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Kvinnor i spel : Att ses på eller upp till / Women i games : To be looked at or up toLundin, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
“Kvinnor i spel; att ses på eller upp till” är en undersökning över vilken narrativ roll en stereotypt feminin karaktärs rörelsemönster blir tilldelad och hur det kan kopplas med den manliga blicken. Detta med spel-animation som huvudfokus. Bakgrund inom 'Den manliga blickens' ursprung och tidigare teorier kommer även presenteras för att ge nyans och föra en diskussion. Genomförandet består av en kvalitativ undersökning där olika animationsklipp utförs av en kommersiellt attraktiv kvinnlig modell. Rörelserna är baserade på analyser och teorier om den manliga blicken med mål att undersöka hur de påverkar karaktärens narrativa roll. Dessa animationer skapas i olika grader av stereotypa rörelser från överdrivet till neutralt för att undersöka om det ger olika svar. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p>
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"Ja, jag kan spela kriminell men jag vill inte spela kriminell i alla filmer som jag gör" : En studie om scenkonst och blicken på den andreWelin, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
This study explores how the participants from Livet Bitch performing arts business experience how others view people from Södertälje with a focus on media representation. How do the participants respond to the media image within the framework of Livetbitch's performing arts activities? The consequences of the mediaimage for the participants performing arts practice are also problematized. In order to explore the study's initial questions, a postcolonial feminist perspective is applied. The study shows that the participants' experiences of how others view those who come from Södertälje are complex. Partly the participants oppose the media image and partly they also agree with the media image based on certain aspects. When it comes to the participants' performing arts, participants believe that people with a foreign background from the suburbs often have to act as deputies to break norms, which according to several of the participants means that they become unfree in art. Within the framework of Livetbitch, however, several different aspects of resistance can be found. These strategies are linked to Livetbitch's various film and performing arts productions as well as to the design of the business, i.e. to its similarities with the community theatre.
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"Man tiger, biter ihop och går vidare?" : en representationsteoretisk analys av talet om sexuella trakasserier i en svensk kulturdebattJohansson, Moa January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to analyse how medial representations in a specific cultural debate expresses thoughts about gender, power and speech. The debate in question took place in Sweden 2010 and was about an inspection of sexual harassments in the Swedish acting area, made by Sveriges Radio, Ekot. This essay examines the made representations of the debate, with a feministic point of view and concludes that a male gaze shapes the form of speech and gives the debate a discourse sort of reasoning about gender. The special discourse formatted in the examined area contains a certain conception of power and the structure of power, which is also explained by the male gaze and the meaning of post-feminism.
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The Male Gaze som retorisktverktyg : En utredande litteraturstudie över hur the Male Gaze kan användas inom retorikvetenskapenWiklund, Alexis January 2013 (has links)
The thought behind this bachelor essay regarding gender and rhetorical feminist criticism developed years ago out of the fact that I read just a little too many dirty chick lit-pockets as a teen. Those chick lit-pockets were my first introduction to sex, to gender roles, to how men and women react and are supposed to react to each other and, in some sense, even to feminism. Those chick lit-pockets, later turning into hardcore Harlequin-books, became my benchmark when I started to contemplate the fact that this is a man’s world, produced and reproduced by a male gaze which influences everything from sex, porn, advertising, gender roles, jobs and payment to dirty pockets for teenage girls. The essays aims to show how the male gaze-phenomenon could be to use for the rhetoric discipline: first combined with other rhetorical theories as a way to analyze and understand gender and objectification. The main question asked; How to put the male gaze on a rhetorical leash? This bachelor essay consists of a qualitative literature study focusing on four articles and one book in which five different male gaze-perspective appears. Every article presented will be followed by an explicative chapter in which the articles, specific male gaze- perspective will be combined with relevant rhetorical theories and applied to pop cultural example cases in order to demonstrate its academic potential. The conclusion of this essay establishes that the rhetorical discipline indeed could have great use of the male gaze-perspective while analyzing different kinds of artifacts, if combined with different kinds of methods. It confirms that it is possible to put the male gaze on a rhetorical leash and explains five specific ways to do so.
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Kinky sex till salu : En semiotisk analys om hur sexualiserat våld används vid framställningen av kvinnor i sex stycken reklambilder / Kinky sex for sale : A semiotic analysis on how sexualized violence is used in the portrayal of women in six commercialsIsaksson, Elin January 2018 (has links)
Forskning visar på en lång historia av sexualisering och objektifiering av kvinnor i reklam. Vad forskning inte fokuserat på är sexualiserat våld i reklambilder. Den här studien är en sammanfogning av forskningsfälten genus och våld i reklam. Vad studien vill ta reda på är om sexualiserat våld används vid framställningen av kvinnor i reklambilderna samt den manliga blickens perspektiv. Studien använder sig av kvalitativ semiotisk analys för att undersöka om sexualiserat våld existerar i sex stycken reklambilder från tre stora modeföretag. Reklambilderna är från Calvin Klein, Diesel och Tom Ford 2016 och 2017. Det teoretiska ramverk för analysen är Hirdmans, med fleras, genusteori, Ekman och Mulveys den manliga blicken samt semiotik i form av Barthes fyra nyckelpunkter för konnotation och Goffmans kategorier om framställning av genus i reklam. Analysen visar slutsatser på att kvinnor objektifieras och sexualiseras i reklambilder och framställs som sexobjekt. Denna sexualisering och objektifiering mynnar ut i tecken på att sexualiserat våld normaliseras i samhället. / Research shows a long history of sexualization and objectification of women in advertising. What research has not focused on is sexualized violence in commercials. This study is a merger of the research fields gender and violence in advertising. The study wants to find out if sexualized violence is used in the portrayal of women in the advertising and the male gaze perspective. The study uses qualitative semiotic analysis to investigate if sexualized violence occurs in six commercials from three major fashion companies. The commercials are from Calvin Klein, Diesel and Tom Ford 2016 and 2017. The theoretical framework for the analysis is Hirdman’s, among others, gender theory, Ekman and Mulvey’s the male gaze and semiotics in the form of Barthes’ four key points for connotation and Goffman’s categories for gender advertisement. The analysis shows that women are objectified and sexualized in commercials and are illustrated as sex objects. This sexualization and objectification results in signs that sexualized violence is normalized in society.
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Varumärket som säljer så mycket mer än smink : En kvalitativ studie om vilka framställningar av kvinnan som går att hitta i de sex mest gillade reklambilderna i CAIA Cosmetics läppstiftskampanj 2019 / The brand that sells more than makeup : A qualitative study on what kind of expressions of the woman that are found in the six most liked advertising images in CAIA Cosmetics lipstick campaign 2019Marroquin, Alejandra, Nordén, Isabelle January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine which kind of expressions of the woman that were present in the selected advertising images and how they could affect how women are represented. A qualitative content analysis was conducted. The six most liked CAIA Cosmetics Instagram posts from their lipstick campaign in 2019 were chosen and analysed. The study used a denotative and connotative analysis of the pictures. In conclusion this study showed that the analysed pictures contained a sexualised, objectified, and stereotypic way of portraying women. We found expressions that showed that looks were more important than skills and that the woman’s place was at home being good-looking. We also found the expression of that the pictures sold the feeling of desire. The desire was built on a narcissistic notion of selfimprovement and an illusion of that acquiring a product will make you beautiful, sexy, successful, and thereby desirable.
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Den (o)synliga Briseis : En komparativ litteraturanalys av relationen mellan Akilles, Patroklos och Briseis i Homeros Iliaden och Pat Barkers The Silence of the GirlsIgnatius, Henni January 2019 (has links)
The (in)visible Briseis. A comparative literary analysis of the relationship between Achilles, Patroclus and Briseis in Homer’s Iliad and Pat Barker’s The Silence of the Girls The purpose of this essay is to compare the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus in Homer’s Iliad (700s BC) and Pat Barker’s The Silence of the Girls (2019), while also looking into the role of Briseis and how the story differs when it is told from her point of view. Through the analysis I find that the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus have always been intense. I argue, however, that the intensity is given more depth and meaning when described from different perspectives, such as that of Briseis and Achilles himself, as is done in The Silence of the Girls. With the help of Kevin Goddard’s theory of the male gaze, the perspective of both Briseis and Achilles become invaluable for interpreting the relationship between the characters, as well as the characters themselves. For Achilles, the gaze of his mother influences him in a negative way in his relationship with Briseis, while the gaze of Patroclus causes changes in his mentality. I argue that this has to do with the Oedipus complex. For once, Briseis is not invisible and even though she continues to be the slave everyone expects her to be, she is, through the gaze, able to create her own story once that of Achilles ends. It is still the story of the great Achilles, but one in which he is also human.
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Vadå, är det okej att se olika ut? : En semiotisk bildanalys av två klädföretags samarbeten med influencers i förhållande till kroppspositivism / What, is it okay to look different? : A semiotic image analysis of two clothing companies’ collaborations with influencers in relation to body positivismRydén, Sara, Zackrisson, Josefin January 2020 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker porträtteringen av den normativa kvinnokroppen på plattformen Instagram till följd av trenden kroppspositivism. Syftet med vår studie är att genom en semiotisk bildanalys, undersöka huruvida två klädföretag följer trenden kroppspositivism i sina samarbeten med influencers på Instagram. Studien ämnar även till att undersöka huruvida de två företagen följer sina slagord om att bryta ny mark och vara tillgängliga för alla kvinnliga kroppsformer. Studiematerialet är hämtat från Instagram och influencerna som är valda för studiens analys är hämtade från Na-kd och Boohoos hemsidor. Analysen utförs med hjälp av semiotik, vilket både är en teori och metod där verktygen denotation och konnotation har använts. Med hjälp av en forskningsöversikt om olika kroppsideal och teoretiska ramverk som social jämförelse och The Male Gaze har analysen delats in i tre teman; kroppstyp, posering och digital redigering av kvinnokroppen. Studiens resultat påvisar ett smalhetsideal där de influencers som undersökts i analysen ingår i normen. Kvinnokropparna kunde till viss del skilja sig åt men kvinnorna gestaltade fortfarande ett smalhetsideal, vilket tyder på att varken företaget Na-kd eller Boohoo har anammat kroppspositivismen utifrån sina val av influencers på Instagram. Resultatet visade även att klädföretagen inte följde sina slagord om att vara normbrytande och tillgängliga för alla kvinnor. / This qualitative study examines the portrayal of the normative woman’s body on Instagram and how the trend of body positivism is followed on that platform. The purpose of our study is, through semiotic image analysis, to investigate whether two fashion companies’ follow the trend of body positivism in their collaborations with influencers on Instagram. The study also intends to investigate how the two companies follow their slogans of being norm-breaking and accessible for all female body types. The study material is collected from Instagram and the influencers selected for this study are selected from Na-kd and Boohoo’s websites. The analysis is performed using semiology, which is both a theory and a method where the tools denotation and connotation have been used. With the help of a research overview on different body ideals and theoretical frameworks such as social comparison and The Male Gaze, the analysis has been divided into three themes; body type, posing and digital editing of the female body. The study’s results show a narrow ideal where the investigated influencers of the analysis are included in the norm. The women’s bodies could differ to some extent, but they all embodied a narrow-minded ideal, which indicates that neither Na-kd nor Boohoo has embraced body positivism based on their choice of influencers on Instagram. The results also showed that none of the fashion companies followed their slogans about being norm-breaking and accessible to all women.
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Den säljande kvinnan – objekt eller subjekt? : Postfeminismens individualism / The selling woman – object or subject? : The Postfeminisms individualismKappelin, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande alster var att undersöka huruvida utvecklingen av hur kvinnor exponeras i kommersiella sammanhang går hand i hand med postfeminism eller inte, och om det i sådana fall bidrar till att det fortfarande skapas kommersiellt innehåll utifrån den manliga blicken. Materialet som låg till grund för detta arbete var en av flera bilder från Bianca Ingrossos företag, CAIA Cosmetics, läppstifts reklamkampanj från år 2019. Metoden utgjordes, i grunden, av en semiotisk bildanalys, men med en sociosemiotisk dito som spets. Båda metoderna har likheter och har komponenter som går in i varandra, varpå båda, med utgångspunkt i en kvalitativ analys, spelade roller för mitt resultat. Analysen utfördes med följande forskningsfråga som grund: Hur förhåller sig postfeministisk teori och kommodifierad feminism till aktuell bild ur ett sociosemiotiskt perspektiv? Genom detta arbetes huvudteorier postfeminism, kommodifierad feminism och the male gaze – den manliga blicken – analyserades det valda materialet med kopplingar till pornografiskt bildspråk. Utfallet blev dubbeltydigt då kvinnan i bilden, utifrån applicering utav presenterad teori, både kunde ses som ett passivt objekt men även som ett aktivt subjekt. Makten i vald bild kunde alltså ses både som en kraft utifrån den postfeministiska individualismen samtidigt som det också kan tolkas som ännu ett fall av objektifiering av kvinnor i reklam. / The purpose with this essay was to examine whether or not the development of the exposure of women in commercial contexts correlates with postfeminism, and in such case, whether it contributes to the ongoing production of commercial content based on the theory of the male gaze. The fundamental material of this work was one of several images from Bianca Ingrosso's company, CAIA Cosmetics, lipstick advertising campaign from 2019. The method was, basically, a semiotic image analysis, but with an extending, socio-semiotic ditto as a complement. Both methods have similarities and have components that go into each other, which made both of them, based on a qualitative analysis, play important roles for the final results. The analysis was carried out based on the following research question: How does postfeministic theory and commodified feminism relate to the chosen image from a socio-semiotic perspective? Through the main theories of postfeminism, commodified feminism and the theory of the male gaze, the chosen material was analyzed with links to, and in comparison, with, pornographic imagery. The outcome was ambiguous as the woman in the image, based on the application of presented theories, could be seen both as a passive object but also as an active subject. The power in the chosen image could thus be seen both as a feminin force based on postfeminist individualism, while it, at the same time, also can be interpreted as yet another case of objectification of women in commercial advertising.
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Jag kollar på världen och den kollar tillbaka på migLiedgren, Flora January 2024 (has links)
Jag kollar på världen och den kollar tillbaka på mig. Blicken följer allt jag gör. Jag sparar på det jag ser. Världen är dekorerad. Jag står framför kopiatorn. Papperena är varma. Jag är en alkemist. Jag skapar guld och evigt liv. Allt blir till teckningar. Linjerna lever. Jag bygger maskiner för seendet. De ska ändra hur du ser på saker. Du ser allt jag har lagt mina ögon på.
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