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Digitala resurser för elevers lärande : Lärares didaktiska arbete med digitala resurserNilsson, Paul January 2019 (has links)
This research has as its primary goal find out through the teachers’ point of view how subject and digital competence can be achieved in social science classes in the Swedish upper secondary school. This research raises thereby two separate competences. The first of these is the improved digital competence among students which can be achieved when the teacher with the awareness and practical use of applied technological pedagogical content knowledge works with the students’ learning objectives in mind. The second competence in focus is the subject knowledge that is in the center of the teaching.This research is a qualitative study where two separate groups of teachers from different schools in the Swedish western hemisphere talks about questions regarding work with digital tools in school to improve both digital and subject competences among students. The research includes a variety of subject teachers with the purpose to be able to acknowledge didactic experiences and learn from their experiences and thereby make it possible to apply it to the didactic work in social science and civics.To achieve both digital and subject competence among students it is essential for teachers themselves to achieve well established technological pedagogical content knowledge which is applicable in the daily didactic work. The result of the research claims to show that social science and civics, as well as other subjects and courses, can use digital resources to improve competence among students. Through these didactic strategies in teaching the students’ digital skills can be improved as a side effect of the subject taught by teachers with digital didactic resources. Through this design of teaching both digital and subjective competence can be achieved in the didactic work of teachers. / Denna studie har haft som syfte att undersöka lärares uppfattningar om hur ämnesmässig och digital kompetens kan främjas hos elever i samhällskunskap på gymnasiet. Studien lyfter därmed två separata kompetenser. Den första av dessa är en ökad digital kompetens hos eleven som kan främjas då läraren medvetet med hjälp av tillämpad teknisk allmändidaktisk kompetens arbetar för att främja elevens lärande i ämnet. Den andra kompetensen som ligger i fokus är de ämneskunskaper som ligger till grund för undervisningen.Detta är en kvalitativ studie där två separata grupper av lärare från olika skolor i västra Sverige samtalar kring frågor rörande digitalt arbete i skolan för att främja lärande inom både digital kompetens och ämnesmässiga kunskaper. Studien inkluderar ett flertal ämneskompetenser för att därigenom kunna dra allmändidaktiska lärdomar ur lärarnas olika ämnesdidaktiska erfarenheter som kan vara möjliga att applicera i det samhällskunskapsdidaktiska arbetet.För att främja både ämnesmässig och digital kompetens hos eleverna är det av vikt att läraren tillägnar sig själv en god teknisk allmändidaktisk kompetens som är tillämpbar i det ämnesdidaktiska arbetet. Resultatet visar på att det är möjligt att i samhällskunskapsämnet, liksom inom flertalet andra ämnen, använda sig av digitala resurser för elevers lärande. Därigenom blir det möjligt att elevens digitala kompetens främjas som en sidoeffekt av undervisningen som med hjälp av digitala resurser ämnar främja ämnesmässiga kunskaper. På så vis främjas elevers digitala och ämnesmässiga kunskaper parallellt i det didaktiska arbetet.
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Medielek och digital kompetens i en förskolekontext : Design för meningsskapande / Media Play and Digital Competence in Preschool : Design for meaning-makingForsling, Karin January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to make a contribution to the field of design oriented theory, regarding young children and their way to digital competence. My research question is: How can a preschool with a certain pedagogical ICT-design give the children affordances for media play and for developing a digital competence? The European Parliament points out digital literacy as one of the Key Competences for life long learning. A digital competence is built on basic ICT (Information and Communication technology) skills. Skills you can develop any time during life, weather you are young or old. Recent Swedish research on young children and digital competence points out the preschool teacher’s insecurity regarding the use of ICT in the preschool´s daily activities (Ljung- Djärf, Klerfelt). There are an amount of new social and cultural gaps in our modern society regarding illiteracies and learning. Fear for the digital gap, or divide, is confirmed by researchers such as Buckingham and Kress. Briefly, if one doesn’t possess digital literacy, the risk of society divides is impending. This could be built on factors such as gender, ethnicity, class, generational and geographical divides, but also about dichotomies in the capacity of learning in a digitalized milieu. Today’s children are the first generation to grow up in a society characterized by digital media. They are born into it. They are the Digital Natives and they take the new technology for granted. The rest of us are Digital Immigrants and we try to adapt to the new society. Prensky highlights the possibilities of changes in young persons’ brains, or at least in their thinking, as a result of their nursery in the digital world. Where does that leave the teachers of the pre-digital age? The true risk of a digital divide can perhaps be found in the daily melting pot between “the natives” and “the immigrants”. The act of arranging meaningful communicative meetings could be one education’s most important responsibilities. From the view of a design orientated perspective, built on a socio-cultural theoretical framework, key words like design, setting and affordance become important in my study. Didactic design is a theoretical perspective which elaborates understanding of learning from semiotic activities. Learning is to be seen as meaning making in social contexts. These contexts are in pedagogical milieus called institutional settings. The teacher and /or the child can be designers of and actors in the setting. Through the design and settings, the children at the preschool in my study, achieved consistent possibilities for media play and for developing digital competence. They got the opportunity to develop different kinds of literacy. One of the important findings of my study was that the preschool teachers developed digital competence and confidence much in the same way as the children did. Collaborative learning processes, elaboration, curiosity and playfulness stood up as affordances for learning. There have to be milieus designed for flexibility and elaborations and there have to be preschool teachers deliberately setting these kind of designs. The study confirms previous research at one hand in the area young children and digital competence and on the other hand in research connected to design oriented theories. This study has merged the two fields together. Further research is to be seen in a wide spread field. An interesting continuation is to study the preschool teachers education. Questions of learning and intertextuality are other important issues. Key words: Didactic design, digital competence, digital divides, literacy, media play, affordances, settings, tools, preschool, ICT, multimodality, social semiotics, meaningmaking. / Syftet med min uppsats är att bidra till förståelse för hur valet av design och iscensättning i förskolepedagogiska miljöer erbjuder medielek och möjliggör utvecklandet av en digital kompetens. Jag har utgått från frågan: Hur kan en specialdesignad förskolemiljö bidra till utvecklingen av barns medielek och digitala kompetens? En digital kompetens bygger på grundläggande IKT-färdigheter[1]. Det innebär bland annat att man kan hämta fram, bedöma, lagra, producera och kommunicera med och genom digitala medier. Tidigare forskning visar på förskollärares oro för den digitala tekniken. Förutom den rent konkreta osäkerheten vid användningen av de digitala verktygen ges också uttryck för en osäkerhet för hur man balanserar förskoleverksamheten med ny teknologin. Detta kan belysa vad som inom medieforskning beskrivs som digital divides, något som i sin tur kan förstärka klyftor i samhället. Frågan om bruk av IKT i förskolan diskuteras ofta ur ett framåtsyftande nyttoperspektiv. Man talar om inlärningsaspekten, arbetslivsaspekten och demokratiaspekten. Barnen på förskolan i min studie har genom den didaktiska designen möjligheter att få del av dessa tre aspekter. Men man har dessutom skapat en miljö som erbjuder barnen – och de vuxna – möjligheter för medielek och därigenom utvecklandet av en digital kompetens. I studien blir det tydligt hur vuxna och barn svarar upp mot de förutsättningar som designats och erbjuds. Lärprocesserna sker i en institutionell inramning, där läraren (och barnen) är aktörer och iscensättare. Pedagogen, likväl som barnet, kan aktivt välja vilka teckensystem och vilken gestaltningsform som ska användas. I den undersökta verksamheten finns även en underliggande kulturell affordance, meningserbjudande, en idé om att IKT är bra för barn, att vuxna kan både leka och lära samtidigt, samt att det är tillåtet att experimentera, för att finna något som man varken vet frågan eller svaret på. Det här skulle ur ett socialsemiotiskt perspektiv, vara tecken på lärande, eftersom en lärandeprocess utmärks av en ökad förmåga att använda skilda teckensystem, eller domäner. Barnen utvecklar sin litteracitet och sin medielitteracitet. De utökar också sin kognitiva, kommunikativa och kulturella och estetiska kompetens. Vi skulle här kunna tala om en multilitteracitet, eftersom de meningsskapande processer som barnen befinner sig i under arbetet med de digitala verktygen, inte bara inbegriper lingvistiska utan också visuella, auditiva och spatiala processer. Min studie visar att design och iscensättning på den undersökta förskolan är betydelsefulla för erbjudandet av medielek och utvecklandet av barnens och de vuxnas digitala kompetens. De vuxna är trygga i sina roller och där fanns en naturlig balansgång mellan de mer traditionella och de digitala verktygen. En avslutande reflektion är att det inte längre är frågan om att diskutera om IKT och medier ska användas i förskolan, det är mer frågan om hur. Det är inte heller längre tid att diskutera om barn och vuxna ska utveckla en digital kompetens i förskolan, snarare hur det ska ske. En fortsatt forskning på området kan handla om en fördjupning i sådant som berör lärande, kommunikativ kompetens, intertextualitet eller textrörlighet. Andra viktiga frågor kan röra sig om hur lärarutbildningen lever upp till kraven på en digital kompetens.
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Digital (o)jämlikhet? IKT-användning i skolan och elevers tekniska kapital / Digital (in)equality? ICT use in school and pupils' technological capitalSamuelsson, Ulli January 2014 (has links)
Avhandlingen handlar om digital (o)jämlikhet. Begreppet (o)jämlikhet utgår från en sammanskrivning av jämlikhet och ojämlikhet men uttalas som det sistnämnda. Problematiken kring digital (o)jämlikhet belyses i avhandlingen i form av fyra olika delstudier samt en kappa. Avhandlingens övergripande syfte är att öka kunskapen om digital (o)jämlikhet genom att empiriskt kartlägga och teoretiskt tolka användning av informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) bland barn och unga vuxna. Ett speciellt fokus läggs vid skolans roll i sammanhanget då den svenska skolan har i sitt uppdrag att ge alla elever en likvärdig utbildning. Skolan ska även kompensera för elevers olika förutsättningar. Genom en enkätstudie och en intervjustudie analyseras grundskole- och gymnasielevers användning av och tillgång till IKT i skolan och i hemmen. Elevernas digitala kompetens i allmänhet och deras kompetens i informationssökning i synnerhet, analyseras också för att skapa en bild av den digitala (o)jämlikheten. I dessa analyser studeras även skolans bidrag till elevers digitala kompetens och digitala jämlikhet. Resultaten av dessa analyser presenteras i två delstudier. För att få en djupare förståelse för fenomenet digital (o)jämlikhet ur ett internationellt perspektiv utgör en av delstudierna en systematisk forskningsöversikt. Ytterligare ett sätt att fördjupa kunskapen om digital (o)jämlikhet i avhandlingen är att studera fenomenet utifrån en utbildningssociologisk teori vilket genomförs i den sista delstudien. Inom ramen för det övergripande syftet prövas, och granskas kritiskt, därför Selwyns begrepp tekniskt kapital. Tekniskt kapital har sin grund i Bourdieus kapitalbegrepp och syftar därmed på tillgång till och användning av IKT som tillskrivs ett värde. Resultaten visar att det finns en digital ojämlikhet bland de unga som ingår i studien, trots den till synes höga tillgången till IKT. Avhandlingen visar även att skolan inte klarar sitt uppdrag då eleverna inte får en likvärdig utbildning samt att skolans uppdrag avseende elevers digitala kompetens är oklart. Vidare visar resultatet att begreppet teknisk kapital ger möjlighet till en djupare förståelse av digital (o)jämlikhet. Samtidigt ges förslag på hur begreppet tekniskt kapital kan förfinas ytterligare. / This doctoral thesis focusses on digital (in)equality; a new concept construed by combining the notions equality and inequality. The concept will for the purpose of this thesis be written as (in)equality constituting a new domain of study as explored in four separate studies together comprising this thesis. The general aim of the thesis is to increase the knowledge base of digital (in)equality by empirically charting and theoretically interpreting the use of in-formation and communication technology (ICT) by children and adults alike. A specific focus is how ICT is utilised in schools since the Swedish school system is commissioned by law to provide equal education for all. Compulsory school pupils' use and access to ICT in schools as well as at home was investigated both by a survey study and an interview study. In addition, pupils' general digital competence as well as their skills in searching information were studied in order to gain insight into digital (in)equality. The Swedish school system and its role in conveying such competence was a particular concern. Results are presented in two of the four articles constituting this doctoral thesis. To gain a wider understanding of the ICT (in)equality phenomenon an international outlook was incorporated into thesis in the form of a systematic literature review. This literature review is presented in the third article of the thesis. The fourth and final study widens the scope even further by analysing the phenomenon in the light of sociological theory. The general aim of the thesis was scrutinised and critically analysed using Nathan Selwyn's construct of Technology Capital, which in turn is derived from Pierre Bourdieu's notion of cultural capital. Technology capital defines both access to and the use of ICT, which of course also implies that ICT indeed has cultural value. The results of this sociological analysis showed that there does indeed exist a digital inequality amongst the younger generation in Sweden in spite of having easy access to the technology. It is demonstrated that the Swedish school system actually fails its commission. In respect to the use of and access to ICT the school system is not equal and pupils do not receive equal education. Furthermore, the analysis suggested that the task given to the school system is unclear and that the use of a concept such as technological capital is a promising one in gaining further insights into the phenomenon of digital (in)equality. In conclusion, suggestions are also made how the notion of technology capital could be further developed made more precise.
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Le nuove tecnologie come valore aggiunto del CLIL / Adding Value to CLIL through the New TechnologyLEONE, VINCENZA 31 March 2011 (has links)
Questa tesi è il risultato di uno studio sul CLIL e le nuove tecnologie per la didattica nato da un insieme di fattori: il desiderio di investigare l’uso delle nuove tecnologie a scuola, considerando le possibili implicazioni, e il bisogno di migliorare la qualità dell’apprendimento linguistico attraverso la creazione di nuovi stimoli per gli studenti. Tale studio è costituito da una parte teorica e una pratica di ricerca sul campo in cui si sono presi in considerazione diversi gradi di scuola e anche corsi universitari. La ricerca ha dimostrato l’influenza positiva delle nuove tecnologie come valore aggiunto al CLIL e ha riconosciuto il ruolo chiave dell’insegnante in questo tipo di approccio bifocale. / This thesis is the result of a research study in CLIL and Technologies that arose from the combination of different factors: the desire of investigate the implementation of new technologies at school, considering the possible implication, and the need to improve the quality of language learning giving new stimuli to the students. It is based on a theoretical study and an action research which investigated different school levels and university courses. The research proved the positive stimulus of new technologies as value-added to CLIL and recognised the key role of the teacher in such a double-focus approach.
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Att lära eller inte lära mer om digital kompetens / To Learn or not to Learn Digital CompetenceLilja, Moa-Kajsa, Lindkvist, Ann-Catrin January 2022 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks vilka förmågor och kunskaper inom digital kompetens som anses viktiga på Stena AB samt vilka drivkrafter och hinder som finns för lärande inom digitalkompetens. Syftet är att utvärdera en metod och process för att arbeta med att öka digitalkompetens på företag samt att utröna drivkrafter och hinder som finns för att driva en lärandeprocess inom området.En fallstudie innehållande en workshop inspirerad av interventionsforskning, samt kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem medarbetare på Stena AB. De transkriberade intervjuerna analyserades med induktiv tematisk analys. Resultaten tolkades genom ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande med dialog i fokus. Analys av resultatet tyder på att deltagarna ansåg att en kritisk och kommunikativ förmåga är viktigt inom digitalkompetens som medborgare och som medarbetare på Stena AB. Resultaten antyder att en diskussionsbaserad workshop rörande begreppet digital kompetens kunde bidra till deltagarnas förståelse för begreppet och ge perspektiv på hur andra ser på samma begrepp. Vad gäller drivkrafter och hinder för lärande inom digital kompetens skiljer dessa sig från individ till individ. Hinder för lärande berör områden som miljö och förutsättningar som är bortom ens kontroll, men även en omedvetenhet om vilka kunskaper som behöver utvecklas. Slutsatsen är att företaget behöver en kombination av både informell och formell utbildning, att digitala kunskaper och förmågor går att prioritera vilka tolkas som fokusområden till lärandeprocessen att höja digital kompetens. Vidare identifieras drivkrafter och hinder som svar på hur en strategi för en lärandeprocess inom digital kompetens kan se ut. Slutsatsen uppskattas vara applicerbar även på andra företag i en annan kontext. / This study examines which areas within digital competence that are considered important at Stena AB. Further, this study examines what incentives and hindrances that exist for learning in digital competence. The aim for this thesis is to evaluate a method and process for working to increase digital competence in companies and to find out the incentives and hindrances that exist to motivate a learning process in the area. A case study including a workshop inspired by intervention research, as well as qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with a number of employees at Stena AB. The transcribed interviews were analyzed with inductive thematic analysis. The results were interpreted through a socio-cultural perspective on learning with discussion and dialogue in focus. Analysis of the results indicate that the participants considered a critical and communicative ability is important in digital competence, both as a citizen and as an employee at Stena AB. The results suggest that a discussion-based workshop on the concept of digital competence could contribute to the participants' understanding of digital competence and provide perspective on how others view the same concept. In terms of incentives and hindrances to learning in digital competence, these differ from individual to individual. Hindrances to learning are areas such as the environment and conditions that are beyond one's control, but also an unawareness of what knowledge needs to be developed. The conclusion is that the company needs a combination of both informal and formal education, that digital knowledge and abilities can be prioritized which are interpreted as focus areas for the learning process to increase digital competence. Furthermore, incentive forces and obstacles are identified as a strategy for a learning process in digital competence. The conclusion is estimated to be applicable to other companies in other contexts as well.
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Hackathons as a tool for learning in the framework of UNESCO learning citiesLionaite, Monika January 2020 (has links)
This research analyses hackathons which are collaborative innovation making by using technology events, in terms of using these as a tool to facilitate a lifelong learning process in obtaining digital competence among other 21 st century skills. The aim of this research is to explore and analyse the perceptions and experiences of hackathon participants and different stakeholders about the learning process experienced during a hackathon event. The following research questions are studied: RQ1. How do interviewees perceive hackathons in relation to key elements of the UNESCO Learning Cities Framework?; RQ2. How do participants of the hackathons perceive their learning process?; RQ3. How do participants of the hackathons perceive their learning process by using digital tools during the hackathon events? Kolb’s experiential learning theory and UNESCO Learning Cities Framework are used as the ground for the theoretical-methodological frameworks. The methods chosen to collect the data are survey questionnaire and interviews. The results provide insights that apart from developing digital competence and using technology as a tool for learning, collaboration, communication and problem-solving are the main skills practiced during a hackathon. This implies that hackathons could be used on a wider scale to help with UNESCO Learning Cities development by facilitating the learning process for adults in the development of 21 st century skills. / <p>This article was presented in May 2020 at Stockholm University, Department of Education.</p><p>This finalized article was presented to UNESCO Learning Cities Program Specialist at the Institute of Lifelong Learning in Hamburg, in July 2020.</p><p>Key findings of this research were presented at the Joint International Seminar with Stockholm University, University of Tokyo and Jyväskuylä University in February 2020.</p><p>Interviews with this article's author about this research:</p><p>By Future Position X, digital innovation hub in Sweden (available in English & Swedish): https://fpx.se/en/people-come-to-learn-network-and-make-a-difference/</p><p>Canberra Innovation Network mentions my research: https://cbrin.com.au/women-in-innovation/women-in-innovation-monika-lionaite/?fbclid=IwAR1mTBwXI8yS9uxkoTZSdhnB2jhpKA4kRs_GztyrAqCmbAJNNZ_KH0DR_Jo</p><p>Presentations about this research were done by the author at the Rotary Clubs of Canberra Sundowners and Canberra Weston Creek, also at the international conference of Rotary International activities during the global pandemic.</p><p>The author shared key findings as a speaker at the international conference promoting tolerance and peace on the topic 'Crisis and the role of states in developing solutions' November 2020 which was organized by the American International Education Federation and Alliance for Humanity; at the international online conference of Young Scientists on the topic of 'Leadership in peace-building and international development in the digital age' in November 2020 which was organized by Western Asian Development Institute.</p><p></p><p></p>
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Professores de inglês da rede pública na Cultura Digital : mapeando suas percepções acerca da tecnologia e da competência digital /Kairallah, Sthefanie Kalil January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Cibele Cecílio de Faria Rozenfeld / Resumo: Nos últimos anos, com a expansão das tecnologias, presenciamos o surgimento de diferentes dispositivos, programas e aplicativos, tornando as Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Comunicação (TDICs) cada vez mais presentes no mundo, em diferentes contextos na era da Cultura Digital (SANTAELLA, 2003; BERTOLDO, SALTO E MILL, 2018; KENSKI, 2018). Desse modo, no panorama educacional contemporâneo, ressalta-se os desafios advindos dessa nova era, pois, se por um lado essas ferramentas podem potencializar o trabalho dos educadores, sem delimitação espaçotemporal, por outro elas exigem suporte e Competência Digital dos professores e alunos (UNESCO, 2008, 2014, 2016). Nesse sentido, inúmeras são as discussões acerca da formação de professores, em uma perspectiva crítico-reflexiva (FREIRE, 1979; MOURA-FILHO, 2011) e perceptiva (MERLEAU-PONTY, 1999; MATOS E JARDILINO, 2016), para o ensino de línguas aliado ao uso das tecnologias (BAX, 2003; LEFFA, 2012; PAIVA, 2013; MARQUES-SCHÄFER E ROZENFELD, 2017). Além do mais, percebe-se o descompasso entre a velocidade transformacional das TDICs e a morosidade em integrá-las na Educação e na formação docente, bem como as condições de infraestrutura, a oferta e o manejo de recursos tecnológicos (KENNISNET, 2015; ALMEIDA E VALENTE, 2016). Partindo desse cenário, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as percepções de professores de inglês da rede pública de ensino acerca da relevância do uso das TDICs em sala de aula, da infraestrutura para ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In recent years, with the expansion of technologies, we have witnessed the emergence of different devices, programs and applications, making Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICTs) increasingly present in the world, in different contexts in the era of Digital Culture (SANTAELLA, 2003; BERTOLDO, SALTO AND MILL, 2018; KENSKI, 2018). Thus, in the contemporary educational perspective, the challenges arising from this new era are emphasized, since, on the one hand, these tools can enhance the work of educators, without spatiotemporal delimitation, on the other, they require support and Digital Competence from teachers and students (UNESCO, 2008, 2014, 2016). In this sense, there are countless discussions about teacher education, in a critical-reflexive (FREIRE, 1979; MOURA-FILHO, 2011) and perceptive view (MERLEAU-PONTY, 1999; MATOS E JARDILINO, 2016), for teaching languages combined with the use of technologies (BAX, 2003; LEFFA, 2012; PAIVA, 2013; MARQUES-SCHÄFER AND ROZENFELD, 2017). Furthermore, there is a mismatch between the transformational speed of DICTs and the delay in integrating them in Education and teacher education, as well as the conditions of infrastructure, proposition and use of technological resources (KENNISNET, 2015; ALMEIDA AND VALENTE, 2016). Based on this scenario, the present work aims to analyze the perceptions of English teachers in the public school about the relevance of using DICTs in the classroom, the infrastructure for such use ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Digital mognad inom finanssektorn : En kvalitativ studie om digital mognad inom den svenska finanssektornRamberg, Karl Johan, Renman, Anton January 2022 (has links)
This is a study about digital maturity within the financial sector. Specifically, this paper delves into what factors are perceived to have an effect on the digital maturity of the organizations within the sector. Furthermore, the study also examines whether the covid-19 pandemic is perceived to have changed any of these factors or any of the aspects of digital maturity. This will be evaluated through a thematic analysis of the data collected via a series of semi-structured interviews. The respondents who have been interviewed are all employed within the financial sector and have been employed throughout the pandemic. To analyze the collected data, two digital maturity models have been deployed to assess which factors have an effect on the digital maturity levels of the organizations in question. The results indicate that there are several factors influencing the digital maturity of the financial sector. Digital competence is perceived to have a positive effect in terms of how it affects the digital maturity levels, while dated systems and old ways of working appear to have a substantial negative effect on the digital maturity levels. The leadership and vision of the organizations appear to have a negative as well as a positive effect. The study also concludes that the perceived pressure from outside of the organization to digitize their operations might be a bigger factor than what previous research has indicated. While the covid-19 pandemic is perceived by the respondents to have had some effect on the digital ventures of the organization, none of the respondents perceived that the pandemic had been a major factor in regard to their digital transformation. Rather the digitalization of the organization’s ventures had been on-going before the pandemic, and the pandemic was therefore seen as an indicator that the organization needed to continue their work to digitize their processes.
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Digitala verktyg på fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ studie om möjligheter och utmaningar med digitala verktyg för språkutveckling på fritidshemmet / Digital tools at the after-school center : A qualitative study of opportunities and challenges with digital tools for language development at the after-school centerErlandsson, Johannes, Shehu, Ismet January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att få svar på hur digitala verktyg används på fritidshemmet, hur fritidshemslärare ser på digitaliseringen inom fritidshemmet samt vilka utmaningar och möjligheter de ser med digitala verktyg för språkutveckling. Vi har använt en kvalitativ studie och som analysverktyg har vi använt Puenteduras (2013) SAMR-modell. I studien har vi intervjuat nio behöriga fritidshemslärare på två olika fritidshem i sydöstra Sverige. Tidigare forskning visar att det finns både fördelar och nackdelar med användning av digitala verktyg för elevers språkutveckling. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det finns behov av kompetensutveckling hos fritidshemslärare angående digitala verktyg och hur de kan användas på fritidshem för språkutveckling. Fritidshemmen i undersökningen arbetar olika och i olika utsträckning med digitala verktyg beroende på vilka som arbetar där. Fritidshemslärare ser både för och nackdelar med digitala verktyg på fritidshemmen. / The purpose of this study is to get answers to how digital tools are used in the after-school center, how after-school center teachers view digitalisation within the after-school center and what challenges and opportunities they see with digital tools for language development. We have used a qualitative study and as an analysis tool we have used Puentedura's (2013) SAMR model. In the study, we interviewed nine qualified after-school teachers at two different after-school centers in south-eastern Sweden. Previous research shows that there are both advantages and disadvantages to using digital tools for students' language development. The results of the survey show that there is a need for competence development among after-school center teachers regarding digital tools and how they can be used at after-school centers for language development. The leisure centers in the survey work differently and to different extents with digital tools depending on who works there. Leisure home teachers see both the pros and cons of digital tools in after-school centers.
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Fenomenet digitala lärverktyg : Högstadieelevers uppfattningar om digitala lärverktyg och dess språkliga stöd i undervisningen / The phenomenon of digital learning tools : High school students' perceptions of digital learning tools and their linguistic supportHolm, Weronica, Persson, Åsa January 2021 (has links)
I litteratur och tidigare forskning framgår digitala lärverktyg som viktiga hjälpmedel för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Datorn och dess program som rättstavning, talsyntes och tal-till-text kan ha en avgörande betydelse för dem för att nå målen i sin utbildning. Trots detta visar forskning att det är många elever som väljer att tacka nej till användning av datorer. I tidigare forskning finns det få exempel där elevernas röster blir hörda och där man kan ta del av deras tankar och känslor kring digitala lärverktyg och deras inverkan på lärande. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur några högstadieelever med dyslexi och/eller språkstörning upplever användningen av digitala lärverktyg. Studien har genomförts på två skolor i två olika kommuner. Genom en intervjuundersökning har vi fått svar från tio elever. Intervjusvaren sammanställdes och analyserades. Resultatet har sammanställts utifrån fem teman: tillgång, användning, stöd, fördelar och utmaningar. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgjordes av sociokulturella perspektiv och multimodal teori. Slutsatser som dragits är att eleverna har tillgång till flera olika digitala lärverktyg men de väljer inte alltid att använda sig av alla de har tillgång till. Elever uppfattar att verktygen främst ger dem stöd i läs- och skrivsituationer och möjliggör för dem att följa med i klasskamraternas tempo och göra samma uppgifter som övriga. Utmaningar som eleverna beskriver med verktygen är exempelvis yttre faktorer som teknikstrul och dålig internetuppkoppling, att program som tal-till-text försvårar inkludering då det krävs en tyst plats där inget försvårar ljudupptagningen. Digitala lärverktyg utmanar också när stöd uteblir vid användning av dem. / In literature and previous research it shows that digital learning tools are an important aid for pupils with reading and writing difficulties. The computer and its programs like spelling, word prediction, speech synthesis and speech-to-text can have a crucial meaning for them to reach the goals for their school education. Despite this, research shows that many pupils choose to say no to the use of computers. In previous research there are few examples where the students' voices are heard and where they can share their thoughts and feelings about digital learning tools and their impact on learning. The aim of this study is to contribute with knowledge of how some high school students with dyslexia and/or language impairment experience the use of digital learning tools. The study was conducted at two schools in two different municipalities. Through an interview survey, we have received answers from ten students. The results of the interviews were compiled and analyzed. The results have been compiled based on five themes: access, use, support, benefits and challenges. The theoretical framework of the study consisted of sociocultural perspectives and multimodal theories. Conclusions drawn are that students have access to several different digital learning tools but they do not always choose to use all they have access to. Students experience that the tools primarily give them support in reading and writing situations and enable them to follow the classmates´ pace and do the same tasks as others. Challenges that the students describe with the tools are, for example, external factors such as technology problems and poor internet connection and that programs such as speech-to-text make inclusion more difficult as a quiet place is required where nothing interfere sound recording. Digital learning tools also challenge when support is not available in use.
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