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Young children's social organisation of peer interactionsCobb-Moore, Charlotte January 2008 (has links)
Young children’s peer interactions involve their use of interactional resources to organise, manage and participate in their social worlds. Investigation of children’s employment of interactional resources highlights how children participate in peer interaction and their social orders, providing insight into their active construction and management of their social worlds. Frequently, these interactions are described by adults as ‘play’. The term play is often used to describe children’s activities in early childhood education, and constructed in three main ways: as educative, as enjoyable, and as an activity of children. Play in educational settings is often constructed, and informed by, adult agendas such as learning and is often part of the educational routine. This study shows how children work with a different set of agendas to those routinely ascribed by adults, as they actively engage with local education orders, and use play for their own purposes as they construct their own social orders. By examining children’s peer interactions, and not describing these activities as play, the focus becomes the construction and organisation of their social worlds. In so doing, this study investigates some interactional resources that children draw upon to manage their social orders and organise their peer interactions.
This study was conducted within an Australian, non-government elementary school. The participants were children in a preparatory year classroom (children aged 4 – 6 years). Over a one month period, children’s naturally occurring peer interactions within ‘free play’ were video-recorded. Selected video-recorded episodes were transcribed and analysed, using the approaches of ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis. These methodologies focus on everyday, naturalistic data, examining how participants orient to and produce social action. The focus is on the members’ perspectives, that of the children themselves, as they interact. Ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis allow for in-depth examination of talk and action, and are used in this study to provide a detailed account of the children’s interactional strategies.
Analysis focused on features of children’s situated peer interaction, identifying three interactional resources upon which the children drew as they constructed, maintained, and transformed their social orders. The interactional resources included: justification; category work, in particular the category of mother; and the pretend formulation of place. The children used these interactional resources as a means of managing peer participation within interactions. First, the children used justification to provide reasons for their actions and to support their positions. Justifications built and reinforced individual children’s status, contributing to the social organisation of their peer group. Second, the children negotiated and oriented to categories within the pretend frame of ‘families’. The children’s talk and actions jointly-constructed the mother category as authoritative, enabling the child, within the category of mother, to effectively organise the interaction. Third, pretense was used by the children to negotiate and describe places, thus enabling them to effectively manage peer activity within these places. For a successful formulation of a place as something other than it actually was, the children had to work to produce shared understandings of the place. Examining instances of pretense demonstrated the highly collaborative nature of the children’s peer interactions.
The study contributes to sociological understandings of childhood. By analysing situated episodes of children’s peer interaction, this study contributes empirical work to the sociology of childhood and insight into the interactional work of children organising their social worlds. It does this by closely analysing social interactions, as they unfold, among children. This study also makes a methodological contribution, using ethnomethodology, conversation analysis, and membership categorization analysis in conjunction to analyse children’s peer interactions in an early childhood setting. In so doing, the study provides alternative ways for educators to understand children’s interactions. For example, adult educational agendas, such as the educative value of play, can be applied to examine children’s family play, highlighting the learning opportunities provided through pretend role play, or indicating children’s understanding of adult roles. Alternatively, the children’s interaction could be subjected to fine-grained analysis to explicate how children construct shared understandings of the category of mother and use it to organise their interaction. Rather than examining the interaction to discern what children are learning, the interaction is examined with a focus on how children are accomplishing everyday social practices. Close analysis of children’s everyday peer interaction enables the complex interactional work of managing, and participating in, social order within an early childhood setting to be explicated. This offers educators insight into children’s social worlds, described not as play, but as the construction and negotiation of social order.
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Catégorisation de graphiques par les enseignants et les élèves / Teacher and student categorization of graphics into graphical genresAshraf, Muhammad 19 June 2014 (has links)
Les graphiques ont pris de plus en plus d'importance dans le matériel pédagogique, les manuels scolaires ou encore les programmes informatiques. Malgré la coexistence de différents types de graphiques ou de genres graphiques, jusqu'à maintenant, les recherches sur l'apprentissage ont seulement pris en compte la distinction entre le texte et l'image. Cette thèse vise à éclaircir ce qui, dans la recherche sur l'apprentissage, semble être une catégorie globale et indivisible : les représentations visuelles. Nous nous sommes concentrées sur ce que pensent des enseignants et des étudiants de Master concernant différents types de représentations visuelles et leurs fonctions présumées dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage. A l'heure actuelle, la recherche sur les graphiques est principalement axée sur la compréhension des élèves. Il existe très peu de recherches sur la compréhension des graphiques par les enseignants. En outre, la dimension de la formation des enseignants aux graphiques est, elle aussi, relativement ignorée. La thèse se présente en deux parties : une recherche théorique suivie d'une recherche empirique. La première partie du travail examine la littérature relative aux représentations graphiques dans l'histoire, dans les programmes scolaires à travers le monde ainsi que leur utilisation dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage. Elle expose également les classifications des différents types de graphiques. La seconde partie de la thèse prend appui sur trois enquêtes menées auprès d'enseignants en activité et d'étudiants de Master en formation. La première investigue la compréhension des graphiques d'enseignants en activité en France et au Pakistan. Les deux autres ont été conduites auprès de futurs enseignants, en utilisant la méthode du tri de carte, afin d'identifier leurs compétences relatives à la catégorisation des différents types de graphiques.En conclusion, il semble que les programmes de formation des enseignants manquent d'un enseignement à la compréhension graphique. Même en géographie, pourtant considérée comme la discipline des graphiques et de leur enseignement, nous constatons que les enseignants sont peu familiers avec de nombreux genres graphiques. Dans l'ensemble, les graphiques génériques (camemberts, histogrammes, cartes et tableaux, etc.) ont été facilement identifiés par les enseignants alors que la classification des graphiques hybrides s'est révélée plus difficile pour la plupart d'entre eux. / Visualizations have gained more importance in pedagogical material, in text books and in computer programs. Despite the co-existence of many different types of visualizations or graphical genres, learning research only has taken into account the distinction between text and pictures. This thesis aims at unpacking what, at least in learning research, seems to be one single holistic indivisible category of visualizations. We focused on teachers' and Masters students' thoughts on the existence of different types of visualizations and their presumed function in teaching and learning. Research on graphical representations is mainly focused on students' comprehension of graphical representations. However, there is very little research in extend of teachers' comprehension of graphical representations. In addition, the aspect of teacher training of graphical representations is also relatively ignored. There are two main parts in this thesis: theoretical and empirical. In theoretical part, we presented the literature on the existence of graphical representations in worldwide curricula. Remarkable works of cartographers who played important rule for the advancement of graphic representations in context of teaching and learning. And finally, classification of different genres of graphical representations was also exhibited. Empirical part on the other hand, based on three studies conducted with in-service teachers and Masters students' about their comprehension of graphical genres. First study was conducted with in-service teachers from France and Pakistan to investigate their basic understanding of graphical representations. Second and third study explores the Masters' students' categorization of graphical representations. In conclusion, it seems that the teacher training programs lack the training of graphic comprehension. Even in the domain of geography which is considered the major domain about graphics and graphic education, teachers were observed unfamiliar with many graphic genres. Overall, Generic graphical representations (i.e. line graph, pie charts, bar charts, maps and tables etc.) were identified more comfortably. However, classification of hybrid graphical representations (i.e. combination of map and bar graph or other hybrid graphics) was slightly difficult for the participants.
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Des chiffres et des êtres : impact de l’expérience sociale des parents sur la scolarité des enfants : le cas des minorités originaires d’Afrique du nord dans les enquêtes de l’Ined (1945-2011) / Figures and human beings : impact of parents’ social experience on the children school career : the case of the North-African minorities in the surveys of the French Institute for Demographic Studies (1945-2011)Oumeddour, Leila-Fatiha 23 November 2016 (has links)
La recherche porte sur la construction de la catégorie statistique immigré qui désigne les personnes résidant en France, nées étrangères à l’étranger. La catégorie statistique est déconstruite au travers de l’exemple des descendants de Maghrébins, diplômés de l’enseignement supérieur, et des conditions d’émigration et d’immigration de leur famille. L’étude s’appuie sur l’analyse de deux corpus : le premier est constitué de deux travaux de l’Institut national d’études démographiques (Ined) qui ont pour objet l’étude des populations étrangères puis immigrées et leurs descendants ; le second est composé de quarante-trois récits biographiques de descendants de Maghrébins recueillis dans le cadre de la dernière enquête représentative de l’Ined, Trajectoires et Origines.Les résultats montrent qu’en dépit d’une transformation du profil des immigrants, la démographie aborde l’immigration maghrébine dans des approches similaires à celles qui caractérisent la période coloniale, à savoir, ethniciste et culturaliste. Cette conception a été réactivée en France depuis l’institutionnalisation de la catégorie statistique immigré (1990) qui ne tient pas compte de la dimension historique des immigrations. Elle ne permet pas, notamment, de contextualiser les vagues migratoires dans leurs cadres historiques différenciés. Les spécificités coloniales et postcoloniales des « Algériens », dont le statut juridique a varié selon les périodes, est néanmoins perceptible dans les deux corpus. Or, la prise en compte des ruptures qui ont rythmées les relations entre la métropole et ses possessions d’Afrique du Nord révèlent les effets, encore actifs, de l’héritage colonial sur les parcours scolaires des descendants de Maghrébins et ceux de leurs parents. L’analyse des trajectoires dans leurs dimensions temporelle et comparative permet d’avancer que la réussite scolaire des descendants dépend davantage du capital scolaire, socioculturel et économique de leurs parents que de traits culturels particuliers. De l’immigrant colonial illettré des années 1940 à l’intellectuel transnational Maghrébin des années 1990, la recherche française doit intégrer les transformations à l’œuvre dans cette composante de la population française. / The research is centered on the construction of statistical categories in France. In particular it focuses on the notional deficit that shows the immigré category which designates the individuals who are born abroad of foreign nationality. The category is deconstructed through the example of graduates’ trajectories of Maghreb ascendance as well as the circumstances which led their parents to emigrate and the conditions of their settlement in France. The analyzed materials are of two different natures: the first one is composed of two studies performed by the French Institute for Demographic Studies (Ined) which address the foreign and immigrant populations in France, and the second one, gathers forty-three biographical narratives of graduates of Maghreb ascendance. These later were collected within the frame of the last representative survey implemented by Ined: Trajectoires et Origines. The results show that despite a transformation of the immigrants’ profile, the French demography’s approach of the Maghreb immigration is largely similar to the one characterizing the colonial era: an ethnic and cultural conception. This approach has been reactivated in France when the statistical category “immigré” was institutionalized in 1990. This category, which only takes into account the country of birth of the migrants, displays a significant notional deficit in its definition and its application. In particular, it doesn’t contextualize the immigration waves in their differentiated historical realities. The colonial and postcolonial specificities of “Algerians”, whose legal status has varied across the different periods of time, are nonetheless noticeable in both the demographical studies and the biographical narratives.Yet, when the ruptures which have marked the relationships between France and its ex-possessions in North-Africa reveal the effects of the colonial heritage, which is still active, on the school careers of the Maghreb descendants’ and those of their parents. The analysis of the trajectories in their temporal and comparative dimensions proves that succeeding at school for the Maghreb descendant depends more on the sociocultural and economic capital that the parents possess, than cultural patterns. Indeed, from the illiterate colonial immigrant of the 1940 to the Maghreb transnational intellectuals of the 1990, the French research must integrate the changes occurring in this component of the French population.
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[pt] Com a implantação das Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora, criou-se a necessidade de se repensar o modelo de atuação policial nas comunidades atendidas pelo programa. Se antes as incursões policiais tinham como objetivo principal o combate ao tráfico, agora, com a instalação de uma edificação física da polícia, a construção de laços de proximidade entre policial e comunidade tornou-se crucial. Contudo, implementar um programa que pressupõe mudança radical na forma como o policial historicamente vem atuando não é uma tarefa fácil, sobretudo quando há falta de clareza sobre o que constitui um policiamento de proximidade. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo contribuir para um melhor entendimento desse novo modelo de policiamento a partir da voz de policiais atuantes no programa das UPPs. Com base em dados gerados a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas e à luz dos estudos da análise de categoria de pertença e de accounts, foi possível identificar os diferentes discursos atrelados à categoria de policial e o modo como o contraste desses discursos serve à categorização negativa de quem não realiza as atividades tradicionais de policiamento. O contraste entre as atividades/ discursos aponta não só para uma visão da ineficácia da lógica da guerra à prática policial, mas também para a permanência do jargão da cultura combativa na fala dos entrevistados. Os resultados apontam também para uma visão de que a estigmatização da identidade de policial de proximidade se deve ao fato de que as métricas de desempenho são orientadas por uma cultura de combate ao crime. Com isso, o trabalho de prevenção do crime não é reconhecido. / [en] After the implementation of the Pacifying Police Units, it has become necessary to rethink the model of police action in the communities. If police raids had, as their main objective, the fight against drug trafficking, now with the installation of a physical police base, the construction of proximity ties between police and community has become crucial. However, implementing a program that presupposes radical change in the way the police has historically been performing their duty is not an easy task, especially when there is a lack of clarity about what community policing means. This research aims to contribute to a better understanding of this new policing model based on the voices of police officers who work or have worked in the Pacifying Police Units program. Based on data generated from semi-structured interviews and in the light of studies of membership categorization analysis and accounts, it was possible to identify the different discourses linked to the police category and the way in which the contrast of these discourses helps produce negative categorization of those who do not conform to traditional police practice. The contrast between activities /discourses not only points to a view of the inefficacy of a war mindset to police practice, but also to the permanence of a combative jargon in the interviewees speech. The results also indicate that the stigmatization of community police identity occurs due to the fact that performance metrics are guided by a culture of crime fighting. Thus, crime prevention tasks are not recognized.
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Dynamique identitaire et partitions sociales : le cas de l'identité "raciale" des noirs en france / Identity dynamics and social partitions : the case of identity "racial" Blacks in FrancePerrin, Caroline 12 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche a pour but d’investiguer du point de vue psychosocial l’identité « raciale » de la population des Noirs en France en particulier dans leur rapport avec les Blancs afin de mettre au jour les dynamiques identitaires qui existent entre les groupes.Le cadre théorique relève de la catégorisation sociale et plus particulièrement de l’un de ses développements, à savoir le concept des partitions sociales. Cette conception postule l’existence de plusieurs types de relations intercatégorielles (les partitions) qui permettent d’appréhender la nature du positionnement identitaire des individus dans le cadre d’une relation intergroupe (en fonction de l’intérêt identitaire de chacun) en y ajoutant un aspect dynamique à travers la notion de co-construction. La méthodologie utilisée relève principalement des représentations mutuelles, c'est-à-dire des représentations intercatégorielles (la représentation que l’on a de sa catégorie d’appartenance et celle que l’on a de l’exogroupe considéré) qui nous permettent de dégager les dynamiques identitaires existant entre des groupes socio-culturellement différents. Dans cette perspective, une série de d’études a été mise en œuvre. La première a mis en évidence l’existence de stratégies identitaires différentes de la part des Noirs antillais selon qu’ils vivent en Métropole ou aux Antilles. Les Antillais de Métropole s’insèrent dans une partition communautaire alors que ceux des Antilles semblent adopter une stratégie d’évitement en se recatégorisant à un niveau supraordonné. La deuxième étude a montré qu’en fonction de leur interlocuteur (opérationnalisé par les mots inducteurs « Black », « Blanc » et « Beur »), les Français d’origine Afro-antillaise, Européenne ou Maghrébine adoptaient des positionnements identitaires différents. Enfin, une troisième étude a permis de dégager l’existence d’une discrimination implicite vis-à-vis des Noirs en France s’appuyant sur un stéréotype structuré de la même façon qu’aux États-Unis mais ne s’exprimant pas explicitement. De façon générale, ces études semblent montrer que l’appréhension des relations interethniques par le biais des partitions (et non plus en simples termes d’endofavoritisme ou d’exodéfavoritisme) permet de mieux comprendre les relations existant entre différentes communautés dans un contexte intra-national. / Our research work investigates - from a psycho-social point of view - the «racial» identity of the black population in France, notably in their relation with the white population, so as to point up the identity dynamics that exist between the various groups. The theoretical framework is related to social grouping and one of its developments, i.e. the concept of social partitioning. Such conception is based on the existence of several types of inter-category relations (partitioning) that allow apprehending the nature of individuals’ identity positioning within the framework of an inter-group relation and make it dynamic through the notion of co-construction. Our methodology is based mainly on mutual, i.e., inter-category representations (the representation one has of his/her category, of the exogroup(s)), leading to the definition of the identity dynamics that exist between groups with socio-cultural differences. In this perspective, a series of studies has been carried out. The first study demonstrated, the introduction of identity strategies different from the Antilleans blacks as they live in the Métropole or the Caribbean. The Antilleans of Métropole are part of a community partition, while those of the West Indies seem to adopt an avoidance strategy by a recategorized superordinate level. The second study shows that, depending on who addresses them (expressed by the inducing words «Black», «Blanc», «Beur») i.e., French persons of African or Antilleans origin, of European origin, or from the Maghreb, adopted a different identity positioning. Lastly, a third study highlights the existence of an implicit discrimination towards Black people in France, resting on a stereotype similar to that observed in The United States of America, but not explicitly mentioned. In general, these studies demonstrate that the apprehension of inter-ethnical relations expressed in terms of partition (rather than simply in terms of endo-favoritism or exo-defavoritism) and thus help us understand the relationships that exist between various communities in an intra-national context.
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Návrh možností nového využití plochy vybraného brownfieldu / Proposals of new possibilities of use of selected brownfield localityŘÍHOVÁ, Simona January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Proposals of new possibilities of use of selected brownfield locality" is devided in two parts. In literature search, there are defined brownfield term and other related terms. Then there is the categorization of brownfileds, problems accompanying brownfileds, anchoring in urban planning documents, solutions of brownfields and funding possibilities. The practical part describes the selected area of military brownfiled. It analyzes its historical use, current condition and causes of creation of brownfield. There are designed variants of the new usage possibilities, funding possibilities of these variants and selection of the most suitable variant. It also includes a comparison with other realized designs.
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A construção de masculinidades na fala-em-interação em cenários escolaresAlmeida, Alexandre do Nascimento January 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga como as identidades sociais de gênero são construídas na falaem- interação institucional em sala de aula. Os dados foram gerados com cinco turmas de ensino fundamental em uma escola pública municipal de Porto Alegre, mediante procedimentos como a observação participante e o registro em áudio e vídeo de fala-eminteração social em cenários e eventos escolares diversos. As notas de campo foram transformadas em diários de pesquisa, enquanto os excertos de interação foram transcritos após sua segmentação. Conceitos derivados da Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica foram utilizados como referência teórico-metodológica a fim de discutir os métodos empregados pelos participantes na construção de identidades masculinas. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram como os participantes orientam-se uns aos outros através do ajuste ao interlocutor, demonstrando seu conhecimento de senso comum ao projetar uma identidade social específica por meio da indiciação de gênero. Percebeu-se que, quando essa orientação não contraria aquilo que é esperado pela exibição de “um mundo em comum”, gênero tem uso periférico e não se torna relevante seqüencialmente para os participantes no decorrer da interação. Em outros contextos, contudo, quando algumas atividades, ações ou atitudes são associadas a categorias generificadas específicas e contrariam aquilo que é esperado de tais categorias, os participantes engajam-se num trabalho colaborativo a fim de restabelecer uma ordem de gênero. Nessa ordem de gênero local, há a ratificação da heterossexualidade como uma característica desejável das identidades masculinas hegemônicas, bem como a conseqüente rejeição daquilo que é considerado diferente dessa normatividade. A heteronormatividade, portanto, é um produto das relações sociais situadas dos participantes, construída no uso da linguagem, realizada local e rotineiramente num trabalho colaborativo de descrição e categorização identitária. O estudo da construção de masculinidades na escola contribui para a compreensão das práticas pelas quais o gênero pode ser visto mas não destacado ou tornar-se relevante na seqüência da interação. A construção de identidades sociais de gênero é, portanto, entendida através da análise do trabalho de descrição ou de categorização mobilizado pelos participantes de um encontro social. / This research investigates how social identities of gender are built in institutional talkin- interaction in the classroom. The data were generated with five groups of elementary and junior high education in a public school in Porto Alegre, through procedures such as participant observation and audiovisual recording of social talk-in-interaction in several school settings and events. Fieldnotes were transformed in research diaries, and interaction excerpts were transcribed after segmentation. Concepts derived from Conversation Analysis were used as theoretical and methodological reference in order to discuss the methods implemented by participants in the construction of masculine identities. Research results show how participants orient to each other through recipient design, displaying their commonsense knowledge when projecting a particular social identity through gender indexation. It was noted that, when this orientation does not contradict what is expected from the exhibition of a “world in common”, gender has a peripheral use and does not become sequentially relevant for participants during interaction. In other contexts, however, when some activities, actions or attitudes are associated to particular gendered categories and contradict what is expected from such categories, participants engage in a collaborative work in order to reestablish a gender order. In this local gender order, there is the ratification of heterosexuality as a desirable characteristic of hegemonic masculine identities, as well as the consequent denial of what is considered different from this normativity. Therefore, heteronormativity is a product of participants’ social relations, built through language use, locally and ordinarily accomplished in a collaborative work of identity description and categorization. The study of the construction of masculinities within schools contributes to the understanding of the practices through which gender may be either seen but unnoticed or become relevant in the sequence of the interaction. The construction of social identities of gender is, therefore, understood through the analysis of the work of description and categorization implemented by the participants of a social encounter.
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Religion, ethnicité et patrimoine : un pélerinage berrichon approprié par les migrations / Religion, heritage, ethnicity : a pilgrimage from Berry appropriated by migrationsÉtienne, Guillaume 21 November 2013 (has links)
Partant de l’étude d’un pèlerinage local du centre de la France approprié depuis les années 1960 par les migrants « Portugais » de la région, ce travail de thèse interroge la construction, l’expression et la visibilité des sentiments d’appartenance des pèlerins. Les appartenances se construisent et s’expriment aussi bien à partir de catégories religieuses que de catégories ethniques le plus souvent imbriquées. Ce pèlerinage apparaît comme un moment patrimonial où les « Portugais » mettent en exergue l’attachement au Portugal en même temps qu’ils affirment leur ancrage local, voire une autochtonie aux côtés de ceux qui, pour différentes raisons, investissent plutôt l’identité chrétienne. Cette thèse explore la construction complexe des appartenances, les circonstances et les manières dont elles s’expriment ou au contraire se taisent, d’une part à partir de l’analyse du pèlerinage en montrant comment les participants se représentent cet événement annuel et mobilisent tour à tour des références à la tradition, au territoire, à la religion et à l’origine, et d’autre part en mettant en lumière le rôle de l’Église et notamment du diocèse dans la fabrique d’une altérité ancrée dans un contexte religieux particulièrement inclusif / Based on the study of a local pilgrimage in the midst of France, witch appropriation was done by the Portuguese migrants of the area round 1960, this thesis questions the elaboration, expression and visibility, concerning their feeling as members of a community. These representations are built and expressed through both religious and ethnic, most often imbricated categories. This pilgrimage appears as a patrimonial moment, enhancing their attachment to Portugal and at the same time their claim for local roots. Or even autochthony, alongside those who, for various reasons, rather invest Christian identity. This thesis explores the complex construction of belongings, circumstances and ways in which they are expressed or, on the contrary fall silent, one hand from the analysis of the pilgrimage showing how participants perceive this annual event and mobilize alternately tradition, territory, religion or origin references, and secondly by highlighting the Church’s role, and especially that of the diocese in the making of an otherness rooted in a particularly inclusive religious context
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Hodnocení rizik,prevence a podpora zdraví na pracovišti vybraného podniku v Olomouckém kraji / Risk assessment, prevention and health support at a workplace of a selected plant in the Olomouc administrative regionSVOBODOVÁ, Klára January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this work was to assess the health risk of local muscular stress of the upper limbs associated with the operator's job at a workplace of a selected plant in the Olomouc administrative region and to propose adequate provisions. Three research questions were asked: (i) "Are the permitted levels, set as percent fractions of the maximum load, complied with in the operator's job?" (ii) "Are the hygiene limits regarding the numbers of movements complied with in the operator's job?" (iii) "Which preventive actions are suitable to counteract the risk of local muscular stress during machinery assembling work?" This research was conceived as qualitative investigation. The group examined comprised employees at the position of operator at a workplace of a selected plant in the Olomouc administrative region. The research work comprised data collection by using the method of direct, non-participating and overt observation, and study of professional literature, applicable legislation and test protocols and reports. I processed the results of measurement and compared them with the hygienic limits laid down by Government Decree No. 361/2007 Coll. (as amended). Based on the assessment of the data obtained, I classed the operator's job as Category 3 with respect to the local muscular stress factor examined, based on the criteria set by Regulation No. 432/2003 Coll. (as amended). Based on the risk assessment and categorization of labour I proposed appropriate preventive measures to mitigate the effect of local muscular stress during the operators' work. I set up a simple questionnaire asking for a subjective assessment of the locomotive system stress during work as a tool for a more comprehensive assessment of the operators' local muscular stress. Based on the research I formulated the following hypothesis: "In view of the increasing trend of incidence of occupational diseases of the limbs due to overload, and taking into account the appreciable social and economic impacts of such diseases, more attention should be devoted to a systematic search, assessment and evaluation of the local muscular stress factor risk during work."
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Zdravotní péče o zaměstnance - povinnosti zaměstnavatele / Health care for employees - the employer's obligationsPŘEDOTOVÁ, Eva January 2012 (has links)
People were aware of the connection between the quality of the job done and the person performing the job as early as in the ancient times and in the times of ancient Egypt. In the course of centuries prevention was favoured over the treatment of an injury or illness. Nowadays the healthcare for employees is regulated by numerous international as well as national rules of law, the most important international one for the observed field being the International Labour Organization Convention No. 161 ? Occupation health services Convention. Upon this international convention ratified in Czechoslovakia in February 1989, many rules of law dealing with the health protection of employees at their workplaces are specified in our legal order, the significant being the Act 262/2006 Coll., Labour Code and newly also the Specific Healthcare Act 373/2011 Coll. The thesis aims to recapitulate the basic rule of law regarding the above-mentioned matter as well as finding out how these rules of law are adhered to and what the employees' awareness concerning their rights and obligations in the area of occupational healthcare is. The practical research of this thesis used qualitative dialogues with the representatives of 10 companies with different business planes. At the same time, a quantitative survey took place among the employees of the same companies. The results indicate that employers meet their obligations to their employees in the area of arranging occupational health services including regular medical checkups. Furthermore, employers try to respect the doctor's capability to work, despite the fact that this area is often quite problematic for them. The employees themselves are aware of their rights and obligations in the area of occupational health services.
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