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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obeständiga arbetsdelningar : En studie om hur kontrollen över arbetsuppgifter förskjuts mellan professioner på sjukhusavdelningar / Transient divisions of labour : – A study of how the control over job assignments is displaced on hospital wards.

Svensson, Linus January 2019 (has links)
The regional healthcare in Sweden is suffering from a acute shortage of nurses. In order to cope with the situation, the regional healthcare institutions has included other professions to perform the job assigments of the absent nurses. A public debate emerged whether or not nurses were replacable with other professions in regional healtcare instituitons. This theisis believes that more research of nurses field of work could contribute to the discussion. The theisis aims to contribute to the existing research of nurses field of work by studying the division of labour between nurses and physicians and between nurses and auxillary nurses in order to understand how the division of labour between these professions look like and why they are constituted as they are. By conducting seven semi-structured interviews with nurses and taking theoretical inspiration from Andrew Abbotts theory of ”jurisdictional claims” and the three realms where claims can be made, this theisis finds that the reality of the job assigments in the division of labour between the professions are, by using Abbotts own word of choice, ”fuzzy”. The nurses’ descriptions of the divions of labour tells that nurses are losing control of job assignments in a field that they are trained to exicute, care-related work, while gaining control over medicinal assignments that they are relationally under-trained to exicute. Nurses are also giving away control over fully controlled medicinal tasks that they are trained to do to auxillary nurses, while physicians are giving away control over assignments in the same fashion to nurses. This theisis concludes that the divisions of labour displays three variations of how control can be displaced: By organizational structures, by the controlling professions themselves and by the state-required assignments; forced upon nurses as the profession is regulated by The National Board of Health and Welfare.

Konstitueringen av ett vetenskapligt objekt : Exemplet - det manliga klimakteriet / The Constitution of a Scientific Object : The case of the male menopause

Droppe, Adam January 2010 (has links)
How are new scientific concepts of illnesses and disorder formed? The last fifty years have seen a dramatic increase in new diagnoses incorporated into medical manuals. The concept of the male menopause, or the andropause diagnosis, is suitable for studying how medical knowledge is produced, since it has alternated between being and not being part of the acknowledged medical knowledge since the beginning of the 19th century, when it was originally launched. After being rather unnoticed during the 20th century, the concept of the male menopause had a renaissance in the 1990s’. The andropause then became a specific research area, articles about the male menopause were widely published in medical journals, specific therapies were developed, and andropause clinics opened around the world. The thesis explores what combination of circumstances lay behind the establishment of the andropause as a scientific object in the 1990s’. The purpose was to find out what the institutionalization of the (concept of the) andropause shows about the production of science, specifically  medical knowledge. Methodologically, the study can be described as an analysis of ideas, where the ideas contained in the concept of a male menopause are in focus. Accordingly, the research materials were scientific literature, media, and other documents where the idea of a male menopause was expressed. The analysis was structured in four divisions. First, the andropause theory was studied to find any obvious scientific explanations, such as new knowledge or discoveries. “Pure science” could not explain the breakthrough of the andropause diagnosis, since the andropause theory is laden with uncertainties according to the scientific principles of evaluation that the medical science itself supports. Second, the social organization of the medical knowledge production was inquired with focus on the medical profession, and the andropause theory was found to offer new professional arenas. Third, factors outside profession and science were found, the extra scientific dimensions, primarily cultural conditions and social structures. The emergence of feminist theory was found to change the perception of men in the culture, where the male norm no longer is self-evident. Fourth, in the social structure, pharmaceutical companies were found to engage strongly in the andropause concept. Together these factors constituted the andopause as a scientific object. The thesis demonstrates: the advantage of a multi perspective analysis: the complexity of the development of concepts of disease: the weakness of the epistemology of evidence-based medicine: and the social and cultural foundation of science.

Specialpedagog på uppdrag : En studie av några lärares förväntningar på specialpedagogens yrkesfunktion / The Special Educators Assignment : A study of certain teacher´s expectations of special needs educator

Segerström, Ulrica January 2007 (has links)
Abstract Since 1990, special needs educators have been working in both primary and junior school. It has not been easy for the special needs educators to take authority when working with broader educational issues due to the varying requirements placed upon them. The object of this study is to examine how certain primary and junior school teachers describe their expectations of special needs educators and their professional role. I have conducted individual interviews with three primary school teachers and three junior school teachers, who have at least five years experience of working within their respective fields. The interviews have been scrutinized, and the results are presented with the help of five different themes. The results were then analysed in accordance with the two perspectives of special needs education described by Persson (2001) those of both the relational and the categorical perspective. Amongst other things the results show that the view of primary and junior school teachers with regards to special needs educators differ one from another. Primary school teachers have more expectations that the special educator will provide them with support for the whole working team, and how they can proceed to work with their pupils. Junior school teachers in contrast place more emphasis on the special educator working directly with the pupils, and not simply as a source of advice on working methods. From the analysis we can conclude that primary school teachers have a viewpoint which lies much nearer to that of the relational perspective, whilst the junior school teachers’ are more recognizable as having a categorical viewpoint. Keywords: Special needs educator, special education, one school for all, professional role, profession. / Sammanfattning Sedan 1990 utbildas det specialpedagoger som arbetar i såväl förskola som grundskola. Det har inte alltid varit enkelt för specialpedagoger att få mandat att arbeta med sina uppdrag och förväntningarna på dem varierar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur några förskollärare och grundskollärare skolår 1-5, beskriver sina förväntningar på specialpedagogens yrkesfunktion. Jag har genomfört individuella intervjuer med tre förskollärare och tre grundskollärare samtliga med minst fem års erfarenhet inom yrket. Intervjuerna har bearbetats och resultatet presenteras i fem teman. Resultatet analyserades sedan i relation till de två perspektiv på specialpedagogisk verksamhet som bland annat beskrivits av Persson (2001), det relationella perspektivet och det kategoriska perspektivet. Resultatet visar bland annat att förskollärares och grundskollärares syn på specialpedagogens yrkesfunktion skiljer sig åt i denna studie. Förskollärarna ger i högre utsträckning uttryck för en syn på specialpedagogen som en resursperson för arbetslaget som de kan använda som stöd i sitt arbete kring barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Grundskollärarna däremot ger i högre utsträckning uttryck för en syn på specialpedagogen som en resursperson som utför det direkta arbetet med eleverna. Av analysen framgår att förskollärarna i högre grad ger uttryck för ett synsätt på specialpedagogisk verksamhet som ligger nära det relationella perspektivet, medan grundskollärarna i högre grad ger uttryck för ett synsätt på specialpedagogisk verksamhet som motsvarar ett kategoriskt perspektiv. Nyckelord: Specialpedagog, specialpedagogik, en skola för alla, yrkesfunktion, profession.

L’accommodation des valeurs professionnelles aux valeurs culturelles chez les bibliothécaires universitaires sénégalais

Dione, Bernard 09 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche vise à explorer et à décrire l’accommodation des valeurs professionnelles au sein du système de valeurs culturelles par les bibliothécaires universitaires sénégalais. Elle répond aux questions de recherche suivantes : (1) Quel est le système de valeurs culturelles dominant chez les bibliothécaires universitaires sénégalais ? (2) Comment les bibliothécaires universitaires sénégalais priorisent-ils leurs valeurs professionnelles ? (3) Comment les bibliothécaires universitaires sénégalais accommodent-ils leurs valeurs professionnelles à leurs valeurs culturelles ?cette recherche confirme la théorie de la prédominance dans les sociétés africaines en général d’un système de valeurs s’inscrivant dans l’axe « Continuité – Dépassement de soi » du modèle théorique de Schwartz (2006, 1992). Dans ce système, les valeurs dominantes sont des valeurs de types universalisme, bienveillance, tradition, conformité et sécurité. Ces valeurs favorisent l’intégration de l’individu au groupe, la solidarité et la sécurité familiale et le refus des actions de nature à porter atteinte à l’harmonie du groupe. Au plan pratique, la recherche démontre la nécessité de renforcer la socialisation professionnelle en intégrant l’éthique et les valeurs dans la formation des bibliothécaires universitaires sénégalais. / A profession basically includes two components: scientific skills and professional values, which are the guidelines of professionals’ daily demeanor. The library profession is based on values like the preservation of humanity cultural heritage, a fair access to knowledge, intellectual freedom, confidentiality and the protection library users’ private lives, professional neutrality, tolerance etc. In Senegal as well as in the other African countries, libraries are, on the whole, legacies of colonialism. The values of library science were designed in a western perspective. This profession value system may sometimes conflict with the Senegalese librarians’ cultural value systems. However, very little is known on ways Senegalese professionals cope with these two value systems. This present research will describe and explore the interactive co-existence and adaptation of professional values within the cultural value system of Senegalese academic librarians. It seeks to answer the following research questions: (1) what is the Senegalese academic librarians’ dominant cultural value system? (2) How do Senegalese academic librarians prioritize their professional values? (3) How do Senegalese academic librarians adapt their professional values to cultural values? This exploratory and descriptive analysis combines a mixed methodology approach: Two types of data collecting methods have been used: a questionnaire based on interviews and on Schwartz’s Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) (Schwartz, 2006) The findings highlight the fact that, on the cultural level, Senegalese academic librarians essentially emphasize, in the value system, the interests of the social group they belong to, the respect of social order and adoption of normative behavior in order to facilitate their relationships with the other group members. The values favor a strong integration of the individual into a group but do not encourage an action and thought autonomy which may destroy social harmony. On the professional level, they regard access to information, preservation and conservation of heritage and the denial of all sorts of discriminations as essential professional values. As professional values conflict with cultural norms, Senegalese academic librarians often seek a compromise, a balanced position to make decision which does not basically question their cultural values. When a compromise is impossible, the final decision is made in favour of cultural values. On the theoretical level, this research confirms the theory of a value system predominance rooted in Schwartz’ perspective of the “continuity/self-transcendence” (Schwartz, 2006, 1992). In his system, the dominant values are universalism, benevolence, tradition, conformity and security. These values favor the individual’s integration into a group, solidarity and family security and the refusal to undertake actions which may endanger group harmony. On the practical level, this research displays the necessity to reinforce professional socialization which includes ethics and values in the training of Senegalese academic librarians.

Muzikos mokytojų asmenybės bruožų reikšmė faktiniam ir suvokiamam suderinamumui su savo profesija / Music Teachers' Personality Features Importance to their Actual and Perceived Compatibility with the Profession

Baigytė, Ieva 11 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti neurotizmo, ekstraversijos, atvirumo patyrimui, sutariamumo ir sąžiningumo bruožų prognostinę vertę muzikos mokytojų faktiniam ir/ar suvokiamam suderinamumui su savo profesija. Tyrime dalyvavo 174 muzikos mokytojai. Tiriamųjų imtį sudarė 110 (63,2%) moterų ir 64 vyrai (36,8%). Tyrimui atlikti buvo naudojamas J. L. Holland Profesinio kryptingumo klausimynas (1996) (angl. Vocational Preference Inventory), Penkių didžiųjų faktorių inventorius (angl. Big Five Inventory) (John et al., 1991), suvokiamam muzikos mokytojų suderinamumui su profesija nustatyti buvo užduodamas klausimas, tiriamųjų prašant įvertinti savo suderinamumą su muzikos mokytojo profesija. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad didėjant muzikos mokytojų faktinio suderinamumo su profesija išreikštumui, didėja ir suvokiamas suderinamumas su savo profesija. Buvo nustatyta, kad atvirumo patyrimui ir sutariamumo bruožai prognozuoja aukštesnio lygio vyrų muzikos mokytojų faktinį suderinamumą su profesija, tačiau ekstraversijos ir sąžiningumo bruožai neturi prognostinės vertės vyrų muzikos mokytojų faktiniam suderinamumui su profesija. Atvirumo patyrimui bruožas prognozuoja aukštesnio lygio moterų muzikos mokytojų faktinį suderinamumą su profesija, tačiau ekstraversijos, sutariamumo ir sąžiningumo bruožai neturi prognostinės vertės moterų muzikos mokytojų faktiniam suderinamumui su profesija. Tyrimo rezultatai taip pat parodė, kad atvirumo patyrimui bruožas prognozuoja aukštesnio lygio muzikos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to identify the predictive value of neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness features to music teachers’ actual and/or perceived compatibility with the profession. There were 174 music teachers in the study. Research sample consisted of 110 (63,2%) women and 64 (36,8%) men. The study was carried out using Vocational Preference Inventory (Holland, 1996), Big Five Inventory (John et al., 1991), to establish perceived music teachers‘ compatibility with profession, the participants of the study were asked the question, asking to assess their compatibility with the music teaching profession. The results of the study showed, that if increases expression of the actual music teachers’ compatibility with the profession, increases and perceived music teachers’ compatibility with the profession. It was established, that openness to experience and agreeableness features predict a higher level of male music teachers’ actual compatibility with the profession, but neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness features have not predictive value to male music teachers’ actual compatibility with the profession. Openness to experience feature predicts a higher level of female music teachers’ actual compatibility with the profession, but neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness features have not predictive value to female music teachers’ actual compatibility with the profession. The results of the... [to full text]

"Sanningens kvantifierade verklighet" : En diskursiv studie över den svenska skoldebatten

Okur, Osman, Johansson, Per January 2014 (has links)
Under de senaste decennierna har betydande reformvågor sköljt över det svenska utbildningsväsendet, en majoritet utav vilka fallit inom ramen för det nya styrsystem som brukar gå under betäckningen New Public Management. Detta har medfört att skolornas organisationsstrukturer i allt större utsträckning styrts till att efterlikna de företagssystem, så starkt präglade utav revision och mätning, vilka står att finna i den privata sektorn. Studien har stöpt sin utgångspunkt i antagandet att alla organisationstrender har sin källa i det mänskliga medvetandet vars kunskaper, ej sällan, är alstrade kring kollektivt konstruerade verkligheter och sanningar. Ett angreppssätt som kunnat delge förståelse och mening till denna subjektiva meningsvärld är diskursanalysens grundprinciper. En diskurs kan kortfattat förstås som ett bestämt sätt att tala om, och förstå världen, där diskursanalysen ämnar belysa språkets givna mönster och konstruktioner. Med grund i detta har syftet att söka belysa områdets hegemoniska diskurs, samt eventuellt dess antagonistiska motpart, växt fram. Med empiri ifrån Dagens Nyheters debattsida under året 2013 har ett material kunnat sammanställas, och belysas, enligt det diskursanalytiska angreppssättet. Arbetet har fortflutit genom att söka finna, samt påvisa, hur olika begrepp definieras, sätts i kontext och delges mening. Resultatet har åskådliggjort en hegemonisk New Public Managementdiskurs, vilken framför revision som sitt ideal, samt en framväxande konkurrerande motdiskurs, vilken placerat sig som sin motpols spegelbild. / During the last decades a major reform wave has drifted in over the public sector of Sweden, together with a variety of western nations, bringing in a new kind of organizational structures and control systems. The greater part of these new developments fall within the definition of what is usually referred to as New Public Management. With its ideal reference point in the management of the public sector this has caused an increased focus on audit and a drift towards more market orientation in general. The study finds its base in an assumption that the origin of these shifts stands to be found in the minds of the human and its worldly perceptions. This philosophical outlook is well captured in the discursive approach, according to which the world is divided into different conceptional spheres called discourses. Proceeding from this, the thesis’s established purpose is set to, with empirical data from the newspaper Dagens Nyheter stretching over one year (2013), illuminate the hegemonic discourse and its antagonistic counterpart in the field of education. By examining the usage of different key concepts and their articulation, context and usage in general, two detached discourses has emerged. One hegemonic New Public Management-inspired discourse glorifying the objective rationality of auditing and one opposing discourse that, positioned in sharp contrast, praises the subjectivity of the profession.

Prestationsbaserad resursfördelning inom högre utbildning : En kvalitativ fallstudie om hur undervisningskvaliteten påverkas

Andersson, Kent, Drangel, Camilla January 2018 (has links)
I den här fallstudien undersöks hur undervisningskvaliteten inom högre utbildning påverkas av ett prestationsbaserat resursfördelningssystem vid Luleå tekniska universitet. Författarna har även undersökt under vilka förutsättningar undervisningen kan få högre (lägre) kvalitet vid en tilldelning av större (mindre) ekonomiska resurser. Som grund till denna studie ligger den kritik som det befintliga systemet har fått och Regeringens vision att ta fram ett nytt resursfördelningssystem för högre utbildning. Enligt dagens system fördelas delar av ersättningen till universitet baserat på hur många studenter som examineras och godkänns på kurser och utbildningsprogram. Teorierna i studien baseras på Simons modell över styrningens hävstänger, strategisk styrning, professionsteori samt prestationsbaserad styrning för att få en djupare förståelse kring ämnet. Det insamlade materialet bestod av kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare på universitetet och med lärarnas uppfattning i fokus. Resultatet av studien indikerar att undervisningskvaliteten inom högre utbildning inte påverkas i någon nämnvärd utsträckning av ett prestationsbaserat resursfördelningssystem. Det ligger inte i lärares natur att manipulera resultat i ett ekonomiskt syfte vilket kan förklaras av yrkesstoltheten inom deras profession. Vidare kan en förutsättning för att en större tilldelning ekonomiska resurser kan leda till högre kvalitet i undervisningen, vara att lärare inte ska behöva arbeta på fritiden i lika stor utsträckning. Lärares återhämtning är viktig och kan på lång sikt påverka kvaliteten i undervisningen. För vidare forskning föreslår författarna en större undersökning omfattande flera universitet. Det för att möjliggöra jämförelse och för att få en mer generell uppfattning om hur undervisningskvaliteten påverkas av ett prestationsbaserat resursfördelningssystem.

Skolkuratorers arbete och yrkesroll : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers upplevelser och uppfattningar av skolans elevhälsoarbete utifrån sin yrkesroll / School Counselors' Work and Professional Role : A qualitative study of school counselors' experiences and perceptions of school pupil health work based on their professional role

Ek, Micael, Shatri, Kushtrim January 2018 (has links)
Over the last few decades there has been a significant increase when it comes to mental ill health amongst Swedish schoolchildren. The school counselor has a crucial role both when it comes to detecting and to deal with these social problems. But according to recent studies the school counselors’ profession seems to lack a universal-based defined job description which has led to a decreased autonomy as well as legitimacy-related issues. This made us ask ourselves if the school counselors’ competence is used to its full potential. The overarching purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how school social workers experience and perceive health-promoting work based on their professional role. The specific aims were to answer the following questions: How do school teachers experience health promotion at school? How does the school counselor perceive their professional role? Our method in order to collect our empirical data was to through semistructured interviews with six school counselors in Sweden. To help increase the understanding of our data we used profession-theory and also role-theory. The summarized findings are that the school counselors are a part of a group created to support the schoolchildren’s health. This group is heavily affected by the school organization’s resource assets and the school counselors’ perception is that there aren’t enough time nor enough professionals working with school-based health-promotion compared to the amount of students attending the school. We also found that the school counselors have different room, a different degree of autonomy, in order to influence the structure of the health-promoting work at school. Our conclusion is that this difference seems to depend on the principal as well as on the type of employment the school counselor has. The externally employed school counselor experienced much more autonomy compared to the internal employees. Furthermore, the school principal is proven to have a strong impact on the school counselors’ professional role and the school counselors have experienced legitimacy-related issues towards certain teachers due to their undefined job description.

Psicologia: formação e exercício profissional em Angola

Francisco, João Manuel Saveia Daniel 22 October 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-01-17T12:59:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE João Manuel Saveia Daniel Francisco.pdf: 1955377 bytes, checksum: 6fd9833e45f348af33ecf09f91fd50b6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Portela (anapoli@ufba.br) on 2014-02-03T14:27:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE João Manuel Saveia Daniel Francisco.pdf: 1955377 bytes, checksum: 6fd9833e45f348af33ecf09f91fd50b6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-02-03T14:27:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE João Manuel Saveia Daniel Francisco.pdf: 1955377 bytes, checksum: 6fd9833e45f348af33ecf09f91fd50b6 (MD5) / INABE / Em Angola o surgimento da Psicologia é recente. Os primeiros cursos surgiram há treze anos. Considerando esse cenário, esta pesquisa partiu do pressuposto de que mapear o campo profissional da Psicologia é condição básica para identificar problemas, discutir questões e prospectar cenários que possam conduzir a um crescente reconhecimento do papel social que a Psicologia, como ciência e profissão, cumpre em Angola. A pesquisa partiu do seguinte questionamento: como se estrutura o exercício profissional e o processo de formação do psicólogo em Angola? Para responder à questão, foi desenvolvido um estudo com o objetivo de descrever a dinâmica da profissão de psicólogo em Angola, caracterizando seu exercício e construindo um quadro atualizado da sua formação acadêmica e complementar. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em três estudos articulados, no período de Janeiro a Agosto de 2012, sendo que cada estudo teve características metodológicas próprias. O primeiro descreveu as bases históricas do processo de profissionalização da Psicologia em Angola, o segundo analisou o processo de formação do psicólogo em Angola e o terceiro abordou três temáticas: inserção dos psicólogos no mercado de trabalho, competências profissionais e estratégias de qualificação e requalificação e vínculos com a profissão e área de atuação. Nessa última temática, foi pesquisada a escolha profissional dos psicólogos e o valor social atribuído à profissão e o comprometimento dos psicólogos com a profissão e área de atuação. Constatou-se que a profissionalização da Psicologia é um percurso ainda em construção, com vários desafios, dentre eles a despartidarização da profissão, a criação de uma entidade que congregue os profissionais e que regule a profissão e a “demarcação das águas” entre o exercício profissional do psicólogo e o do profissional formado em Ciências da Educação. Quanto à formação em Psicologia, verifica-se uma expansão de cursos, mas sem a necessária qualidade de formação. Por outro lado, a profissão apresenta muitas fragilidades, a saber: alto índice de desemprego, como reflexo da pouca oferta de trabalho e do descompasso entre habilidades e demandas do mercado; fraco investimento dos profissionais em qualificação profissional; baixa remuneração; inserção em várias organizações, comprometendo a qualidade do trabalho; e o foco em atividades consideradas tradicionais. No que se refere ao desenvolvimento de competências e estratégias de qualificação, a pesquisa mostrou que competências críticas para a inserção do psicólogo no trabalho não têm recebido a devida atenção durante a formação, nem têm sido buscadas por um bom número de profissionais em outras formas de qualificação. Quanto à escolha da profissão, os resultados somam-se aos demais estudos a respeito, ao se constatar que os psicólogos escolhem esse campo de atuação de forma livre, guiando-se pela vocação, habilidades e interesses. Quanto ao comprometimento com a profissão, verificou-se que os psicólogos estão comprometidos com a profissão, sendo que a base afetiva é mais elevada que a base calculativa, tanto no comprometimento com a profissão quanto com a área de atuação. Outro aspecto relevante é o fato de os que exercem a profissão estarem mais fortemente comprometidos e, entre eles, a intensidade do vínculo ser maior no grupo que atua exclusivamente no campo da Psicologia. Em relação ao valor social atribuído à profissão, a pesquisa mostrou que os profissionais percebem a profissão com uma imagem positiva, apesar de considerarem ser mal remunerada. Finalmente, a pesquisa constatou que a maior parte dos psicólogos não pretende abandonar a profissão nem a área de atuação. In Angola the emergence of psychology is recent. The first courses were taught thirteen years ago. Thinking about this scenario, this research assumed that map the professional field of Psychology is a basic condition to identify problems, discuss issues and exploring scenarios that could lead to a growing recognition of the social role of Psychology as a science and profession, in Angola. The research started from the following question: how is structured the professional and the formation process of the psychologist in Angola? To answer the question, the study was conducted in order to describe the dynamics of the psychologist profession in Angola, by describing its activity and create an updated picture of its’ academic and complementary education. The research was conducted in three studies articulated in the period between January and August 2012, in which each study had their specific methodological characteristics. The first study described the historical bases of the process of professionalization of psychology in Angola, the second analyzed the process of training of psychologists in Angola and the third addressed three themes: integration of psychologists in the labor market, skills and strategies for training and retraining and links with the profession and area of expertise. In this last theme was researched the choice of professional psychologists and social value attributed to the profession and commitment of the psychologists to the profession and area of expertise. It was found that the professionalization of psychology is a route under construction, with several challenges, among them to limit the political parties’ influence, the creation of an entity that brings the professionals together and that regulates the profession and distinguish between the activities of professional psychologist and professional graduated in Education Science. As for the degree in psychology, there is an expansion of courses, but without the necessary quality training. In the other hand, the profession has many weaknesses, namely: high unemployment, reflecting on the low labor supply and the mismatch between skills and market demand; weak investment from professionals in professional training; low pay; inclusion in various organizations compromising the quality of work; and focus on activities considered traditional. With regard to skills development and training strategies, research has shown that critical skills required for psychologist to enter in the workplace have not been receiving the proper attention during training; neither are been pursued by a significant number of professionals in other forms of qualification. As for the choice of the profession, the results add to the others on the point, to note that psychologists choose this field of work freely, guided by vocation, ability and interests. As for the commitment to the profession, it was verified that psychologists are committed to the profession, being the affective basis higher than the continuance base, both in commitment to the profession and with the area of expertise. Another relevant aspect is the fact that those who practice the profession are strongly committed, among these, the intensity of the bond is greater in the group that operates exclusively in the field of Psychology. Regarding to social values attributed to the profession, research has shown that professionals perceive the profession has having a positive image, although they consider to be underpaid. Finally, the survey found that most psychologists do not intend to leave the profession or area of expertise.

L'innovation comme levier de la performance durable dans la profession comptable libérale en France / Innovation as a lever for sustainable performance in the french accounting profession

Blum, Brigitte 10 September 2015 (has links)
La profession comptable libérale, caractérisée pendant longtemps par des évolutions relativement lentes, est confrontée à des défis stratégiques majeurs pour aligner durablement sa performance sur les réalités et les mutations de l'environnement. Dans ce contexte, la profession comptable se doit d'anticiper, de réfléchir aux futurs souhaitables pour ne plus subir les événements en adoptant une logique entrepreneuriale. Pour préparer les cabinets de demain, l'innovation est un facteur clé pour consolider, voire améliorer leur performance sur le long terme. La présente thèse étudie la contribution de l'innovation, menée dans le cadre d'une démarche prospective stratégique, à la performance durable de la profession comptable. Combinant une phase qualitative (notre expérience professionnelle en cabinets comptables de 1991 à 2009) et une phase quantitative basée sur un questionnaire de recherche (146 répondants), la thèse met en évidence l'existence de nombreuses innovations et leur impact sur quatre dimensions de la performance durable dans les cabinets comptables en France. / Accounting profession characterized for a long time by relatively slow changes is facing major strategic challenges to sustainably align its performance on the realities and changing environment. In this context, the accounting profession has to anticipate, think about the desirable future and not to suffer any more the events. Therefore, it must adopt an entrepreneurial logic. To prepare the firms of tomorrow, innovation is a key factor to consolidate or improve their performance on the long term. This thesis examines the contribution of innovation, conducted as part of a strategic prospective approach to sustainable performance of the liberal accounting profession. Combining qualitative phase (our experience in several accounting firms from 1991 to 2009) and a quantitative phase based on a research questionnaire (146 respondents), the thesis highlights the existence of numerous innovations and their influence on the sustainable performance in French accounting firms.

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