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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knowledge Management : En modell för hur kunskap kan identifieras och överföras

Rudlid, Patrick, Johansson, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
<p>Att hantera kunskapen inom organisationer blir allt viktigare för att kunna förbättra den organisatoriska konkurrenskraften. Detta kan bland annat uppnås genom ett ökat utnyttjande av kunskapskapitalet. Kunskapskapitalet brukar vanligtvis handla om att utforska tacit kunskap, det vill säga den kunskapen som finns i de anställdas sinnen.</p><p>Från år 2010 och fyra år framåt förväntas en stor utmarsch av 40-talister från den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Detta kommer att få konsekvenser på arbetsplatserna. Konsekvenserna kommer bland annat att bli i form av underskott i kunskapskapitalet.</p><p>Syftet med uppsatsen är ta fram en modell som illustrerar hur kunskap kan identifieras och överföras. För att kunna besvara syftet har en abduktiv ansats och en kvalitativ datainsamlingsmetod använts i studien. Totalt har två observationer och fyra intervjuer genomförts. Studien har genomförts på fallföretaget Electrolux Laundry Systems i Ljungby och datainsamlingen har skett inom enheten Hydraulpressningsgruppen.</p><p>I studien kommer begreppet kunskap och dess olika typer att redas ut. Vidare kommer det beskrivas hur kunskap kan identifieras, konverteras och överföras.</p><p>Vi har utformat en analys som är baserad på den teoretiska referensramen. Analysen är utformad för att spegla syftet och problembakgrunden i studien. Den bygger på tre övergripande delar, kunskapsbegreppet, kunskapsidentifiering och kunskapsöverföring.</p><p>Resultatet av studien är en modell som skapar en förståelse för hur kunskapsidentifiering och kunskapsöverföring kan gå till. Studien har även kommit fram till att det finns hinder som kan försvåra en effektiv kunskapshantering.</p> / <p>Managing knowledge is becoming increasingly important to improve the organizational competitiveness. This can be achieved by a greater use of the knowledge capital. This usually means to explore the tacit knowledge which exists in the minds of the employees. In Sweden, from 2010 and four years onwards, a great walkout is expected among the people being born in the 40s.</p><p>The purpose of this essay is to create a model that illustrates how knowledge can be identified and transferred.</p><p>The methodology used in this study aims to attain the purpose by using a qualitative method in which interviews and observations are combined.</p><p>The study has been carried out at the case company, Electrolux Laundry Systems in Ljungby, Sweden.</p><p>The authors have developed an analysis which is based on the theoretical framework. This analysis consists of three main parts, knowledge identification, knowledge transfer and a model for knowledge management.</p><p>The conclusion in this essay is a model that creates an understanding of how knowledge can be identified and transferred. The study also found that there are obstacles that might constrain an effective knowledge management.</p>

An Analysis of Synergies of IT-Applications and Knowledge Management Strategies with Regard to Organizational Change.

Richter, Joachim 09 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / The increasing complexity of political, regulatory, and technological changes confronting many commercial as well as non-profit organizations has made radical organizational change and adaptation a central research issue. Along with these research issues a new awareness with regard to organization-internal existing knowledge and the necessity to exploit and manage this knowledge to the benefits of the organization has been arising as well. In an era of forth-coming new advanced information technologies on a nearly day-to-day basis and the increasing awareness and willingness to incorporate knowledge management strategies, organizational leaders and upper management have been craving increasingly for a beneficial combination of the latter with their efforts to implement changes successfully within their organizations. This thesis will analyze various organizational change strategies in order to provide a clearer understanding of the impact/influence of current IT-solutions exploiting existing knowledge within an organization to the benefits of successful organizational change efforts and strategies. / Lieutenant, German Navy

Intuitive decisionmaking: tacit knowing in action by U.S. Armed Forces officers in 2011

Moilanen, Jon H. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Education / Department of Educational Leadership / Sarah Jane Fishback / This qualitative inquiry was a naturalistic exploration of participants’ perception or understanding of their intuitive decisionmaking processes. A bounded case study explored how a purposeful sampling of U.S. Armed Forces officers−primarily U.S. Army officers−perceived or understood intuitive decisionmaking in the context of their experiences in contemporary military missions. The purposeful sample was comprised of ten volunteer participants attending their professional Intermediate Level Education (ILE) course in 2011 at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. The review of relevant literature used Polanyi's (1958) theory of tacit knowing and personal knowledge [intuition] in making decisions as a philosophical and psychological baseline. U.S. Army doctrine promoted implicit [intuitive] and analytical [deliberate] decisionmaking. Army doctrinal guidance stated that in situations severely constrained in time and requiring an immediate decision, Army leaders rely significantly on intution. A complementary concept advocated creative and critical thinking in order to adaptively solve problems. However, minimal emphasis on intuitive processes and rescinding the term intuitive decisionmaking in Army doctrine indicated a significant gap in Army leader development. This research augmented professional literature on the art and science of military leadership and decisionmaking in the second decade of the 21st century. The exploratory study encouraged further research on how U.S. Armed Forces officers perceive discrete elements or emergent patterns among complex environmental stimuli; understand their tacit knowledge to sense situational cues affecting a problem; and develop their intuitive acumen as a complement to experience and learning toward professional expertise. The participants’ candid insights on their lived and vicarious experiences in intuitive decisionmaking suggested similar leadership value to the adult education community. Other practical benefits included an improved self-efficacy of participants to trust their personal intuition and expertise, and to further explore their tacit knowledge for effective day-to-day living in an ever-changing complex and uncertain world. The experiences of participants indicated the believability of Polanyi’s premise that “we can know more than we can tell.” (Polanyi, 1964, p. x).

Under ytan : En praktisk och kunskapsteoretisk undersökning om att synliggöra det osynliga

Engström, Elin January 2016 (has links)
I den här rapporten redovisas processen och resultatet av mitt examensarbete i möbeltapetsering på Carl Malmsten Furniture Studies. Med mitt gesällprov som utgångspunkt har jag undersökt hur det dolda hantverket som döljer sig under ytan på en traditionellt stoppad möbel kan synliggöras. Undersökningen har resulterat i en processbeskrivande text–från trären stomme till stoppad och klädd möbel, där mitt fokus legat på att besvara frågorna om vad och varför, snarare än hur. Jag har sökt formuleringar, ord, representativa bilder och illustrationer för att på ett pedagogiskt och trovärdigt sätt förmedla det immateriella värdet och den handlingsburna kunskapen som finns inbakad i en möbel. Svaren på varför-frågorna påvisar nyttan i en handling men även innebörden och vikten av den handlingsburna kunskapen,  vilken även en lekman kan förstå vidden och betydelsen av.  Med en kunskapsteoretisk bakgrund har jag undersökt begreppet kunskap och kunskapsförmedling som ligger till grund för det här arbetet. Jag har bland annat tittat på hur olika typer av kunskap definierats och värderats olika och vad det har haft för betydelse för hantverkets utveckling. Jag har också sökt teoretiskt stöd som understryker syftet med att dokumentera och kommunicera handlingsburen kunskap. I varje äldre möbel som en tapetserare åtar sig finns en kulturhistoria inbäddad och det är genom den som vi lär vårt hantverk. Det arbete som en tapetserare utför handlar därför inte bara om omstoppning och omklädsel av en enskild möbel, utan bidrar i längden även till att stärka det immateriella kulturarvet och fortlevnaden av ett traditionellt hantverk. Av den anledningen har jag med en historisk bakgrund som beskriver hur stoppningshantverket har utvecklats över tid och varför det ser ut som det gör. Liksom vid beskrivningen av arbetet med mitt gesällprov har jag även här särskilt fokuserat på att söka efter svaren på varför-frågorna, d.v.s. den bakomliggande anledningen till att ett material eller en teknik kom i bruk. / This report presents the process and results of my bachelor thesis at Carl Malmsten Furniture Studies. With my journeyman's test  as a starting point, I examined how the hidden craft underneath the surface of a traditional upholstered furniture can be made visible. The investigation has resulted in a describing text - from wooden body to upholstered furniture. My focus has been to answer the questions of what and especially why, rather than how you do something. I have searched formulations, words, representative illustrations and pictures to convey the intangible value and the tacit knowledge that is embedded in a traditional handmade furniture. The answer to question why gives us answers for the benefits of an act, and conveys the meaning and importance of tacit knowledge, which is knowledge that even a person without insight of the craftsmanship can comprehend.   With a epistemological (the theory of knowledge) background, I have examined the concept of knowledge and the dissemination of knowledge, which is the basis for this work. I have studied how different types of knowledge through history has been defined and measured differently, and what consequences it has had for the development of handicraft. I have also searched theoretical support that emphasizes the meaning of documenting and communicating tacit knowledge.  In each piece of furniture that an upholsterer restore, there is a cultural history to find, and it is through that history we learn our craftsmanship. Therefore, the work of a upholsterer is not just about craft itself, it also helps to strengthen the intangible cultural heritage and the survival of a traditional craft. For that reason I have written a historical background that describes the development of Swedish upholstery traditions and how it has evolved over time. As with the description of the work of my journeyman's test, I have particularly focused on searching for answers to the questions of why - the underlying reason whya material or technology came into use.

Developing individuals for developing learning-based systems

Selamat, Mohamad Hisyam January 2005 (has links)
This research is concerned with investigating the externalisation, sharing and making tangible of tacit knowledge in the context of organisational learning (OL). The externalisation, sharing and making tangible of tacit knowledge can provide “inputs” for Information Systems (IS) development. This process, in turn, can become a basis for the development of a system that is capable of promoting a learning environment within the organisation. However, the externalising, sharing and making tangible of tacit knowledge, a transparent and subjective form of knowledge, needs staff members’ self-confidence and willingness to undertake it. Therefore, elements that can motivate staff members to externalise, share and make tangible their tacit knowledge or skills are needed. To undertake this, the elements of meta-abilities, understanding organisational roles, internal strengths, formal and informal discussions and rational discourse are proposed. For this research, all these propositions are integrated into a framework. Therefore, the aim of this research is to study the elements that can encourage staff members to contribute inputs for learning-based systems development. The question to be used for the research is stated as follows: How do we include individuals in the learning-based systems development? Why use meta-abilities in order to include individuals in the learning-based systems development? By answering the question this research offers the following contributions. A novel topic in the IS area, meta-abilities is discussed within the context of the IS area. By considering these elements motivation and encouragement can be offered to staff members such that a contribution to inputs for learning-based systems development can occur. The research approach undertaken in this research involved the use of a pilot and an in-depth case study, as well as interviews, observation and reference to archival documents. From the undertaken research it was concluded that the future focus for the OL-based IS development should be towards individual development strategies that develop interpretive, creative staff members. Interpretive, creative staff members in turn, are capable of externalising, sharing and documenting their own tacit knowledge based on the situational contexts and orientation. Systems analysts can study the documented inputs provided by the staff members and can codify them. This whole process will enable continuous re-examination and modification processes of organisational IS, thereby making its content become more relevant for OL.

Every sampling is a testimony

Dovsten, Evelina January 2019 (has links)
A self portrait. With an auto ethnographic study method and my own craft; glass making I examine tacit knowledge. A portrait not only of me, but also the human in need of control. An invite to look at our society and see how the measurable is in charge and positivistic science have the leading position in knowledge production.  I aim for the subjective, the knowledge stored in my body which is passed on through making, in to the glass to be kept.

The Knowledge Creation Process in High Reliability Organizations : A case study on intra-team learning at the Lambohov Fire Station

Besslich, Valerie, Zalizniuk, Ekaterina January 2019 (has links)
Each organization has its specifics that affect the way knowledge is created and transferred. The existing literature in the field of knowledge creation, studies contemporary organizations and currently does not consider special cases such as high reliability organizations. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to complement the existing knowledge creation model by describing the knowledge creation process for high reliability organizations using the case study of the Lambohov Fire Station. A qualitative case study was conducted and carried out with the help of Lambohov Fire Station through non-participant observations and semi- structured interviews with one of the fire brigades. Our research has revealed that the learning processes in HROs differs from the existing theoretical framework. According to the literature, knowledge is created through conversion of tacit and explicit knowledge, while at the fire station the conversion involves tacit and implicit types of knowledge.

Det sitter i väggarna : Vad styr vid rekrytering av ställföreträdare på överförmyndarverksamheter? / It is in the wall : What guides the recruitment of legal guardians?

Blad, Anna, Pernilla, Karlsson Palmgren January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how social workers on a Chief Guardian unit work from their conditions when recruiting guardians. More specifically, we wanted to see how the law, the practise and the professionals’ tacit knowledge affect their judgement of guardians and how the organisation and the government of the Chief Guardian unit affect their work. The Chief Guardian unit is a municipal supervisor that control and supervise the work of the guardian. Media has criticized the Chief Guardian unit, by highlighting examples of unfit guardians. The Swedish National Audit Office (Riksrevisionen) has expressed a number of shortcomings of the supervision by the County administrative boards of Sweden (Länsstyrelsen). Because the Chief Guardian units lack a common governmental monitoring, internal solutions are created by every individual unit. In this qualitative study we have tried to understand how the social workers practise their profession. Through semi-structured interviews with eight social workers in three different Chief Guardian units, we have interpreted the views of their work. The theoretical framework was primarily founded on Polanyi´s theory of tacit knowledge and the ideas of occupational and organizational professionalism. The results of our study showed that the reality for the social workers is a mix of occupational and organizational professionalism. All the informants describe their work as heavily controlled by laws and regulations, but with a certain freedom of how to conduct their work. They find the tacit knowledge and the collegial support very important when it comes to assessing guardians. All the informants state that an organizational change is crucial to guarantee the legal security of guardians and caretakers.

Granskning av hållbarhetsredovisning : Granskares kunskap för att erhålla tillförlitlighet i granskningsprocessen

Eriksson, Sofia, Ervenhag, Pauline January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning   Titel: Granskning av hållbarhetsredovisning - Granskares kunskap för att erhålla tillförlitlighet i granskningsprocessen   Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi   Författare: Sofia Eriksson och Pauline Ervenhag   Handledare: Tomas Källqvist och Pär Vilhelmson   Datum: 2019 – Juni   Syfte: Enligt tidigare forskning tenderar granskare av hållbarhetsredovisning att sakna tillräckligt med kunskap och utbildning för att bedöma redovisningens tillförlitlighet. Hållbarhetsredovisning är en del av revisionen som anses vara en svår uppgift, och därför är kunskap inom detta område viktigt. Syftet med studien var att öka förståelsen för vilken kunskap granskare av hållbarhetsredovisningar saknar vid granskningsprocessen för att erhålla tillförlitlighet.   Metod: För att kunna belysa och besvara studiens syfte genomfördes en studie baserad på kvalitativ metod. Avsikten var att skapa ökad förståelse och inblick i vilken kunskap granskare av hållbarhetsredovisning behöver och saknar. Studien utgick från ett abduktivt synsätt där den teoretiska referensramen och empirisk datainsamling har analyserats i samverkan med varandra. Uppsatsens syfte undersöktes bland annat med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med både bestyrkande-, granskande- och finansiella revisorer samt respondenter från FAR.   Resultat &amp; slutsats: Studiens resultat visade att erfarenhet är den centrala källan till kunskap inom granskningsprocessen av hållbarhetsredovisningens tillförlitlighet. Ett exempel som belyser detta är att erfarenhet och lärandet av varandra har haft en inverkan på granskare under deras process att granska hållbarhetsredovisningar.   Examensarbetets bidrag: Vi har i denna studie kommit fram till två teoretiska bidrag då vi fann skillnader mellan vår teoretiska referensram och vårt empiriska material gällande granskares kunskap. Studiens första teoretiska bidrag visade att kunskap inte ses som en saknad vidare att erfarenhet är en viktig faktor för granskare under granskningsprocessen av hållbarhetsredovisningar. Detta relateras till praktisk klokhet och tacit knowledge eftersom kunskap kan uppkomma genom erfarenhet och lärandet av varandra. Studiens andra teoretiska bidrag visade att det finns en bakomliggande efterfrågan på utbildningar inom hållbarhetsredovisningens delar.   Förslag till vidare forskning: Vi finner ett fortsatt intresse av att se hur granskares arbetslivserfarenheter påverkar synen på kunskap utifrån erfarenhet. Därför är ett förslag till vidare forskning att genomföra en liknande studie med fler respondenter där hänsyn tas till arbetslivserfarenhet för att bidra till nya infallsvinklar.

Educação, imagem e comunicação multimídia: comunicação e conhecimento tácito

Canastro, Dirce Sales de Mesquita 18 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:10:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dirce Sales de Mesquita Canastro.pdf: 1268346 bytes, checksum: 5e51f628d2b864ca261e61521b8c682e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-18 / This work aims to analyze Education and Communication s importance, along with information technology, as constituents of reflexive changes of how human beings build their knowledge and transmit their experiences and values. In attempt to better understand how works this process, we look forward to contextualize how occur these interactions, through analysis of some communicational models used on education and of media s interference on school context. To use communication (learn by doing) is the best methodology to make students exert their expression rights for a democratic Education. Comprehending this reality Mário Kaplun used the term Educommunication applied for communitarian questions awareness, the mediaeducation, in other words to build new communicative ecosystems, which demand prepared and qualified persons to use these techniques at NGOs, churches, museums and schools. The research leads to a deliberation about how Communication is the element whereby human being changes himself in to subject of his own history, in the picture of a transdisciplinarity that (Prigogine,1996) mentions and declares the end of certainties and knocks down any theory intended to be definitive. Thus transdisciplinarity introduces a new age in education for Communication (Freire) based on ethical order principles, on democratic values and of tacit knowledge (Pollanyi, 1959). This work is the beginning of a debate that valorizes education/communication interface s discovery which in the picture of new technologies comes to emphasize it s implications for teacher s formation and praxis / Este estudo pretende analisar a importância que a Educação e a Comunicação, junto com a tecnologia de informação, constituem para mudanças na reflexão de como os seres humanos constroem seus conhecimentos e transmitem suas experiências e valores. Na tentativa de compreender melhor de como se dá esse processo, procuramos contextualizar como ocorrem essas interações, através da análise de alguns modelos comunicacionais usados na educação e das interferências das mídias no contexto escolar. Utilizar a comunicação (aprender fazendo) é a melhor metodologia para que estudantes exerçam seus direitos de expressão para uma Educação democrática. Abrangendo essa realidade Mário Kaplun usou o termo Educomunicação utilizado para conscientização das questões comunitárias, a mídia-educação, ou seja construir novos ecossistemas comunicativos, que exigem pessoas preparadas e habilitadas para o uso das técnicas em ONGS, igrejas, museus e escolas . A pesquisa leva a ponderar o modo como a Comunicação é o elemento pelo qual o ser humano se transforma em sujeito de sua própria história, no quadro de uma transdiciplinaridade que (Prigogine,1996) cita e declara o fim das certezas e derruba qualquer teoria que se pretenda definitiva. Assim a transdiciplinaridade instaura uma nova era na educação para a Comunicação (Freire) fundada nos princípios de ordem ética, nos valores democráticos e do conhecimento tácito (Pollanyi, 1959). Esse trabalho é o começo de um debate que valoriza a descoberta da interface educação/comunicação que no quadro das novas tecnologias, vem enfatizar suas implicações na formação e prática docente

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