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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att mötas och förstå : Varför är det svårt? / To meet and understand : Why is it difficult?

Stenholm, Eva January 2018 (has links)
In this scientific essay I have focus on parental work in preschool and the difficulties that might arise. The empirical part is based on two meetings with parents and both of them are about how to understand each other. These meetings are linked to literature and helps me research the term reflection. What am I reflecting and how do I reflect? I also explore the practical knowledge in my work and try to understand the role of the multicultural environment in this work. I try to se possibilites in cooperation at the preschool. With the essay I want to understand why it can be challenging to build trustworthy relations with the parents, which seems important, in order to make the children at the preschool feel safe. I am also interested in researching how the multicultural environment affects the intercultural standpoint of the preschool and what this could mean for my work. The end discussion shows that I am not satisfied to which extend the preschool teachers discuss the difficulties and possibilities of parenting cooperation. / I min vetenskapliga essä lägger jag fokus på föräldraarbetet i förskolan och de eventuella svårigheter som uppstår där. Empirin bygger på två möten med föräldrar, som båda handlar om att vi inte förstår varandra. Mötena kopplas till litteratur och med dess hjälp undersöker jag begreppet reflektion. Hur reflekterar jag och vad reflekterar jag över? Jag synar den praktiska kunskapen i mitt arbete och försöker förstå hur stor roll det spelar att jag arbetar i en mångkulturell miljö. Jag försöker se möjligheter i föräldrasamarbetet på förskolan. Med essäns hjälp vill jag förstå varför det kan vara svårt att skapa tillitsfulla relationer med föräldrar, vilka i sin tur gör att barnen på förskolan blir trygga. Jag är också intresserad av att ta reda på om förskolan, i den mångkulturella miljön, genomsyras av det interkulturella synsätt stadens förskoleplan föreskriver och vad detta i så fall kan innebära för mitt arbete. Slutdiskussionen visar att jag inte är tillfullo nöjd med i vilken utsträckning vi i förskolan diskuterar föräldrasamarbetets svårigheter och möjligheter.

Regulované systémy automatů / Regulated Automata Systems

Krčmář, Radim January 2016 (has links)
This thesis defines and studies two new types of automata, cooperating distributed pushdown automata systems (CDPDAS) and parallel communicating pushdown automata systems (PCPDAS).  CDPDAS and PCPDAS adapt the main concept of cooperating distributed grammar systems (CDGS) and parallel communicating automata systems (PCPDAS), respectively.  CDPDAS are proven to have the same power as PDA and this thesis further explores the reason why CDPDAS do not increase power while CDGS do and introduces an automata system inspired by CDPDAS that does increase the power.  PCGS have similar power as CDGS, but PCPDAS are equvalent with TM, which is proven by creating a communication protocol to access a second stack.

Trestněprávní nástroje boje s organizovaným zločinem / Instruments of Criminal Law Used in a Fight against Organized Crime

Lapáček, Jan January 2022 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned with the instruments of criminal law used in a fight against organized crime. The objective of this thesis is to outline the current state of both international and domestic organized crime and to discuss some of the instruments used to fight against it which are provided to us by the criminal law. The first part of this thesis provides an overview of the development of organized crime as well as the defining characteristics of this phenomenon. However, the primary focus of the first part of presented thesis is on the conception of organized criminal group and the differentiation between organized criminal group, organized group, terrorism and terrorist group as provided in the Czech criminal code. The second part of this thesis discusses some of the individual instruments of both substantive and procedural criminal law in depth. Specifically, the criminal offense of participation in an organized criminal group, sentencing enhancements for individuals committing crimes that benefit an organized criminal group, criminal liability of legal entities, spatial wiretapping, use of an agent and cooperating witness. In this part especially, the author's aim is to evaluate the contemporary legislation, to present different opinions on mentioned topics and eventually, to...

The evolution of a professional learning community in a professional development school

Bush, Nicole Lea January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Music Student Teacher Reflections as Narratives of Identity

Russell, Heather A. January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to explore how music student teachers make sense of classroom events during the student teaching internship using a required Video Reflection Assignment. Three questions guided this study: 1) How did student teachers use aspects of three-dimensional narrative space (temporality, sociality, and space) to story classroom events? 2) What aspects of Reflective Practice did student teachers illustrate in their Video Reflection Assignments? 3) How did student teachers reveal their identities as musicians and teachers through their reflections? Data were Video Reflection Worksheets (VRW), video-recorded teaching episodes (videos), and participant questionnaires. Analysis combined narrative, case study, and grounded theory techniques. Participants' answers on VRWs revealed aspects of their musician and teacher identities, dilemmas of practice caused by classroom events and conflicting stories with cooperating teachers, and provided insight into the ways participants either rationalized or reflected on classroom events. Results of the study contribute to the profession's understanding of the interplay of musician and teacher identities, and point to the importance of attending to narratives of identity revealed in student teachers' reflections through language use, as well as the alignment of student teachers' and cooperating teachers' storied identities when assigning internship placements. Additionally, results raise important questions concerning student teachers' abilities to use reflective assignments like the one in this study to self-reflect, and point to the usefulness of three-dimensional narrative space and MacKinnon's clues to detecting reflective activity for reframing teacher-educator's evaluations of student teachers' reflections. / Music Education

Kolegialita a spolupráce učitelů v základní škole speciální / Collegiality and cooperation of teachers in basic special school

Mikšovská, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Filozofická fakulta Katedra pedagogiky Abstrakt Diplomové práce Bc. Eva Mikšovská Kolegialita a spolupráce učitelů v základní škole speciální Collegiality and cooperation of teachers in basic special school Praha 2013 Vedoucí práce: doc. PhDr. Hana Kasíková, CSc. This thesis focuses on teachers' collegiality and cooperation in order to map their current possibilities and needs in this field. On the basis of acquired knowledgecontribute to better understanding, improving and extending the cooperation andcollegiality of teachers, as well. The theoretical part deals with the cooperation in general and defines the basic terms. It provides the information about the typical shapes and forms of cooperation within the school environment and about the teachers' cooperation at Czech elementary schools. It also discusses the factors facilitating cooperation, the instruments for the development of teachers' cooperation and school management's role during the cooperation. It describes a teacher's personality, his competencies, the environment and the organization of a special basic school.The empirical part looks into the specific level of teachers' collegiality and cooperation at the special basic school in Kolín. Keywords: collegiality, cooperation, teacher, basic special school, colleague,...

Étude sur les repères de stagiaires finissants en formation initiale à l'enseignement au secondaire permettant de soutenir le développement de leur compétence éthique

Cloutier, Guylaine 11 1900 (has links)
Dans la foulée du mouvement de professionnalisation, l’éthique professionnelle enseignante est portée par une compétence professionnelle, plus précisément par la compétence éthique, laquelle est présentée dans le référentiel de compétences professionnelles (MEQ, 2001a). Bien que la compétence éthique comporte un caractère ambigu, telle qu’elle se décline dans le référentiel ministériel, elle est marquée d’une obligation de réussite, notamment pour les stagiaires finissants. Devant l’ambiguïté entourant le sens de la compétence éthique, nous avons mené une recension des écrits sur cette compétence afin de mettre en relief ce que signifie être compétent sur le plan éthique. Nous avons ainsi constaté que la compétence éthique entretient un lien étroit avec la réflexion. Dès lors, à l’aide d’une recension sur le concept de raisonnement, nous avons posé l’hypothèse que le raisonnement professionnel, constitué du discours et de points de repère, puisse soutenir le développement de la compétence éthique. Par conséquent, trois intentions se sont précisées : mettre en évidence les repères personnels (valeurs personnelles) et institutionnels (encadrement légal et réglementaire, normes et savoirs théoriques) que comporte le raisonnement professionnel des stagiaires en matière d’agir éthique et rendre compte de la contribution de la formation pratique ainsi que de la formation initiale au regard de ces repères. Pour ce faire, nous avons effectué deux phases de collecte de données lors desquelles ont été favorisés deux outils afin de recueillir des données de nature qualitative. Lors de la première phase, nous avons mené des entrevues semi-dirigées auprès des stagiaires, de leur enseignant associé et de leur superviseur de stage respectifs. En ce qui a trait à la deuxième phase de collecte de données, nous avons assuré la tenue d’un groupe de discussion constitué de stagiaires finissants. Nos résultats suggèrent que les repères dont disposent les stagiaires afin de soutenir leur raisonnement en matière d’agir éthique sont liés à leurs valeurs personnelles et à certaines valeurs professionnelles bien que les mots pour évoquer ces dernières ne soient pas explicites. Toutefois, les repères institutionnels que constituent l’encadrement légal et réglementaire, les normes et les savoirs théoriques sont peu présents dans leur discours. Par ailleurs, la contribution des enseignants associés et des superviseurs de stage au regard des repères se révèle modeste alors qu’elle passe principalement par la rétroaction. Les résultats à propos de la contribution des activités d’enseignement en formation initiale suggèrent que l’agir éthique est traité notamment à titre de mises en garde. Nos résultats mettent ainsi en évidence que les repères qui constituent le raisonnement professionnel des stagiaires peuvent agir à titre de levier de la compétence éthique à la condition qu’en amont les futurs enseignants aient été entraînés dans ce sens. / To follow in the footsteps of the movement of professionalisation, the professional ethical teacher is characterized by a professional competence, more precisely by the ethical competence, which is presented in the reference system of professional competence (MEQ, 2001a). Even if the ethical competence comprises an ambiguous character, as it is stated in the ministerial reference, it is marked by a successful obligation, more particularly by the graduating student teachers. In view of the ambiguity surrounding the meaning of the ethical competence, we have conducted a census of records on this competence in order to verify what it means to be competent on the ethical plan. We have therefore established that the ethical competence has a close link with reflection. From now on, by means of a review on the concept of reasoning, we have put forth the hypothesis that the professional reasoning established by the discourse and by the indicators can support the development of the ethical competence. Therefore, three intentions were specified : to showcase the personal reference points (personal values) and institutional (to target legal and regulatory , norms and theoretical knowledge) which includes the professional reasoning of student teachers the matter of ethical behavior and that would result in the contribution of pratical training in relation to the transmission of these indicators as well as the initial training to the transmission of these indicators. To achieve this, we have carried out two phases of data in which two quality tools were favored in order to collect data of qualitative nature. During the first phase, we conducted partly directed interviews with the student teachers, their cooperating teachers and their supervisor of their respective practice teaching session. Our findings suggest that student teachers make use of their references to support their reasoning in the matter of ethical behavior as well as their personal values and certain professional values since the words to evoke these are not explicit. However the institutionnel references which constitutes the legal and reglementary framework, the norms and theoretical knowledge are slightly present in their discourse. However the feedback of the cooperating teachers and stage supervisors concerning these indicators is confirmed modestly even though it passes principally by feedback. The results concerning the contribution of teaching activities in the initial training suggests that ethical behavior is particularly as a caution. Our results show that professional reasoning, with the aid of discourse and reference points can act as a lever of ethical competence on condition that progressively, the future teachers have been formed in this manner.

Samarbete med hemmen : En kvalitativ studie om högläsning i förskolan i interkulturell miljö / Cooperating with the home : A qualitative study of reading aloud in preschool in an intercultural environment

Aguilar, Ann Charlotte January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande examensarbete är utfört som en vetenskaplig studie med fokus på ett problemområde inom förskolepedagogik. Studien syftar till att bidra med kunskap om hur förskollärare möjliggör för samarbete med vårdnadshavare om högläsning, med specifikt fokus på interkulturell miljö. Utgångspunkten är att högläsning bidrar till barns språkutveckling. Samarbete med vårdnadshavare om högläsning i interkulturell miljö i förskolan bidrar till att barnen får möjlighet att utveckla sina individuella förutsättningar, och att barnen och deras vårdnadshavare förstår utbildningens mål. Studien har en socialkonstruktionistisk ansats och har genomförts utifrån en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjusamtal med nio förskollärare. I resultatet framkommer att högläsning sker vid de undersökta förskolorna av förskollärare. Samarbete sker på initiativ av förskollärarna vilket bidrar till möten och att förskolan kan komplettera hemmet. Dock framkommer av resultatet att ömsesidighet saknas, vilket är en av förutsättningarna för interkulturell miljö. Det kan slutligen konstateras att studiens resultat främst visar på mångkulturell miljö, och i vissa sammanhang interkulturell miljö men även monokulturell miljö.

Student Teachers’ Perceptions of Cooperating Teachers as Teacher Educators: Development of Standards Based Scales

Holbert, Romena M. Garrett January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Investigating and improving reflective teaching in Ethiopian secondary school teacher education institutions / Go nyakišiša le go hlabolla go ruta ka ditaetšo ka go dihlongwa tša thuto ya barutiši ba dikolo se se phagamego sa Ethiopia / Ondersoek na en verbetering van besinnende onderrig in die opleiding van hoërskoolonderwysers in Ethiopië

Berhanu Mekonnen Yimer 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate and improve reflective teaching in the Ethiopian Secondary School Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs). This study used a mixed methods research approach that employed a concurrent triangulation design. For data collection, the study utilized a structured questionnaire, a semi-structured individual and group interviews. The data collection instruments were utilized to solicit pre-service teachers’, teacher educators’, and cooperating teachers’ (mentors’) views on reflections and how reflective teaching in the pre-service teacher secondary school teacher education framework is being implemented. The study particularly aimed to investigate how the pre-service teachers view reflective teaching, identify the hindrances for effective reflective teaching practice, and discover strategies that could be used to improve the practice. Prominent reflective scholars’ theories and outlooks on reflective practice were reviewed and used to guide the study. The responses of the stakeholders on the nature and implementation of reflective practices were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. For the quantitative data analyses, both the descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were employed. On the other hand, narration was used to analyze the qualitative data. Triangulation of the study was observed by presenting and interpreting the qualitative data with reference of the quantitative data. The research questions were answered as the researcher analyzed the responses that the pre-service teachers hold to the reflective teaching, as well as the method, situation and issues of the reflective teaching practice in the pre- service teacher education curriculum framework. The study uncovered that secondary schools’ pre-service teachers in the existing teacher education programme were practicing few reflective teaching tools. The findings indicated that the pre-service teachers hold fair insights of reflective teaching, yet they felt less capable of doing reflective teaching critically. The findings indicated that the pre-service teacher education programme faced a number of barriers to effective reflective teaching practice. The findings also raised concerns over writing journals, instructional technology, teaching portfolios, and action research projects for reflective teaching in the pre-service teacher education programme. The study has identified key strategies that may be useful for the Ministry of Education, teacher educators, cooperating teachers, and teacher education institutions who are responsive for reflective teachers in Ethiopia. / Maikemišetšo a thuto ye e be e le go nyakišiša le go hlabolla thuto ya taetšo go Dihlongwa tša Thuto ya Borutiši Dikolong tša Ethiopia (TEI). Thuto ye e šomišwa mokgwa wa diphatišišo wa mekgwahlakantšho yeo e šomišago tlhamo ya go šoma mmogo ka ditsela tša go hlama khutlotharo. Go kgoboketša ya datha, thuto ye e šomišitše letlakalapotšišo la sebopego sa go ikgetha, dipoledišano tša mošomo la motho le sehlopha seo se hlamegilego gannyane. Didirišwa tša kgoboketša ya datha di šomišitšwe go hwetša barutiši ba pele ga kabo ya tirelo, barutiši ba go ruta, le barutiši ba go šomišana (baeletši’) ditaetšo le mmono ka ga ka fao thuto ya taetšo e phethagatšwago ka go tlhako ya thuto ya barutiši ba thuto ya sekolo se se phagamego. Thuto gabotse e nepile go nyakišiša ka fao barutiši ba ditirelo tša go thoma ba bonago thuto ya taetšo, go hlaola ditšhitišo tša tiragatšo ya maswanedi ya go ruta ka mokgwa wa ditaetšo le go lemoga maanotšhomo ao a ka kgonago go tlhabolla tiragatšo. Diteori tša baithuti ba maemo ba go diriša ditaetšo le mmono mo go tiragatšo ya taetšo di lebeletšweleswa le go šomišwa go hlahla thuto ye. Dikarabo tša baamegi go mohuta le phethagatšo ya tiragalo ya taetšo di lekotšwe ka dipalopalo le boleng. Go dikahlaahlo tša datha ya dipalopalo, bobedi dipalopalo tša go hlalosa le tša tšhupetšo di šomišitšwe. Ka letsogong le lengwe, tlhaloso e šomišitšwe go ahlaahla datha ya boleng. Go dira gore thuto e tšwe dikhutlotharo e lebeletšwe ka go ruta le go tlhathollela ka datha ya boleng go lebeletšwe datha ya dipalopalo. Dipotšišo tša diphatišišo di arabilwe bjalo ka ge monyakišiši a lekotše dikarabo tša barutiši ba pele ga tirelo go tliša thuto ya taetšo go tee le mokgwa, maemo le ditaba ka ga tshepedišo ya thuto ya taetšo ka go tlhako ya kharikhulamo ya thuto ya barutiši bja pele ga tirelo. Thuto e utullotše go re barutiši ba sekolo se se phagamego sa pele ga tirelo ka go lenaneo le le lego gona la thuto ya barutiši ba be ba diriša didirišwa tše nnyane tša taetšo ya thuto. Dipoelo di laeditše gore barutiši ba pele ga kabo ya tirelo ba bile le pono ka ga thuto ya taetšo, eupša ba be ba sa kwe ba kgona go ruta ka mokgwa wa taetšo. Dipoelo di laeditše go re lenaneo la thuto ya barutiši bja pele ga kabo ya tirelo ba lebane le ditšhitišo tše mmalwa go tshepedišo ya maleba ya thuto ya taetšo. Dipoelo gape di tlišitše kamego ka ga go ngwala ditšenale, thekenolotši ya go ruta, diphotefolio tša go ruta le diprotšeke tša tiro ya diphatišišo go fihlelela thuto ya taetšo ka go lenaneo la thuto ya tirelo ya go ruta. Thuto e hlaotše maanotšhomo a motheo ao a ka bago le mohola go Kgoro ya Thuto, barutiši, barutiši bja bašomišane le dihlongwa tša thuto ya barutiši tšeo di ikemišeditšego go hlahla barutiši ba go ikarabela go taetšo mo Ethiopia. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om besinnende onderrig aan Ethiopiese opleidingsinstellings vir hoërskoolonderwysers te ondersoek en te verbeter. Verskeie metodes en ‘n triangulasieontwerp is in hierdie studie gevolg. Data is deur middel van ‘n gestruktureerde vraelys en halfgestruktureerde individuele en groeponderhoude ingesamel. Studenteonderwysers, onderwyseropvoeders en medewerker-onderwysers (mentors) se siening van hoe besinnende onderrig in die raamwerk van hoërskoolonderwysers se opleiding neerslag vind, is verkry. Daar is in die besonder op studenteonderwysers se opvattings oor besinnende onderrig gekonsentreer. Struikelblokke in die weg van doeltreffende besinnende onderrigpraktyk en strategieë om dit uit die weg te ruim, is aangetoon. Die teorieë en gesigspunte van vooraanstaande kenners van besinnende onderrigpraktyk is bestudeer, en het rigting aan hierdie studie verleen. Belanghebbers se reaksie op die aard en inwerkingstelling van besinnende praktyke is kwantitatief en kwalitatief ontleed. Sowel die beskrywende as die afgeleide statistiek is in die ontleding van die kwantitatiewe data gebruik. Die kwalitatiewe data, daarteenoor, is met behulp van vertellings ontleed. Die kwalitatiewe data is met verwysing na die kwantitatiewe data vertolk te einde reg te laat geskied aan die triangulasie van die studie. Die navorsingsvrae is beantwoord namate die navorser die reaksie van studenteonderwysers op besinnende onderwys ontleed het asook die metode en situasie daarvan, en die probleme daarmee in die kurrikulum van studenteonderwysers. Daar is bevind dat weinig studente wat as hoërskoolonderwysers opgelei word, die tegnieke van besinnende onderwys toepas. Volgens die bevindings weet studente wel van besinnende onderwys, maar voel dat hulle nie tot kritiese besinnende onderwys in staat is nie. Daar was ʼn hele paar struikelblokke in die onderwysersopleidingprogram vir besinnende onderwyspraktyk. Die bevindings is kommerwekkend wat betref die skryf van joernale, onderrigtegnologie, onderwysportefeuljes en aksienavorsingsprojekte vir doeltreffende onderwys in die onderwysersopleidingsprogram. Verskeie strategieë is aangetoon wat van nut kan wees vir die ministerie van Onderwys, die opleiers van onderwysers, medewerker-onderwysers en instellings wat onderwysers oplei om sensitiewe, besinnende onderwysers in Ethiopië te word. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum and Instructional Studies)

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