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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determining matrimonial property rights on divorce : an appraisal of the legal regimes in Botswana

Quansah, E. K. 06 1900 (has links)
The bulk of the matrimonial property regimes operating in Botswana were inherited from the country's colonial past. Since independence there ha'> not been any realistic attempt to reform them. The thesis set out to appraisal the legal regimes governing the determination of matrimonial property on divorce to ascertain their efficacy in realising the legitimate aspiration of married couples. Comparisons were made with similar countries to determine how these have tackled problems relating to determination of matrimonial property on divorce. The study found that where there is a dispute about matrimonial property in marriages out of community, the courts have no discretion to readjust the rights of the parties. This situation adversely affect nonworking wives who spent most of their time looking after their husbands and children without being able to acquire capital assets. Recognition is not given to such domestic contribution to the welfare of the family. It was also found that the exercise of the marital power by husbands of marriages in community of property deprives wives of those marriages the right to administer the joint estate. The patriarchal nature of customary law, which governs the majority of disputes about matrimonial property, discriminates against women. Consequently, the following, inter alia, are suggested as reform measures. (a) The courts should be g1ven a wide discretionary power, circumscribed by statutory guidelines, to reallocate matrimonial property on divorce irrespective of the matrimonial property regime that governs the marriage. TI1e underlying principle should be equality of sharing but this may be departed from where the circumstances of the particular case warrant it (b) A spouse's domestic contribution towards the welfare of the family should be recognised. (c) The marital power of husbands should be abolished. (d) The provisions of the Matrimonial Causes Act should be made applicable to customary marriages. / Private Law / LL.D.

The management of international watercourse systems as reflected by international law and in view of the Southern African Development Community

Viljoen, Salome 06 1900 (has links)
International water law has been unable to translate its principles into effective institutions for the management of shared water resources. National interest has often override any real commitment to the principles of international water law as reflected by the draft Articles of the ILC. Based on the theory of sovereignty, it emphasises a discretionary power to co-operate. However, the community of interest's theory is rather recommended as basis for co-operation. The draft Articles does not take sufficient account of the role domestic water policies, international relations and economics play in the co-operation of states. An integrated approach that considers social and economic effects within an environmental context is proposetL The political economy of water includes the potential of 'virtual water' through the importation of staple grains. A holistic approach, taking global trade in agriculture into account, is recommended. The SADC countries should also consider the potential of regional trade in 'virtual water'. / Law / LL. M. (Law)

The legal obligations of retirement fund trustees in respect of section 37c of the Pension Funds Act 24 of 1956

David, Vanashree 08 February 2013 (has links)
Prior to the introduction of section 37C into the Pension Funds Act. 24 of 1956, the benefit payable as a result of the death of a member would devolve in accordance with his last will and testament or the provisions of intestate succession. The advent of section 37C brought a statutory regime which expressly excludes freedom of testation and rather looks to the board of a fund to distribute the death benefit. The board may only pay the dependants of a deceased (either factual or legal) or the persons he has recorded on his nomination form. The section relies on the board to exercise its discretion in a manner which results in an equitable distribution of the death benefit notwithstanding that it does not provide any guidelines as to how this is to be achieved. Accordingly, numerous decisions are challenged by the identified beneficiaries because they are unhappy with the manner in which the board exercised its discretion. This results in complaints being lodged with the Pension Funds Adjudicator. Many such complaints should never have arisen or could have been easily solved by a proper exercise of discretion on the part of the board. The problem is that these complaints are adding to an already burdened office. Adequate training and understanding of the obligations of section 37C would probably result in fewer complaints to the Adjudicator. This dissertation examines whether the determinations which have been issued by the Adjudicator in respect of section 37C indicate a need for such training and understanding and, if they do, what possible remedies there might be to cure such a problem. Recommendations arising from this are that trustees must receive training focused on section 37C and proposed practical protocols to assist a board when exercising its duty to make an equitable distribution. / Jurisprudence / LL.M.

L'évolution de la réglementation internationale des investissements directs étrangers dans les Amériques : vers de nouvelles perspectives ?

Roch, François 12 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de LL.M. Droit Dans le cadre du programme de Maîtrise en droit(LL.M.) 2-325-1-0 en option recherche et droit des affaires" / Avec le début du processus de négociation entourant la création d'une éventuelle Zone de libre-échange des Amériques, il est permis de se demander si l'entente, prévue pour 2005, aura un impact significatif sur l'évolution des normes réglementant les investissements directs étrangers (IDE). À cet égard, à l'échelle internationale, l'évolution des normes sur les IDE est caractérisée par deux grandes phases. Une première phase concerne l'évolution des règles et principes destinés respectivement à sécuriser et garantir les investissements internationaux. Cette phase pourrait et sera probablement consolidée juridiquement avec la conclusion prochaine de la ZLÉA. Conséquence de l'effacement progressif des doctrines politiques réfractaires ou dissuasives à l'IDE, particulièrement vrai depuis la fin de la guerre froide, ces principes sont largement connus des juristes: traitement national, traitement juste et équitable, traitement de la nation la plus favorisée, règles en matière d'expropriation et de nationalisation, etc. La seconde phase concerne, elle, les règles destinées à libéraliser le cadre juridique entourant les opérations d'investissements. i.e. les règles visant notamment à assurer une libre admission des IDE sur le territoire de l'État hôte de l'investissement et une plus grande liberté de gestion en faveur de l'investisseur étranger. Cela dit, contrairement aux règles destinées à sécuriser les IDE, il n'y a pas de consensus politique suffisamment important dans les Amériques, enfin selon nous, pour voir ces principes se cristalliser de manière extensive dans un accord pan-américain. Le présent mémoire examinera les règles juridiques appartenant à ces deux phases d'évolution. Celles-ci feront plus précisément l'objet du second chapitre de notre mémoire. Le premier chapitre, quant à lui, portera sur l'évolution et la réaction de "la société internationale face à ce phénomène de multinationalisation des entreprises, pour ensuite porter sur l'évolution conceptuelle des notions d'investissements et d'investisseurs internationaux. En sus des trois versions de l'avant-projet de chapitre sur les investissements rendues publiques sur le site officiel de la ZLÉA, les ententes bilatérales et sous-régionales occuperont aussi une place privilégiée dans nos analyses. Alors qu'historiquement les premières 1n11:latlves d'intégration économique (en Amérique latine et centrale principalement) étaient marquées par l'idéologie du développement et celle du Nouvel ordre économique international (NOEI), la ZLÉA, comme processus d'intégration, est guidée elle au premier chef par l'idéologie libérale, sinon ultralibérale. Dans les Amériques, compte tenu des différences tangibles de développement des économies nationales des 34 États invités à négocier, le consensus de Washington, présent en 1994, semble s'effriter et annonce la conclusion prochaine d'une entente minimaliste. Cela affecterait dans une même proportion la question des IDE auquel cas il faudra admettre que la ZLÉA ne révolutionnera pas le cadre juridique dans lequel se font les opérations d'investissement. / With the beginning of the negotiating process that should be leading to the establishment of the Free Trade Area of the Americas for 2005, it's interesting to take a look at the possible evolution of the roles and principles related to Foreign Direct investments regulation in the Americas. On the international level, there's two basics categories of norms. The ftrst one, are essentiaily design to protect and guarantee the investor and his investment. The eventual conclusion of FTAA could consolidate, at the hemisphere level, such category of roles and principles. Consequently to the end of cold war and the alignment of many country, but also many developing countries, in regard of the liberalism doctrine, the nature of these roles and principles are weil know by lawyers and professors in north-America: national treatment, fair and equitable treatment, most-favoured-nation treatment, roles concerning expropriation and nationalization, etc.. The second one, concern the roles and principles design to liberated the copusjuns afferent to FDI : for example, the roles and principles concerning transfer clause or performances requirements. That said, contrary to the ftrst category, there's no consensus over theses roles and principles. The absence of such consensus will probably influence the content of the agreement in a way that will be unsatisfted either for export-developing countries, such as the Canada and the United States, or developing countries. The present paper will examine roles and principles design for both protection and liberalization of FDI regulations. Indeed, the second chapter will entirely be treating of these matters. The ftrst chapter will instead be treating about the "transnationalization" of the private ftrm and the reaction of the international community regarding this phenomenon. The first chapter of our paper will also be the occasion to look at the conceptual evolution of both notions of "investor" and "investment" in regards of the FDI regime developed in the FTAA draft. On that matter, a special attention will be accorded to the FTTA process but also to bilateral and regional agreements signed over the last 15 years between members of the FTAA negotiating process. Historicaily and ideologicaily, the FTAA is link with the recent NAFTA process. There is no doubt about it. The integration process in the Americas is far from been recent in Latin America, with the difference that this last process was mostly inspired by the ideology of "development" and the project of NIEO. The FTAA process, on the other hand, is clearly guide by the liberalism ideology which not always take into account the particularize needs of developing countries. When the FTAA process begin, there was a consensus, among leaders, over the idea that free-trade, as weil as liberal FDI regulations, will beneftt to developing countries and ftt their economic and social aspirations. Since then, this consensus, the so-called "Washington consensus", has been lost and that will, necessarily, have some effects on the evolution of the roles and principles related to FDI regulation in the Americas.

Le droit des investissements internationaux vu par la CIJ et le CIRDI / International investment law viewed by the ICJ and the ICSID

Tanon, Abédjinan M. Sandrine 20 December 2016 (has links)
Le droit des investissements internationaux est largement présenté au travers de la jurisprudence arbitrale, notamment celle du CIRDI. Une telle approche a paru insuffisante. En effet, dans l'examen des questions touchant le droit des investissements internationaux, la jurisprudence de la CIJ et de sa devancière semble être un passage obligé à certains égards. S'agissant de règles primaires, c’est dans la jurisprudence de la Cour qu’ont émergé et pris forme certaines règles substantielles relatives aux investissements internationaux, et dont la désuétude est loin d'être établie par l'avènement du CIRDI. Par ailleurs, le rôle général de la Cour dans le fonctionnement de l'ordre juridique international à travers les règles juridictionnelles, procédurales, d’interprétation ou encore de responsabilité internationale, est indéniable. Or, certaines de ces règles se présentent comme des chapitres incontournables du droit des investissements internationaux. Ce sont là autant de raisons qui ont conduit à entreprendre une étude sur Le droit des investissements internationaux vu par la CIJ et le CIRDI en l’abordant au travers de la question de savoir si les tribunaux CIRDI puisent dans l’héritage de la Cour sur les problématiques juridiques relatives aux investissements internationaux ou s’en départissent. La confrontation des jurisprudences de la Cour et des tribunaux CIRDI a permis de conclure que le droit des investissements internationaux vu par la CIJ n’est que partiellement le droit des investissements internationaux vu par les tribunaux CIRDI. Globalement, sur une problématique donnée, en même temps que certaines solutions retenues par la jurisprudence des tribunaux CIRDI dénotent un emprunt aux règles et principes posés par la Cour, d’autres s’en départissent, qu'il s'agisse des règles primaires en la matière, ou bien des règles secondaires du droit international dans leur déclinaison dans le cadre du droit des investissements internationaux. Parce qu’elle livre, entre autres, une vue d’ensemble de la jurisprudence de la Cour de la Haye en matière d’investissements internationaux – démarche inédite –, la thèse se présente comme une piste pour les arbitres sur le chemin de l’émergence d’une jurisprudence arbitrale cohérente en droit des investissements internationaux. / To international investment law questions, the ICJ decisions are materials that must be taken into consideration. Indeed, substantive rules in international investment law and their issues are older than the ICSID creation. The legal issues had already been raised in the Court which set rules and principles covering international investment law principles. Thus, it is into the Court’s decisions that some rules relating to international investments was created. From this perspective, the ICJ cases could be seen as a legitimate forerunner for substantive rules in international investment law. In the other hand, the ICJ has a main role in the development and promotion of the rules of international litigation, some of which are of relevance in international investment law. The present work, by using the ICJ cases as guidance precedents, challenges the ICSID decisions to determine if the ICSID follows or not the rules and principles raised by the Court in international investment law. The analysis shows that if some ICSID decisions borrow the principles and rules established by the ICJ, others follow new ways in both primary and secondary rules in international investment law.

Medidas de urgência em sede recursal

Santos, Regiane Martins dos 10 April 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Regiane Martins dos Santos.pdf: 1085712 bytes, checksum: c4fd27b8db162fc59d3bf9f0b258553e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-10 / The present task has the intention to present, analytically, the existing urgent measures in the Brazilian law, highlighting its use under appellate level. Begins with the conceptualization of the precautionary measure institutes, with the anticipation of the legal protection and the injunctions, going by the analysis of its peculiarities, distinctions and similarities. Then, the characteristics features of each guardianship analyzed in this study, highlighting its requirements and entering slowly in its peculiarities. Subsequently, the study addresses the filing of such measures on appellate headquarters, presenting the general theory of resources for, then, treat more specifically the use of the emergency measures also in this procedural sphere. Still, the peculiarities surrounding the new system of emergency measures under the new Code of Civil Procedure project are highlighted. Finally, the conclusions of the study are brought, presenting the corollary of the analysis and showing the most notable similarities and differences about the displayed topic / O presente trabalho tem o intuito de apresentar, de forma analítica, as medidas de urgência existentes no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, destacando sua utilização no âmbito recursal. Inicia-se pela conceituação dos institutos da medida cautelar, da antecipação de tutela e das liminares, passando-se à análise de suas peculiaridades, distinções e semelhanças. Em seguida, são apresentados os traços característicos de cada uma das tutelas analisadas neste estudo, destacando seus requisitos e adentrando com mais vagar em suas particularidades. Posteriormente, o estudo aborda a interposição de tais medidas em sede recursal, apresentando a teoria geral dos recursos para, em seguida, tratar mais especificamente da utilização das medidas de urgência também nesta esfera processual. Ainda, são destacadas as peculiaridades que cercam a nova sistemática das medidas de urgência no âmbito do projeto do novo código de processo civil. Por fim, são trazidas as conclusões do estudo, apresentando o corolário da análise realizada e demonstrando as semelhanças e divergências mais notórias observadas a respeito do tema exibido

Deus ex machina : legal fictions in private law

Shmilovits, Liron January 2019 (has links)
This PhD dissertation is about legal fictions in private law. A legal fiction, broadly, is a false assumption knowingly relied upon by the courts. The main aim of the dissertation is to formulate a test for which fictions should be accepted and which rejected. Subsidiary aims include a better understanding of the fiction as a device and of certain individual fictions, past and present. This research is undertaken, primarily, to establish a rigorous system for the treatment of fictions in English law - which is lacking. Secondarily, it is intended to settle some intractable disputes, which have plagued the scholarship. These theoretical debates have hindered progress on the practical matters which affect litigants in the real world. The dissertation is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is a historical study of common-law fictions. The conclusions drawn thereform are the foundation of the acceptance test for fictions. The second chapter deals with the theoretical problems surrounding the fiction. Chiefly, it seeks precisely to define 'legal fiction', a recurrent problem in the literature. A solution, in the form of a two-pronged definition, is proposed, adding an important element to the acceptance test. The third chapter analyses modern-day fictions and recommends retention or abolition for each fiction. In the fourth chapter, the findings hitherto are synthesised into a general acceptance test for fictions. This test, which is the thesis of this work, is presented as a flowchart. It is the author's hope that this project will raise awareness as to the merits and demerits of legal fictions, de-mystify the debate and bring about reform.

L'évolution de la réglementation internationale des investissements directs étrangers dans les Amériques : vers de nouvelles perspectives ?

Roch, François 12 1900 (has links)
Avec le début du processus de négociation entourant la création d'une éventuelle Zone de libre-échange des Amériques, il est permis de se demander si l'entente, prévue pour 2005, aura un impact significatif sur l'évolution des normes réglementant les investissements directs étrangers (IDE). À cet égard, à l'échelle internationale, l'évolution des normes sur les IDE est caractérisée par deux grandes phases. Une première phase concerne l'évolution des règles et principes destinés respectivement à sécuriser et garantir les investissements internationaux. Cette phase pourrait et sera probablement consolidée juridiquement avec la conclusion prochaine de la ZLÉA. Conséquence de l'effacement progressif des doctrines politiques réfractaires ou dissuasives à l'IDE, particulièrement vrai depuis la fin de la guerre froide, ces principes sont largement connus des juristes: traitement national, traitement juste et équitable, traitement de la nation la plus favorisée, règles en matière d'expropriation et de nationalisation, etc. La seconde phase concerne, elle, les règles destinées à libéraliser le cadre juridique entourant les opérations d'investissements. i.e. les règles visant notamment à assurer une libre admission des IDE sur le territoire de l'État hôte de l'investissement et une plus grande liberté de gestion en faveur de l'investisseur étranger. Cela dit, contrairement aux règles destinées à sécuriser les IDE, il n'y a pas de consensus politique suffisamment important dans les Amériques, enfin selon nous, pour voir ces principes se cristalliser de manière extensive dans un accord pan-américain. Le présent mémoire examinera les règles juridiques appartenant à ces deux phases d'évolution. Celles-ci feront plus précisément l'objet du second chapitre de notre mémoire. Le premier chapitre, quant à lui, portera sur l'évolution et la réaction de "la société internationale face à ce phénomène de multinationalisation des entreprises, pour ensuite porter sur l'évolution conceptuelle des notions d'investissements et d'investisseurs internationaux. En sus des trois versions de l'avant-projet de chapitre sur les investissements rendues publiques sur le site officiel de la ZLÉA, les ententes bilatérales et sous-régionales occuperont aussi une place privilégiée dans nos analyses. Alors qu'historiquement les premières 1n11:latlves d'intégration économique (en Amérique latine et centrale principalement) étaient marquées par l'idéologie du développement et celle du Nouvel ordre économique international (NOEI), la ZLÉA, comme processus d'intégration, est guidée elle au premier chef par l'idéologie libérale, sinon ultralibérale. Dans les Amériques, compte tenu des différences tangibles de développement des économies nationales des 34 États invités à négocier, le consensus de Washington, présent en 1994, semble s'effriter et annonce la conclusion prochaine d'une entente minimaliste. Cela affecterait dans une même proportion la question des IDE auquel cas il faudra admettre que la ZLÉA ne révolutionnera pas le cadre juridique dans lequel se font les opérations d'investissement. / With the beginning of the negotiating process that should be leading to the establishment of the Free Trade Area of the Americas for 2005, it's interesting to take a look at the possible evolution of the roles and principles related to Foreign Direct investments regulation in the Americas. On the international level, there's two basics categories of norms. The ftrst one, are essentiaily design to protect and guarantee the investor and his investment. The eventual conclusion of FTAA could consolidate, at the hemisphere level, such category of roles and principles. Consequently to the end of cold war and the alignment of many country, but also many developing countries, in regard of the liberalism doctrine, the nature of these roles and principles are weil know by lawyers and professors in north-America: national treatment, fair and equitable treatment, most-favoured-nation treatment, roles concerning expropriation and nationalization, etc.. The second one, concern the roles and principles design to liberated the copusjuns afferent to FDI : for example, the roles and principles concerning transfer clause or performances requirements. That said, contrary to the ftrst category, there's no consensus over theses roles and principles. The absence of such consensus will probably influence the content of the agreement in a way that will be unsatisfted either for export-developing countries, such as the Canada and the United States, or developing countries. The present paper will examine roles and principles design for both protection and liberalization of FDI regulations. Indeed, the second chapter will entirely be treating of these matters. The ftrst chapter will instead be treating about the "transnationalization" of the private ftrm and the reaction of the international community regarding this phenomenon. The first chapter of our paper will also be the occasion to look at the conceptual evolution of both notions of "investor" and "investment" in regards of the FDI regime developed in the FTAA draft. On that matter, a special attention will be accorded to the FTTA process but also to bilateral and regional agreements signed over the last 15 years between members of the FTAA negotiating process. Historicaily and ideologicaily, the FTAA is link with the recent NAFTA process. There is no doubt about it. The integration process in the Americas is far from been recent in Latin America, with the difference that this last process was mostly inspired by the ideology of "development" and the project of NIEO. The FTAA process, on the other hand, is clearly guide by the liberalism ideology which not always take into account the particularize needs of developing countries. When the FTAA process begin, there was a consensus, among leaders, over the idea that free-trade, as weil as liberal FDI regulations, will beneftt to developing countries and ftt their economic and social aspirations. Since then, this consensus, the so-called "Washington consensus", has been lost and that will, necessarily, have some effects on the evolution of the roles and principles related to FDI regulation in the Americas. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de LL.M. Droit Dans le cadre du programme de Maîtrise en droit(LL.M.) 2-325-1-0 en option recherche et droit des affaires"

An Examination of the Common Law Obligation of Good Faith in the Performance and Enforcement of Commercial Contracts in Australia

Dixon, William Michael January 2005 (has links)
This examination of the common law obligation of good faith in the performance and enforcement of commercial contracts in Australia seeks to achieve a number of objectives. First, to chart the historical development of the implied good faith obligation. Secondly, to identify a number of issues that remain unresolved at Australian lower court level. Thirdly, to consider five doctrinal approaches that could be adopted by the High Court when ultimately confronted by the competing claims and tensions that have proven divisive in the courts below. Fourthly, to assess each approach against three identified benchmarks. The essential thesis is that good faith should be implied, as a matter of law, in commercial contracts that are relational in nature with an additional call being made for the High Court to explicitly recognise that the underlying basis of the implied good faith obligation is the reasonable expectations of the contractual parties. This approach is the one approach that satisfies all three benchmarks and provides the most satisfactory resolution of the issues that presently bedevil the commercial good faith debate in Australia.

Case studies of the changing interpretations of land restitution legislation in South Africa

Belling, Frank Edward Albert 29 February 2008 (has links)
This study briefly discusses land restitution in several countries in Europe and the Americas, the history of land deprivation in South Africa, and the legislation introduced to remedy the inequality of land ownership. Differing interpretations of the legislation in respect of the valuation of land to be purchased by the state for restitution purposes and the valuation formulae recommended at various times by the state and its advisors are discussed. Some of the problems encountered in the implementation of the South African restitution program, including the highly emotional expropriation/confiscation issues, are mentioned. Three case studies based on these differing interpretations are given. The case studies illustrate the evolution of the interpretations of the legislation concerning land restitution valuations in South Africa. / School: Management sciences / M. Tech. (Real Estate)

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