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Bild i designprocessen : En studie av teknikelevers uppfattningar om bildundervisningens användbarhet i designprocessen / Art in the designprocess : A study of how technology students understand the usefulness of art education in the designprocessÖberg, Denise January 2018 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka hur gymnasieelever som studerar teknikprogrammet inriktning design och produktutveckling uppfattar bildämnets relevans i relation till sitt gymnasieprogram. I sex kvalitativa intervjuer får eleverna berätta om sina uppfattningar och erfarenheter kring bildämnets användbarhet i andra kurser där designprocessen används. Resultatet analyseras och tolkas sedan utifrån pragmatismens syn på lärande och forskning kring kreativitet, lärande och designprocessen. Studien visar att eleverna uppfattar två nyttiga aspekter av bildundervisningen i förhållande till deras programinriktning; teckningstekniker och kreativitet. Vissa elever anser att teckningstekniker som skissande var förlegade eftersom man med digitala medier smidigare och lättare kunde åstadkomma samma resultat. Om kreativitet anser eleverna att det var en förutsättningen för att kunna skapa någonting originellt, vilket i sin tur är syftet med design. Därför är det något eleverna antingen anser att de fått med sig eller önskar att de fått med sig från bildundervisning. Färglära uppfattar inte eleverna som användbart.
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Är det IT vi jobbar med? : en kvalitativ studie om digitaliseringens inverkan i hemtjänsten / Is it IT we work with? : a qualitative study on the impact of digitization on home care servicesDahlstrand, Johanna, Rooth, Cicci January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att få en djupare förståelse över hur användningen av digitala system och hjälpmedel inverkar på arbetet för undersköterskor i hemtjänsten. Detta då digitaliseringen har enligt tidigare forskning visat på att digitalisering både kan frigöra mer tid men även bli en belastning för omsorgspersonalen. Hemtjänsten som har under åren blivit allt mer tidspressad och konkurrensutsatt och kraven på kunskaper har ökat då vi blir allt äldre och sjukare idag. Via en kvalitativ intervjustudie utförd i två grupper i Borås Stad undersöktes huruvida de digitala systemen inverkade på omsorgspersonalen samt hur de uppfattade de digitala systemen påverkan. Studien berör även hemtjänstens förändrande arbetsvillkor för att kunna öka förståelsen för hur digitalisering påverkar det dagliga arbetet. Materialet har analyserats och tematiserats och resultatet presenteras i 4 olika teman En vanlig arbetsdag, Inverkan och synen på digitala hjälpmedlen och systemen i det dagliga arbetet, Påverkan i kvalitet och effektivitet och ökade krav och Känslan av kontroll och stöd. Studiens resultat visade på att undersköterskorna i det stora hela har en positiv syn på arbetet med digitala verktyg men det tar tid och att arbetet med digitala system måste integreras mer i undersköterskornas yrkesroll och utbildning då synen på att arbeta digitalt till stor grad står utanför undersköterskornas egna uppfattning av deras yrkesroll. / This study aims to gain a deeper understanding of how the use of digital systems affects the work of home nurses. This is because digitization has, according to previous research, shown that digitization can both release more time but also become a burden for healthcare personnel. The home care service, which in the meantime has become increasingly time-consuming and competitive, and the demands for knowledge have increased since we are today getting older and sicker. Thru a qualitative interview study conducted in two groups in Borås City, it was examined whether digital systems affect healthcare personnel and how they perceive the impact of the digital systems. The studies also affect the changing service conditions of the home service to increase understanding of how digitalization affects daily work. The materials have been analyzed and the result is presented in 4 different themes A ordinary working day, Impact and view of digital aids and systems in daily work, Impact on quality and efficiency and increased requirements and Characteristics of control and support. The study's results showed that the nurses in general have a positive view of the work with digital tools, but it takes time and that the work with digital systems must be integrated more into the nurses 'professional role and education, since the view of work digitally stands largely outside the nurses' own view of their professional role.
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Vem har makten över kulturarvet? En fallstudie av urvalskriterier vid digitalisering på Kungl. Biblioteket. / Who has the power over cultural heritage? A case study of digitization selection criteria used at Kungl. Biblioteket.Johansson, Sara January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is performed as a case study, and has had the aim to study who has the power over cultural heritage, by studying the digitization selection criteria at KB and what influences there can be on the digitization selection process. The theory of the arm’s length principle, (Mangset, Kunst og makt, 2013) the professional model, (Rothstein, 2010), that digitization re-shape and re-contextualize cultural heritage material, (Dahlström et al. 2013), and different concepts will influence the digitization selection process has been used in this study. A qualitative research with document study and informant interview and e-mail interview has been conducted. The documents that were studied are related to legislation documents from the responsible authorities of KB; Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Education and Research as well as the present and former internal digitization strategies at KB. Informant interviews and e-mail interviews has been performed with management and staff at KB to examine influences in the digitization selection process at KB. The empirical material was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis method. The study concluded that the digitization selection criteria is build around the commission for KB and that access and preservation are key factors to consider for KB. The study also concludes that government, KB management and KB staff all have got influence and power over cultural heritage as has the different criteria as; the material itself and copyright issues. Another conclusion was that the government rules over cultural heritage held at KB on an arm’s length distance. / Program: Masterprogram: Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, Digitala bibliotek och informationstjänster
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Datorisering av släktforskarens källor : vad släktforskarföreningar gör och hur de ser på fenomenet / The computerisation of the genealogist's sources : what genealogical societies do and how they view the phenomenonBoström, Linda January 2000 (has links)
The purpose of this MA thesis is to examine the computerisation of sources that are of interest to genealogists. The primary focus of the thesis is an empirical study, by using a questionnaire addressed to 118 genealogical societies in Sweden, in order to find out what kind of computerisation is being performed by these genealogical societies and what their opinion is of the computerisation of sources of interest to genealogists. The result of this questionnaire has shown, together with printed and electronic material, that there is a good deal of interest from genealogical societies in the computerisation of sources. About half of the genealogical societies who answered the questionnaire are computerising sources themselves and the societies have a positive view in general of the computerisation that is being done and of the increased usage of modern information technology in genealogy. There are on the other hand certain issues that are being discussed such as the important question of the quality of the computerised material. In this thesis the computerisation of public sources of interest to genealogists as a means to strengthen democracy by making public material, culture and the cultural heritage available to more people, and how genealogical societies can be seen as partakers in this process, is also discussed. Furthermore the attitudes of genealogical societies towards the computerisation of sources is seen in relation to the attitudes of people in general to new technology and to the concrete advantages and disadvantages of certain aspects of modern information technology. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Att katalogisera en specialsamling med hjälp av TEI : En metodprövande studie utförd på Swedenborgsarkivet i Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien / Cataloguing a special collection by the means of TEI : A methodological study performed on the Swedenborg Archives at the Swedish Royal Academy of SciencesBerggren, Maria January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) encoding scheme is investigated as a system for storing metadata about manuscript material and 18th century first prints in the Swedenborg Archives at the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences. The aim of the study is to test the functionality of TEI as a metadata system in cataloguing a special collection. Some criteria of functionality are formulated, and examples of encoded catalogue entries are described and analysed. It is demonstrated how descriptive metadata have been registered within the TEI header, while structural metadata have been recorded within the text element of the TEI file. On the whole, TEI is considered to be a functional tool that matches the present purposes. Some weaknesses are pointed to, however: For example, the TEI encoding scheme is not perceived to be fully satisfying for presenting descriptive metadata about manuscripts and prints in the same volume, and, moreover, it is not considered fully appropriate for describing abstract logical text structure in relation to the physical structure of the document. Lastly, TEI is compared to two other metadata systems, the AACR2, ch. 4, and AMREMM. A general conclusion is that the TEI offers a set of guidelines that can easily be adapted to specific needs, while a system for cataloguing in a more proper sense must also contain a set of rules concerning what categories of data are to be included, and in what form it is to be done. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Urval vid digitalisering av affischer på Kungl. biblioteket / Selection criteria for the digitization of posters at the National Library of SwedenStening Soppela, Ingrid January 2008 (has links)
This thesis presents a study aiming to identify the selection criteria for the digitization of posters at the National Library of Sweden (Kungl. biblioteket). The theory is that cultural heritage institutions are empowered to decide how our cultural heritage is presented as they select what items (or, as in this study, posters) will be digitized. The poster is studied as it is an interesting media form which historically was an important means of communication. The poster can represent and reflect historical events and opinions in society. The posters chosen to be digitized, will represent a part of our cultural heritage as presented on the internet. The research questions are to find out the purpose of digitization, to identify the selection criteria, why the collection of posters is digitized, which posters have been chosen and what were the selections criteria. The study aims to compare principles with practice. Selection policy documents are studied and the poster collection is studied in documents, on the internet and by interviewing representatives at the National Library of Sweden. The conclusion is that although the policy documents are indeed thorough regarding detailed selection criteria, it is actually practical reasons (such as available resources) that finally decide what material is digitized. The situation that the cultural heritage institutions are constructing our visual cultural heritage is probably unavoidable, but the problem is that if choices are not made on the correct grounds, this will have the consequence that the presentation of our cultural heritage will not be representative. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Talar samlingarna? Hur bibliotekarier lär sig sina samlingar vid nationalbiblioteken / Do the collections talk? How librarians learn their collections at the national librariesPetersen, Ellinor January 2010 (has links)
National libraries hold large, valuable repositories of often unique materials. How can we ensure that the knowledge is accessible without endangering the materials that hold the knowledge? Digital preservation is meant to solve this problem. With more and more material being accessible digitally, users are expected to do more and more of the finding on their own, instead of being guided by librarians. What kind of knowledge do the librarians have, that cannot be mediated through a system? How is the knowledge of experienced librarians passed on to new librarians? What is the difference between physical and digital materials? I have interviewed senior and junior librarians of Det Kongelige Bibliotek in Copenhagen, Nasjonalbiblioteket in Oslo, the National Library in Helsinki, and Kungliga Biblioteket in Stockholm to learn about their journey to knowledge of their collections. These collections are meant to function as a national memory. In discussing the how they learned, I compare this with how this knowledge is being passed on, preserving the nation's memory. I conclude that the focus on digitization of the collections is risking to close off the regions of the closed stacks even more, as librarians are either not allocated the time to do research, or not replaced when they retire. For the memory of the nation, and for the progress of knowledge, it is important to have staff trained in research, and also to have time allotted to pursue the advancement of their fields.
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Det finns sparsamt med litteratur om arbetet med draperade plagg ur en mönsterkonstruktörs synvinkel. Dessutom tar majoriteten av mönsterkonstruktionsundervisningen sällan upp drapering i ett tidigt stadie (om över huvud taget). Rapportens syfte är att undersöka hur en mönsterkonstruktör kan gå tillväga för att översätta draperade plagg till reproducerbara tvådimensionella mönster. Som underlag för studien har tre plagg draperade på docka av en extern handledare använts. Det första plagget är en vävd klänning, det andra en klänning i trikå och det tredje en quiltad väst. I originaldraperingarnas tyg markeras fästpunkter och eventuella skärningar noga, därefter monteras draperingen ned, delarna kalkeras av och toiler sys upp och provas på dockor och provpersoner i flera omgångar tills önskat resultat erhålls. De slutgiltiga mönsterdelarna digitaliseras in i programvaran Modaris (Lectra Systemes) där linjer finputsas och kontrollmäts och plaggen graderas. Studien visar hur en mer direkt förståelse för hur tyg och form påverkas av kroppen kan uppnås med hjälp av draperingsbaserad mönsterkonstruktion. Det behöver inte finnas en motsättning mellan de olika sätten att arbeta, eftersträvansvärt vore istället att mönster-konstruktörer behärskar så många tekniker som möjligt för att kunna nå ett bra slutresultat / Program: Designteknikerutbildningen
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FRÅN STILLEBEN TILL MÖNSTER : En studie i översättandet av draperade plagg till tvådimensionella konstruktionerBÄLTER BJURGERT, LOVISA January 2014 (has links)
Det finns sparsamt med litteratur om arbetet med draperade plagg ur en mönsterkonstruktörs synvinkel. Dessutom tar majoriteten av mönsterkonstruktionsundervisningen sällan upp drapering i ett tidigt stadie (om över huvud taget). Rapportens syfte är att undersöka hur en mönsterkonstruktör kan gå tillväga för att översätta draperade plagg till reproducerbara tvådimensionella mönster. Som underlag för studien har tre plagg draperade på docka av en extern handledare använts. Det första plagget är en vävd klänning, det andra en klänning i trikå och det tredje en quiltad väst. I originaldraperingarnas tyg markeras fästpunkter och eventuella skärningar noga, därefter monteras draperingen ned, delarna kalkeras av och toiler sys upp och provas på dockor och provpersoner i flera omgångar tills önskat resultat erhålls. De slutgiltiga mönsterdelarna digitaliseras in i programvaran Modaris (Lectra Systemes) där linjer finputsas och kontrollmäts och plaggen graderas. Studien visar hur en mer direkt förståelse för hur tyg och form påverkas av kroppen kan uppnås med hjälp av draperingsbaserad mönsterkonstruktion. Det behöver inte finnas en motsättning mellan de olika sätten att arbeta, eftersträvansvärt vore istället att mönster-konstruktörer behärskar så många tekniker som möjligt för att kunna nå ett bra slutresultat / Program: Designteknikerutbildningen
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Att skapa en digital samling : En kvalitativ studie kring de socialpolitiska faktorerna som rör KB:s val att inte använda DIGSAM i sin digitala verksamhet / Building a digital collection : A qualitative study of the sociopolitical factors related to KB's choice not to use DIGSAM in their digital operationsJensen, Liselott January 2012 (has links)
This thesis purpose is to investigate the sociopolitical factors and causes that led to why KB chose not to use the criteria and guidelines for their digitization activities are described in DIGSAM. To do this I focused on three research questions;- What factors (internal / external) led to the decision not to use the criteria guidelines for digitization, which is described in the policy document DIGSAM and what arguments and opinions formed the basis for the decision.- What is the Library's digitization activities, the factors, criteria and guidelines governing activity in the current situation? - Will KB's choice not to use DIGSAM as a whole in their digitization activities affect national library's role as a beacon for the Swedish libraries digital work? In what way and why? In order to answer these questions I interviewed three of KB:s librarians who had extensive knowledge of digitization and DIGSAM. I chose to also use a pilotstudy that was conducted at KB in the of spring 2010. The idea was to use this material as a basis to build on.As a theoretical framework, I chose to use a socio-political theory of Ingrid Mason. The results of my study was that KB's choice not to use DIGSAM was due to economic, infrastructural and organizational elements. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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