Spelling suggestions: "subject:"violations"" "subject:"thiolations""
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Educação e cultura em direitos humanos na ordem internacional / Human rights education and culture in the world orderFelipe Chinalli Caceres 13 June 2013 (has links)
Considerando a atual situação do Direito à Educação em Direitos Humanos no Brasil e no mundo e a importância de se inserir nos sistemas educacionais a proposta da gestão de um plano em Direitos Humanos, balizada por interculturalidade e interacionismo, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo institucionalizar a promoção do acesso aos conhecimentos multiculturalistas, inerentes à afirmação histórica dos Direitos Humanos. Entendemos que tanto os alunos quanto os educadores são sujeitos dos direitos históricos da humanidade. Assim, diagnosticamos a necessidade de uma intervenção pedagógica humanista nas escolas a ser institucionalizada por uma cultura em educação alternativa contida no projeto-piloto, ora anexado. / Considering the actual state of the Right to Human Rights Education in Brazil, its global present context and the importance to insert its proposals in the educational systems as a political action of a Human Rights plan, oriented by interculturality and interactionism, in this research the main objective has been to institutionalize the promotion of access to multicultural knowledge, associated to the historical affirmation of Human Rights, and to view the students and the educators as mankinds historical rights subjects. It has also been diagnosticated the urgency of a humanistic pedagogical intervention in schools yet to be institutionalized by an alternative educational culture, included in the attached pilot project.
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Přiměřenost čtyřleté sankce zákazu činnosti za první úmyslné porušení antidopingových pravidel a její dopad na kariéru profesionálních sportovců / Proportionality of a four-year ineligibility for the first intentional anti-doping rule violations and its impact on professional athletes' careersPlevková, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
Title: Proportionality of a four-year ineligibility for the first intentional anti-doping rule violations and its impact on professional athletes' careers Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to ascertain whether the four-year ineligibility for the first intentional anti-doping rule violations has liquidation impact on professional athletes' careers. Methods: For quantitative research, I have used the electronic interrogation method and for qualitative research the in-depth semi-structured interview. Results: I have found that most athletes really do perceive a four-year ineligibility for the first intentional anti-doping rule violations as disproportionate. Only 24 % of surveyed athletes said that a four-year ineligibility is an appropriate punishment. 82 % of surveyed athletes would end their careers after receiving a four-year ineligibility, and just 30 % of them think that It's realistic to go back to an active career after a four-year break. Moreover, athletes have consistently said that the most crucial obstacles to their return are financial distress, loss of motivation and lack of racing mode. On the basis of these results, I have also developed my own solution to ineligibility for the first intentional anti-doping rule violations. Keywords: proportionality, sanction, ineligibility,...
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Prosecution of grave violations of human rights in light of challenges of national courts and the International Criminal Court: the Congolese dilemmaYav Katshung, Joseph January 2004 (has links)
"Although the United Nations (UN) has often been pivotal in forging the international response to serious human rights crimes in such settings, the justice gap in countries such as the Democratic Republic [of] Congo (DRC) (the focus of this study) underscores the need for more systematic UN efforts. The war in the DRC has resulted in one of the world's worst humanitarian crisis with over 3.4 million displaced persons scattered throughout the country. An estimated 3.5 million people have died as a result of the war. The armed conflict has been characterised by appalling widespread and systematic human rights violations, including mass killings, ethnic cleansing, rape and the destruction of property. The most pressing need to be addressed is the question of justice and accountability for these human rights atrocities in order to achieve a durable peace in the country and also in the Great Lakes region (Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Angola and the DRC, to name just a few). In this respect, this study will address the grave human rights violations committed in the DRC and the mechanisms for dealing with them. It is particularly true in post-conflict situations where justice systems have been either partially or completely destroyed, that national courts are not capapble of arriving at a uniform stance, or willing to provide justice for atrocities in the immediate future. As a result, international justice seems to be a crucial and last resort that must continue to be fortified against efforts to undermine it. ... Chapter one will set out the content of the research, identify the problem and outline the methodology. Chapter two will discuss the state obligations in international law to prosecute gross violations of human rights and gives a summary of the human rights violations situation during the Congolese war. Chapter three will discuss the available naitonal mechanisms for accountaiblity in the DRC. It will discuss if national courts and TRC are able to deal with these atrocities committed in the DRC. Chapter four will analyse the extent to which the ICC could deal with the Congolese case and challenges. Chapter five will discuss the trends towards accountability in the DRC and the way forward. Chapter six will draw a conclusion on how to break the cycle of impunity in the DRC." -- Introduction. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2004. / Prepared under the supervision of Prof. Boukongou Jean Didier and Dr. Atangcho Akonumbo at the Catholic University of Central Africa, Yaounde, Cameroon / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM
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Critical analysis of victims' rights before international criminal justiceN'dri, Maurice Kouadio January 2006 (has links)
"The establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Rome in 1998 is a milestone for humanity and a watershed in the life of victims of ongoing violations or wars. The Preamble to the Rome Statute of the ICC acknowledges that 'during this century [20th century] millions of children, women and men have been victims of unimaginable atrocities that deeply shock the conscience of humanity'. This dissertation explores the development and state of victims' rights in international criminal law. ... The study consists of five chapters. Chapter one will provide the context in which the study is set. It oulines the basis and structure of the study. Chapter two endeavours to define some of the basic concepts central to the study: victim, witness, compensation, reparation, redress, restitution, etc. This chapter will give a brief overview of victims' rights in the domestic system. It will also analyse the right to an effective remedy in international law with specific focus on the UN human rights system and on regional systems. Chapter three will outline victims' rights before the ad hoc international criminal tribunals and hybrid courts. These tribunals and courts are the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), Special Court of Sierra Leone (SCSL), Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECC), and the Special Pannels for Serious Crimes in East Timor (SPSC). Chapter four is devoted [to] the ICC. It will focus on its provisions dealing with victims' rights and assess whether this mechanism makes effective allowance for victims to be heard and compensated. Chapter five will consist of a summary of the entire presentation and the conclusions drawn from the study. It will make some recommendations for the adequate protection of victims' rights." -- Introduction. / Prepared under the supervision of Dr. Raymond Koen at the Faculty of Law, University of the Western Cape / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2006. / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM
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Våld i nära relation och grov kvinnofridskränkning : Sambandet mellan inkluderade åtalspunkter och strafflängd samt relationen mellan vittnesmål om våld och fällande domFranzon, Stina, Spiik, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att genom en kvantitativ granskning av domstolsfall gällande grov kvinnofridskränkning undersöka om fängelsestraffets längd varit associerat med de olika åtalspunkter som styrkts. Vidare undersöktes eventuella samband mellan vittnesmål om olika typer av våld och huruvida dessa återfanns i de styrkta åtalspunkterna. Olika former av upprepat och systematiskt våld som drabbar kvinnor i nära relationer har bedömts ske i så pass hög utsträckning att det både på internationell och nationell nivå betraktas som en folkhälsofråga. Inom svensk lagstiftning finns en unik möjlighet att ta krafttag mot denna typ av brottslighet i form av brottsrubriceringen grov kvinnofridskränkning. Detta möjliggör att samla flera enskilda och i sig straffbara handlingar och gå till åtal för vad som då kan anses utgöra ett grovt brott och därmed möjliggöra att strängare påföljd döms ut än vad som är möjligt vid enskilda brottstillfällen. Intentionen med lagstiftningen var att ge en samlad bild av kvinnans utsatthet och möjliggöra att även de straffrättsligt lindriga gärningarna inkluderas. Den aktuella studiens resultat visade att trots detta så var det fysiskt våld som hade en avgörande roll i dessa åtal och att man därmed kan ifrågasätta huruvida rättsväsendet lyckas nå upp till det mål som var avsett med brottsrubriceringen. / The aim of this study was, through a quantitative review of court cases concerning serious women’s peace violations, to investigate whether the length of the prison sentence was associated with the various charges that were confirmed. Furthermore, any connection between testimonies of various types of violence and whether they were found in the substantiated charges was investigated. Various forms of repeated and systematic violence affecting women in intimate partner relationships have been assessed to such an extent that, at both international and national levels, it is considered a public health issue. Swedish legislation offers a unique opportunity to take action against this type of violation of women's rights. This means an opportunity to collect several individual and in itself criminal offenses and to prosecute as what can then be considered a serious crime and thereby enable more severe penalties to be sentenced than possible in individual criminal cases. The intention of the legislation was to provide a unified picture of the woman’s vulnerability and to enablethe less severe criminal offences to be included as well. The result of the current study showed that, despite this, it was physical violence that had a crucial role in these prosecutions which in turn raises the question whether one fails to reach the goal that was intended with the criminal classification.
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[pt] Tratamento de exceções e o modo mais comum de lidar com erros no desenvolvimento de software robusto. Tratamento de exceções refere-se ao processo de sinalizar exceções quando erros em tempo de execução são detectados e de tomar ações para responder à ocorrência destas exceções. Apesar de objetivarem a melhoria da robustez de software, sistemas de software ainda são implementados sem se basear em uma política explícita para tratamento de exceções. Cada política define as decisões de projeto que governam como tratamento de exceções deve ser implementado num sistema. Tais políticas não são comumente documentadas e são apenas implicitamente definidas no projeto do sistema. Desta forma, desenvolvedores tendem a introduzir no código fonte violações das políticas implícitas e tais violações comumente causam falhas em sistemas de software. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta tese é apoiar desenvolvedores na detecção e reparação de violações de tratamento de exceções. Para atingir este objetivo, duas soluções complementares foram propostas. A primeira solução é baseada numa linguagem específica de domínio que apoia a detecção de violações ao definir explicitamente políticas de tratamento de exceções que devem ser obedecidas no código fonte. A linguagem proposta foi avaliada num estudo centrado no usuário e num estudo de caso. Com as observações e as experiências coletadas no estudo centrado no usuário, nós identificamos algumas características da linguagem que dificultavam o seu uso e que motivaram novos construtos. Além disso, os resultados do estudo de caso mostraram que violações e falhas costumam ter causas comuns. Portanto, violações de tratamento de exceção podem ser usadas para detectar causas de faltas relacionadas à exceções. Para complementar a detecção de violações, este trabalho também propôs uma solução para apoiar o reparo de violações de tratamento de exceções. Reparar estas violações requer raciocinar sobre o impacto global que mudanças em tratamento de exceções pode ter em diferentes partes do sistema. Desta forma, este trabalho propôs uma estratégia heurística de recomendação que leva em conta o contexto global onde violações ocorrem a fim de produzir recomendações. Cada recomendação produzida consiste em uma sequência de modificações que servem como um plano detalhado de como uma violação de tratamento de exceções pode ser removida do código fonte. A estratégia de recomendação proposta também se beneficia de especificações explícitas de políticas, embora sua disponibilidade não seja obrigatória. Os resultados das nossas avaliações empíricas revelaram que a estratégia de recomendação proposta produziu recomendações capazes de reparar violações em aproximadamente 70 por cento dos casos. Quando especificações de políticas estão disponíveis, a estratégia produziu recomendações capazes de reparar violações em 97 por cento dos casos. / [en] Exception handling is the most common way of dealing with exceptions in robust software development. Exception handling refers to the process of signaling exceptions upon the detection of runtime errors and taking actions to respond to their occurrence. Despite being aimed at improving software robustness, software systems are still implemented without relying on explicit exception handling policies. Each policy defines the design decisions governing how exception handling should be implemented in a system. These policies are often not documented and are only implicitly defined in the system design. Thus, developers tend to introduce in the source code violations of implicit policies and these violations commonly cause failures in software systems. In this context, the goal of this thesis is to support developers in detecting and repairing exception handling violations. To achieve this goal, two complementary solutions were proposed. The first solution is based on a domain-specific language supporting the detection of violations by explicitly defining exception handling policies to be enforced in the source code. The proposed language was evaluated with a user-centric study and a case study. With the observations and experiences gathered in the user-centric study, we identified some language characteristics that hindered its use and that motivated new language constructs. In addition, the results of the case study showed that violations and faults in exception handling share common causes. Therefore, violations can be used to detect potential causes of exceptionrelated failures. To complement the detection of exception handling violations, this work also proposed a solution for supporting the repair of exception handling violations. Repairing these violations requires reasoning about the
global impact that exception handling changes might have in different parts of the system. Thus, this work proposed a recommender heuristic strategy that takes into account the global context of where violations occur to produce recommendations. Each recommendation produced consists of a sequence of modifications that serves as a detailed blueprint of how an exception handling violation can be removed from the source code. The proposed recommender strategy also takes advantage of explicit policy specifications, although their availability is not mandatory. The results of our empirical assessments revealed that the proposed recommender strategy produced recommendations able to repair violations in approximately 70 per cent of the cases. When policy specifications are available, it produced recommendations able to repair violations in 97 per cent of the cases.
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Detenční zařízení pro imigranty ve Spojených státech amerických v kontextu dodržování základních lidských práv / Detention Facilities for Immigrants in the United States of America in the Context of Compliance with Basic Human RightsKubíčková, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
Immigration is a topic that plays an important role in American society, it manages to capture both the general public as well as the political world. Especially in the United States of America, it is a very complex issue that affects a large number of sectors which is why a specific area has been selected for this thesis in order to narrow the researched field and provide detailed information. The thesis seeks to analyze the situation in immigration detention facilities throughout the U.S. with regard to basic human rights violations. For this reason, the thesis focuses on international humanitarian law and the Constitution of the United States, which should protect both legal and illegal immigrants, however, their non-compliance is one of the main points interconnecting all chapters of this paper. Due to the availability of resources and greater relevance this paper focuses on the situation of the last 15 years (namely from 2008 onwards) and attaches great importance to the final 3-4 years and the administration of Donald Trump. The thesis finds repeated and long-term violations of domestic and international law concerning human rights as well as the rights of asylum seekers and shows wrongful criminalization and dehumanization of immigrants (documented and undocumented). Furthermore, the thesis...
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Människorättskränkningar som verkställighetshinder för den europeiska utredningsordern / Human Rights Violations as a Ground for Non-Execution of the European Investigation OrderGunnarsson, Agnes January 2020 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen har en konflikt mellan grundläggande EU-rättsliga värden utforskats genom en studie av den europeiska utredningsordern. Konflikten består i användandet av principerna om ömsesidigt förtroende och erkännande på straffrättens område, samtidigt som dessa principer ibland kolliderar med respekten för mänskliga rättigheter så som de definieras inom unionen. För att ge principerna om ömsesidigt förtroende och erkännande fullt genomslag skulle ett beslut om att begära en viss utredningsåtgärd från en annan stat behöva erkännas och verkställas utan någon extra prövning i den verkställande staten. För att ge mänskliga rättigheter fullt genomslag skulle å andra sidan den verkställande staten behöva göra en sådan prövning. Den här konflikten har tidigare utforskats i samband med den europeiska arresteringsordern, medan utredningsordern inte har fått samma uppmärksamhet. Det har kunnat konstateras att det finns många likheter mellan den europeiska arresteringsordern och utredningsordern, men att den senare också står inför helt egna utmaningar. Det finns nämligen stora skillnader mellan ett verkställande av ett överlämnade av en person till en annan stat, och ett verkställande av en utredningsåtgärd, så som till exempel en husrannsakan. Detta gör att den praxis som finns avseende den europeiska arresteringsordern måste behandlas med försiktighet. / In this essay a conflict between fundamental values of the European Union law has been explored through a study of the European Investigation Order. The conflict consists of the use of the principles of mutual trust and recognition within the area of criminal law, when these principles might collide with the respect for human rights as they are defined within the Union. I order to give full weight to the principles of mutual trust and recognition it would be necessary for the executing state to recognize and execute a decision of an investigative measure emanating from the issuing state without any further substantial assessment. For human rights to be adequately protected, it might however be necessary for the executing state to make that very assessment before executing the investigative measure in question. This conflict has already been explored in connection with the European Arrest Warrant, but the European Investigation Order has not yet received the same attention. There are many similarities indeed between the two, but the European Investigation Order also has completely unique challenges. One must keep in mind that there are great differences between an extradition decision and an execution of an investigative measure, as for example a search. This makes it essential to treat the Investigation Order as its own, viewing the case law regarding the Arrest Warrant with some precaution.
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Racial Differences In Juvenile Court Delinquency Outcomes in a Large Urban County in a Midwestern StateBrown, Richard, III 02 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] O tráfico de pessoas contemporâneo é um crime que gera cifras alarmantes
para todo o sistema internacional de Estados. É o segundo maior crime do mundo
e movimenta entorno de 150 bilhões de dólares de lucros para criminosos. É uma
prática que submete mais de 800 milhões de vítimas por ano, além de ser uma
grave violação dos seus direitos humanos. A existência de políticas públicas globais e governamentais, a criação de regimes e organismos internacionais que pensam soluções para o enfrentamento do crime, aliados à incapacidade de se enfrentar o crime de forma eficaz é minimamente intrigante para quem se debruça sobre
o tema. A presente dissertação, se propondo a pensar as principais razões que justificam a existência deste crime, ainda que haja políticas públicas de enfrentamento por quase um século, identifica que dentre os incontáveis desafios metodológicos, a incapacidade de se monitorar o crime em âmbito global é o que apresenta
mais risco de inviabilizar a implementação das estratégias de enfrentamento em
todas as suas esferas, sejam elas de: conscientização, investigação ou criminalização. A incapacidade de solucionar o problema por si só gera inquietude e desejo
por mudança. Foi pensando neste aspecto que a pesquisa se propõe a conversar
com os principais agentes de atuação na agenda de enfrentamento para tentar alinhar discursos e identificar dificuldades similares para, então, pensar possíveis
alternativas aos desafios desdobrados. / [en] Human trafficking is a crime that creates alarming figures for the
international system. It is the second largest crime in the world and moves around
150 billion dollars of profits for criminals by the year. It is a practice that subjects
more than 800 million victims every year, it is also a serious human rights
violation. There are global and governmental public policies that think and creates
strategies to the fights against human trafficking as well as international regimes
and organizations that aim the same objective. That said, the inability to face the
crime in an effective way is at least unsettling to researchers and public servers.
This dissertation aims the reflection about the main reasons that justifies the
existence of the crime. Even though there are public policies to fight it for almost
a century, it identifies that among the countless methodological challenges, the
inability to monitor the crime at a global level presents greater risk of hindering
the implementation of these strategies in all its spheres, whether they are:
awareness, investigation or criminalization. The inability to solve the problem
itself creates restlessness and a desire for a change. In this line of thought, the
research proposes a dialogue with the main actors in the agenda of fight against
contemporary human trafficking to try to align speeches and identify similar
difficulties to think about possible alternatives to this unfolded challenge.
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