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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Låt inte språket bli ett hinder : En intervjustudie om tidig upptäckt av språkliga svårigheter och om språkstimulerande arbetssätt

Norder, Åsa January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie fokuserar på språkliga svårigheter i förskolan samt vikten av tidig upptäckt och adekvata stödinsatser i barns tidiga år. Studiens syfte var att beskriva och analysera förskollärares och specialpedagogers uppfattningar om förutsättningar för upptäckt av språkliga svårigheter i förskolan, samt utformningen av förskolans arbetssätt för stimulans av barns språkutveckling, med särskilt fokus på språksvårigheter. Studien utgick från följande två forskningsfrågor: "Vilka är förskollärares och specialpedagogers uppfattningar om sina möjligheter att upptäcka språksvårigheter hos barn i förskolan?" och " Vilka är förskollärares och specialpedagogers uppfattningar om utformningen av arbetet för att stötta barn med språksvårigheter i förskolan?" För att besvara dessa frågor gjordes denna kvalitativa intervjustudie. Datainsamlingen bestod av totalt åtta intervjuer med urval från ovan nämnda professioner i förskolan. Informanternas erfarenheter och uppfattningar kring ämnet tematiserades och analyserades med begrepp från sociokulturell teori, samt early childhood literacy. Resultatet påvisade goda möjligheter att upptäcka språkliga svårigheter i förskolan, likväl som att tillämpa stödjande insatser. Det framkom dessutom att detta har positiva effekter på barns fortsatta språkutveckling och inlärning i ett större perspektiv, samt gynnar barnets sociala relationer. Interaktion och kommunikation med barnen, pedagogernas kompetens och förhållningssätt, tillgång till specialpedagogisk kompetens, samt samverkan med vårdnadshavare framstår som avgörande faktorer vid likväl upptäckt av språksvårigheter som tillämpning av stödinsatser. / This study is about language difficulties in preschool and the importance of detection and adequate language intervention at an early age. The purpose of the study was to describe and analyze preschool teachers' and special educators' opinions regarding the prerequisites for detecting language difficulties in preschool, as well as the methods used to support language development, focusing children with language difficulties in particular. The study was based on the following two research questions: "What are the perceptions of pre-school teachers and special educators of their opportunities to detect language difficulties in preschool?" and "What are the views of preschool teachers and special educators on methods used to support children with language difficulties in preschool?" In order to answer these questions, this qualitative interview study was done. The data collection consisted of eight interviews with a selection from the above mentioned professions. The empirical data were sorted by themes and analyzed with concepts from socio-cultural theory, as well as early childhood literacy. The result of the study showed that the prerequisites to discover linguistic difficulties in preschool, as well as the ability of language interventions, were good. Positive effects on children's language development and learning in a larger perspective, as well as social relations, also emerged in the study. Interaction and communication, the educators' competence and approach, access to special educational competence, and collaboration with the parents appear to be crucial for discovering language difficulties, as well as implementing interventions.

Skolan i livet - livet i skolan : Några illitterata invandrarkvinnor lär sig tala, läsa och skriva på svenska som andraspråk

Lundgren, Berit January 2005 (has links)
Many immigrants in Sweden have not had the chance to learn to read and write, for various reasons. In Sweden, literacy is a prerequisite to being able to function in the cultural community, and for many immigrants this is the first time that they experience their inability to read and write as a handicap or see themselves as “illiterate”. The aim of this study is to use a socio-cultural, second language and gender approach to describe, analyse and understand how a number of adult, illiterate, immigrant women experience their situation when they are expected to simultaneously learn to speak, read and write Swedish. The study focuses on two literacy groups in two Swedish municipalities. In one of the groups I act as both teacher and researcher. The thesis is a case study of the learning process of five illiterate immigrant women in Sweden. The results are based on interviews, carried out with the help of an interpreter, and observation of teaching and texts ritten by the students. The study is based on the assumption that human learning is an activity that takes place in a cultural community in a social context. When learning a language, the language is simultaneously the tool that facilitates social communication and the object of the learning process. The study shows that cultural communities influence the women in different ways. Gender structures are firmly planted in a patriarchal value system, which means that women are seen as inferior to men, and women are expected to “meet the demands of others”. The women have no time to study at home, as their household duties are prioritised. However, there are subtle indications that there is a wish to change the situation in accordance with Swedish values and norms. This can be seen in the Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) lessons. As they have little contact with Swedes, school is the only arena in which they have a chance to use Swedish. They are positive towards teaching and school as an institution. Here they are able to develop an alternative identity. The study also shows that teaching in the literacy groups is to a great extent based on a technical approach, in which the teacher tries to elicit a correct answer from the students. Social interaction involving contemplation and negotiation is either not included or not prioritised. the women’s experience and knowledge is not made use of. There are,however, occasions when collaborative discussions take place between the teacher and students. On these occasions an exchange of experiences takes place. Learning is based on the students’ own experiences and thoughts. Linguistic concepts gain meaning in the collaborative discussion. Initially the concepts may be unclear, but the group works on them together, adapting and adjusting them until they finally make sense. Finally, I conclude that women immigrants bring their own socio-cultural values and experience to the school situation, which affects their learning process to varying degrees. Furthermore, immigrant women need more time at school, as it is the only arena in which they can spend time on studying and personal development. another conclusion is that the school must become a learning community that recognises the immigrants’ cultures, makes use of the students’ experience and allows the students to participate in collaborative discussions, so that they can develop their ability to speak, read and write Swedish.

Learning text talk online : Collaborative learning in asynchronous text based discussion forums

Liljeström, Monica January 2010 (has links)
The desire to translate constructivist and sociocultural approaches to learning in specific learning activities is evident in most forms of training at current, not least in online education. Teachers worldwide are struggling with questions of how to create conditions in this fairly new realm of education for learners to contribute to the development of a good quality in their own and others' learning. Collaboration in forms of text talk in asynchronous, text based forums (ADF) is often used so students can participate at the location and time that suits them best given the other aspects of their life situation. But previous research show how collaboration in forms of text talk do not always evolve in expected quality, and how participation sometimes can be so low that no discussions at all take place. Perhaps it is time to move on and make use of the variety of user-friendly audio-visible technologies that offers conditions for collaboration similar to those in the physical environment? Is there any point to use ADF for collaboration, beyond the flexible opportunity for participation it allows? If so, why, how and under what conditions are it worthwhile to use ADF for tasks meant to be worked collaboratively on? These questions were the starting point of the studies in this thesis that was researched through two case studies involving different techniques and data samples of various natures, with the aim to understand more about collaborative text talk. The research approach differs from the vast majority of studies in the research field of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) where many studies currently are conducted by analysis of quantifiable data. The first case study was conducted in the context of non-formal learning in Swedish Liberal Adult Education online, and the second in the context of higher education online in Sweden. The studies in the thesis were made on basis of socio-cultural theory and empirical studies. Empirical data was collected from questionnaires, interviews and texts created by students participating in tasks that they jointly resolved through text talk. Some results were brought back to the students for further explanation of the results. Findings from data analysis were triangulated with other results and with sociocultural theory. The results indicate that students can create knowledge relevant to their studies through text talk, but can feel restrained or dismiss the activity as irrelevant if important conditions are lacking.  Collaboration through text talk makes individual resources accessible in a specific place where it can be observed and its validity for the purpose of the task evaluated by others. Students with good insight in what they are supposed to accomplish seem be able to consult relevant guidance for this evaluation, from teachers, textbooks, scientific articles and other valid experiences important to their studies, and thereby contribute to learning of the quality they studies are meant to produce. Text talk also increases teachers’ possibilities to identify what the guidance the study group needs when evaluating the gathered resources and through their own active participation provide support in the students “zone of proximal development”. Contributions offered to the CSCL research field is the identifications of important mechanisms related to learning collaboratively through text talk, and the use of case study methodology as inspiration for others to try also these kinds of strategies to capture online learning.

Mina klasskamrater kallar mig för den nya främmande : En kvalitativ studie om nyanlända elevers upplevelser av att börja om i ny skola / My classmates call me the new stranger : A qualitative study of newly arrived students’ experiences of starting over in a new school

Mohammad, Noura January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa och analysera hur nyanlända ungdomar beskriver sina upplevelser av att börja om i en ny skola, i ett nytt land. Uppsatsen handlar om att förklara och belysa flyktingungdomars upplevelser av att börja om i ny skola och lära sig ett nytt språk och skaffa nya vänner och vad denna utmaning innebär. Med uppsatsen vill jag belysa språket och skolans betydelse för nyanlända elevers delaktighet. Min studie är baserad på kvalitativa metoder och jag har genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med sex deltagare som har erfarenheter av att vara en nyanländ elev. Analysen av studien gjordes med IPA (Interpretative phenomenological analysis). IPA är en kombination mellan fenomenologi och hermeneutik. Teoretiska utgångspunkter är den sociokulturella teorin och postkolonial teori. Med sociokulturell teori analyserar jag delaktighetens och gemenskapens betydelse för lärandeprocessen bland nyanlända elever. Jag använder postkolonial teori för att analysera den postkoloniala ordningen i vår nutida skola. Jag har kommit fram till att nyanlända elever står inför en svår utmaning när de börjar skolan. Deltagarna upplevde att det var svårt att skaffa vänner, lära sig ett nytt språk och bli en del av samhället. Deltagarna upplevde både delaktighet och utanförskap i skolan och de har blivit utsatta för kränkning, stigmatisering och mobbning. Skolan hade en viktig roll i nyanlända elevers liv, speciellt under de första åren i Sverige eftersom nyanlända träffade jämnåriga och nya människor i skolan. Svenska språket är ett krav för att nyanlända ska klara sig och bli delaktiga i skolan. Det kräver lång tid för nyanlända elever att bli accepterade i skolan, lära sig ett nytt språk och anpassa sig till det nya landet. / The aim of this study is to illuminate and analyze how newly arrived adolescents describe their experiences of starting over in a new school, in a new land. The essay will explain and illuminate the refugee adolescents’ experiences of starting over in a new school and learn a new language and make new friends and what this challenge mean for them. The essay describes the language- and the school's impact on newly arrived students’ participation. My study is based on qualitative methods, based on interviews with six individuals who have the experience of being a newly arrived student. The analysis of the study was made with IPA (Interpretative phenomenological analysis). IPA is a combination of phenomenology and hermeneutic perspective. Theoretical premises are the socio-cultural theory and postcolonial theory. With socio-cultural theory I explain and analyze the participation and community importance for the learning process among newly arrived students. I use postcolonial theory to analyze the post-colonial order in our current school. I have found that newly arrived students are facing a difficult challenge when they start school. The participants experienced that it was difficult to make friends, learn a new language and become part of the community. The participants experienced both inclusion and exclusion in school and they have been exposed to violations, stigmatization and bullying. The school had an important role in the newly arrivals' lives, especially during the first years in Sweden because in school they meet peers and new people. Swedish language is a requirement for new arrivals so they will cope with life and get involved in school. It takes a long time for newly arrived students to be accepted in school, learn a new language and adapt to the new country.

Second Graders' Solution Strategies and Understanding of a Combination Problem

Hessing, Tiffany Marie 18 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
I inquire about second graders' capabilities of developing solution strategies and the original variety of strategies they bring forth while solving a combination problem. Based on analysis of the data presented in this paper, students developed five different general strategies. After analyzing what the second grade students were capable of developing, we can conclude that young children are capable of developing powerful systematic strategies grounded in their personal experiences. This research shows that even when the teacher does not foster personal agency, children will still exercise agency. The social interactions in the classroom helped students learn to propose mathematical ideas, make conjectures, evaluate their own and others' thinking, and develop mathematical reasoning skills.

Samspel, gemenskap och delaktighet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om inkludering av nyanlända elever i samhällskunskapsundervisningen / Interaction, community and participation : A qualitative interview study on the inclusion of newly arrived pupils in social studies

Larsson, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen syfte är att öka kunskapen om vilka olika arbetssätt lärare använder för att inkludera nyanlända elever i samhällskunskapsundervisningen. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med inspiration från en fenomenologisk livsvärldsansats. Genom en kvalitativ forskningsintervju med grundskollärare i årskurs 4–6 har data samlats in och sedan kategoriserats. De tre teman som resultatet består av är: verktyg för inkludering, svårigheter vid inkludering och vikten av samhällskunskapsämnet. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är sociokulturell teori och utifrån detta perspektiv har resultatet analyserats och teoretiska tolkningar har skapats. Resultatet i undersökningen visar att lärarna använder sig av flera olika verktyg för att inkludera nyanlända elever i samhällskunskapsundervisningen. Det framkommer att inkludering är ett svårtolkat begrepp som är väldigt beroende av individen vilket betyder att inkludering kan se väldigt olika ut. Samarbete med studiehandledare, ämnesövergripande arbetssätt, digitala verktyg, placering, att skapa förförståelse hos eleverna, gemenskap och samspel är alla viktiga delar i inkluderingsprocessen. I resultatet tas även svårigheter vid inkludering upp och dessa är bland annat abstrakta ämnesbegrepp, brister i svenska språket, svårigheter vid socialt samspel, missförstånd, elevernas olika erfarenheter, elevernas verklighetssyn, samhällskunskapsämnets breda innehåll och det faktum att ämnet är kontextbundet. Lärarna i studien är eniga om att samhällskunskapsämnet är en viktig del av de nyanlända elevernas inkluderingsprocess i det svenska samhället. / The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of different working methods teachers use to include newly arrived pupils in social studies. The study is a qualitative interview study with inspiration from a phenomenological life-world approach. Through a qualitative research interview with primary school teachers in grades 4–6, data has been collected. The collected data has been categorized based on three themes. The three themes that the result consists of are: tools for inclusion, inclusion difficulties and the importance of the social science topic. The theoretical starting point of the study is socio-cultural theory and from this perspective the result has been analyzed and theoretical interpretations have been created.   The results of the study show that teachers use several different tools to include newly arrived pupils in social studies. It appears that inclusion is a difficult-to-interpret-concept that is very dependent on the individual, which means that inclusion can look very different depending on the individual. Collaboration with study supervisors, interdisciplinary workingmethods, digital tools, placement, creating understanding of the students, community and interaction are all important parts of the inclusionprocess. The result also show difficulties with inclusion and these include abstract subject concepts, deficiencies in the Swedish language, difficulties in social interaction, misunderstandings, the students 'different experiences, the students' view of reality, the broad content of the social science subject and the fact that the subject is contextual. The teachers in the study agree that the subject of social studies is an important part of the newly arrived pupils' inclusionprocess in Swedish society.

Spår av grundtankar i Vygotskijs teori i gymnasieskolan : En studie om hur Vygotskijs socio-kulturella teoribildning återspeglas i gymnasielärares syn på lärande / Tracks of basic thoughts in Vygotsky’s theory in the high school : A study about how Vygotskijs socio-cultural theory of education is reflected in high school teachers’ sight on learning

Andersson, Svetlana, Elmefeldt, Iréne January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att genom gymnasielärares utsagor söka spår av grundtankar i Vygotskijs teoribildning i deras syn på lärande. Detta för att ta reda på vilka kriterier lärare utgår ifrån när de gör sina didaktiska val i undervisningen och på vilket sätt Vygotskijs grundtankar återspeglas i lärares syn på lärande. Vår studie grundar sig på kvalitativa intervjuer. I undersökningen deltog fyra lärare på två gymnasieskolor. Efter att materialet var transkriberat, gjordes en analys utifrån de fyra aspekterna som kännetecknar ett socio-kulturellt perspektiv enligt Vygotskij: de sociala, de medierande, de situerade och de kreativa med betoning på lärarroll och lärande. Vi använde oss av en hermeneutisk ansats för att analysera resultatet där vi använde relevant forskning för att förstärka vår tolkning av respondenternas utsagor. I studien framkom att lärare gav uttryck för att samspel och dialog är viktiga inslag i undervisningen. Vi har även funnit spår av de medierande aspekterna där lärare som mediator har en aktiv roll, men att de samtidigt förespråkar en traditionell katederundervisning. Vår slutsats är att lärare inte stödjer sig på någon specifik vetenskaplig teori i sin syn på lärande. Vi har emellertid tolkat det som att lärare vid sina didaktiska val i undervisningen väljer att reflektera över hur elever tillägnar sig kunskap framför vad elever ska lära och utveckla. Den syn på lärande som vi kan skönja utifrån lärares utsagor är en blandning av olika teorier som färgats av Vygotskijs teoribildning. / Aim with the study was that through high teachers’ statements apply for tracks of basic thoughts of Vygotsky’s theory education in their sights on learning. This is to ascertain what criteria teachers assume when they do their didactic choices in the education and how Vygotsky’s basic thoughts are reflected in teachers’ sights on learning. Our study bases itself on qualitative interviews where four teachers from two high schools were participated. After the transcription, the analysis was done on the basis of the four aspects that characterize the socio-cultural perspective according to Vygotsky’s theory of education: the social, the mediated, the situated and the creative aspects. We chose to use the hermeneutic method for analyze of our result where we used relevant research in order to strengthen our interpretation of teachers’ statements. In the study the teachers expressed that interaction and dialogue are important elements in the education. We also have found tracks from the mediated aspects there teachers as a mediator has an active role, but that they at the same time recommend a traditional education. Our conclusion is that teachers are not based their learning on some specific scientific theory. We however have interpreted that the teachers when they choose a method, prefer to reflect over how students are getting knowledge instead of what students shall learn and develop. That sight on learning as we possibly can discern on the basis of teachers’ statements is a mixture of different theories that has been influenced by Vygotsky’s theory of education.

Spår av grundtankar i Vygotskijs teori i gymnasieskolan : En studie om hur Vygotskijs socio-kulturella teoribildning återspeglas i gymnasielärares syn på lärande / Tracks of basic thoughts in Vygotsky’s theory in the high school : A study about how Vygotskijs socio-cultural theory of education is reflected in high school teachers’ sight on learning

Andersson, Svetlana, Elmefeldt, Iréne January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att genom gymnasielärares utsagor söka spår av grundtankar i Vygotskijs teoribildning i deras syn på lärande. Detta för att ta reda på vilka kriterier lärare utgår ifrån när de gör sina didaktiska val i undervisningen och på vilket sätt Vygotskijs grundtankar återspeglas i lärares syn på lärande.</p><p>Vår studie grundar sig på kvalitativa intervjuer. I undersökningen deltog fyra lärare på två gymnasieskolor. Efter att materialet var transkriberat, gjordes en analys utifrån de fyra aspekterna som kännetecknar ett socio-kulturellt perspektiv enligt Vygotskij: de sociala, de medierande, de situerade och de kreativa med betoning på lärarroll och lärande. Vi använde oss av en hermeneutisk ansats för att analysera resultatet där vi använde relevant forskning för att förstärka vår tolkning av respondenternas utsagor.</p><p>I studien framkom att lärare gav uttryck för att samspel och dialog är viktiga inslag i undervisningen. Vi har även funnit spår av de medierande aspekterna där lärare som mediator har en aktiv roll, men att de samtidigt förespråkar en traditionell katederundervisning.</p><p>Vår slutsats är att lärare inte stödjer sig på någon specifik vetenskaplig teori i sin syn på lärande. Vi har emellertid tolkat det som att lärare vid sina didaktiska val i undervisningen väljer att reflektera över hur elever tillägnar sig kunskap framför vad elever ska lära och utveckla. Den syn på lärande som vi kan skönja utifrån lärares utsagor är en blandning av olika teorier som färgats av Vygotskijs teoribildning.</p> / <p>Aim with the study was that through high teachers’ statements apply for tracks of basic thoughts of Vygotsky’s theory education in their sights on learning. This is to ascertain what criteria teachers assume when they do their didactic choices in the education and how Vygotsky’s basic thoughts are reflected in teachers’ sights on learning.</p><p>Our study bases itself on qualitative interviews where four teachers from two high schools were participated. After the transcription, the analysis was done on the basis of the four aspects that characterize the socio-cultural perspective according to Vygotsky’s theory of education: the social, the mediated, the situated and the creative aspects. We chose to use the hermeneutic method for analyze of our result where we used relevant research in order to strengthen our interpretation of teachers’ statements.</p><p>In the study the teachers expressed that interaction and dialogue are important elements in the education. We also have found tracks from the mediated aspects there teachers as a mediator has an active role, but that they at the same time recommend a traditional education.</p><p>Our conclusion is that teachers are not based their learning on some specific scientific theory. We however have interpreted that the teachers when they choose a method, prefer to reflect over how students are getting knowledge instead of what students shall learn and develop. That sight on learning as we possibly can discern on the basis of teachers’ statements is a mixture of different theories that has been influenced by Vygotsky’s theory of education.</p>

Investigating the effectiveness of using MOOCs and webinars in enhancing teaching and learning in a Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFLA) course in a distance education environment : a case study of a Short Learning Programme

Marx, Rona 12 1900 (has links)
Distance education is, by its very nature, a response to the development of communications technology in the Industrial Era, coupled with the societal changes initiated by these developments (Garrison and Cleveland-Innes, 2010: 14). The current distance learning landscape is thus shaped by changing social needs brought about by the impact of advancements in technology. This case study investigates the effectiveness of new aspects of digital learning tools as additional resources in the TEFLA course, a Short Learning Programme (SLP), offered by UNISA. These aspects of digital course delivery introduce e-learning by incorporating synchronous and asynchronous digital teaching and learning tools, in the shape of MOOCs (asynchronous learning), as well as webinars (synchronous learning). This study reviews the effectiveness of these online tools in enhancing the learning experience of TEFLA students. The theoretical framework that informs this study is based on the connectivism and socio-cultural theories of knowledge acquisition. / English Studies / M.A. (English)

När känslorna får styra : om litteraturläsning i en mångkulturell gymnasieklass

Bringéus, Eva January 2011 (has links)
This licentiate thesis, When emotions are allowed to rule, a study on reading literature in a multicultural classroom in upper secondary school, attempts from a didactic perspective to understand literature reading in the school subject Swedish in the light of a multicultural and changing society. From a socio-cultural perspective, the study illustrates the teacher's choice of literature, the teacher's and the students' attitudes to literature, and the ways of reading that are being negotiated in the common reading and what opportunities for understanding and meaning making that are made available. The analyses are based on reception theories and have an underlying intercultural perspective. The study has been conducted in a class represented by students with many different mother tongues in the school subject Swedish during the first year at the natural science programme at an upper secondary school. The main methods are recordings of literature discussions, which have been documented by video and digital voice recorder, qualitative interviews with students and teacher, log books, and the students' novel reading logs. The empirical material is presented in two chapters. The first chapter, The conditions of the reading, focuses on the teacher's and the students' attitudes to literature and literature reading while the second chapter, The actual reading, brings forward the ways of reading that are being negotiated in the common reading of two novels in the class. The results show that there are several factors that are of importance to the understanding and the meaning making that are made possible in the teaching of literature. The students speak about experience oriented attitudes focusing on life experiences and cultural meetings. This differs from the teacher's attitude which is focused on providing the students with language skills and literary history education. The study shows how the reading of the novel Herakles (Kallifatides 2006) results in ethic ways of reading and a rejection of the text while the reading of the optional novel leads to a subjective reading and a common interpretation from ways of reading of enjoyment. The study discusses the importance of safeguarding the students' knowledge, experiences, and emotions and of making explicit their different ways of reading as well as the different readings of the teaching. Discussed further is the need for a teaching that catches and challenges the students' general and literary repertoires from various perspectives in order to provide context and contribute to an active meaning making. The study suggests a caring way of reading, which is characterised by interpretive communities focused on openness to the foreign and different view and a reading that strives towards a cognitive, moral, and emotional understanding.

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