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Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av sitt första år i yrket : En litteraturöversikt / Newly graduated nurses' experience of their first year in the profession : A literature reviewLind, Felicia, Skoglund, Kristin January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskeyrket är en profession med komplexitet där den professionella sjuksköterskan bör inneha kunskap och förståelse, färdighet och förmåga, värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt, för att kunna leda och ansvara för en god patientsäker omvårdnad. Det examineras ungefär 5000 sjuksköterskor varje år i Sverige. Sjuksköterskestudenter som närmar sig examen upplever blandade känslor. Både en glädje över att snart vara färdiga sjuksköterskor, en oro över att inte besitta kompetens nog för rollen samt en osäkerhet inför att arbeta självständigt och att ansvara för beslut i patientrelaterade omvårdnadsfrågor. Efter två år i yrket väljer 30 % av de nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskorna att lämna yrket. Syfte: Syftet var att få en fördjupad förståelse av nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av sitt första år inom professionellt kliniskt arbete. Metod: Metoden som används är en litteraturöversikt som baseras på elva artiklar bestående av två med mixad metod, en av kvalitativ design samt sju med kvantitativ studiedesign med Benners (1984) teori från Novis till Expert som stöd som vid resultatdiskussion. Resultat: Den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskans erfarenheter sammanfattas under fyra huvudteman: Rollförväntningar, Arbetskultur och Miljö, Utvecklande av kompetens samt Fokusskifte. Undertema till Rollförväntningar är Osäkerhet och Kaos. Undertema till Arbetskultur och Miljö är Introduktion och Handledning. De nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskorna hade förväntningar på rollen som sjuksköterska som ledde till en skrämmande erfarenhet i den kliniska verksamheten. Positiva erfarenheter hos de nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskorna var förenade med att ha en bra handledare och en stödjande arbetsmiljö. Efter att utövat professionen i nästan ett år upplevde de nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskorna en tillfredsställelse med utvecklingen av yrkeskompetensen. Under de första sex till tolv månaderna koncentrerade de nyexaminerade sjuksköterskorna sina krafter på lära känna den nya arbetsmiljön och erhålla acceptans från arbetskollegor. Vart efter trygghet i rollen växte, skiftade sjuksköterskan fokus från sina egna behov till patientens. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades med stöd av Benners teori. Resultatet visade på att flertalet av de nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskorna inte uppfattade sig redo att självständigt agera, hantera och organisera omvårdnaden och upplevde ett behov av mer empirisk erfarenhet för att hantera sin roll som sjuksköterska. De nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskorna var i behov av stöd vilket även Benner beskriver i sin teori. Att uppleva stöd från arbetskollegor och andra sjuksköterskor med mer gedigen erfarenhet var ytterst viktiga faktorer för den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskans hälsa och kompetensutveckling, men flertalet av studierna visade på att nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplevde att de saknade stöd. Den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan koncentrerar sig på den egna utvecklingen samt att följa utstakade riktlinjer, vilket kan orsaka att patienten hamnar i bakgrunden för den nyutexaminerade. Det är först när den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan skaffat sig tillräckligt med erfarenheter och självförtroende hen skiftar fokus från sina egna behov till patientens. / Background: The nursing profession is a profession with complexity where the professional nurses must have knowledge and understanding, skills and abilities, judgment and approach, to be able to lead and be responsible for good and safe patient care. Approximately 5000 nurses graduate every year in Sweden. Nursing students approaching graduation experienced mixed feelings. Both a delight to soon be finished nursing while concern was expressed about not possessing the skills enough for the role, as well as an uncertainty to work independently and be responsible for decisions in patient-related health issues. After two years in the profession approximately 30 % of the newly graduated nurses choose to leave the profession. Aim: The aim was to gain a deeper understanding of how the newly graduated nurses experience their first year in the professional clinical work. Method: The method used is a literature review based on eleven articles consisting of two with mixed method, one of qualitative design and seven with quantitative study design with Benner's (1984) theory from Novis to Expert as support for discussion of the results. Results: Four major themes emerged: Role Expectations, Work Culture and Environment, Development of expertise and Focus shift. Subthemes to Role Expectations is Uncertainty and Chaos. Subthemes to Work Culture are Environment's Introduction and Mentoring. The newly graduated nurses had expectations about the nursing role that led to a terrifying experience in clinical practice. Positive experiences of the graduate nurses were associated with having a good supervisor and a supportive work environment. After practicing the profession for nearly a year, the newly graduated nurses experienced satisfaction with the development of the professional skill. During the first six to twelve months the newly graduated nurses concentrated their energy on getting to know the environment and receive acceptance from colleagues. When security grew in the nursing role, the nurse shifted the focus from their own needs to the patient's needs. Positive experiences of the newly graduated nurses were associated with having a good supervisor and a supportive work environment. Discussion: The results were discussed with Benners theory. The results showed that the majority of the newly graduated nurses did not perceive themselves ready to act independently, manage and organize care, and felt a need for more empirical experience to handle the nursing role. The newly graduated nurses stated a need for support from an experienced nurse, in which Benners agrees and describes in her theory. Experience support of colleagues and other nurses with more experience was extremely important factors for the newly graduates health and development of competence, but most of the studies showed that newly graduated nurses felt that they lacked support. As the competence increased the newly graduated nurse experienced that their previous focus on getting acceptance from colleagues was replaced by a focus on the patient and their care. According to Benners theory the newly graduated nurses concentrate on their own development and guidelines, which can cause the newly graduated nurse to lack focus on the patient.
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Svårt med svårläkta sår : En intervjustudie med sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor på vårdavdelningarMattsson, Carin January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: De nationella riktlinjerna i Vårdhandboken anger att sårbehandling är sjuksköterskans ansvarsområde, trots att undersköterskor oftast sköter uppgiften. Det finns inget hinder i lagstiftningen att sårbehandlingen överlåts på undersköterskan, förutsatt att vården är patientsäker. Forskning visar att sjuksköterskor ofta känner sig osäkra gällande sårbehandlingar, men forskning om undersköterskors erfarenheter saknas. Syftet: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors och undersköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter med svårläkta sår på vårdavdelningar. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju sjuksköterskor och åtta undersköterskor analyserades med manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Deltagarna beskrev att undersköterskor vanligen utför såromläggningar och att sjuksköterskor i varierande utsträckning försöker följa behandlingen, men att tidspress utgjorde ett hinder för sjuksköterskornas önskan om att vara mer delaktiga. Det framkom att sårbehandling är en komplex uppgift, för vilken de flesta ansåg att de inte hade tillräcklig kompetens. Stöd hämtades från erfarna kollegor och teamet runt patienten som bland annat bestod av sårexperter från Sårcentrum. Slutsats: Vårdgivaren behöver inse att komplexiteten i vården av patienter med svårläkta sår utmanar målet om god och säker vård. Därför krävs personal väl förberedd för uppgiften, både genom en god teoretisk grund och omfattande klinisk erfarenhet av sårbehandlingar – som ges den tid som faktiskt behövs. / Background: The National guidelines stipulate that wound care is the registered nurse's area of responsibility, but usually assistant nurses perform the task. There is no hinder in legislation to entrust the task to assistant nurses, provided the care remains safe. Research shows that nurses often feel uncertain about wound care, but research on assistant nurses' experiences is lacking. The purpose: To describe registered nurses 'and assistant nurses' experiences of caring for patients with difficult-to-heal wounds in care units. Method: Semi-structured interviews with seven registered nurses and eight assistant nurses were analyzed with manifest qualitative content analysis with inductive approach. Results: Participants described that assistant nurses usually perform the wound care and that registered nurses try to follow the treatment to varying degrees, but that the time pressure constituted an obstacle to nurses' desire to be more involved. The result showed that wound care is a complex task, for which many felt they lacked sufficient competence. Support was obtained from experienced colleagues and the team around the patient, which consisted of wound specialists from the Wound Center. Conclusion: The caregiver needs to realize that the complexity of caring for patients with hard-to-heal-wounds is a challenge to patient safety and hence requires competent staff who are well prepared for the task, both through a theoretical basis and frequent practice of wound care that is granted the time actually required.
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The Development and Validation of a Novice Nurse Decision-Making Skills Education CurriculumSimmons, Joanne Stephanie 01 January 2017 (has links)
Novice nurses (NNs) are entering critical care environments with limited knowledge, skills, and decision-making expertise. They are expected to care for complex patients in a dynamic healthcare setting. The research question for this project examined whether NNs improve their knowledge and skills by participating in a nursing decision-making skills curriculum. The purpose of the project was to develop and validate a nursing decision-making skills education curriculum working in an intermediate critical care unit. Taba's instructional theoretical model was used to guide the new curriculum development along with current evidence based practice found in the current literature. Scaffolding approach theory encouraged the use of more knowledgeable peers or educators to assist NN with skill acquisition. Project participants consisted of 5 local learning specialists in critical-care nursing with a minimum of a bachelor's of science degree in nursing as well as national certifications. Upon curriculum review completion, each of the 5 specialists were asked to complete a 5-point Likert scale survey to evaluate the content of the newly developed curriculum. Descriptive analysis was completed on the survey data. Three of the 5 learning specialists agreed and 2 strongly agreed that the program met its stated objectives. Three of the learning specialists strongly agreed and 2 agreed that the course content was relevant to NNs' day-to-day roles and that the material and resources facilitated the development of decision-making skills. Adjunct NN education may promote positive social change by providing an effective strategy for improving decision-making skills among NNs, potentially leading to improved patient outcomes in a healthier community with a skilled healthcare workforce.
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No description available.
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Exploring the Help-seeking / Helping Dynamic in Illegal Drug UsePolych, Carol 01 March 2011 (has links)
Heuristic qualitative research techniques (Moustakas,1990) were used to explore the dynamic of the help-seeking / helping relationship in illegal drug use from the perspective of the professional. Six professionals, expert in helping people living with an addiction, shared their opinions and insights, analyzed problems, explained the rewards, and made recommendations for improvement, based on their own practices within the health care and social services systems. These professionals identify stigma as a major barrier to the provision of quality care in addictions, and analysis shows that a cultural predilection for scapegoating underlies the application of stigma. The many layered social purposes served by the designation of certain substances as illegal and the utility of scapegoating to hegemonic, vested interests is surveyed. This thesis reviews the true social costs of addictions, the entrenched and enmeshed nature of the alternate economy, and the many above ground institutions and professions sustained by the use of drugs designated as illegal. Prohibition and imprisonment as a response to illegal drug use is exposed as costly, inhumane, dangerous, and overwhelmingly counterproductive in terms of limiting harm from illegal drug use. A recent example of drug prohibition propaganda is deconstructed. Consideration is given to the role of the Drug War as a vehicle to accelerate social creep toward a fragmented self-disciplining surveillance society of consumer-producers in the service of economic elites. Classism is brought forward from a fractured social ground characterized by many splits: sexism, racism, age-ism, able-ism, size-ism, locationism, linguism, and others, to better track the nature of the social control that illegal drugs offer to economic elites. The moral loading that surrounds illegal drug use is deconstructed and the influence of religion is presented for discussion. The primitive roots of human understanding that endorse the ritual Drug War and its supporting mythology, leading to the demonization of illegal drugs and the people who use them, are uncovered. Direction is taken from Benner and Wrubel’s Primacy of Caring (1989) and other leaders in the professions as a means to move practitioners away from their roles as agents of social control into a paradigm of social change.
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Exploring the Help-seeking / Helping Dynamic in Illegal Drug UsePolych, Carol 01 March 2011 (has links)
Heuristic qualitative research techniques (Moustakas,1990) were used to explore the dynamic of the help-seeking / helping relationship in illegal drug use from the perspective of the professional. Six professionals, expert in helping people living with an addiction, shared their opinions and insights, analyzed problems, explained the rewards, and made recommendations for improvement, based on their own practices within the health care and social services systems. These professionals identify stigma as a major barrier to the provision of quality care in addictions, and analysis shows that a cultural predilection for scapegoating underlies the application of stigma. The many layered social purposes served by the designation of certain substances as illegal and the utility of scapegoating to hegemonic, vested interests is surveyed. This thesis reviews the true social costs of addictions, the entrenched and enmeshed nature of the alternate economy, and the many above ground institutions and professions sustained by the use of drugs designated as illegal. Prohibition and imprisonment as a response to illegal drug use is exposed as costly, inhumane, dangerous, and overwhelmingly counterproductive in terms of limiting harm from illegal drug use. A recent example of drug prohibition propaganda is deconstructed. Consideration is given to the role of the Drug War as a vehicle to accelerate social creep toward a fragmented self-disciplining surveillance society of consumer-producers in the service of economic elites. Classism is brought forward from a fractured social ground characterized by many splits: sexism, racism, age-ism, able-ism, size-ism, locationism, linguism, and others, to better track the nature of the social control that illegal drugs offer to economic elites. The moral loading that surrounds illegal drug use is deconstructed and the influence of religion is presented for discussion. The primitive roots of human understanding that endorse the ritual Drug War and its supporting mythology, leading to the demonization of illegal drugs and the people who use them, are uncovered. Direction is taken from Benner and Wrubel’s Primacy of Caring (1989) and other leaders in the professions as a means to move practitioners away from their roles as agents of social control into a paradigm of social change.
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Fostering self-regulation through positive discipline during free play in early childhood educationMsipha, Zenzile 10 June 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The fostering of self-regulation is of great importance in the Early Childhood
Development (ECD) phase, because it leads to future self-discipline. The aim of the
study was to understand the participants’ ways of fostering self-regulation during free
play in three primary schools in Zimbabwe. The theoretical frameworks of the study,
namely positive psychology and Deci and Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory (SDT),
as well as the Basic Psychological Needs Theory (BPNT), regarded the learners’
support for autonomy, competence and relatedness as key characteristics of positive
discipline that support the development of self-regulation. Benner’s interpretive
phenomenology method was used with the aim of describing and interpreting
participants’ experiences of the phenomenon under study. The social constructivism
paradigm underpinned the study and the approach was qualitative. Data collection
and analysis were guided by Benner’s interpretive phenomenological method. A
paradigm case, themes and exemplars were used in data presentation, discussion
and interpretation. Findings showed that free-play activities consisted of, for instance,
socio-dramatic play, indoor play in play corners and outdoor play. The common
practices used by the participants to foster self-regulation through positive discipline
were co-regulation, positive reinforcement, time-out and logical consequences.
Teachers and learners often perceived the teachers’ use of time-out and logical
consequences as punishment rather than positive discipline, because of the rigidity of
its application without considering psychosocial needs. The findings, however, were
consistent with an understanding of fostering self-regulation through positive discipline
during free play by nurturing the learners’ psychological needs for autonomy,
competence and relatedness, as well as mindfulness. Research proposed
mindfulness as a possible fourth basic psychological need. In line with the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) for achieving a better and sustainable future for all people
by 2030, participants perceived the fostering of self-regulation through positive
discipline as part of gender education for eradicating gender-based violence and to
foster resilience. / Selfregulering moet in die vroeë kinderjare reeds by klein kinders gekweek word sodat
hulle later in die lewe in staat sal wees om selfdissipline aan die dag te lê. Die doel
van hierdie studie was om vas te stel hoe die deelnemers by drie laerskole in
Zimbabwe gedurende vrye spel selfregulering by leerders gekweek het. Die drie
teoretiese raamwerke waarop hierdie studie berus, is die positiewe sielkunde, Deci en
Ryan se selfbeskikkingsteorie (SBT) en die teorie van basiese psigososiale behoeftes
(TBSB). Hiervolgens is die bevrediging van kinders se behoefte aan outonomie,
bedrewenheid (‘competence’) en verhoudings (‘relatedness’) voorvereistes vir die
positiewe dissiplinering waarmee selfregulering by hulle gekweek word. Benner se
metode van interpretatiewe fenomenologie is gevolg om deelnemers se belewing van
die fenomeen te beskryf en te vertolk. Die sosiale konstruktivisme het die grondslag
van hierdie studie gevorm, en die benadering was kwalitatief. Data is volgens Benner
se metode van interpretatiewe fenomenologie ingewin en ontleed. ʼn Paradigmageval,
temas en voorbeelde (‘exemplars’) is in die aanbieding, bespreking en interpretasie
van data gebruik. Volgens die bevindings het vryespelaktiwiteite bestaan uit onder
meer sosiaal-dramatiese spel, binnenshuise spel in speelhoekies, en buitelugspel. Die
praktyke waarvolgens deelnemers selfregulering deur positiewe dissiplinering
gekweek het, was onderlinge regulering, positiewe versterking, afkoeltyd en logiese
gevolge. Onderwysers en leerders het afkoeltyd en logiese gevolge nie as positiewe
dissiplinering nie, maar eerder as straf belewe aangesien dit streng toegepas word en
nie met die kind se psigososiale behoeftes rekening hou nie. Die bevindings strook
egter met ons siening van die kweek van selfregulering deur positiewe dissiplinering
tydens vrye spel deur leerders se psigososiale behoefte aan outonomie,
bedrewenheid (‘comptetence’), verhoudings (‘relatedness’) en bewustheid
(‘mindfulness’) te bevredig. Navorsers stel bewustheid (‘mindfulness’) as ʼn vierde
basiese psigososiale behoefte voor. In ooreenstemming met die Doelwitte vir
Volhoubare Ontwikkeling (DVO’s) vir ʼn beter en volhoubare toekoms vir alle mense
teen 2030, het deelnemers gevind dat die kweek van selfregulering deur positiewe dissiplinering deel uitmaak van genderopvoeding as teenvoeter vir geslagsgeweld, en
vindingrykheid aanwakker. / Ukukhuthaza ukuzilawula kubaluleke kakhulu esigabeni sokuThuthukiswa
Kwabantwana Abasebancane (i-ECD phase), ngoba kuholela ekuzikhalimeni
esikhathini esizayo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuqonda izindlela
zababambiqhaza zokukhuthaza ukuzilawula ngesikhathi sokudlala ngokukhululeka
ezikoleni ezintathu zamabanga aphansi eZimbabwe. Izinhlaka zombono
wezinzululwazi zalolu cwaningo, ezaziwa ngokuthi okuhle kwengqondo kanye
noMbono Wenzululwazi kaDeci noRyan Wokuzimisela (i-SDT), kanye noMbono
Wenzululwazi Wezidingo Eziyisisekelo Zokuphathelene Nenggqondo (i-BPNT),
zithathe ukwesekwa kwabafundi njengokuzimele, ikhono kanye nokuhlobana
njengezimpawu ezisemqoka zokukwazi ukuzikhalima okuhle okusekela
ukuthuthukiswa kokuzilawula. Kusetshenziswe indlela kaBenner yokuhumusha
okwenzekile ngenhloso yokuchaza nokuhumusha okwenzeke kubabambiqhaza
kulokho okufundwa ngako. Inqubo yokwakhiwa kwezenhlalakahle iyona esekele
ucwaningo kanti futhi indlela yokwenza ibibheka amaqiniso. Ukuqoqwa kwemininingo
nokuhlaziywa bekuncike endleleni kaBenner yokuhumusha okwenzekile.
Kwasetshenziswa izimo semiqondo, izingqikithi kanye nezibonelo ukwethula
imininingo, izingxoxo nokuhumusha. Okutholakele kukhombisile ukuthi ukudlala
ngokukhululeka kubandakanya, ngokwesibonelo, ukudlala ngokulingisa ezenhlalo,
ukudlala endlini emakhoneni okudlala kanye nokudlala ngaphandle. Imikhuba
ejwayelekile esetshenziswa ngababambiqhaza ukukhuthaza ukuzilawula
ngokusebenzisa ukukhalima okukahle kwakungukulawula ngokubambisana,
ukukhuthaza okuhle, ukuqedwa komdlalo kanye nemiphumela eyenza umqondo. Othisha nabafundi babevame ukubona ukuqedwa komdlalo nemiphumela eyenza
umqondo njengento esetshenziswa ngothisha njengesijeziso kunokukhalima okuhle,
ngenxa yobukhuni bokusetshenziswa kwako ngaphandle kokubheka izidingo
zomqondo. Okutholakele, nokho, bekuhambisana nokuqonda kokukhuthaza
ukuzilawula ngokukhalima okukahle ngesikhathi sokudlala ngokukhululeka
ngokunakekela izidingo zabafundi zokuphathelene nengqondo ekuzimeleni, ikhono
kanye nokuhlobana, kanye nokuqaphela izinto. Ucwaningo luhlongoze ukuqaphela
izinto njengesidingo sesine esiyisisekelo kokuphathelene nengqondo.
Ngokuhambisanayo neziNjongo Zokuthuthukiswa Okusinokusimama (ama-SDG)
ukuze kufezeke ikusasa elingcono nelinokusimama kubantu bonke ngonyaka ka-
2030, ababambiqhaza babona ukukhuthaza ukuzilawula ngokuzikhalima okukahle
njengengxenye yemfundo yobulili ukuze kuncishiswe udlame oluncike ebulilini futhi
kukhuthazwe ukuqina. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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Technik und Bildung in der verwissenschaftlichten Lebenswelt / Vier Modelle: Fink, Heidegger, Litt, SchelskyLumila, Minna 02 June 2023 (has links)
Die Studie versucht, Husserls Modell einer nicht-wissenschaftlichen Lebenswelt für pädagogische Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Technik und Bildung in der verwissenschaftlichen Welt zu öffnen. Sie diskutiert Entwicklungsprobleme der Spätmoderne unter pluralen Fragestellungen und führt Ansätze und Traditionen zusammen, die unterschiedliche Wege zur Weiterentwicklung der modernen Bildungstheorie beschritten haben. Im Zentrum steht die Frage, wie moderne Technik einerseits als lebensweltliche Entfremdung des Menschen problematisiert und andererseits als Produkt menschlicher Freiheit und Weltgestaltung gewürdigt werden kann. In vier Kapiteln werden die methodischen Ansätze und Antworten vorgestellt, die der Philosoph und Pädagoge Eugen Fink (1905–1975), der Philosoph Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), der Philosoph und Erziehungswissenschaftler Theodor Litt (1880–1962) und der Soziologe Helmut Schelsky (1912–1984) auf die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Bildung und Technik gegeben haben. Im Durchgang durch ihre Positionen wird ein Konzert erarbeitet, dessen Originalität darin liegt, Abstimmungsprobleme von Bildung, Technik und Lebenswelt aus postdualistischer, praxistheoretischer sowie posthumanistischer Perspektive zu thematisieren. / The study attempts to open Husserl's model of a non-scientific lifeworld for pedagogical investigations of the relationship between technology and “Bildung” in the scientific world. It discusses developmental problems of late modernity under plural questions and brings together approaches and traditions that have taken different paths to the further development of modern “Bildungs”-theory. The central question is how modern technology can be problematized on the one hand as the alienation of human beings from the world of life and on the other hand be appreciated as a product of human freedom and the shaping of the world. Four chapters present the methodological approaches and answers that philosopher and educator Eugen Fink (1905–1975), philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), philosopher and educationalist Theodor Litt (1880–1962), and sociologist Helmut Schelsky (1912–1984) have given to the question of the relationship between education and technology. In the course of their positions, a concert will be developed whose originality lies in addressing the coordination problems of “Bildung” (education), “Technik” (technology) and “Lebenswelt” (lifeworld) from a post-dualist, praxis-theoretical as well as post-humanist perspective.
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