Spelling suggestions: "subject:"agroecologia""
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Desempenho de alface (Lactuca sativa L.) consorciada com diferentes adubos verdes / Performance of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) intercropped with different green manuresAna Clarissa Alves Negrini 18 July 2007 (has links)
Os sistemas de produção agrícola atuais são em sua maioria ecologicamente impactantes e utilizam altas quantidades de recursos naturais. Nesse contexto, a produção de hortaliças é uma atividade que se caracteriza pelo uso intensivo da terra com alta demanda por insumos e requer a adoção de estratégias de manejo com enfoque agroecológico de modo a sustentar sua produção. Dessa maneira, tendo em vista a crise ambiental na qual o planeta se insere, há a necessidade de se buscar formas sustentáveis de produção. Com o intuito de se avaliar a viabilidade de se aliar duas práticas utilizadas em sistemas de produção sustentáveis, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito da consorciação de adubos verdes com alface quanto ao seu desempenho agronômico. Foi utilizado delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas, e seis repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de alface consorciada em linha e em sistema de adição com os adubos verdes aveia-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb.), caupi [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] e tremoço-branco (Lupinus albus L.). Os adubos verdes foram semeados em 4 épocas distintas anteriormente ao transplante da hortaliça, sendo que estas épocas foram 60, 40, 20 e 0 dias. Os parâmetros avaliados para o desempenho de alface foram peso fresco de cabeça, peso seco de cabeça, diâmetro de cabeça, altura de cabeça, número de folhas por cabeça, peso fresco de raiz, peso seco de raiz, comprimento de raiz e altura do pendão floral. Foram também avaliados peso fresco e peso seco dos adubos verdes. Concluiu-se que a alface não-consorciada exibiu desempenho superior para a maioria dos parâmetros avaliados. As espécies adubos verdes, bem como sua época de semeadura em relação ao estabelecimento do consórcio influenciaram de maneiras diferentes o desempenho da hortaliça. Dentre os adubos verdes, o tremoço-branco resultou em melhor desempenho da alface consorciada em comparação com o caupi. O plantio simultâneo da alface e dos adubos verdes resultou nos melhores desempenhos da hortaliça, e a semeadura dos adubos verdes com 40 dias de antecedência do transplante da alface resultou em desempenhos inferiores para a maioria dos parâmetros. / The agricultural production systems currently used are in most cases ecologically impacting and use high amounts of natural resources. Within this context, vegetable production is an activity characterized by intensive land use and high demand for farm inputs, requiring the adoption of an agroecological management approach for sustaining its production. Thus, with the environmental crisis which the planet is in, it is necessary to search for healthy agriculture methods. With the purpose of evaluating the viability of joining two sustainable agriculture practices, the present work aimed at studying the effect of intercropping green manures with lettuce in its performance. A randomized complete blocks design, with six replicates was used. Treatments consisted of lettuce intercropped in rows in additive design with the green manures black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.), cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] and white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Intercropping was established in four different green manure sowing dates (60, 40, 20 and 0) prior to lettuce transplanting. Measurements in lettuce included fresh weight, dry weight, number of leaves, diameter of head, length of head, root fresh weight, root dry weight, root length and length of bolting plants. Measurements in green manures included fresh and dry weight. The monocropped lettuces had a better performance than the intercropped ones in most evaluated parameters. Green manure species and sowing date prior to lettuce transplant had different effects on the vegetable performance. Among the green manures, white lupin resulted in a better intercropped lettuce performance compared to cowpea. The simultaneous lettuce and green manures planting resulted in a better vegetable performance. When the green manures were sowed 40 days before lettuce transplanting the vegetable had its worst performance for most evaluated parameters.
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Ingénierie agroécologique et santé des cultures : Conception innovante de systèmes de cultures recourant aux plantes mycorhizotrophes pour la bioprotection de la tomate contre le flétrissement bactérien / Agroecological engineering and crop health : innovative design of cropping systems mixing mycorrhizal plants to biocontrol tomoat bacterial wiltOffroy-Chave, Marie 06 February 2015 (has links)
L’ingénierie agroécologique vise à produire des savoirs actionnables, pour concevoir des systèmes de cultures économiquement et écologiquement performants, par la valorisation de régulations naturelles. Notre problématique est centrée sur la santé des cultures, et plus particulièrement sur la bactérie phytopathogène Ralstonia solanacearum, agent du flétrissement bactérien alors qu’une souche extrêmement agressive menace la production de tomates en plein champ en Martinique. La nécessité d’explorer et de développer des alternatives aux méthodes conventionnelles de protection des plantes (variétés résistantes, pesticides), actuellement inefficaces, invite à la mise en œuvre d’une démarche de conception innovante. Nos travaux montrent que la mobilisation d’une barrière rhizosphérique est une stratégie de régulation biologique alternative. Différents processus y contribuent, telle que la mycorhization, symbiose entre racines et champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules, présents dans la plupart des sols. Nous montrons que la mobilisation de réseaux de mycorhizes indigènes à partir d’un sol agricole permet une mycorhization précoce de la tomate. De plus, l’association de plantes aux propriétés mycorhizotrophes et assainissantes en conditions contrôlées montre des effets bioprotecteurs partiels et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives de combinaisons entre processus. Ces combinaisons sont mobilisables par des leviers d’actions multi-scalaires. Nous avons produit une grille d’analyse générique de ces leviers d’action pour la conception, par des trajectoires d’innovation multidirectionnelles, de « systèmes de culture bioprotégés ». Dans le contexte agricole martiniquais, une démarche d’apprentissage permet en effet l’émergence d’une dynamique de co-conception de systèmes de cultures recourant aux plantes mycorhizotrophes. Nos travaux proposent des outils pour une exploration collective de nouvelles stratégies de gestion durable de la santé des cultures. / Agroecological engineering aims to produce actionable knowledge to design economically and environmentally efficient cropping systems, based on the exploitation of natural regulation mechanisms. Our issue is centered on crop health, especially on the plant pathogenic bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum (bacterial wilt agent), of which an extremely aggressive strain threatens field tomato production in Martinique. The need to explore and develop alternatives to conventional methods of plant protection (resistant varieties, pesticides), ineffective in our case, calls for the implementation of an innovative design approach. Our work shows that the protection of the roots via the formation of a self-sustaining rhizospheric barrier may be an alternative biological control strategy. Different processes contribute, such as mycorrhizal symbiosis between roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, which are present in most soils. We show that the mobilization of indigenous mycorrhizal networks from an agricultural soil allows early mycorrhization of tomatoes. In addition, the association of plants with mycorrhizal and sanitizing properties in controlled conditions showed partial bioprotective effects and opens up new prospects for combinations between processes. These combinations may be exploited in various ways. We produced a generic analysis grid of key levers to design "healthy cropping systems " through multi-directional innovation trajectories. In Martinique's agricultural context, a learning process allows the emergence of a dynamic co-design of cropping systems using mycorrhizal plants. Our work thus provides tools for collective exploration of new sustainable management strategies for crop health.
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Avaliação da qualidade fisiológica e sanitária de sementes de abóbora variedade menina brasileira / Evaluation of physiological and health quality of squash seeds variety menina brasileiraCasaroli, Derblai 04 February 2005 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Knowing the importance of to evaluate the physiological and health quality of the seeds, this present work objectived to determine the exposition period of the seeds at shortest temperature in the cold test and the temperature and the aging period in the accelerated aging test and to compare vigour tests to determination of the physiological potential of seeds. To evaluate the health quality and the correlation her with the physiological quality of squash seeds objectived too. Two seed lots of squash, variety Menina Brasileira (Cucurbita moschata Duch.), produced in the agroecological system and four lots produced in the conventional system, with chemical treatment or without, were evaluated. In the chapter I, studying the cold test, with exposition periods three, five, seven and nine days at to 10 °C of constant
temperature were evaluated. In the accelerated aging test, were studied the temperature of 41 °C and 44 °C for aging periods of 24, 48 and 72 hours. Was detemined the umidity degree of the seeds, before and after the accelerated aging. For the comparation between tratments, in the two tests studied, was determined the germination and the vigour (first count, germination speed index and seedling emergence tests) of the lots. The exposition period of five days at shortest temperature was the best to the cold test and 41 °C and 48 hours were the conditions more adequate for the accelerated aging test. In the chapter II, were compared the germination first count, germination speed index, cool germination, accelerated aging, seedling emergence at to seven, 14 and 21 days after sowing, emergence speed index, dry biomass partial and total of seedlings evaluated at to six days after sowing and dry biomass partial and total of plants evaluated at to 21 days after sowing. The results indicated that the germination first count, accelerated aging, dry biomass of root, stem, root and stem, and leafs of plants evalueted at to 21 days after sawing, were prudents the more efficiente tests to evaluate the physiological
potential of the squash seeds. In the chapter III, the seed lots were submitted to health tests, following methodology of Blotter test freezing, correlating with the germination and vigour (obtained in the chapter I and II). The fungal Fusarium spp., Alternaria spp., Rhizopus spp., Penicillium spp., Cladosporium spp. and Phoma spp were detached associated with seeds. Dead seeds were not found despite incidence of fungal. The fungal incidence not interfered of significative form in the physiological quality of squash seeds. / Tendo em vista a importância de avaliar a qualidade fisiológica e sanitária das sementes, o presente estudo teve como objetivos, determinar o período de exposição das sementes à baixa temperatura no teste de frio e a temperatura e o
período de estresse no teste de envelhecimento acelerado e comparar testes de vigor, para determinação do potencial fisiológico das sementes. Também foi objetivo, avaliar a qualidade sanitária das sementes, correlacionando-a com a qualidade fisiológica de lotes de sementes de abóbora. Foram avaliados dois lotes de sementes de abóbora, variedade Menina Brasileira (Cucurbita moschata Duch.), produzidos no sistema agroecológico e quatro lotes produzidos no sistema
convencional, com e sem tratamento químico. No capítulo I, ao estudar o teste de frio, avaliaram-se os períodos de três, cinco, sete e nove dias de exposição a temperatura constante de 10 °C. No teste de envelhecimento acelerado, estudaramse as temperaturas de 41 e 44 °C nos períodos de estresse de 24, 48 e 72 horas. Determinou-se o grau de umidade antes e após o envelhecimento. Para comparação
entre os tratamentos, nos dois testes estudados, determinaram-se a germinação e o vigor (primeira contagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação e
emergência) dos lotes. O período de cinco dias foi o mais indicado para a exposição à baixa temperatura no teste de frio. Para o teste de envelhecimento acelerado, as condições mais adequadas para o estresse foram 41 °C por 48 horas. No capítulo II, compararam-se os testes de primeira contagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, temperatura sub-ótima, envelhecimento acelerado, emergência aos
sete, 14 e 21 dias após a semeadura, índice de velocidade de emergência, fitomassa seca parcial e total de plântulas avaliadas aos seis dias após a semeadura (DAS) e de plantas avaliadas aos 21 DAS. Os testes de primeira contagem de
germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, fitomassa seca de raiz, de caule, de raiz e caule e de folhas de plantas, foram considerados promissores para a avaliação do potencial fisiológico das sementes de abóbora variedade Menina Brasileira. No capítulo III, aplicaram-se aos lotes de sementes os testes de sanidade ( Blotter test ), germinação e vigor (estudados nos capítulos anteriores). Foram detectados os
fungos Fusarium spp., Alternaria spp., Rhizopus spp., Penicillium spp., Cladosporium spp. e Phoma spp. Não foram encontradas sementes mortas, mesmo com a incidência de fungos. A incidência de fungos não interferiu significativamente na qualidade fisiológica das sementes de abóbora.
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Hållbart jordbruk? : En studie om ekobönders förvaltarskap / Sustainable agriculture? : A study on the stewardship of organic farmersStrandberg, Hans January 2015 (has links)
The term sustainable agriculture may be formulated, but not yet practically integrated in agriculture. This thesis investigates the organic farmers´ ideas and experiences of what they consider sustainable or not sustainable in agriculture. Using unstructured phone interviews and "walk-alongs" with KRAV-farmers in Kristianstad, I have sought to understand their ideas and experiences, inspired by the phenomenological approach. The thesis communicates the experiences of organic farmers of sustainable agriculture based on an explicit role as stewards of the same. How come they express themselves and act the way they do? Why are these issues important and how do they relate to each other? The result, using the three dimensions of economical, ecological and social sustainability, is presented. How farmers experience profitability, eco-awareness and influence in their stewardship are important. The overlapping areas for sustainability describe the need of fair terms in socioeconomic terms. Agroecologically, the stewards need to experience the work to be practically feasible, both financially and ecologically. Socioecologically, their stewardship becomes more acceptable within an eco-aware market, which adds to their individual creation of meaning. Even though there are ideas and experiences of what sustainable agriculture includes, this does not necessarily mean that this is what the farmers find in their work. In the eyes of these farmers, their experiences need to be more just, feasible and acceptable for sustainability. How farmers continue to handle complex choices in agriculture for economic, ecological and social sustainability is interesting; not only for the farmers themselves, but also in a societal perspective for long-term domestic food security. What they see as sustainable depends on the choices of other stakeholders and how the farmers themselves formulate goals and purpose with regard to their own farming. They argue that one thing leads to another, which the thesis gives plenty of practical examples of. The thesis should be seen as a normative contribution to the public debate about what is sustainable, listening to the voices of organic farmers.
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Viabilidade agroeconômica da hortelã (Mentha piperita L.) em dois cultivos sob doses de jitirana e épocas de colheita. / Agroeconomic viability of mint (Mentha piperita L.) in two crops under jitirana doses and harvesting times.ALMEIDA, Alany Moisa Bezerra de. 25 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Deyse Queiroz (deysequeirozz@hotmail.com) on 2018-05-25T13:08:12Z
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ALANY MOISA BEZERRA DE ALMEIDA -- DISSERTAÇÃO PPGSA PROFISSIONAL 2018..pdf: 841322 bytes, checksum: 839ba5af833854ad276c1cdc955c7341 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-25T13:08:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-11-29 / A hortelã é uma planta bastante utilizada como planta medicinal e alimentícia, sendo
produzida por agricultores em sistema familiar de produção. Dois experimentos foram
conduzidos na Fazenda Experimental Rafael Fernandes, no distrito de Alagoinha, zona
rural de Mossoró-RN, com o objetivo de avaliar o cultivo orgânico da hortelã sob
diferentes doses de jitirana e épocas de colheita. O primeiro experimento foi conduzido
no período de 13/08/2015 a 09/12/2015, e o segundo no período de 09/11/2015 a
10/12/2015, no delineamento experimental de blocos completos casualizados com os
tratamentos arranjados em esquema fatorial 4 x 3, com três repetições. O primeiro fator
foi constituído por quatro doses de jitirana (0,0; 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5 kg m-2 de canteiro em
base seca) e o segundo fator, correspondendo a três épocas de colheita (30; 60 e 90 dias
após o transplantio). Para a cultura da hortelã utilizou-se a cultivar “Mentha piperita”.
As características avaliadas foram as seguintes: altura da biomassa, produção de
biomassa, número de molhos, massa seca, teor e rendimento de óleo. Alguns
indicadores econômicos foram observados, tais como: custo de produção, renda bruta,
renda líquida, taxa de retorno e índice de lucratividade. Houve interação entre os
fatores-tratamentos para o primeiro cultivo (produção, número de molhos e teor de óleo)
e na rebrota da hortelã, nas características (rendimento e teor de óleo). No primeiro
cultivo, houve acréscimo no número de molhos de hortelã em função dos fatorestratamentos
com valores máximos de 1300; 3503 e 2651 unidades/100m2 nas épocas
30;60 e 90 dias, correspondendo as doses 1,3; 0,2 e 0,2 kg/m2, respectivamente. Na
rebrota apresentou número médio de molhos de 2805 unidades/100 m2 (30 dias) e 2542
unidades/100 m2 (60 dias). A dose de 0 kg m2 de jitirana na época de colheita de 60 dias
em primeiro cultivo, proporcionou rentabilidade liquida de R$ 3.458,00, taxa de retorno
da ordem de R$ 3,26 e índice de lucratividade de 69,3%. Para a rebrota ocorreu
rentabilidade liquida de R$ 2.753,00, taxa de retorno de 2,80 e índice de lucratividade
de 64,2% na dose de 0 kg m-2 e época de colheita de 30 dias. A produção de hortelã em
sistema orgânico de produção constitui-se em alternativa para o produtor. / The plant consortium presents itself as one of the most appropriate methods to the
practice of horticulture, in agroecological molds with numerous advantages in the
environmental aspect, productive and economical. Two experiments were conducted at
the Experimental Farm Rafael Fernandes in Alagoinha district, a rural area of Mossoró-
RN, in order to assess the agricultural economic viability of mint consortium with
coriander fertilized with manure jitirana more beef. The first experiment was conducted
in the period from 08.11.2015 to 11.05.2015 and the second experiment in the period
from 11.27.2015 to 22.03.2016, in a randomized complete block with treatments
arranged in a 2x4 factorial design with three replications. The first factor consisted of
monocropping and intercropping mint and coriander, and the second factor was the
different doses of jitirana mixed with manure (0.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 kg m- 2 site). For
mint culture was used to cultivate "Mentha piperita". For the coriander was used to
cultivate "Verdão". The characteristics evaluated for the Mint culture were as follows:
height of biomass, fresh weight, number of sauces, dry mass, oil content and yield. For
the coriander crop the following characteristics were evaluated: plant height, number of
stems plant-1, productivity, number of sauces and dry mass. Also economic indicators
were used, such as land equivalent ratio (LER), cost of production, gross income, net
income, rate of return and profitability index. The use of more manure jitirana cattle
contributed to the increase of the productive characteristics of the consortium in the two
growing seasons, with number of mint sauces 17.6 and 5.8 in 3.0 doses and 2.2 kg m-2
respectively. For coriander crop, the values were 16.5 and 15.3 m2 sauces in 3.0 kg dose
m-2, respectively. The equivalent area obtained in the two experiments were 1.72 and
1.78, respectively. The greater economic efficiency of the consortium was observed in
the first growing season with the application of 3.0 kg m-2 of more manure jitirana cattle
in an area of 100 m2, with gross income of R $ 3,761.00; net income of R $ 2,727.50;
return rate of R $ 3.64 and 72.52% profitability index.
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Sustentabilidade na cadeia de suprimento do algodão: um estudo de caso da relação entre uma empresa de calçados esportivos e produtores de algodão orgânicoFerraz, Fernanda Pompêo de Camargo 20 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Fernanda Ferraz (fpcf@hotmail.com) on 2018-06-20T20:53:52Z
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on 2018-06-21T21:18:28Z (GMT) / Submitted by Fernanda Ferraz (fpcf@hotmail.com) on 2018-06-22T11:57:16Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-06-20 / O início dos anos 2000 marcam uma nova ordem para a indústria da moda, que passa a ser demandada pelos impactos de sua cadeia de valor, evidenciando a afirmação de que empresas são avaliadas 'não apenas pelo valor econômico que adiciona[m], mas também pelo valor social e ambiental que cria[m] ou destroem' (ELKINGTON, 2004, p. 3). A cadeia do algodão – que representa 26% das matérias primas do setor têxtil – torna-se alvo de indução de práticas orientadas para uma cadeia de suprimento sustentável. Nesse contexto, o setor de algodão orgânico cresce representativamente, movido por grandes marcas que expandem coleções manufaturadas com algodão orgânico. Contudo, o algodão orgânico representa menos de 1% da produção mundial da fibra e sua adoção tem se revelado desafiadora para a indústria de moda em razão da complexidade de sourcing (originação). Reconhecendo tal contexto, a presente pesquisa pretende contribuir com a gestão sustentável da cadeia de suprimento do algodão orgânico e busca responder a seguinte questão: de que forma se dá a relação entre a indústria da moda e os agricultores familiares produtores de algodão orgânico? A pesquisa utiliza-se da metodologia de estudo de caso, envolve a cadeia de algodão da empresa de calçados (sneakers) Veja Fair Trade. A análise é baseada nos modelos de gestão sustentável da cadeia de suprimentos de Seuring e Müller (2008) e Pagell e Wu (2009). O estudo revela que as relações entre as empresas da indústria da moda e seus fornecedores agricultores familiares incluem novos comportamentos, como a participação ativa de ONGs, transparência e descomoditização, envolvendo negociação prévia à safra, pagamentos antecipados, preço acima do valor de mercado e premiações. Ao final, são apresentadas contribuições ao setor relativas à melhoria nas condições produtivas, à manutenção do jovem no campo e à integração do modelo agroecológico à denominada Indústria 4.0. / Early 2000s marked a new era for the fashion industry, that is demanded by the impact of its value chain emphasizing the statement that companies are assessed 'not only for the economic value that they add, but also for the social and environmental value that they create or destroy' (ELKINGTON, 2004, p. 3). Cotton chain – which represents 26% of the textile sector raw materials – turns into induction target of orientated practices for a sustainable supply chain. In this context, organic cotton sector grows representatively, moved by big brands that expand collections manufactured with organic cotton. However, organic cotton represents less than 1% of the fiber global production and its adoption has been revealed as challenging for the fashion industry due to sourcing complexity. Recognizing such context, the present research aims to contribute to an organic cotton sustainable supply chain management and seeks to answer the following question: how does the relationship between the fashion industry and organic cotton family farmers producers occur? The research uses the case study methodology, involves the cotton supply chain of the footwear company (sneakers) Veja Fair Trade. Analysis is based on the sustainable supply chain management models by Seuring and Müller (2008) and Pagell and Wu (2009). The study reveals that the relationship between the fashion industry companies and its family farmers producers included new behaviours, such as the active participation of NGOs, transparency and decommodization, involving the negotiation prior to the crop, advance payments, prices above market value and rewards. At the end are presented contribution to the sector related to production conditions improvement, youth retention on the farming and to the integration of the agroecological model to the named Industry 4.0.
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Comprendre le processus de conception d’un système de travail dans l’indivisibilité du temps : le cas d’agriculteurs en transition agroécologique / Understand the process of designing a work system in the indivisibility of time : the case of farmers in agroecological transitionChizallet, Marie 26 November 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la compréhension de processus de conception de systèmes de travail d’agriculteurs engagés dans une transition agroécologique. Elle s’appuie sur la mise en œuvre d’une méthode : la Chronique du Changement. En proposant aux agriculteurs de construire des récits de conception, elle révèle le processus de conception global dans lequel ils sont engagés. Ce processus est analysé à partir d’un modèle dialogique de la conception (e.g. Béguin, 2010) qui met en tension les pôles du virtuel et du réel, auxquels nous ajoutons un pôle du concevable pour donner à voir les mouvements entre passé – présent – futur en jeu dans le processus. Ces récits rendent visible l’objet en cours de conception : le système de travail composé de sous-systèmes.L’expérience que fait l’agriculteur de ces sous-systèmes participe à la progression du processus de conception et à la construction par l’agriculteur d’une approche systémique de son objet.En perspective, cette thèse ouvre sur le rôle de la narration pour l’élaboration de l’expérience d’un processus de conception et sur la notion de conception de systèmes de travail durables. / This thesis focuses on understanding the processes of designing work systems of farmers engaged in an agroecologicaltransition. It is based on the implementation of a method: the Chronicle of Change. By offering farmers to build design narratives, it reveals the overall design process in which they are involved. This process is analyzed on the basis of a dialogical model of design (e.g. Béguin, 2010) that puts the poles of virtual and real into tension, to which we add a pole of designable to show the movements between past – present – future, which are at work in the process.These narratives make visible the object being designed: the working system composed of subsystems. The farmer's experience with these subsystems contributes to the progress of the design process and the farmer's construction of a systemic approach to his purpose.In perspective, this thesis opens on the role of narrative in the development of the experience of a design process and on the notion of designing sustainable work systems.
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L’agriculture comme projet de société : les obstacles à une transition agroécologique juste au QuébecSylvestre, Rachel 09 1900 (has links)
Au Québec, la pandémie de la COVID-19 a entrainé de nombreux questionnements face au système alimentaire, sa durabilité et sa résilience. Cette crise sanitaire a révélé les multiples dépendances de la province, notamment aux importations et à une main- d’œuvre étrangère bon marché, tout en exacerbant les problématiques liées à la distance entre le champ et notre assiette. D’autre part, celle-ci a souligné la fragilité socio- écologique du modèle agricole en place. L’agriculture industrielle met de l’avant plusieurs pratiques aux conséquences destructrices si néfastes pour l’environnement et l’Homme. Devant de tels enjeux, des pratiques alternatives en agriculture ont émergé au Québec dans les dernières décennies, telles que des coopératives agricoles, micro-fermes, l’agriculture urbaine, etc., ainsi que le souhait d’une plus grande autonomie alimentaire pour la province. Seulement, en dépit d’une volonté de limiter l’impact environnemental de l’agriculture sur le territoire québécois, la présence de verrouillages juridico-politiques et socio-économiques limitent le développement de ces alternatives. La présente recherche a déterminé, documenté et analysé la nature de ces verrouillages freinant ou empêchant une transition agroécologique du système alimentaire du Québec. En ayant recours à une revue de la littérature, dix entretiens semi-dirigés avec des acteurs clés du secteur agricole et de l’observation sur le terrain, nous avons documenté et analysé les changements, les réalités et les besoins en agriculture en 2022-2023. Cette étude a contribué à l’évaluation des besoins en agriculture et à l’établissement de stratégies de transformation du système alimentaire du Québec, afin qu’il fasse preuve de durabilité, d’autonomie et de résilience. / In Quebec, the COVID-19 pandemic raised awareness about the food system, its
sustainability, and resilience. This health crisis revealed the province's multiple
dependencies, notably on imports and cheap foreign labor, while exacerbating issues
linked to the distance between the field and our plates. It also highlighted the socioecological fragility of the current agricultural model. Industrial agriculture puts forward
several practices with destructive consequences that are harmful to the environment and
mankind. Faced with such challenges, alternative agricultural practices have emerged in
Quebec in recent decades, such as agricultural cooperatives, micro-farms, urban
agriculture, etc., as well as the desire for greater food autonomy for the province.
However, despite the desire to limit the environmental impact of agriculture in Quebec,
the development of these alternatives is hampered by legal, political, and socio-economic
lock-ins. This research has determined, documented, and analyzed the nature of these
locks hindering or preventing the agroecological transition of Quebec's food system.
Using a literature review, ten semi-structured interviews with key actors in the
agricultural sector, and field observation, we documented and analyzed the changes,
realities, and needs in agriculture in 2022-2023. This study contributed to the assessment
of agricultural needs and the establishment of strategies for transforming Quebec's food
system so that it demonstrates sustainability, autonomy, and resilience.
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Indicadores da qualidade do solo de propriedades em transição agroecológica. / Indicators of soil quality properties in agroecological transition.RUFINO, Sara Regina Miranda. 23 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-04-23T15:55:11Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
SARA REGINA MIRANDA RUFINO - TESE PPGEP 2014..pdf: 3286437 bytes, checksum: cfafef220e2b9de314c5df81f2286b36 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-23T15:55:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
SARA REGINA MIRANDA RUFINO - TESE PPGEP 2014..pdf: 3286437 bytes, checksum: cfafef220e2b9de314c5df81f2286b36 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-08-28 / A agricultura familiar, com base agroecológica, tem estimulado mudanças
significativas na vida de famílias de agricultores familiares, seja no manejo do solo,
na relação com o meio ambiente, hábitos alimentares, segurança alimentar, ou
mesmo autonomia produtiva. Nesta perspectiva, avaliar a qualidade do solo dentro
de sistemas em transição agroecológica (convencional para agroecológico), pode
proporcionar melhor compreensão sobre seus efeitos deste sistema de cultivo do
solo. Na busca da sustentabilidade de sistemas agrícolas o uso de indicadores no
monitoramento das condições do solo constitui-se numa importante ferramenta para
a tomada de decisões na condução das produções. O objetivo deste trabalho foi
comparar propriedades físicas, químicas, bioquímicas, microbiológicas e
termogravimétricas de solos de mesorregiões do agreste da Paraíba em transição
agroecológica. O presente estudo foi desenvolvido na Mesorregião do Agreste-Brejo
da Paraíba. Foram coletados solos em propriedades de agricultores familiares sob
sistema de cultivo agroecológico e convencional, os quais foram submetidos a
diferentes indicadores de sustentabilidade do solo. Os indicadores químicos
nitrogênio, matéria orgânica leve, carbono orgânico total e matéria orgânica,
apresentaram maior correlação e sensibilidade quanto a sua utilização de
indicadores da qualidade de solos em transição agroecológica. A termogravimetria
apresentou potencialidade na identificação dos solos com relação ao teor de matéria
orgânica de solo agrícola. / A family farm with agroecological base, has spurred significant changes in the lives
of farming families, either in soil management in relation to the environment, eating
habits, food security, or even productive autonomy. In this perspective, assessing soil
quality within systems (for conventional agroecological) agroecological transition may
provide better understanding of the effects of this system of cultivation. In search of
the sustainability of agricultural systems, using indicators in the monitoring of soil
conditions constitutes an important tool for decision making in the conduct of
productions. The objective of this study was to compare physical, chemical,
biochemical, microbiological and thermogravimetric soils of the rough mesoregions of
Paraíba in agroecological transition properties. This study was developed in Meso -
Heath of the Wasteland Paraíba. Soil samples were collected on properties of
farmers in agro-ecological and conventional cropping system, which were subjected
to different indicators of soil sustainability. Chemical indicators nitrogen, light organic
matter, total organic carbon and organic matter showed higher correlation and
sensitivity as the use of soil quality indicators in agro-ecological transition.
Thermogravimetry showed potential in the identification of soils in relation to organic
matter content of agricultural soil.
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Vijabilnost populacije tekunice (Spermophilus citellus) pod uticajem promene klime i staništa / Viability of European ground squirrel population (Spermophilus citellus) under climate and land use change.Nikolić Tijana 24 October 2019 (has links)
<p>U radu je analiziran odgovor lokalnih populacija tekunice u Vojvodini na<br />promene uslova klime i korišćenja zemljišta. Odgovori populacija tekunice<br />(tipičnog predstavnika otvorenih staništa i idealnog model organizma) na<br />pomenute promene omogućiće razmatranje kako mere na regionalnom nivou: i)<br />mogu unaprediti zaštitu i očuvanje tekunice ii) ublažiti efekti promene klime i<br />korišćenja zemljišta iii) mogu usaglasiti razvoj poljoprivrede sa očuvanjem<br />biodiverziteta travnatih ekosistema. Kako bi se odgovorilo na pitanja i postavljene hipoteze u radu sprovedeno je terensko istraživanje, korišćen standardni prostorni pristup i ekološko modelovanje. Sve primenjene tehnike su komplementarne jedna drugoj u dobijanju odgovora na postavljena pitanja gde rezultati jedne analize predstavljaju ulazne podatke za drugu analizu. U tezi su korišćeni podaci dobijeni na osnovu terenskog mapiranja lokalnih populacija i podaci iz eksperimenta modelovanja kao i serija podataka dobijena cenzusom kolonija tekunica i terenskim uzorkovanjem zemljišta i vegetacije. Rasprostranjenje populacija oblikuju klimatski uslovi ali pored abiotičkih faktora uslovljavaju ih i biotički faktori i kretanje jedinki. Promena klime direktno utiče na distribuciju optimalnih uslova. Istraženo je u kojoj meri će doći do promene u distribuciji optimalnih uslova sredine za tekunicu. Potencijalna promena analizirana je uzimajući u obzir klimatski scenario Max Plank Instituta sa tri rcp projekcije i tri generisana prostorna scenarijadistribucije otvorenih travnatih staništa u Vojvodini. Sagledavanje mogućih efekata promene sredinskih uslova dalo je mogućnost da se ukaže na zone koja će biti ključne za očuvanje populacija tekunica i travnatih ekosistema u Vojvodini. Sledeće, s obzirom da disperzija jedinki, dostupnost resursa kao i delovanje lokalnih faktora ugrožavanja (barijere, menadžment staništa, varijabilnost sredinskih uslova, predatorstvo, poljoprivredne aktivnosti) oblikuju distribuciju populacija u prostoru, u radu je analiziran i uticaj promene ovih faktora na distribuciju populacija. Na području lokalnog slatino-stepskog koridora srednjeg Banata istražene su kompozicija biljnih vrsta, upravljanje na staništu, promena u kompoziciji okolnih poljoprivrednih kultura i dinamika populacije. Dobijene su informacije o efektima lokalnih uslova na prisustvo kolonija, veličinu kolonija i kondiciono stanje jedinki. Informacije dobijene u ovim poglavljima su kasnije korišćeni za formiranju seta kriterijuma radi karakterizacije svih mapiranih staništa u Vojvodini. Dalje, veliku ulogu u poljoprivrednom predelu imaju tranziciona staništa koja povezuju lokalne populacije. Identifikovanje koja tranziciona staništa koriste jedinke tekunice je ključno za očuvanje populacija i ublažavanje trena opadanja brojnosti. Na terenu su mapirani distribucioni obrasci lokalnih kolonija tekunice i istraženo je da li postoje razlike na lokalnom i predeonom nivou u distribuciji nastanjenih i napuštenih staništa na području Vojvodine. U radu je dalje analizirana mapirana mreža staništa lokalnih populacija i pretpostavljano je da populacije funkcionišu i održavaju se u okviru metapopulacione strukture. Sa druge strane, veličina i površina koju zauzimaju potencijalne metapopulacione struktura mapirane mreže staništa koje se razlikuju u odnosu na okupiranost, kapacitet i povezanost nisu bile poznate. Kako bi se kvantifikovale potencijalne metapopulacione jedinice i utvrdila vijabilnost svake definisane pojedinačne metapopulacione mreže korišćen je metod ključnog fragmenta. Mapirane mreže evaluirane su iz perspektive samog taksona i testiran je potencijalni disperzioni kapacitet. Proverena je permeabilnost predeonog matriksa između mapiranih staništa i identifikovani su potencijalni koridori za jedinke. Ovakav pristup daje uvid u koji deo predela je značajno i neophodno ulagati ograničena sredstva za zaštitu prirode unutar regiona Vojvodine. U tezi je na kraju ocenjen doprinos trenutne regionalne konzervacione prakse zaštiti staništa tekunice, dat pregled slabih tačaka i predlog predeono adaptacionih mera koji će doprineti zaštiti i očuvanju populacije tekunice kao i mozaika otvorenih travnatih staništa.</p> / <p>The study analyzes the European ground squirrel (EGS) population response to land use and climate change in Vojvodina. The response of the EGS population (typical species of open grassland habitats and the ideal model organism) to changes in environmental conditions in this region will enable consideration of following measures at the local and landscape level: i) effective protection and<br />conservation of the EGS and habitat it relay on; ii) climate change and land use mitigation and adaptation iii) how can we harmonize the development of agriculture and preserve the biodiversity of grassland ecosystem in agricultural settings. In order to answer the questions of this study, the field research was conducted, standard spatial approach and ecological modeling were employed. All applied techniques are complementary to one another in obtaining responses to the questions asked. The results of one analysis represent the input data for the following one. The data for the study were obtained: from EGS local populations’ field mapping, from the modeling experiment, the census campaigned and the field sampling of soil and vegetation. Distribution of populations, which in addition to abiotic factors are conditioned by biotic factors and movement of individuals were evaluated in the context of climate change. Climate change directly affects the distribution of optimalconditions. The potential changes in distribution of optimal environmental conditions for EGS were assessed by considering changes in abiotic factors and the availability of grasslands. The climate scenario obtained using a dynamic vegetation map with three rcp projections and three spatial scenarios for the distribution of open grasslands were used. The extrapolation of a suitable area obtained by presence only model Maxent gives the possibility to point to the zones that will be crucial for preserving the populations and grassland ecosystems in future. Dispersion of individuals, availability of resources and the operation of local threats (e. g. barriers, habitat management, variability of the central conditions, predation, agricultural activities) shape the distribution of populations in space and time. In the area of the local saline steppe corridor of the central Banat in Vojvodina i) the composition of plant species, ii) open grassland habitat management iii) changes in the composition of surrounding crops and iv) population dynamics of EGS have been investigated. The effects of local conditions on the presence, size of colonies and condition of the individuals of EGS were assessed. The information obtained in these chapters was later used to form a set of criteria for the characterization of all mapped habitats in Vojvodina. In the agricultural area, transitional habitats connect local populations of many species. Identifying transitional habitats which potentially can be used by focal species is key to protect and mitigate population decline. For this purpose distribution patterns of the colonies were mapped in the field. The haracteristics and differences among mapped patches at the local and sub landscape scale were detected and evaluated. Later in the study the network of mapped habitats patches was evaluated. It was assumed that mapped populations in Vojvodina function within several metapopulations networks. However, the size and area of potential meta-population networks are likely to differ in relation to occupancy, capacity and habitat connectivity. The knowledge of potential population units was scarce. In order to quantify the potential population units, to determine the viability and conservation priority of each defined habitat network the key patch approach was used. Mapped networks were evaluated from the perspective of the taxon itself and potential dispersed capacity was tested. The ermeability of the matrix area, connectivity of the mapped habitats and the distribution of potential corridors was verified. This approach gives an opportunity to assess to which part of the area and population it is necessary to invest limited resources for nature protection in Vojvodina.The contribution of current regional conservation practice to protection of EGS was evaluated, a brief overview of the weak points and the proposal of preciseadaptation measures that should be taken in Vojvodina are presented in final chapter. The results of this study propose the development of spatial adaption measures and conservation design that will contribute not only in preserving EGS and habitats it relay on but also other wild plant and animal species in this intensively used agricultural settings.</p>
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