Spelling suggestions: "subject:"evaluatuation"" "subject:"evalualuation""
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Venture Capital : In need of new valuation tools?Töre, Hedro, Gustavsson, Anders January 2006 (has links)
Venture capital investments have become a major contributor the growth of start-up firms. Investing in start-up firms carries a substantial risk of failure, only a minority of start-ups is high-return investments. This put great responsibility to the valuation methods used by the venture capital firm. It is argued that when uncertainties about future pay-offs are high traditional valuation tools are of little help, they are said to be too static and not to comply with change. A valuation method that is alleged to act in accordance with a changing environment where uncertainty is high is real option which is said to consider these variables, thus giving a more accurate valuation. The structure of venture capital funding can be seen as well suited for real option valuation. The authors find it interesting to find out how venture capitalists screen possible investments, if the traditional valuation methods hold in proportion to the challenges they face and if the real option approach could be suitable. The purpose is to describe and analyze how Swedish venture capital firms can valuate investments. The research was carried out using a qualitative method. We conducted interviews with four venture capital firms that operate in Sweden. The participating firms were: Industrifonden, Itact, FöretagsByggarna and LinkMed. The authors found in their research that the most important factors when screening the possible investments are the market and the entrepreneur. The venture capital firms use of valuation methods differ significantly. LinkMed and Industrifonden apply traditional valuation tools in contrast to Itact and FöretagsByggarna that rely on personal experience and expertise. Limitations found in the traditional models were lack of accurate and reliable estimations. The structural outlay of the investment is in line with that of the real option approach and the authors believes that real options exist embedded in the respondent’s investments. This implies that a real option approach is suitable for them.
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Garderobsmysteriet : en studie om homofobi heteronormativitet och om homosexuella ungdomars anonymitet i gymnasieskolan / The closet phenomenon : a study of homophobia heterosexual norms and homosexual youth anonymity in senior high schoolMoberg, Morgan January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att försöka förstå varför så få homosexuella ungdomar väljer att komma ut offentligt med sin homo-bisexualitet i gymnasieskolan. Min frågeställning löd ”Av vilka anledningar väljer så få gymnasieelever att öppet visa sin homo-bisexualitet”. Metoden jag använt består i tre kvalitativa intervjuer med två lärare och en rektor. Intervjuerna spelades in på band. Tre gymnasieklasser svarade också på en enkät bestående av tio frågor, sammanlagt deltog trettiotvå elever. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att lärare och rektor inte har någon erfarenhet av öppet homo-bisexuella elever, och därmed inte känner sig insatta i problemet. De anser inte heller att homofobiska skällsord är vanligt förekommande i skolan. Majoriteten av eleverna känner heller inget obehag inför homo-bisexuella personer men anser att homofobiska skällsord är vanligt förekommande i skolan. Litteraturen och samtliga informanter är ense. Rädslan är stor för allmänhetens förlöjligande och fördömande av öppet homo-bisexuella personer. / The purpose of this examination work has been to understand why so few high school students choose to come out with their homo/bi sexuality. The question at issue were “Why are so few high school students open with their homo/bi sexuality?” The methods being used were three quality interviews with two teachers and one principal. The interviews were recorded on tape. Three high school classes answered a questionnaire, containing ten questions, in all there were thirty three students participating. The result of the survey shows that teachers and principals don’t know how to handle situations with openly homo/bisexual youth because of lack of experience. Their view is also that homophobic foul language isn’t commonly occurring in school. The majority of students don’t fell any discomfort in present of homo/bisexual students but consider that homophobic foul language is commonly used in school. Both the literature and all other sources are in agreement. Homosexual youth are afraid of people’s reactions and for them to condemn their sexual aptitude.
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Utsikt för olja : Hur värderas oljeaktier / Oil Outlook : Valuation of Stocks in Exploring and Producing CompaniesRickardsson, Henrik, Wennberg, Gustaf Wennberg January 2006 (has links)
<b>Background</b>: Oil is the most dominating source of energy of today, it constitutes for more than 40 per cent of the worlds total energy consumption. This together with the fact that stock in oil companies has soared on the stock exchanges around the world makes oil a very interesting topic to write within. In order to gain knowledge in how to value oil companies, the authors will collect information from theory and through a questionnaire. By applying the information gathered to three companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange the authors will reach an objective picture of valuation of oil companies. <b>Purpose</b>: To investigate how shares of stock are valuated in the oil exploring and producing industry, and what specific measures and metrics that are used in the valuation of stocks in Exploring and Producing (E&P) companies. <b>Method</b>: By using a qualitative approach for this thesis, the authors will investigate how the valuation of oil companies works and what measures that should be applied. The authors will use a part descriptive and part explorative study. This will fit the thesis as the authors will describe how the measures and metrics work and start from previous research on the topic and go from there to show if that theory and the empirical findings really works. <b>Conclusion</b>: The most recommended valuation method is net present value analysis. Hotelling Valuation Principle is a form of present value analysis for oil companies and is less complicated than a regular net present value analysis. Other than present value analysis, relative measures and ratios are used. Specific for the oil industry and exploring and producing companies are EV/DACF, ROACE, R/P, production cost, unit cost, tax rate and reserve replacement rate. / <b>Bakgrund</b>: Olja är den dominerande källan till energi idag och oljan står för mer än 40 procent av den totala energikonsumtionen i världen. Detta tillsammans med det faktum att aktier i oljeföretag har stigit kraftigt på börser runt om i världen gör olja till ett väldigt intressant ämne att skriva om. För att skaffa kunskap i hur man värderar oljeföretag kommer författarna av denna uppsats samla information från teori på ämnet och genom ett frågeformulär. Genom att applicera insamlad information på tre företag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen hoppas författarna att kunna nå en objektiv bild av hur man värderar oljeföretag. <b>Syfte</b>: Att undersöka hur aktier värderas i oljeindustrin och vilka specifika nyckeltal och metoder som används vid värderingen av aktier i prospekterings- och produktionsbolag. <b>Metod</b>: Genom att använda en kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt för uppsatsen hoppas författarna kunna undersöka hur värdering av oljeföretag fungerar och vilka nyckeltal och metoder som ska användas. Författarna kommer att att i huvudsak använda sig av en deskriptiv studie. Detta anses lägligt för uppsatsen eftersom författarna kommer att beskriva hur nyckeltal och formler fungerar samtidigt som de kommer att utgå från tidigare forskning inom ämnet och därifrån visa på om teorin och de inkomna svaren verkligen fungerar. <b>Slutsats</b>: Den mest rekommenderade värderingsmetoden är nuvärdesanalys. Hotelling Valuation Principle är form av nuvärdesanalys som riktar sig till oljeföretag och är lite mindre komplicerad än vanlig nuvärdesanalys. Förutom nuvärdesanalys används även relativa mått och nyckeltal. De specifika mått som används inom oljeindustrin och prospekterings- och produktionsbolag är EV/DACF, ROACE, R/P, produktionskostnad, kostnad per styck, skattesats, och återfyllnad av reserver.
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Internationalisering av redovisningsregler för svenska börsnoterade företag : effekterna på redovisningen av varumärken efter införandet av IAS 38 / Internationalizations of accounting rules for Swedish listed companies : the effects on the accounting of brands with the introduction of IAS 38Wiberg, Johanna, Nordström, Anne-Marie January 2007 (has links)
Syfte Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera vilka effekter införandet av internationellt gällande redovisningsregler har på den svenska redovisningen. Detta ska belysas genom studerandet av hur IAS 38 har påverkat redovisningen av varumärken. Metod Studiens kommer att bedrivas med en kvalitativ ansats där datainsamlingen kommer att ske genom intervjuer och skriftliga källor. Slutsatser Studien visar att implementeringen av IAS 38 ej görs på ett enhetligt sätt och att inte samma metoder för att värdera varumärken används av företagen vilket skapar problem med jämförbarheten mellan olika företag. Vidare visar studien att varumärken är en av de vanligaste tillgångarna som identifieras vid förvärv och att företagen oftast överväger en särskiljning av varumärket från goodwill vilket visar att implementeringen av IAS 38 är på god väg. Slutsatser som dras av studien är att det kommer att krävas tid och även en specialisering inom revisionsbranschen för att implementeringen av internationaliseringen ska få full effekt, vilket är att skapa enhetlighet, jämförbarhet och ett rättvisare värde på företaget på en internationell nivå. / Aim The aim of the thesis is to analyse what impact the current international accounting standards have on Swedish accounting. This will be illustrated through the study of the affect of IAS 38 on the accounting of brands. Methodology The thesis will be investigated through a qualitative approach with collected data from interviews and written sources. Conclusion The study shows that the implementation of IAS 38 is not carried out in a homogeneous way. The companies are not using the same methods in their valuations of brands and that causes problems when comparing different companies. Moreover, the essay demonstrates that the brand of a company is one of the most common assets identified in company acquisitions. That companies often consider a distinction between the brand and goodwill shows that IAS 38 is well on its way to be established. The conclusions drawn from this study are that for the implementation of the internationalization to succeed it will require both time and a specialization within the accountancy branch. The aim of the adaptation of IAS 38 is to create homogeneity, comparability and a more equal value of the companies on an international level.
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The Family Business on the SSE : Family Ownership's Impact on a Valuation ProcessRosenblad, Mikael, Weich, André, Wångehag, Claes January 2007 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the differences between family and non-family businesses that are listed on the stock exchange, more specifically which factors that is being used in the valuation process and why family businesses as a rule seem to be undervalued. We also look at if family ownership is a factor in this process. By conducting interviews with analysts and journalists working with valuation we hope to be able to not only find out what factors differ but also why family busi-nesses are undervalued. Our conclusion is that while the two forms of ownership has several negative factors that differ between them that are more common among family businesses, such as conservative dividend policy, this is not connected to the family business as a form but is rather an individual factor differing from company to company. Family ownership as such was however not in any way a factor in the valuation since the valuations instead looks at the individual company and does not generalize.
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En fallstudie i företagsvärderingKaving, Tomas, Loogna, Mathias January 2007 (has links)
När en värdering av ett företag skall göras finns det flera olika typer av värderingsmetoder som kan användas. Bakgrunden till den här studien är att uppsatsförfattarna blev kontaktade av ägarna till ett företag som undrade vad deras företag skulle vara värt vid en eventuell försäljning. Det specifika med företaget är att det endast arbetar mot en kund, samt att företaget nästan inte har några materiella tillgångar. Syfte: Syftet är att kartlägga de olika värderingsmodeller som används vid värdering av företag, för att därefter klargöra vilken eller vilka metoder som är bäst lämpade för vårt fallföretag. Detta syftar till att resultera i en värdering av vårt fallföretag. Metod: Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av en grundlig litteraturstudie, samt en genomgång av tidigare forskning. Vidare har ett antal e-postintervjuer genomförts och slutligen presenteras en modell för värdering av vårt fallföretag. Teori: Den teoretiska delen av denna studie består av de värderingsmetoder som beskrivs i den litteratur som finns inom området. Vidare redovisas en del teori i form av tidigare forskning som publicerats i olika vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Empiri: Empirin består av två stycken e-postintervjuer med representanter för Nordeas, samt Swedbanks Corporate Finance avdelningar. Vidare har intervjuer genomförts med representanter för fallföretaget. Vi har även tagit del av information från fallföretagets ekonomisystem i form av balans- och resultatrapporter. Resultat: Denna studie visar att de lämpligaste värderingsmetoderna att använda vid värdering av ett företag i den specifika situation som vårt fallföretag befinner sig i, är kassaflödesmetoden samt residualvinstmetoden. Vidare visar studien att de vanligast använda värderingsmetoderna är multipelvärdering samt kassaflödesvärdering. Studien visar också att det är väldigt svårt att komma fram till ett exakt värde på ett företag då framtiden är oviss. / When valuing a company there exist various possible valuation methods to use. The reason behind this study is that the authors were contacted by the owners of a company, who where interested to know how much their company would be worth in the case of a possible sale. Specific with this company is that it only has one customer and almost no tangible assets. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to make a survey of the different valuation methods that exist and to clarify which one is best suited in this particular case. This will result in a valuation of our case company. Method: We have used a qualitative method in the shape of a thorough literary study and an exposition of earlier research in the area of company valuation. Furthermore we have made two interviews by email with representatives from the Corporate Finance departments of Swedbank and Nordea. Theory:The theorethical framework of this study involves the different valuation methods that are described in the litterature that exists in the area. We have also shown some theory in the shape of earlier research that has been published in various scientific magazines. Empirical foundation: The empirical foundation contains two interviews carried out by email with representatives from the Corporate Finance departments of Swedbank and Nordea. Interviews have also been made with representatives from our case company. The balance sheet and income statement from our case company’s economic system have also been studied. Conclusion: This study shows that the most suitable valuation methods for our case company are the Discounted Cash Flow Model and the Residual Income Model. The study also shows that the most commonly used valuation methods are Multiple Valuation and Discounted Cash Flow Valuation. Finally the study shows that it is very difficult to reach one precise value when valuing a company with an uncertain future.
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DUE DILIGENCE: LEARN FROM THE PAST, : A qualitative study of how Strategic DD could be a way toNouboussi, Josiane, Diene Beuke, Ndeye January 2008 (has links)
This paper presents an analysis on Due Diligence process as a tool to reduce the Mergers and Acquisition (M&A) risk of failure which is used by the acquirer to gather quantitative but also qualitative information about the target in the pre-merger deal, before to sign the agreement of the deal. However, the process is sometimes unknown or underestimated since the executives sometimes want the deal to be closed as soon as possible, and neglect some critical factors which can be important to get a true vision of the target and therefore increase the chance of success of the deal in future. In the view of the enormous economic significance in M&A transactions numbers and volume, it is alarming that more of half of all transactions do not lead to the desired objectives. To investigate in this problem, some studies have emphasized Due Diligence impact to increase M&A chance of success. Indeed, Due diligence is viewed as the only way to find out as much information as possible on the target company. It is a way to conduct a comprehensive investigation into this potential target. In this thesis, we will focus on Financial Due Diligence which is an unavoidable way to evaluate the target to allow getting financial information, but show its limits. That is the reason why, we will highlight the role of the Strategic Due Diligence in this paper, which fulfill the FDD limits since it allows the bidder to thinks strategically as each deal is unique in what its value drivers are. Finally, in this paper we concluded that the SDD is the way companies should perform the DD to increase the M&A chance of success since each deal is unique in what its value drivers are and that is what SDD is all about. To support our paper, we have addressed two interviews with 2 financial analysts who work in audit companies located in Stockholm to gather their points of view on the subject. Moreover, both of our case studies on BNP Paribas and HP provide illustrative example on how financial and strategic Diligence can be conduct.
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Segmentrapportering : Är den relevant ur en analytikers perspektiv?Svedberg, Sandra, Jacobson, Sofie January 2008 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Med hjälp av segmentinformation kan analytiker bryta ned analysen av bolagen till en lägre nivå vilket borde resultera i säkrare analyser. Segmentinformationen är viktig för användarna av de finansiella rapporterna eftersom information om bolaget som helhet kan vara svår att utläsa. Vi har tagit del av tidigare forskning inom området,men vi har dock inte funnit någon forskning med samma syfte som vi har. Vi anser därför att segmentrapportering är viktigt och intressant att studera. Syfte: Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att utreda hur, bolag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen i branschen sällanköpsvaror och tjänster, utformat sina segmentrapporter i deras årsredovisningar samt hur relevanta, tillförlitliga och jämförbara de är. Vidare kommer vi att studera vad analytiker anser om rapporterna gällande dessa egenskaper med fokus på hur relevanta de är. Metod: I denna uppsats använder vi oss av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. Vi har genomfört tre besöksintervjuer med analytiker samt granskat 36 bolags segmentrapporter. Analytikerna har den specialistkunskap som krävs för att kunna svara på om relevansen är uppfylld för segmentrapporterna. Den kvantitativa metoden ger oss en annan synvinkel, den avspeglar hur bolagens segmentrapporter är utformade i verkligheten. Analys och slutsatser: För att analytikerna ska kunna framställa bra analyser så krävs det att informationen från segmentrapporterna är tillförlitlig och jämförbar och därigenom relevant. Om segmentrapporterna inte är relevanta leder detta till att analytikernas analyser blir felaktiga. Risken med detta är att läsarna av rapporterna baserar sina investeringar på felaktiga grunder vilket kan leda till ekonomiska förluster för dem. Respondenterna hade varierande åsikter gällande segmentrapporterna, men vi har funnit att segmentrapporterna i branschen generellt sett är tillförlitliga och jämförbara. Med detta som grund kan vi fastställa att de flesta av de studerade segmentrapporterna är relevanta. Vi vill dock poängtera att det finns en viss variation gällande hur relevanta rapporterna är. Nyckelord; segment, segmentrapportering, värdering, IAS 14, valuation, financial reporting,segment report(ing).
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Spouses' experiences of living with a partner with Alzheimer's diseaseSällström, Christina January 1994 (has links)
The overall aim of the study was to gain some understanding of the lived experience of the care-giving spouses regarding their experiences of the manifestations of the disease, perception of their own health, the possibility of influencing the interpretation of the past, the present and future, outlook on life, surrounding contacts and intimate relationships with their sick partners. The spouses (n=13) of Alzheimer victims were followed with the help of personal interviews, diaries and telephone interviews during a two-years period. The texts was analysed according to a phenomenological-hermeneutic method. The main findings in the study showed that the spouses own health remained quite stable over time. Their perception of the development of their own health seemed to be influenced by how they saw their power to influence their situation, which seemed to be determined by how they interpreted the cause of their health problems.The social network was another important factor for understanding the spouses' experiences. The findings imply that spouses' images of themselves in relation to others were important for their perception of the overall social network. The spouses mostly regarded their relationships positively and their social networks were described as quite stable over time. The spouse's marital relationships, in most cases, seemed to undergo changes with the progress of the disease. Some spouses could maintain feelings of love but mostly the relationships were transformed into ones of tenderness, pity and estrangement. The spouses' valuation of their demented partner was mostly in the form of one of two divergent perspectives. On the one hand, spouses who seemed to perceive their partner as a person separate from the disease, could function as complementary ego aids. On the other hand some spouses were unable to make a distinction between the spouse as a person and the disease.The spouses' experiences regarding their previous relationship with parents, value system, philosophy of life, competence and autonomy seemed to be critical in their experiences of their caring situation. It appears that there is a sub-group of vulnerable carers, as suggested by the concurrence of psychological, physical, and social morbidity, along with deterioration in their marital relationship.The findings are discussed in relation to searching for meaning, the importance of significant others, perceiving and valuing the other, and caring relationships within a life-span perspective. / digitalisering@umu
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Key transfer pricing issues arising from the transfer of an ongoing concern : A comparison between the OECD TP Guidelines and the German and the U.S. legislationsSjöberg, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse and compare the transfer pricing approaches held by the OECD, Germany and the United States when transferring an ongoing concern. The term “ongoing concern” in the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines is to be interpreted as very wide and to cover every case where a function is bundled with assets and risks. Even though there is no legal definition of the term , the definition of the OECD can still be said to represent the common definition of the term. When transferring an ongoing concern or a function the three approaches are all that it should be given a value that independent enterprises under similar circumstances would agree upon. Besides some particular cases, the OECD and German approach is that the function, assets and risks should be aggregated when determining the arm’s length price. The approach of United States is somewhat different, where an aggregation of the transactions is not always the case and goodwill and going concern value are not subject to the transfer pricing legislation. The comparability approaches and the transfer pricing methodologies of the three are is very similar, where some factors should be taken into account when determinign the comparability between two transactions and with the selection of the most appropriate transfer pricing method applied to the transaction. The comparable uncontrolled price method should be seen as a primary transfer pricing method, and if it is not possible to find comparable transactions or to make reasonable accurate adjustments the profit split method should be applied. The hypothetical arm´s length test is the method that would be applied in such case according to the German legislation. The selection of which valuation method to apply to the transfer depends on the facts and circumstances of the transfer.
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