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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitala verktyg i svenskundervisningen : En kvalitativ studie kring F-3 lärares uppfattning om digitalläsnings inverkan på elevers läsutveckling / Digital tools in Swedish teaching : A qualitative study about F-3 teachers' perception of the impact of digital reading on students' reading development

Iskef, Joelle January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur professionella lärare resonerar kring användningen av digitala verktyg för att utveckla läsintresset och att avgöra hur användbara digitala boktjänster är för att utveckla läsfärdigheter. Intervjuer med åtta lärare genomfördes för att samla in kvalitativa data. Resultaten visade att användning av digitala verktyg för utveckling av läsning är positivt eftersom läsning bedömdes ge ökad motivation, dock är det viktigt att ha nödvändig kunskap för korrekt användning av dessa verktyg. Enbart användningen av digital läsning räcker inte för att utveckla elevernas läsförmåga. Slutsatsen är att eleverna behöver läsa både analogt och på en skärm och att användningen av iPads är ett hjälpmedel som anpassas efter elevernas behov.

大學生電子書資料庫使用與閱讀研究:以國立政治大學為例 / Study on E-Book Databases Use and Reading for Undergraduate Students : A Case Study of National Chengchi University

黃譯民, Huang, Yi Min Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討大學生使用與閱讀電子書資料庫,研究目的包括:(1)探討 大學生電子書資料庫的使用與閱讀行為;(2)探討大學生電子書資料庫的價值認 知與使用滿意度;(3)探討影響大學生使用電子書資料庫的因素;(4)探討大學 生參與電子書資料庫推廣服務的現況與看法。本研究採用問卷法與訪談法,首先 藉由文獻探討歸納電子書使用與閱讀研究四構面,依此而設計電子書資料庫使用 與閱讀調查問卷,並對國立政治大學大學生實行問卷調查,再採用立意取樣方式 進行深度訪談,以探討大學生電子書資料庫使用與閱讀的行為。 本研究提出之研究結論如下:(1)政治大學的大學生近五成使用過電子書, 但使用過圖書館電子書資料庫者不到兩成;(2)使用圖書館電子書資料庫的主要 原因是「為了作業報告或學習研究需求」,而使用需求受到使用目的與動機之影 響;(3)最常使用的電子書檢索策略是「關鍵字檢索」,閱讀電子書的時間多為 1 小時,主要透過「線上閱讀」方式取用電子書,並以「跳讀,僅閱讀特定章節 /段落」方式閱讀單本電子書;(4)五成以上大學生喜歡實體書勝於電子書;(5) 對圖書館的電子書資料庫表示中度滿意,對電子書資料庫推廣服務則未達滿意; (6)「在螢幕上閱讀相當吃力」是大學生在使用圖書館電子書資料庫時最大的困 難,且電子書的閱讀較易出現注意力分散的情形;(7)影響政治大學的大學生使 用圖書館電子書資料庫的因素包含使用者主觀的使用經驗及客觀的外在環境。 最後,本研究對圖書館及電子書相關廠商提出以下建議:(1)圖書館應與廠 商定期合作舉行使用者滿意度調查,藉以瞭解使用者的使用行為、使用經驗及滿 意度;(2)建議電子書相關廠商簡化進入及取用電子書資料庫的步驟、利用圖像 式設計提供更明確且明顯的快速連結名稱,增加電子書資料庫的曝光率;(3)建 議圖書館瞭解大學生的需求及充實電子書資料庫館藏的質與量,增強正向使用經 驗及藉由同儕的影響力提高使用率;(4)圖書館應積極向教師推廣電子書資料庫 的使用並提供支援教學服務,以期透過相關課程,增加電子書資料庫曝光率及使 用率;(5)建議圖書館及電子書相關廠商透過創新且有趣的行銷推廣策略,以更 輕鬆且貼近大學生的服務及參與方式,提高大學生取用電子書資料庫之動機。 / This study mainly investigated using and reading e-books databases for undergraduates. The main purposes of the study are as follows: (1) to probe into undergraduate students’ use and reading behavior of e-book databases; (2) to discuss the undergraduates’ perception and satisfaction of e-book databases; (3) to find out the factors affecting undergraduates’ use of e-book databases; (4) to understand undergraduate students’ opinions and current state of e-book databases promotions services in university libraries. The study using questionnaire and interviewing as research methods. Through literature review, this study sorts previous researches on reading and use of e-books into four dimensions. A questionnaire is designed according to these dimensions and delivered to undergraduate students of NCCU. Moreover, 15 undergraduates are selected through purposive sampling from the returned questionnaire for further interviews. The conclusion of this study is summarized as follows: (1) near fifty percent of NCCU undergraduates read e-books, but only two percent used e-book databases; (2) the main reason why undergraduates use e-book databases is for term papers or research purposes, and their needs are affected by their purposes and motivations; (3) the most used retrieval skill is keyword searching, and most undergraduates use e-book online, just skimming and scanning for one hour at most; (4) over fifty percent of undergraduates prefer books to e-books; (5) undergraduates are generally satisfied with e-book databases acquired by NCCU Libraries, but they are less than satisfied with promotions of e-book databases; (6) the most challenge of using e-book databases for undergraduates is that “tiring to read on screen,” and they are easily distracted while reading e-books; (7) the factors affecting undergraduates to use e-book databases are attributed to their previous user experience and external environments. According to these conclusions, there are some suggestions made for university libraries and concerned e-book market investors: (1) university libraries may work with investors to hold regular user satisfaction survey; (2) it is recommended to simplify the access to e-book databases and e-books ; (3) to achieve higher use rate, libraries may improve the quantity and quality of e-books, and build positive user experience with e-book databases for undergraduates; (4) libraries may suggest and support faculty to teach with e-books or e-book databases in their courses; (5) libraries and investors may develop more innovative, easier and friendlier services for undergraduate students.

電子書閱讀器借閱服務之使用研究:以交通大學圖書館為例 / Examining the Use of E-book Reader Lending Service in National Chiao Tung University Library

張淑娟, Chang, Shu Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來臺灣民眾的閱讀習慣開始改變,透過數位載具進行閱讀的人口逐漸增加。面對數位閱讀時代的來臨,圖書館為了推廣數位閱讀,陸續提供電子書閱讀器借閱服務。由於國內圖書館推動這項服務仍在起步階段,針對電子書閱讀器借閱服務之使用研究有其必要性。 因此,本研究以整合性科技接受模式為理論基礎,探討圖書館讀者對電子書閱讀器借閱服務之使用行為、行為意願及其影響因素,並分析讀者之性別、教育程度、學院別、數位閱讀載具使用經驗、電子書使用經驗等個人特徵,對影響因素與行為意願之調節效果。 本研究以交通大學的學生為研究對象,並以「交通大學圖書館電子書閱讀器借閱服務之使用調查」問卷為研究工具。問卷調查結果以描述統計、相關分析、多元迴歸分析與階層迴歸分析進行分析,研究結果如下: 1.讀者主要透過同儕分享得知電子書閱讀器借閱服務; 2.讀者使用電子書閱讀器借閱服務之主要動機為體驗使用iPad 2; 3.閱讀電子書是讀者使用電子書閱讀器借閱服務之主要用途; 4.網路免費電子書是讀者閱讀電子書的主要來源; 5.讀者主要利用Google或其他搜尋引擎查詢電子書; 6.讀者閱讀電子書時遭遇的困難以眼睛疲倦感與電子書內容不足佔最多數; 7.讀者對iPad 2閱讀電子書的整體經驗多數感到滿意; 8.讀者未借用iPad 2的最主要原因是不知有電子書閱讀器借閱服務,再者是iPad 2數量不足; 9.多數讀者願意使用電子書閱讀器借閱服務,也願意繼續使用該服務,並樂意推薦他人; 10.讀者使用電子書閱讀器借閱服務的行為意願之影響因素包括:績效期望、努力期望與社群影響,其中社群影響最具預測力; 11.讀者的性別、教育程度、學院別、數位閱讀載具使用經驗、電子書使用經驗等五項個人特徵對影響因素與行為意願之關係不具調節效果。 本研究針對上述結果加以討論,並提出相關建議,提供圖書館推行該服務,以及未來研究之參考。 / In recent years people's reading habits have begun to change, and the population of digital reading device users has been growing gradually. Face with the coming era of digital reading, libraries provide e-book reader lending services one after another in order to promote digital reading. Since the library services in Taiwan are still at the initial stage, it is necessary to examine the use of e-book reader lending service. Therefore this study was based on UTAUT(Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology). The purpose of this study was to investigate reader's behavior, intention and determinants toward e-book reader lending service, and examine moderators of the relationships between determinants and intention, including gender, education, academy, digital reading device experience and e-book experience. In this research, students at National Chiao Tung University were chosen as the testing participants. The instruments used in the study was the National Chiao Tung University Library E-book Reader Lending Service Use Survey. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, multiple regression analysis, and hierarchical regression. The findings of the study were as follows: 1.Most readers know about e-book reader lending service by peer sharing; 2.The motivation of most readers using e-book reader lending service is to try iPad 2; 3.Majority of readers use e-book reader lending service for reading e-books; 4.Most readers read e-books that are from internet and for free; 5.Majority of readers find e-books on Google or other search engines; 6.Most readers have difficulty with reading e-books because of eyestrain and lack of content; 7.Most readers feel satisfied with the e-book reading experience on the iPad 2; 8.Majority of readers have not borrowed the iPad 2 because of not knowing the service and lack of iPad 2; 9.Most readers willing to use e-book reader lending service and use the service continuously. They also willing to recommend others to use the service; 10.The determinants of intention to use e-book reader lending service among students at National Chiao Tung University include performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence. The predictive power of social influence is highest among all determinants. 11.Personal characteristics of the readers including gender, education, academy, digital reading device experience and e-book experience don't moderate the relationships between determinants and intention. According to the findings above, this study provided some suggestions for libraries to promote the service, and future research suggestions.

Le livre numérique enrichi : conception, modélisations de pratiques, réception. / Enhanced Ebooks : Design Practices, Modelization, Reception

Tréhondart, Nolwenn 06 December 2016 (has links)
Comment les formes et les figures d’un catalogue d’exposition numérique ou d’un récit de fiction enrichi pour tablette, cadrées dans des pages-écrans et ancrées dans un dispositif numérique, modélisent-elles des lecteurs et des pratiques de réception ? Comment les concepteurs imaginent-ils ces modélisations de pratiques et comment celles-ci s’actualisent-elles de diverses manières dans une situation de réception précise en fonction des attentes des lecteurs ? Il n’existe pas encore de travaux sur le livre numérique enrichi confrontant les pratiques réelles ou imaginées de communautés de producteurs et de récepteurs aux pratiques modélisées par l’artefact, ses formes graphiques, ses signes alphabétiques et ses relations rhétoriques entre pages-écrans. Cette thèse retrace la genèse d’une méthodologie d’analyse socio-sémiotique, alliant en profondeur l’étude empirique des contextes de production et de réception du livre numérique enrichi avec l’analyse des stratégies sémiotiques et rhétoriques de ses interfaces. Souhaitant favoriser l’émergence d’une culture critique du design numérique, la méthodologie propose d’identifier les rapports de pouvoir qui traversent les pratiques en conception pour se loger dans la matérialité des artefacts. À travers un croisement expérimental d’approches sémiotique, sociologique et économique, nous faisons émerger un vocabulaire original des « figures de la lecture » du livre numérique enrichi. Indexé sur les pratiques des concepteurs, celui-ci met en avant le rôle des représentations, habitudes et normes sociales dans la sémiose. Il est enrichi par une étude en réception sur l’un des artefacts du corpus. / How will an exhibition catalog or a fictional story, enhanced for digital tablets, translate the visitor’s reading habits and expectations into pages-screens? How do the e-books’ designers understand and conceive these reading practices? How will concrete readers’ expectations meet the implicit reader of the text? This thesis is based on a social semiotic methodology, deeply intertwining the empirical study of the current e-books creative and consumption practices with a methodical analysis of the semiotic and rhetorical strategies of their editorial interfaces. Empirically merging semiotic, sociological and economical research, we bring to light a new original vocabulary of “reading features” of enhanced e-books. Combining it with the designers’ practices, this vocabulary exhibits the role played by usages and social standards in semiosis. It is also enriched with a reception study on a specific artifact.

合作式數位閱讀標註系統對於數學應用問題學習成效的影響研究 / The effects of solving mathematics problems with the support of collaborative digital reading annotation system on learning performance

郭芙秀, Kuo, Fu Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著網路學習的發展,能夠透過網路輔以學習者進行線上合作閱讀學習的合作數位閱讀標註系統興起,並已發展出多媒體的標註模式,不但可以由學生自己針對閱讀文本進行合作閱讀標註,更可以在閱讀文本上進行標註互動討論,具有提昇閱讀理解成效的效益。而數學應用問題的閱讀理解,影響學習者對於數學應用問題的解題甚巨,但是長久以來並無好的提升數學應用問題閱讀理解策略。本研究比較採用合作數位閱讀標註系統及使用傳統同儕面對面合作學習數學應用問題的實驗組與控制組學習者,在解決數學應用問題的學習成效及學習動機上是否具有顯著差異。此外,亦探討場地獨立/場地依賴型不同認知風格及高/低不同學習能力的學習者,採用上述兩種不同學習方法進行數學應用問題學習之學習成效與學習動機是否具有顯著的差異,最後探討實驗學習者使用此合作式數位閱讀標註系統輔以數學應用問題學習之學習滿意度。 研究結果發現:(1)採用合作式數位閱讀標註系統輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題學習,在學習成效與學習動機上均顯著優於傳統同儕面對面合作學習數學一元一次方程式應用問題;(2)採用合作式數位閱讀標註系統以及傳統同儕面對面合作學習輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題學習的實驗組與控制組學習者,在回歸到一般學習後,實驗組在學習成效上仍顯著優於控制組學習者;(3)無論是場地獨立或場地相依認知風格學習者,採用合作式數位閱讀標註系統輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題的標註學習後,在學習動機上均顯著優於採用傳統同儕面對面合作學習輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題學習的控制組學習者;(4)無論是高低不同能力學習者,採用合作式數位閱讀標註系統輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題的標註學習後,在學習動機上均顯著優於採用傳統同儕面對面合作學習輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題學習的控制組學習者;(5)實驗組場地獨立學習者在使用合作式數位閱讀標註系統後的學習動機優於場地相依學習者;(6)實驗組高學習能力學習者在使用合作式數位閱讀標註系統後的學習動機優於低能力學習者。 綜合以上,本研究所提出採用合作數位閱讀標註系統輔以數學應用問題閱讀理解的學習模式,具有提升學習動機與閱讀理解成效的效益,可推廣至解決更複雜數學單元之閱讀理解,甚至發展為創新數學教學之翻轉教學模式。 / Along with the development of web-based learning in past years, cooperative digital reading annotation systems, which could assist learners in online cooperative reading learning through the Internet, are emerged. Besides, multimedia annotation models are also developed for students, aiming at the reading texts, proceeding cooperative reading annotation as well as annotation interactive discussion on the reading texts. It presents the benefit to enhance the reading comprehension efficiency. The reading comprehension of mathematical application problems would largely affect learners’ mathematical application problem solving. However, there has not been a good strategy to enhance the reading comprehension of mathematical application problems. In comparison with the experimental group and the control group, which respectively apply the cooperative digital reading annotation system and traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning to solve mathematical application problems, the differences in the learning outcome and learning motivation are discussed in this study. Furthermore, learners with field independent/field dependent cognitive styles and high/low learning abilities are preceded above two different learning approaches for learning mathematical application problems to discuss the differences in the learning outcome and learning motivation. Finally, learners learning mathematical application problems with the cooperative digital reading annotation system in the experiment are discussed the learning satisfaction. The research findings are summarized as below. (1) Learners applying the cooperative digital reading annotation system to learn the mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown present better learning outcome and learning motivation than those using traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning for the mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown. (2) The experimental group, applying the cooperative digital reading annotation system to learn mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown, still outperforms the experimental group, using traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning, on the learning outcome after return to general learning. (3) Learners with either field independent or field dependent cognitive style present significant better learning motivation, after learning mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown with the cooperative digital reading annotation system, than those applying traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning. (4) Learners with either high or low ability show remarkably better learning motivation, after learning mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown with the cooperative digital reading annotation system, than those using traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning. (5) Field independent learners in the experimental group present better learning motivation than field dependent learners after using the cooperative digital reading annotation system. (6) Learners with high learning ability in the experimental group reveal better learning motivation than those with low ability after using the cooperative digital reading annotation system. In sum, the learning model for the reading comprehension of mathematical application problems with the cooperative digital reading annotation system proposed in this study could enhance the benefits of learning motivation and reading comprehension. It could be promoted to solve the reading comprehension of more complicated mathematical units and even to become the flipped teaching model for innovative mathematics teaching.

Det handlar inte bara om att läsa, utan om ett omsorgsfullt relationsskapande : En kvalitativ studie kring förskollärares relationsskapandeutifrån högläsning / It´s not just about reading, but also about a careful relationship building : A qualitative study of preschool teachers´relationship building based on reading aloud

Nyström, Anneli, Petersen, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
SammanfattningSyftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur förskollärare arbetar relationellt med högläsning, både analogt och digitalt i verksamheten på förskolan. För att uppnå syftet besvaras följande frågeställningar i studien:  • På vilket sätt använder sig förskollärarna av högläsning i förskolan och vad är deras syfte med högläsningen?  • På vilket sätt skapar förskollärarna gemensamt lärande genom högläsning? • Hur bjuder förskollärarna in barnen till ett gemensamt lärande med hjälp av högläsning? Studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där empirin kommer från sex semistrukturerade intervjuer, som efter transkribering kodats och genomgått en tematisk analys. Detta för att visa hur förskollärarna arbetar med högläsning utifrån ett relationellt perspektiv. De centrala begrepp som använts för att analysera det insamlade materialet är relationskompetens, det mellanmänskliga, sociala band, pedagogiska möten, pedagogiska tillvägagångssätt och pedagogisk rörelse. Resultatet visar att högläsning med hjälp av det relationella perspektivet bidrar till barns språkutveckling. Det bidrar även till samspel, gemenskap och gemensamt lärande på ett lustfyllt sätt. I de fall då förskollärarna inte hann eller prioriterade planeringen inför högläsningstillfällena blev språkutvecklingen utifrån högläsning lidande.Slutsatsen blir att när förskollärare bjuder in barnen till att lyssna på både analog och digital högläsning, samt använder sig av sin relationella kompetens vid högläsningstillfällena ges barnen många möjligheter till att utveckla sitt språk. När förskollärarna däremot inte hinner eller prioriterar planeringen av högläsningstillfällena blir dessa lidande och barnen får därmed inte denspråkutveckling förskollärarna önskar att de kunde ge dem.

Det handlar inte bara om att läsa, utan om ett omsorgsfullt relationsskapande : En kvalitativ studie kring förskollärares relationsskapande utifrån högläsning / It´s not just about reading, but also about a careful relationship building : A qualitative study of preschoolteachers´ relationship building based on reading aloud

Nyström, Anneli, Petersen, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur förskollärare arbetar relationellt med högläsning, både analogt och digitalt i verksamheten på förskolan. För att uppnå syftet besvaras följande frågeställningar i studien:  ·       På vilket sätt använder sig förskollärarna av högläsning i förskolan och vad är deras syfte med högläsningen?  ·       På vilket sätt skapar förskollärarna gemensamt lärande genom högläsning? ·       Hur bjuder förskollärarna in barnen till ett gemensamt lärande med hjälp av högläsning? Studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där empirin kommer från sex semistrukturerade intervjuer, som efter transkribering kodats och genomgått en tematisk analys. Detta för att visa hur förskollärarna arbetar med högläsning utifrån ett relationellt perspektiv. De centrala begrepp som använts för att analysera det insamlade materialet är relationskompetens, det mellanmänskliga, sociala band, pedagogiska möten, pedagogiska tillvägagångssätt och pedagogisk rörelse.  Resultatet visar att högläsning med hjälp av det relationella perspektivet bidrar till barns språkutveckling. Det bidrar även till samspel, gemenskap och gemensamt lärande på ett lustfyllt sätt. I de fall då förskollärarna inte hann eller prioriterade planeringen inför högläsningstillfällena blev språkutvecklingen utifrån högläsning lidande. Slutsatsen blir att när förskollärare bjuder in barnen till att lyssna på både analog och digital högläsning, samt använder sig av sin relationella kompetens vid högläsningstillfällena ges barnen många möjligheter till att utveckla sitt språk. När förskollärarna däremot inte hinner eller prioriterar planeringen av högläsningstillfällena blir dessa lidande och barnen får därmed inte den språkutveckling förskollärarna önskar att de kunde ge dem.

閱讀認知策略鷹架對於國中生英語閱讀理解成效之影響研究 / The effects of the cognitive reading strategy scaffold on junior high school students’ reading comprehension

林美秀, Lin, Mei Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊社會的來臨,數位文本逐漸普及,數位閱讀已成為閱讀的主要發展趨勢。相較於傳統偏向於線性閱讀的紙本閱讀模式,在閱讀過程中常以非線性進行閱讀的數位閱讀必須要有適當的輔助閱讀策略或機制,方能改善淺層閱讀,以及無法長期持續閱讀的問題。換言之,為提昇讀者在數位閱讀環境中的閱讀理解和成效,數位文本需要設計更有效的輔助閱讀機制來引導讀者進行更有效的閱讀學習,而發展高層次的閱讀認知策略鷹架輔以閱讀,為一可行的發展方向。 基於上述原因,本研究在「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」輔以數位閱讀的環境中發展閱讀認知策略鷹架,並與沒有結合此鷹架的「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」進行比較,以驗證有採用閱讀認知策略鷹架的實驗組學習者,是否在英語閱讀理解成效、科技接受度及學習滿意度上優於沒有採用閱讀認知策略鷹架的控制組學習者。也進一步探討「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」輔以所結合的閱讀認知策略鷹架對於場地獨立與場地依賴不同認知風格、以及高低不同英語起始能力者在英語閱讀理解成效、科技接受度及學習滿意度的影響。 實驗結果發現,在使用「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」之學習情境下,採用閱讀認知策略鷹架之實驗組學習者的閱讀理解成效、平台瀏覽次數以及各類型策略標註數量皆優於控制組學習者;並且場地相依型學習者的閱讀理解進步分數優於場地獨立型學習者。也就是本研究在「合作式數位閱讀標註系統」所發展的閱讀認知策略鷹架能有效協助學習者提升其閱讀理解成效,特別是場地相依型認知風格的學習者。另外,無論是對高分、中間、或低分組的學習者而言,採用閱讀認知策略鷹架之英語閱讀理解成效皆優於沒有採用閱讀認知策略鷹架;最後也發現認知有用性、認知易用性及學習滿意度三者之間具有顯著關連性。 / With the coming of the Information Age, digital texts are getting more and more popular. Compared to the traditional paper-based reading, nonlinear digital reading requires proper strategies or mechanism to help improve the shallow reading and short-term retention, which have been reported as the main disadvantages of digital reading. In other words, readers need inferential reasoning and comprehension monitoring strategies in order to keep concentration while reading digital texts. A scaffold of cognitive reading strategies, therefore, was developed and combined into Collaborative Digital Reading Annotation System (CDRS) in this study. It aimed to confirm whether the learners in the experimental group with the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies support outperformed the learners in the control group without the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies support on English reading comprehension, technology acceptance degree, and learning satisfaction. Furthermore, this study also examined the effects of distinct cognitive styles of field independence and field dependence and learning capability between both groups on English reading comprehension, technology acceptance degree, and learning satisfaction. The experimental results present the following findings. First, the learners in the experimental group applying CDRS with the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies outperformed the learners in the control group using CDRS without the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies on English reading comprehension, platform views and annotation numbers of four different cognitive strategies. Besides, while reading by CDRS combined with the scaffold of cognitive reading strategies, the field-dependent learners significantly outperformed the field-independent ones on reading comprehension gain. Moreover, the learners in the experimental group, either with high, medium or low learning capability, remarkably outperformed the ones in the control group on English reading comprehension. Finally, significant correlations among perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and learning satisfaction in both groups were found.

Embodiment and agency in digital reading : preschoolers making meaning with literary apps

Frederico, Aline January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation investigates meaning-making in children's joint-reading transactions with literary apps. The analysis of meaning-making focuses on embodiment as a central aspect of literary app's texts and their reading and on children's negotiation of agency in the act of joint-reading. Meaning-making is understood through a multimodal social semiotics perspective, which considers that meaning is realised in the dynamic transaction between reader, text and social context. Therefore, the dissertation integrates the analysis of the apps and of the children's responses to capture the dynamics of meaning-making in such transactions. Case studies were conducted with six families, who read the apps The Monster at the End of This Book (Stone & Smollin, 2011) and Little Red Riding Hood (Nosy Crow, 2013) in an English public library. The central method of data collection involved video-recorded observations of parent-child joint-reading events, complemented by graphic elicitation, informal interviews and a questionnaire. The video data was analysed through multimodal methods. The findings indicate that the participant readers used their bodies not only as a material point of contact and activation of the interactive features but also as a resource for meaning-making in their transactions with the apps. The reader's body was essential in their engagement with the material and interactive affordances of the apps, in reader's expressions of their responses, and in the sharing of the reading experience with the parents. The body of the reader, through spontaneous and interactive gestures, is a mode of communication in the multimodal ecologies of both the text and the reader's responses. Furthermore, the child readers constantly negotiated their agency within the constraints posed by the text, which include the narrative itself and its interactive features, and those posed by the joint-reading situation. The bodies of the readers played an essential role in this dual negotiation of agency. Children's agency was scripted, that is, the readers exerted their agency within the limitations of a script. The script, however, allowed readers to improvise, and their performances also involved resistance to the script through playful subversion. In the joint-reading event, children's agency was foregrounded, positioning the children as protagonist readers, who performed most of the interactions and lived the aesthetic experience of the text fully, to the expense of their parents, who mostly participated as supporting readers, transferring their agency to the children through scaffolding.

Oferta de audiolibros digitales en español: propuesta de análisis de aplicaciones de audiolectura

Fernández Rodríguez, Paula María 22 November 2021 (has links)
[ES] La importante transformación digital a la que asistimos en nuestra sociedad ha tenido su impacto también en el ámbito cultural. Nos encontramos actualmente en una fase postdigital en la cual in-teractuamos diariamente con productos y servicios emergentes. Tras observar los cambios más significativos en torno al mundo del libro y las bibliotecas, destaca-mos como uno de los más notorios el de los audiolibros digitales, además de tratarse de un tema muy poco investigado, especialmente en España. En la tesis profundizamos en los factores que determinaron el crecimiento del formato, en particu-lar en el ámbito comercial, y esbozamos las posibles razones de su estancamiento desde entornos documentales. Para ello, y para tener una visión amplia de la situación actual, analizamos la oferta de los audiolibros en el mercado y sus modelos de distribución. Valiéndonos de esta experiencia, propusimos una metodología para evaluar aplicaciones de audio-lectura. Dicha metodología, tiene como objetivo ofrecer el punto de vista del área de las ciencias de la información y la documentación en un proyecto sonoro de esta índole. Desde esa perspectiva determinamos los aspectos de calidad indispensables en cualquier aplicación de audiolectura. La metodología servirá como base para futuras investigaciones, propias y ajenas, tanto en el ámbito documental como en el comercial. / [CA] La important transformació digital a la qual assistim en la nostra societat ha tingut el seu impacte també en l'àmbit cultural. Ens trobem actualment en una fase postdigital en la qual interactuem diàriament amb productes i serveis emergents. Després d'observar els canvis més significatius entorn del món del llibre i les biblioteques, Destaquem com un dels més notoris el dels audiollibres digitals, a més de tractar-se d'un tema molt poc investigat, especialment a Espanya. En la tesi aprofundim en els factors que van determinar el creixement del format, en particular en l'àmbit comercial, i esbossem les possibles raons del seu estancament des d'entorns documentals. Per a això, i per a tindre una visió àmplia de la situació actual, analitzem l'oferta dels audiollibres en el mercat i els seus models de distribució. Valent-nos d'aquesta experiència, vam proposar una metodologia per a avaluar aplicacions d'àudio-lectura. Aquesta metodologia, té com a objectiu oferir el punt de vista de l'àrea de les ciències de la informació i la documentació en un projecte sonor d'aquesta índole. Des d'aqueixa perspectiva determinem els aspectes de qualitat indispensables en qualsevol aplicació d' audiolectura. La metodologia servirà com a base per a futures investigacions, pròpies i alienes, tant en l'àmbit documental com en el comercial. / [EN] The important digital transformation that we are witnessing in our society has also had an impact in the cultural sphere. We are currently in a post-digital phase in which we interact daily with emer-ging products and services. After observing the most significant changes around the world of books and libraries, we stand out as one of the most notorious that of digital audiobooks, in addition to being a very little researched topic, especially in Spain. In the thesis we delve into the factors that determined the growth of the format, especially in the commercial sphere, and we outline the possible reasons for its stagnation of digital audiobooks in documentary environments. To do this, and to have a broad vision of the current situation, we analyze the supply of audiobooks on the market and their distribution models. Using this experience, we proposed a methodology to evaluate audio reading applications. This methodology aims to offer the point of view of the area of information sciences and documentati-on in a audio project of this nature. From this perspective, we determine the essential quality as-pects in any audio-reading application. This methodology will serve as a basis for future research, both in the documentary and commercial fields. / Fernández Rodríguez, PM. (2021). Oferta de audiolibros digitales en español: propuesta de análisis de aplicaciones de audiolectura [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/177354 / TESIS

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