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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"A field lately ploughed" : the expressive landscapes of gender and race in the antebellum slave narratives of Frederick Douglass and William Grimes

Nyhuis, Jeremiah E. 07 October 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The complicated state wherein ex-slaves found themselves, as depicted in the narratives of Bibb, Jacobs, and others, problematizes the dualistic relationship between North and South that the genre’s structural components work to enforce, forging an odyssey that, although sometimes still spiritual in nature, does not offer the type of resolutions that might easily persuade fellow slaves to abandon their masters and seek a similarly ambiguous identity in the so-called “free” land of the North. For blacks and especially fugitive slaves, such restrictive legal provisions provided an “uncertain status” where, writes William Andrews, “the definition of freedom for black people remained open.” In those slave narratives that dare to depict the limits of liberty in the North, this “open” status is particularly reflected in the texts’ discursive terrain itself, which portends a series of candid observations and brutal details that actively work to deconstruct any sort of mythological pattern associated with the slave narrative genre, thereby offering a more expansive view of the experience for most fugitive slaves. The Life of William Grimes, a particularly frank and brutal diary of a man’s trials within and without slavery, is one such slave narrative, depicting a journey that, while more consistent with the general experience of ex-slaves in the antebellum U.S., often works outside the parameters of traditional, straight-forward slave narratives like Douglass’s. “I often was obliged to go off the road,” Grimes admits at one point in his autobiography, and although his remark refers to the cautious path he must tread as a fugitive slave, it might just as well describe the thematic and structural characteristics of his open-ended autobiography. Reputedly the first fugitive slave narrative, the publication of Grimes’s Life in 1825 initiated the beginning of a genre whose path had not yet been forged, which likely contributed to its fluid nature. At the time of his narrative’s publication, Grimes’s self-expressed testimony of injustice under slavery was about five years ahead of its time; it wouldn’t be until the 1830s that the U.S. antislavery movement would begin to consciously seek out ex-slaves to testify to their experience in bondage. Once this literary door was open, however, antislavery sentiment became for many early African American authors “a ready forum” for self-expression. Whereas in twenty years’ time Douglass would take full advantage of this opportunity by drawing inspiration from a number of already established narratives, Grimes as an author found himself singularly “off the road” and essentially alone in new literary territory, uncannily reflecting his sense of alienation and helplessness in the North after escaping from slavery aboard a cargo ship in 1815.

Werkers en werk in die Klassieke Romeinse Reg

Stoop, Barend Christoffel 06 1900 (has links)

Les liens sociaux entre les dépendants et le maître/patron dans la Correspondance de Cicéron

Drouin, Sophie 12 1900 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche cherche à répondre à deux questions : Quels sont les liens sociaux liant les maîtres et ingénus aux dépendants, sont-ils plus importants entre ingénus et affranchis qu’entre ingénus et esclaves? Ont-ils une influence positive sur l’affranchissement des esclaves dans la Correspondance de Cicéron ? Cette étude évolue par thème, passant des liens amicaux, matrimoniaux, sexuels aux évaluations des maîtres et des patrons sur leurs esclaves et affranchis. Avant la conclusion, quelques pages seront également dévolues aux esclaves et affranchis absents de la Correspondance pour expliquer cette absence et les situer dans le contexte de la fin de la République romaine. L’étude des liens sociaux liant les dépendants aux maîtres, patrons et ingénus, dans une approche soulignant les liens amicaux, affectifs, maritaux et sexuels plutôt que les liens sociaux purement juridiques, a permis de prouver l’existence assez fréquente de liens amicaux et affectifs entre les dépendants (esclaves et affranchis) et les maîtres, les patrons et les ingénus dans la Correspondance. L’étude de la Correspondance démontre également que ses liens amicaux et affectifs étaient plus nombreux et plus soutenus entre affranchis et ingénus qu’entre ingénus et esclave, mettant en lumière l’importance des liens d’amitié et d’affection dans le processus d’affranchissement de certains esclaves. / This paper will answer these questions: What were the social relationships between Roman masters/ingenui and slaves/freedmen? Were these relationships more often between ingenui and freedmen than ingenui and slaves? Did these relationships influence positively the slaves’ manumission in Cicero’s Letters? This paper will index and analyse the social relationships between ingenui and slaves/freedmen in the Letters. By social relationships, are meant friendships, marriage ties, sexual relations, masters’ and patrons’ estimation of their slaves/freedmen behaviours. Some pages will be devoted to the slaves and freedmen not mentioned in the Letters to explain this absence in the context of Rome in the last century BC. The study of social relationships between slaves/freedmen and masters, patrons and ingenui, in a social approach rather than a purely legal one, permitted the conclusion that friendships and affection often existed between slaves/freedmen and their masters/patrons or other ingenui of the Letters. In addition, this study proves that friendships and affectionate ties were more numerous and lasting between ingenui and freedmen than between ingenui and slaves. Accordingly, I defend the importance of friendships and affections ties in the manumission’s strategies of certain slaves.

La dialectique de la reconnaissance : la renaissance d'un thème hégélien dans le discours philosophique du XXème siècle / The dialectics of recognition : the re-emergence of a Hegelian theme in the 20th century philosophical discourse

Abid, Hammadi 16 February 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la réception plurielle de Hegel dans le discours philosophique du XXème siècle. En prenant comme fil rouge la dialectique hégélienne de la reconnaissance, cette thèse soumet à l’examen ses réappropriations successives chez Kojève, Lacan et Honneth. La première réception de Hegel fût une théorie de l’anthropogenèse qui mettait l’accent sur la lutte pour la reconnaissance et sur la fameuse dialectique du maître et de l’esclave. La reconnaissance de soi atteinte par l’esclave et sa victoire imaginaire ouvrant sur la terre promise de la reconnaissance correspondent à la fin du Temps Historique. Mais à la suite de Kojève, c’est cette version de l’anthropologie hégélienne qui a inspiré la psychanalyse lacanienne. Celle-ci constitue une critique de la conscience de soi considérée comme synonyme d’aliénation imaginaire. Bien qu’indispensable pour la constitution d’un soi et d’un monde stables, la reconnaissance spéculaire de soi est forcément méconnaissance. Contrairement à Kojève et à sa reprise par Lacan, la théorie de la reconnaissance d’Honneth constitue l’envers de la domination puisqu’elle autorise le passage de la tyrannie de l’inconscient et du déni résiduel à une lutte pour la reconnaissance. Son entreprise consiste à renouer avec Hegel, mais celui-ci n’est pas lu comme une pensée de l’historicité, mais celle de la constitution intersubjective de l’autonomie du sujet. Ainsi, l’horizon de la vie éthique ne procède plus d’une dialectique du développement historique, il est inscrit plutôt dans la formation psycho-sociologique de l’identité / The question, which is at the core of this dissertation is the plural reception of Hegel in the philosophical discourse in the 20th century. The guiding line in this study is the Hegelian dialectics of recognition, I then examined in this dissertation its successive reappropriations in Kojève, Lacan and Honneth. The first reception of Hegel was a theory of anthropogenesis, which focused on the struggle for recognition and on the well known dialectic of master and slave. The self-recognition achieved by the slave and by his/her imaginary victory opening onto the promised land of recognition, corresponds to the end of Historical Time. However, after Kojève, it was that version of Hegelian anthropology that inspired Lacanian psychoanalysis. The Lacanian psychoanalysis is a critique of self-consciousness, which is considered as synonymous with imaginary alienation. The specular recognition of oneself, while essential for the formation of a stable self and world, is necessarily misrecognition. Unlike Kojève and his resumption by Lacan, Honneth’s theory of recognition is considered as the opposite of domination since it allows the transition from the tyranny of unconscious and residual denial to a struggle for recognition. Honneth’s gesture consists in returning to Hegel, but the latter is not represented as a thought of historicity, but as the intersubjective constitution of the autonomy of the subject. Thus, the horizon of ethical

Bifurcações em PLLs de terceira ordem em redes OWMS. / Bifurcations on 3rd order PLLs in OWMS networks.

Marmo, Carlos Nehemy 23 October 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo qualitativo das equações diferenciais nãolineares que descrevem o sincronismo de fase nos PLLs de 3ª ordem que compõem redes OWMS de topologia mista, Estrela Simples e Cadeia Simples. O objetivo é determinar, através da Teoria de Bifurcações, os valores ou relações entre os parâmetros constitutivos da rede que permitam a existência e a estabilidade do estado síncrono, quando são aplicadas, no oscilador mestre, duas funções de excitação muito comuns na prática: o degrau e a rampa de fase. Na determinação da estabilidade dos pontos de equilíbrio, sob o ponto de vista de Lyapunov, a existência de pontos de equilíbrio não-hiperbólicos não permite uma aproximação linear e, nesses casos, é aplicado o Teorema da Variedade Central. Essa técnica de simplificação de sistemas dinâmicos permite fazer uma aproximação homeomórfica em torno desses pontos, preservando a orientação no espaço de fases e possibilitando determinar localmente suas estabilidades. / This work presents a qualitative study of the non-linear differential equations that describe the synchronous state in 3rd order PLLs that compose One-way masterslave time distribution networks with Single Star and Single Chain topologies. Using bifurcation theory, the dynamical behavior of third-order phase-locked loops employed to extract the syncronous state in each node is analyzed depending on constitutive node parameters when two usual inputs, the step and the ramp phase pertubations, are supposed to appear in the master node. When parameter combinations result in non hyperbolic synchronous states, from Lyapunov point of view, the linear approximation does not provide any information about the local behavior of the system. In this case, the center manifold theorem permits the construction of an equivalent vector field representing the asymptotic behavior of the original system in the neighborhood of these points. Thus, the local stability can be determined.

O escravo: entre a identidade caboverdiana e a literatura européia / The slave: between the European identity and literature capeverdian

Almeida, Claudia Bernardete Veiga de 16 March 2009 (has links)
O romance O Escravo (1856), escrito por José Evaristo de Almei-da, português radicado por algum tempo em Cabo Verde, traz marcas do contexto histórico e cultural daquela colônia portuguesa em meados do século XIX. Este estudo busca demonstrar que o romance vai além da caracterização genérica do arquipélago, e procura delinear literariamente uma identidade caboverdiana. Essa abordagem, identitária, tem por parâmetros, estéticos e de valor, não apenas o contexto literário e de idéias português, mas o contexto maior do debate europeu acerca da escravidão e da raça, com destaque para um diálogo intertextual privilegiado com o romance Bug-Jargal (1826) de Victor Hugo. / The novel The Slave (1856) written by José Evaristo de Almeida, a Portuguese who settled for a long time in Cape Verde Islands, brings trac-es of cultural and historical context from that Portuguese settlement in the middle of the 19th century. This literary production aims to show that the novel goes beyond a generic characterization of the Archipelago. Moreo-ver, it also aims to represent, through the literary field, an identity pertinent to Cape Verde Islands. This identity approach shows, through aesthetic pa-rameters and values, not only the literary context and Portuguese ideas, but also the larger context of European discussion about slavery and race, em-phasizing an intertextual dialogue in Victor Hugo\'s novel, Bug Jargal (1826).

Sincronismo em redes mestre-escravo de via-única: estrela simples, cadeia simples e mista. / One-way master-slave synchronization networks: single star, single chain and mixed.

Marmo, Carlos Nehemy 31 July 2003 (has links)
Neste trabalho, são estudados os problemas de sincronismo de fase nas redes mestre-escravo de via única (OWMS), nas topologias Estrela Simples, Cadeia Simples e mista, através da Teoria Qualitativa de Equações Diferenciais, com ênfase no Teorema da Variedade Central. Através da Teoria das Bifurcações, analisa-se o comportamento dinâmico das malhas de sincronismo de fase (PLL) de segunda ordem que compõem cada rede, frente às variações nos seus parâmetros constitutivos. São utilizadas duas funções de excitação muito comuns na prática: o degrau e a rampa de fase, aplicadas pelo nó mestre. Em cada caso, discute-se a existência e a estabilidade do estado síncrono. A existência de pontos de equilíbrio não-hiperbólicos, não permite uma aproximação linear, e nesses casos é aplicado o Teorema da Variedade Central. Através dessa rigorosa técnica de simplificação de sistemas dinâmicos é possível fazer uma aproximação homeomórfica em torno desses pontos, preservando a orientação no espaço de fases. Desse modo, é possível determinar, localmente, suas estabilidades. / This work presents stability analysis of the syncronous state for three types of one-way master-slave time distribution network topologies: single star, single chain and both of them, mixed. Using bifurcation theory, the dynamical behavior of second-order phase-locked loops employed to extract the syncronous state in each node is analyzed in function of the constitutive parameters. Two usual inputs, the step and the ramp phase pertubations, are supposed to appear in the master node and, in each case, the existence and stability of the syncronous state are studied. For parameter combinations resulting in non hyperbolic synchronous states, the linear approximation does not provide any information, even about the local behaviour of the system. In this case, the center manifold theorem permits the construction of an equivalent vector field representing the asymptotic behaviour of the original system in the neighborhood of these points. Thus, the local stability can be determined.

Ao sul da fronteira cimarrón: o processo de redução dos negros do maniel de Neiba na Ilha de Española (1782-1795) / South of the maroon border: the reduction process of black people of maniel of Neiba on the Española Island (1782-1795)

Queiroz, Elisangela Mendes 30 March 2012 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa buscamos, por meio da análise do processo de redução do maniel de Neiba, desatar uma pequena parte da emaranhada trama que compõe a história do Mundo Atlântico na segunda metade do século XVIII. Ocupando a brecha formada pelo choque dos projetos coloniais díspares dos Impérios espanhol e francês para a Ilha de Española, os cimarrones do maniel de Neiba mobilizaram uma rede de interesses, cumplicidades e solidariedades que lhes permitiu empreender um projeto de liberdade que buscava reunir as benesses de uma vida tutelada com a autonomia que haviam conquistado na Serra do Baoruco, fronteira sul entre as colônias de Santo Domingo e Saint Domingue. / In this research we seek, through the analysis of the reducción process of the maniel of Neiba, untie a small part of the tangled web that makes up the history of the Atlantic World in the second half of the eighteenth century. Occupying the gap formed by the shock of different colonial projects on the Española Island, the maroons of the maniel of Neiba mobilized a network of interest, complicity and solidarity that allowed them to undertake a project of freedom that tried to gather the benefits of a life controlled by the Spaniards with autonomy that they conquered in the Baorucos Mountains, southern border between the Santo Domingo and Saint Domingue colonies.

A arquitetura da escravidão nas cidades do café, vassouras, século XIX / The architecture of slavery in the cities of coffee, vassouras, 19th century

Ferraro, Marcelo Rosanova 07 April 2017 (has links)
A dissertação analisa a produção do espaço e da paisagem do município Vassouras no século XIX, com ênfase no espaço urbano. Centro da cafeicultura escravista fluminense e núcleo do Partido Conservador, a cidade foi um lócus privilegiado de sociabilidade das principais famílias, assim como da construção das instituições do Império em nível local. Tanto residências privadas quanto edifícios públicos foram veículos de estratégias das famílias dominantes, como monumentos à construção de sua identidade de classe e de suas conexões com a monarquia e o Império. Ao mesmo tempo, suas instituições políticas serviram à defesa do tráfico e do cativeiro, enquanto o judiciário foi disputado por múltiplos agentes sociais, prevalecendo o papel de manutenção da ordem senhorial. Vassouras foi o resultado de lutas desiguais entre autoridades públicas, senhores e escravos, prevalecendo os interesses dos potentados, que impuseram à paisagem e à memória do Vale do Paraíba um discurso seletivo do passado, em que palacetes legaram às sombras as senzalas, faces complementares da arquitetura da escravidão. / This dissertation analyzes the production of space and landscape in Vassouras, Brazil, in the nineteenth century. Since Vassouras was the center of both the coffee economy and the Conservative Party in the Province of Rio de Janeiro, the city was an important social space, where the political and judicial institutions of the Imperial state were built. Both private residences and public buildings were elements of political strategies of the richest and most powerful families, as monuments to their class identity and their connections to the monarchy and the Empire. The local political and judicial systems were primarily concerned with the maintenance and defense of the slave trade and slavery. Vassouras was created out of the uneven social struggle between public authorities, slaveholders and slaves. The slaveholders prevailed and their interests are reflected in the landscape and memory of the Parahyba Valley, where cabins remained in the shadows of palaces, complementary faces of the architecture of slavery.

Famílias escravas em Angra dos Reis, 1801-1888 / Slave families in Angra dos Reis, 1801-1888

Vasconcellos, Marcia Cristina Roma de 06 October 2006 (has links)
Em Angra dos Reis, a população local, na primeira metade do século XIX, dedicava-se ao autoconsumo e ao mercado interno. Desenvolveram-se o comércio e os transportes, pois seus portos foram um dos principais meios de escoamento do café do vale do Paraíba fluminense e paulista, dinamizando a vida econômica. Entretanto, ao longo da segunda metade do Oitocentos, instalou-se, gradativamente, um quadro de transformações econômicas e demográficas, resultante do término do tráfico de escravos e da diminuição do movimento portuário em função da chegada da estrada de Ferro D. Pedro II ao vale. Diante desse panorama, analisamos as características e o grau de estabilidade das famílias escravas, entre 1801 e 1888, e de que forma foram atingidos na segunda metade do século XIX. Tais reflexões tiveram como parâmetro os dois núcleos básicos familiares: os formados pelo casal sem ou com filhos e aqueles constituídos por mães solteiras e filhos. As fontes principais utilizadas foram os inventários post-mortem e os registros de batismo e de casamento. Avaliamos, também, temas como, o matrimônio, a maternidade, o intercurso sexual, as famílias extensas, as famílias fraternas e o compadrio. Realizamos um mapeamento econômico, verificando o evolver da estrutura de posse de escravos e os tipos de produções encetados; bem como o perfil demográfico da população livre e cativa. Para isso, manuseamos documentos como, o Jornal do Commércio, o Almanak Laemmert, os recenseamentos de 1840, 1850 e de 1856, o Censo Nacional 1872 e os relatos de viajantes e cronistas. Portanto, com o presente estudo, desejamos contribuir para a produção do conhecimento sobre a escravidão e o litoral sul-fluminense, trazendo à tona a história das famílias cativas / In Angra dos Reis, in the first half of the XIX century, the local population was devoted to the selfconsumption and internal market. The commerc and transportation grew, as its ports were one of the main means of outlet of the coffee from the vleey of the Paraiba river in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, making the economy more dynamic. However, during the second half of XIX century, a panel of economic and demographic transformations was gradually settedresulting from the end of slave-traffic and the decreasing of the port activity due to the arrival of the D. Pedro II Raiboad to the valley. In face of this panorama, we analysed the characteristics and the degree of stability of the slave families between 1801 and 1888 and in which way they were affected in the second half of the XIX century. Such reflexions had as a paramater the two basic nuclei of family: the ones composed of the compe with or without children and those composed of urmarried mothers and their children. Post-mortem inventories and baptism and weddingregisters were the main sources used. We also evaluated themes like the wedding, the motherhood, the sexual intercourse, the big families yhe fraternal families and the baptism, We carried out a map of the economy verifying the evolving of the structure of slaves ownership, the types of productions initiated, as well as the demographic profile of the free and captive populations. For this, we handled docunments like the Jornal do connercio, the Almmanak Laemmert, the 1840, 1850 and 1856 census, the 1872 National Census and the reports of travelers and chroniclers. Therefore, with the present study, we wish to contribute to the production of Knowledge about slavery and the coast in the south osf Rio de Janeiro, bringing the history of the captive families to light

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