Spelling suggestions: "subject:"technologijos"" "subject:"technologijoms""
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Skaitmeninės technologijos mokinių vizualios raiškos galimybių plėtroje / Digital technologies in the development of school learners' visual expressionMikalonis, Arūnas 24 September 2008 (has links)
Skaitmeninės technologijos suteikia mokiniams daug naujų galimybių, nes jie gali gauti daug ir įvairios informacijos pačiomis įvairiausiomis formomis – įskaitant tekstinę informaciją, fotografiją, grafiką, garsinę bei vaizdinę medžiagą. Pasinaudojus įvairia skaitmenine technika gautą informaciją lengva keisti, suteikiant jai savitumo, pritaikant individualiems mokymosi poreikiams.
Skaitmeninės technologijos nuolatinė kaita ir spartus vystymasis lemia šiame darbe nagrinėjamą skaitmeninių technologijų vizualios raiškos mokinių galimybių plėtroje meniniame ugdyme naujumą.
Tyrimo tikslas - skaitmeninių technologijų įtaka mokinių vizualios raiškos plėtrai. Tyrimo objektas - skaitmeninės technologijų naudojimas dailės pamokoje plečiant mokinių vizualią raišką.
Tyrimo uždaviniai: (1) apibūdinti skaitmeninių technologijų galimybes kaip vizualios raiškos priemonę; (2) apžvelgti skaitmeninių technologijų panaudojimą kūryboje ir dailės ugdymo procese; (3) įvertinti esamą mokinių požiūrį į skaitmenines technologijas kaip priemonę realizuoti kūrybines galias.
Tyrimo metodai: (1) Teorinis: pedagoginės, meninės, techninės literatūros studijavimas, švietimo sistemos dokumentų, interneto duomenų sisteminė analizė; (2) empirinis: anketinė apklausa, mokinių vizualinės raiškos darbų analizė; (3) matematinis: procentinė duomenų analizė.
Darbe buvo apibūdintos tokios skaitmeninių technologijų galimybės kaip vizualios raiškos priemonės: galimybės panaudojant skaitmeninį fotoaparatą, skanerį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Digital technologies allow pupils a lot of new possibilities as the pupils may receive a lot of information in the different forms, including textual information, photography, graphics, expressions and pattern information. When using the digital technology it is easy to adopt the information, to grant originality to the information as well as to adopt it to the individual learning needs.
Constant change and rapid development in the digital technologies is the determining factor of novelty of the digital technologies in the artistic education in the development of school learners’ visual expression, which is being discussed in these diploma theses.
The purpose of the research is analysis of the influence of the digital technologies to school learnen’ visual expression. The research subject-matter is a use of the digital technologies at the art lessons, with the purpose to expand learnen’ visual expression at the lesson.
Research methods are as follows: (1) Theoretical, educational, artistic, analysis of the technical literature, systemic analysis of the documents of the educational system and internet data; (2) empirical: questionnaire interview, analysis of the pupils’ work of the visual expression; (3) mathematical: percentage analysis of the data.
Implementation of the digital technologies, as the visual expression mean at the artistic lesson, facilitates individual learning, ensure basis to develop visual expression of the pupils, constitute possibilities to realize... [to full text]
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Informacinių technologijų suaugusiųjų mokymui poreikio tyrimas / Research on needs of information technologies in grown up learning processNikitin, Pavel 24 September 2008 (has links)
Besiplečiant kompiuterinės įrangos galimybėms auga ir kvalifikuotų darbuotojų paklausa bei reikalavimai darbuotojams visame pasaulyje. Retas darbuotojas šiuo metu gali dirbti be kompiuterio ar kompiuterinės technikos taikymo savo darbe. Atsiranda naujos programos taikytinos konkrečiose darbo srityse, lengvinančios darbą bei gerinančios jo kokybę. Norint išlikti konkurencingu darbo rinkoje tenka prisitaikyti prie jos reikalavimų, pastoviai tobulinti turimas žinias bei gebėjimus ir įgyti naujų. Rašant šį darbą buvo apžvelgta suaugusiųjų kompiuterinio raštingumo situacija Lietuvoje ir pasaulyje. Aiškintasi politinis požiūris į kompiuterinių gebėjimų ugdymą, finansavimo šaltinius. Atliktas anketinis tyrimas, kuriame apklausta daugiau nei 500 Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto darbuotojų. Atliekant tyrimą aiškintasi, kompiuterinių gebėjimų lygmuo priklausomai nuo amžiaus ir pareigų. Aiškintasi ar nuo amžiaus priklauso pageidaujamo mokymosi būdo pasirinkimas, taip pat kiek amžius turi 5takos norui tobulėti informacinių technologijų srityje. Tyrime siekta atsekti priklausomybę norimų mokytis dalykų nuo respondentų pareigų. Į visus šios klausimus atsakymus padėjo surasti atliktas apklausos rezultatų tyrimas. / Nowadays the demand for qualified workers as well as the requirements for workers is increasing all around the world due to the development of opportunities of the new computer technologies. Just a few members of our society can work without computer or any computer device. The new software that can be used in a particular working sphere appears. This new software makes the work easier and quality of work much better. In order to survive in the competitive labour market, each organization should adjust itself to the requirements of the market, constantly deepen acquired knowledge and abilities and learn new ones. Computer literacy in Lithuania and in the world was reviewed in this thesis. The theme was being analyzed taking into account political and financial sources. The research by the means of questionnaire was performed. More than 500 Vilnius Pedagogical University workers took part in it. The aim of this questionnaire was to make a connection between age and position of the reporters and their computer literacy abilities. The question of the choice of particular learning method in accordance with the age was risen up as well as the influence of the age on desires to improve knowledge in the sphere of modern technologies. The connection between the desirable aspects of study and the holding position is showed in this research. All the answers to these questions were found during the research.
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Virtualus mokymasis: tradicinių studijų ir nuotolinio mokymo metodų integracija / Virtual learning: integration of the traditional studies and distance learning methodsTamošiūnaitė, Ieva 31 August 2009 (has links)
Darbe iškeliamos pagrindinės idėjos, kaip integruoti į virtualųjį mokymąsi tradicinių ir nuotolinių studijų metodus. Tobulėjant informacinėms technologijoms, jos veržiasi į besimokančiųjų gyvenimą ir užima gana svarbią vietą. Todėl švietimo įstaigose skatinama išnaudoti visas IKT galimybes tobulinti mokymosi metodus ir mokymosi kokybę. Pirmajame skyriuje supažindinama, kas tai yra tradicinis mokymasis bei kaip keitėsi mokymosi metodika, kai buvo pradėtos naudoti informacinės komunikacinės technologijos. Antrasis skyrius skirtas projektinės dalies aprašymui. Sukurta lietuvių kalbos kurso dalis, skirta amerikiečių lietuvių kalbos žinioms tobulinti. Kurso kūrimui pasirinkta „Moodle“ virtuali mokymosi aplinka, nes ji yra paprasta, atviro kodo bei turi daug kitų privalumų. Trečioji dalis skirta kurso kokybės vertinimui. / This master thesis discusses the integration of the traditional and distance learning approaches into the virtual learning. The rapid development of information technologies made huge impact on the learning technologies, as well as changed the way of the students’ learning. Therefore, learning institutions are encouraged to employ all the possibilities provided by information and communication technologies in order to improve learning methods, as well as the quality of learning. The first chapter introduces traditional learning approach and presents how learning methods developed with the rise of information and communication technologies. The project part is described in the second chapter. The Lithuanian language course was designed to provide American students with the required material and improve their language skills. The course was created using “Moodle”, an Open Source Course Management System. The third chapter discusses the evaluation of the course quality.
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Naudojimasis informacinėmis komunikacinėmis technologijomis: jaunesniųjų paauglių problemų identifikavimas ir sprendimo būdai / Use of Information Communication Technology: the Identification of Young Teenagers‘ Problems and SolutionsKristinaitytė, Lilija 02 August 2011 (has links)
Šiuolaikinis paauglys yra veikiamas dabartinio informacijos amžiaus, kuris greitai keičiasi bei atveria informacinių komunikacinių technologijų vartotojams daugybę pasirinkimų. Paaugliai, dėl šiuolaikinio gyvenimo tempo suformuotų savybių (smalsumo, savarankiškumo, impulsyvumo, aktyvumo ir pan.) susiduria su įvairiomis naudojimosi informacinėmis komunikacinėmis technologijomis problemomis.
Tyrimo objektas – jaunesniųjų paauglių naudojimo(si) informacinėmis komunikacinėmis technologijomis problemų identifikacija ir sprendimo būdai.
Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti kylančias problemas naudojantis informacinėmis komunikacinėmis technologijomis ir pateikti galimus šių problemų sprendimo būdus.
Tyrimo tikslui įgyvendinti buvo atlikta apklausa Šiaulių apskrities, Akmenės rajono vidurinėje mokykloje bei Šiaulių miesto dienos centre. Tyrimo tikslams įgyvendinti buvo atlikta 59 anketų kiekybinė ir kokybinė analizė. Anketą sudaro 4 blokai pusiau uždaro tipo klausimų (demografiniai klausimai, respondento naudojimosi mobiliuoju telefonu patirtis, naudojimosi televizijos paslaugomis ypatumai, respondento naudojimosi kompiuteriu ir internetu patirtis) ir blokas klausimų apie informacinių komunikacinių technologijų naudą bei žalą, remiantis nebaigtų sakinių metodika bei blokas klausimų, orientuotų į situacijos sprendimo modelio kūrimą.
Nustatyta, kad iš problemų, su kuriomis susiduria šiuolaikinis paauglys, tiriamieji labiausiai pabrėžia žalingo turinio informacijos prieinamumą bei gausumą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A modern teenager is influenced by the age of information, which is rapidly changing and opening up many choices of information and communication technology for consumers. Teens on the pace of modern life formed properties (curiosity, independence, impulsivity, activity, etc.) are confronted with a variety of use of information communication technology issues. The research is focused on young adolescents use of information communication technologies, identification of problems and solutions.
The research is focused on young adolescents use of information communication technologies, identification of problems and solutions.
The aims of the survey was conducted in secondary school, Akmene district, Siauliai County and in Day Centre of Siauliai town. Objectives of the study was carried out in 59 questionnaire quantitative and qualitative analysis. The questionnaire consists of four blocks of semi-closed type of questions (demographic questions, respondents using the mobile phone experience, the use of television service features, the respondent's computer and Internet experience) and blocks of questions on information communication technology benefits and damages on the basis of incomplete sentences technique as well as a block of questions that focus on the situation in the decision model.
It was found that out of the problems facing the modern teenager subjects stress the availability and abundance of the harmful content on cyberspace and user physiology injury by... [to full text]
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Multimedijos modulio studentu paramos sistema / The learning system of mulotimedia moduleGrigonis, Juozas 13 June 2005 (has links)
The main objective of this project is to research learning systems in internet. In this article we will show what problems occur when students studying by internet. All conclusions will be taken into account when implementing our learning system. Our created system is very simple and easy to use.
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Informacijos ir komunikacijos technologijų subkultūros poveikis 5-7 metų amžiaus vaiko ugdymui(si) / The influence of information and communication sub-cultural technologies for 5 – 7 year old child’s nurtureGesevičienė, Vilma 27 June 2005 (has links)
In my master graduation paper I researched the sub-cultural peculiarities effects of information and communication technologies for children of 5 – 7 years old. The effects for children groups upbringing conditions and their remit expression, comparing two different abilities while using computer.
Estimated that, rapid process of information society, information and communication technology development necessitate preschool children age, capable using information technologies, becoming phenomenal in Lithuanian educational space. The upbringing quantity and quality of children information technologies are determined by their upbringing conditions in the family and institution, which are directly dealt with family materially conditions, educational level of their parents, resource of institutions, and professional readiness of educators to adapt technologies in children upbringing process.
Estimated significant, statistic reliable computer technologies, children cognitive, their creatively contemplation and communicating connection trend, which stimulate their cognitive interests, motivate later life research in different ways and means. It gives specifications to children’s creative process and spread. It also develops linguistic, contemplation skills and the development of social interplay.
Computer technologies, as a mean of 5 -7 year old children motivation expression, creates contemporary, modernised upbringing environment, which stimulates children scopes’ process and... [to full text]
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E. mokymosi informacinių technologijų tyrimas / The research on e-learning information technologiesŠileikienė, Irma 03 January 2006 (has links)
Bendrai nuotolinio švietimo sistemos analizei buvo naudojami norminių aktų, Lietuvos ir užsienio šalių mokslininkų darbų, publikuotų periodinėje spaudoje, ir įvairių Internetinių šaltinių, bibliotekinio tyrimo ir lyginamosios analizės metodai. Virtualioms mokymosi terpėms analizuoti buvo naudojami lyginamosios analizės ir eksperimentiniai tyrimo metodai. Virtualių universitetų koncepcijų tyrimui buvo taikoma sisteminė analizė, o virtualaus universiteto informacinei sistemai projektuoti, buvo naudotas koncepcinio modeliavimo metodas. Sistemos testavimui taikytas eksperimentinis metodas, o rezultatams apibendrinti – vertinamasis tyrimo metodas. / Modern Internet technologies have allowed new learning methods to appear for the realisation of which e-learning information technologies are created. While organizing distance learning the problems of selecting and integrating these technologies surface. That has motivated to conduct research on e-learning information technologies.
It can be stated that the especially important task today is to create such infrastructure of the Virtual University that enables to merge both various distance learning methods and various learning environments used for creating distance courses as well as to conform to e-learning standards.
This work introduces:
• the formulation of the requirements for the distance education information system;
• the concept of the distance education information system and selected technologies for its implementation have been designed;
• the architecture of two different application servers that enables to use different information technologies in a single information system have been offered. It is scalable, it does not depend on the platform and has a unified identification mechanism;
• the unified system that enables to manage education processes, educational programmes, e-courses created in various virtual learning media and other resources as well as to administer the activities of students and lecturers.
The system created is open, multiplatform and adapted for various information technologies and different application servers, supports various... [to full text]
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The research on e-learning information technologies / E. mokymosi informacinių technologijų tyrimasŠileikienė, Irma 03 January 2006 (has links)
Modern Internet technologies have allowed new learning methods to appear for the realisation of which e-learning information technologies are created. While organizing distance learning the problems of selecting and integrating these technologies surface. That has motivated to conduct research on e-learning information technologies.
It can be stated that the especially important task today is to create such infrastructure of the Virtual University that enables to merge both various distance learning methods and various learning environments used for creating distance courses as well as to conform to e-learning standards.
This work introduces:
· the formulation of the requirements for the distance education information system;
· the concept of the distance education information system and selected technologies for its implementation have been designed;
· the architecture of two different application servers that enables to use different information technologies in a single information system have been offered. It is scalable, it does not depend on the platform and has a unified identification mechanism;
· the unified system that enables to manage education processes, educational programmes, e-courses created in various virtual learning media and other resources as well as to administer the activities of students and lecturers.
The system created is open, multiplatform and adapted for various information technologies and different application servers, supports various... [to full text] / Šiuolaikinės internetinės technologijos leido atsirasti naujiems mokymo metodams, kurių realizavimui kuriamos e. mokymosi informacinė technologijos. Organizuojant nuotolines studijas, iškyla šių technologijų pasirinkimo ir derinimo problemos. Tai paskatino atlikti e. mokymosi informacinių technologijų tyrimą.
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Verslo pokyčių, susijusių su informacinių technologijų ir telekomunikacijų plėtra, valdymo modeliavimas / Business change, caused by information and communication technologies development, management modelingElskytė, Vida 23 March 2006 (has links)
Subject of the scientific research. ICT caused business changes management. Aim of the research – to construct change, caused by ICT development, management model of organization. Tasks of the research: 1) to analyze relations in the development processes between ICT and business, to go deep trying to find keystones of relation between them, identify the impact of information technologies on business management and identify the trends; 2) to analyze adequacy of business management theories in the ICT development caused conditions; 3) to investigate the change management theories and identify keystones of the new methodologies, which are needed, in the ICT caused business environment; 4) to investigate the possibility to use the good ICT practice examples databases in the change management model, classify the typical ICT projects; 5) to create a ICT caused business change management model, which solves change management problems in organizations, allowed increasing the competitive ability of organizations and expanding their application opportunities in business by using ICT; 6) to explore the proposed change management model in practice (to do experimental modeling).
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Kurčiųjų ir neprigirdinčiųjų savarankiškumo ugdymas technologijų pamokose / Development of the independency of the pupils with hearing impairments during the lessons of technologiesKovzan, Daiva 05 June 2006 (has links)
Each live organism is made to adapt to the constantly changing environment. The success of child’s integration into society, his conduct in society depends on the family and school. Frequently, excessive care by their parents prevents a disabled child from developing independency skills. One of the most important tasks for the school is to prepare an individual for independent life and seek his integration into society. The issue of developing independency of a disabled individual has not been studied in detailed yet. The object of this study is independency of the pupils with hearing impairments. The paper contains an analysis of the reference sources and findings of the study, which disclose the peculiarities of developing independency of the deaf and hard of hearing pupils during technology classes. The respondents were surveyed by test-interview methods and the data obtained were processed with the help of SPSS software.
When summarizing the academic, professional and methodical literature, a model of the pupils’ independency was drafted by dividing independency into three groups of its manifestation (inquisitiveness, initiative and organization skills) and by defining technological skills by three types of skills ( planning, information collection and use, technology activities). Analysis of individual programs revealed that the teachers of technologies devote attention to the development of the pupils’ independency at the schools for deaf and heard to hear students... [to full text]
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