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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Família i Addicions: Dinàmica familiar, vincle conjugal i parental en famílies amb un membre jove-adult drogodependent

Vilaregut Puigdesens, Anna 13 February 2003 (has links)
Aquest estudi examina les relacions entre la dinàmica familiar, ajustament diàdic conjugal i vincle parental dels joves-adults drogoadictes i no drogoaddictes des del model sistèmic. Per aquesta raó, l’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és per una banda, determinar si existeix diferències estadísticament significatives entre el grup experimental i el grup control quant a les variables a estudiar. I per l’altra, valorar la importància del paper de la família tant el camp de la prevenció com en el tractament de les drogodependències. Per fer-ho, s’ha utilitzat tres instruments: la FACES III d’Olson i col•l (1985) per mesurar la dinàmica familiar, la DAS de Spanier i col•l (1976) per avaluar l’ajustament diàdic conjugal i el PBI de Parker i col•l (1979) per avaluar el vincle parental. Els resultats indiquen existeix diferències estadísticament significatives entre el grup experimental i el grup control quant a dinàmica familiar. Concretament, la majoria dels joves-adults drogoaddictes perceben una dinàmica familiar estructuralment desvinculada, seguida per la rígidament desvinculada, que dins el model Circumplex d’Olson correspon al tipus de família extrema o moderada, respectivament. Quant al grup control, la majoria de joves-adults no drogoaddictes perceben una dinàmica familiar estructuralment separada, flexiblement separada o connectada; i dins del model Circumplex, correspon al tipus de família equilibrada. Quant a la percepció de l’ajustament diàdic conjugal, destacar que no s’han trobat diferències estadísticament significatives entre els pares i les mares del grup experimental com els pares i les mares del grup control. Finalment, quant al vincle parental, assenyalar que la majoria de joves-adults drogoaddictes perceben un vincle de control sense afecte contràriament als joves del grup control, dels quals la majoria perceben un vincle òptim tant al grup de mares com de pares. La conclusió final ha estat que aquest estudi demostra la importància del paper de la família tant en el camp de la prevenció com en el camp de la intervenció. / Este estudio examina las relaciones entre la dinámica familiar, ajustamiento diádico conyugal y vínculo parental de los jóvenes-adultos drogadictos y no drogadictos desde el modelo sistémico. Por esta razón, el objetivo principal de este estudio es por un lado, determinar si existe diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el grupo experimental y el grupo control con relación a las variables a estudiar. Y por otro lado, valorar a importancia del papel de la familia tanto en el campo de la prevención como en el tratamiento de las drogodependencias. Para llevarlo a cabo, se ha utilizado tres instrumentos: la FACES III de Olson y al. (1985) para medir la dinámica familiar, la DAS de Spanier y al. (1976) para medir el ajustamiento diádico conyugal y el PBI y at. (1979) para medir el vínculo parental. Los resultados indican que existe diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el grupo experimental y el grupo control en cuanto a dinámica familiar. Concretamente, la mayoría de los jóvenes-adultos drogadictos perciben una dinámica familiar estructuralmente desvinculada, seguida por la rígidamente desvinculada, que dentro del modelo Circumplejo de Olson corresponde al tipo de familia extrema o moderada, respectivamente. En cuanto al grupo control, la mayoría de jóvenes-adultos no drogadictos perciben una dinámica familiar estructuralmente separada, flexiblemente separada o conectada; y dentro del modelo Circumplejo, corresponde al tipo de familia equilibrada. Con relación al ajustamiento diádico conyugal, destacar que no se ha hallado diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los padres y las madres del grupo experimental como los padres y las madres del grupo control. Finalmente, en cuanto al vínculo parental, destacar que la mayoría de jóvenes-adultos drogadictos perciben un vínculo de control sin afecto contrariamente a los jóvenes-adultos del grupo control, que la mayoría perciben un vínculo óptimo tanto en el grupo de madres como de padres. La conclusión final que se ha llegado ha estado que este estudio demuestra la importancia del papel de la familia tanto en el campo de la prevención como en el campo de la intervención. / This study examines the relationship between family dynamics, dyadic marital adjustment, and parental bonding in young-adult drug addicts and non-drug addicts from a systemic model. In this sense, the main aim of this study is, on the one hand, to determine whether there are significant differences between the experimental group and the control group with regards to the variables to be studied; and, on the other hand, to assess the importance of the family role both in the field of prevention and in drug addiction treatments. Three measures have been used: FACES III by Olson et al. (1985) to assess family dynamics; DAS by Spanier et al. (1976) to assess dyadic marital adjustment; and PBI by Parker et al. (1979) to assess parental bonding. Results show that there are statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group as regards family dynamics. Particularly, most young-adult drug addicts perceive their family dynamics as structurally detached, followed by strictly detached, which in Olson's Circumplex model corresponds to the extreme or moderate family type, respectively. As for the control group, most young-adult non-drug addicts perceive their family dynamics as structurally separated, flexibly separated or connected; which, according to Olson's Circumplex model corresponds to the balanced family type. With regards to the perception of dyadic marital adjustment, there are no statistically significant differences between fathers and mothers in the experimental group, as in the case of fathers and mothers in the control group. Finally, concerning parental bonding, most young-adult drug addicts perceive their parental bonds as affectionless control, whereas the young subjects in the control group perceive theirs as optimum both in the group of mothers and in the group of fathers. The final conclusion is that this study shows the importance of the family role both in the field of prevention and in the field of intervention.

Le couple en droit international privé : contribution à l’adaptation méthodologique du droit international privé du couple / The couple in international private law : contribution to the methodological evolution of private international law of the couple

Escudey, Gaëtan 01 December 2016 (has links)
L’influence libérale en droit de la famille et l’essor de l’idéologie individualiste ont provoqué un pluralisme des formes de conjugalité et ont considérablement accru la diversité des règles et des méthodes applicables aux couples en droit international privé contemporain.L’analyse des couples en droit international privé nous a alors conduit à repenser le droit international privé du couple. La déconstruction de la matière met en lumière l’inadaptation actuelle de la méthode conflictuelle classique et l’insuffisance de la méthode de la reconnaissance. En effet, l’actuel droit international privé du couple ne permet pas de garantir la continuité internationale du lien conjugal, pas plus qu’elle ne permet d’assurer un traitement juridique cohérent des problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les couples internationaux. Une réflexion quant à une possible évolution méthodologique de la matière était donc nécessaire. Cette étude vise à démontrer qu’une adaptation de la méthode conflictuelle classique à l’aune des objectifs de la méthode de la reconnaissance et fondée sur un raisonnement en termes de conflit d’autorités est possible. Elle apporterait aux règles de droit international privé du couple une meilleure cohérence tout en assurant aux rapports conjugaux internationaux une réelle stabilité. / The liberal influence in Family Law and the rise of individualist ideology have led to a multiplication of conjugal life forms and considerably increased the diversity of laws and methods applicable to couples in International Private Law. To analyse couples under International Private Law leads us to rethink the International Private Law of the Couple. Deconstructing this subject brings to light the current non-adaptation of the classic conflict of laws method and the insufficiency of the recognition approach. In fact, current International Private Law as it pertains to couples neither guarantees the international recognition of theconjugal bond nor ensures a coherent legal treatment of legal problems faced by international couples. It is therefore necessary to examine a possible methodological evolution of thesubject. This study aims to demonstrate that it is possible to adapt the classic conflict of lawsmethod by taking into account the objectives of the recognition approach whilst founding iton the lex auctoritas rule. This would not only bring better coherence to International Private Law of the Couple but it would also assure a real legal stability for international conjugal relationships.

Obrigação de punir : racionalidade penal moderna e as estratégias de controle da violência doméstica contra a mulher

Reginato, Andréa Depieri de Albuquerque 07 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse doctorale a pour toile de fond la relation paradoxale entre les droits de la personne et la punition qui s’établie quand différents mouvements, dans le cadre de la lutte pour l’égalité, la reconnaissance et une plus grande justice sociale mobilisent la sémantique des droits de la personne pour revendiquer l’intervention punitive de l’État. En proposant des modèles punitifs rigides afin de garantir et de concrétiser les droits, les secteurs progressistes de la société finissent par consolider, par des voies transversales, la logique de la peine, rendant difficile, voire impossible, l’apparition d’innovations « humanistes » dans le système de droit criminel. La recherche se développe au moyen d’une étude de cas complexe qui implique les stratégies de contrôle de la violence contre la conjointe et ses conséquences sur le fonctionnement des commissariats pour les femmes au Brésil après la loi n. 11.340/2006 connue sous le nom de « lei Maria da Penha ». Cette législation a été soutenue par des segments représentatifs du mouvement féministe au Brésil en écho aux recommandations internationales des droits de de la personne et a interdit ,dans les cas de violence contre la conjointe, l’utilisation de mécanismes de déjudiciarisation, employés comme alternatives aux processus criminels conventionnels et qui était déjà en cours que se soit dans les tribunaux criminels que dans les commissariats pour femmes. La présente étude examine l’option et les justificatifs pour l’utilisation prépondérante de stratégies punitives dans la défense des droits de la personne des femmes et plus spécifiquement, les problèmes relatifs à l’action pénale ; à l’obligation de punir et à la difficulté rencontrée par le système de droit criminel à permettre que les innovations humanistes soient couronnées de succès, en rendant problématique la question de la reconnaissance d’autonomie et du désir des femmes. La réflexion théorique aborde, entre autres choses, les obstacles que la « lei Maria da Penha » représente pour le développement innovateur de structures opérationnelles dans le système de droit criminel et discute les anciens et les nouveaux problèmes créés dans ce qui se réfère à un contrôle effectif de la violence contre la conjointe. / This doctorial thesis has as its background the paradoxical relationship between human rights and punishment, that is established when different groups, in the struggle for social justice, equality and recognition, begin to mobilize the semantics of human rights, to claim more punitive laws. As relentless punitive models are proposed to ensure and fulfill civil rights, progressive sectors of our society end up, collaterally, reinforcing punishment, hindering and even precluding the occurrence of 'humanistic' innovations in the criminal law system. The research develops through a complex case study, involving the strategies to control domestic violence against women and its consequences on the functioning of the Women Police Station in Brazil after the enactment of Law nº 11.340/2006, known as the "Maria da Penha Law". This legislation was supported by representative segments of the feminist movement in Brazil and it is in accord with international human rights standards and recommendations. The enactment of the law prohibited the use of petrial diversion in cases of domestic violence against women, which could be applied as an alternative to the conventional criminal prosecution. The reffered study investigates the option for the predominant use of punitive strategies on women’s human rights and its justifications, but more specifically: (I) the problems generated by non drop policies and mandatory arrest; (II) the moral obligation to punish; (III) the struggle that the criminal law system faces to allow humanistic innovations to be successful; (IV) the matter of women’s autonomy and desire. The theoretical reflection addresses, among other themes, the obstacles that the “Maria da Penha Law” represents for the innovative development of operating structures in the criminal law system and discusses the old and new problems created in the search to an effective control of domestic violence against women. / Esta tese doutoral tem como pano de fundo a paradoxal relação entre direitos humanos e punição que se estabelece quando diferentes movimentos, no marco da luta por maior justiça social, igualdade e reconhecimento passam a mobilizar a semântica dos direitos humanos para reivindicar a intervenção punitiva do Estado. Ao propor rígidos modelos punitivos para garantir e concretizar direitos, setores progressistas da sociedade acabam reforçando, por via transversa, a lógica da pena, dificultando e mesmo impedindo a ocorrência de inovações ‘humanistas’ no sistema de direito criminal. A pesquisa se desenvolve por meio de um estudo de caso complexo que envolve as estratégias de controle da violência doméstica contra as mulheres e suas conseqüências sobre o funcionamento das Delegacias da Mulher no Brasil após a aprovação da Lei n º 11.340/2006, conhecida pelo nome de " Lei Maria da Penha". Esta legislação foi apoiada por segmentos representativos do movimento feminista no Brasil em consonância com as recomendações internacionais de direitos humanos e proibiu, nos casos de violência doméstica contra as mulheres, a utlização de mecanismos de dejudicialização, compreendidos como alternativos ao processo criminal convencional e que já estavam em curso tanto nos Juizados Especiais Criminais como nas Delegacias das Mulheres. O presente estudo investiga a opção e as justificativas para a utilização preponderante de estratégias punitivas na defesa dos direitos humanos das mulheres e, mais especificamente, os problemas relativos ao processamento automático da ação penal; à obrigação de punir e à dificuldade encontrada pelo sistema de direito criminal em permitir que inovações humanistas sejam bem sucedidas, problematizando, ao mesmo tempo, a questão do reconhecimento da autonomia e do desejo das mulheres. A reflexão teórica aborda, entre outras coisas, os obstáculos que a ‘Lei Maria da Penha’ representa para o desenvolvimento inovador de estruturas operativas no sistema de direito criminal e discute os antigos e novos problemas criados no que se refere a um controle efetivo da violência doméstica contra as mulheres.

Embryo Adoption: Implications of Personhood, Marriage, and Parenthood

McMillen, Brooke Marie 14 April 2008 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / One’s personal claims regarding personhood will influence his moral belief regarding embryo adoption. In Chapter One, I consider the personhood of the human embryo. If the human embryo is a person, we are morally obligated to permit the practice of embryo adoption as an ethical means to save human persons. However, for those who do not claim that an embryo is a person at conception, embryo adoption is not a necessary practice because we have no moral obligation to protect them. There are still others who claim that personhood is gained at some point during gestation when certain mental capacities develop. I offer my own claim that consciousness and sentience as well as the potential to be self-conscious mark the beginning of personhood. Embryo adoption raises several questions surrounding the institution of marriage. Due to its untraditional method of procreation, embryo adoption calls into question the role of procreation within marriage. In Chapter Two, I explore the nature of the marriage relationship by offering Lisa Cahill’s definition of marriage which involves both a spiritual and physical dimension, and then I describe the concept of marriage from different perspectives including a social, religious, and a personal perspective. From a personal perspective, I explore the relationship between marriage and friendship. Finally, I describe how the concept of marriage is understood today and explore the advantages to being married as opposed to the advantages of being single. Embryo adoption changes the way we customarily think about procreation within a family because in embryo adoption, couples are seeking an embryo from another union to be implanted into the woman. This prompts some philosophers to argue that embryo adoption violates the marriage relationship. In Chapter Three, I further consider the impact of embryo adoption on the family as an extension of the marital relationship as well as the impact of embryo adoption on the traditional roles of motherhood and fatherhood. I examine motherhood by looking at how some philosophers define motherhood and when these philosophers claim a woman becomes a mother. After considering these issues regarding motherhood, I examine the same issues surrounding fatherhood. Peg Brand, PhD., Chair

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