Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biologiska"" "subject:"biologische""
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Det vackra i det vilda : Kommunal förvaltning av urban vildmark i städer för biologisk mångfald / Beauty in the wild : Municipal management of urban wilderness in cities for biodiversityOhlson, Linn, Simonsson, Michelle January 2024 (has links)
Urbanisering och förtätning av städer utmanar arbetet med att hejda förlusten av biologisk mångfald. En förlust av biologisk mångfald hotar långsiktigt fungerande ekosystem som levererar ekosystemtjänster. Balansen mellan natur och människa är därför viktig att åstadkomma. Städer ses trots sina utmaningar som en alternativ miljö för biologisk mångfald. För att göra en förändring i förlusten av biologisk mångfald blir urban vildmark en viktig komponent i befintliga grönområden. Denna studie syftar till att kartlägga utmaningar och möjligheter för kommunalt strategiarbete med urban vildmark i grönområden. Utmaningarna och möjligheterna ses som ett underlag till kommunernas förgröningsstrategier. En innehållsanalys har utförts av valda stadsförgröningsplaner med olika dokument från kommunen och underlag från Naturvårdsverket. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har även utförts med tjänstemän som arbetar inom miljöyrken i tre kommuner och en representant från Naturvårdsverket. Kompletterande metoder har varit photo-elicitation method och observation av utvalda platser. Denna studie fann en del utmaningar och möjligheter med ett kommunalt strategiarbete med urban vildmark i grönområden för biologisk mångfald. Den mest synliga möjligheten är att arbetet med urban vildmark som en grund i en förgröningsstrategi utgår från ett multifunktionellt perspektiv. Ett arbete utifrån ett sådant perspektiv gör det möjligt att arbeta med urban vildmark i grönområden för biologisk mångfald. Förhoppningen är att denna studie kan ge ett nytt perspektiv på hur urban vildmark kan inkluderas för biologisk mångfald i kommunala förgröningsstrategier. / Urbanization and the densification of cities challenges efforts to halt the loss of biodiversity. A loss of biodiversity threatens long-term functioning ecosystem that provides ecosystem services. Therefore, achieving a balance between nature and humans is crucial. Despite their challenges, cities are seen as an alternative environment for biodiversity. To make a change in the loss of biodiversity, urban wilderness becomes an important component in existing green spaces. This study aims to map the challenges and opportunities for municipal strategic work with urban wilderness in green areas. The challenges and opportunities are viewed as a basis for municipalities' greening strategies. A content analysis has been conducted of selected urban greening plans with various documents from the municipalities and materials from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Semi-structured interviews have also been carried out with officials working in environmental professions in three municipalities and a representative from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Complementary methods have included the photo-elicitation method and observation of selected sites. This study found several challenges and opportunities in municipal strategic work with urban wilderness in green spaces for biodiversity. The most prominent opportunity is that the work with urban wilderness as a foundation in a greening strategy is based on a multifunctional perspective. Working from such a perspective makes it possible to address urban wilderness in green spaces for biodiversity. The hope is that this study can provide a new perspective on how urban wilderness can be included for biodiversity in municipal greening strategies.
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Medborgarforskning inom biologisk mångfald på kommunal nivå : En fallstudie i Tierps kommun / Citizen science within biodiversity at a municipal level : A case study in Tierps kommunEkroth, Tobias, Sanne, Tom, Wennergren, Oliver January 2024 (has links)
Hastigheten för globalt utdöende är betydligt högre nu jämfört med den förmänskliga tiden, och utan åtgärder kommer utdöendet att accelerera. Detta medför ett stort ansvar på beslutsfattare som måste agera i förhållande till detta. Därför är det viktigt att kunna följa upp den biologiska mångfalden för att ta strategiska beslut, något som endast sker i begränsad skala på kommunal nivå i Sverige. Vidare finns det mycket medborgardata kring artrikedom, där frivilliga medborgare rapporterar fynd de gjort i databasen Artportalen. Möjligheten att utnyttja denna typ av data undersöks i denna fallstudie av Tierps kommun, där trenden för den biologiska mångfalden undersöktes. Därefter användes hypotesprövning för att kvantifiera osäkerheten i de resultat som framtogs. Däremot hävdar flera forskare att det finns utmaningar med att använda sådan data, därför ämnade denna studie även att undersöka dessa problem med den använda datan. Därmed togs det fram kompletterande information om plats, tid och arter för att analysera detta. Studien visade en övergripande negativ trend för den biologiska mångfalden i Tierps kommun, vilket validerades av hypotesprövningen. Gällande problemen som undersöktes kunde det konstateras att många fynd var centrerade runt särskilda platser, månader och arter, vilket begränsar möjligheten att dra säkra slutsatser gällande hela den biologiska mångfalden i kommunen. Sammanfattningsvis kunde det konstateras att de resultat som framtogs skulle behöva kompletteras av annan data alternativt av andra tillvägagångssätt. / The rate of global extinction is significantly higher today compared to the prehuman times, and without action, the extinction will accelerate. This means that there is great pressure on decision-makers to take action. It is therefore important to monitor biodiversity to make strategic decisions, something that municipalities in Sweden only do at a limited scale. At the same time, there are loads of citizen science data on species richness, where unsolicited citizens report their findings in the database Artportalen. The opportunity to utilize this type of data is explored in this case study of Tierps kommun, where the trend of biodiversity is examined. Additionally, hypothesis testing was used to quantify the uncertainty in the results. However, several scientists claim that there are challenges using such data, therefore this study also aimed to explore these. To do this, complementary information regarding time, space and species were gathered and analyzed. The results indicated that a general negative trend could be identified in biodiversity for the municipality of Tierp, which was validated with the hypothesis testing. Regarding the problems that were examined, it could be ascertained that most of the discoveries were limited to specific places, months and species, which limits the possibility to draw certain conclusions regarding the entire biodiversity in the municipality. In conclusion, it could be stated that the results that were produced need to be complemented by other data, alternatively by other methods.
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Nature, culture, rights : exploring space for indigenous agency in protected area discourses / Natur, kultur, rättigheter : urfolks handlingsutrymme i naturskyddsdiskurserReimerson, Elsa January 2015 (has links)
There is considerable geographical overlap between areas set aside for nature conservation or protection and Indigenous peoples’ lands, and the social, economic, and political consequences of protected areas have often been extensive for Indigenous peoples. Discourses of conservation converge with discourses of Indigenous peoples, and both carry a legacy of colonial constructs and relationships. With these overlaps as a point of departure, the purpose of this thesis is to explore how the discourses that govern nature conservation and protected areas shape the conditions for Indigenous peoples’ influence and participation in the governance and management of protected areas on their lands. I pursue this aim by analyzing, and critically examining the consequences of, the construction of Indigenous subject positions and conditions for agency in discourses of nature conservation and protected areas. The empirical focus of the thesis lies with international discourses of protected areas and Indigenous peoples and on local and national discourses articulated in relation to two cases of protected areas in Sápmi. My analytical framework builds on postcolonial theory and discourse theory. I use space for agency as a concept to describe and analyze the effects of the discursive positionings and constructions that shape the ability or capacity of individuals or group to act or to be perceived as legitimate actors. My results show twomain articulations of Indigenous subject positions in protected area discourses, which enable and restrain the space for Indigenous agency in different ways. One articulation connects Indigenous peoples to conservation through the concept of traditional knowledge, thereby positioning Indigenous subjects mainly as holders of traditional knowledge and justifying Indigenous influence by its potential contribution to conservation objectives. The other articulation focuses on the rights pertaining to Indigenous peoples as peoples, including land rights and the right to selfdetermination. These articulations are not necessarily mutually exclusive, but they have potentially different consequences and indicate discursive tensions that can affect the space for Indigenous agency in relation to protected areas. Moreover, my results demonstrate the hegemony of discourses that takes conservation through area protection for granted and subordinates Indigenous land use to conservation objectives, structure Indigenous agency as “participation” in specific types of arrangement, and articulate Indigenous rights in relation to hegemonic constructions of sovereignty, self-determination, and rights. These hegemonic formations silence articulations that would challenge the authority of colonizing societies over Indigenous territories, suppress radical critique of the fundamental nature of arrangements for protected area governance and management, and subdue alternatives to discourses of contemporary liberal democracy and individual property rights.
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Pollinators in the city : Exploring the potential of urban environments as sites for conservationJohner, Julia January 2018 (has links)
Insect pollinators provide indispensible ecosystem services for agricultural, natural and urban ecosystems, and have been declining drastically around the globe. These declines are largely due to fragmentation and loss of habitat resulting from urbanization and intensification of agriculture, and raise concerns over global food security. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of urbanization on abundance, species richness and diversity of insect pollinators, and whether urban environments have potential as sites for conservation. Cities are highly heterogeneous environments with ample foraging and nesting opportunities and can house an abundance and diversity of pollinators. Urban environments can serve as refuges for many pollinator species. Effective city planning and mixed conservation strategies can help to promote healthy populations of insect pollinators in urban environments, which can help to stabilize populations in rural settings, thereby ensuring pollination services for agriculture and terrestrial ecosystems. / Pollinerande insekter (pollinatörer) bidrar med oumbärliga ekosystemtjänster till jordbruk och naturliga och urbana ekosystem, och de har minskat drastiskt i antal runt hela jorden. Dessa nedgångar orsakas till största del av habitatförstöring och -fragmentering, och väcker oro över den globala matsäkerheten. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur urbanisering påverkar abundans, artrikedom och biodiversitet hos pollinatörer, samt om urbana miljöer har potential som platser för bevarande av pollinatörer. Städer är mycket heterogena områden med gott om matresurser och boplatser, och kan husera en mångfald av pollinatörer. Urbana miljöer lämpar sig bra som platser för bevarande av pollinatörer. Med effektiv stadsplanering och en blandning av olika bevarandestrategier kan städer uppehålla hälsosamma populationer av pollinatörer. Detta kan hjälpa till att stabilisera populationer på landsbygden och därmed säkerställa pollinationstjänster till såväl jordbruk som naturliga terrestra ekosystem.
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Implementering av stadsgrönska och ekosystemtjänster i urbana miljöer : från start till mål / Implementation of urban greenery and ecosystem services in urban environments : from start to finishRegnér, Susanna, Wasberg, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker processkedjan för att implementera stadsgrönska och ekosystemtjänster i urbana miljöer. Hur kedjan ser ut från det att ett uppdrag ges av regeringen, till arbetet vidare hos den aktuella myndigheten för att sedan komma till hur arbetet tas vid ute hos kommuner och andra berörda aktörer. Ekosystemtjänster är de fördelar som vi människor får indirekt och direkt av naturen. Vi är beroende av att ekosystemen fortsätter producera tjänster som är livsviktiga för människans hälsa, välbefinnande samt för hela vår existens. Ett gemensamt arbete och hänsynsfullt nyttjande av våra resurser behövs för att säkerställa ekosystemtjänsterna. Att bevara, utveckla och nyskapa tätortsnära natur och grönområden kan resultera i stora samhällsvinster och att integrera ekosystemtjänster i den fysiska planeringen är ett steg i rätt riktning. Två etappmål togs fram 2018, där det ena målet innebär att kommunerna ska ha tillgång till en utvecklad metod gällande integrering av stadsgrönska och ekosystemtjänster i urbana miljöer senast år 2020. Det andra målet innebär att en majoritet av kommunerna senast 2025 ska ta tillvara och integrera ekosystemtjänster och stadsgrönska i planering, byggande och förvaltning. Studiens resultat bygger på hur långt kommunerna har kommit i arbetet med de två etappmålen, samt Boverkets insats i arbetet bakom den utvecklade metoden och med att nå ut med informationen till kommuner och andra aktörer. Resultatet innefattar även arbetet tillsammans med Naturvårdverkets då uppdraget skulle ske i samverkan med dem. Detta har genomförts med både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder, genom intervjuer och enkätutskick. / This study investigates the process chain for implementing urban greenery and ecosystem services in urban environments. This is done from the time the assignment is given by the government to the relevant authority, the continued work there, on to the work out at the municipalities and other relevant actors. Ecosystem services are the benefits that we humans receive indirectly and directly by nature. We are dependent on the ecosystems continuing to produce services that are vital to human health, well-being and for our entire existence. Commonly work and careful use of our resources are needed to ensure ecosystem services. Preserving, developing and innovating urban and green areas can result in great social benefits and integrating ecosystem services into physical planning is a step in the right direction. Two stagegoals were developed in 2018, where one goal means that the municipalities should have access to a developed method regarding the integration of urban greenery and ecosystem services in urban environments by 2020. The second goal means that a majority of the municipalities must use and integrate urban greenery and ecosystem services by 2025 at the latest, in planning, construction and management. The study result is based on how far the municipalities have come to work on the two stagegoals, as well as Boverkets work behind the developed method and with reaching out with the information to the municipalities and other concerned. The result also includes the work in conjunction with Naturvårdsverket when the assignment would take place in collaboration with them. This has been done with both qualitative and quantitative methods, through interviews and questionnaires.
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In the Best of Worlds : Benefit sharing and sustainable development in Babati, TanzaniaRehnlund, Mathilde January 2008 (has links)
<p>Genetic resources are vital to all people, but especially the poor. They are also important for biodiversity, in turn a key factor in sustainable development. Since 1980, the bio industries have utilized genetic resources in their work, for example on pharmaceuticals, and patented their findings. This has created mistrust and malcontent among biodiverse poor countries in the South. To promote biodiversity protection and ensure access to and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits from the usage of genetic resources, the Convention of Biological Diversity requests an international regime. Negotiations for the Access and Benefit Sharing regime began in 2001 and have intensified as its end date, 2010, draws nearer.</p><p>People in Babati, Tanzania are as dependant on traditional medicine, which utilizes wild genetic resources, as they are on modern medicine. The status in the regime of communities such as those of Babati is principally important if sustainable development is to be reached. The greatest issue for the model currently under negotiation to deal with in order to truly promote sustainable development is equity.</p>
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Studie av koldioxidgradienter i havets ytskiktSöderholm, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong><p>Studie av koldioxidgradienter i havets ytskikt</p><p>Sofia Söderholm</p></strong></p><p>Denna studie bygger på ett nyligen utvecklat instrument som har mätt koldioxidkoncentrationer på tre olika djup i vattnet samt en nivå i luften. Då detta instrument var oprövat i vatten har en utvärdering av mätmetodens lämplighet för vattenmätningar utförts. Syftet med mätningarna var att undersöka ytvattnets vertikala koldioxidgradient för att med hjälp av denna kunna beskriva flödet av koldioxid mellan hav och atmosfär bättre. Detta flöde är en viktig del av den globala kolcykeln och en djupare förståelse för koldioxidflödets beteende kan i framtiden bidra till mer noggranna klimatprognoser. Hur de beräknade flödena från profilinstrumentet påverkas av temperaturgradienterna i vattnets ytskikt har även det studerats. Mätningarna utfördes i vattnet utanför mätstationen på Östergarnsholm, öster om Gotland. En del av studien fokuserar på de horisontella koldioxidgradienterna i ytvattnet som erhållits genom fartygsdata.</p><p>Instrumentet som har använts vid mätningarna bygger på hydrofoba, luftgenomträngliga membran och förefaller fungera mycket väl i vatten. Vid vindhastigheter som inte är högre än 3 - 4 m/s kan tydliga koldioxidgradienter i vattnets ytskikt ses, men detta samband behöver verifieras med en större mängd mätdata. Temperaturgradienten i vattnets ytskikt har ingen större påverkan på vare sig koldioxidgradienten eller flödet av koldioxid och dess effekt kan försummas i detta fall. De horisontella koldioxidgradienterna påverkas huvudsakligen av temperaturen, den biologiska aktiviteten samt transport av vattenmassor. På en större skala kan tydliga effekter av temperaturen på koldioxidhalterna ses och på en mindre skala samt nära kuster och under våren är den biologiska aktiviteten dominerande.</p><p><em><p>Nyckelord: Koldioxidgradient, koldioxidflöde, temperaturgradient, hydrofoba luftgenomträngliga membran, transferhastighet, vindhastighet, biologisk aktivitet.</p></em></p> / <p><strong><p>A study regarding the carbon dioxide gradients in the surface water.</p><p>Sofia Söderholm</p></strong></p><p>This study is based on a recently developed instrument that measures the concentration of carbon dioxide at three different depths in the water and one level in the air. Since this instrument has not previously been used for measurements in water, an evaluation regarding the usefulness of the instruments for measurements in water was made. The purpose of the measurements was to study the vertical gradient of carbon dioxide in the surface water and to describe the vertical flux of carbon dioxide between the ocean and the atmosphere in an improved way. This flux is an important part of the global carbon cycle and a deeper understanding of the behavior of the air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide could contribute to more accurate forecasts of the future climate. The impact on the calculated carbon dioxide flux by the temperature gradients in the surface waters was also analyzed. The measurements were performed in the waters outside of the island of Östergarnsholm, east of Gotland. Part of the study focuses on the horizontal carbon dioxide in the surface water, which was obtained by ship data.</p><p>The instrument used when performing the measurements is based on hydrophobic, air-permeable membranes and appears to function very well in water. During wind speeds below 3 - 4 m/s distinct carbon dioxide gradients can be seen for the investigated data, but more data is needed to quantify this gradient for different situations. The temperature gradient in the surface water doesn't have a significant effect on the carbon dioxide gradient or the flow of carbon dioxide, and the effect of the temperature gradient can in this particular case be neglected. The horizontal gradients of carbon dioxide are mainly affected by temperature, biological activity and transportation of water mass. On a larger scale the effects of temperature on the concentrations of carbon dioxide are visible and on a smaller scale along with the coastal areas and during springtime, the biological activity is the dominating influence.</p><p><em><p>Keywords: Carbon dioxide gradient, carbon dioxide flux, temperature gradient, hydrophobic airpermeable membranes , transfer velocity, wind speeds, biological activity.</p></em></p>
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Studie av koldioxidgradienter i havets ytskiktSöderholm, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
Studie av koldioxidgradienter i havets ytskikt Sofia Söderholm Denna studie bygger på ett nyligen utvecklat instrument som har mätt koldioxidkoncentrationer på tre olika djup i vattnet samt en nivå i luften. Då detta instrument var oprövat i vatten har en utvärdering av mätmetodens lämplighet för vattenmätningar utförts. Syftet med mätningarna var att undersöka ytvattnets vertikala koldioxidgradient för att med hjälp av denna kunna beskriva flödet av koldioxid mellan hav och atmosfär bättre. Detta flöde är en viktig del av den globala kolcykeln och en djupare förståelse för koldioxidflödets beteende kan i framtiden bidra till mer noggranna klimatprognoser. Hur de beräknade flödena från profilinstrumentet påverkas av temperaturgradienterna i vattnets ytskikt har även det studerats. Mätningarna utfördes i vattnet utanför mätstationen på Östergarnsholm, öster om Gotland. En del av studien fokuserar på de horisontella koldioxidgradienterna i ytvattnet som erhållits genom fartygsdata. Instrumentet som har använts vid mätningarna bygger på hydrofoba, luftgenomträngliga membran och förefaller fungera mycket väl i vatten. Vid vindhastigheter som inte är högre än 3 - 4 m/s kan tydliga koldioxidgradienter i vattnets ytskikt ses, men detta samband behöver verifieras med en större mängd mätdata. Temperaturgradienten i vattnets ytskikt har ingen större påverkan på vare sig koldioxidgradienten eller flödet av koldioxid och dess effekt kan försummas i detta fall. De horisontella koldioxidgradienterna påverkas huvudsakligen av temperaturen, den biologiska aktiviteten samt transport av vattenmassor. På en större skala kan tydliga effekter av temperaturen på koldioxidhalterna ses och på en mindre skala samt nära kuster och under våren är den biologiska aktiviteten dominerande. Nyckelord: Koldioxidgradient, koldioxidflöde, temperaturgradient, hydrofoba luftgenomträngliga membran, transferhastighet, vindhastighet, biologisk aktivitet. / A study regarding the carbon dioxide gradients in the surface water. Sofia Söderholm This study is based on a recently developed instrument that measures the concentration of carbon dioxide at three different depths in the water and one level in the air. Since this instrument has not previously been used for measurements in water, an evaluation regarding the usefulness of the instruments for measurements in water was made. The purpose of the measurements was to study the vertical gradient of carbon dioxide in the surface water and to describe the vertical flux of carbon dioxide between the ocean and the atmosphere in an improved way. This flux is an important part of the global carbon cycle and a deeper understanding of the behavior of the air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide could contribute to more accurate forecasts of the future climate. The impact on the calculated carbon dioxide flux by the temperature gradients in the surface waters was also analyzed. The measurements were performed in the waters outside of the island of Östergarnsholm, east of Gotland. Part of the study focuses on the horizontal carbon dioxide in the surface water, which was obtained by ship data. The instrument used when performing the measurements is based on hydrophobic, air-permeable membranes and appears to function very well in water. During wind speeds below 3 - 4 m/s distinct carbon dioxide gradients can be seen for the investigated data, but more data is needed to quantify this gradient for different situations. The temperature gradient in the surface water doesn't have a significant effect on the carbon dioxide gradient or the flow of carbon dioxide, and the effect of the temperature gradient can in this particular case be neglected. The horizontal gradients of carbon dioxide are mainly affected by temperature, biological activity and transportation of water mass. On a larger scale the effects of temperature on the concentrations of carbon dioxide are visible and on a smaller scale along with the coastal areas and during springtime, the biological activity is the dominating influence. Keywords: Carbon dioxide gradient, carbon dioxide flux, temperature gradient, hydrophobic airpermeable membranes , transfer velocity, wind speeds, biological activity.
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Behavioral effects of female sex steroid hormones : models of PMS and PMDD in Wistar ratsLöfgren, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
Background Animal models can be used to mimic human conditions of psychopathology, and also as pre-clinical models to evaluate candidate drugs. With hormonal treatment it is possible to produce behavior in the rat which corresponds to the mental symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), and pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). PMS affects 25-30 % of all women in fertile age and 3-8% are diagnosed with the more severe condition PMDD. The cardinal mental symptoms are; irritability, mood-swings, depression, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, difficulties with concentration and memory and learning difficulties. The symptoms of PMS/PMDD occur in the luteal phase in conjunction with increasing concentrations of progesterone (P4) and P4-metabolites. In anovulatory cycles the symptoms are absent. The hormones which produce the monthly reoccurring negative symptoms on mood are foremost the neuroactive metabolites; allopregnanolone (ALLO) and tetrahydro-deoxycorticosterone (THDOC). ALLO is produced by the corpus luteum, but can also be synthesized in the brain, both ALLO and THDOC can also be released from the adrenal cortex during stress. These steroids are active on the inhibitory GABA neurotransmitter system through the GABAA receptor, and the effects are similar to that of alcohol and benzodiazepines. These steroids have strong sedative and hypnotic effects. A paradox is that some individuals seem to react with negative mood on sex steroids while all fertile women have the cyclical steroid changes during the menstrual cycle. Some individuals are more sensitive to neuroactive steroids with influences of personality, heritability and stress factors. Aims The thesis aims were to develop pre-clinical animal models of PMS/PMDD and to investigate induction of ALLO tolerance, individual sensitivity to neurosteroids and the interactions between chronic social stress and neurosteroids. Methods In these studies male and female Wistar rats were used to test steroid hormone effects on learning and memory and behaviors analogous to negative mood symptoms. This was accomplished through hormonal treatment and a subsequent withdrawal period from P4 (P4) + estradiol (E2) (PEWD), or ALLO. To assess tolerance, memory and learning in the Morris water maze (MWM) was studied. Anxiety-like behaviors were tested with the elevated plus maze (EPM), open field test (OFT), and the intruder test (IT). The EPM or OFT was used to classify the rats as high or low responders on risk-taking and explorative behavior (HR/LR). For social ranking order assessment the tube test (TT) and food competition test (FCT) were used. Chronic social stress was accomplished through co-habituation with two older rats (chronic subordination stress). In female rats the estrous cycle followed using staining of vaginal smears. Concentration of corticosterone (CORT) was measured by radio-immuno-assay (RIA). Results In the MWM ALLO pre-treatment produced tolerance to the acute negative ALLO effects. Both male and female rats showed behavioral correlations between the EPM and OFT tests, and correlations were also seen in CORT levels. Individuals with the stable trait of high risk-taking and explorative behavior (HR) were more sensitive to PEWD induction of anxiety-like behavior. These animals also showed decreased CORT levels during withdrawal. Chronic subordination stress enhanced the response to PEWD on measures of locomotor activity and social anxiety-like behavior. Conclusions It is possible to induce tolerance to the negative ALLO effects on learning and memory. The animal models of anxiety-like behavior show an individual PEWD response profile where HR rats are more sensitive. Exposure to chronic social stress enhanced the PEWD response. Hence there are both inherent and environmental factors behind the behavioral response to steroid hormones in rats. / Stress- och könshormoners verkningar på centrala nervsystemet
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In the Best of Worlds : Benefit sharing and sustainable development in Babati, TanzaniaRehnlund, Mathilde January 2008 (has links)
Genetic resources are vital to all people, but especially the poor. They are also important for biodiversity, in turn a key factor in sustainable development. Since 1980, the bio industries have utilized genetic resources in their work, for example on pharmaceuticals, and patented their findings. This has created mistrust and malcontent among biodiverse poor countries in the South. To promote biodiversity protection and ensure access to and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits from the usage of genetic resources, the Convention of Biological Diversity requests an international regime. Negotiations for the Access and Benefit Sharing regime began in 2001 and have intensified as its end date, 2010, draws nearer. People in Babati, Tanzania are as dependant on traditional medicine, which utilizes wild genetic resources, as they are on modern medicine. The status in the regime of communities such as those of Babati is principally important if sustainable development is to be reached. The greatest issue for the model currently under negotiation to deal with in order to truly promote sustainable development is equity.
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