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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Agdahl, Helen January 2017 (has links)
Due to climate change and natural variations in the hydrological cycle, global mean sea levels are increasing, causing the mean sea levels in different regions of the world to increase. In Sweden, coastal cities are facing rising water levels which is increasing flooding. The coastal community of Gothenburg, Sweden was identified the 18th most vulnerable city in the country both to flooding induced by water level rise and other climate change related impacts. Its location, in proximity of Lake Vänern, and in the mouth of the Göta River and its tributaries: Säveån, Mölndalsån and Lärjeån is heightening flood risk and vulnerability in the area. This thesis aims to contribute in comprehending the integration process of natural hazard and climate change adaptation for flood management in Älvstaden- central Gothenburg between 1999 and 2015. With the main objectives being” how the municipality of Gothenburg has applied the urban land use planning theory for the integration of natural hazard and climate change adaptation, with regards to adaptation for flood management in Älvstaden between 1999 and 2015? “What climate change adaptation policies for flood management have been implemented in Gothenburg within this time frame, and how the policies have been revised to match the reality of flood issues?” And “What improvements would be made in the integration process to better address adaptation for flood management?” A desk-based research and one case study approach was adopted for this study. The findings indicate that although the city has systematically used the steps involved in the integration process of natural hazard and climate change adaptation for flood management, it does not link the policies and the measures applied to adaptation for flood management. Which is an issue as it has led to the exclusion of vital functions of the integration process. Suggestions on how the integration process could be improved are provided.

A Social-Ecological Understanding of Urbanization: A Case of Wuhan, China

Zhang, Li Qin 27 September 2021 (has links)
Since the introduction of economic reforms in the late 1970s, China has experienced phenomenal economic growth along with rapid urbanization. The accelerated urbanization coincides with remarkable social-economic transformations and urban landscape changes. A city, as an urban system, is composed of social and physical subsystems that interact with each other. Equally assessing each component is necessary for a comprehensive understanding of the urbanization process. The goal of this thesis research is to deconstruct the urbanization process through a social-ecological perspective. More specifically, this study examines social transformations, physical evolutions, and their relationships. Four research questions are proposed as (1) How does urban social landscape transform in time and space? (2) What trends are apparent in the urban land growth process and spatial heterogeneity? (3) How does social transformation relate to urban land growth, within a spatio-temporal perspective? and (4) How do social-demographic features relate to residents’ use and perception of urban green open spaces, focusing on the ecological services provided by and the need to improve those spaces? Given the lack of research on second-tier cities’ growth processes, this study selects Wuhan, a megacity in central China, as a case study, with a focus on its urban development zone (UDZ). A social-ecological approach is applied to study the multi-dimensional features of an urban system. The thesis is in paper format, containing five chapters. Besides the Introduction (Chapter 1) and Conclusion (Chapter 5), the main body consists of three articles. These three articles correspond to the four research questions proposed. Chapter 2 responds to the first research question by addressing how the urban social landscape transforms. Chapter 3 seeks to answer the second and third questions by evaluating urban land growth and its links with social factors from a spatio-temporal perspective. Chapter 4 matches the fourth question by seeking to understand residents’ preferences and feelings toward the urban green open space. Chapter 1 introduces the research context, reviews the urban ecology theory and relevant empirical research, as well as assesses the social-ecological approach related to studying the urban system. In this chapter, we also propose an improved social-ecological system (ISES) framework which guides the equally weighted study of both social and physical subsystems in an urban area. Chapter 2 (the first paper) seeks to investigate progressive transformations in the social dimensions of Wuhan UDZ while also focusing on their spatial transformations, using national census data in 1990, 2000, and 2010. We used varimax rotated principal component analysis (PCA) for the extraction of social dimensions and ArcMap for spatial visualization. This allows us to further analyze the spatial distribution of social clusters. The results suggest that industrial relocation, educational attainment increase, population aging, and migration are the main characteristics of social transformation during 1990 and 2010. Industrial relocation along with the spatial separation appeared as principal social dimensions in the 1990s but became more prominent in the 2000s, accompanied by the improvement of workers’ education levels. Aging population presented spatial movement outward from the city center. Population mobility increased significantly, and immigration became an important social dimension and presented spatial expansion in the 2000s. The socio-spatial patterns transform with a combination of concentric rings and sectoral clusters in different stages. These transformations are formed by the regional push-pull forces and the centripetal-centrifugal forces inside the city. We conclude that the social landscape transforms in a way with diversity and inclusion. Government dominates socio-spatial transformations in the initial stages, while market plays an increasing role in the later stages. To build a more inclusive society requires continuous and systematic improvement of relevant policies. Chapter 3 (the second paper) discusses urban land growth patterns and answers how social factors are associated with the evolution patterns between 1990 and 2010. We extract land cover information based on Landsat images with the vegetation area – impervious surface –water area (V-I-W) model and examine the urban growth patterns during various stages using landscape metrics of the area, aggregation, and shape. Then, we apply geographically weighted regression (GWR) to depict the link between urban land metrics and social factors. The results show that urban land coalescence and diffusion simultaneously exist; the city center is dominated by redevelopment, infilling, edge expansion; and the peripheral areas by outlying expansion. GWR coefficient surfaces show little differences in the models between social factors and urban land area metrics PLAND while remarkable differences are present in the coefficients of GWR models for the urban land patch shape irregularities and social factors. Urban land growth patterns relate to the government-led land supply system, the functional zoning of urban space planning, and the agglomeration and dispersion of social space under the market orientation. The authors conclude that urban management should consider the coexistence of different spatial growth modes and introduce factors such as social preferences in the urban land layout. This may apply to rapidly urbanizing areas. Chapter 4 (the third paper) aims to understand social-natural relationships, with a focus on how socio-demographic features can shape residents’ preference toward green open spaces and their perceptions of ecological services and improvements. Data is collected through online questionnaire surveys and interviews. The results indicate that preferences toward green open spaces vary among different social groups. Demands for improvement to green open spaces are rooted in residents’ appreciation for daily relaxation and health benefits, and link with their preference for visiting. However, how residents perceive green open spaces’ benefits does not rely only on an in-person visit. Interaction experience with nature and knowledge of natural development affect perception of daily use and health-related services. Residents’ perceptions of green open space’s ecological functions are associated with the changes in nature reported by those respondents. Responses to improving green open space reflect the residents’ pursuit of the aesthetics and practicality of such spaces. Though respondents are commonly aware of the ecological importance of green open space, there are differences in their willingness to voluntarily participate in its management. We conclude that to encourage the public to participate in configuration and improvement of green open spaces through a variety of ways, including considering residents’ opinions, is an efficient way in order to better social-ecological relationships. Chapter 5 reviews the main findings and conclusions, research limitations as well as future possibilities. This study establishes a dialogue between urban social and physical subsystems, with an integrated quantitative study of the urbanization process, emphasizing the relationships between two urban subsystems. It provides a comprehensive social-ecological view on a second-tier city based on the social and physical transformations that occurred in Wuhan during a transitional period of a socialist market economy. We conclude that the development of China's second-tier cities between 1990 and 2010 is characterized by the transformations of social dimensions and landscape, the coexistence of multiple urban spatial development modes, and the spatial differentiation between the center and the periphery of the city. The GWR models present spatial non-stationary relationships between social factors and the urban patch shape regularities. The further examination of social-natural relationships finds that residents’ social-demographic features and environmental experience affect their perceptions toward green open space, especially ecological services and improvement necessity. The evolution of urban social and physical systems and their relationships has brought increased attention to inclusive urban social management, public participatory planning, and people-centered social and ecological interactions. This research provides a constructive rethinking of second-tier cities’ growth in China and may serve as a reference for other rapidly urbanizing areas.

Samnyttjad mark och urbana allmänningar : En fallstudie av skyfallsanpassning i Malmö och Köpenhamn

Larsson, Per January 2020 (has links)
I avhandlingen analyseras möjligheter och hinder för samnyttjande av mark utifrån en fallstudie av skyfallsanpassning i Malmö och Köpenhamn. Som bakgrund står de klimatutmaningar i form av ökad framtida nederbörd och risk för översvämningar som städerna ställs inför, tillsammans med en tilltagande konkurrens om marken från allt fler behov. Fallstudien jämför hur de båda städerna planerat för och tagit sig an skyfallsanpassningen av befintliga stadsmiljöer. Fallstudiens huvudsakliga intresse utgörs dock inte av skyfallsanpassning som sådan, utan denna nyttjas främst för att ta reda på kommunernas inställning till möjligheten att samnyttja mark, samt vilka reella svårigheter samnyttjandet medför. Analysen av fallstudien sker med hjälp av governance-teorier där ett flertal institutionella hinder belyses såväl på strukturell nivå som inom det praktiknära genomförandet. Jämförelsen mellan städerna gör det tydligt att de institutionella förutsättningarna för samnyttjande ser olika ut, men att olikheten också förstärks av kommunernas förmåga att nyttja styrmedel för att möjliggöra skyfallsanpassning genom samnyttjande av mark. Analysen använder även teorier om allmänningar och urbana allmänningar för att belysa institutionella strukturer för samnyttjande av mark utan äganderättsliga anspråk. Avhandlingen har resulterat i att kunna beskriva två olika former av samnyttjande i termer av urban allmänning. Den första formen beskriver allmänningen som ett objekt och belyser i synnerhet materiella och institutionella aspekter. I samband med att ett stort antal markområden inom såväl kvartersmark som allmän platsmark anpassas att avlasta det allmänna va-ledningsnätet vid skyfall, bildas ett nätverk som kan besk- 14 rivas som en urban allmänning. Denna form av urban allmänning utgör ett objekt som sammanfogas genom dess funktionella samband men bibehåller ett diversifierat ägande och förvaltning. Den andra formen beskriver den urbana allmänningen som en process där möjligheten till samnyttjande inom allmän platsmark föranleder inkluderande invånarmedverkan. Genom invånardeltagande och uppmuntran till initiativtagande i den egna stadsdelen tillför samnyttjandet sociala värden till stadsrummet i form av trivsel, trygghet, tillhörighet och andra uttryck för livskvalitet. Denna invånarmedverkan utgör tydliga uttryck för den urbana allmänningen som process samtidigt som själva objektet, stadsrummet, kan fortsätta att räknas som endera en offentlig resurs under kommunal förvaltning eller en gemensam resurs under privat förvaltning. Avhandlingens slutsatser beskriver samnyttjandets möjligheter som en till stora delar outforskad potential att finna synergier och funktionell integration mellan olika markanvändningar och funktioner i stadsrummet. Med ett resursbaserat synsätt ses samnyttjande av mark som ett verktyg att överbrygga fastighetsindelning och de planerade användningsgränserna utan att äventyra egendomsrätten eller planinstrumentets intentioner. Det resursbaserade synsättet ger också samnyttjande möjlighet att låta såväl allmän platsmark som kvartersmark bidra med kvaliteter till staden genom positiva externa effekter. Samnyttjandets huvudsakliga hinder utifrån fallstudierna beskrivs från ett kommunalt institutionellt perspektiv med de tre faktorerna: ett snävt sektorsperspektiv, en strikt uppdelning mellan offentlig och privat mark samt betydelsen av styrmedel. Slutsatsen är att det finns goda möjligheter att berika städernas stadsrum med fler och mer integrerade funktioner genom att utveckla samnyttjande av mark. Denna omställning ställer emellertid krav på ett förhållningssätt av tvärsektoriell samverkan och institutionell förändring. / Based on a case study, comparing the municipal storm water adaptation plans and its recent implementation in the twin cities of Malmö and Copenhagen, the dissertation analyse the possibilities and practical challenges of combined use of urban land. The continuing process of urban densification, where urban land is seen as a strictly limited and often contentious resource, accompanied by the challenge of climate change through an expected increase of precipitation and risk of urban flooding, provides the background for this study. The ultimate concern, however, is not on storm water adaptation as such, but on the opportunities and obstacles to combine different uses of land within the same area, and how local governments approach this issue. In the analysis, governance theories are used to elucidate obstacles to combined use of land on structural level as well as within its practical realisation. A comparison between the cities demonstrates that the institutional preconditions for combined land use differ, but also, that the difference is reinforced by the ability of the local governments to make use of public policy instruments in order to implement storm water adaptation through combined use of land. The analysis also draws upon commons theory and theories of urban commons. These fields of research have similarities with combined use of land regarding the need of institutional structures to govern land management without claiming ownership. Furthermore, the dissertation describes two forms of combined use of land in terms of urban commons. The first form views the urban commons as an object highlighting its material and institutional aspects. 16 Here, the urban commons forms a network of both public and private property, each one adapted to bring relief to the common sewage system, in order to avoid it from being flooded in case of cloudbursts. This form of urban commons constitutes an object where its parts are associated through its functional relatedness, but keeps its diverse ownership and management. The second form describes the urban commons as a process, where the opportunity to combine different land uses opens up for inclusive participation from the citizens. Through initiatives from citizens and encouragement from the municipality for citizens to participate in the planning of public space, social values are created and added to the local community. Values such as well-being, sense of security and belonging as well as other aspects of liveability. This citizen participation produces expressions of the urban commons as a process, while the object itself, the physical urban space, will continue to be regarded either as a municipally owned public resource, or as a common resource within private ownership. The opportunities of combined use of land is described in the dissertation as a largely uncharted potential to seek synergies and functional integration between land uses and functions in the urban space. Looking from a resource-based perspective, combined use of land is seen as a tool to bridge boundaries in the urban space. Both boundaries that are created through planning, and those created through division into property units, although, without challenging the rights of ownership nor the intentions of physical planning. Through the resource-based perspective, combined use of land is able to equip both public space and private property with opportunities to contribute with qualities to the city, that is, positive external effects. The main obstacles, as extracted from the case studies, are explained from a municipal institutional perspective and contains three main elements: a narrow sectional perspective, a strict division between public and private land, and the importance of public policy instruments. The dissertation concludes by indicating rich opportunities for both local governments and private property owners to develop urban space through developing combined use of land. This requires institutional 17 change towards collaboration and cooperation, not the least within the municipal organisation itself, where land can be considered the scarce resource it is, and therefore needs to be shared and used as beneficially as possible.

Samarbetet mellan kommunen och byggherren i detaljplaneprocessen : Vilka är framgångsfaktorerna? / The Collaboration between the Municipality and the Housing Developer in the Detail Development Planning Process

Gyllberg, Johan January 2017 (has links)
I Sverige är behovet av bostäder stort och en utbredd bostadsbrist råder. Av den anledningen behövs det fram till år 2025 uppföras cirka 710 000 bostäder, där det största behovet finns i storstadsregionerna.  En förutsättning för att bostadsbristen ska kunna motverkas är att detaljplaner tas fram, vilka möjliggör ett ökat bostadsbyggande. Detaljplanerna tas fram i form av en detaljplaneprocess, vars syfte är att reglera mark- och vattenanvändningen. Under de senaste åren har denna process fått kritik för att vara ineffektiv och bromsa bostadsbyggandet, där en del av problemet är bristfälligt samarbete mellan kommun och byggherre. Av den anledningen har en undersökning kring relationen mellan parterna utförts i samverkan med Institutionen för Fastigheter och Byggande på KTH.  Denna undersökning syftar till att identifiera framgångsfaktorerna i relationen mellan kommunen och byggherren. Rapporten har avgränsats till detaljplaneläggning av bostäder i Stockholmsregionen, där kommunen och byggherren arbetar i samverkan. Aspekter som har undersökts är samarbete, kommunikation, tillit och lagprestationer.  Inledningsvis utfördes en litteraturstudie av tidigare forskning kring planprocessen och projektledning, där syftet var att skapa översiktlig kunskap kring ämnet samt utgöra underlag för frågemallar till intervjuer. Därefter genomfördes elva djupgående och semistrukturerade intervjuer med sakkunniga representanter från olika kommuner och byggherrar. Målet med intervjuerna var att inhämta empiri för att kunna besvara undersökningens frågeställning: Vilka är de viktigaste framgångsfaktorerna i relationen mellan kommunen och byggherren vad gäller samarbete, kommunikation, tillit och lagprestationer?  Undersökningen påvisar att den enskilt största framgångsfaktorn i relationen mellan parterna är att ett kompetent projektledarskap finns representerat. I en projektledarroll ingår att skapa goda förutsättningar för samarbete, kommunikation, tillit och lagprestationer. Detta gör att relationen mellan parterna kommer att fungera bättre om en kompetent projektledare är ansvarig för processen. Kommunen verkar som planmyndighet och bör därför säkerställa att en kompetent projektledare finns representerad för att leda processen. För ett framgångsrikt samarbete krävs framförallt en gemensam och genomförbar målbild, samt att hålla fast vid det som är överenskommet för att motverka riktningsförändringar i processen vid hög personalomsättning. Dessutom bör parterna inneha förståelse för varandras roller och drivkrafter samt hur respektive organisation styrs, leds och verkar.  För att skapa goda förutsättningar för en bra kommunikation bör parterna sträva mot att ha en så öppen och rak dialog som möjligt, där ställningstaganden och beslut skall motiveras. Dessutom bör parterna vara lyhörda mot varandra och förebygga konflikter genom att i ett tidigt skede diskutera känsliga frågor som exempelvis exploateringsgrad, tidplan och detaljeringsnivå.  De största framgångsfaktorerna för att skapa tillit mellan parterna är att vara så transparenta som möjligt och undvika att dölja angelägenheter för varandra. Dessutom anses det vara viktigt att förvalta det förtroende som den andra parten har gett genom att utföra det som utlovats.  Framgångsfaktorer för att skapa lagprestationer är att involvera lösningsorienterade och engagerade individer, samt som ovan nämnts, involvera en kompetent projektledare. Dessutom bör byggherren bidra med kompetens kring genomförandet för att i ett tidigt skede säkerställa att det som planläggs är möjligt att bygga med en god arbetsmiljö.  Övriga framgångsfaktorer för att skapa en god relation mellan kommunen och byggherren är att tidseffektivisera processen, dock under förutsättningen att kvaliteten inte påverkas negativt av detta. Dessutom bör parterna genomföra en erfarenhetsåterföring efter avslutat projekt, för att dels dra lärdomar och utveckla processen men även för att förbättra relationen mellan varandra.  Om ovan nämnda framgångsfaktorer finns representerade i processen anses förutsättningarna finnas för att skapa en god relation mellan kommunen och byggherren. Detta är viktigt eftersom en god relation med tillfredställande samarbete parterna emellan anses skapa gynnsammare förutsättningar för planläggningen av bostäder. Detta underlättar framtagandet av fler detaljplaner, vilket leder till att fler bostäder kan byggas och motverka bostadsbristen som råder. / In Sweden the need for housing is extensive, with a widespread housing shortage as an outcome. There is a need of approximately 710 000 units to be built until year 2025, where the highest demand is in the metropolitan regions. A precondition for the ability to meet the housing demand is an increased number of detailed development plans, which is needed when developing housing. The detailed development plan’s purpose is to regulate the land and water usage. During the last years the process of developing the plans has been criticized for being ineffective and to decelerate the building of new housing. A part of the problem is an inadequate collaboration between the municipality and the housing developer. Due to this problem, the relationship between the municipality and the housing developer have been closer studied in this thesis in cooperation with the Department of Real Estate and Construction Management at the Royal Institute of Technology KTH.  The purpose of this study is to identify the success factors in the relationship between the municipality and housing developer. The report has been delimited to only include detailed development planning of housing in the Stockholm region, where the municipality and housing developer collaborate. The aspects which are studied closer are collaboration, communication, trust and team performance.  First of all, a literature review of previous research on the detail development planning process and project management was conducted. This to create broad and general knowledge of the subject. The purpose of the literature study was to gain knowledge of the subject and design question templates for upcoming interviews. As a next step, eleven in-depth and semi-structured interviews were conducted with experts from different municipalities and housing development companies. The goal was to collect empirical data in order to answer the research question: What are the most important success factors in the relationship between the municipality and the housing developer in terms of collaboration, communication, trust and team performance?  The findings reveal that the main success factor in the relationship between the parties is the presence of professional project management. The role of a project manager includes creating preconditions for collaboration, communication, trust and team performance. Meaning, that the relationship between the parties will work more adequate if an individual highly competent within these areas is leading the project. The municipality is the planning authority and should therefore ensure that a competent project manager is represented in the process.  For a successful collaboration, there need to be a common and buildable goal. Also, it is important that one sticks to what is agreed upon, especially when there is a change in management due to high staff turnover. Both parties also need to understand each other’s roles and drivers, and how the different organizations are structured. In order to create good conditions for communication, the parties should try to have an open and straightforward dialogue where all decisions are argued for. The parties should be responsive to each other and prevent conflicts by discussing sensitive issues such as the floor space index, schedules and the degree of details at an early stage of the process. Success factors for establishing trust between the parties are transparency and avoiding to hide things from each other. It is also considered of importance to keep the trust by delivering what is promised. Important factors for a good team performance are to involve solution-oriented and dedicated individuals, led by a competent project manager. The housing developer should also contribute with constructability skills in order to ensure that the detailed development plan is buildable with a safe working environment. Other success factors for establishing a good relationship between the municipality and the housing developer is to make the process more time-effective, without compromising the quality. In addition, the parties should implement experience feedback sessions at the end of the project in order to learn from the process and improve the relationship between the parties. If the above-mentioned success factors are taken into account in the process, the conditions for the relationship can be considered as good. A good relationship with satisfactory collaboration between the parties will benefit the planning process of housing. Hopefully this will result in more detailed development plans and increase the construction rate of housing in order to meet the high demands.

A incriminação das condutas de parcelamento ilegal do solo urbano à luz dos princípios penais e mandados de criminalização da Constituição Federal de 1988

Dias, Maria Isabel Rebello Pinho 26 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Isabel Rebello Pinho Dias.pdf: 1159847 bytes, checksum: 3ca64f435d10aa03f86c476629f93d32 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-26 / Studying the Law about urban land division - Law nº 6.766/79 - is essential to understand some aspects of the urban issues in modern society. As a matter of fact, it is clear that there is not enough research about the theme, which results in direct damage to the entire society once the urban rules are not respected. The fact that this law is more than thirty years old does not exclude the interest in deepening its analysis because, since then, a new Federal Constitution was promulgated and several other laws related to the theme became effective. In this context, a few important questions shall be posed: have the urban crimes determined by Law nº 6.766/79 been corroborated by the new constitutional order? Is there any interest in criminalizing actions referring to the illegal parceling of the urban land? What is the best way of criminalizing them? Which criminal legal interests do these crimes protect? This study aims to discuss such an important matter and therefore stimulating deeper research by legal experts about the theme. Hopefully, as a consequence of increased debate on illegal parceling of the land, a healthier and more sustainable urban development in a long term perspective will be fostered / O estudo da Lei do Parcelamento do Solo Urbano - Lei nº 6.766/79 - é essencial para aprofundar as questões que envolvem os problemas urbanísticos existentes na nossa sociedade. Percebe-se que há uma lacuna na doutrina na análise desse tema, o que gera prejuízo a toda coletividade diretamente afetada pelo desrespeito às diretrizes urbanísticas. O fato de essa legislação contar com mais de trinta anos não exauriu o interesse no seu exame, pois, após a sua entrada em vigor, foi promulgada uma nova Constituição Federal e passaram a viger diversas leis relacionadas à matéria. Nesse contexto colocam-se as seguintes questões: os crimes urbanísticos foram recepcionados pela nova ordem constitucional? Há interesse em incriminar as condutas de parcelamento ilegal do solo urbano? Qual é a melhor forma de criminalizá-las? Qual o bem jurídico protegido por tais delitos? Esse trabalho pretende discutir essas questões, a fim de contribuir para que o tema seja aprofundado na nossa doutrina. Isso porque, quiçá, com o debate sobre a melhor forma de tratamento das condutas de parcelamento ilegal se possa facilitar um desenvolvimento mais sadio e adequado das cidades, resguardando-se o ordenamento do território e o meio ambiente

Corrup??o urban?stica: expans?o urbana, controle sobre o territ?rio e interfer?ncia sobre a cidadania

Borges, Leonardo Beraldo de Ornellas 20 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-05-07T12:59:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LEONARDO BERALDO DE ORNELLAS BORGES.pdf: 19548057 bytes, checksum: e8942746d634b7af9b01999e7c3cfb3b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-07T12:59:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LEONARDO BERALDO DE ORNELLAS BORGES.pdf: 19548057 bytes, checksum: e8942746d634b7af9b01999e7c3cfb3b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-20 / This paper seeks to assist in the understanding of urban planning processes in Brazilian cities. Therefore, it intends to investigate certain mechanisms which are inserted in planning systems designs and may increase the corrupts transactions in those environments. Through a literature review, seeks to outline elements which would contribute to this dynamic. By an attempt to contextualize forms of territorial control in Brazil, it seeks to understand how ties between state and private actors would operate in the cities. In addition, it discusses how the efficiency of instances of social participation in urban planning processes can be affected by land-use corruption. The work is structured through a case study, which analyzed the dynamics of a urban planning system in a city between 1985 and 2016. Through the survey of the urban legislation and the identification of the actors involved in the processes of urban expansion in the period, it was possible to establish how some elements found in the literature allowed grant of privileges in these processes. / Il presente lavoro cerca di aiutare nella comprensione dei processi di pianificazione e gestione nelle citt? brasiliane. In questo senso, cerca di investigare determinati meccanismi che, inseriti nei sistemi di pianificazione, possono potenzializare le transazioni corrotte in questi ambienti. Attraverso una revisione della letteratura sulla corruzione urbanistica, cerca di delineare quali elementi potrebbero contribuire a questa dinamica. Attraverso uno sforzo per contestualizzare le modalit? di controllo territoriale in Brasile, si cerca di capire come i legami tra attori statali e privati opererebbero nelle citt?. Inoltre, si discute di come l?efficienza delle istanze di partecipazione sociale nei processi di pianificazione e gestione territoriale possa essere influenzata dalla corruzione urbanistica. Per questo, il lavoro ? stato strutturato attraverso un caso di studio, che ha analizzato le dinamiche di un sistema di pianificazione e gestione in una citt? dall?interno dello stato di San Paolo nel periodo 1988-2016. Attraverso il rilevamento della legislazione urbana e l?identificazione degli attori coinvolti nei processi di espansione urbana nel periodo, ? stato possibile stabilire come alcuni elementi trovati in letteratura consentissero l?ottenimento di privilegi in questi processi. / O presente trabalho procura auxiliar na compreens?o de processos de planejamento e gest?o urban?sticos das cidades brasileiras. Neste sentido, procura investigar determinados mecanismos, que inseridos em desenhos de sistemas de planejamento, podem potencializar transa??es corruptas nestes ambientes. Busca, por meio de uma revis?o da literatura que trata da corrup??o urban?stica, delinear quais elementos contribuiriam para esta din?mica. Por meio de um esfor?o para contextualizar modos de controle do territ?rio no Brasil, procura entender de que forma la?os entre atores estatais e privados operariam nas cidades. Al?m disso, discute de que maneira a efici?ncia de inst?ncias de participa??o social nos processos de planejamento e gest?o pode ser afetada pela corrup??o urban?stica. Para isso, o trabalho foi estruturado por meio de um estudo de caso, que analisou a din?mica de um sistema de planejamento e gest?o em um munic?pio paulista durante o per?odo de 1985-2016. Atrav?s do levantamento da legisla??o urban?stica e da identifica??o dos atores participantes nos processos de expans?o urbana no per?odo, foi poss?vel estabelecer de que maneira alguns elementos encontrados na literatura, possibilitaram a obten??o de privil?gios nestes processos.

Em ch?o urbano, o senhorio ? santo: urbaniza??o e aforamento de terras no Bispado do Ribeir?o Preto entre o Brasil Imp?rio e a Primeira Rep?blica / Em ch?o urbano, o senhorio ? santo: urbaniza??o e aforamento de terras no Bispado do Ribeir?o Preto entre o Brasil Imp?rio e a Primeira Rep?blica. / In urban ground, you are holy: urbanization and land tenure on the Bispado do Ribeir?o Preto between Brazil Empire and the First Republic

Piccinato Junior, Dirceu 15 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2017-03-23T14:51:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIRCEU PICCINATO JUNIOR.pdf: 10807757 bytes, checksum: 3ef0870b2a3c0a0b045faf4cbdbdbfcc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-23T14:51:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIRCEU PICCINATO JUNIOR.pdf: 10807757 bytes, checksum: 3ef0870b2a3c0a0b045faf4cbdbdbfcc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-15 / This research aims to investigate the tenure of urban land as urbanization mechanism on land in the Bishopric of Ribeir?o Preto, as well as clarify the possible interpretations of this legal regime, as he allowed buildings of different realities of urban spaces, such as the cities of Ribeirao Preto, Batatais and Jeriquara. Thus, the analytical method was operated by interlocution primary sources, such as letters or aforamentos scriptures, the spatial distribution of these documents in mapping of cities and bibliographies that are tangent to the topic. Tenure, long lease or emprazamento are synonymous with a legal procedure that over time proved very flexible in relation to the historical moment, the interests and suitability to the social environment. The long lease, in general, expressed a shared ownership between the landlord, who holds the legal ownership of the land and the copyholder or foreiro, the individual only has the right to enjoy good, for this study urban land, the lot. In this research the presence of the Catholic Church as responsible for aforadas land is striking. So are the landlords the devotion of saints of localities and enfiteutas or tenants who reside in the original property land foundation (religious heritage) cities. These land assets enabled the construction of places of worship, as well as formed in the ground itself and necessary for urban development. The analysis of this situation indicated that the configuration of urban land in the three aforementioned cities gave the emphyteusis Institute three different perspectives or dimensions of analysis that made possible the construction of three different urban realities. / A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar o aforamento da terra urbana como mecanismo de urbaniza??o em terras no Bispado de Ribeir?o Preto, bem como esclarecer as poss?veis interpreta??es deste regime jur?dico, pois ele permitiu constru??es de realidades distintas de espa?os urbanos, como as cidades de Ribeir?o Preto, Batatais e Jeriquara. Para tanto, o m?todo anal?tico interpretativo foi operado por meio da interlocu??o de fontes prim?rias, como as cartas ou escrituras de aforamentos, da espacializa??o desses documentos na cartografia das cidades e de bibliografias que tangenciam o tema. Aforamento, enfiteuse ou emprazamento s?o sin?nimos de um procedimento jur?dico que, ao longo do tempo, mostrou-se bastante flex?vel em rela??o ao momento hist?rico, aos interesses e ? sua adequa??o ao meio social. A enfiteuse, de maneira geral, expressa uma propriedade compartilhada entre o senhorio, aquele que det?m a posse legal da terra e o enfiteuta ou foreiro, o indiv?duo que possui apenas o direito de usufruir o bem, para este estudo a terra urbana, o lote. Nesta pesquisa a presen?a da Igreja Cat?lica como respons?vel pelas terras aforadas ? marcante. Assim, s?o senhorios os santos de devo??o das localidades e os enfiteutas ou foreiros s?o aqueles que residem nas terras patrimoniais originais de funda??o (patrim?nio religioso) das cidades. Esses patrim?nios fundi?rios possibilitaram a constru??o de templos religiosos, bem como constitu?ram em ch?o propriamente dito, necess?rio para o desenvolvimento urbano. A an?lise dessa conjuntura indicou que a configura??o da terra urbana nas tr?s referidas cidades conferiu ao instituto da enfiteuse tr?s perspectivas ou dimens?es diferentes de an?lises que tornaram poss?vel a constru??o de tr?s realidades urbanas distintas.

Incid??ncia do IPTU sobre bens im??veis p??blicos ocupados por empresas privadas: uma an??lise cr??tica da materialidade constitucional do imposto e suas rela????es com a imunidade tribut??ria rec??proca (Tema 437 da Repercuss??o Geral do STF)

Ganem, Bruna Ribeiro 15 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Kelson Anthony de Menezes (kelson@ucb.br) on 2017-01-09T11:10:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 BrunaRibeiroGanemDissertacaoParcial2015.pdf: 952390 bytes, checksum: b9f45d5295e02005f556c040f27bb147 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-09T11:10:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BrunaRibeiroGanemDissertacaoParcial2015.pdf: 952390 bytes, checksum: b9f45d5295e02005f556c040f27bb147 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-15 / This is a critical paper about the incidence of Real State Tax, a municipal tax, in cases where immovable properties and assets held by Federal or States Government are occupied by particular persons, as result of legal use concession contracts or authorized occupation, and its connections with the Mutual Tax Immunity. To achieve these aims, therefore, this study solved the following research problems: in first place, confirmation of the partial unconstitutionality of the National Tax Code in relation to the Constitution of 1946 and its non reception by the current Federal Constitution (1988); construction of the normative matrix rule of the studied tax, since the constitutional level, passing throw the complementary legal settlement, until the local legislation, study that resulted in a doctrinal refinement of the analyzed institute, specially, on its material, personal e quantitative criterions; and, in second place, implications of the Mutual Tax Immunity on the definition of the taxpayer subject, considering the impossibility of transferring the payment responsibility to a non-taxable person, such as the occupant of the public property covered by a concession contract. Furthermore, this research analyzed the Mutual Tax Immunity under the Article 150, VI, ???a???, of the Federal Constitution, in order to identify if it grants a absolute status of protection against the taxation, or if it can be relaxed in cases where the Public Person explore remunerate economic activities. These subjects are under judgment by the Brazilian Supreme Court in the Leading Case number 473 of the general repercussion. Finally, from the theory of the fundamental rights of Robert Alexy, pondering and weighing were developed in order to solve the conflict between the involved constitutional principles: the Free Competition as a key element of an open market economy; and the Mutual Tax Immunity as a guarantor of the Federation Principle. / O objeto de estudo deste trabalho ?? a an??lise da incid??ncia do Imposto Predial e Territorial Urbano (IPTU) sobre os im??veis p??blicos ocupados por particulares por meio de contratos onerosos de concess??o de direito real de uso. No primeiro cap??tulo, a autora fez uma an??lise hist??ria da evolu????o constitucional do estudado imposto e suas rela????es com o C??digo Tribut??rio Nacional (CTN), que resultou no reconhecimento da inconstitucionalidade material de partes dos artigos 32 e 34 do CTN em face da Constitui????o de 1946, bem como a sua n??o recep????o parcial pela Constitui????o Federal de 1988. No cap??tulo subsequente, a norma tribut??ria do IPTU foi estruturada em seus diversos planos normativos, com a constru????o de suas regras-matrizes constitucional, complementar e local, cujos conte??dos se mostraram conflitantes. O terceiro cap??tulo foi direcionado para a constru????o de uma proposta de solu????o para o Tema 437 da Repercuss??o Geral do Supremo Tribunal Federal, que tem como objeto a verifica????o da possibilidade de manuten????o da imunidade tribut??ria rec??proca dos entes p??blicos nas situa????es em que transferem a posse e o uso de seus bens im??veis para particulares mediante o recebimento de contrapresta????o. Nesse contexto, foi necess??rio analisar se a imunidade em quest??o pode ser afastada em raz??o do car??ter oneroso do contrato, bem como se essa atividade de concess??o de bem im??vel p??blico pode ser considerada como h??bil para interferir na livre concorr??ncia do setor imobili??rio local. Para solucionar essas quest??es, utilizou-se a teoria dos direitos fundamentais de Robert Alexy, com a pondera????o e o sopesamento do princ??pio da imunidade tribut??ria rec??proca com o da livre concorr??ncia, a fim de verificar qual deles deve prevalecer no caso concreto. Por fim, foi apresentada uma proposta de solu????o para o leading case que tem a pretens??o tanto de harmonizar o conflito principiol??gico constatado, como de aprimorar a estrutura????o da regra-matriz do IPTU, particularmente no que tange ?? defini????o de seus crit??rios material, pessoal e quantitativo.

A new estimation approach for modeling activity-travel behavior : applications of the composite marginal likelihood approach in modeling multidimensional choices

Ferdous, Nazneen 04 November 2011 (has links)
The research in the field of travel demand modeling is driven by the need to understand individuals’ behavior in the context of travel-related decisions as accurately as possible. In this regard, the activity-based approach to modeling travel demand has received substantial attention in the past decade, both in the research arena as well as in practice. At the same time, recent efforts have been focused on more fully realizing the potential of activity-based models by explicitly recognizing the multi-dimensional nature of activity-travel decisions. However, as more behavioral elements/dimensions are added, the dimensionality of the model systems tends to explode, making the estimation of such models all but infeasible using traditional inference methods. As a result, analysts and practitioners often trade-off between recognizing attributes that will make a model behaviorally more representative (from a theoretical viewpoint) and being able to estimate/implement a model (from a practical viewpoint). An alternative approach to deal with the estimation complications arising from multi-dimensional choice situations is the technique of composite marginal likelihood (CML). This is an estimation technique that is gaining substantial attention in the statistics field, though there has been relatively little coverage of this method in transportation and other fields. The CML approach is a conceptually and pedagogically simpler simulation-free procedure (relative to traditional approaches that employ simulation techniques), and has the advantage of reproducibility of the results. Under the usual regularity assumptions, the CML estimator is consistent, unbiased, and asymptotically normally distributed. The discussion above indicates that the CML approach has the potential to contribute in the area of travel demand modeling in a significant way. For example, the approach can be used to develop conceptually and behaviorally more appealing models to examine individuals’ travel decisions in a joint framework. The overarching goal of the current research work is to demonstrate the applicability of the CML approach in the area of activity-travel demand modeling and to highlight the enhanced features of the choice models estimated using the CML approach. The goal of the dissertation is achieved in three steps as follows: (1) by evaluating the performance of the CML approach in multivariate situations, (2) by developing multidimensional choice models using the CML approach, and (3) by demonstrating applications of the multidimensional choice models developed in the current dissertation. / text

Pinheirinho: dinâmica de repressão e resistência na reconstrução dogmática do conflito fundiário urbano

Ginjo, Milena de Mayo 29 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Milena Ginjo (milena.ginjo@gmail.com) on 2016-10-21T19:44:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Milena de Mayo Ginjo.pdf: 3649372 bytes, checksum: aefb7f19954192c3ae3ac11e028fb373 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br) on 2016-10-24T10:50:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Milena de Mayo Ginjo.pdf: 3649372 bytes, checksum: aefb7f19954192c3ae3ac11e028fb373 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-24T10:53:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Milena de Mayo Ginjo.pdf: 3649372 bytes, checksum: aefb7f19954192c3ae3ac11e028fb373 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-29 / On January 22, 2012, eight thousand people were forcibly evicted from their homes as a result of judicial decison that determined the repossession of the area. This happened in a litigation started in 2004, when the company's bankrupt estate Selecta Industry and Trade S.A. proposed the repossession against the residents of Pinheirinho occupation in São José dos Campos, São Paulo. Given these facts, the main goal of this study is to focus attention on the justice system before the conflict processing. We wanted to understand how the actors of this system influence the urban space and how was the legal mobilization of Pinheirinho actors around the judicial process. How the legal instruments were articulated to resist the repressive state? Through the dogmatic reconstruction of the land conflict, through judicial proceedings instituted from the Pinheirinho foundation in 2004, we observe how the space of the judicial process is configured in a dispute arena of social movements around the meanings of rights and the roles of the Rule of Law. / Em 22 de janeiro de 2012, oito mil pessoas foram removidas forçadamente de suas casas em consequência do cumprimento de uma decisão liminar de reintegração de posse. Essa decisão foi tomada nos autos de um processo judicial iniciado em 2004, em que a Massa Falida da empresa Selecta Indústria e Comércio S.A. propôs uma ação de reintegração de posse contra os moradores da ocupação Pinheirinho, em São José dos Campos, São Paulo. Diante desses fatos, o objetivo do trabalho consiste em focar a atenção no sistema de justiça diante do processamento do conflito. Com isso, queremos compreender como os atores desse sistema influenciam na produção do espaço urbano e como se deu a mobilização jurídica dos atores do Pinheirinho em torno do processo judicial. De que maneira os instrumentos jurídicos foram articulados para resistir ao aparelho repressivo do Estado? Para isso, através da reconstrução dogmática do conflito fundiário, por meio dos procedimentos judiciais instaurados a partir da fundação do Pinheirinho em 2004, observamos como o espaço do processo judicial se configura em arena de disputa do movimento social em torno dos significados do direitos e dos papeis do Estado Democrático de Direito.

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