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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Robot Condition Monitoring and Production Simulation

Karlsson, Martin, Hörnqvist, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
The automated industry is in a growing phase and the human tasks is increasingly replaced by robots and other automation solutions. The increasing industry entails that the automations must be reliable and condition monitoring plays an important role in achieving that ambition. By utilizing condition monitoring of a machine it is possible to detect a wear before it turns into a critical damage that could result in complete failure. A useful tool when monitoring the condition of a machine is by sampling and analyzing vibrations. Vibrations are generated by the moving parts of the machinery and high amplitude vibrations can often be seen as an indication of the developed faults. The frequency of these vibrations can be calculated and then detected in the sampled data. Today there is no condition monitoring system that monitor industrial robots by analyzing vibrations. The problem with analyzing robots, is that they operate with a varying speed. Since the running conditions are changing rapidly all the time, this means that the vibration frequencies also changes constantly. This is due to the fact that the vibration frequencies are dependent and affected of the operation speed. This research is a sequel and continuation of a research from previous year. The purpose of the research is to investigate the possibility to monitor the condition of a gearbox in a industrial robot, by utilizing vibration analysis. The robot that has been tested under tuff conditions in order to reach a failure, is an ABB IRB 6600. To sample data in a stationary way even tough the speed is changing during the sample time, the method order tracking has been utilized. This makes it possible to sample data with numbers of measurement per rotation instead of sampling according to time. This is processed by SKF:s condition monitoring system multilog IMx and the signal is then presented as a time waveform in the software @ptitude Observer. In Observer, it is also possible to show the signal in a spectrum by using Fast Fourier Transform. By utilizing MATLAB, the research has also resulted in a new analyzing method. This method is called Spectral Auto-Correlation. The methodology of this practice is to correlated the time waveform with itself in order to see which frequencies that are reappearing. The correlated result is then calculated with a Fast Fourier Transform to illustrate the signal in a spectrum for further analysis. During the analysis of the parts in the gearbox, critical defects were found on both the cycloidal disks. The fault frequency for the defects were calculated and analyzed from the data. This resulted in trends where the amplitude from the fault frequency had more than doubled over the time the robot has been operating in the project. This report also include a production simulation where a robot cell from SKF is simulated. The robot cell is simulated with and without a condition monitoring system. A comparison was then made to see what advantages there were with utilizing a condition monitoring system. The result of the simulation was an increased productivity with two to three percent.

Optimization of Remote ServiceSolution for large installations : Wireless LAN and WAN for ABB Robotics

Stenbom, Håkan January 2011 (has links)
This report describes a thesis work carried out at ABB Robotics in Västerås. The objective of this thesis is to find technologies  and equipments  for wireless data transfer  suitable for the present and future needs of ABB Robotics Remote Service for large installations in industrial environments. ABB Robotics has a Remote Service solution to securely gather information from robots, manage alarms and potentially execute remote commands by ABB Robotics. This solution consists of an intelligent Service  Box plugged to the robot. This  Service Box is also connected through GPRS or directly through Internet to create a secure VPN connection to a central Remote Service  server. The Remote Service Box is well  suited  for small customers with  1-10 robots with plug  and play installation, but show limitations at a larger scale of deployment  due to equipment costs,  network and installation complexity. A new Service Box is planned that will accommodate future added functionality to Remote Service. This Service Box will require new network solutions as the added functionality  is depending on a higher bandwidth than the GPRS networks can deliver. I have surveyed most existing  wireless  networking technologies  and  analyzed  them  withrespect  to function, cost and availability which provide a knowledge base that makes it possible to find  suitable  solutions. When the most suitable technologies are identified a survey was performed to find equipments that meet the requirements at the lowest cost. A new hierarchical network topology is proposed  that will lead to cost savings by replacing multiple WAN connections in the present solution with  a network switch and  single WAN connection to Internet. As manufacturers of network equipments for industrial environments are relatively few, alternative solutions were also investigated in order to find the most cost effective solutions. The  proposed  network topology together with the data from the surveys lead to recommendations on using Wi-Fi  in the wireless LAN and  a  3G mobile  network for the WAN connection to Internet, as well as recommendations on alternative network equipments that  potentially  can  lead to substantial savings when the new network solutions are implemented.

Dielektrické vlastnosti epoxidových pryskyřic / Dielectric properties of epoxy resins

Matoušová, Klára January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the fundamental properties of epoxide mixtures, as determining of these fundamental properties of epoxide mixtures could in the case of favorable results lead to diminishing the amount of defects in epoxide-embedded instrument transformers. As the influence of effects in the manufacturing process of transformers causing poor quality is very extensit, the biggest emphasis is laid capitally on the influence of the epoxide casting mixture composition. The thesis describes the manufacture technology including used methodics and materials. The compositions of epoxide resins and the mechanisms of their curing. Also, the definitions of fundamental properties of dielectric materials and the description of diagnostic methods used to relative permitivity, dissipation factor and inner resistivity are included. suitable casts of acquired samples were set and dried out within the experimental part, followed by measurement of fundamental electrical properties in temperature and frequency relations. Hereafter a comparison of individual samples and the evaluation of their electrical properties will be carried out.

Design, konstruktion och validering avrobothantering för omflyttning mellan fixturer / Design, construction and validation of a robot for objecttransportation between fixtures

Thisner, Mattias January 2022 (has links)
LightLab är ett företag som befinner sig i en expansionsfas. Automatisering innebär att göra enprocess mer eller mindre självfungerande, utan mänsklig inverkan. Detta används för att tillexempel effektivisera, öka kvalitén och/eller avlasta människans arbete i en process. I dettaavseende vill LightLab titta på att automatisera en förflyttning av ett glas (glaschipp) mellan tvåfixturer.I arbetet läggs en teoretisk grund där olika robotmodeller undersöks för att ta fram den somlämpar sig bäst efter LightLabs behov. Det avgörs i en nulägesanalys där kraven specificeras. Enkollaborativ version av länkarmsroboten tas fram som det bästa generella förslaget tillutförandet. Därtill kommer en analys av och förslag på verktyg till roboten för att kunna greppatag om glaset samt förslag på visionsystem för kvalitetssäkring av chippet. Den generellalösningen testas sedan i fysiska experiment samt i simuleringsmjukvaran RobotStudio.Efter att simuleringen är gjord kommer en marknadsundersökning för att hitta kollaborativalänkarmsrobotar som uppfyller kravspecifikationen. Slutligen läggs ett lösningsförslag på tremodeller fram som ett resultat av förstudien. GoFa (ABB), iisy ( KUKA) eller UR3e (UniversalRobots). ABB och KUKA är även intressanta utifrån deras övriga modeller av industrirobotaroch god kontakt med dem samt erfarenhet av deras robotsystem kan ge en god grund införframtiden.Det tillkommer fortsatt arbete med att designa och implementera gripdon av något slag där så välsugkoppar som mekaniskt gripdon är möjliga verktyg till roboten. Ett sugkoppsverktyg somgriper tag i chippet underifrån ger minst påverkan på chippet.Det viosionsystem som finns på LightLab, Gocator inline 2420, kan användas förkvalitetssäkring av glaschippen. Ett 2D-visionsystem är ett gångbart alternativ.I framtiden då produktionsledet blir mer fast kommer det behövas andra modeller av robotar somutför specifika uppgifter. KUKA och ABB är därför favoriter bland de tre då en god kontakt ocherfarenhet med deras system kan ge en mindre tröskel in till framtida utvecklingssteg.

Mixed reality for assembly processes, programming and guiding

Peirotén López de Arbina, Borja, Romero Luque, Elisabeth María January 2023 (has links)
Assembly processes are an integral part of many industries, including manufacturing and production. These processes typically involve the use of robots and automated equipment to perform tasks such as picking, placing, and joining components. One solution is Mixed Reality (MR), which combines virtual and real-world elements to create an immersive environment for the operator. MR technology can be used to guide operators through the assembly process, providing real-time feedback and instructions, as well as allowing them to program the assembly process and adjust as needed.  The project was focused on developing a user interface for the Hololens 2 glasses that would allow operators to select different tools and robots and configure targets and processes for an assembly station. The team also developed a system to send information about targets, paths, and joint values to the virtual and real robot, which allowed operators to easily program the robot to perform the assembly process. It was possible to develop and test the MR system in a real-world assembly setting, evaluating its effectiveness in improving the efficiency and accuracy of the process. This project wants to demonstrate the potential of MR technology for improving assembly processes and to provide a proof-of-concept for future development in this field. / <p>Utbytesstudenter</p>

Produktionsoptimering av elektromagnetiska omrörare - "ORD 43P" och "EM Stabilizer"

Kabroo, Carl Gustaf, Willenius, Robert January 2013 (has links)
Examensarbetet inom produktutveckling – konstruktion utfördes under perioden februari till juni 2013 och omfattar 15 högskolepoäng (C-nivå), och är den slutliga kursen inom högskoleingenjörsprogrammet Innovation och produktdesign. Examensarbetet behandlade problematiken kring produktionsanpassning och kostnadsoptimering av två stycken elektromagnetiska omrörare vid företaget ABB, Process Automation, Metallurgy i Västerås. Efter kontakt med handledaren från ABB, Jan-Erik Eriksson, påbörjades projektarbetet med att tillverkningsanpassa konstruktionen av produkterna ORD 43P och EM Stabilizer. För att åstadkomma kostnadsoptimerad och produktionsanpassad konstruktion tillämpade författarna följande produktutvecklingsverktyg: Design for Cost, Design for Manufacture och Design for Assembly. För att kontrollera att konstruktionen blev optimal, men också att den inte brister under belastning använde examensarbetarna det datorbaserade hållfasthetsverktyget finita elementmetoden i CAD-programmet SolidWorks. Val av komponenter baserades på komponenternas pris per kilo. För att välja det optimala materialet, det vill säga högsta hållfasthet till lägsta pris använde författarna materialdatabasprogrammet CES EduPack. De utvalda materialen från programmet kunde inte författarna påfinna som standard på marknaden, varför författarna ändrade strategi till att jämföra och välja material utifrån marknadsundersökning av standardmaterial hos leverantörer.   ORD 43Ps komponenter optimerades konstruktionsmässigt gentemot befintliga komponenter och härvstag och isolerplattor kostnadsreducerades markant. Komponenten stomme grundutförande undersöktes översiktligt.  Genom att produktutveckla komponenterna härvstag, isolerplattor och stomme grundutförande minskade kostnaderna för ORD 43P med 2,47 %.  Författarna ansåg att ORD 43Ps totala kostnader kan minska mellan 10-25 % eftersom många av dess komponenter är överdimensionerade och består av dyrare material än vad som krävs.  EM Stabilizer’s komponenter, lock och tryckluftsslang, utformades med optimal konstruktion och kostnadsreducerades.  Genom att produktutveckla komponenterna lock och tryckluftsslang minskade kostnaderna för EM Stabilizer med 1,3 %.  Författarna förmodar att EM Stabilizer’s kostnader kan minska, eftersom den är relativt ny på marknaden. ABB vill säkerställa att produkten uppnår sin garanterade livslängd genom att överdimensionera många av produktens komponenter och använda dyrare material än vad som är nödvändigt. / The thesis in product development – design was carried out between February and June 2013 and includes 15 credits (C-level), and is the final course of the Bachelor Program in Engineering, Innovation and Product Design.  The thesis dealt with the problem of adaptation to production and cost optimization of two pieces of electromagnetic stirrers at the company ABB, Process Automation, Metallurgy in Västerås. After contact with the supervisor from ABB, Jan-Erik Eriksson, the project work commenced to adapt the manufacturing design of the product ORD 43P and EM Stabilizer. To achieve cost-optimized production and production adapted design, the authors applied the following product development tools: Design for Cost, Design for Manufacture and Design for Assembly. To verify that the design was optimal, but also that it did not break during stress, the authors used the computer based module finite element method of the CAD program SolidWorks.  The selection of components was based on the component’s price per kilo.  To select the optimum material, that is high strength and affordable, the authors used the material database software CES EduPack. The materials selected from CES EduPack could not be found by the authors as standard material at the market. Therefore, the authors changed strategy to compare and select materials based on market research of standard materials with suppliers. The components of ORD 43P were optimized in terms of design in comparison with existing components coil bracket and insulation boards. They were also cost reduced significantly. The component frame base was examined briefly.  Through product development the components coil bracket, insulating boards and frame base the total cost of ORD 43P was reduced by 2,47 %.  The authors found that the total cost of ORD 43P could be reduced between 10-25 % as many of its components are oversized and made ​​of more expensive materials than needed.  The components of EM Stabilizer, cover and pneumatic hose, were designed with optimum design and was cost reduced.Through product development the components cover and pneumatic hose the costs of EM stabilizer were reduced by 1,3 %.  The authors assume that the costs of the EM Stabilizer can be reduced, because it is relatively new at the market. ABB want to ensure that the product reach its guaranteed life by over-sizing many of the components of the product and use more expensive material than necessary. / Kostnadssänkningsprojekt

Designkoncept i kontorsmiljö : Rumslig gestltning med berättarteknik i fokus

Westöö, Malin January 2017 (has links)
This is a study about how storytelling can be used in office environments to communicate the corporate culture. The concept corporate storytelling has been questioned by organisations and company’s weather the purpose is to sell products or trademarks. In this study I use ABB as an example of telling a story with help from there corporate culture. To understand the business culture of ABB, workshop, interviews and spatial analysis are used as methods. With the support of literature and the result of the methods used a design proposal has been created. Stories that are built on meaning and narrative activity have become new definitions that you now apply in a office environment. It is possibly to tell a story by using different design principles and use a room or a space as a starting-point. By telling a story with the design of the office environment the users could be able to understand their corporate culture. The concept that is created is built on gathered empirics of people in the company. The result can give the user an understanding about the corporate culture in their company and with that knowledge use the space as a benefit at work. / Detta arbete är en studie i hur det är möjligt att tillämpa teorier inom storytelling i en rumslig miljö för att kommunicera ett företags kultur. Företag och organisationer kan vara skeptiska kring corporate storytelling, då begreppet ofta används utifrån syfte att sälja en produkt eller ett varumärke. I detta examensarbete diskuteras huvudsakligen hur ett företag eller organisation kan förmedla ett budskap i en rumslig miljö. Arbetet utforskar hur det är möjligt att berätta om kulturen på ett företag genom rumsliga element som samtidigt stödjer arbetsmiljön. Som en utgångspunkt för att förstå den kultur som finns inom ett företag har en fallstudie gjorts på ett existerande företag, ABB, där fokusgrupp, intervju och platsanalys använts som metoder. Med vetenskaplig litteratur och resultat av metoder har ett designkoncept skapats. Hur trenderna ser ut kring arkitektur och inredning på olika arbetsplatser har utforskats i arbetet. Berättelser som bygger på meningsproduktion och berättaraktivitet har blivit nya begrepp som appliceras inom berättarteknik, här finns en potential i att använda rummet som budbärare för berättelser. Med metoder och teorier som lyfter fram berättandet genom rummet och användare så har ett designkoncept i rumslig miljö utformats. Förslaget presenterar ett koncept för hur rummet kan gestalta en berättelse där användarna kan känna igen sig och identifiera det företag de arbetar i.

Förbättring av monteringsstation för plockningsroboten IRB 360 FlexPicker

Nisar, Asim January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is about product and process development. The thesis has been done at ABB Robotics AB in Västerås under 20 weeks with half study pace, which is equivalent to 15 higher education credits (15hp). Thesis purpose was to improve an assembly station for assembling of robot IRB 360. Problems at the assembly station are that there are some non-value-creating activities and assembling methods which correspond to low safety factor for workers. The focus of thesis was to investigate opportunities and to produce solid proposals for how to eliminate these problems. After a written contract with ABB AB, the work started with the planning with the company supervisor and Gantt Schema was created to schedule all steps for this project, to ensure during the process. The project has followed the methods described in the book "Produktutveckling konstruktion och design " by Karl T Ulrich &amp; Steven D Eppinger. Product development tools like Quality function deployment (QFD), functional analysis, specification of requirement and Pugh's analysis matrix have been used in the development process. In the first phase of the project, observation and investigation has been performed to identify and analyse problems. In the later phases, ideas and concepts has created to solve the problems and achieve successful results. The result of the project is an improved material flow at assembling stations which eliminates nonvalue-creating activities and leads to better safety for workers. Another result of the project is an elimination of hand hammering at assembling station and for this purpose a new pressing tool has been developed for pressing down a seals around radial shaft in assembling process. The software Solidworks has been used to create a new 3D layout for the existing assembly station to understand and find the better solution for material flow. Solidworks is also used for doing Finite element method (FEM) analysis to validate the new developed pressing tool. / Detta examensarbete handlar om produkt och processutveckling. Arbetet utfördes hos ABB Robotics AB i Västerås och bedrivs under 20 veckor långt på halvfart vilket motsvarar 15 högskolepoäng. Uppdraget är att förbättra en monteringsstation för plockningsrobot IRB360 FlexPicker. Problem på monteringsstation är att det sker icke värdeskapande aktiviteter, och monteringsprocess som leder till arbetsmiljöproblem. Arbetet fokus var att undersöka möjligheter och ta fram konkreta förslag att hur man kan eliminera dessa problem. Efter skriftligt kontrakt med ABB AB, arbetet började med planeringen med företaget handledare och skapades Gantt Schema. Projektet har följt metoderna som beskrivs i boken ”Produktutveckling konstruktion och design” av författare Karl T Ulrich &amp; Steven D Eppinger. I utvecklingsprocessen har använt produktutvecklingsverktyg, några av dessa är QFD, funktionsanalys, kravspecifikation och Pughs analysmatris. I första fas av projekt gjorde undersökning och observation för att hitta och analysera problem. I senare faserna genererade koncepter för åtgärden och sedan vidare utvecklades utvalda koncept för nå framgångsrikt resultat. Resultatet av arbetet blev förbättrad materialflöde som eliminerar icke värdeskapande aktiviteter. Dessutom utvecklades fram ett nytt pressverktyg som eliminerar arbetsmiljöproblem. Mjukvaran Solidworks har använt för att skapa en ny layout för monteringsstation. Med hjälp av Solidworks gjordes FEM -analys (Finita elementmetoden) för att validera den nya pressverktyg

Simulace přestupu tepla v nízkonapěťovém rozváděči MNS / Simulation of Heat Transfer in Low-Voltage Switchboard MNS - Optimization of Heat Transfer into The Switchboard

Czudek, Aleš January 2015 (has links)
The thesis includes diagnostics temperature field of industrial low voltage. Place of origin, flow and heat transfer are important aspects in the design of the switchgear, especially in terms of proper equipment layout. The correctness of the design of the switchgear is verified by measuring the practical temperature field during testing or in work mode. To determine the temperature profile, it is necessary to measure the temperature at various points of the switchgear, either contact or contactless method. Measurements are performed on standardized low voltage switchboards, which are located power elements. The goal is to replace costly and time-consuming field testing switchgear efficient simulation of the temperature field mathematical model developed switchboards.

Analýza mechanického namáhání při zkratu ve vzduchem izolovaném rozváděči vn / Analysis of Mechanical Stress during Short Circuit in an Air-Insulated MV Switchgear

Bártů, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This Master thesis is based on problems of force effects of the magnetic field of short-circuit current. Firstly, I analysed the force action of the three phase busbars during the three-pole short circuit. The analysis was performed in the Ansys Maxwell program and I verified the correctness of the analysis by numerical calculation. The second practical part was executed for ABB company. The main task was to analyse the force effects of the short-circuit current in the HV switchgear with focusing on the arms and contact system of the circuit breaker. The simulations of the following configurations were performed in more details: three configurations of the simplified VD4 circuit breaker, two types of VD4 circuit-breaker contact systems and a linear circuit breaker configuration model. The objective was to calculate the forces acting on the current path of the arms and contact system of the VD4 circuit breaker during the three-phase short-circuit and to simulate the effects of forces on these current parts. For modelling of individual assemblies, calculations and simulations I used: SolidWorks 2014, Ansys Maxwell 16.0 and Ansys Workbench 14.5 programs. With SolidWorks 2014 3D CAD software were modelled simplified assemblies of circuit breakers and contact systems. These systems were imported into the Ansys Maxwell software, where the force effects of the magnetic field of the short-circuit current were calculated. In Ansys Workbench programme was simulated the effect of forces on the current circuit breakers. Moreover, the final deformations of the materials (with respect to the mechanical properties of the structure) were plotted. The analysis of force effects of the magnetic field was performed for the specified static short - circuit current value.

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