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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Welcome home, please leave soon : Exploring temporary housing in the city of Stockholm.

Langefors, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Temporary building permits for housing purposes has recently received attention thanks to an addition to the Planning and Building Act (9 chap. 33a§). This addition should make it easier to receive temporary building permits for housing, even if the need is not deemed to be temporary. This is done with the hope that temporary housing can help reducing the housing shortage in Sweden. However, there are a number of challenges to be aware of when developing temporary housing, as housing should be adequate, affordable, and socially sustainable.  This study explores the usage of temporary building permits for housing in Stockholm. The situation was explored through archive search that resulted in descriptive statistics, and an exploration of five cases. These cases were evaluated based on social sustainability factors that could be related to the built environment and the development process. The time frames of the cases were put in relation to how the notion of temporary is used within the post-disaster context and in temporary urbanism. That resulted in a framework for categorizing interventions in the built environment based on their time frames, which can be useful for exploring the temporal aspects of the built environment and how the notion of temporary can be understood.  This study shows that temporary housing in Stockholm is mostly targeted at specific groups in society, and that it is developed with an adequate standard, but the possible effect that the temporary aspect could have on the residents is not problematized and the small number of projects means that it will not contribute to reducing the housing shortage in Stockholm. The conclusion of this study is that temporary housing can be socially sustainable (when only considering physical factors), but it does not contribute to an increase in social sustainability on a larger societal scale. / Tidsbegränsade bygglov för bostäder har fått uppmärksamhet de senaste åren på grund av ett tillägg till Plan- och bygglagen (9 kap. 33a§). Målet med detta tillägg är att det ska bli enklare att få tidsbegränsat bygglov för bostäder, även om behovet av bostäderna bedöms vara längre än tiden för bygglovet. Förhoppningen är att dessa temporära bostäder ska bidra till att minska bostadsbristen i Sverige. Det är dock viktigt att vara uppmärksam på att det finns utmaningar som behöver beaktas i projekt för temporära bostäder, då de bör vara lämpliga bostäder, tillgängliga till ett överkomligt pris, och socialt hållbara. I denna studie utforskas användningen av tidsbegränsade bygglov för bostäder i Stockholm. Situationen undersöktes med hjälp av arkivsökningar som resulterade i beskrivande statistik, samt en studie av fem fall där tidsbegränsade bygglov använts för bostäder. Dessa utvärderades utifrån ett antal faktorer för social hållbarhet som kan relateras till den byggda miljön och processer som rör denna. Tidsramarna för fallen sattes i relation till hur begreppet temporärt används inom postdisaster forskning och temporär urbanism för att undersöka temporala aspekter av den byggda miljön, samt hur begreppet temporär kan förstås och definieras. Detta resulterade i ett ramverk för att kategorisera händelser i den byggda miljön baserat på dess tidsramar.  Resultatet av studien visar att temporära bostäder i Stockholm utvecklas med en adekvat standard, men de effekter som den temporära aspekten skulle kunna ha på de boende problematiseras inte i debatten.  Temporära bostäder riktas oftast till specifika grupper i samhället och det utvecklas såpass få temporära bostäder att de inte kan sägas bidra till att minska bostadsbristen i Stockholm. Sammanfattningsvis så kan temporära bostäder vara socialt hållbara (om hänsyn bara tas till fysiska faktorer), men det bidrar inte till en socialt hållbar utveckling.

Abjekta möjligheter : En studie av det queera abjektet i svensk samtidslitteratur / Abject Possibilites : A study of the queer abject in contemporary Swedish literature

Randeblad, Joel January 2024 (has links)
This essay, through Julia Kristeva’s theory of abjection, seeks to shift the focus from the society that abjects towards the abjected through a generous reading of two contemporary Swedish queer novels, Du är rötterna som sover vid mina fötter och håller jorden på plats by Eli Levén and Ett så starkt ljus by Lyra Ekström Lindbäck. I discuss how the queer subject relates to different types of borders that Kristeva posits, such as the bodily border, the border of the I, and a moral or societal border. I find that the queer subject has a different relationship to these borders, and view and experience them in ways different than Kristeva suggests. Furthermore, I analyse how the queer subject experiences being made abject. I find that this experience can both be harmful and be somewhat self-sustaining in maintaining societal norms, but also that it can be a way for the queer subject to further position itself as different from a heteronormative society, a position that is truer to who the queer subject feels they are. Through José Esteban Muñoz’ Cruising Utopia I discuss how there are potentialities with being queer, or queer being, such as an expanded worldview and an outstretched concept of possible ways of being and living. The broader aim of this essay is to test Kristeva’s claim that literature is a place for a person to approach the abject, and to examine if literature also has a possibility of portraying an abject position, being a place where the abject itself can examine abjection and being made abject. My conclusion is that this is the case, and furthermore that literature also is a place for the abject to examine potentialities beyond the heteronormative sphere.

"Do not fade, do not wither, do not grow old" : En adaptionsanalys av tid och rum i Sally Potters Orlando (1992) / "Do Not Fade, Do Not Wither, Do Not Grow Old" : An Analysis of Time and Space in Sally Potter's Film Adaptation Orlando (1992)

Weber, Minon January 2021 (has links)
For almost a century, Virginia Woolf has enchanted readers all over the world with her novel about the gender fluid and time travelling character Orlando. British director Sally Potter adapted Orlando into film in 1992, and her adaptation has since gained immense fame and a continuous presence in world cinema. Potter's Orlando has been the object of a great deal of scholarly interest. However, previous research has predominantly focused on questions of gender and sexuality. Considerably underdiscussed is the film's fascinating conception of time and space. This thesis therefore sets out to analyze Sally Potter's Orlando in order to demonstrate how time and space is shaped in the film.  Theories developed by George Bluestone and André Bazin form the theoretical framework of this thesis. Through a close reading of the film, this thesis demonstrates that Potter establishes an unconventional temporality and spatiality through constructing a nonlinear, often contradictory temporality conveyed through contrasts between the organic and the fantastic, the real and the fictitious. Furthermore, the analysis finds that spatiality in Potter's Orlando is presented as multidimensional, allowing certain characters the possibility to inhabit a "fluid spatiality". Through presenting the past and the present as fused, Potter's Orlando can be understood through the optics of Bluestone's concept of "the flux of time" and Henri Bergsons la durée réelle. Simultaneously, breaks in the narrative presented through intertitles can be read as representing Bergsons idea of l'étendu, while also establishing a tangible spatiality.

Communicating Care : The Contradictions of HPV Vaccination Campaigns

Lindén, Lisa January 2016 (has links)
Denna avhandling undersöker tre statligt finansierade kampanjer mot human papillomvirus (HPV) i Sverige. Författaren visar att kampanjerna innehåller och artikulerar olika former av omsorg som inte är begränsade till att endast uppmana människor att ”ta hand om sig själva” eller ”bry sig om andra”. Istället studeras omsorg som något mångfasetterat och kontextuellt, och som något som innefattar såväl mänskliga som icke-mänskliga komponenter. I studien fokuserar författaren på hur aktörer möjliggör och problematiserar olika former av omsorg. Dessa aktörer inkluderar yrkesverksamma inom landsting som försöker kommunicera omsorg till tjejer och deras anhöriga, men också olika materiella ting, såsom en ”HPV-app”, en Facebook-kampanjsida och en vaccinationshusvagn. Kampanjmedia, intervjuer och textbaserade cancerberättelser analyseras med hjälp av teoretiska perspektiv från fältet feministiska teknik- och vetenskapsstudier (STS). Studien är situerad till forskning kring omsorgspolitik inom teknik och vetenskap, och bidrar till diskussioner om tidsmässiga dimensioner av omsorg. I kampanjmaterialet som studeras dominerar ett fokus på omsorg som något som skall göras nu för att möjliggöra en hälsosam och lycklig framtid. Genom att använda sig av ett ”etiskt-politiskt” ställningstagande, och en analytisk ansats, där fokus ligger på att synliggöra marginella, frånvarande och alternativa omsorgsformer problematiserar författaren  sådana ”snabba” framtidsorienterade omsorgsvisioner enligt vilka omsorg ses som något som skall göras omedelbart i preventivt syfte. Detta görs genom ett synliggörande av ”långsammare” och sammanflätade ”omsorgstemporaliteter” som öppnar upp för osäkerheter, tveksamheter, obestämdheter samt för olika känslouttryck, och som möjliggör mer omsorgsfulla praktiker. / This dissertation examines three state-funded human papillomavirus (HPV) campaigns in Sweden. The author shows that they include and articulate a range of different forms of care that are not limited to just asking people to “take care of themselves” or “care for others”. Care is instead approached as a multilayered, contextual and contingent phenomenon, and as made by a heterogeneity of human and nonhuman components. The study shows how care is articulated by human actors such as county council professionals who try to communicate care to girls and their relatives, and by material devices like an “HPV app”, a Facebook campaign site and a vaccination trailer which enable, distribute and trouble different forms of care. Campaign devices and campaign media, interviews, and textual cancer narratives are analyzed using a feminist science and technology studies (STS) approach. The study is situated within feminist STS discussions on the politics of care in technoscience, and contributes to discussions on temporal dimensions of care. In the campaign material the study examines, there is a dominant focus on care as something that needs to be done now to enable a healthy and happy future. By working with an ethico-political and analytical standpoint that is focused on making present neglected, marginal, absent and alternative matters of care, the author disrupts and troubles such future-oriented visions of care as an “anticipatory immediacy” through a focus on other temporalities of care. These include slower, messier and folded temporalities which open up for uncertainties, hesitations, indeterminacies, a range of feelings, and for more caring articulations of what care is. / Prescriptive Prescriptions: Pharmaceuticals and "Healthy" Subjectivities

Whirling Stories : Postsocialist Feminist Imaginaries and the Visual Arts / Virvlande berättelser : Postsocialistiska feministiska föreställningar och bildkonst

Koobak, Redi January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is about the geopolitics of feminist knowledge and the role of the visual arts in conceiving and reconfiguring postsocialist feminist imaginaries. Its central concern is to contest the fantasy, prevalent within Western feminist theorizing, of a “lag” between Western and former Eastern Europe. The thesis explores these imaginaries on a micro scale, zooming in on the deeply personal and political artwork of a contemporary feminist and lesbian-identified Estonian artist, Anna-Stina Treumund. This partial and limited focus on Treumund’s photographic self-portraiture enables us to look into the intensities and specificities of individual experience in postsocialist space. Throughout, the thesis evokes a whirling subject as a feminist figuration. This is simultaneously a reference to the embodied and the relational structure of knowledge-systems and world-making. Drawing on postsocialist, postcolonial, queer and feminist visual culture studies, the author argues that Treumund’s art is always already embedded in the local context, as it builds on and problematizes the existing discussions of feminist generations, theorizing, activism and art practices. Combining close readings of Treumund’s artworks with contemporary theoretical debates in feminist studies, encounters with the artist and autobiographical narratives, this thesis asserts: there is no “lag”. More importantly, it is of utmost ethical and political importance to pay closer attention to geopolitical locatedness as an axis of difference that matters in contemporary feminist theorizing. / Den här doktorsavhandlingen handlar om geopolitik i feministisk kunskap och bildkonstens roll i förståelse och omskapande av postsocialistiska feministiska föreställningar. Dess huvudsakliga fokus handlar om att bestrida den i västerländsk feministisk teori ofta förekommande fantasin om att före detta Östeuropa på olika sätt ”släpar efter” i relation till väst. Doktorsavhandlingen utforskar dessa föreställningar på mikronivå då den zoomar in på det djupt personliga och politiska bildkonstarbete utfört av den samtida feministiska och självidentifierat lesbiska estniska konstnärinnan Anna-Stina Treumund. Avhandlingens partiella fokus på Treumunds fotografier i form av självporträtt möjliggör för oss att få inblick i de intensiteter och specifika förhållanden som utgör en individuell erfarenhet av att befinna sig i det postsocialistiska rummet. Genomgående i doktorsavhandlingen används det virvlande subjektet som feministisk figuration. Figurationen innebär simultant en referens till den förkroppsligade och den relationella aspekten av kunskapssystem och skapande av världen. Med utgångspunkt i postsocialistiska, postkoloniala, queera och feministiska studier av visuell kultur argumenterar författaren att Treumunds bildkonst alltid redan är inbäddad i en lokal kontext, detta sedan den växer fram ur och problematiserar de diskussioner som pågår mellan feministiska generationer, i teori, aktivism och bland konstutövare. Genom att kombinera närläsning av Treumunds konstnärliga arbete med samtida teoretisk debatt inom feministiska studier, med möten med konstnärinnan, och med självbiografiska berättelser, försäkrar denna avhandling: det finns ingen “eftersläpning”. Än mer väsentligt är att betona att det är av yttersta etisk och politisk vikt att ägna mer uppmärksamhet åt geopolitiska lokaliseringar som skillnadsskapande faktor i samtida feministisk teoribildning.

Beyond Education and Society : On the Political Life of Education for Sustainable Development

Bengtsson, Stefan L. January 2014 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation is to develop a theoretical and analytical framework for understanding the political in education from a social and global perspective. With this objective in mind, it employs an empirical engagement and theoretical reflection on how this political can be seen to emerge in policy making on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Policy making on ESD is interpreted as engaging in the constitution of the social and globalisation, where the non-determination of this practice is seen to require political acts of identification with particular perspectives on what education, society and, as a result, ESD should be. Book I constitutes a theoretical and analytical framework that outlines central concepts, such as antagonism, temporality, space and rhizomic globalisation, in order to conceive of how the political in education can be understood and analysed in concrete articulations, such as policy making on ESD. The findings of the empirical analysis underlying this dissertation and that address the political in policy making on ESD are presented in the papers that are incorporated into this dissertation as part of Book II. Paper I discusses how we can conceive of the relation between ESD and globalisation and makes an argument that this relation should be seen to be political and characterised by conflicting perspectives on what ESD is. Paper II presents the findings from a comparative study of policy making on ESD that engages with concrete policy on ESD in order to reflect on how globalisation can be seen to emerge in these instances of policy making. Paper III presents the findings of a comprehensive discourse analysis of Vietnamese policy making and shows how the concepts of ESD and Sustainable Development are contested among different perspectives of how Vietnamese society should be constituted. The dissertation as a whole makes an argument for the inescapable political condition for education and how this condition necessitates the articulation of concepts such as ESD that name an inaccessible state beyond conflict and social antagonisms that is to be achieved through education.

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