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En kvalitativ studie om hur tingsrätten dömer i vårdnadsmål där en förälder är dömd för våldsbrott inom familjen. / A qualitative study of how the district court rules in custody cases in which a parent has been convicted of domestic violence.Olofsson, Rita, Schmalenbach Franzé, Åsa January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats har vi studerat 12 tingsrättsdomar från åren 2017 - 2019, där tingsrätten avgjort frågan om vårdnad, boende och umgänge där den ena föräldern dömts för våldsbrott (bl.a. misshandel och olaga hot) mot den andre föräldern och/eller deras barn. Vi har studerat hur tingsrätten dömer utifrån föräldrabalken 6 kap. 2 a §, men även undersökt i vilken utsträckning tingsrätten har dömt som socialtjänsten föreslagit i sin vårdnadsutredning och vilka de huvudsakliga skälen har varit när tingsrätten upplöst den gemensamma vårdnaden. Resultatet visar att tingsrätten har lutat sig mot bestämmelserna i FB 6 kap. 2 a § i samtliga domar utom i ett fall. Endast i undantagsfall har tingsrätten haft huvudfokus på det våld som inträffat. I de flesta av domarna har förekomsten av våld verkat vara av underordnad betydelse i jämförelse med barnets behov av en nära och god kontakt med båda sina föräldrar. I vår studie har vi även undersökt hur tingsrätten förhåller sig till barnets vilja, med beaktande av barnets ålder och mognad. Endast i en dom skrev tingsrätten att hänsyn måste tas till barnets åsikt med beaktande av barnets ålder och mognad. I det fallet var barnet 14 år. Då det kommer till tingsrättens resonemang kring om den gemensamma vårdnaden ska bestå eller upplösas, kunde vi se att föräldrarnas samarbetsförmåga har haft en större påverkan på utfallet än faktumet att en förälder är dömd för våldsbrott inom familjen. Vad gäller huruvida tingsrätten dömer som socialtjänsten föreslagit, kunde vi se att tingsrätten mestadels dömde som socialtjänsten föreslagit gällande vårdnaden och var barnet skulle ha sitt stadigvarande boende. Angående frågan om huruvida barnet skulle ha umgänge med föräldern som utövat våld, skiljde sig dock tingsrättens dom från socialtjänstens förslag. I en tredjedel av domarna var socialtjänstens förslag på beslut att inget umgänge skulle ske mellan barnet och föräldern som utövat våld. I samtliga av dessa vårdnadsmål dömde tingsrätten ändå till umgänge mellan barnet/barnen och den förälder som dömts för våldsbrott inom familjen. En av studiens slutsatser är att barn, trots att de i lagens mening har en viss makt och rättigheter, i praktiken i princip saknar makt att påverka sin egen livssituation i vårdnadstvister där frågan om vårdnad, boende och umgänge avgörs. Den makten verkar näst intill uteslutande tillhöra vuxna. / In this essay, we have studied twelve district court judgments from 2017 - 2019, where the district court decided on custody, residence and contact. In these cases, one parent has been convicted of abuse against the other parent and/or their children, which includes assault and unlawful threats. We have investigated the extent to which the district court has ruled in favour of the proposals of social services in its custody investigation and what the main reasons have been when the district court dissolved the legal joint custody. The results show that the district court has relied on the provisions of föräldrabalken chapter 6, 2 a §, in all judgments except one. Only in unique cases, the district court has had its main focus on the violence that has occurred. In most of the judgments, the incidence of violence seems to be of secondary importance compared to the child's need for a close and good contact with both of his/her parents. In our study, we have also investigated how the district court relates to the child's will, taking into account the child's age and maturity. Only in one judgment did the district court write that the child’s opinion must be taken into account, due to the age and maturity of the child. In that case, the child was 14 years old. When it comes to the district court's reasoning on whether legal joint custody should be upheld or dissolved, we could observe the parents' ability to cooperate had a greater impact on the outcome than the fact one parent has been convicted of domestic violence within the family. The district court mostly rules in accordance with what social services had proposed regarding custody and residence. However, regarding the question of whether the child should have contact with the parent who has been violent in the past, the district court has ruled against the proposals of social services. In a third of the judgements, social services advised that no contact should take place between the child and the parent who had been violent. In all of these custody cases, the district court ruled to allow visitation between the child and the parent convicted of domestic violence. One of the study's conclusions is that, although children in the sense of the law both have a certain power and rights, are nevertheless almost powerless to influence their own life situation in custody disputes where the issue of custody, housing and visitation is decided. That power, to influence the child's life, seems to belong to the adults.
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Trygghet genom vårdnadsöverflyttning: illusion eller verklighet? : Bestämmelserna kring särskilt förordnade vårdnadshavare - ur ett barnperspektiv. / Safety Through Transfer of Custody: Illusion or Reality? : The Regulations Regarding Specially Appointed Custodians – From a Children’s Perspective.Cederholm, Torsten January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Ensamkommande barns upplevelser och erfarenheter av Sveriges psykiatri-sjukvård : En kvalitativ studie / Unaccompanied minors' experiences and Experiences of Sweden's Psychiatry Care : A Qualitative StudySalam Mohammed, Hawraa January 2023 (has links)
This study explores the challenges that unaccompanied minors face in accessing healthcare, especially mental health services, in Sweden. It uses a qualitative approach with five partici-pants aged 18–25, who were previously unaccompanied minors. Through interviews, the study identifies themes and patterns related to the theoretical framework, incorporating the KASAM theory and transcultural psychiatry, which emphasize self-reflection and cultural factors. The results reveal difficulties such as fear of impacting the asylum process, language barriers, anda lack of knowledge within the healthcare system. The study aims to contribute to understanding and improvements within the healthcare system. Limitations include a focus on Swedish conditions and the age group of 18–25. Suggestions for future research involve exploring wait times for psychiatric care and effectively communicating knowledge about mental health to these children to identify areas for improvement in healthcare. Overall, the study underscores the need to overcome barriers, customize healthcare to individual needs, and enhance understanding of this vulnerable group.
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Barnets rätt till sina föräldrar : En kritisk rättsdogmatisk analys av rättsligt föräldraskap i relation till Barnkonventionen / The child’s right to his/her parents : A legal dogmatic analysis of legal parenthood in relation to the convention on the rights of the childJeppson, Veronica January 2019 (has links)
The Convention on the rights of the child (CRC) stipulates a set of rights for all children and declares that all national legislation should be in compliance with the convention. The CRC states that the best interests of the child shall be of primary consideration in all actions concerning children; that every child has the right to protection of their family relations as well as the right to know about its parents. The purpose of this study is to investigate how well does the Swedish regulation of establishing legal parenthood comply with the child’s family oriented rights stipulated by the CRC. The study uses a critical legal dogmatic method and is analysed from a theory of the best interests of the child principle. The result shows that the Swedish law strongly protects the child’s right to know about his/her genetic origin. However, the findings illustrate that the mentioned right is often seen as synonymous for what is best for the child, and therefore leaves no space for questioning other aspects that may affect the child’s well-being. Furthermore the results demonstrate that the Swedish family law mainly protects hetero normative families where none of the parents has changed their legal gender. The further away from this norm that the child’s family is, the more complicated it is to establish legal parenthood and therefor harder to protect the child’s right to its family relations. The paper argues that the Swedish family law hence leaves little space for what could be seen as the best interest of a specific child in a specific context, and by doing so diverges from the CRC which advocates contextually when analysing what is best for the child. The paper concludes that a more flexible law where the best interests of the child can be taken into account in greater extent could secure the rights of the child more effectively.
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Kriskommunikation ur ett barnrättsperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie utifrån webbplatsen Lilla Krisinfo / Crisis Communication from a Children’s Rights Perspective : A Qualitativ Study of the Website Lilla KrisinfoRosengren, Alicia, Kindahl, Emilia January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie har syftat till att nå ökad kunskap om hur myndigheter kan utveckla sin kriskommunikation med barn i åldern 12-13 år, utifrån ett barnrättsperspektiv. Webbplatsen Lilla Krisinfo har utgjort ett exempel för studien. Studiens teoretiska perspektiv har bestått av inkodning- och avkodningsmodellen, användning- och gratifikationsteorin, förväntning-bekräftelseteorin samt retorik, vilka har sammanförts i en egen teoretisk modell. Metoderna som användes var retorisk analys av webbplatsen och fokusgruppsintervjuer med barn. Genom att undersöka barns informationsbehov och informationssökningsstrategier gällande kriser samt deras uppfattning av Lilla Krisinfos webbplats har studien kunnat nå ökad kunskap för att besvara syftet. De huvudsakliga resultaten innefattar att myndigheter bör betona krisers relevans för barn, skapa trygghet men samtidigt inte undanhålla information, anpassa sitt språk efter olika nivåer och sträva efter att vara och upplevas trovärdiga. / This study has aimed to reach further knowledge about how authorities can develop their crisis communication with children aged 12-13, based on a children's rights perspective. The website Lilla Krisinfo has been an example for the study. The study's theoretical perspective has consisted of the encoding and decoding model, the uses and gratification theory, the expectation-confirmation theory and rhetoric, which were brought together in a theoretical model. The methods used were rhetorical analysis of the website and focus group interviews with children. By investigating children's needs of information and strategies for searching information regarding crises as well as their perception of Lilla Krisinfo's website, the study has been able to achieve further knowledge to answer to the study’s purpose. The main results include that authorities should accentuate the relevance of a crisis for children, create a feeling of security but at the same time not withhold information, adapt the language to different levels and strive to be perceived as credible.
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Barnrätt på bibblan : Folkbibliotek som nav för barns rättigheter / Child rights at the library : public libraries as a hub for children's rightsAskild, Alina, Forssén, Alexandra January 2023 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie ämnar till att undersöka hur bibliotek som plats verkar för barns rättigheter i samhället, och hur bibliotekarier inom olika bibliotekstyper ser på detta. Det empiriska materialet består av en kortare dokumentstudie av tre styrdokument för biblioteksverksamheten i Stockholms stad, samt två intervjuer med personal på ett folkbibliotek och ett barnbibliotek. Med en beskrivande idéanalys analyseras det empiriska materialet med hjälp av teoretiska verktyg från Giroux’s teori om gränspedagogik och radikal demokrati. Som komplement har även begreppen barnperspektiv och barns perspektiv lyfts in som teoretiska verktyg. Studien visar att bibliotekarier tänker på liknande sätt kring barns rättigheter och bibliotek som plats, men att skillnaderna i arbetet mot barns rättigheter i rummet ligger i utrymmet och de resurser biblioteket har. Studiens centrala slutsatser är att barns rättigheter bör vara en grundbult i biblioteksverksamheten för barn, att barnens eget inflytande får ta plats, och att relationsskapande och trygghet är viktiga komponenter. Även att skapa separatistiska platser för barnen och att personalens barnperspektiv formats utefter barnens perspektiv. / This qualitative study aims to examine how the public library can function as a place for children’s rights, and librarians’ views on this. The empirical material is based on a shorter document study of three governing documents for the City of Stockholm, and two interviews with personnel at a public library and a children’s library. The empirical material is analyzed with a descriptive idea analysis, using theoretical tools based on Giroux’s theory on border pedagogy and radical democracy. As a complementary theoretical tool, the concept of child perspective and children’s perspective have also been brought in. The study shows that librarians’ thoughts about children’s rights and the library as place is similar, but that there is a difference in the work towards children’s rights which lie in the space of the room and the resources given. Central conclusions of the study show that children’s rights should be a cornerstone of library operations towards children, that children’s own influence is allowed to take place, and that creating relationships and safety are important components. As well as creating separate places only for the children, and that the child perspective is shaped with the children’s perspective in mind.
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Implementeringsproblematiken inom mänskliga rättigheter - en fallstudie baserat på implementeringsforskning med utgångspunkt i artikel 16.2 i CEDAW och hur denna implementeras i Gambia - Implementation issues within Human Rights - a case study based on implementetion reserach, article 16.2 in CEDAW and how this is implemented in The GambiaStedt, Rebecca January 2015 (has links)
Implementationsproblematiken inom de mänskliga rättigheterna är en pågående diskussion. Denna undersökning behandlar hur artikel 16.2 implementerats i Gambia och vad det kan finnas för svårigheter i implementeringen av en artikel som behandlar barnäktenskap. Genom fallstudien som metod och implementeringsforskning, Susan Möller Okin samt Sheyla Benhabibs teori gällande grupprättigheter kontra kvinnors rättigheter på individnivå undersöks hur artikel 16.2 i CEDAW implementerats i Gambia. Artikel 16.2, vilken beskriver barnets trolovning och äktenskap, dekonstrueras och utifrån det diskuteras innebörden i artikeln vilket senare jämförs med Gambias nationella lagstiftning. Undersökningen består av att se hur artikel 16.2 implementerats i Gambiaoch vad det kan finnas för svårigheter i implementeringen av en artikel som behandlarbarnäktenskap. Slutligen konstateras implementeringsproblematikens komplexitet och hur ett fall och en implementering av en specifik artikel i en specifik stat inte är den andra lik. Därmed inte sagt att det inte går att eliminera de grövsta misstagen genom att lära av tidigare försök och forskning. / Implementation issues within Human Rights is an ongoing discussion. This study deals with how Article 16.2 was implemented in The Gambia and what difficulties can arise in the implementation of an article on child marriage. Through case study as a method and implementation research, Susan Moller Okin and Sheyla Benhabibs theory of group rights versus the rights of women on an individual level I wish to examinate how Article 16.2 in CEDAW is implemented in the Gambia.Article 16.2, which describes the child betrothal and marriage, is being deconstructed and from that discussed the meaning of the article, which later is compared with the Gambia national legislation. The study consists of seeing how Article 16.2 was implemented in The Gambia and what the difficulties in the implementation of an article on child marriage may be. Finally it is confirmed that implementation issues complexity, a case and an implementation of a specific item in a specific state is not like the other. That said, it is not possible to eliminate the largest mistakes by learning from previous experiments and research.
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Beskerming van kinderregte in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg in die lig van die Kinderwet 38 van 2005Celliers, Charmaine 07 February 2013 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Suid-Afrika het ‘n ver pad gekom sedert die 16de eeu in die erkenning en
ontwikkeling van kinderregte. Kinderregte word vandag ten volle erken in
die Grondwet, wat die hoogste gesag in die land is. Hierdie studie het ten
doel om die beskerming van kinderregte in die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg te
ondersoek, met verwysing na die rol wat internasionale reg, soos die
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (“die Konvensie”) en
die African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child 1990 (“Afrika
Handves”) in die ontwikkeling van kinderregte gespeel het. Spesifieke
voorskrifte ingevolge waarvan die regte van kinders beskerm word is
ondersoek,insluitend artikel 28 van die Grondwet en sekere bepalings van
die Kinderwet. Weens die beperkte omvang van hierdie verhandeling, is
sekere afgebakende voorbeelde uit die Kinderwet ondersoek met
spesifieke verwysing na kinders se regte en tradisionele waardes soos
manlike besnydenis, vroulike besnydenis en maagdelikheidstoetse. Daar is
gekyk of die praktiese probleme op regeringsvlak, byvoorbeeld die
voorsiening en befondsing van maatskaplike dienste, die implementering
van die bepalings van die Kinderwet vertraag. Skrywer kom tot die slotsom
dat die bepalings van die Kinderwet alleenlik nie voldoende is om
effektiewe beskerming aan sekere groepe kinders te verleen nie en hierdie
probleme lei daartoe dat kinderregte nie behoorlik gerealiseer en
geïmplementeer word nie, en dat daar nie ‘n behoorlike balans tussen die
regte en verantwoordelikhede van die kind, die ouers en die staat bereik
word nie. Moontlike oplossings vir die probleem en tekortkominge in die
uitvoering van die Kinderwet word voorgestel in die slot hoofstuk. / South Africa has come a long way since the 16th century in the recognition
and development of children's rights. Children's rights are now fully
recognized in the Constitution, the supreme authority in the country. This
study aims to investigate the protection of children's rights in South African
law, with reference to the role of international law, such as the United
Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on
the rights and Welfare of the child 1990, in the development of children's
rights. Specific provisions under which the rights of children protected is
examined, including Section 28 of the Constitution and certain provisions of
the Children’s Act. Due to the limited scope of this paper, some designated
examples from the Children’s Act are examined with particular reference to
children's rights and traditional values such as male circumcision, female
circumcision and virginity testing. It is looked at if whether the practical
problems experienced on government level, the provision and funding of
social services delay the implementation of the provisions of the Children's
Act .Author comes to the conclusion that the provisions of the Children
alone is not sufficient to ensure effective protection of the rights of certain
groups of children and that these problems led to children's rights not
properly realized and implemented, and that a proper balance between the
rights and responsibilities of the child, the parents and the state is not
reached. In the concluding chapter possible solutions to the problems and
shortcomings in the implementation of the Children’s Act is suggested. / Jurisprudence / LLM
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Beskerming van kinderregte in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg in die lig van die Kinderwet 38 van 2005Celliers, Charmaine 07 February 2013 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Suid-Afrika het ‘n ver pad gekom sedert die 16de eeu in die erkenning en
ontwikkeling van kinderregte. Kinderregte word vandag ten volle erken in
die Grondwet, wat die hoogste gesag in die land is. Hierdie studie het ten
doel om die beskerming van kinderregte in die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg te
ondersoek, met verwysing na die rol wat internasionale reg, soos die
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (“die Konvensie”) en
die African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child 1990 (“Afrika
Handves”) in die ontwikkeling van kinderregte gespeel het. Spesifieke
voorskrifte ingevolge waarvan die regte van kinders beskerm word is
ondersoek,insluitend artikel 28 van die Grondwet en sekere bepalings van
die Kinderwet. Weens die beperkte omvang van hierdie verhandeling, is
sekere afgebakende voorbeelde uit die Kinderwet ondersoek met
spesifieke verwysing na kinders se regte en tradisionele waardes soos
manlike besnydenis, vroulike besnydenis en maagdelikheidstoetse. Daar is
gekyk of die praktiese probleme op regeringsvlak, byvoorbeeld die
voorsiening en befondsing van maatskaplike dienste, die implementering
van die bepalings van die Kinderwet vertraag. Skrywer kom tot die slotsom
dat die bepalings van die Kinderwet alleenlik nie voldoende is om
effektiewe beskerming aan sekere groepe kinders te verleen nie en hierdie
probleme lei daartoe dat kinderregte nie behoorlik gerealiseer en
geïmplementeer word nie, en dat daar nie ‘n behoorlike balans tussen die
regte en verantwoordelikhede van die kind, die ouers en die staat bereik
word nie. Moontlike oplossings vir die probleem en tekortkominge in die
uitvoering van die Kinderwet word voorgestel in die slot hoofstuk. / South Africa has come a long way since the 16th century in the recognition
and development of children's rights. Children's rights are now fully
recognized in the Constitution, the supreme authority in the country. This
study aims to investigate the protection of children's rights in South African
law, with reference to the role of international law, such as the United
Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on
the rights and Welfare of the child 1990, in the development of children's
rights. Specific provisions under which the rights of children protected is
examined, including Section 28 of the Constitution and certain provisions of
the Children’s Act. Due to the limited scope of this paper, some designated
examples from the Children’s Act are examined with particular reference to
children's rights and traditional values such as male circumcision, female
circumcision and virginity testing. It is looked at if whether the practical
problems experienced on government level, the provision and funding of
social services delay the implementation of the provisions of the Children's
Act .Author comes to the conclusion that the provisions of the Children
alone is not sufficient to ensure effective protection of the rights of certain
groups of children and that these problems led to children's rights not
properly realized and implemented, and that a proper balance between the
rights and responsibilities of the child, the parents and the state is not
reached. In the concluding chapter possible solutions to the problems and
shortcomings in the implementation of the Children’s Act is suggested. / Jurisprudence / LLM
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Criminal capacity of childrenBadenhorst, Charmain 30 November 2006 (has links)
In this project the various International Instruments, namely the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child; 1989, the Beijing Rules and the African Charter, relating to the guidelines of the establishment of a minimum age for criminal capacity are furnished. The developments regarding the issue of criminal capacity since 1998 in Australia, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong are highlighted. The historical position and the current position in South African law with regard to the issue of criminal capacity are discussed as well as the implementation
thereof by our courts. The statistics on children under 14 years in prison over the past five years are furnished. The introduction of the Child Justice Bill, 2002 by Parliament and the deliberations following the introduction, focusing on the issue of criminal capacity is highlighted. The proposed provisions of the Child Justice Bill, 49 of 2002 codifying the present common law presumptions and the raising of the minimum age for criminal capacity are furnished. The evaluation of criminal capacity and the important factors to be assessed are discussed as provided for in the Child Justice Bill, 49 of 2002. A practical illustration of a case where the criminal capacity
of a child offender was considered by the court is, discussed and other important developmental factors that should also be taken into consideration by the court are
identified and discussed. Important issues relating to criminal capacity, namely, time
and number of assessments, testimonial competency of the child offender, evolving
capacities and age determination are discussed and possible problems identified and some solutions offered. The research included an 11-question questionnaire to various professionals working in field of child justice regarding the issue of criminal capacity and the evaluation thereof. / Criminal and Procedural law / D.Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)
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