Spelling suggestions: "subject:"colearning environment"" "subject:"bylearning environment""
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Låt barnen leka! : Förskollärares resonemang om lek i förskolan / Let the children play! : Preschool teachers´reasoning about play in preschoolHenningsson, Emma January 2023 (has links)
The study has been conducted with the purpose to increase knowledge about preschool teachers´ conceptions and how play emerges as a tool for stimulating children´s learning and development in the reasoning of preschool teachers. A qualitative method with semi-structured interviews and a flexible interview guide was used to collect data. A phenomenographic analysis model has been used, along with Vygotsky`s sociocultural theory, to analyze preschool teachers´ perceptions and experiences towards play and play as a tool for this study. The result shows different nuances of conceptions and of the preschool teachers roles in play such as directive, non-directive, roleplaying, interest-creating, attentive, safety-promoting, guiding, supporting, and participating. Childrens influence over play activities is identified by the preschool teachers in pedagogical documentation, mapping and the preschool teachers coordinated reflection work injunction with their planning of the preschool environment, by adding or removing different materials or make other changes in the play and learning environment with the aim to stimulate children´s creativity or interest. In this study these changes are limited by the different preschools economy to create appropriate learning environment and to acquire relevant material. The results indicate that preschool teachers´ participation in play is seen as crucial for the development and conditions of play. The preschool teachers emphasize that play is always prioritized, but their participation varies somewhat in terms of being non-directive, directive, role-playing, interest-creating, guiding, safety-promoting, or participating. Children´s influence on the activities is made visible in various ways trough documentation, mapping, and reflection work when preschool teachers plan, provide materials, and make changes in the play and learning environment to stimulate children´s creativity and interests. However, it is evident that there are certain limitations in terms of finances and suitable premises that can have a negative impact. / Studien har genomförts med syftet att öka kunskapen om hur förskollärare uppfattar sitt förhållningssätt samt hur leken som verktyg för att stimulera barns lärande och utveckling framträder i förskollärares resonemang. En kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer med en flexibel intervjuguide har använts för datainsamling. En fenomenografisk analysmodell har tillsammans med Vygotskijs sociokulturella teori använts för att analysera förskollärares uppfattningar om leken och leken som verktyg för denna studie. I analysen av studien framträder förskollärares olika förhållningssätt och deras roll i leken. Resultatet visar en bredd i förhållningssätt och roller, såsom styrande, icke styrande, rollspelande, intresseskapande, inlyssnande, trygghetsskapande, vägledande, stöttande och medlekande. I resultatet framkommer att förskollärares uppfattningar om lekens betydelse har stor inverkan på hur de prioriterar leken i sitt arbete. Förskollärares deltagande i lek uppfattas ha en central betydelse för lekens utveckling och förutsättningar. Studien visar att leken alltid prioriteras, men förskollärarnas deltagande varierar från icke styrande, styrande, rollspelande, intresseskapande, vägledande, trygghetsskapande till medlekare. Barns inflytande i verksamheten synliggörs på olika sätt till exempel genom dokumentation, kartläggning och reflektionsarbete när förskollärare planerar, tillför material och förändrar i lek- och lärmiljön för att stimulera barnens kreativitet och intressen. Det framkommer att det finns vissa begränsningar vad gäller förskolornas ekonomi för att skapa ändamålsenliga lokaler och att ha tillgång till relevanta material.
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Förskolans ateljé : En intervjustudie om kvalitén i förskolans ateljés lärmiljö / The preschool's studio : An interview study on the quality of the preschool studio's learningAbrahamsson, Linnéa January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med en ökad kunskap om vilka kvalitetsaspekter på olika nivåer som kan påverka barns möjlighet till kreativ utveckling i förskolans ateljé. Studiens empiri samlades in genom semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer. Analysen gjordes efter Wallins (2023) modell förskolans pedagogiska miljöer. I resultatet framkom att det finns kvalitetsaspekter i organisation, miljö, material, pedagogers kunskap samt i pedagogers förhållningssätt som påverkar barns möjlighet till kreativ utveckling i förskolans ateljé. Mitt forskningsbidrag är en utveckling av Wallins (2023) modell. / The purpose of this study is to contribute with an increased knowledge of which quality aspects at different levels can affect children's opportunity for creative development in the preschool studio. The study's empirical data was collected through semi-structured qualitative interviews. The analysis was done according to Wallin's (2023) model of preschool educational environments. The results showed that there are quality aspects in organization, environment, materials, pedagogues' knowledge and in pedagogues' approach that affect children's opportunity for creative development in the preschool's studio. My research contribution is a development of Wallin's (2023) model.
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Lärandemiljö för ett undersökande arbetssätt : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärarnas beskrivningar och tillvägagångssätt om lärandemiljö och produktiva frågor / Teaching environment in an investigavtive way to work : A qualitative study about the teacher from preschools descriptions and approach to learning environment and productive questionsMalmqvist, Malin, Engström, Sabina January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om lärandemiljöer för undersökande arbetssätt i förskolan. Utifrån studiens syfte valdes semistrukturerad intervju som metod. I studien har åtta förskollärare intervjuats för att belysa deras beskrivningar hur de inkluderar lärmiljön utifrån undersökande arbetssätt. Undersökande arbetssätt kopplas i studien till produktiva frågor inom naturvetenskaplig undervisning. Studien utgår ifrån sociokulturella perspektivet där begreppen mentala redskap, artefakter, appropriering och scaffolding är i fokus. Begreppen har valts för att analysera förskollärarnas beskrivning av deras tillvägagångssätt kopplat till naturvetenskaplig undervisning. Utifrån resultatet beskriver förskollärarna att de skapar lärandemiljöer i förskolan kopplat till naturvetenskap genom att kombinera läroplanen, barnens avtryck och intresse. Detta genom att observera och dokumentera barnen för att synliggöra detta i förskolans lärmiljöer. Materialet i lärmiljön har stor betydelse för att skapa en lärmiljö som inspirerar barnen att undersöka och utforska. Materialet ska vara i barnens höjd där barnen får vara självständiga påvisar resultatet. Resultatet belyser förskollärarnas beskrivningar av hur de skapar förutsättningar för produktiva frågor hos barnen i undersökande arbetssätt i naturvetenskaplig undervisning. Detta för att skapa en trygg atmosfär där barnens frågor får ta plats. För att skapa en trygg atmosfär inkluderas engagerade, nyfikna och medvetna förskollärare som resultatet visar. Vid olika undervisningssituationer och experiment krävs en ämneskompetent förskollärare som inkluderar ämnesinriktade begrepp i undervisningen. Resultatet indikerar för ett behov av kompetensutveckling inom naturvetenskaplig undervisning. Förskollärarna beskriver en osäkerhet för att utmana och stötta barnens lärande utifrån barnens upptäckter och utforskande. / The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge about learning environment for an investigative approach in preschool. Based on the purpose of the study, a semi-structured interview was chosen as the method. In the study, eight preschool teachers were interviewed to illuminate their descriptions of how they include the learning environment with investigative approach. Investigative approach is connected in the study to productive questions in science teaching. The study is based on the sociocultural perspective were the concepts as mental tools, artefacts, appropriation and scaffolding are in focus. The concepts have been chosen to analyze the preschool teacher’s descriptions of their approach connected to science teaching. Based on the results, the preschool teachers describe that they create learning environments in the preschool connected to science by combining the curriculum, children´s imprint and interests. This by observing and documenting the children to make this visible in the preschool´s learning environments. The material in the learning environment is of great importance to creating a learning environment that inspires the children to investigate and explore. The material should be at the children´s height, where the children can be independent the result shows. The results sheds light the preschool teacher’s descriptions of how they create the conditions for productive questions for the children in investigative approach in science teaching. This is to create a safe atmosphere where the children´s questions can take place. To create a safe atmosphere engaged, curious and aware preschool teachers are included, as the results show. In various teaching situations and experiments, a subject-competent preschool teacher is required who includes subject-oriented concepts in the teaching. The result indicates a need for competence development in science teaching. The preschool teachers describe an insecurity to challenge and support the children´s learning based on the children´s discoveries and explorations.
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Anpassningar i den ordinarie undervisningen för elever med språkstörning i gymnasieskolan : En kvantitativ studie om anpassningar för elever med språkstörning samt om relationen mellan lärares utbildning och erfarenhet inom området och olika anpassningar och stöd i verksamheten / Adjustments in Regular Education for Pupils with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) in Upper Secondary School : A quantitative Study about Adjustments for Pupils with DLD and the Relation between Teachers' Education, Experience within the Area, and Adjustments and Support in the EducationTörn, Marie, Högberg, Angelica January 2022 (has links)
Majoriteten av alla gymnasieelever med språkstörning går i ordinarie verksamheter i gymnasieskolan. Trots det beskrivs ofta språkstörning som en relativt okänd funktionsnedsättning. Syftet med denna studie var att bidra med kunskap om vilka typer av anpassningar och stöd som erbjuds elever med språkstörning inom ramen för den ordinarie undervisningen. Studien syftade vidare till att bidra med kunskap om relationen mellan lärares utbildning och erfarenhet inom området och olika anpassningar och stöd i verksamheten. Studien är kvantitativ med en deduktiv ansats. Studiens teoretiska ramverk lyfter framför allt fram kommunikationsstödjande lärmiljöer utifrån dimensionerna språkinlärningsmiljö, språkinlärningsmöjligheter och språkinlärningsinteraktioner. Populationen utgjordes av gymnasielärare. Ett stratifierat icke-proportionellt slumpmässigt urval av kommuner gjordes. Urvalsramen var ett utdrag ur skolenhetsregistret. Datainsamlingsmetoden var en digital enkät. Enkäten skickades till rektorer i valda kommuner för vidarebefordran till gymnasielärare. I studien deltog 186 personer. Insamlad empiri analyserades med hjälp av deskriptiv statistik och variansanalyser. Resultatet visade att de svarande instämde helt eller delvis i majoriteten av de undersökta anpassningarna. Inom språkinlärningsmiljö återfanns de anpassningar som flest av de svarande helt eller delvis tog avstånd ifrån. Sammantaget visar resultatet att det är lärare som har haft möjlighet att kompetensutveckla/fortbilda sig som har störst medvetenhet och vilja att göra vissa anpassnignar som de tror kan gynna elever med olika former av språkstörning. Formell utbildning, år i yrket och typ av lärarexamen tycks däremot ha en marginell eller liten betydelse för hur lärare anpassar, prioriterar och riktar sin undervisning till elever med språkstörning. / The majority of all the upper secondary pupils with developmental language disorder (DLD) participate in regular education. Still, DLD is often described as a relatively unknown disability. The aim of this study was to broaden the knowledge of (1) what type of adjustments and support are offered to pupils with DLD in regular education, and (2) the relation between teachers' education, experience within the area, and adjustments and support in the education. It was a quantative study with a deductive approach. The theoretical framework was a theory about communication supporting classrooms based on the dimensions, language learning environment, language learning opportunities and language learning interactions. The population was upper secondary school teachers. A stratified random disproportionate sample of municipalities was conducted where the sample space was an extract from the school unit register. A survey was sent to heads of schools for forwarding to teachers. 186 individuals participated in the study. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and variance analysis. The results showed that the respondents fully or partially agreed with most of the adjustments proposed in the questionnaire. However, the fewest number of adjustments were made within the language learning environment. Overall, the results show that teachers who have had the opportunity to participate in professional development showed the greatest awareness and willingness to make certain adjustments that they believe can benefit pupils with various forms of DLD. Whereas formal training, years in the profession and type of teaching degree, seem to have a marginal influence on how teachers adapt, prioritize and direct their teaching to pupils with DLD.
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[pt] A pandemia de COVID-19 revelou problemas graves gerados devido às mudanças
climáticas e econômicas que o mundo vem passando há décadas. O mundo parou e teve
que se reinventar a essa nova condição real. No dado momento, fez-se necessário uma
conscientização própria e o entendimento da urgência de que cada indivíduo devesse ser
estimulado a transformar seus hábitos. Como fonte de inspiração e de vasto material
humano de pesquisa o foco foi o meio acadêmico, onde meu objetivo foi realizar um
diagnóstico sobre as mudanças trazidas pela pandemia de COVID-19 a um Ambiente
Virtual de Aprendizagem, no que tange suas interfaces e a experiência do usuário, a partir
de um estudo de caso. Algumas questões foram levantadas na pesquisa: As mudanças
atenderam realmente as necessidades dos discentes e docentes da IES em estudo? Passado
o isolamento social elas precisam de revisão? De que forma elas impactam o ensino hoje,
com as atividades retomadas presencialmente? Em relação à abordagem, defini como
método de investigação no primeiro momento, fase 1, a pesquisa exploratória e no
segundo momento, fase 2, a pesquisa explicativa. Os procedimentos técnicos adotados
são: fase 1, primeiro uma pesquisa bibliográfica e na sequencia uma revisão sistemática
de literatura para complementar o que já foi investigado. De início na fase 2, apliquei o
questionário aos docentes e aos discentes, respeitando o filtro temporal estipulado entre
2019 até 2023 para a escolha dos possíveis participantes que, apesar da divulgação por e-mail e Instagram teve baixa adesão. As técnicas: grupo de foco e entrevista
contextualizada, fase 2, aconteceram de forma simultânea e permitiram o avanço na
coleta de informações a partir de suas aplicações. Após toda a coleta de informações
apresentei os resultados descritos na análise comparativa dos resultados. Por fim, obtive
meios a responder as questões levantadas na pesquisa, pois de acordo com o que consegui
concluo que sim as mudanças atenderam as necessisades da época, precisam de constante
revisão e atualização e o AVA do UNISIGNORELLI, Prisma WEB, acrescentou em suas
funcionalidades, as modificações propostas durante e após a pandemia. / [en] The COVID-19 pandemic revealed serious problems generated due to the climate
and economic changes that the world has been experiencing for decades. The world
stopped and had to reinvent itself to this new real condition. At a given moment, it was
necessary to raise awareness and understand the urgency that each individual should be
encouraged to transform their habits. As a source of inspiration and vast human research
material, the focus was the academic environment, where my objective was to carry out a
diagnosis on the changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic to a Virtual Learning
Environment, regarding its interfaces and experience. of the user, based on a case study.
Some questions were raised in the research: Did the changes really meet the needs of
students and teachers at the HEI under study? After social isolation, do they need
review? How do they impact teaching today, with activities resumed in person?
Regarding the approach, I defined exploratory research as the research method in the
first phase, phase 1, and explanatory research in the second phase, phase 2. The
technical procedures adopted are: phase 1, first a literature search and then a systematic
literature review to complement what has already been investigated. Initially in phase 2, I
administered the questionnaire to teachers and students, respecting the time filter
stipulated between 2019 and 2023 to choose possible participants, which, despite
dissemination via email and Instagram, had low participation. The techniques: focus
group and contextualized interview, phase 2, took place simultaneously and allowed
progress in collecting information from its applications. After all the information
collection, I presented the results described in the comparative analysis of the results.
Finally, I obtained the means to answer the questions raised in the research, because
according to what I was able to conclude that yes, the changes met the needs of the time,
they need constant review and updating and the UNISIGNORELLI AVA, Prisma WEB,
added to its features, the modifications proposed during and after the pandemic.
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”Det är väl inget extra arbete utöver det vi redan måste göra?” : - En aktionsstudie om tillgängliga lärmiljöer med fokus på diskussionerna inom ett lärararbetslag.Hatakka, Charlotta January 2024 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att synliggöra och öka kunskapen om skolutvecklande processer i grundskolan med fokus på alla elevers rätt till en likvärdig utbildning. För att uppnå syftet undersöktes vad lärarna fokuserade på i diskussionerna i uppstarten av arbetet och hur fokuset ändrades under arbetets gång samt vilka möjligheter och hinder som blev synliga under processen. För att undersöka detta användes aktionsforskning som ansats och ett projektarbete skapades om tillgängliga lärmiljöer. Studien är kvalitativ och empirin grundar sig på fokusgruppsamtal, loggböcker och intervjuer. För att analysera resultatet från empirin användes teorin om praktikarkitektur vilket även möjliggjorde synliggörandet av sägandet i samtalen utifrån forskningsfrågorna. Teorin om praktikarkitektur är en allmänt vedertagen metod för att analysera resultat från aktionsforskning. Studiens resultat visade att lärarna till en början fokuserade på de hinder de tyckte sig se i praktiken. I samtalen diskuterade de att förutsättningarna för arbetet utifrån elevers varierande behov, klassrumsmiljön och tid. Målsättning med deltagandet fick även det stort utrymme i diskussionerna. En bit in på projektet började lärarna fokusera mer på de positiva effekterna av att arbeta med lärmiljön och den förändrade syn de hade fått om arbetet. Förutsättningar för arbetet fortsatte att ta utrymme i diskussionerna, men innefattade då även ekonomi och samarbete. Möjligheter och hinder synliggjordes. Det som möjliggjorde arbetet var att avsätta tid för arbetet, samarbete och handledning samt en ökad förståelse för lärmiljöns betydelse. Det som hindrade arbetet var tidsbrist, ekonomi och till viss del den solidaritet som fanns i arbetslaget. / The purpose of the study is to highlight and increase knowledge about school development processes in compulsory school with a focus on all students' right to an equal education. To achieve the purpose, it was investigated what the teachers focused on in the discussions at the start of the work and how the focus changed during the work as well as what opportunities and obstacles became visible during the process. To investigate this, action research was used as an approach and a project work was created on accessible learning environments. The study is qualitative and the empirical data is based on focus group discussions, logbooks and interviews. To analyze the results from the empirical data, the theory of practice architecture was used, which also made it possible to make the saying visible in the conversations based on the research questions. The theory of practice architecture is a generally accepted method for analysing results from action research. The results of the study showed that the teachers initially focused on the obstacles they thought they saw in practice. In the conversations, they discussed that the conditions for the work are based on the students' varying needs, the classroom environment and time. The goal of participation was also given a lot of space in the discussions. A bit into the project, the teachers began to focus more on the positive effects of working with the learning environment and the changed view they had gained about the work. The conditions for the work continued to take up space in the discussions, but then also included finances and cooperation. Opportunities and obstacles were made visible. What made the work possible was to set aside time for the work, cooperation and supervision as well as an increased understanding of the importance of the learning environment. What hindered the work was lack of time, finances and, to some extent, the solidarity that existed in the team.
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Constructing a modelling-based learning environment for the enhancement of learner performance in Grade 6 mathematics classrooms : a design study / Frans Martin van SchalkwykVan Schalkwyk, Frans Martin January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to focus on constructing a modelling-based learning environment to improve learner performance in grade 6 mathematics classrooms. The purpose emanates from the continued poor performance of learners in mathematics at different school levels, especially grade 6. The teaching and learning of mathematics is explained from an ontological point of departure, focussing on constructivist paradigms. Different types of constructivism are discussed with special attention to the school mathematics domain. The learning, problem based learning, problem solving and learning environment are key components in the discussion. A theoretical perspective on the design of modelling as a powerful learning environment in primary schools mathematics classrooms is provided. Focus is placed on the applicability of the modelling-based learning environment on the South African mathematics curriculum and on study orientation as a key component to help develop an understanding of why learners perform or do not perform in mathematics.
A mixed method research design, in which quantitative and qualitative are combined to achieve the outcomes of the research problem, is chosen for this research study project to provide a purposeful research framework. The findings of the research include not only learners’ improvement in dealing with non-routine, mathematical word problems but also in general-routine, mathematical word problems. A second finding shows that the overall SOM pre/post/retention showed good reliability, acceptable construct validity, good practical significance, and large effect but had low to medium effect in individual fields. The univariate analysis for the Crossover design used indicated that the problem solving field had statistical significance and practical significance, and the study milieu and mathematical confidence field might have statistical significance and practical significance. The third finding provided evidence concerning teacher administration, teacher and learner interaction, assessment and homework. The findings from the quantitative and qualitative data-analysis and interpretations, and literature review, guided the researcher in proposing a construct for a modelling-based learning environment as a means to improve learners’ mathematics performance in grade 6 mathematics classes in the John Toalo Gaetswe (JTG) District.
The contribution that this study makes is to propose a construct for a modelling-based learning environment to improve learner performance in grade 6 mathematics. / PhD (Mathematics Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Constructing a modelling-based learning environment for the enhancement of learner performance in Grade 6 mathematics classrooms : a design study / Frans Martin van SchalkwykVan Schalkwyk, Frans Martin January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to focus on constructing a modelling-based learning environment to improve learner performance in grade 6 mathematics classrooms. The purpose emanates from the continued poor performance of learners in mathematics at different school levels, especially grade 6. The teaching and learning of mathematics is explained from an ontological point of departure, focussing on constructivist paradigms. Different types of constructivism are discussed with special attention to the school mathematics domain. The learning, problem based learning, problem solving and learning environment are key components in the discussion. A theoretical perspective on the design of modelling as a powerful learning environment in primary schools mathematics classrooms is provided. Focus is placed on the applicability of the modelling-based learning environment on the South African mathematics curriculum and on study orientation as a key component to help develop an understanding of why learners perform or do not perform in mathematics.
A mixed method research design, in which quantitative and qualitative are combined to achieve the outcomes of the research problem, is chosen for this research study project to provide a purposeful research framework. The findings of the research include not only learners’ improvement in dealing with non-routine, mathematical word problems but also in general-routine, mathematical word problems. A second finding shows that the overall SOM pre/post/retention showed good reliability, acceptable construct validity, good practical significance, and large effect but had low to medium effect in individual fields. The univariate analysis for the Crossover design used indicated that the problem solving field had statistical significance and practical significance, and the study milieu and mathematical confidence field might have statistical significance and practical significance. The third finding provided evidence concerning teacher administration, teacher and learner interaction, assessment and homework. The findings from the quantitative and qualitative data-analysis and interpretations, and literature review, guided the researcher in proposing a construct for a modelling-based learning environment as a means to improve learners’ mathematics performance in grade 6 mathematics classes in the John Toalo Gaetswe (JTG) District.
The contribution that this study makes is to propose a construct for a modelling-based learning environment to improve learner performance in grade 6 mathematics. / PhD (Mathematics Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Innovative teaching strategies within a nursing education modelPotgieter, Eugené 06 1900 (has links)
Recent nursing literature has repeatedly proclaimed the need for creativity in nursing.
The complexity of contemporary nursing practice as a result of the explosion of
knowledge and technology, changing human values and diverse health care systems,
requires an innovative and creative nurse who can adapt to change and provide holistic,
individualised, context-specific patient care. Higher levels of cognitive thought, creative
thinking and problem-solving skills have been stressed as desirable qualities of student
nurses. It is suggested in the literature that the evolution of innovative strategies and the
ways to implement them into nursing curricula be explored in order to assist and
encourage students to develop these higher cognitive skills.
From an analytical study of the literature which was undertaken with the aim of exploring
the nature of creativity and the processes involved in creative thinking and learning, and
of identifying innovative strategies particularly relevant to the teaching of nursing, it
became apparent that the most significant determinants in teaching for creativity, are the
learning enviromnent, the educator-student relationship, and the provision of a variety
of teaching strategies, which are student-centred with a problem-solving focus. It was
established that stimulation of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain is essential
for the development of creative thinking skills.
Based on the insights and knowledge gained in the study, a nursing education model for
the fostering of creativity was developed. This model encompasses a wide variety of
didactic considerations and is designed to stimulate whole brain learning. It is hoped that
its use will be of value in the production of innovative and courageous nurse practitioners
who will be better equipped to cope with the changes and challenges of their working
environment and be able to provide context-specific nursing care. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Nursing Science)
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Information Retrieval in der Lehre / Teaching Information Retrieval - Supporting the Acquisition of Practical Knowledge About Information Retrieval Components Using Real-World Experiments and Game MechanicsWilhelm-Stein, Thomas 26 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Das Thema Information Retrieval hat insbesondere in Form von Internetsuchmaschinen eine große Bedeutung erlangt. Retrievalsysteme werden für eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Rechercheszenarien eingesetzt, unter anderem für firmeninterne Supportdatenbanken, aber auch für die Organisation persönlicher E-Mails.
Eine aktuelle Herausforderung besteht in der Bestimmung und Vorhersage der Leistungsfähigkeit einzelner Komponenten dieser Retrievalsysteme, insbesondere der komplexen Wechselwirkungen zwischen ihnen. Für die Implementierung und Konfiguration der Retrievalsysteme und der Retrievalkomponenten werden Fachleute benötigt. Mithilfe der webbasierten Lernanwendung Xtrieval Web Lab können Studierende praktisches Wissen über den Information Retrieval Prozess erwerben, indem sie Retrievalkomponenten zu einem Retrievalsystem zusammenstellen und evaluieren, ohne dafür eine Programmiersprache einsetzen zu müssen. Spielemechaniken leiten die Studierenden bei ihrem Entdeckungsprozess an, motivieren sie und verhindern eine Informationsüberladung durch eine Aufteilung der Lerninhalte. / Information retrieval has achieved great significance in form of search engines for the Internet. Retrieval systems are used in a variety of research scenarios, including corporate support databases, but also for the organization of personal emails.
A current challenge is to determine and predict the performance of individual components of these retrieval systems, in particular the complex interactions between them. For the implementation and configuration of retrieval systems and retrieval components professionals are needed. By using the web-based learning application Xtrieval Web Lab students can gain practical knowledge about the information retrieval process by arranging retrieval components in a retrieval system and their evaluation without using a programming language. Game mechanics guide the students in their discovery process, motivate them and prevent information overload by a partition of the learning content.
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