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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Behavioral demand response : A technology to support the smart grids of the future / Beteendebaserad efterfrågeflexibilitet : Ett sätt att stödja framtidens smarta elnät

Siddiqui, Usama Shahid January 2020 (has links)
Residential buildings are one of the main stakeholders to electricity consumption. As there is fast-paced technological advancement in electricity conservation, the residential buildings infrastructure has become very electricity-efficient in Sweden. However, there is still room for improvement with regards to electricity conservation via behavioral change. Meaning, residents have the potential to reduce household electricity consumption by developing a conservative behavior. The road to such a behavioral development is not straightforward. According to literature, behavioral change is influenced by different beliefs and norms. There also exists a global trend that fewer and fewer people are able to name a single neighbor, and it is aptly called “Globally Connected yet Locally Isolated”. In this master thesis the strategy to achieve electricity conservation is based upon local social cohesion, and the awareness of electricity, at Malvinas – a student residence at the campus of KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The study is carried out at LocalLife – a local social networking service for sustainable communities – implementing a mixed methodology of surveys and interviews. 8 LocalLife users are studied in detail. The result incorporates the most suitable features from the relevant topics that could enable long term change and retainment of users. The results showed that the participants: 1) indicated an increased energy awareness; 2) reported an improvement in local community-life; 3) felt motivated to change behavior to facilitate saving electricity. / I detta examensarbete görs en omfattande analys med hjälp av kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder för att undersöka ifall användandet av LocalLife – en lokal social nätverkstjänst som pilot-testas vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan – har förbättrat användarnas beteende och attityder kring hushållselsförbrukning samt hjälpt till att förbättra det lokala samhällslivet. Bostadshus ger upphov till en betydande del av världens energiförbrukning. På grund av den snabba tekniska utvecklingen har byggnaderna blivit mycket mer energieffektiva i Sverige på senare tid. Det finns dock fortfarande förbättringspotential när det gäller att spara el genom att ändra de boendes konsumtionsbeteende. Att få till en sådan beteendeförändring är dock inte enkelt. Enligt litteraturen påverkas beteendet av uppfattningar och normer. Det finns dessutom en global trend där allt färre människor lär känna sina grannar, kallad “globalt uppkopplad men lokalt isolerad”. Denna uppsats studerar därför en strategi att spara el som går ut på lokal sammanhållning och ökad kunskap om elanvändning hos de boende i studentlägenheterna på Malvinas väg på KTH campus. Studien utförs bland användare av LocalLife, ett lokalt socialt nätverk för hållbara stadsdelar – genom att blanda metoder såsom enkäter och intervjuer. Åtta LocalLife- användare studeras i detalj. Resultatet presenterar de mest lämpliga delarna från de relevanta ämnena som kan möjliggöra en bestående beteendeförändring öka chansen för att behålla användarna. Resultaten visar att deltagarna: 1) visade på en ökad energimedvetenhet; 2) upplevde en förbättring av det lokala samhällslivet; 3) kände sig motiverade att ändra sitt beteende för att spara el.

I strävan mot en grönare kommun : En kvalitativ fallstudie över Borås kommuns arbete med klimatväxling på sina enheter. / In pursuit of a greener municipality : A qualitative study on the municipality of Borås work with climate change on it’s units.

Rydholm Allard, Mattias, Insgård, Erik January 2017 (has links)
I detta examensarbete undersöks hur en svensk kommun kan arbeta med klimatväxling för att minska dess ekologiska fotavtryck och negativa effekt på miljön. Miljöfrågor är något som varje kommun brottas med dagligen för att föra arbetet kring hållbar utveckling framåt. Två forskningsfrågor formulerades som skulle ta reda på vilka faktorer som anställda i en svensk kommun upplever ökar miljömedvetenheten och användningen av elcykeln som arbetsfordon.  Tre olika hemtjänstenheter i Borås kommun har undersökts utifrån en kvalitativ ansats ihop med en litteraturstudie. Genom att fokusera på en infrastruktur som främjar elcykelanvändandet, erbjuda utbildningar kring elcykelanvändandet samt arbeta med kampanjer som ökar tillgängligheten på elcyklar kan kommuner skapa en kulturförändring vid val av fordon. Miljöutbildningar, miljöledningssystem och elcyklar ses som fungerande sätt att klimatväxla på, med olika preferenser från person till person beroende på tidigare kunskap och erfarenheter. De tre klimatväxlingsåtgärderna upplevs på olika sätt bidra till att personer agerar på ett mer hållbart sätt. Exempelvis genom bättre resurshantering, eco-driving och via byte av fordon släpps mindre CO2 ut per resa. / This thesis examines how a Swedish municipality can work with climate change to reduce its ecological footprint and negative effects on the environment. Environmental issues are something that every municipality encounters daily to forward the work on sustainable development. Two research questions were formulated that would determine the factors that employees in a Swedish municipality experience increases environmental awareness and usage of electrical bikes as work vehicles. Three different home care service units in Borås municipality has been examined based on a qualitative approach together with a literature study. By focusing on an infrastructure that encourage e-bike usage, provide education on ebikes and creating campaigns that increases the availability of e-bikes, municipalities can create a cultural change in the selection of vehicles. Environmental education, environmental management systems and e-bikes are working ways of climate compensation, with different preferences from person to person, depending on previous knowledge and experience. The three types of climate compensation alternatives are perceived as different ways to help people act more sustainable. For example, through better resource management, education in eco-driving and lesser CO2-emissions per trip by changing vehicle.

Marknadsföring i syfte att främja hållbart resande i Eskilstuna / Marketing to foster sustainable travel behavior in Eskilstuna

Enmark, Robin, Stadjer, Henrik January 2013 (has links)
Frågeställning: Vilken typ av människor har störst benägenhet att ändra sina resvanor?Vilka marknadsföringsstrategier är bäst lämpade för att få Eskilstunas invånare att ändra sina attityder och beteenden så att de väljer mer hållbara resealternativ? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att presentera marknadsföringsåtgärder som Eskilstuna kommun kan använda sig av för att främja hållbart resande samt att redogöra vilka målgrupper dessa åtgärder bör riktas mot. Metod: Vi valde att göra en kombinerad kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie. Kvantitativ data har vi hämtat från sekundärkällor i form av tidigare undersökningar som är gjorda i Eskilstuna och andra jämförbara kommuner i Sverige. Primärdata i denna studie är kvalitativ och kommer från intervjuer med olika personer som jobbar med att främja hållbart resande. Teorin och empirin vävdes sedan samman till en analys. Slutsats: I slutsatsen presenterar vi vilka målgrupper som är intressanta att arbeta med samt med vilka marknadsföringsåtgärder vi anser att Eskilstuna kommun bäst kan nå dem. Vår förhoppning är att de åtgärder vi presenterat kommer till användning för Eskilstuna kommun och att de kommer föra med sig en beteendeförändring. / Research questions: What kind of people is most likely to change their travel habits?Which marketing strategies are best suited to get Eskilstuna’s residents to change their attitudes and behaviors so they will choose more sustainable travel options Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present different marketing measures which Eskilstuna municipality can use to promote sustainable travel and to present which target groups such measures should be directed towards. Method: We chose to use a combined quantitative and qualitative research method. Quantitative data was obtained from secondary sources in the form of previous investigations that were made in Eskilstuna and other comparable municipalities in Sweden. The primary data in this study is qualitative and comes from interviews with various people who are working to promote sustainable travel. The theory and empirical data were woven together to constitute an analysis. Conclusion: In the conclusion, we present the target groups that are of interest to work with and with which marketing measures we consider Eskilstuna municipality best can reach them. We hope that the measures we have presented will be useful for Eskilstuna municipality and that they will lead to behavioral change.

Pourquoi ? Comment faire ? De la nature du comportement prosocial dans l’hypocrisie induite : le cas du gaspillage alimentaire / Why? How? Prosocial behavior nature in the induced hypocrisy : a food waste case study

Pelt, Audrey 06 December 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir une démarche d’intervention pour promouvoir la réduction du gaspillage alimentaire reposant sur l’hypocrisie induite semble. Cette procédure d’induction de dissonance articule une phase de saillance normative et une phase de rappel des transgressions. Si l’hypocrisie induite est interprétée à la lumière de la théorie de la consistance de Soi, nous reprenons à notre compte les propos de Vallacher (1992), selon lesquelles la nature de l’action, c’est-à-dire les significations qu’un individu attribue à ces comportements, est susceptible d’influencer le processus de dissonance. La théorie des niveaux de construit, incluant l’identification de l’action, a été mobilisée pour appréhender les significations accordées à des conduites pro-sociales. Plus précisément, nous avons examiné l’influence des niveaux de construit, sur les comportements de soumission obtenus, selon que la phase de saillance normative sera suivie ou non d’un rappel des transgressions. Dans une première expérience, nous avons testé l’applicabilité de l’hypocrisie induite pour promouvoir la réduction du gaspillage alimentaire. Les deux expériences suivantes examinent l’influence des niveaux de construits dans l’hypocrisie induite. Enfin, une recherche-action reposant sur des interventions de type face-à-face auprès des ménages a été mise en œuvre et integre des mesures comportementales effectives. Nos résultats suggèrent que l’hypocrisie induite est à même de promouvoir des changements de comportements effectifs de réduction du gaspillage, mais que ces changements dépendent des significations accordées à cette conduite pro-sociale / Our research aims at conceiving an intervention process to promote food waste reduction in households. Considering the characteristics of food waste, induced hypocrisy appeared adapted to lead to behavioural changes. This sequential procedure of dissonance induction articulates two steps: preaching publicly a socially desirable behaviour (normative salience) and remembering one’s counter-normative behaviours (mindfulness). Though induced hyprocrisy is interpreted in the light of self-consistency theory, we make ours Vallacher’s propositions (1992), according to which the nature of the action, that is the meanings attributed to these behaviours by an individual, is likely to influence arousal and dissonance reduction. This research relies on construal level theory, including action identification, to understand the meanings given to pro-social behaviours. More specifically, we tested the influence of construal levels, manipulated during the stage of normative salience, on the compliance behaviours thus obtained, whether the normative salience stage be or not followed by mindfulness. In a first study, we applied induced hypocrisy to a previously unstudied behavioural area: the encouragement of food waste reduction. The next two experiments, conducted in a laboratory, examined the influence of construal levels in induced hypocrisy. Relying on these studies, we conducted a field experiment, which used effective behavioural measures, based on face-to-face interventions in the households. Our results suggest that induced hypocrisy may encourage individuals to actually reduce food waste, but that these changes depend on the meanings they grant to this pro-social behaviour

Communicating Sustainability through Design within Retail Environments

Hendry, Daniel, Silcox, Lawrence, Yokoyama, Nobuko January 2007 (has links)
This thesis uses a systematic understanding of sustainability informed by human needs, learning and design theory to explore ways in which small retail environments can effectively communicate sustainability concepts. The envisioned outcome of successfully communicating and implementing sustainability within retail environments is a lasting change in people’s daily behaviors. The methods of literature review, surveys, human needs investigation and professional validation are used to develop a behavioral change model centered on human needs and learning as well as six communication guidelines. The appendix of this thesis contains a user-friendly pocket guidebook titled The Six Guidelines for Sustainable Retail. The guidebook is designed as a quick-reference tool for retailers, designers and employees. It contains principles, visuals and concepts of sustainability for daily communication and comprehension purposes.

How nudging can be used as a tool in order to include the employees in a company’s sustainability efforts : A case study of SkiStar AB, Åre

Ulander, Maja January 2021 (has links)
Background: This thesis is a collaboration between the researcher and the company of SkiStar AB, located on the destination of Åre, Sweden. The study builds upon previous internal quantitative research conducted by the company, where the areas of waste management, recycling, and coworker inclusion showed potential for improvement. The behavioral economic concept of nudging is used as the theoretical standpoint, to discover if changes in the staff accommodation can facilitate sustainable decisions and behaviors. Five interviews are conducted, in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the employee's behavior regarding source sorting and waste management as well as a more detailed and personal view of the current situation.  Purpose: By exploring the current situation of the employees and their behavior around waste management and combining this information with the theoretical foundation of nudging, this study aims to investigate and examine how nudging can be used as a tool in order to include the employees in a company's sustainability efforts. Methodology: The research is a qualitative study with an exploratory nature, where five in-depth interviews builds knowledge and creates understanding for the current situation. Thematic analysis is used to find patterns and relationships to analyze and validate the raw data, which later is developed into a first-order analysis, close to the raw material. Later a final analysis and application to the theoretical framework are conducted to fully explore the research questions and create suggestions for the company.  Conclusion: The research presents suggestions and appropriate nudging techniques to concretize and guide how nudging can be used as a tool when providing staff accommodation. The research proposes nudging techniques such as change of default option, simplifications and usage of social norms can be implemented to steer the waste management behavior in a sustainable direction, and by that, include the coworkers in the company's sustainability efforts, as well as contribute to a more sustainable destination and planet.

Rätt sak på rätt plats - det ska vara rätt : En studie om att underlätta källsotrering i lägenhetshus

Phatthra, Kaewsuk January 2021 (has links)
All residents have an equal obligation to sort their waste correctly. Despite the fact that there are regulations regarding, for example, packaging, newspapers, etc. they end up in combustible waste anyway. Why is that so? This thesis will focus on how to design a sorting area in an efficient, informative and accessible way to make it easier for users to sort correctly. Based on methods and collected empirical data, a comprehensive picture was created of what problems exist and what solutions need to be addressed. With the help of studies and theories, a design proposal was created on how to facilitate the sorting area for users to sort correctly. / Alla invånare har lika mycket skyldighet att sortera sitt avfall rätt. Trots att det finns en lag på exempelvis förpackningar, tidningar etc. så hamnar dessa ändå i brännbart avfall. Varför är det så? Examensarbetet kommer att handla om hur man kan utforma avfallsutrymme på ett effektivt, informativt och lättillgängligt sätt för att underlätta för användarna att sortera rätt. Utifrån metoder och insamlad empiri skapades en helhetsbild om vilka problem som finns och vilka lösningar som behöver åtgärdas. Med hjälp av studier och teorier skapades ett gestaltningsförslag på hur man kan underlätta sorteringsytan för användarna att sortera rätt

The Drive to Be Better: The Role of the Self-Improvement Motive on Media Selection, Processing, and Effects

Luong, Tran (Kate) 13 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.

lncreased bicycle helmet use: Time series observational studies on bicycle helmet use in Denmark from 2004 to 2021

Olsson, Bjørn 02 January 2023 (has links)
Using a bicycle helmet markedly reduces the risk of head injuries. The most recent systematic review and meta-analysis has documented that the use of bicycle helmet reduces the risk of serious head injuries by 60 % [1]. Given the large safety-gains from wearing a helmet while cycling, it is highly relevant to promote the uptake of bicycle helmets while also measuring how the prevalence of bicycle helmet use evolves over time across different groups. In Denmark, bicycle helmet use has been promoted in several nationwide campaigns targeting both the general cyclist population and cycling school children. Since 2004, the use of bicycle helmets among cyclist in Denmark has also been measured observationally in two different nationwide time series. One time series (termed 'city traffic'') consists of observations of cyclist across all age groups in city traffic. The other nationwide time series (named 'school traffic'') consists of observations in front of schools, and only includes observations of cycling children. This paper presents the results of these two observational time series, while also cautiously linking the increase in bicycle helmet use to campaigns that have promoted the uptake of bicycle helmets. This paper is structured as follows. First, the methods of the observational bicycle helmet studies are presented. Second, the results of the bicycle helmet observational time series are presented. Third, the discussion section assesses potential explanations for the increased bicycle helmet use in Denmark. The paper concludes that the use of bicycle helmets has increased markedly in Denmark. In 2004, approximately 6 % of the observed cyclists in city traffic used bicycle helmets. This number increased to 28 % in 2014 and to 48 % in 2021. In school traffic, helmet use among cycling school children increased from 33 % in 2004 to 60 % in 2014 and to 80 % in 2021. [From Introduction]

Medborgarforskning : En miljöutbildning för allmänheten? / Citizen science : An environmental education for citizens?

Andersson, Lina January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att studera deltagarnas uppfattade beteendeförändringar som medverkande i medborgarforskningsprojektet Växtkalendern. Ett vidare syfte med studien är att studera hur medborgarforskningsprojektet Växtkalendern kan påverka klyftan mellan medvetenhet och handlingskraft hos deltagarna i frågor rörande klimatförändringen, så kallat action gap. Studien har sin utgångspunkt ur en abduktiv ansats, där det empiriska materialet påverkar litteraturen och omvänt. Relevant empiri har samlats in genom en enkätundersökning. Undersökningen har skickats ut till alla deltagare i forskningsprojektet Växtkalendern, dessutom har intervjuer och samtal med specialister inom området medborgarforskning genomförts. Resultatet visar att medborgarforskningsprojektet Växtkalendern har potential att påverka deltagarna. Ur enkäten framkommer det att deltagarna anser att möjligheten att hjälpa forskningen är den klart viktigaste anledningen till deltagande. Med hjälp av de teoretiska utgångspunkterna och det empiriska materialet analyserades medborgarforskningsprojektets möjlighet att förändra beteenden hos deltagarna i frågor gällande klimatförändringen. Studien visar att klyftan mellan medvetenhet och handlingskraft kan minskas med hjälp av medborgarforskning då deltagarna upplever en ökad medvetenhet och ett förändrat beteende i och med deltagandet i projektet. / The purpose of the study is to study the behavioral changes in participants in the citizen science project "Växtkalendern". The purpose is also to study how the citizen science project "Växtkalendern" can influence the gap between awareness and action in terms of climate change issues, so-called action gap, among the participants. The study is conducted based on an abductive approach, where the empiric material influences the literature study and vice-versa. The relevant empirical was collected through a survey sent out to all the participants in the project "Växtkalendern". In addition, interviews and discussions with specialists in the field of citizen science research have been conducted. The results shows that the citizen science project "Växtkalendern" has potential to influence participants. The survey revealed that the participants felt that the opportunity to assist research was clearly the most important reason for participation. Using the theoretical standing points and the empirical material, the citizen science project ability to create behavioral changes in the participants in terms of climate change issues was analyzed. The study shows that the gap between awareness and action can be reduced with the help of citizen science as participants experienced increased awareness and a changing behavior through participation in the project "Växtkalendern".

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