Spelling suggestions: "subject:"total coequality managemement"" "subject:"total coequality managementment""
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Qualidade da educação e políticas educacionais no período de 2003 a 2010: uma análise nos governos de Lula da SilvaVeiga, Robson Antônio dos Reis 29 August 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa insere-se na linha de pesquisa Estado, Políticas e Gestão em Educação do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) e se articula ao Projeto do Observatório da Educação (OBEDUC) “Avaliação do Plano de Ações Articuladas: um estudo nos municípios do Rio Grande do Norte, Pará e Minas Gerais, no período de 2007 a 2012”. Ela se propõe a investigar a questão da qualidade no âmbito das políticas educacionais para a educação básica no período de 2003 a 2010. Mais especificamente, tem como objetivo analisar as concepções de qualidade que permeiam as políticas educacionais no âmbito da educação básica constituídas entre 2003 a 2010, nos governos de Lula. A metodologia adotada foi a análise bibliográfica com o propósito de compreender pontos acerca de gestão educacional, qualidade da educação e políticas educacionais para a educação básica no Brasil. Também foi feita a análise documental para verificar textos legais, planos, programas, projetos, estudos, dentre outras publicações concernentes ao nosso objeto de pesquisa. O caminho percorrido nesta pesquisa demonstrou a centralidade do tema da qualidade no contexto das políticas públicas implementadas no Brasil a partir da década de 1990, quando ocorreu uma reestruturação administrativa do estado brasileiro, sobretudo por conta da adoção do modelo gerencial no governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002). A marca da gestão gerencial no âmbito da educação é típica do mundo empresarial, e denominada de Gestão da Qualidade Total (GQT). Em contraposição a essa concepção de qualidade, diversos educadores têm defendido a qualidade social da educação. Mais recentemente, durante as políticas educacionais do governo Lula, um conjunto de ações, planos e programas foi lançado para promover a melhoria da qualidade da educação; como, por exemplo, o Plano de Desenvolvimento da Educação (PDE). Na educação básica, por meio do Decreto 6.094/2007 foram instituídos o Plano de Metas Compromisso Todos Pela Educação, o índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB) e o Plano de Ações Articuladas (PAR). Os resultados revelam que: a) de maneira ambígua, a Gestão da Qualidade Total e a qualidade social permearam o debate em torno das ações políticas no governo Lula (2003-2010); b) a discussão da qualidade se deu a partir do planejamento estratégico ancorado na Constituição Federal de 1988; c) o Plano de Metas objetiva a melhoria da qualidade da educação a partir do fortalecimento da colaboração entre os entes federados; d) O IDEB foi estabelecido como se fosse sinônimo de qualidade; e) o PAR é um instrumento de planejamento por meio do qual o governo federal pretende fortalecer o regime de colaboração. / This research is set in the context of the research line State, Policies and Management in Education, which integrates the Post-Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), linked to a project titled “Articulated Actions Plan Evaluation: a study in municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte, Pará and Minas Gerais, from 2007 to 2012”, developed by the Education Observatory (OBEDUC). It aims to investigate the issue concerning the quality in the sphere of educational policies orientated to basic education between 2003 and 2010. More specifically, it has the objective to analyze the conceptions of quality related to educational policies which were directed to basic education from 2003 to 2010, under Lula’s government. Bibliographical analysis was chosen as methodology with the purpose of understanding points about educational management, educational quality and educational policies to basic education in Brazil. It was also made the documentary analysis to check legal texts, plans, programs, projects, studies and other relevant publications for our object of study. The path taken in this research has demonstrated the prominence of quality as a theme within the ambit of the public policies introduced in Brazil since the 1990’s, when it happened an administrative restructuring of the Brazilian State, especially because of the management model adopted by Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s government (1995-2002). Its main brand in education is typical of the business world, and it is called Total Quality Management (TQM). In opposition to that conception of quality, several educators have been defending the social quality of education. More recently, during the educational policies proposed by Lula’s government, a set of actions, plans and programs was launched to improve the quality of education, such as the National Education Plan (PDE). In basic education, the Target Plan All for Education Commitment, the Index of Basic Educational Development (IDEB) and the Articulated Actions Plan (PAR) were established by means of Decree 6.094/2007. Results show that: a) ambiguously, Total Quality Management and social quality education permeated the discussion on the political actions in Lula’s Government (2003-2010); b) the discussion about quality occurred through the strategic planning anchored in Federal Constitution of 1988; c) the Target Plan aims to improve the quality of education by strengthening the cooperation between the federated entities; d) IDEB was established as a synonym of quality; e) PAR is a planning instrument by which federal government intends to make the cooperation stronger. / Dissertação (Mestrado)
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Avaliação da Implantação de um Sistema da Qualidade em um Laboratório Clínico Público. / Evaluation of the implementing of a quality control system in a public clinical laboratoryMaria Elizabete Mendes 18 December 1998 (has links)
Foi descrita e analisada a implantação de um processo de gestão da qualidade total na Divisão de Laboratório Central entre 1996 e 97. O sistema de garantia da qualidade com descrição e análise efetuadas, apoiou-se na Norma ISO 9002. Seu desempenho foi monitorizado por indicadores, tendo as suas repercussões discutidas. Os resultados indicaram que processos similares são viáveis em laboratórios clínicos públicos. Demonstrando-se um envolvimento dos funcionários, com diminuição do absenteísmo e do número de licenças do trabalho. A produtividade e o faturamento aumentaram, mantendo-se o custo médio por exame. As pesquisas de opinião apontaram mudanças no conceito dos médicos sobre o laboratório e mais satisfaçào dos pacientes com os serviços prestados. Este sistema obteve reconhecimento externo em 1997 / The implementing process of a total quality management system in the DLC was described and analyzed from 1996-97. A quality assurance system was established base don the rules of the ISO 9002. The steps of the establishing process were described, analyzed and a set of the indicators were used in order to monitor the performance of the introduced system, through the analysis of its follow-up. The results demonstrated that employees´ commitment resulted in a decrease in absenteeism, leave of absence and accidents related to work. There was an increase in productivity and billing with the upkeep of the cost per exam. Public opinion polls disclosed a better concept of the laboratory by the clinical staff and the patients. This system got external certification in 1997
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Storskalig förändring i komplexa system : Utforskande av en förändringsresa, från traditionell förvaltning till offensivkvalitetsutveckling i en kommunStenmark, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Utifrån att samhället genomgår stora förändringar och står inför nya utmaningar finns ett behov av förmåga att möta framtiden på ett nytt sätt. Det ställs nya krav på hur organisationer behöver jobba med utveckling då transformationen skapar nya beteenden hos oss människor. Offentlig sektor utmanas precis som andra myndigheter och företag. Ambitionen med examensarbetet har varit att utforska och beskriva en förändring i stor skala utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv. En kommunal verksamhet, som i två års tid arbetat med att åstadkomma en storskalig förändring, har varit föremål för denna fallstudie. Fallstudien har genomförts genom bland annat djupintervjuer, workshops och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Analysen har hämtat inspiration från Kuipers, Higgs, Kickert, Tummers, Grandia, och van der Voets (2013) rekommendationer till forskning om förändring i offentlig sektor. Rekommendationerna handlar om att inkludera förändringens kontext, innehåll, process, resultat och ledarskap. Den förändring studieobjektet genomgår inkluderar värderingar och kultur, arbetssätt och verktyg och drivs med målet att öka professionaliseringen, öka graden av personcentrering och för att etablera ett kontinuerligt lärande. Studiens resultat har visat att flera händelser och insatser är avgörande i en storskalig förändring mot offensiv kvalitetsutveckling som stämmer överens med tidigare forskning som rekommenderar att flera olika modeller och strategier bör användas beroende på situation. Studiens resultat visar också att framgång kan uppnås genom att bedriva flera förändringsprocesser parallellt och på kort tid. Tidigare forskning talar istället om att förändring behöver ta tid. Flera upplevda framgångsfaktorer har identifierats och de flesta framgångsfaktorerna är inte desamma som lyfts i den tidigare forskning som studerats. De framgångsfaktorer som är unika för fallstudien är: modigt ledarskap, systemtänkande, att utgå från kundens fokus istället för kunden i fokus, användning av teoretiska förändringsmodeller för att förankra förändringsarbetet, att driva flera förändringsprocesser parallellt i högt tempo och att inkludera organisationens kontext och historia. Studiens resultat har visat att fallorganiastionens förändringsprocess kan beskrivas i fjorton steg. Vissa av stegen återfinns i de teorier som studerats och vissa återfinns inte. Att stegen skiljer sig åt kan bero på att detaljnivån skiljer sig mellan studiens resultat, som mer specifik och de teoretiska förändrinsmodellerna, som är mer generella. Hörnstenarna i hörnstensmodellen har utifrån studiens resultat kunnat sekvenseras i en viss ordning och beskrivas med olika tyngdpunkt och betoning. Hörnstensmodellen skulle enligt studien kunna användas som en värderingsmodell i ett storskaligt förändringsarbete men också utifrån arbetssätt och verktyg. / Society is going through rapid change and social transformation is taking place. This is a result of mega trends such as individualization and digitalization. People are behaving in new ways and our future desires are harder than before to predict. New business models need to develop both within the private and the public sector. The ambition with this master thesis has been to take a whole system perspective and explore and describe a large scale transformation taking place within a large organization. A case study at the elderly care within public sector has been made to accomplish the ambition. The organization which has been studied has purposely been working with a large scale change program for two years with the determination to achieve a higher level of professionalism and customer orientation. The research design has included in-depth interviews, workshops, observations and semi-structured interviews. The analysis has been inspired from Kuipers, Higgs, Kickert, Tummers, Grandia, och van der Voets (2013) recommendations to include context, content, process, result and leadership in change-oriented research within the public sector. The results from the case study shows that many different efforts and activites are crucial to achieve a large scale change implementing TQM. This finding is in line with previuos reasearch. Another finding from the case study, that differs from previous research, is many simultaneously initiatives and efforts managed in a relatively short time seems to be a success factor for large scale change in large organizations and complex systems. Previous research says in contradiction that change needs time. Many more perceived success factors was identified. Some of them are slightly similar to previous research but many of the findings are not found in theories studied. Critical success factors uniqe for this case study are: courageous leadership, systems thinking, a perspective taken from the customers point of view instead of a customer oriented perspective, the practical use of theorethical change models, many change projects simultaneously driven in a fast speed and the organisations history of change projects included as well as the organisations unique context. The findings from the case study also shows a change process that can be described in fourteen steps. Some of these steps are found in the change management theories and others are not. The descpription of the steps from this case study are somewhat more detailed and related to the context whereas the theoretical change models have a more general characteristic. The change process was also viewed through the TQM-model named The corner stone model, and this showed that the cornerstones can be sequenced in a certain order based on the results of the study. The stones can also be described with different highlighting due to the change context. Different emphasis and content among the cornerstones could also been seen. The corner stone model could, accoring to this case study, could therfore be used as a value model in large scale change, but also as a change model for working ways and tools. / <p>2017-06-28</p>
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The Financial Implications and Organizational Cultural Perceptions of Implementing a Performance Management System in a Government EnterpriseSeaton, Hugh Van 01 January 2007 (has links)
Successful organizations continually seek ways to improve productivity, reduce and control costs, and increase efficiency. Governmental entities also are driven by the need for increased efficiency and accountability in public service for their constituents.There is a continuing need for better tools and a number of government entities have turned to performance management systems due to their promise of improvement in various areas of productivity and accountability. This research focused on one such system, Six Sigma, which has recently experienced widespread adoption in industry in the United States, internationally, and in some government organizations. In this study Six Sigma was compared and contrasted with several performance management systems, and its effects and organizational cultural impacts on one organization were examined.The study investigated the financial implications and perceptions of organizational cultural change resulting from the Six Sigma system implementation in a large government enterprise. The first part of the study used the organization’s published financial information from 1997 through 2006 to determine whether there was a tangible financial benefit of implementing Six Sigma. The analysis indicated that the financial implications were statistically significant and quantified them as material and relevant to the organization’s two major business units.The second component of the research explored differences in organizational culture and attitudes among and between selected employee groups through the use of interviews and a survey instrument. Interviews were also conducted with a purposive sample of the executives who were involved in the decisions to implement Six Sigma. The Organizational Culture Inventory© and Organizational Effectiveness Inventory™ survey instruments were used to measure the organizational culture perceptions of the employee groups. Discriminant function analysis results suggested that the various groups shared a common organizational culture, which supports the null hypothesis that there were no differences in the organizational cultural perceptions among the organizational groups investigated.
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Zavedení účinného systému HACCP ve firmě Cutisin s.r.o. / Implementation of Effective HACCP System in Cutisin s.r.o.Hájková, Marcela January 2009 (has links)
This Master´s thesis is focused on the proposition of system HACCP as appropriate solution incurred complaint. I start from the theoretical bases and from analysis of the current state in the company Cutisin s.r.o. The particular part is included hazard analysis of single step of the process plan, critical control points in production, precautionary measures and corrective action.
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Quality assurance challenges for private providers in post-school education and training in South AfricaBaumgardt, Jacqueline 09 1900 (has links)
Quality assurance has been a vexed and troubled journey for private providers in South
Africa in a complex and burdensome educational environment. It is well recognised that
private providers are significant role-players in the provision of education and training in
South Africa and the stated intention is to create a more enabling regulatory framework
The focus of this thesis is on the private providers at the post-school level. The quality
assurance regime was examined and contextualised to analyse what is required, and to
determine how the private provider is impacted by the regulatory requirements for the
establishment and operation of a private tuition provider in South Africa. The experience of
private providers, CEOs of professional bodies, ETQA managers and ETD practitioners was
investigated using a mixed methods research approach.
The conclusion is a call for a far more streamlined system with a centralised oversight body,
greater stakeholder consultation, less political interference and a deeper appreciation for the
contribution that private providers make to the education of learners in South Africa. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)
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Aplicación de Lean Manufacturing en una empresa de confección para reducir la cantidad de productos no conformes en la ciudad de Lima – Perú / Application of the Lean Manufacturing in a textile manufacturing company to reduce the quantity of non-conforming products, in the city of Lima, Peru.Cuellar Valer, Stephanie, Góngora Vilca, Angie Lucero 25 May 2020 (has links)
Industria textil; Lean Manufacturing; producto no conforme; Value Stream Mapping; Single Minute Exchange of Die; Total Quality Management; Just in Time. / Esta investigación aborda la aplicación de la metodología Lean Manufacturing en una empresa textil de la industria peruana. El objetivo es reducir el producto no conforme en la línea de fabricación de pantalones. En primer lugar, se recopiló toda la información sobre el área de producción y la calidad de la empresa en estudio. Con el uso de herramientas de calidad se realiza el diagnóstico de la situación actual de la línea de pantalones identificando los defectos más significativos, sumando un total de 19,43% en 2018. Al consolidar los defectos, se observa que las principales causas se han homogeneizado como un proceso de costura no estandarizado, errores de control de calidad, proceso de corte no estandarizado y mala planificación de la producción. La aplicación de VSM y SMED logrará la correcta estandarización de la producción de pantalones Demin, TQM logrará el adecuado control de gestión de calidad del proceso productivo y JIT para una óptima planificación de la producción. / This research undertakes the application of the Lean Manufacturing methodology in a textile company in the Peruvian industry. The objective is to reduce the non-conforming product in the pants manufacturing line. First, all information on the production area and quality of the company under study was collected. With the use of quality tools the diagnosis of the current situation of the pants line is made identifying the most significant defects, adding a total of 19.43% in 2018. When consolidating the defects, it is observed that the main causes have been homogenized as a non-standardized sewing process, quality control errors, non-standardized cutting process and poor production planning. The application of VSM and SMED will achieve the correct standardization of Demin pants production, TQM will achieve the appropriate quality management control of the production process and JIT for optimal production planning. / Trabajo de investigación
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Quality Management and process development from scratch: Improving laboratory capabilities in Assam, IndiaNilsson, Linda January 2019 (has links)
During the past ten years, the foreign direct investment in India has increased with 1828 percent which has led to more projects being initiated in India to improve the livestock industry. The World Bank is the foremost entity in such investments and an issue arises when translating western theories for project management in new cultures. Because of this, development projects tend to stagnate and become inefficient since project goals and templates cannot be applied. Previous studies conducted in Africa have created successful methods called SLMTA to make projects and processes more efficient. SLMTA is a framework to improve the capability and accreditation in laboratory environment. Total Quality Management is one of the methods used in this framework. This study examines how Total Quality Management and process mapping can improve the capability of a laboratory in Guwahati, Assam, India. The underlying theories of this study derives from project management and total quality management where role definition, project triangle, project process, process management and the pareto principle are used. The study is supported by methods from total quality management such as process mapping, affinity diagram, relationship diagram, and process decision program chart. The findings from the study indicate that the development project of the laboratory in central Guwahati is shaped as a project process where project management and process development are implemented in parallel which impairs the efficiency. The study also shows cultural knowledge is a key aspect to create efficient projects and processes in development countries. Finally, the study finds that culturally adapted quality management tools, process mapping and project management are vital for improved efficiency in laboratory environment. / De senaste tio åren har internationella direktinvesteringar i Indien ökat med 1 828 procent och detta har lett till att flera olika projekt initierats i Indien för att förbättra livsmedelsindustrin. Världsbanken är ledande i dessa investeringar och en problematik uppstår när deras västerländska teoretiska ramverk för projektplanering skall översättas i nya kulturer. På grund av detta tenderar utvecklingsprojekt att stagnera och bli ineffektiva eftersom projektmål och mallar inte kan appliceras i den kultur de verkar i. Framgångsrika metoder för att effektivisera projekt och processer har tagits fram i tidigare forskning utförda i Afrika vid namn SLMTA. SLMTA är ett ramverk för att effektivisera kapabilitetens och ansvarstagandet i utvecklandet av laboratorium. En del av de metoder som används är offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. Denna studie undersöker därför hur offensiv kvalitetsutveckling och processkartläggning kan effektivisera kapabiliteten i ett laboratorium i Guwahati, Assam, Indien. Teorin som understödjer studien är tagna från projektledning och offensiv kvalitetsutveckling där roll definitioner, projekttriangeln, process projekt, processledning och pareto principen används. Studien stödjs upp genom metoder från offensiv kvalitetsutveckling som processkartläggning, släktskaps-, relations- och processbesluts diagram. Studien finner att utvecklingsprojektet av laboratoriet i centrala Guwahati är utformat som ett projektprocess där projektledning och processutveckling sker parallellt vilket försvårar effektiviteten. Studien visar även att kulturellförståelse är en avgörande aspekt för att kunna skapa effektiva projekt och processer i ett utvecklingsland. Slutligen finner studien att offensiv kvalitetsutveckling och implementeringen av kulturellt anpassade kvalitetsverktyg, processkartläggning och projektledning är avgörande för att öka effektiviteten.
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<p dir="ltr">Engineering Technology (ET) programs are pivotal in preparing graduates for the demands of the modern workforce, particularly in quality management systems (QMS). This study examines the alignment between QMS knowledge and experience gained by graduates in ABET-accredited ET programs and the expectations of industry. Through a dual-survey approach, targeting both industry leaders and academic educators, the research elucidates current QMS practices in industry, the scope of QMS education, and the resulting preparedness of graduates for professional roles. Findings indicate a discernible gap between industry expectations and current academic offerings in QMS education. While industry professionals rely on established QMS frameworks such as ISO 9001 and Lean Six Sigma, academic programs often limit their coverage to theoretical underpinnings rather than hands-on, practical applications. This discrepancy highlights the need for a more robust, application-oriented curriculum that bridges theoretical knowledge with real-world practice. Recommendations include a call for greater integration of practical QMS training within academic programs and stronger partnerships between academia and industry to foster educational content that aligns with professional QMS applications.</p>
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Self-assessment as component of a continuous performance improvement strategy and quality assurance in education, training and development within the South African department of defenceVon Solms, Van Heerden 30 April 2006 (has links)
In a rapidly changing and competitive world organisations need to develop and improve their performance continuously to ensure a competitive advantage. Organisations need to determine their current status of performance constantly and identify organisational strengths and areas where improvements can be made. Periodic organisational self-assessments are therefore required to measure current management and operations policies, practices and procedures, in order to enhance overall business performance rather than solely concentrating on the quality of products or services.
Traditionally, external inspections were more commonly used by educational and training institutions for the evaluation of institution and learner performance. These institutions are today taking part in a growing drive for internal self-evaluation, arising from the desire of institutions and Education, Training and Development (ETD) practitioners to assess their own performances. Self-assessment as part of an endeavour to sustain continuous improvement is therefore also appropriate for ETD providers in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF).
A new defence dispensation and a changing ETD environment in South Africa have created new demands on ETD providers in the SANDF. Although training units within the SANDF may function in a unique military context, national legislation relevant to ETD and the latest approach of openness and transparency into matters of the Department imply that military as well as non-military ETD in the SANDF is to be closely aligned with national training and development initiatives. As legislation does not make a distinction between military and private ETD providers in South Africa, most traditionally assumed differences are no longer relevant.
A case study explored the appropriateness of conducting organisational self-assessment as component of a Continuous Performance Improvement Strategy and Quality Assurance within the SANDF. The study also investigated the usefulness of a Total Quality Management approach to quality assurance in the ETD environment and the impact of the frameworks used, available assessment instruments and the selected assessment methods on the significance of organisational self-assessment by ETD providers.
This study's investigation of the appropriateness and significance of regular organisational self-assessments by training units in the SANDF thus has broader implications, as recommendations are also applicable to other ETD providers. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Education Management)
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