding document of its ethics. The classic pattern is that this education is provided in a democratic way, with democratic content; that is to say, it goes through the formal education. The fact remains that formal education can also play a role in a process of social change that socialization is needed. To this, this thesis shows that it is in the mix-education based on democratic values, the Cabinda, could become master of its destiny. / Esta tese tem a ver com futuro da sociedade cabindêsa na República de Angola, país localizado em Africa Austral. Elachama attenção a quasi-totalidade da consciência pública e, especialmente, a das autoridades administrativas e intelectuais, o interesse do progresso do século XXI, especialmente na educação, integração e desenvolvimento numa perspective de construção social e cultural em equilibrio. Reconhecendo que o desenvolvimento de um país depende, entre outro, pelo processo d’educabilidade como um valor supremo. E preciso que cada cidadão deve estar em posse de posssibilités intelectual e emocional de abertura ao mundo e do conhecimento para prepará-los à construir sua própria identidade ou seja uma identidade colectiva. Porque a educação é a base fundamental da evolução humana e da sociedade. Do ponto de vista sociológico, prestar atenção à educação de um povo, pode levar lhe para a sua inscrição numa sociedade moderna e democrática. Este ensino é ministrado na aplicação empírica essencialmente da responsabilidade do Cabinda, o que é oprimeiro acto fundadore da sua etica. O padrão clássico é que, esta educação esteja ministrada egual modo da formademocrática, com um conteúdo democrático, ou seja, através da educação formal. Na verdade é qu’a educação informal pode também desempenhar um papel num processo de mudança social onde a socialização é necessária. Naquele, esta tese mostra que é com a base da mix-educação que o Cabinda poderá ser dono de seu destino e tambem pode consiguir a construir os laços de uma sociedade unida baseada na coesão social como triufo da mudança social para rumo desenvolvimento positivo.
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Engagement in the local community and civic socialisation : an analysis of neighbourhood and household context using the British Household Panel SurveyBentley, Lee January 2014 (has links)
This thesis sets out to examine the notion that social context throughout the life course plays an important role in the development of social capital. It explores this using the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS), a longitudinal data set, using data from England and Wales. It argues that social capital can be thought of as being composed of different dimensions which develop differentially over time. It frames the research within the context of the local community and examines three distinct dimensions of social capital: participation in local groups, neighbourhood attachment, and interpersonal trust. Frameworks are developed within which each is hypothesised to develop at different times and within different contexts. Different expectations are outlined which suggest how they should develop within a view of social capital based on Putnam (2000) and his predictions concerning social participation and trust. These are contrasted with theories and findings form the literature on political socialisation and Uslaner’s (2002) conception of trust as a deep rooted moral trait. It is shown that participation in local groups, neighbourhood attachment and interpersonal trust, do develop at different stages and in different contexts. Moreover, it is shown that growing up in a highly trusting environment may predict participation and engagement later in life.
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"Jag är svensk men..." : En kvalitativ studie om inre konflikter hos svenskfödda ungdomar med utländsk bakgrundVasquez, Alexandra, Khalaf, Nessim January 2016 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ studie i sociologi, som baseras påintervjuer med svenskfödda ungdomar som känner tillhörighet med tre olika kulturella bakgrunder. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som kan utgöra enmöjlig inre identitetskonflikt för ungdomar som innehar flera kulturella identiteter, samt hur dessa hanterar denna. Fokusi denna studie kommer ligga på ungdomar som haft sin socialisation i Sverige men som vuxit upp med förhållanden som skiljer sig från de svenska förhållandena. Det kommer att diskuteras hur ungdomarna upplever sig själva i förhållande till det svenska samhället samt vilken kulturell bakgrund de upplever att de identifierar sig mest med.Resultatet visar att utvalda respondenter upplever att det inte existerar någon identitetsproblematik. Däremot uttrycker respondenterna att det finns ett antal faktorer som påverkar hur dessa ungdomar, som känner tillhörighet till flera kulturella bakgrunder, upplever sin positionering i det svenska samhället. Detta i sin tur leder till inre konflikter hos ungdomarna. Resultaten visar att den möjliga konflikten som uppstår, grundar sig i den primära socialisationen som kolliderar med samhällets rådande normer. Detta har lett till att en annorlunda uppfostran påverkat synen på dem själva samt etniska svenskars syn på dessa ungdomar. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av utvalda teorier som behandlar identitet, socialisation samt rollteori. / This is a qualitative study in sociology, where the study is based on interviews with seven swedish born adolescent who feel a belonging with three different cultural backgrounds. The aim of this study is to inquiry the underlying factors that can compose a possible inner identity conflict for adolescents with multiple cultural identities and how they handleit.The main focus of this study will be on adolescents who havehad their socialization in Sweden, however they grew up differently in comparison to the Swedish conditions. During this study it will be discussed how adolescent perceive themselves in relation to the Swedish society and what cultural background they identify the most with.The results show that the selected respondents feel that they do not suffer fromidentity problems. However, respondents express that there are a number of factors that affect how these young people who associates with multiple cultural backgrounds, perceive their position in Swedish society. This eventually leads to inner conflicts within themselves. The results show that the potential conflicts are based on the primary socialization colliding with societal norms. This has led to thatthe different upbringings has influenced the view of themselves as well as the ethnic Swedes perception of these young people. The results were analyzed using selected theories that included identity, socialization and role theory.
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Leadership for Sustainability is Female - Or is it? A critical gender perspective on sustainability consciousnessTainio, Anna, Cameron, Cybil January 2019 (has links)
This Master’s thesis argues for leadership for sustainability as a role consisting of skills that can be learned, and re-examines the notion that female leaders are better for sustainability. While gender socialisation may equip women and girls with competencies required for considerate and holistic problem solving and seeing beyond purely economical benefits, it hinders men and boys to develop the same skills. The world needs leaders with the necessary skills, regardless of gender. Through a survey, sustainability consciousness (SC) and leadership skills are established in working adults in Sweden. Regarding SC, the mean average of (N=218) is 3.9 on the Likert Scale, pointing towards decent awareness of sustainability in the sample. Gender did show to have an effect on SC, but gender had no effect on leadership skills. Regarding the correlation between leadership skills and SC, the human and conceptual skills correlate well with all the components of SC, but the technical skill correlate least with all. These results disprove many gender stereotypes and highlight issues with research claiming one gender over another as a better leader for sustainability.
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"Främjar förskolan relationer eller hamnar någon utanför?" : Förskollärares och specialpedagogers syn på samspel och relationsarbete i förskolan / "Does preschool promote relationships or does anyone end up outside?". : Preschool teachers' and special needs educators' views on interaction and relationship work in preschool.Renblad, Pernilla, Åkerlund, Cajsa January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie har varit att undersöka fyra förskollärares samt fyra specialpedagogers syn på relationer och samspel i förskolan genom en kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer. I denna studie valdes relationell pedagogik som huvudteori eftersom forskning har visat att goda relationer mellan vuxna och barn har främjat elevers lärande i skolan (Aspelin & Persson 2011). Författarnas beskrivningar om relationell pedagogik kunde kopplas till Bubers filosofi om ett öppet och genuint möte mellan två individer, där verklig förståelse för varandra kunde infinna sig. Även Goffmans syn på socialt samspel belystes i teoridelen eftersom utsagorna skildrade pedagoger vilka betedde sig sig på ett annat sätt än det uttalade. Goffman (2014) menade att människor presenterade en dubbelhet och hade möjlighet till att dela in sitt uppträdande i enskilt och allmänt. Mötet med andra människor var en teater där vi tänkte på hur vi uttryckte oss och där vi visade våra bästa sidor. De sämre karaktärsdragen hamnade i skymundan i det direkta mötet med andra individer. Vi har kommit fram till att förskolan är viktig i relationsbyggandet utifrån förskollärarnas och specialpedagogernas berättelser, forskning samt teorival. Resultatet visade att det var betydelsefullt med ett positivt förhållningssätt gentemot de barn respondenterna hade mött i förskolan. Genuina relationer var även något som betonades i informanternas utsagor. Det dilemma vi stötte på under studiens gång har varit att vissa barn inte har fått sina behov tillgodosedda och har därmed inte blivit bekräftade som andra barn. Utåtriktade barn har ibland fått mer uppmärksamhet än de barn som har varit lågmälda och försiktiga. De introverta barnen skulle ha kunnat riskera att hamna utanför barngruppen på grund av det. Utifrån de intervjuades skildringar så framkom det att alla vuxna som verkade i förskolan har haft behov av ytterligare kunskaper gällande relationell pedagogik. Organisation och de resurser vilka existerade i förskolan var också något som belystes av respondenterna, det hade en påverkan på samspel samt relationsbyggandet i förskolan. Ett normkritiskt förhållningssätt har varit av betydelse för att pedagogerna i förskolan, ska kunna motverka djupt ingrodda mönster som vissa barn har kommit i kontakt med och som skulle kunna påverka relationerna under uppväxten.
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Ny på jobbet? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om nyanställdas upplevelse av socialisation inom den privata sektornBavey, Jasemin January 2021 (has links)
Att påbörja en ny anställning kan upplevas som en utmaning där känslor som glädje och förväntan kan förekomma, men även osäkerhet och stress. Det finns flera faktorer som påverkar upplevelsen för den nyanställde eftersom organisationer arbetar olika med introduktionsprogram vilket i sin tur har en påverkan på den nyanställdes möjlighet till organisatorisk socialisation. Eftersom alla nyanställda går igenom en period av att skapa förståelse för de normer som råder inom organisationen och dess kultur, vilket bland annat sker vid organisatorisk socialisation, var syftet med studien att genom semistrukturerade intervjuer, att finna exempel på hur denna socialisation kan upplevas för nyanställda inom den privata sektorn. Genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer har materialet bearbetats tematiskt och analyserats utifrån organisatorisk socialisation och The Uncertainty Reduction Theory. Av resultatet framgick det att de nyanställda som intervjuades i denna studie har haft ett behov av både en tydlig och strukturerad introduktionsplan på arbetsplatsen men även att tillgången till en inkluderande arbetsgemenskap där sociala interaktioner med arbetsledare, kollegor och andra medarbetare är betydande vid nyanställning. Studien visar att nyanställda inom den privata sektorn har olika upplevelser kring organisationens sätt att tillgodose nyanställdas behov inför de roller som skulle tas och de arbetsuppgifter som skulle hanteras. De upplevde att det fanns andra faktorer som exempelvis sociala möten, relationer och gemenskap som gynnande för att komma in i organisationen och vara delaktig i arbetet. Respondenterna upplevde att med en tydlig planering i kombination med en arbetsledare i organisationen som fanns tillgänglig under den första perioden vid nyanställningen, skapades en trygghet och säkerhet som i sin tur minskade graden av den initiala osäkerheten. Slutligen presenterade resultaten värdet av den sociala gemenskapen i form av sociala integration på arbetsplatsen där rolltydligheten uppnåddes genom organisatorisk socialisation. / Starting a new job can be experienced as a challenging since emotions such as joy and anticipation can occur, but also insecurity and stress. There are several factors that affect the experience for the newly hired employee because organizations work differently with introductory programs, which in turn has an impact on the new employee's opportunity for organizational socialization. Since all new employees go through a period of creating an understanding of the norms that prevail within the organization and its culture, which includes organizational socialization, the purpose of the study was to, through semi-structured interviews, examine how socialization is experienced for new employees within the private sector. Through semi-structured interviews, the material has been processed thematically and analyzed based on organizational socialization and The Uncertainty Reduction Theory. The results showed that new employees have a need for both a clear and structured introduction plan in the workplace but also access to an inclusive work community where social interactions with supervisors, colleagues and other employees are significant in new hires. The study shows that new employees in the private sector have different experiences about the organization's way of meeting the needs of new employees before the roles that would be taken and the tasks that would be handled. They felt that other factors such as social meetings, relationships, and community beneficial to get into the organization and be involved in the work. The respondents experienced that with a clear planning in combination with a supervisor in the organization who was available during the first period of the new employment, a security and safety was created which in turn reduced the degree of initial uncertainty. Finally, the results presented the value of the social community in the form of social integration in the workplace where role clarity was achieved through organizational socialization.
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L'enfance des sentiments. La construction et l'intériorisation des règles des sentiments affectifs et amoureux chez les enfants de 6 à 11 ans. / The Childhood of feelings. Construction and internalization of friendly and romantic feelings rules in children from 6 to 11 years oldDiter, Kevin 13 February 2019 (has links)
Alors que la plupart des chercheur.e.s en sciences sociales s’accordent sur le caractère éminemment social de l’amour et de l’amitié, peu se sont attaché.e.s à décrire empiriquement la manière dont les dispositions à aimer se forment et sont progressivement intériorisées par les personnes au cour de leur vie, laissant ainsi les vastes questions de la production et du développement des sentiments affectifs et amoureux à des disciplines qui ont tendance à les naturaliser, en biologisant ou psychologisant ses mécanismes.A l’intersection de la sociologie du genre et de la socialisation, l’objectif de la thèse est d’ouvrir la « boite noire » des sentiments en proposant de faire la socio-genèse des rapports –socialement et sexuellement différenciés– à l’amour et à l’amitié. Plus précisément, il s’agit de comprendre comment, dès leur plus jeune âge, les filles et les garçons apprennent à aimer et à bien aimer, c'est-à-dire à aimer, de la bonne manière, les bonnes personnes du bon sexe.A partir d’une enquête ethnographique d’un an réalisée en 2014 au sein d’une école primaire parisienne, d’une quarantaine d’entretiens menés auprès d’enfants et de parents, et d’une analyse secondaire d’une enquête quantitative nationale réalisée en 2008 sur les pratiques culturelles enfantines auprès de 4979 enfants, le travail de la thèse s’emploie à préciser et à décrire en trois temps l’enfance des sentiments, c’est-à-dire à caractériser, au-delà des processus d’acquisitions des dispositions sentimentales, ce que signifient « aimer », « de la bonne manière », « les bonnes personnes » « du bon sexe », en tenant compte à chaque fois des propriétés sociales des enfants et de leurs autrui significatifs.La première partie met en évidence ce que veut dire aimer d’amour et aimer d’amitié pour les enfants. Loin d’être des sujets neutres, les sentiments affectifs et amoureux semblent, selon les milieux sociaux, avoir un âge et un sexe plus ou moins marqués dont la transgression peut s’avérer très coûteuse dans la mesure où elle est susceptible de remettre en cause la définition de soi des enfants, et donc leur réputation et leur rang au sein de la cour de récréation.La deuxième partie interroge les processus qui conduisent les enfants à apprendre à aimer de la bonne manière, c’est-à-dire à se tenir plus ou moins à distance dans l’amour et de l’amitié. Elle souligne qu’en plus d’avoir un sexe et un âge, l’investissement dans les discussions sentimentales a une classe sociale : les garçons des classes supérieures mettant plus facilement en mot et en scène leurs sentiments affectifs et amoureux que les filles des classes moyennes et populaires.La dernière partie, enfin, s’attache à décrire les mécaniques du cœur des enfants, et plus précisément les façons dont les filles et les garçons apprennent à aimer et à « choisir » les bonnes personnes (du bon sexe). En un mot, elle souligne que, une fois les conditions d’âge et de sexe passées avec mention (i.e. être du même âge et du même sexe pour les ami.e.s, et être du même âge et de l’autre sexe pour les amours), il existe trois principales logiques de sélection et de jugement des pairs : une logique « scolaire » vs une logique « ordinaire », une logique intellectuelle vs une logique esthétique, et enfin une logique relationnelle vs une logique morale. Ces logiques de sélection, variables selon les positions de classe des enfants, permettent non seulement de rendre compte de l’existence d’une forte homogamie dans les relations affectives et amoureuses enfantines, mais également d’en expliquer sa précocité et ses différentes conditions de félicité. / While social scientists will certainly agree that love and friendship are social matters, there is a dearth of empirical research on the social processes of formation and interiorization of individuals’ dispositions toward them. Inquires about the production of emotions have provided mainly naturalized explanations, i.e. explanations that only consider the biological and phycological aspects of their mechanisms.To overcome this paradox, this dissertation further understanding on how children of both sexes and different socioeconomic background learn to love correctly, i.e. to love in an appropriate manner, and to love the right people of the right age and sex. This understating implies opening the black box where emotions are produced, i.e. it implies the explanation of the sociogenesis of emotions.I use data from three different sources. First, 1000 hours of ethnographic observation in a Parisian primary school conducted by me during October 2013 and July 2014. Second, 40 interviews with the parents and the children of this school. Third, a national representative survey of 4,979 children aged 11 in 2008 from France. In analyzing these sources, I shed light on three aspects of the production of emotions: (1) how children understand/build the meaning of loving, (2) what does it mean and imply to love correctly, and (3) who are the subjects towards whom love can be experienced.The first part shows that children understand that love and friendship are not neutral matters, and that this understanding varies by children’s social class. There is a sex and an age to each feeling. Love is heterosexual, for adults and mostly a feminine issue, whereas friendship is homosexual and for children. In addition, children are aware that by transgressing the sex and age boundaries of love and friendship they risk their own status as children, their reputation. Social class plays an important role. Children from high-class families are more likely to transgress these boundaries because their their emotional education at home is less marked by gender and age distinctions due to the involvement of the two parents.The second part focuses on the processes that lead children to learn to love correctly, i.e. to keep the right distance from love and friendship when they must. This part highlights that, on the top of having a sex and an age, participation in discussions about (romantic) feelings also intersects with social class. Not only, children from low- and middle-classes were less likely to engage in discussions and openly express their feelings than children with high-class backgrounds, but low and middle-classes girls were also less likely to address this so-called ‘female’ topic than upper-class boys. These social differentiations are mainly due to the extent of fathers’ involvement in their children’s socialisation to feelings. By participating in children’s discussions to love and friendship, upper-class fathers partly neutralise the gender of feelings and legitimate the topic among both girls and boys. In doing so, one can note that social class and gender effects are intertwined, and more specifically that gender effects on children disposition to talk evolve across social class.Last part is devoted to how children learn to choose whom they love and whom they establish friendships with. It is clear for children that and intimate relationships and friendships ought to be established with children of the same age. And that the former type of relationships is restricted to the opposite sex. This part distinguishes three logics in the selection of partner and friends that vary across social class: school criteria vs ordinary criteria, intellectual dispositions vs esthetic disposition, and relational choice vs moral choice. Together these logics demonstrate the existence of a strong homogamy in affective and romantic relations, its early appearance in individual socialization process and its felicity’s conditions
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Devenir(s) autochtones. Contribution à une sociologie de l'engagement identitaire / Becoming indigenous. Contribution toa sociology of identity militantismInda Marchiando, Daniele 13 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à contribuer à la compréhension de l'émergence des mouvements autochtones de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, à partir de l'analyse des mobilisations identitaires de la population de langue huichol de Nayarit, au Mexique. Dans le prolongement de l'acquis d'une partie des travaux scientifiques sur le sujet, on observe que l'émergence de ce type de mobilisations est liée à la mise en place des politiques publiques pour la conservation et la patrimonialisation des cultures autochtones ». Néanmoins, il émerge également que l’existence de cet ensemble d’opportunités objectives ne suffit pas à rendre raison du phénomène étudié. En effet, la genèse du phénomène tient aussi à des processus de stratification sociale qui ont donné lieu à l’émergence de fractions de la population porteuses de savoirs et de savoir-faire transposables aux mobilisations identitaires, ainsi que d’une conception valorisante des cultures autochtones. L’engagement identitaire ne relève donc pas d’une logique purement instrumentale : il est aussi le produit de dispositions profondément intériorisées. Seule l’articulation de ces éléments permet de rendre raison de la genèse du phénomène. En définitive, l’émergence du mouvement autochtone étudié est donc le produit d’une sociogenèse issue d’une convergence entre différents processus socio-historiques, dont les principaux sont l’émergence d’un espace des possibles politiques favorable au développement de mobilisations à caractère identitaire et celle de fractions de la population porteuses des compétences nécessaires à l’investissement de cet espace, ainsi que d’un système de croyances favorable à la genèse d’une forme d’engagement identitaire. / This doctoral thesis on the identity mobilizations of the Huichol population of Nayarit in Mexico aims to contribute to the understanding of the emergence of indigenous movements in the second half of the twentieth century. Following the many scientific works on this subject, our research documents how the emergence of this kind of mobilization is linked, in part, to the implementation of public policies for the conservation and the patrimonialization of indigenous cultures. However, our research also reveals that these objective political opportunities aren't sufficient to explain the phenomenon. Indeed, social stratification processes have given rise to the emergence of segments of the population who carry knowledge and skills that can be both transposed to identity mobilizations and contribute to produce valued conception of Amerindian cultures. Thus, identity activism does not come from a purely instrumental logic: it is also the product of deeply internalized dispositions. Only the articulation of these elements can help explain the genesis of the phenomenon. Ultimately, the emergence of the indigenous movement is the product of a sociogenesis resulting from a convergence of various socio-historical processes, the main ones being : the emergence of a field of political possibilities favorable to the development of identity mobilizations, the emergence of segments of the population endowed with the skills necessary for the investment of this space, and finally, a system of beliefs favorable to the genesis of this form of identity activism.
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Differences in interpersonal and impersonal influences on clothing brand status consumption across different population groupsKolatsis, Stavroula January 2017 (has links)
This empirical study investigated how interpersonal influences (normative receptiveness and
informative influences) and impersonal influences differ across different population groups in
terms of status consumption of clothing brands. The theory of consumer socialisation directed
the study and was used to describe consumers’ susceptibility to interpersonal and impersonal
influences by encompassing its two major components: the learning processes and socialisation
agents. The interpersonal influences, normative receptiveness and informative influences
together with the impersonal influences were included in the conceptual framework and
hypotheses. The theory of consumer socialisation was selected as it provides a suitable
framework to explain how consumers are socialised over time through interpersonal and
impersonal agents so that they come to prefer or purchase certain products such as status
clothing brands.
A survey research design was followed. Data were collected with a structured self-administered
questionnaire, developed from existing scales. Non-probability sampling techniques,
convenience and quota sampling were used to include an appropriate sample size. Trained field
workers distributed the questionnaire to the target population in suburbs in Tshwane. A total of
1014 (N=1014) usable questionnaires were completed. The sample consisted of males and
females living in Tshwane, 19 years and older from all population groups. The data were
captured and coded and then analysed with the help of a statistician who made use of descriptive and inferential statistics. The EFA retained three factors: normative receptiveness,
impersonal influences and informative influences. The results from the CFA confirmed that the
measurement model fit was good. Subsequently, GLMs were performed to assess if differences
exist in interpersonal and impersonal influences across the different population groups’ status
consumption of clothing brands.
The findings showed that normative receptiveness, informative and impersonal influences had a
statistically significant effect on the status consumption of clothing brands. From the three
independent factors, normative receptiveness had the greatest effect on status consumption
and showed significant difference across population groups when factoring in gender,
education, age and income into the GLM models. Impersonal influences showed minor
significant differences across population groups’ status consumption when gender was
considered in the GLM model. Even though informative influences affected status consumption,
no significant differences could be found across the different population groups when factoring
in demographic factors. Findings can be useful for retailers and marketers to direct their market
segmentation strategies and target consumers who would engage in status consumption.
Normative receptiveness elements such as word of mouth from reference groups and social
comparison in advertisements can add value to clothing brands’ campaigns. / Hierdie empiriese studie ondersoek of invloed interpersoonlike invloede (normatiewe
ontvanklikheid en informasie invloede) en onpersoonlike invloede verskil oor verskillende
bevolkingsgroepe in heem in terme van statusverbruik van klere-handelsmerke.
Verbruikersosialiserings teorie het die studie gerig en is gebruik om verbruikers se
ontvanklikheid vir interpersoonlike en onpersoonlike invloede te beskryf, deur die twee
hoofkomponente die leerprosesse en sosialisering agente te inkorporeer. Die interpersoonlike
invloede, normatiewe en informatiewe invloede, saam met die onpersoonlike invloede is in die
konseptuele raamwerk en hipoteses ingesluit. Die teorie verbruikersosialisering is gekies
aangesien dit 'n geskikte raamwerk verskaf om te verduidelik hoe verbruikers deur
interpersoonlike en onpersoonlike agente gesosialiseer word met verloop van tyd om bepaalde
produkte te verkies of te koop soos status klere-handelsmerke.
’n Opname navorsingsontwerp is gevolg. Data is met behulp van 'n gestruktureerde selfgeadministreerde
vraelys ingesamel. Die vraelys is ontwikkel uit bestaande skale. Niewaarskynlikheid
steekproeftegnieke, gerief en kwota, is gebruik om 'n geskikte grootte
steekproef in te sluit. Opgeleide veldwerkers het die vraelys aan die teikenpopulasie in
voorstede van Tshwane versprei. ‘n Totaal van 1014 (N = 1014) bruikbare vraelyste is voltooi.
Die steekproef het uit mans en vroue, 19 jaar en ouer van alle bevolkingsgroepe, woonagtig in
Tshwane, bestaan. Data is vasgelê en gekodeer waarna analises/ontledings met behulp van 'n statistikus gedoen is. Die statistikus het van beskrywende en inferensiële statistiek gebruik
gemaak. Die EFA het drie faktore: behou naamlik, normatiewe ontvanklikheid, onpersoonlike
invloede en informatiewe invloede. Die resultate van die CFA bevestig dat die meting model se
passing goed was. Daarna is GLMs uitgevoer om te bepaal of daar verskille in interpersoonlike
en onpersoonlike invloede oor die verskillende bevolkingsgroepe se statusverbruik van klerehandelsmerke
Die bevindinge het getoon dat normatiewe ontvanklikheid, informatiewe en onpersoonlike
invloede 'n statisties beduidende effek op die statusverbruik van klere-handelsmerke gehad het.
Van die drie onafhanklike faktore, het normatiewe ontvanklikheid die grootste invloed op
statusverbruik gehad en toon ook beduidende verskil oor bevolkingsgroepe wanneer geslag,
onderwys, ouderdom en inkomste in die GLM modelle ingebring is. Onpersoonlike invloede
toon geringe beduidende verskille oor bevolkingsgroepe se statusverbruik wanneer geslag in
die GLM model ingebring is. Selfs al het informatiewe invloede ‘n invloed op verskillende
bevolkingsgroepe se statusverbruik was daar geen betekenisvolle verskille gevind wanneer
demografiese faktore ingesluit is nie. Bevindinge kan nuttig wees vir kleinhandelaars en
bemarkers om hul marksegmentasie strategieë te rig en om spesifieke teikenverbruikers wat
statusverbruikers is te bereik. Normatiewe ontvanklikheid elemente soos mondelingse oordrag
van inligting deur verwysingsgroepe en sosiale vergelyking in advertensies kan waarde tot klere
handelsmerke veldtogte voeg. / Dissertation (MConsumer Science)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Consumer Science / MConsumer Science / Unrestricted
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Medborgare på skilda villkor? : En studie om samhällskunskapsläraresförutsättningar för medborgarbildning på studie- och yrkesförberedande program / Citizens on Different Terms? : A Study on Civics Teachers´Conditions for Citizenshis Education on Avademic and Vocational ProgrammesKäcko, Jenny January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to broaden the understanding of the opportunities and challenges ofcitizenship education by analyzing Civics teachers' experiences of translating their perceptions ofthe mission into practice on academic and vocational programmes. More precisely, the broadeninghas been accomplished through describing similarities and differences between the conditions onthe basis of qualitative interviews with three teachers. Furthermore, descriptions have been formedthrough the use of a theoretical framework consisting of Gert Biesta's socialization, qualification,and subjectification dimensions on one hand, and frame factor theory on the other. The findings of the study suggests that two of the teachers emphasize socialization, allemphasize qualification and two emphasize subjectification. Within the qualification dimension, adistinction was noted between external means (referring to contextually bound ways of participationand influence), which are related to socialization, and internal means (referring to factualknowledge, perspective-taking and critical thinking), which are related to subjectification. Theframe factor analysis of the teachers' experiences indicated that one participant emphasizes inparticular the similarities in the challenge of realizing socializing elements and external means as aresult of existing pedagogic frame factors; most notably the factually oriented curriculum. Regarding differences, which are substantially more prominent, it emerged that opportunities areprimarily linked to academic programmes while challenges are linked to vocational programmes. At academic programmes, there were particularly better opportunities for qualification interms of internal means (especially factual knowledge) as a result of student-related frame factorssuch as a positive attitude towards studies and the subject. The results suggest that these factors canbenefit both qualification and subjectification, if these are combined. Other student-related factorssuch as willingness to speak and subject-relevant prerequisites emerge as valuable resources forqualification and subjectification amongst students at vocational programmes, but they are in somerespects also prevented from being sufficiently utilized. Willingness to speak is prevented byresource-related frame factors such as lack of time in combination with pedagogic frame factorssuch as a substance-rich curriculum, while subject-relevant prerequisites are prevented bydeficiencies in the linguistic knowledge of students with immigrant backgrounds.
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