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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jag ville tillrättavisa, inte mötas : En essä om svåra och problematiska möten med vårdnadshavare i förskolan

Nilsson, Tonnie, Pierson, Jenny January 2020 (has links)
I denna essä som vi tillsammans har skrivit har vi först och främst utgått från kränkningar och hot i förskolan, kränkningar och hot som kommer från vårdnadshavare. Även hur vi i förskolan arbetar med likabehandling, och vad det kan få för konsekvenser av att utsätta någon för kränkningar och hot, genom exempelvis de lagar vi har att förhålla oss till i den svenska förskolan. Vi har varsin egenupplevd händelse som vi gestaltat och återberättat i text, där den första texten som är skriven av Tonnie Nilsson handlar om hur han blir utsatt för anklagelser som kunde ha varit förödande för honom, vilket är pedofili. Ett svårt och tufft ämne att skriva om, men som har resulterat i en större fördjupning av hur en kan gå tillväga. Den andra berättelsen, som Jenny Pierson har skrivit, handlar om hur vårdnadshavare, utan att blinka, trycker ner andra sexuella läggningar som de anser inte är naturligt, men även kränker pedagogen ifråga kring dennes sätt att undervisa i förskolan. Olika teoretiska begrepp har tagits upp som exempelvis närhetsetik, fenomenologi samt relations begreppet som kantas av anknytningsteorin. Genom dessa olika begrepp så har vi kunnat delvis förankra det viktiga arbetet vi gör i förskolan till det som skedde i våra egenupplevda berättelser, vilket är kränkningar och hot i förskolan. Vi har i de olika avsnitten lagt till hur vi genom föräldraperspektiv kan vrida och vända på situationen så att läsaren kan se den självkritiska delen av vårt reflekterande. Tanken är då att läsaren ska kunna sätta sig in i vårdnadshavarnas situation, utan att de blir dömda utifrån ett rätt eller ett fel. Alla människor kan begå misstag, vi kan missuppfatta eller missuppfattas. Det är en aspekt som är viktig att bära med sig. Det finns trots allt två sidor av myntet.Till sist vill vi tacka våra fantastiska familjer, men även nära vänner och bekanta för all stöttning och peppning under tiden vi har skrivit vår undersökning och uppsats. Utan er hade det inte gått och vi är mycket tacksamma för allt ni gjort. Vi tackar även varandra, för alla skratt, en del tårar och för den vänskap som ännu starkare växt fram under tiden vi har skrivit. / In this essay that we have written together, our starting point is from violations and threats occurring in preschool, mainly violations and threats that come from guardians. Also how we in the preschool environment work with equality treatment and the consequences of exposing someone to violations and threats in relation to the laws and regulations that we have to relate to in the Swedish preschool. We each have our own experiences in the events that we have portrayed and retold in text. The first text written by Tonnie Nilsson is about how he is exposed to accusations that could have been devastating for him, which is pedophilia. A difficult and tough topic to write about, but which has resulted in a greater in-depth study of how to proceed. The second story, which Jenny Pierson has written, is about how guardians, without blinking suppress other sexual orientations that they consider not natural, but also offend the educator in question about her way of teaching in preschool.Various theoretical concepts have been raised, such as proximity ethics, phenomenology and the concept of relations, which is bordered by the connection theory. Through these different concepts we have been able to partially anchor the important work we do in preschool to what happened in our own perceived stories, which are violations and threats in preschool.In the various sections, we have added how we can turn the situation around from a parent's perspective so that the reader can see the self-critical part of our reflection. The idea is then that the reader should be able to understand the guardians' situation, without them being judged on the basis of right or wrong. All people can make a mistake, we can misunderstand or be misunderstood. This is an aspect that is important to carry with you. After all, there are two sides to the coin.Finally, we would like to thank our fantastic families, but also close friends and acquaintances for all the support and encouragement during the time we have written our survey and essay. Without you it would not be able to do this and we are very grateful for everything you have done. We also thank each other, for all the laughter, some tears and for the friendship that has grown even stronger during the time we have written and done the study

Violence begets violence? : A quantitative analysis of humanitarian military interventions’ effect on human rights violations between 1981-2011

Kelbel, Max January 2022 (has links)
This study explores the effects humanitarian interventions have on the human right status in a country. The theoretical standpoint is based on the notion that a perceived lack of accountability and repercussions for crimes committed will function as motivation for local actors to continue the human right violations, or even increase their efforts. Therefore, the working hypothesis of the study is notion that the human right violations will increase because of the presence of a humanitarian intervention. Through the use of the Cingranelli-Richards dataset, an internationally recognized source of quantitative data for human right indicators between 1981 and 2011, an indication on the effect of humanitarian interventions is provided. This is done through a method referred to as Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD), commonly used to measure the effect of a specific treatment. The results indicate that the prevalence of physical violations, such as torture and extrajudicial killings, decrease because of the intervention. However, the freedom of freely moving in and out of the country deteriorates following an intervention. The other human rights indicators proved not to be statistically significant meaning that no relationship could be determined. All in all, contrary to the theoretical narrative the assumed lack of repercussions did not provide enough incentive for further increasing human right violations. However, the practical implementations of the results are positive. Because no confirmed relationship apart from in the case of physical rights was proven it means that humanitarian interventions avoid facing a severe argument to cancel the concept which a confirmed relationship would have meant.

Att förstå, förebygga och hantera kränkningar : en av förskolans viktigaste uppgifter / To understand, prevent and deal with violations : one of the preeschool's most inmportent tasks

Ahlberg, Erika, Breet Troili, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Most people tend to associate the concepts of bullying and abuse between children with something that occurs mainly in school. Research shows the prevalence of abuse and bullying among children already in preschool age with the risk of serious consequences later on. According to the National Agency for Education (Skolverket 2018), the preschool has assignments regarding values-related issues and to establish measures to prevent violations. Our study shows preschool teachers' experience of the phenomenon of abusive treatment and bullying among preschool children.  Research shows that children who experience bullying are in need of the support of both guardians and professionals so that the difficulties they experience will not follow them later in school age and perhaps even later in life. On the other hand, both previous research and our own study, indicate that guardians often do not know about the preschool's work to counteract abusive treatment.

African Union Peacekeeping and Civilian Protection. An Evaluation of the EU Strategy for Africa and the G8/Africa Joint Plan.

Ramsbotham, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
Global demand for peacekeeping is growing, especially in Africa. The United Nations has traditionally been at the forefront of developing peacekeeping theory and practice, and remains the primary operational agency for peacekeeping in Africa. But increasing emphasis is being placed on the African Union to assume greater responsibility for peacekeeping on the continent. The AU is still comparatively new and is in the process of developing its peace and security architecture. Over the past decade, the international community has been supporting African peacekeeping, both to build AU capacity and to provide direct operational support. In 2005 the international community agreed a collective ¿responsibility to protect¿ vulnerable civilians threatened by gross violations of their human rights. And civilian protection is increasingly included in the mandates of peacekeeping missions. Within the context of contemporary complex, multidimensional peacekeeping (¿peace support¿), civilian protection is not an exclusive operational objective, but is rather one of a number of mandated tasks aimed at establishing more sustainable 4 security as part of a broader peacebuilding goal. The AU has embraced the responsibility to protect principle, adopting a constitutional commitment to protect the rights of vulnerable civilians, including through peacekeeping interventions if necessary. But how capable is the AU in practice to deliver effective peacekeeping to protect civilians? And how appropriate is international support to help realise this ambition?

Silenced Detainees in Repressive Hijab : A Marxist Analysis of the Hijab of Afghan women in Sweden, the patriarchal coercion to veil, and the responsibility of the Swedish government

Asgari, Alireza January 2022 (has links)
This empirical research focuses on the subject of Hijab in Sweden. It demonstrates that Afghan (Muslim) women residing in Sweden do not consider the Hijab as an element of their culture/identity. Additionally, the empirical data gathered through interviews with twenty Afghans residing in Sweden reveals that Hijab is socially imposed on women, particularly by male relatives. Afghan women reveal verbal and physical violations exercised against women by male relatives in order to force them to veil. Therefore, if multiculturalism favors the Hijab as a human right and/or an identity/cultural element of these women, it neglects the violations implied by Hijab on women. By adopting a Marxist feminist lens, the research explains that although veiling and controlling women’s body existed for centuries before the birth of capitalism, controlling women’s body by forcing them to veil serves the capitalist project as well. The veil is one of the diverse ways of controlling women (‘s body) and is one of the ways to help the interests of capitalism since women are the source of reproduction of labor. Rejecting the position of both left-wing and right-wing parties (and specifically racists) in the political sphere in Sweden, it is suggested that the former (no matter intentionally or unintentionally) justifies and serves the preservation of the repressive Hijab and does not protect Muslim women and their human rights. And (far) right-wing actors, by pointing to the repressive Hijab, merely aim to cut the budget that is essential for protecting the fundamental human rights of immigrants and target the existence of immigrants per se to enable (further) development of capitalist (economic) policies. This research argues that discourse cannot make a substantial change in behaviors, and not only men should be considered as the responsible actor to diminish the violations. A third alternative/approach is instead suggested for the change in the material condition of such communities so as to diminish the violations. By reminding the responsibility of the Swedish government, it is suggested that the government should take responsibility for material provision regarding awareness, education, employment, and development of oppressed veiled women. This is how the government can protect human rights and actualize women’s capacity in order to combat the violations.

Toward a Theory of Practical Drift in Teams

Bisbey, Tiffany 01 May 2014 (has links)
Practical drift is defined as the unintentional adaptation of routine behaviors from written procedure. The occurrence of practical drift can result in catastrophic disaster in high-reliability organizations (e.g. the military, emergency medicine, space exploration). Given the lack of empirical research on practical drift, this research sought to develop a better understanding by investigating ways to assess and stop the process in high-reliability organizations. An introductory literature review was conducted to investigate the variables that play a role in the occurrence of practical drift in teams. Research was guided by the input-throughput-output model of team adaptation posed by Burke, Stagl, Salas, Pierce, and Kendall (2006). It demonstrates relationships supported by the results of the literature review and the Burke and colleagues (2006) model denoting potential indicators of practical drift in teams. Research centralized on the core processes and emergent states of the adaptive cycle; namely, shared mental models, team situation awareness, and coordination. The resulting model shows the relationship of procedure—practice coupling demands misfit and maladaptive violations of procedure being mediated by shared mental models, team situation awareness, and coordination. Shared mental models also lead to team situation awareness, and both depict a mutual, positive relationship with coordination. The cycle restarts when an error caused by maladaptive violations of procedure creates a greater misfit between procedural demands and practical demands. This movement toward a theory of practical drift in teams provides a conceptual framework and testable propositions for future research to build from, giving practical avenues to predict and prevent accidents resulting from drift in high-reliability organizations. Suggestions for future research are also discussed, including possible directions to explore. By examining the relationships reflected in the new model, steps can be taken to counteract organizational failures in the process of practical drift in teams.

All of the People, All of the Time: An Analysis of Public Reaction to the Use of Deception by Political Elites

Miller, Jakob A. 27 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Voices Behind Bars : Exploring the Experiences of Palestinian Women in Israeli Prisons

Maqboul, Fatenah January 2024 (has links)
Palestinian women detained in Israeli prisons are often subjected to systemic human rights violations. This study examines the treatment of Palestinian women in Israeli prisons, examining the extent to which these experiences align with or diverge from international human rights norms. Through rigorous analysis of existing literature, legal frameworks, and firsthand accounts, this study aims to contribute to the discourse on human rights and justice within the context of Palestinian incarceration. By examining various aspects of their treatment, including but not limited to conditions of detention, interrogation methods, access to legal representation, and healthcare provision, this research seeks to provide a nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by women within Israeli prison facilities. The findings from interviews with Palestinian female prisoners provide compelling evidence of the systematic abuses of human rights perpetrated by Israeli authorities within the prison system. In light of these findings, it is imperative to advocate for reforms within the Israeli prison system, with a focus on upholding the rights and dignity of Palestinian female detainees.

NCAA Violations and Institutional Self-Sanctions: Assessing the Impact on Alumni Charitable Contributions

Thomas-Seltzer, Ashley 05 1900 (has links)
The growing commercialism within Division I big-time athletics has raised the financial stakes for universities, as successful athletic programs benefit from increased opportunities for financial gain. This has contributed to a pervasive "win culture" that drives institutions to seek competitive advantages, and as a side effect, NCAA rule violations have become incentivized. Programs whose infractions go unnoticed may benefit from the competitive advantage gained, but for programs investigated by the NCAA, the financial penalties incurred may far outweigh the potential revenues from undetected violations. The purpose of this study was to address institutional self-sanctions as an organizational behavior in response to NCAA major infractions and the impact of self-sanctioning on alumni charitable giving. Through the use of neo-institutional and resource dependence theories, this study aimed to further examine the role of institutional self-sanctions as a crisis management strategy in containing financial fallout of athletic scandal. While researchers have addressed scandal and alumni charitable giving in relation to athletics and institutional self-sanctions, respectively, no research exists linking the two bodies of literature. This study employed a two-way fixed effects analysis of 10 years of panel data to address the effect of key variables on alumni charitable giving. Analysis results indicated no significant relationship between institutional self-sanctions and alumni charitable giving. However, alumni charitable giving was mitigated by institutional endowment per FTE, suggesting that larger scale financial structures of an institution serve as the best predictor for alumni charitable giving during athletic scandal.

Defesa da concorrência e bem-estar do consumidor / Competition defense and consumer welfare

Pfeiffer, Roberto Augusto Castellanos 11 June 2010 (has links)
O objeto da tese de doutorado é a análise da relação entre a defesa da concorrência e a proteção do consumidor, duas políticas públicas que proporcionam benefícios mútuos e devem ser executadas de modo harmônico, havendo substrato normativo e teórico para incluir a preocupação com o bem-estar do consumidor como um dos objetivos da política de defesa da concorrência. No Brasil tal harmonização é uma imposição constitucional, já que a livre concorrência, a repressão ao abuso do poder econômico e a defesa do consumidor são princípios conformadores da ordem econômica. É defendida a utilização de um conceito unificado de consumidor, sendo adotada a teoria finalista, que o define como o destinatário final econômico do bem ou serviço. As duas políticas utilizam diferentes instrumentos e perspectivas na tutela do bem-estar do consumidor, o que fica claro na proteção do direito de escolha. O Código de Defesa do Consumidor oferece a isonomia como remédio para compensar a vulnerabilidade, estabelecendo regras destinadas à uma escolha consciente, sobretudo o direito à informação adequada e veraz. Já as normas de defesa da concorrência resguardam a liberdade preocupando-se em preservar a possibilidade de escolha entre mais de um fornecedor de produtos ou serviços. O exemplo mais contundente dá-se no controle de estruturas: a atuação das autoridades responsáveis pela análise dos atos de concentração é vinculada à preservação do excedente do consumidor e das condições imprescindíveis ao exercício do direito de escolha, sendo vedada a aprovação de fusões que prejudiquem o bemestar do consumidor. No âmbito repressivo a harmonização das duas políticas é intensificada com a colaboração entre as autoridades de defesa da concorrência e de proteção do consumidor para a fiscalização de condutas que configurem, ao mesmo tempo, infrações contra a ordem econômica e práticas abusivas, cuja dupla capitulação não acarreta bis in idem, pois são distintas as esferas jurídicas tuteladas, havendo assim diversidade de fundamentos. É salientada a importância das ações coletivas para reparação de danos causados aos consumidores por infrações contra a ordem econômica e defendida a adoção dos danos multiplicados e a manutenção da destinação dos valores arrecadados por multas a infrações contra a ordem econômica ao Fundo Federal de Direitos Difusos. / The thesis analyzes the relationship between the competition defense and the consumer protection, both public policies that offer mutual benefits and must be carried out in a harmonic way. So, there is a normative and theoretical substratum concerning the consumer welfare as one of the objectives of the antitrust policy. In Brazil such harmonization is imposed by the Constitution, since the free competition, the repression of the abuse of the economic power and the consumer protection are principles that pertain to the constitutional economic order. In this paper consumer is regarded as a unified concept, i.e., the economic final user of goods or services. Both policies use different instruments and perspectives for the protection of the consumer welfare, what is clear in the enforcement of the right of choice. The Consumer Defense Code refers to the isonomy as a remedy to make up for the vulnerability, establishing rules for a conscious choice, especially the right to the proper, true and accurate information. The antitrust rules are concerned with the freedom of choice and the possibilities of option from more than one supplier of products or services. The most outstanding example is related to the merger control: the antitrust authorities are required to guarantee a consumer surplus and the necessary conditions to exercise the right of choice, being totally banned the approval of mergers that may be harmful to the consumer welfare. The harmonization of both policies in the repression scope is intensified with the cooperation between antitrust and consumer protection authorities regarding to the law enforcement against practices that may represent infractions of the competition and of the consumer protection rules, as well. The thesis emphasizes the importance of class actions to repair consumer damages caused by antitrust law violations and defends the adoption of the multiplied damages and the maintenance of the allocation to the Diffuse Rights Federal Fund of amounts raised by fines collected by the Antitrust Authorities.

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