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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det solstrålande och livsbejakande Jugoslavien : En analys av svenska reseberättelser och tidningsartiklar om Jugoslavien1950–1970

Gribajcevic, Ida January 2024 (has links)
The focus of this research paper is to analyze three Swedish travelogues and news paper reportage of Yugoslavia between the years 1950 and 1970. This is achieved through applying three theoretical concepts on the source material: Yugoslavism, Tourist gaze and Gender. The theoretical structure has aimed to understand how the sources define and write about Yugoslavia and how it relates to the concepts. With two research questions that focus on how Swedish writers saw Yugoslavia, the paper aims to build an understanding of what Yugoslavia as a tourist destination was like according to the source materials. This is achieved and the results of the paper are discussed. They include how the writers construct their own image of Yugoslavia according to the concept yugoslavism, how they don’t see the reality (tourist gaze) and how much they describe women and their role in the society (gender). These results are not accompanied with a negative undertone, which nuances the material as the writers simply were fascinated by the region. The results are analyzed and set in context with previous research and their relevance for research are discussed.

Dag Hammarskjölds minne : En innehållsanalys av svensk medias gestaltning av Dag Hammarskjöld under 2000-talet / The memory of Dag Hammarskjöld : A content analysis of Swedish media’s portraying of Dag Hammarskjöld during the 21th century

Lindberg, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to show how the former secretary general for the United Nations, Dag Hammarskjöld, has been portrayed by Swedish media during the 21th century. The analyzed newspapers are Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen and Jönköpings-Posten, two nationwide newspapers and one local. This is done through a content analysis and the theory used for this study is a memory-cultural perspective, in order to show how media has shaped Hammarskjöld’s memory. The content analysis is structured with a code scheme consisting of nine different code units representing different themes; three themes of symbolism, three themes of characteristic, and three themes of qualification. The result of the analysis shows that the newspapers mainly focus on portraying Hammarskjöld as a symbol for the United Nations and moral values, as a person representing determination, and as a qualified politician and diplomat. There are also no visible patterns in the content analysis that would imply differences between how the nationwide and local newspapers portray Hammarskjöld.

Prinsessan och halva kungariket : Kronprinsessan Victorias och Daniel Westlings förlovning i fyra svenska dagstidningar

Andersson, Julia, Berglund, Sanna January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Kampen om arbetslinjen : En diskursanalys av begreppets framställning och politiska innebörder under valåret 2010 i tidningarna Aftonbladet och Svenska Dagbladet / The struggle of the work-first principle : A discourse analysis of how the concept’s contemporary definition and policy implications was presented in the election year 2010 in the newspapers Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet

Aldebert, Carl, Jonsson, David January 2012 (has links)
The concept of the work-first principle (arbetslinjen) might be considered old, but still serves as the main principle as well as an instrument in the Swedish labour market and social policy today. The original idea was that work and willingness to work was to be rewarded, especially due to a common opposition against the passive receipt of grants. The general definition of work, today, is that it is something desirable that should be achieved and that unemployed primarily will be offered training or work rather than grants and subsidies. When the Moderate party re-launched themselves as Sweden's "workers' party of today", in the beginning of the 2000's, the concept was brought back into the spotlight. In the elections of 2006 and 2010, the labour market was widely debated and become a controversial issue, with the concept of the work-first principle playing a major role. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse and problematize how the concept was presented and explained in the nationwide newspapers Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet during the 2010 elections, this in order to increase the understanding of the concept’s contemporary definition and policy implications. This was done by analysing news articles, including articles from the debate and cultural sections, as well as editorials in afore mentioned newspapers, through a discourse analytical approach using the conceptual and analytical tools from both the discourse theory and the critical discourse analysis. The result of this thesis shows that the discourse is not primarily a matter of the work-first principle’s existence or nonexistence but rather how it should be defined and what to include. Other main result was that the common definition of the work-first principle and its content, during the election of 2010 (1 January - 19 September), was closely connected to the policy of the, ruling Alliance Government.

Prinsessan och halva kungariket : Kronprinsessan Victorias och Daniel Westlings förlovning i fyra svenska dagstidningar

Andersson, Julia, Berglund, Sanna January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Livets lotteri- eller bara ett outnyttjat val? : En kvalitativ studie om skillnaderna i svenska dagstidningars gestalningar av skolsegregation i Sverige / Life's lottery, or a free choice? : A qualitative study of Swedish newspapers opinions' about school segregation in Sweden.

Kihlbom, Erik January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in how Swedish newspaper have written about school segregation in Sweden.  The newspapers that have been studied in the study are Aftonbladet (social democratic), Dagens Nyheter (liberal) and Svenska Dagbladet (conservative). The differences between the newspapers were examined based in the framing theory and  dimension individualism and collectivism.   The result showed that Aftonbladet framed school segregation as a social problem when it was thought to be caused by the private schools, the free school choice and Fredrik Reinfeldts government (2006-2014). Dagens Nyheter framed school segregation mostly as a social problem but initially defended the free school choice becuase they considered housing segregation as the main cause of the problem. Svenska Dagbladet framed school segregation as both a social problem and an individual problem. They highlighted that society must support the resource-poor pupils who do not use the free school choice. But they also wrote that school segregation was an excessive problem.

En hårfin skillnad mellan urval och censur : En analys av censurdebatten 2012 angående Tintin i Kongo / A fine line between selection and censorship : An analysis of the censorship debate 2012 regarding Tintin in the Congos

Lundberg, Gabriella, Norin, Josefine January 2018 (has links)
Vårt syfte med undersökningen har varit att analysera censurdebatten kring Tintin i Kongo från 2012. Med utgångspunkt från argumentet att barn måste skyddas från kontroversiell litteratur har vi framför allt varit intresserade av att förstå hur nyanser av debatten skapats genom den argumentation och det språkbruk som debattörerna har använt sig av.   Teoretiska utgångspunkter: Dagordningsteori. Gestaltningsteori. Frågeställningar: På vilka sätt är debatten kring Tintin, censur och barns förmåga att hantera kontroversiell litteratur intressant för vår förståelse av hur vi använder språk för att kommunicera? Vilka uttalar sig i debatten kring censuren av Tintin? Vilka argument används? Vilka är några vanligt förekommande teman i böcker för barn mellan 6-9 år 2017?   Metod: Vårt tillvägagångssätt för att kunna besvara frågorna har varit att använda oss av textanalys. Material: Vi har till vår undersökning valt att analysera artiklar. Urvalet har skett från de två dagstidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet och kvällstidningarna Aftonbladet och Expressen. Resultat: Det gör skillnad vilka ord vi använder och hur. Ord är makt och avslöjar normer i samhället. / Purpose: Our purpose with this study has been to analyze the debate regarding the attempt to ban Tintin in the Congos in 2012. With the starting-point being the argument made that children have to be protected from literature that is considered to be controversial, we’ve been interested in seeing how the nuances of the debate have been shaped by the use of arguments and language by those participating in the debate. Theoretical points of departure: Agenda setting theory, Framing theory Objectives and focus: The study has the following questions In what way is the debate surrounding Tintin in the Congos, censorship and children’s ability to handle literature considered controversial of interest in understanding how we use language to communicate? Who are the ones taking part in the debate regarding the ban of Tintin in the Congos? What are their arguments? What are some common themes presented in books aimed towards children between the ages of 6-9 2017?   Method: To answer our questions, we have analyzed our material through text analysis. Material: We have for our questions analyzed articles. They have been selected both from the newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet as well as from the evening newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. Result: Your words matter. It matters how and when we use them. Words are an expression of power and reveals the norms of society.

Kuba och historiens slut : En studie om svenska tidningars gestaltningar av Kuba under Fidel Castros kommunistiska styre / Cuba and the end of history : A study on Swedish newspapers framing of Cuba under Fidel Castro's communist rule

Åhström, Magnus January 2020 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks hur tre rikstäckande svenska dagstidningar med varierande ideologisk grund gestaltat ett urval av politiska händelser på Kuba under Fidel Castros kommunistiska styre 1962–1994. De politiska händelserna på Kuba som granskats är Kubakrisen 1962, Olof Palmes Statsbesök 1975 samt Specialperioden 1990–1994. Frågeställningarnas fokus har dels legat på hur gestaltningarna av Kubas politik bibehållits eller förändrats under den undersökta perioden, och dels hur tidningarna förhållit sig till sin politiska grundideologi över tid. Avslut- ningsvis har detta resultat ställts mot Francis Fukuyamas tes om ”Historiens slut”. Gransk- ningen av materialet har skett med ett gestaltningsteoretiskt ramverk där en kvalitativ aspekt granskat gestaltningens perspektiv och urval, samt en kvantitativ aspekt som fokuserat på jour- nalistikens värdeomdömen mot Kubas politik. Resultat visar att det fanns betydande skillnader mellan tidningarnas gestaltningar och värdeomdömen under 1960- och 1970-talet. Under Spe- cialperioden på 1990-talet förenades dock samtliga tidningar i en samstämmig kritik mot Fidel Castros kommunistiska styre på Kuba. Detta tycks dels vara ett resultat av tidningarna i allt högre grad blivit nyhetsstyrda snarare än idéstyrda. Ideologiska nyanser skiljer tidningarnas gestaltningar åt, dessa perspektiv överskuggas dock på 1990-talet av att tidningarna samlas i en typ av liberaldemokratisk mittfåra som enhälligt fördömer kommunismen på Kuba. / This study examines how three nationwide newspapers in Sweden framed a sample of political events on Cuba during Fidel Castro's communist rule during the period 1962–1994. The news- papers are all linked to different political ideologies. The political events examined were the Cuban missile crisis 1962, Olof Palme's state visit 1975 and the Special Period 1990–1994. The purpose of the study was on one hand to examine if the framing of Cuba’s politics was main- tained or changed during this period, and on the other hand how the newspapers adhered to their political ideology over time. In conclusion these results are discussed in relation to Francis Fukuyamas thesis “The End of History?”. The study uses a frame analysis as a theoretical framework which has a qualitative aspect that examines the salient perspectives and selections, and a quantitative aspect which focus on value judgments towards Cuba's political leadership. The study shows that there were significant differences between the newspaper framing and value judgements during the 1960s and 1970s. During the 1990s there were a substantial shift, as the newspapers now united in a unanimous condemnation of the communist rule on Cuba. This seems to be a result of the newspapers becoming more news-driven rather than idea-driven. Although some ideological nuances persisted during the 1990s, overall the ideologies expressed by the newspapers seem to converge in the support of political and economic liberalism. Based on the results of this study, the major ideological battle of the 20th century was replaced by minor ideological disputes in the 1990s.

Curating news sections in a historical Swedish news corpus

Rekathati, Faton January 2020 (has links)
The National Library of Sweden uses optical character recognition software to digitize their collections of historical newspapers. The purpose of such software is first to automatically segment text and images from scanned newspaper pages, and second to read the contents of the identified text regions. While the raw text is often digitized successfully, important contextual information regarding whether the text constitutes for example a header, a section title or the body text of an article is not captured. These characteristics are easy for a human to distinguish, yet they remain difficult for a machine to recognize. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate how well section titles in the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet can be classified by using so called image embeddings as features. A secondary aim is to examine whether section titles become harder to classify in older newspaper data. Lastly, we explore if manual annotation work can be reduced using the predictions of a semi-supervised classifier to help in the labeling process.  Results indicate the use of image embeddings help quite substantially in classifying section titles. Datasets from three different time periods: 1990-1997, 2004-2013, and 2017 and onwards were sampled and annotated. The best performing model (Xgboost) achieved macro F1 scores of 0.886, 0.936 and 0.980 for the respective time periods. The results also showed classification became more difficult on older newspapers. Furthermore, a semi-supervised classifier managed an average precision of 83% with only single section title examples, showing promise as way to speed up manual annotation of data.

Den rödbrusige öldansken : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur danskar framställs i tre svenska tidningar / The rubicund beer drinking Danish : A qualitative study about how Danish are people represented in three swedish newspapers

Rensmo, Mattias, Lithner, Lotta January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how the Danish people and Denmark are represented in the daily Swedish press. We wanted to examine how the Danish people were represented, the characteristics given to the Danes and the differences we see between the different genres. We used theories about discourse, representation, stereotype and national community, too see what underlying messages was hidden in the texts. We analysed 30 texts from three Swedish daily newspapers: Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten, Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet. The method we used was discourse analysis based on Faircloughs theories and methods.One of the most interesting results we found was that the Danish people often were represented as different kinds of stereotypes. We found the following stereotypes that we named: the drunken Danish, the racist, the laidback Danish and the criminal Danish. The drunk Danish stereotype is mostly seen in the text about sports when the journalists are writing about the Danish football supporters. In these texts the supporters are given properties like drunk and that they like to drink a lot of beer when they are watching football. The stereotype that we named the racist, we mostly see in the texts that were about politics and about the Dansk Folkeparti. The laidback Danish is particularly evident in texts that describe the Danish culture. The fourth stereotype, the criminal, we see in the texts about gang violence.Our study also showed that the Danish people and Denmark are represented through people that are not Danish. In many of the texts we could see that Swedish journalists interviewed other Swedish people about Denmark and the Danish people.

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