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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zeitliche und räumliche Analyse histomorphologischer Befunde aus Eigennierenbiopsien im Raum Leipzig über einen Zeitraum von 20 Jahren / Temporal and spatial analysis of renal biopsy data collected in the metropolitan area of Leipzig during a time frame of 20 years

Fahr, Florian 14 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Hintergrund und Zielsetzung: Jährlich erkranken in Westeuropa 4% der Gesamtbevölkerung an Akutem Nierenversagen (ANV). Zudem leiden 8,5% der Bevölkerung an einer Chronischen Niereninsuffizienz (CNI). Valide epidemiologische Daten über Erkrankungen der Niere existierten für Deutschland jedoch nicht, da zu diesem Zeitpunkt Erkrankungsfälle noch nicht flächendeckend systematisch erfasst wurden und das Deutsche Nierenregister noch im Aufbau war. Die vorliegende retrospektive Analyse untersucht und dokumentiert räumliche und zeitliche Veränderungen des histomorphologischen Befundspektrums aus Eigennierenbiopsien im Großraum Leipzig über den Zeitraum 1993-2012. Methoden: Als Grundlage der Arbeit dient ein zeitlich und geographisch strukturiertes Nierenbiopsieregister, welches für die vorliegende Arbeit aus den gesammelten histologischen Eigennierenbiopsiebefunden erstellt wurde. Zu jedem Fall wurde zur räumlichen Zuordnung, wenn ermittelbar, die Postleitzahl (PLZ) des Wohnortes des jeweiligen Patienten eingetragen. Bei einer annähernd vollständigen Erfassung der PLZ wurde für den jeweiligen Zeitraum für das Stadtgebiet Leipzig eine Inzidenzberechnung durchgeführt. Für das Leipziger Umland war dies nicht vorgesehen, da von einer unvollständigen Erfassung auszugehen war. Die statistische Auswertung erfolgte über Kontingenztafeln per Chi-Quadrat-Test oder per Varianzanalyse. Ergebnisse: In die Analyse des erstellten Biopsieregisters wurden n=943 Erstbiopsien eingeschlossen, unter vorherigem Ausschluss pädiatrischer Fälle und Folgebiopsien. Die IgA-Nephropathie (IgANP) war mit 19,5% die häufigste gestellte Diagnose, gefolgt von der Hypertensiven Nephropathie (HZNP) bzw. der Fokal-Segmentalen Glomerulosklerose (FSGS) und der Granulomatose mit Polyangiitis (GPA). Die räumliche Verteilung innerhalb der Untersuchungsregion unterlag teilweise großen Schwankungen. Die IgANP wurde im Leipziger Umland 36% häufiger beobachtet als im Leipziger Stadtgebiet. Auch im Zeitverlauf waren Schwankungen zu beobachten. Im Zeitraum 2009-2012 war die HTNP/FSGS mit 18.9% die häufigste Diagnose, gefolgt von der GPA mit 17,8% und der IgANP mit 15,6%. Zudem nahm die Häufigkeit der Glomerulopathie der dünnen Basalmembran (TBMD) bzw. des Alport-Syndroms stark ab. Auch die regionale Verteilung schwankte im Zeitverlauf stark. Auf Basis der ermittelten Postleitzahlen wurden für den Leipziger Stadtraum für den Zeitraum 2001-2009 jährliche Inzidenzen berechnet. Am Häufigsten trat dabei die GPA mit 0,9 (0,0-2,2) Fällen pro 100.000 Einwohner auf, gefolgt von der HTNP/FSGS mit 0,8 (0,2-2,2) und der IgANP mit 0,8 (0,2-1,4). Schlussfolgerung: Das Nephropathiespektrum im Großraum Leipzigs deckt sich, soweit konsolidierte Vergleichszahlen existieren, mit der bestehenden Literatur. In den Vergleichsstudien zeigte sich eine große Heterogenität. Einige Schwankungen, wie bei der HTNP/Alport-Syndrom oder bei der diabetischen Nephropathie (DNP) beobachtet, sind klar auf Variabilitäten in der Indikationsstellung zurückzuführen. Andere mögliche Einflussfaktoren wurden diskutiert. / Background and Objectives: Annually, 4% of Western Europe\'s population fall ill with acute kidney injury (AKI). Furthermore, 8.5% of the same population are affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD). In Germany, valid nationwide epidemiological data on renal pathology didn\'t exist at the time of this study, although progress has been made with creating the German kidney biopsy register. This study analyzes temporal and spatial variances in the histomorphological spectrum of renal diseases of native kidney biopsies in the metropolitan area of Leipzig, Germany, from 1993 through 2012. Methods: For this study, a temporally and spatially structured kidney biopsy register was created from nephro-pathologic biopsy results. Spatial analysis was implemented by giving every entry its corresponding postal code. Unidentifiable entries were omitted. If the postal code was determined for every case within a timeframe, incidences for the city of Leipzig were calculated for the timeframe. Incidence for the surrounding areas were not calculated, because coverage was expected to be incomplete. Statistical analysis was done via Chi-Squared-Test or analysis of variances. Results: For this study n=943 cases were analyzed, omitting pediatric and follow-up biopsies. The leading diagnosis was IgA nephropathy (IgANP) with 19.5% (male: 22.1%, female: 15.4%), followed by hypertensive nephropathy (HTNP) resp. focal-segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA). Spatial variance between the analyzed regions was high. Compared to the city of Leipzig, IgANP was observed one third more frequently in the surrounding regions. High temporal variance was also observed. From 2009 through 2012, HTNP/FSGS became leading diagnosis with 18.9%, followed by GPA with 17.8% and IgANP with 15.6%. Furthermore, frequency of thin base membrane disease (TBMD) resp. Alport\'s syndrome decreased sharply. Variance in spatial distribution was also observed over time. On the basis of determined postal codes, incidences for the city of Leipzig were calculated for the years 2001 through 2009. Highest annual incidence was observed in GPA with 0.9 (0.0-2.2) cases per 100 000 people, followed by HTNP/FSGS with 0.8 (0.2-2.2), IgANP with 0.8 (0.2-1.4). Conclusions: The spectrum of kidney pathology for the metropolitan area of Leipzig is in accordance with the data in literature, as far as consolidated figures were available. Results in compared studies were highly heterogenous. Some differences, e.g. decrease in TBMD resp. Alport\'s Syndrome or fluctuation of DNP, can be attributed to variance in indication for biopsy. External factors were discussed.

From cancer gene expression to protein interaction: Interaction prediction, network reasoning and applications in pancreatic cancer

Daw Elbait, Gihan Elsir Ahmed 10 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Microarray technologies enable scientists to identify co-expressed genes at large scale. However, the gene expression analysis does not show functional relationships between co-expressed genes. There is a demand for effective approaches to analyse gene expression data to enable biological discoveries that can lead to identification of markers or therapeutic targets of many diseases. In cancer research, a number of gene expression screens have been carried out to identify genes differentially expressed in cancerous tissue such as Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC). PDAC carries very poor prognosis, it eludes early detection and is characterised by its aggressiveness and resistance to currently available therapies. To identify molecular markers and suitable targets, there exist a research effort that maps differentially expressed genes to protein interactions to gain an understanding at systems level. Such interaction networks have a complex interconnected structure, whose the understanding of which is not a trivial task. Several formal approaches use simulation to support the investigation of such networks. These approaches suffer from the missing knowledge concerning biological systems. Reasoning in the other hand has the advantage of dealing with incomplete and partial information of the network knowledge. The initial approach adopted was to provide an algorithm that utilises a network-centric approach to pancreatic cancer, by re-constructing networks from known interactions and predicting novel protein interactions from structural templates. This method was applied to a data set of co-expressed PDAC genes. To this end, structural domains for the gene products are identified by using threading which is a 3D structure prediction technique. Next, the Protein Structure Interaction Database (SCOPPI), a database that classifies and annotates domain interactions derived from all known protein structures, is used to find templates of structurally interacting domains. Moreover, a network of related biological pathways for the PDAC data was constructed. In order to reason over molecular networks that are affected by dysregulation of gene expression, BioRevise was implemented. It is a belief revision system where the inhibition behaviour of reactions is modelled using extended logic programming. The system computes a minimal set of enzymes whose malfunction explains the abnormal expression levels of observed metabolites or enzymes. As a result of this research, two complementary approaches for the analysis of pancreatic cancer gene expression data are presented. Using the first approach, the pathways found to be largely affected in pancreatic cancer are signal transduction, actin cytoskeleton regulation, cell growth and cell communication. The analysis indicates that the alteration of the calcium pathway plays an important role in pancreas specific tumorigenesis. Furthermore, the structural prediction method reveals ~ 700 potential protein-protein interactions from the PDAC microarray data, among them, 81 novel interactions such as: serine/threonine kinase CDC2L1 interacting with cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor CDKN3 and the tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 (TFPI2) interacting with the transmembrane protease serine 4 (TMPRSS4). These resulting genes were further investigated and some were found to be potential therapeutic markers for PDAC. Since TMPRSS4 is involved in metastasis formation, it is hypothesised that the upregulation of TMPRSS4 and the downregulation of its predicted inhibitor TFPI2 plays an important role in this process. The predicted protein-protein network inspired the analysis of the data from two other perspectives. The resulting protein-protein interaction network highlighted the importance of the co-expression of KLK6 and KLK10 as prognostic factors for survival in PDAC as well as the construction of a PDAC specific apoptosis pathway to study different effects of multiple gene silencing in order to reactivate apoptosis in PDAC. Using the second approach, the behaviour of biological interaction networks using computational logic formalism was modelled, reasoning over the networks is enabled and the abnormal behaviour of its components is explained. The usability of the BioRevise system is demonstrated through two examples, a metabolic disorder disease and a deficiency in a pancreatic cancer associated pathway. The system successfully identified the inhibition of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase as responsible for the Glycogen storage disease type I, which according to literature is known to be the main reason for this disease. Furthermore, BioRevise was used to model reaction inhibition in the Glycolysis pathway which is known to be affected by Pancreatic cancer.

Mögliche Korrelation zwischen dem Stadium der altersabhängigen Makuladegeneration und der zentralen Hornhautdicke

Koch, Christian 28 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Deutschsprachige Zusammenfassung Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Dr. med. Titel: Mögliche Korrelation zwischen dem Stadium der altersabhängigen Makuladegeneration und der zentralen Hornhautdicke eingereicht von: Christian Koch angefertigt an der: Klinik und Poliklinik für Augenheilkunde Universität Leipzig betreut von: Professor Dr. med. Peter Wiedemann Klinik und Poliklinik für Augenheilkunde Universität Leipzig Monat und Jahr: Juni 2015 Annahme: Es soll ein statistischer Zusammenhang zwischen der zentralen Hornhautdicke in der Pupillenmitte mit dem nicht exsudativen frühen Stadium der AMD, dem exsudativen späten Stadium der AMD und einer Kontrollgruppe überprüft werden. Methodik: Die erste Studiengruppe stellten 48 Augen von 48 Patienten mit einer Form der frühen AMD dar (Durchschnittsalter 75,4 Jahre, 70,8% der Probanden waren Frauen). Die zweite Studiengruppe bildeten 49 Augen von 49 Patienten mit einer Form der späten AMD (Durchschnittsalter 79,8 Jahre, 59,2% der Probanden waren Frauen). Als Kontrollgruppe wurden 49 Augen von 49 Individuen ohne retinale oder korneale Erkrankungen genutzt (Durchschnittsalter 68,9 Jahre, 59,2% der Probanden waren Frauen). Die Vermessung der Hornhautdicke in Pupillenmitte im Sinne der Hornhautmittendicke erfolgte als Pachymetrie mit der Oculus Pentacam. Ergebnisse: Die durchschnittliche zentrale Hornhautdicke betrug bei der Kontrollgruppe 552,76 μm (SD 36,27 μm), bei der nicht exsudativen Gruppe 552,19 μm (SD 31,27 μm) und bei der exsudativen Gruppe 553,73 μm (SD 33,11 μm). Die Extrempunkte der Kontrollgruppe lagen bei 483 und 640 μm, der Gruppe der nicht exsudativen AMD bei 480 und 617 μm und Minimum und Maximum der exsudativen Gruppe bei 473 und 617 μm. Es gab keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede im arithmetischen Mittel der zentralen Hornhautdicke in Pupillenmitte bei der Studiengruppe mit früher AMD im Vergleich mit der Studiengruppe mit später AMD und jeweils im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe (P > 0,05). Schlussfolgerung: Die Messwerte der zentralen Hornhautdicke bei Patienten mit früher AMD, später AMD und Kontrollindividuen unterscheiden sich nicht. Die Erhebung der Hornhautmittendicke bietet somit keine Screeningmöglichkeit zur Erkennung einer AMD. / English Abstract Central corneal thickness in patients with AMD Koch, C.; Jochmann, C.; Wiedemann, P. University of Leipzig, Department of Ophthalmology and Eye Hospital, Leipzig, Germany Purpose: To evaluate central corneal thickness in patients with AMD in the early and late phase and a control group. Method: The first study group was made up of 48 eyes of 48 patients with early AMD (mean age 75.4 years, 70.8 % women), the second study group was made up of 49 eyes of 49 patients with late AMD (mean age 79.8 years, 59.2 % women). 49 eyes of 49 individuals without any retinal or corneal damage (mean age 68.9 years, 59.2 % women) were used as control group. The central corneal thickness was measured with the Oculus Pentacam pachymetry. Results: The mean central corneal thickness in early non-exudative AMD group was found to be 552.19 μm (SD 31.27 μm), while the mean central corneal thickness in the late exudative AMD group was measured as 553.73 μm (SD 33.11 μm). The control group had a mean central corneal thickness of 552.76 μm (SD 36.27 μm). There were no statistically significant differences in the mean central corneal thickness in the early non-exudative AMD group in comparison with the late exudative AMD group and each of them compared to the control group (P > 0,05). Conclusion: The central corneal thickness measurements do not differ in patients with early non-exudative AMD, late exudative AMD and control subjects.

Exercise-induced changes in basal ganglia volume and their relation to cognitive performance

Becker, Linda, Kutz, D. F., Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia 14 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Physical activity, especially cardiovascular fitness training, has been shown to enhance cognitive performance and to counteract age-related cognitive decline1-5. Furthermore, regular physical activity has been demonstrated to diminish age-related volume-shrinkage in several brain regions particularly in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus6-10. In the same vein, physical activity and high levels of cardiovascular fitness seem to enhance neurocognition during childhood11-13. In this context, the basal ganglia and its components, the caudate nucleus, the putamen and the globus pallidus, are of special interest as animal research indicates that exercise also seems to influence the molecular architecture and the metabolic capacity of the basal ganglia14,15. Besides their fundamental role in motor execution16, the basal ganglia are also involved in many cognitive functions like mental flexibility17, task-switching ability18 and cognitive control19. Furthermore, age-related disorders like Parkinson’s disease are related to a decline in the dopamine circuits of the basal ganglia20,21. The striatum is the input nucleus of the basal ganglia and is composed of caudate nucleus and putamen. The pars interna of the globus pallidus is (together with the substantia nigra pars reticulata) the output region of the basal ganglia and conveys information from the striatum to the thalamus and back to the frontal areas22. The striatum, which is essential for cognitive flexibility and attentional control, shows an increase during childhood and adolescence23,24 and a particularly rapid and early age-related change9,25 in older adults. Furthermore, the described cognitive functions are essential for academic success of children and young adults. Thus, it is of particular interest to find appropriate interventions that could mitigate both the volume-shrinkage and the (presumably) related cognitive decline in older adults and/or that could support academic success in children. In this review, we will summarize research that investigated whether physical activity has the potential to be such an intervention. First, we will show that neuroplasticity in the basal ganglia is possible in principle. Second, we will report studies where the relationship between physical fitness level and volume of the basal ganglia and its relation to cognitive performance were investigated. Besides cross-sectional studies, we will report studies that investigated exercise-induced changes in the volume of the basal ganglia and related changes in cognitive performance after long-term fitness interventions.

A curious interplay in the films of N-heterocyclic carbene PtII complexes upon deposition of alkali metals

Makarova, Anna A., Grachova, Elena V., Niedzialek, Dorota, Solomatina, Anastasia I., Sonntag, Simon, Fedorov, Alexander V., Vilkov, Oleg Yu., Neudachina, Vera S., Laubschat, Clemens, Tunik, Sergey P., Vyalikh, Denis V. 12 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The recently synthesized series of PtII complexes containing cyclometallating (phenylpyridine or benzoquinoline) and N-heterocyclic carbene ligands possess intriguing structures, topologies, and light emitting properties. Here, we report curious physicochemical interactions between in situ PVD-grown films of a typical representative of the aforementioned PtII complex compounds and Li, Na, K and Cs atoms. Based on a combination of detailed core-level photoelectron spectroscopy and quantum-chemical calculations at the density functional theory level, we found that the deposition of alkali atoms onto the molecular film leads to unusual redistribution of electron density: essential modification of nitrogen sites, reduction of the coordination PtII centre to Pt0 and decrease of electron density on the bromine atoms. A possible explanation for this is formation of a supramolecular system "Pt complex-alkali metal ion"; the latter is supported by restoration of the system to the initial state upon subsequent oxygen treatment. The discovered properties highlight a considerable potential of the PtII complexes for a variety of biomedical, sensing, chemical, and electronic applications.

Evaluation einer multimodalen Präventivintervention: Die Neue Rückenschule / Evaluation of a multimodal preventive intervention: The New Back School

Hecht, Stephanie 31 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Neue Rückenschule ist ein standardisiertes Rückenschulkonzept der Konföderation der deutschen Rückenschulen, dessen Hauptanliegen in der Förderung der Rückengesundheit und der Verhinderung der Chronifizierung von Rückenschmerzen besteht. Die Zielsetzungen und Inhalte der Neuen Rückenschule richten sich in erster Linie nach den aktuellen Europäischen Leitlinien zur Prävention von Rückenschmerzen und den für die Prävention formulierten Kernzielen für Gesundheitssport. Diese Festlegungen basieren auf dem biopsychosozialen Modell, dem Salutogenesemodell und der Internationalen Klassifikation der Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit (ICF). Mit ihrem multimodalen Programm zielt die Neue Rückenschule darauf ab, dass Menschen ein eigenverantwortliches, gesundheitsorientiertes und Risikofaktoren vermeidendes Handeln aufbauen, ihr individuelles Gesundheitspotential fördern und damit das eigene Wohlbefinden und ihre Lebensqualität verbessern. Das Konzept integriert sowohl bewegungsbezogene praktische als auch informations- und verhaltensbezogene theoretische Anteile. Dennoch steht bis dato eine Wirksamkeitsprüfung der Neuen Rückenschule, insbesondere zur Vermittlungsstrategie der Neuen Rückenschule aus. So liegt das Erkenntnisinteresse der vorliegenden Dissertationsschrift in der Beantwortung der Frage, inwieweit die Intervention Neue Rückenschule im präventiven Kontext günstige Effekte bezüglich der Parameter gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität, Rückenschmerzen, körperliche Aktivität, (rücken-)gesundheitsbezogenes Wissen, Selbstwirksamkeit und Kontrollüberzeugung hervorruft. Eine Analyse, ob der nachhaltige Mehrwert der Neuen Rückenschule darin besteht, theoretische Wissensvermittlung und praktische Übungsanteile miteinander zu vernetzen, stellt ein weiteres zentrales Ziel der Arbeit dar. So lässt der momentane Stand der Evaluation noch offen, ob nicht bereits die kognitiv-theoretischen Module die Effekte der Neuen Rückenschule zu einem sehr hohen Anteil erklären. Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen wurde eine Längsschnittstudie mit Versuchs-Kontrollgruppen-Design durchgeführt, die eine dreimonatige Intervention mit zwei unterschiedlichen Vermittlungsstrategien vorsah. Die empirischen Analysen konzentrierten sich auf die Beschreibung von unmittelbaren Effekten der Intervention sowie Nachhaltigkeits-Effekten sechs Monate nach Interventionsende. Zusammenfassend wird ersichtlich, dass insbesondere für eine Verhaltensänderung im Sinne der Implementierung von körperlicher Aktivität und einer langfristigen Bindung an diese, spezifisches Wissen allein offenbar nicht ausreicht, sondern Handlungserfahrungen und Körperwahrnehmungen in Verbindung mit erlebter Selbstkompetenz den Erfolg einer Intervention maßgeblich bedingen.

Comparative risk assessment of carcinogens in alcoholic beverages using the margin of exposure approach

Lachenmeier, Dirk W., Przybylski, Maria C., Rehm, Jürgen 06 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Alcoholic beverages have been classified as carcinogenic to humans. As alcoholic beverages are multicomponent mixtures containing several carcinogenic compounds, a quantitative approach is necessary to compare the risks. Fifteen known and suspected human carcinogens (acetaldehyde, acrylamide, aflatoxins, arsenic, benzene, cadmium, ethanol, ethyl carbamate, formaldehyde, furan, lead, 4-methylimidazole, N-nitrosodimethylamine, ochratoxin A and safrole) occurring in alcoholic beverages were identified based on monograph reviews by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The margin of exposure (MOE) approach was used for comparative risk assessment. MOE compares a toxicological threshold with the exposure. MOEs above 10,000 are judged as low priority for risk management action. MOEs were calculated for different drinking scenarios (low risk and heavy drinking) and different levels of contamination for four beverage groups (beer, wine, spirits and unrecorded alcohol). The lowest MOEs were found for ethanol (3.1 for low risk and 0.8 for heavy drinking). Inorganic lead and arsenic have average MOEs between 10 and 300, followed by acetaldehyde, cadmium and ethyl carbamate between 1,000 and 10,000. All other compounds had average MOEs above 10,000 independent of beverage type. Ethanol was identified as the most important carcinogen in alcoholic beverages, with clear dose response. Some other compounds (lead, arsenic, ethyl carbamate, acetaldehyde) may pose risks below thresholds normally tolerated for food contaminants, but from a cost-effectiveness point of view, the focus should be on reducing alcohol consumption in general rather than on mitigative measures for some contaminants that contribute only to a limited extent (if at all) to the total health risk.

Favorable outcome in children and adolescents with a high proportion of advanced phase disease using single/multiple autologous or matched/mismatched allogeneic stem cell transplantations: Favorable outcome in children and adolescents with a high proportion of advanced phase disease usingsingle/multiple autologous or matched/mismatchedallogeneic stem cell transplantations

Niederwieser, Christian 10 June 2016 (has links)
Purpose: We determined the indication, outcome and risk factors of single and multiple hematopoietic stem cell transplantation(s) (HSCT) in children and adolescents mostly with advanced disease. Methods: Forty-one out of 483 patients (8.5%; median age 9 years) diagnosed at the University of Leipzig with haematological and oncological diseases required HSCT from 1999 to 2011. Results: Patients had overall survival (OS) of 63±10% and 63±16%, event-free survival (EFS) of 57±10% and 42±16%, relapse incidence (RI) of 39±10% and 44±18% and non-relapse mor-tality (NRM) of 4±4% and 13±9% at 10-years after one or more HSCT for allogeneic and autologous HSCT, respectively. One patient in complete remission (CR)1 and five with advanced disease received two HSCT. Four of the six patients maintained/achieved CR for a median of 13 months. Three died of progression and one of NRM. Two patients had a third HSCT and one survived in CR +231 days after HSCT. Risk factors for OS and EFS were disease stage at HSCT and EBMT risk-score. Center (paediatric or JACIE accredited paediatric/adult) was not a determinant for survival. Conclusion: Paediatric single and multiple HSCT are important curative approaches for high-risk malignant diseases with low NRM. Efforts to reduce high RI remain the major aim.:Bibliographic description 3 Introduction: 4 Infections 6 Veno-occlusive disease (VOD) 7 Graft rejection 7 Graft-versus Host Disease (GvHD) 8 Non-relapse mortality (NRM) 9 Relapse of the underling disease 9 Indications for HSCT 10 HSCT in Children. 10 Research questions: 12 Publication 13 Discussion 22 Future developments 25 References 26 Abbreviations 28 Summary 29 Zusammenfassung 33 Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit 38 Curriculum vitae 39 Acknowledgement 42

Favorable outcome in children and adolescents with a high proportion of advanced phase disease using single/multiple autologous or matched/mismatched allogeneic stem cell transplantations / Hohe Lebenserwartung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit fortgeschrittenen Erkrankungen nach ein/mehrfach autologer und HLA-identer/teilweise identer allogener Stammzelltransplantation

Niederwieser, Christian 30 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Purpose: We determined the indication, outcome and risk factors of single and multiple hematopoietic stem cell transplantation(s) (HSCT) in children and adolescents mostly with advanced disease. Methods: Forty-one out of 483 patients (8.5%; median age 9 years) diagnosed at the University of Leipzig with haematological and oncological diseases required HSCT from 1999 to 2011. Results: Patients had overall survival (OS) of 63±10% and 63±16%, event-free survival (EFS) of 57±10% and 42±16%, relapse incidence (RI) of 39±10% and 44±18% and non-relapse mor-tality (NRM) of 4±4% and 13±9% at 10-years after one or more HSCT for allogeneic and autologous HSCT, respectively. One patient in complete remission (CR)1 and five with advanced disease received two HSCT. Four of the six patients maintained/achieved CR for a median of 13 months. Three died of progression and one of NRM. Two patients had a third HSCT and one survived in CR +231 days after HSCT. Risk factors for OS and EFS were disease stage at HSCT and EBMT risk-score. Center (paediatric or JACIE accredited paediatric/adult) was not a determinant for survival. Conclusion: Paediatric single and multiple HSCT are important curative approaches for high-risk malignant diseases with low NRM. Efforts to reduce high RI remain the major aim.

Einstimmungen: Untersuchungen zum therapeutischen Potential von Musik und Tanz in Kamerun, Marokko und Liberia / Tuning in: Explorations of the therapeutical potential of music and dance in Cameroon, Morocco and Liberia

Drews, Annette 26 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Publikation widmet sich der Frage nach dem therapeutischen Potential von Musik und Tanz in Kamerun, Marokko und Liberia in verschiedenen Kontexten. In Kamerun untersuchte die Autorin die Rolle des Rappens für die Alltags- und Lebensgestaltung von jugendlichen Straßenkindern. Der musikalische und poetische Ausdruck förderte nicht nur die Kreativität und Lebensfreude der Jugendlichen sondern stärkte gleichzeitig generelle Lebensbewältigungsressourcen. Die Rolle der Kreativität im Kontext der Heilung kommt im Prozess des Lernens zum Ausdruck. Entwicklung und Heilung können als zwei Seiten einer Medaille angesehen werden, die durch die Musik gleichermaßen unterstützt werden. Die Autorin veranschaulicht diesen Zusammenhang am Beispiel des interkulturellen musikalischen Austausches in Khamlia (Marokko). In Liberia untersuchte sie die Rolle des Tanzes in der sozialtherapeutischen Arbeit mit traumatisierten Kindern. Neben der ethnologischen Feldarbeit und betreffenden anthropologischen Themen wurden verschiedene relevante Fragestellungen wie Traumatisierung, Entwicklung und Heilung auf biologisch-neurologischer, psychologischer und philosophischer Ebene erörtert. Ein wichtiges Fazit besteht in der Einsicht, dass Musik und Tanz heilen und fördern, weil sie als ein Medium zur Einstimmung an einer umfassenden Teilhabe am Leben einladen. / This publication seeks to explore the therapeutical potential of music and dance in Cameroon, Morocco and Liberia in different settings. In Cameroon the author examines the role of rapping for the resilience of elder street children. The musical and poetical expression in rapping enhances not only the children´s creativity and joyfulness but at the same time strengthens their general coping strategies. The role of creativity in the context of healing is also expressed in the process of learning. Development and healing can be considered as two sides of one coin equally supported by music. The author explores this relation in the context of the intercultural music exchange in Khamlia (Morocco). In Liberia she analyzes the role of dance in the socio-therapeutical work with traumatized children. Apart from ethnological fieldwork and connected anthropological questions, different related issues like trauma, development and healing are discussed from a neurological, psychological and philosophical the point of view. Concluding it can be stated that healing and development can be realized through music due to its seductive power for attunement to the complexity of life itself.

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