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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tidregistrering med hjälp av digital positionering : Att underlätta tidrapportering för konsulter

Brunlöf, Johan, Wilander, Johan January 2017 (has links)
Rapporten handlar om tidrapportering för konsulter och hur den kan kunna underlättas. Tidrapportering är ett måste för alla personer som arbetar i konsultbranschen. I dagens samhälle finns det problem med tidrapportering då anställda anser att det är ansträngande och ser det som extra arbete. Det är en utmaning för företag att lyckas med att få sina anställda att rapportera korrekt. Om rapporteringen inte sker på ett korrekt sätt kan detta få stora ekonomiska konsekvenser. Syftet med rapporten är att underlätta tidrapporteringen för konsulter. Detta genom att utveckla en mobil IT-artefakt. Applikationen som utvecklas ska fungera som ett stöd till tidrapportering och målet är att användaren ska interagera med applikationen så lite som möjligt. Artefakten som utvecklas är en mobilapplikation som använder sig av mobilens GPS-funktion. Action Design Research (ADR) är forskningsmetoden som används för att genomföra detta arbete. Denna rapport bygger på ett case i samarbete med konsultföretaget Knowit. Resultatet utmynnar i en IT-artefakt och 10 designprinciper om hur utvecklandet av en sådan applikation kan gå tillväga. / This thesis handles the area around time reporting within the consulting field and how it can be facilitated. Time reporting is a must for every employee in the consulting business. In today’s society, a problem exists as the employees sees this to be a demanding extra chore. To manage employees to execute this is a challenge for every business. If this is not done correctly, the business can face huge economic consequences. The purpose with this thesis is to facilitate time reporting for consultants. This will be done by developing a Mobile IT-Artifact. The application which will be developed will serve as a support for time reporting and its goal is to minimize the human-computer interaction. The artefact that will be developed uses the phones build in GPS function to achieve this. Action Design Research (ADR) is the research method used to complete the development of the artifact and the thesis. This thesis is built around a case in cooperation with the consulting company Knowit. The result of this essay will generate an IT-artifact along with 10 design principles which provides guidelines on how to develop a system of similar character

Thematic and functional similarity relations in manipulable artifact knowledge organizations : the role of action / Relations thématiques et de similarité fonctionnelles dans l'organisation des connaissances sur les objets fabriqués manipulables : le rôle de l'action

Pluciennicka, Ewa 06 July 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail de thèse était d’approfondir les connaissances actuelles sur l’organisation des concepts d’objets fabriqués manipulables. Plus particulièrement, nous nous sommes intéressés au traitement implicite des relations thématiques (e.g., scie-bois) et des relations de similarité fonctionnelle spécifique (e.g., scie-hâche) et générale (e.g., scie-couteau) lors de l’identification des objets fabriqués manipulables. Les stimuli ont été sélectionnés par une tâche de génération de propriétés et le traitement implicite des relations sémantiques a été évalué grâce à l’enregistrement des mouvements oculaires dans le Paradigme du Monde Visuel. Tout d’abord, nous avons évalué le développement du traitement implicite des relations thématiques et de similarité fonctionnelle chez les enfants de 6-, 8- 10- ans et chez l’adulte. Les résultats ont montré que le traitement implicite des relations de similarité fonctionnelle générale évolue progressivement avec l’âge, alors que les relations thématiques sont déjà implicitement traitées dès 6-ans. Ensuite, nous avons testé le rôle de l’action dans le traitement de ces relations. Chez l’adulte, les résultats ont montré que l’action amorce le traitement des relations thématiques différemment en fonction du niveau de représentation de l’action impliqué. Le traitement thématique est facilité par l’action représentée au niveau du geste mais gêné par l’action représentée au niveau de l’intention. Chez l’enfant, les données ont montré que le traitement de relations de similarité fonctionnelle générale est facilité par l’action représentée au niveau de l’intention. Les données préliminaires chez le patient cérébro-lésé renforcent l’idée d’une structure conceptuelle multidéterminée et graduelle. Dans l’ensemble, ce travail démontre que les connaissances sur les objets fabriqués manipulables sont organisées selon des relations sémantiques distinctes qui présentent des trajectoires développementales différentes et correspondent à diffèrent niveaux de représentation d’action. / The general aim of this work was to provide a better understanding of the cognitive mechanisms underlying manipulable artifact object conceptual organization. Specifically, we investigated implicit processing of thematic (e.g., saw-wood) and functional similarity relations at the specific (e.g., saw-axe) and general (e.g., saw-knife) levels during manipulable artifact object identification. Stimuli were selected from property generation and implicit semantic processing was investigated using eye-tracking in the Visual World Paradigm. First, we assessed the development of thematic and functional similarity processing in 6-, 8-, 10- year-old children and adults. Results demonstrated progressive emergence of general function similarity processing with age, while thematic and specific function similarity processing was already present from 6. Findings support a graded involvement of distinct mechanisms in object semantic processing and development. In the second series of experiments, we investigated the role of action in thematic and functional similarity processing by combining action priming with the Visual World Paradigm in adults and 6-year-olds. In adults, action primed thematic processing differently depending on the level of action representation entailed. Thematic processing was facilitated by gesture-level action representations but disturbed by intention-level action representations. In 6-year-olds, intention-level action representations improved general functional similarity relation implicit processing. Findings highlight the role of different action representation levels in manipulable artifact object semantic processing. Finally, preliminary data collected in 8 stroke patients provided additional evidence in favor of a multidetermined and graded manipulable artifact semantic structure. Together, findings demonstrate that knowledge about manipulable artifacts is organized along distinct types of semantic relations that show different developmental trajectories and relate to different levels of action representations.

Návrh vhodného etalonu délky pro oblast nanometrologie na pracovištích ČMI Brno a CEITEC Brno / Design of a suitable length standard for nanometology at the CMI Brno and CEITEC Brno

Češek, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design of a suitable length standard for nanometrology. This length standard will be used for metrological traceability of the Rigaku nano3DX located at CEITEC Brno and the SIOS NMM-1 device which is located at ČMI Brno. The first part is focused on the description of these measuring instruments, the analysis of their metrological traceability requirements and the requirements for the material length standard. The second part is devoted to the concrete possibilities of the etalon design, 3D printing of the prototype of the standard and verification of its dimensional compatibility. At the end of the thesis, the evaluation and selection of the appropriate standard design is made.

Evaluation of a robotic testing dashboard (RTD) used to compare autonomous robots with human pilots

Bergenholtz, Claes, Isacsson, John January 2021 (has links)
Autonomous robots are becoming a bigger part of our society. This thesis aims to evaluate a robot testing dashboard (RTD) that can be used as a new way of finding improvements when developing autonomous robots that do not use machine learning. The method that is used is design science research, which is used when creating and evaluating an artifact to address a practical problem. In our case the artifact isthe RTD. This project was performed at a company called Greenworks, which among other things develops and sells autonomous lawn mowers. The company wants to find new testing methods to help develop their autonomous lawnmowers. The RTD is created to visualize the inputs that the lawn mower utilizes to perform its tasks. A human pilot will then control the lawn mower, by only looking at that visualized data. If the pilot using the RTD can execute the same tasks as the lawn mower in its autonomous mode, the test results can be analyzed to see whether the human has done some parts of the tasks differently. The best outcome from the analysis of the test results is to find areas of improvement that can be implemented into the autonomous lawn mower design, both in software and hardware. For this purpose, an RTD was built and tested at Greenworks. From the tests using the RTD we concluded that it is helpful in the testing process, and we could find areas of improvements after analysis of our tests. However, the use of the RTD will require more time and resources compared to other methods. Each company that uses a similar dashboard concept will have to evaluate if the benefits are worth the time. Furthermore, the concept may not suit all areas of robotics but does seem to suit situations where a human can have an advantage over robots, such as in creative problem solving.

"Och väggarna förvandlades till världen runtomkring" : pedagogers röster och praktiker kring att främja elevers fantasi och kreativitet i och genom fritidshemmets inomhusmiljö / “And the walls became the world all around” : teachers voices and applied practices concerning the encouraging of child fantasy and creativity in and through the physical indoor environment of Swedish leisure time centres.

Thorén, Mia January 2020 (has links)
Betoningen i fritidshemmets och dess pedagogers uppdrag ligger på det som många gånger är oförutsägbart – lek, utforskande och kreativa arbetssätt samt att främja elevers fantasi och kreativitet. Fritidshemmet är även en fysisk plats – en komplex miljö där förväntningar om informellt lärande och omsorg ska iscensättas och ta plats. Den fysiska inomhusmiljön i fritidshemmet och pedagogernas roll i att använda den som en del av det pedagogiska uppdraget finns inte i detalj specificerat i styrdokumenten och är ett område som inte tidigare prioriterats högt i akademisk forskning, men kan ses vara på tydlig uppgång. Studien, som genomförts i form av samtalspromenader tillsammans med pedagoger på fyra fritidshem i Skåne syftar till att – genom ett designteoretiskt och sociokulturellt perspektiv – belysa pedagogers intentioner och praktiker kring att främja elevers kreativitet och fantasi i och genom den fysiska inomhusmiljön på fritidshemmet. Den ställer även frågan kring vilka artefakter som används för detta syfte och på vilket sätt de presenteras för eleverna. Studiens resultat visar en samstämmig bild av både det utbud av artefakter som presenteras för elever i syfte att främja kreativitet och fantasi, och ett ospecificerat uppdrag som i högsta grad är levande för pedagogerna men många gånger är marginaliserat. / The emphasis of Swedish leisure-time teachers assignment lies in the unpredictable characteristics of play, explorative and creative ways of working and encouraging child fantasy and creativity. The leisure time centre is also a physical space where a complex mix of expectations of informal learning and care takes place.   The physical learning environment of Swedish leisure-time centres, and the teacher’s assignment concerning it, is neither in detail regulated in steering documents nor well documented in academic research but seems to be an upcoming subject of attention.   This study, which has been executed as walking interviews with teachers in four Swedish leisure-time centres, aims to – through a sociocultural and multimodal theoretical perspective – illustrate the intention and applied practices concerning the encouraging of child fantasy and creativity in and through physical learning environment. It also aims to explore the use and range of artifacts and how they are presented to children.   The results of this study present a unanimous picture of the range of artifacts used and an assignment highly vivid to the teachers but still unspecified as well as marginalized.

Création d'un artefact modulaire d'aide à la conception de parcours client cross-canal visant à développer les capacités des managers des entreprises du secteur du commerce / Creation of a modular artifact to design cross-chanel customer journey to develop managers' capabilities in retail

Moschetti-Jacob, Florence 07 December 2016 (has links)
Le management de l’expérience client est un terrain d’étude trop peu exploré en marketing (Lars Grønholdt et al., 2015; Lemon et Verhoef, 2017) et de nombreux professionnels décrivent les enjeux stratégiques, plus spécifiquement, de la conception de parcours client ainsi que la complexité managériale à les concevoir en situation de cross-canal.Notre but, dans une visée prescriptive et normative de la recherche, est d’améliorer, à travers la création d’un outil de gestion, les capacités marketing des managers de parcours client. Nous limitions notre travail doctoral au secteur de la distribution française en cross-canal. La thèse suit la méthodologie de Design Science (Romme, 2003) visant à concevoir un artefact, c’est-à-dire un outil de gestion dont les professionnels peuvent s’emparer pour réduire la complexité du management de l’expérience client. Trois études empiriques qualitatives sont conduites : deux séries d’entretiens individuels et une étude de cas pour tester l’outil conçu.L’artefact développé dans cette thèse comprend un ensemble de concepts, une méthode de travail ainsi que sa réalisation effective appelée instanciation, fondée sur les résultats des deux premiers terrains. Nous montrons que le choix théorique de considérer le parcours client comme une coproduction de ressources et de fonder la conception de parcours sur une structure modulaire permet d’améliorer les capacités marketing et d’en développer de nouvelles, contribuant ainsi au savoir managérial mais aussi académique car notre recherche explore, d’un point de vue théorique, les ressources engagées par le client et l’entreprise, ainsi que les capacités marketing nécessaires pour le manager et leurs dynamiques. / Customer experience management is less explored in marketing (Lars Grønholdt et al., 2015; Lemon and Verhoef, 2017) and many practitioners describe strategic issues, and specifically, the managerial complexity to design of customer journey in cross-channel location.Our goal in our prescriptive and normative research, is aiming to improve, through the creation of a management tool, managers’ marketing capabilities. We restrict our doctoral work to French cross-channel retail. The thesis follows the Design Science Methodology (Romme, 2003) aimed at designing an artifact, which is a management tool that professionals can take to reduce the complexity of customer experience management. Three qualitative empirical studies are conducted: two series of interviews and a case study to test the artifact.The artifact developed in this thesis includes a set of concepts, a method and its effective realization called instantiation, based on the results of the first two interviews. We show that the theoretical choice to consider the customer journey as a co-production of resources and the design of customer journey as a modular structure allows to improve actual marketing capabilities and develop new ones, thus contributing to managerial knowledge but also academic because our research explores, from a theoretical point of view, the resources committed by the customer and the company, as well as marketing capabilities for the manager and their dynamics.

Odstraňování artefaktů JPEG komprese obrazových dat / Removal of JPEG compression artefacts in image data

Lopata, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the removal of artefacts typical for JPEG im- age compression. First, we describe the mathematical formulation of the JPEG format and the problem of artefact removal. We then formulate the problem as an optimization problem, where the minimized functional is obtained via Bayes' theorem and complex wavelets. We describe proximal operators and algorithms and apply them to the minimization of the given functional. The final algorithm is implemented in MATLAB and tested on several test problems. 1

Geometric Misalignment Calibration and Detector Lag Effect Artifact Correction in a Cone-Beam Flat Panel micro-CT System for Small Animal Imaging

Di Sopra, Lorenzo January 2015 (has links)
The cone-beam flat panel micro-CT is a high definition imaging system. It acquires projections of an object or animal to reconstruct a 3D image of its internal structure. The device is basically composed by a radiation tube and a detector panel, which are fixed to a gantry that rotates all around the test subject. The micro-CT system is affected by several imperfections and problems, that might lead to serious artifacts that deteriorate the quality of the reconstructed image. In particular, two issues have been discussed in the present work: the source-panel geometric misalignment and the detector lag effect. The first problem concerns the consequences of systems where the different elements are not perfectly aligned to each other. The second issue regards the residual signal, left in the detector's sensor after a projection acquisition, which affects the following frames with ghost images. Both these arguments have been investigated to describe their characteristics and behaviour in a typical acquisition protocol. Then two correction methods have been presented and tested on a real micro-CT device to verify their effectiveness in the artifacts compensation. In the end, a comparison between images before and after the corrections is provided and future prospects are discussed.

Speculating Relationships

Czienskowski, Lennart January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis the idea of relationship-centered design is proposed based on a speculative design project which is grounded in an understanding of post-anthropocentrism. To facilitate post-anthropocentric human-artifact relationships, that don’t favor living actors over non-living actor, objects may appear to have a life-like agency based on needs and therefore must be empathized with which can be achieved through object characters. Through the discussion of materiality, object behaviors, and object characters, the philosophy of object-oriented ontology and the social-theory of actor-network theory are connected to concepts from interaction design and reveal that materiality, object characters, and object behaviors “meet” in the interaction of humans and artifacts. The phenomenological approach of the Research through Design methodology has shown how the applied methods, that were focussed on the perceived experience of the designer, helped to identify possible correlations of materiality, object behavior and object characters that might affect the human-artifact relationship. Further, the research identified possible implications of post-anthropocentric design, which suggests, that further investigation of how post-anthropocentrism as an approach to design might influence aspects as understandings of equality, consent, and consumption behavior which eventually might have an influence on socio-political structures.

Att fånga minnen : En undersökning av intervjumetoder i arkeologiska kontexter / Catching Memories : A study of interview methods used inarchaeological settings

Billing Samuelsson, Astrid January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how oral sources can be documented in a better way, through a more conscious use of interview methods in archaeological contexts. By analysing and comparing three case studies, namely the excavation of The Overstone Miners’ Cottages in Northumberland, Great Britain, the excavation of Ramnässkärsparken near Uddevalla, Sweden and the excavation of The Mott Farm, Rhode Island, USA, different ways of using interview methods in relation to the archaeological material have been shown. One conclusion is that the use of the material world in the interviews gives them an archaeological focus. Therefor it is valuable that the archaeologist is the one performing the artefact-centred or spatial interview. Other conclusions are that memories from finds are dependent on recognition. A reference collection can be used to support reminiscence. The interview situation should be open and striving for different perspectives rather than facts. Lastly, archaeologists should apply ethical considerations in their research. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur muntligt källmaterial kan dokumenteras på ett bättre sätt, genom en mer medveten användning av intervjumetod i arkeologiska kontexter. Genom att analysera och jämföra tre fallstudier, nämligen utgrävningen av The Overstone Miners’ Cottages i Northumberland, Storbritannien, utgrävningen av festplatsen Ramnässkärsparken utanför Uddevalla, Sverige och utgrävningen av The Mott Farm, Rhode Island, USA, har olika sätt att använda intervjumetod i relation till ett arkeologiskt material framträtt. En slutsats från undersökningen är att användningen av det materiella i intervjuer ger dem ett arkeologiskt fokus. Därför är det värdefullt att just arkeologen håller i den föremålsbaserade eller rumsliga intervjun. Andra slutsatser är att minnen utifrån fynd är beroende av igenkänning. Referensexemplar kan användas för att stötta hågkomstprocessen. Intervjusituationen bör vara öppen och sträva efter att fånga olika perspektiv snarare än fakta. Slutligen bör arkeologer applicera etiska hänsynstaganden i sin forskning.

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