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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse de la démocratie à travers la répartition de la richesse nationale : le cas de la Turquie / Analysis of democracy through the distribution of the national wealth : the case of Turkey

Berksoy, İrem 26 November 2014 (has links)
Cette étude traite de la répartition de la richesse nationale en Turquie vis-à-vis des principes démocratiques. La richesse nationale peut être formulée à des fins d'utilisation dans le domaine juridique comme le total du patrimoine des ménages et des personnes morales de droit public de l’année précédente additionné au produit national net de l'année donnée. La démocratie exprime la possibilité pour chacun de participer à la politique (la participation) avec ses différences (dans ses intérêts- selon son revenu, son âge, son état de santé et des états similaires- et son idéologie) et d’avoir ainsi une influence en politique à travers ses différences (le pluralisme). Cette étude se base sur l'idée que doit être analysée avant tout la manière dont est répartie la richesse du peuple pour savoir si l'Etat revêt un caractère démocratique. En effet, l’attente de chacun d’une organisation comme l’Etat ne peut être qu’une meilleure vie et cette dernière satisfaisant tous les besoins des hommes tels que l’hébergement, la santé, l’enseignement, la liberté, la culture, les espaces verts a une contrepartie monétaire. / This study deals with the distribution of the national wealth in Turkey according to the principles of democracy. National wealth can be formulated for use in the legal field as the sum of the previous year’s household assets and the assets of legal persons governed by public law added to the net national product of the current year. Democracy is the possibility for everyone to participate in politics (participation) with his or her differences (in his or her interests based on income, age, state of health and similar conditions and his or her ideology) and thus to have an influence in politics through his or her differences (pluralism). This study is based on the idea that the way which the national wealth is distributed must be brought up before anything else, in order to find out whether a state has a democratic nature or not. Indeed, everyone expects a better life from an organization like the state, and such a life satisfying all human needs such as housing, health, education, freedom, culture, green spaces has a monetary consideration.

Perceptions about Student Diversity and Equity in Early Childhood Science Education: A Teacher Preparation Study

Lee, Eun Young 05 1900 (has links)
Using a mixed-methods approach, the current study examined the relationship between early childhood preservice teachers' cultural awareness and their self-efficacy in equitable science education. It further aimed to determine if the relationship between these two constructs was moderated by their race/ethnicity or the number of languages they speak. Finally, it sought to identify preservice teachers' understanding of equity in science education, as well as how they planned to incorporate the equity concept into their future science teaching practices for diverse learners in early childhood classrooms. Data for this study were drawn from 380 preservice teachers who self-enrolled in a science methods course as part of a teacher preparation program. To measure the preservice teachers' cultural awareness and self-efficacy in equitable science education, two Likert-scale instruments, Cultural Diversity Awareness Inventory (CDAI) and Self-Efficacy Beliefs about Equitable Science Teaching and Learning (SEBEST), were employed. Qualitative data were collected by administering six open-ended questions. For quantitative results, statistically significant findings indicated that when the participants were more aware of creating a multicultural environment and instruction and/or when they were less biased and were more sensitive/knowledgeable about diversity of students and families, their expectations about science learning of students from diverse backgrounds would be higher. Furthermore, when the participants were more aware of creating a multicultural environment and instruction and/or when they felt more comfortable about confronting students or parents whose cultures and languages were different from their own, they tended to have a stronger sense of efficacy in teaching science to those students. In addition, when the participants were less biased and were also sensitive and knowledgeable about students' and families' diverse backgrounds, they were more likely to have a strong sense of science teaching efficacy. Along with these findings, participants' race/ethnicity was a statistically significant moderator affecting the relationship between their sense of science teaching outcome expectancy and awareness of creating a multicultural environment and instruction. When the awareness of creating a multicultural environment and instruction of both White and non-White participants were increased at an equal level, White participants' expectations for science learning of students from diverse backgrounds were higher than those of non-White participants. Measurement challenges were identified through the analysis process that compromised the validity of the quantitative findings. Thus, they should be interpreted with caution. For qualitative results, three predominant themes related to the participants' conceptualization of equity in science education were identified. First, the participants harbored alternative understandings of the definitions of equity in science education. One third of the participants understood equity as providing appropriate access and support based on the levels of students' needs whereas another one third defined equity as providing identical teaching services and resources to all students regardless of their backgrounds. They also conceptualized equity in science education as an issue independent of their future students' racial/ethnic backgrounds; instead, they regarded it as a subject associated with their students' English proficiency.

Le cadre juridique des investissements internationaux en République démocratique du Congo / The legal framework for international investment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Iririra Nganga, Dan 29 June 2019 (has links)
L’investissement étranger est considéré aujourd’hui comme un facteur clé voire une valeur ajoutée à même de faciliter le développement de l’État d’accueil. Ainsi, l'État congolais mise sur l’amélioration de son arsenal juridique interne dont l’objectif consiste à attirer de nombreux investisseurs et investissements étrangers sur son territoire. Pour ce faire, des réformes tendant à l’amélioration de principaux textes juridiques applicables directement ou indirectement en matière d’admission et de sécurisation des investissements étrangers afin de se conformer aux standards internationaux deviennent une obsession pour cet État, dont la finalité demeure : la valorisation de ses ressources naturelles notamment le cobalt, le germanium et la colombo-tantalite etc. très souvent inexploitées et utile à même de servir à la production des batteries pour les voitures électriques. Il serait donc nécessaire désormais que le contrôle de l’État souverain sur ses ressources naturelles considérées comme des minerais stratégiques soit davantage renforcé et que le contentieux en matière d’investissement soit confié à des entités qui prennent en compte l’intérêt général au détriment des arbitrages sous l’égide des arbitres privés, défendant les intérêts privés. Ainsi, la création d’un Centre international africain de règlement des différends pourrait être profitable notamment en permettant aux experts africains - tant arbitres qu’avocats - d’être plus présents dans le cadre des procédures impliquant leurs États d’origine / Foreign investment is now considered a key factor or even an added value that can facilitate the development of the host country. Thus, the Congolese State is focusing on improving its domestic legal arsenal, the objective of which is to attract many foreign investors and investments to its territory. To this end, reforms aimed at improving the main legal texts directly or indirectly applicable to the admission and security of foreign investments in order to comply with international standards are becoming an obsession for this State, the purpose of which remains: the development of its natural resources, in particular cobalt, germanium and colombo-tantalite etc., which are very often unexploited and useful for the production of batteries for electric cars. It would therefore now be necessary for the sovereign State to strengthen its control over its natural resources considered as strategic minerals and for investment litigation to be entrusted to entities that take into account the general interest to the detriment of arbitrations under the aegis of private arbitrators, defending private interests. Thus, the creation of an African International Dispute Resolution Centre could be beneficial, in particular by allowing African experts - both arbitrators and lawyers - to be more present in proceedings involving their States of origin

Sekretariát OSN: Reprezentativní vzorek světové populace nebo převaha určitých skupin? / UN Secretariat: Representative sample of the world population or dominance of specific groups?

Bartošová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
This thesis attempts to apply the Representative Bureaucracy theory established and developed within the Public Administration scholarship addressing the lack of formal accountability of bureaucratic bodies on the case of the largest international bureaucracy in the world - the United Nations Secretariat. It builds on the normative presumption that it is necessary to staff the bureaucracy proportionally from all the societal groups so that it reflected the values of the society in whole and the policy outcomes corresponded to those produced if all the society participated in the process. Accordingly, we aspire to find out whether the UN Secretariat is a representative sample of the world population in terms of its bureaucrats' national affiliation, and, if not, what are the factors associated with a better relative representation of a Member State in the UN Secretariat. Through the usage of descriptive statistics tools and Ordinary Least Squares Multiple Linear Regression, we find out that the per capita representation of different Member States in the UN Secretariat is by no means equal and, thus, the UN Secretariat is not a representative sample of the world population. Moreover, the research identified internal capacity of a country to ensure wellbeing and opportunities of its people and low...

Managing care pathways for patients with complex care needs

Smeds, Magdalena January 2019 (has links)
One of the central challenges for the healthcare system today is how to manage care for patients with complex needs. This patient group is not well-defined but covers patients with serious diseases and comorbidities, or with a limited ability to perform basic daily functions due to physical, mental or psychosocial challenges. This group has a high service and resource utilisation resulting in high costs for the healthcare system and, typically, poor health outcomes. To improve care for these patients, it is necessary to implement strategies to manage the differentiated care needs, the additional support needs, the uncertainty in care delivery, and the coordination needs of the involved providers and the patient. Care pathways are increasingly used internationally to make care more patient-centred and to structure and design care processes for individual patient groups. Important elements in care pathways include structuring care activities, by defining their content and sequence; coordinating between providers and professionals; and involving patients in their care process. In this thesis, care pathways are proposed as the overall strategy for managing care for patients with complex care needs. The purpose of this thesis is thus to contribute with knowledge on how care pathways can be managed for patients with complex care needs. This is achieved by analysing how the practices coordination, standardisation, customisation and personalisation can support management of care pathways and by discussing how these practices influence quality of care. The quality of care dimensions discussed are accessible, timely, equitable, and patient-centred care. The empirical context in this thesis is the Standardised Cancer Care Pathways (CCPs) which were implemented in Sweden from 2015 to 2018. CCPs is the umbrella term for the national initiative to shorten waiting times, decrease regional differences and reduce fragmentation in care processes. CCPs include elements such as diagnosis-specific pathways and guidelines, introduction of CPP coordinators, and mandatory reporting of waiting times. Focus has been on implementing care pathways for 31 cancer diagnoses in all Swedish healthcare regions. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods have been used. A case study was conducted to examine standardised and customised care pathways, and coordination and multidisciplinary work in care pathways. A document study of regional reports on CCPs was analysed to study effects of care pathways on accessibility, timeliness and equitability. Finally, a national survey was conducted to deepen the understanding of the role of coordination, as performed by coordinators, in care pathways. This thesis argues that standardised and customised care pathways should be combined to manage care for patients with complex care needs. The customised pathway in particular benefits patients with serious unspecific symptoms, unknown primary tumour or more complex care needs, while patients with care needs that can be treated independently of the main diagnosis benefit from following a standardised care pathway. Coordinators are an important means to manage coordination, customisation and personalisation in the care pathway. The coordinators’ role is twofold: the first role is to manage care pathways by customising the care pathway and coordinating involved providers; the second role is to support and guide patients through the care pathway. This can be achieved by adapting interpersonal communication with patients through personalisation. This thesis further argues that care pathways have most potential to positively influence accessibility, timeliness, equitability, and patient-centredness. Accessibility has been positively influenced, especially for patients with ambiguous symptoms where symptoms indicating cancer have improved their chances of accessing cancer diagnostics. A negative aspect of prioritising patients who follow CCPs has been the potentially longer waiting times for other patient groups in equal need of urgent care. Notwithstanding, prioritised access to care is perceived to positively influence timeliness for patients following CCPs. Care pathways are perceived to have positively influenced patient-centredness by shifting the focus from what to deliver to how to deliver it.

Поштен и правичан третман страног улагача као правни стандард у међународном инвестиционом праву / Pošten i pravičan tretman stranog ulagača kao pravni standard u međunarodnom investicionom pravu / Fair and Equitable Treatment of Foreign Investor as a Legal Standard in International Investment Law

Rakic Goran 20 September 2019 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify;">Правна заштита страних улагања од некомерцијалних ризика заснована је на примени правних стандарда, тј. начела о третману страних улагања која су настала у оквиру међународног права, и која по правилу обавезују стране у међународноправним односима поводом страних улагања. Међу стандардима заштите страних улагања нарочито се истиче стандард поштеног и правичног третмана по свом правном дејству, широком пољу примене и заступљености у међународним изворима инвестиционог права. Све то за последицу има његову честу примену у пракси.<br />Циљ овог истраживања је свеобухватна анализа стандарда поштеног и правичног третмана, која би пружила општи прегледњегових нормативних извора, тумачења и примене у пракси. На тај начин би научна и стручна јавност у Србији и региону могла имати на једном месту детаљан приказ овог стандарда на српском језику са анализом спорних питања и могућим решењима.<br />У складу са том концепцијом, први део рада садржи преглед међународних извора права, који предвиђају поштен и правичан третман страног улагача. У оквиру међународних уговора о заштити страних улагања приказани су релевантни двострани и вишестрани споразуми.<br />Након тога је изложен настанак и развој стандарда поштеног и правичног третманапре ере инвестиционих споразума и инвестиционих арбитража.У овом делу истраживања пажња је посвећена стандарду минималног третмана из међународног обичајног права и нацртимарелевантних међународних инструмената.<br />Наредна фаза истраживања се односи на правну природу стандарда поштеног и правичног третмана. У том смислу је извршена анализа овог стандарда као дела општег међународног права и као самосталног стандарда међународног инвестиционог права.<br />Најзад, у делу који се односи на садржинустандарда поштеног и правичног третмана приказани су и анализирани елементи његове садржине, као својеврсни подстандарди. Према систематици овог рада, то су: поступање са дужном пажњом и пружање заштитеинвестицији, ускраћивање правде, арбитрарно и дискриминаторско поступање, заштита легитимних очекивања инвеститора, заштита од узнемиравања и савесност државе домаћина. Овај део рада је најобимнији, јер је питање садржине стандарда суштинско за његово правилно разумевање и примену у пракси. Сваки елемент је представљен најпре уз приказ теоријских схватања, а затим кроз анализу арбитражних одлука.<br />На крају рада су изложена закључна разматрања у оквиру којих су сумирани резултати истраживања.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify;">Pravna zaštita stranih ulaganja od nekomercijalnih rizika zasnovana je na primeni pravnih standarda, tj. načela o tretmanu stranih ulaganja koja su nastala u okviru međunarodnog prava, i koja po pravilu obavezuju strane u međunarodnopravnim odnosima povodom stranih ulaganja. Među standardima zaštite stranih ulaganja naročito se ističe standard poštenog i pravičnog tretmana po svom pravnom dejstvu, širokom polju primene i zastupljenosti u međunarodnim izvorima investicionog prava. Sve to za posledicu ima njegovu čestu primenu u praksi.<br />Cilj ovog istraživanja je sveobuhvatna analiza standarda poštenog i pravičnog tretmana, koja bi pružila opšti preglednjegovih normativnih izvora, tumačenja i primene u praksi. Na taj način bi naučna i stručna javnost u Srbiji i regionu mogla imati na jednom mestu detaljan prikaz ovog standarda na srpskom jeziku sa analizom spornih pitanja i mogućim rešenjima.<br />U skladu sa tom koncepcijom, prvi deo rada sadrži pregled međunarodnih izvora prava, koji predviđaju pošten i pravičan tretman stranog ulagača. U okviru međunarodnih ugovora o zaštiti stranih ulaganja prikazani su relevantni dvostrani i višestrani sporazumi.<br />Nakon toga je izložen nastanak i razvoj standarda poštenog i pravičnog tretmanapre ere investicionih sporazuma i investicionih arbitraža.U ovom delu istraživanja pažnja je posvećena standardu minimalnog tretmana iz međunarodnog običajnog prava i nacrtimarelevantnih međunarodnih instrumenata.<br />Naredna faza istraživanja se odnosi na pravnu prirodu standarda poštenog i pravičnog tretmana. U tom smislu je izvršena analiza ovog standarda kao dela opšteg međunarodnog prava i kao samostalnog standarda međunarodnog investicionog prava.<br />Najzad, u delu koji se odnosi na sadržinustandarda poštenog i pravičnog tretmana prikazani su i analizirani elementi njegove sadržine, kao svojevrsni podstandardi. Prema sistematici ovog rada, to su: postupanje sa dužnom pažnjom i pružanje zaštiteinvesticiji, uskraćivanje pravde, arbitrarno i diskriminatorsko postupanje, zaštita legitimnih očekivanja investitora, zaštita od uznemiravanja i savesnost države domaćina. Ovaj deo rada je najobimniji, jer je pitanje sadržine standarda suštinsko za njegovo pravilno razumevanje i primenu u praksi. Svaki element je predstavljen najpre uz prikaz teorijskih shvatanja, a zatim kroz analizu arbitražnih odluka.<br />Na kraju rada su izložena zaključna razmatranja u okviru kojih su sumirani rezultati istraživanja.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify;">Legal protection of foreign investments from non-commercial risks is based onthe application of legal standards i.e. principles of treatment of foreign investment originating from international law, which as a rule bind the parties involved in international legal relationships related to foreign investments. Among all foreign investment protection standards, the fair and equitable treatment standard stands out as the most prominent in its legal effect, broad scope and omnipresence in the international sources of investment law. All these features result in the frequent application of this standard in practice.<br />The goal of this research is a comprehensive analysis of the fair and equitable treatment standard, which would offer a deep insight into its normative sources, interpretation and practical applications. The scientific and professional community both in Serbia and the region would thus obtain a unified and detailed survey of the standard in the Serbian language explaining many disputable issues and their possible solutions.<br />In accordance with the outlined concept, the first partof this research contains a survey of sources of international law which provide for fair and equitable treatment of foreign investors. Among international treaties on foreign investment protection, relevant bilateral and multirateral agreements are reviewed.<br />Following the first part, the second part of this research explains the origin and development of the fair and equitable treatment standard prior to the age of investment agreements and investment arbitration. In the second part, the research focus is on the minimum treatment standard under the international customary law and drafts of relevant international instruments.<br />The next research phase refers to the legal character of the fair and equitable treatment standard. In this sense, an analysis of the standard has been performed, both as an integral part of general international law and as an independant standard of international investment law.<br />Finally, in the part referring to the contents of the fair and equitable treatment standard, elements of the standard are displayed and analysed as sort of substandards. According to the systematics applied in this paper, these are: due diligence in the protection of investment, denial of justice, arbitrary and discriminatory treatment, protection of investor legitimate expectations, and protection against harassment and bad faith of the host country. This is the most comprehensive portion of the paper because the issue of the contents of this standard is essential for its proper understanding and practical application. Each element of the contents is first presented from the doctrinal point of view, and then through the analysis of arbitral awards.<br />In the conclusion that follows in the final part of the paper, the research results are summarized.</p>

La guerre de l’eau, la bataille du Nil : entre accords régionaux, utilisation équitable et devoir de coopération

Gamache, Louis-Paul 04 1900 (has links)
Les rivières, lacs et aquifères transfrontaliers à travers la planète sont des catalyseurs de tension internationale. Le partage des ressources en eau entre les États est sujet à des défis de plus en plus aigus avec une demande en constante croissance et une variabilité de l’offre exacerbée par les changements climatiques. Cet enjeu bénéficie de peu d’encadrement juridique alors que les accords entre États riverains sont exceptionnels et peu efficaces et que le droit en la matière est controversé. Ce mémoire se veut une étude de trois méthodes d’analyse en droit international public des conflits dans le partage de ces cours d’eau partagés en utilisant l’exemple de la construction d’un ouvrage hydraulique d’envergure sur le Nil Bleu, dont l’Éthiopie, le Soudan et l’Égypte sont les tributaires. Une première méthode consiste à étudier les instruments régionaux qui ont tenté d’attribuer les eaux transfrontières et les droits de développement industriel. Une seconde approche propose d’examiner l’application du droit multilatéral et coutumier relatif aux utilisations des cours d'eau internationaux à des fins autres que la navigation. La troisième démarche vise à déterminer l’étendue et les bénéfices de l’obligation de coopérer en droit international public. Une fois ces trois méthodes appliquées, l’auteur arrive à la conclusion que les instruments régionaux du bassin du Nil et le droit international applicable, notamment codifié dans la Convention sur le droit relatif aux utilisations des cours d'eau internationaux à des fins autres que la navigation, n’offrent aucune solution juridique définitive en raison (i) de l’absence de force contraignante ou (ii) de conflits interprétatifs irréconciliables. Quant à elle, l’obligation de coopérer, quoi que limitée dans son étendue, est source d’optimisme. / Transboundary rivers, lakes and aquifers around the world are catalysts for international tension. The sharing of water resources between States is subject to increasingly acute challenges with a constantly growing demand and a variability of supply exacerbated by climate change. This issue benefits from limited legal guidance, while agreements between riparian states are exceptional and inefficient and the law in this area is controversial. This paper examines three methods of analysis in public international law of conflicts in the sharing of these shared watercourses, using the example of the construction of a major hydraulic structure on the Blue Nile, of which Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt are tributaries. A first approach is to examine the regional instruments that have attempted to allocate transboundary waters and industrial development rights. A second approach proposes to examine the application of multilateral and customary international law relating to the non-navigational uses of international watercourses. The third approach seeks to determine the scope and benefits of the duty to cooperate under public international law. After applying these three methods, the author concludes that the regional instruments of the Nile Basin and the applicable international law, notably codified in the Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses, do not offer any firm legal solution due to (i) lack of binding force or (ii) irreconcilable interpretative conflicts. As for the obligation to cooperate, although limited in scope, it is a source of optimism.

A Case Study on Science Teacher Leadership to Address Diversity and Equity Through Professional Development

Doraiswamy, Nithya January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Toward an Equitable Agrarian Commonwealth: Race and the Agrarian Tradition in the Works of Wendell Berry, Allen Tate, and Jean Toomer

Earnhardt, Eric D. 26 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Die Erarbeitung eines inhaltlichen Besucher:innenleitfadens unter Verwendung leicht verständlicher Sprache am Beispiel der Gläsernen Manufaktur der Volkswagen AG in Dresden

Körner, Lydia 30 August 2023 (has links)
Wie lassen sich Themen wie Nachhaltigkeit, Elektromobilität sowie Architektur der Gläsernen Manufaktur barrierefrei und in leicht verständlicher Sprache formulieren und darstellen? Für die Beantwortung dieser Frage ist die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung folgendermaßen gegliedert: Der Einleitung folgend befasst sich Kapitel 2 mit der Thematik der mündlichen Kommunikation. Das Ergebnis der Kommunikation entsteht durch das Zusammenwirken einzelner Dimensionen. Ein Bestandteil ist die Verständlichkeit der gesprochenen Sprache. Durch komplexe Formulierungen können in der Kommunikation Barrieren auftreten. Die Kommunikationsbarrieren lassen sich in verschiedene Arten unterteilen und werden im Kapitel vorgestellt. Die deutsche Standardsprache kann nicht von allen Menschen gleich erfasst werden. Es gibt Menschen, welche Probleme haben die Inhalte zu verstehen. Dies stellt ein Hindernis für die gesellschaftliche Teilhabe dar. Gründe dafür sind kognitive Einschränkungen oder geringe Deutschkenntnisse. Das Kapitel 3 stellt einen Überblick von Konzepten sprachlicher Vereinfachung dar, bei denen die Konzepte Leichte Sprache und Einfache Sprache erklärt und gegenübergestellt werden. In den letzten Jahren entstanden auch Konzepte der verständnisorientieren Sprache. Kapitel 4 stellt Konzepte, wie Klare Sprache, capito und VERSO vor. Alle haben zum Ziel, die deutsche Sprache leicht verständlich anzuwenden, um allen Menschen die Möglichkeit zu geben, an der Gesellschaft teilnehmen zu können. Im Kapitel 5 wird der Begriff Partizipative Forschung betrachtet. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Unternehmen VERSO Dresden gGmbH steht vor allem die gemeinsame Erarbeitung von Materialien mit der jeweiligen Zielgruppe im Vordergrund. Kapitel 6 und 7 weisen auf den Musealen Kontext sowie auf bestimmte Begriffe der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit hin. Die Gläserne Manufaktur bietet Besucher:innenführungen durch das Haus. Die Guides vertreten die Marke Volkswagen. Aus diesem Grund werden einige Begriffe im Kontext des Marketings behandelt. Vor allem die vier Marketing-Ps sind während der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in der Gläsernen Manufaktur wichtig. Kapitel 8 bildet den praktischen Teil der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit. Ziel ist die Erarbeitung eines Besucherleitfadens in leicht verständlicher Sprache für die Gläserne Manufaktur der Volkswagen AG in Dresden in Zusammenarbeit mit Menschen mit kognitiver Beeinträchtigung und Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund. Die sprachliche Auseinandersetzung mit den Führungsthemen in leicht verständlicher Sprache wird durch das Unternehmen VERSO Dresden gGmbH unterstützt. Im praktischen Teil werden die einzelnen Arbeitsschritte betrachtet und vorgestellt. Dieser gliedert sich in die Erstellung eines Fragebogens, der Erarbeitung des leicht verständlichen Besucherleitfadens sowie der Auswertung der einzelnen Besucherführungen.:ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS I TABELLEN- UND ABBILDUNGSVERZEICHNIS II 1. Einleitung 1 2. Sprache, Verständlichkeit und Kommunikationsbarrieren 4 3. Konzepte der sprachlichen Vereinfachung 8 3.1 Das Konzept Leichte Sprache 8 3.1.1 Allgemeine Informationen 8 3.1.2 Ziele, Funktionen und Merkmale der Leichten Sprache 9 3.1.3 Zielgruppe der Leichten Sprache 11 3.1.4 Kritische Aspekte der Leichten Sprache 13 3.2 Einfache Sprache 15 3.3 Vergleich Leichte Sprache und Einfache Sprache 16 3.4 Zwischenfazit: Eine exkludierende Inklusion? 17 4. Konzepte der Verständnisorientierten Sprache 19 4.1 Klare Sprache 19 4.2 capito 20 4.3 VERSO Dresden 20 5. Partizipative Forschung 22 6. Musealer Kontext 25 6.1 Kulturelle Orte 25 6.2 Besucher:innenführungen 25 6.3 Umgang mit leicht verständlichen Besucherführungen 26 6.4 Zwischenfazit 28 7. Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Marketing 29 7.1 Definition und Aufgaben des Marketingprozess 29 Vier Ps des Marketing Mix am Beispiel der Gläsernen Manufaktur 31 7.2 Content Marketing und Corporate Influencer 32 7.3 Zwischenfazit 33 8. Implementierung eines leicht verständlichen Besucherleitfadens 35 8.1 Projektvorstellung 35 8.1.1 Beschreibung und Begründung des Projekts 35 8.1.2 Ablauf des Projektes 35 8.1.3 Vorstellung der Gläsernen Manufaktur von Volkswagen 36 8.2 Vorbereitungen 38 8.2.1 Vorstellung des Fragebogens 38 8.2.2 Auswertung der Fragebögen 42 8.3 Vorstellung der Gruppen 52 8.4 Besucherleitfaden in leicht verständlicher Sprache 53 8.5 Aufbau des Auswertungsbogen 58 8.6 Reflexion der Führungen 59 8.6.1 Besucher:innenführung 09. August 2021 59 8.6.2 Besucher:innenführung 12. August 2021 61 8.6.3 Zwischenfazit 63 8.6.4 Besucher:innenführung 13. September 2021 64 8.6.5 Besucher:innenführung 15. September 2021 65 8.7 Erstellung des Handouts 66 9. Fazit und Ausblick 70 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS 71 VERZEICHNIS DES ANHANGS 76 SELBSTSTÄNDIGKEITSERKLÄRUNG 125

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