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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


MARIANA ADAO DA SILVA 20 March 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação propõe uma leitura da especificidade do laço social na atualidade, assim como propõe uma maneira como, a partir deste laço, poderia ser decantada uma política contemporânea. Para esta costura, uma leitura do sociólogo Zygmunt Bauman fornece balizas para delimitarmos o estado atual do laço social. Em seguida, algumas das perspectivas de Sigmund Freud, com relação ao social e aos modos de organização grupal, especialmente quanto ao lugar que estes dão ao líder, são contrapostas à descrição de Bauman. Jorge Alemán e Ernesto Laclau trazem, então, elementos para a aplicação de conceitos desenvolvidos por Jacques Lacan, a partir de Freud, ao momento político atual, especialmente no que concerne às concepções de solidão comum, significante vazio e ato instituinte. Por fim, os conceitos lacanianos de nó borromeano e sinthome são examinados para localizar em que se apoiam os conceitos de Alemán e Laclau, com referência ao ensino de Lacan. Amarra-se, assim, nossa dissertação, propondo alguma orientação dentro do campo demarcado. / [en] This dissertation proposes a reading of the specificity of the social tie in the present time, as well as proposes a way where, from this tie, a contemporary politics could be decanted. For this seam, a reading by sociologist Zygmunt Bauman provides reading beacons for delimiting the current state of the social tie. Next, some of Freud s perspectives on the social and modes of group organization, especially as to the place they give to the leader, are opposed to Bauman s description. Jorge Alemán and Ernesto Laclau bring elements for the application of concepts developed by Jacques Lacan from Freud s work to the present political moment, especially in what concerns his conceptions of common solitude, empty signifier and institute act. Finally, the Lacanian concepts of the Borromean node and sinthome are examined with the objective of locating in which the concepts of Alemán and Laclau are supported in the teaching of Lacan. Thus, our dissertation is tied, proposing some orientation within the demarcated field.

Scénarios d’aveuglement dans la littérature d’Orhan Pamuk, d’Ernesto Sábato, et de José Saramago

Ilea, Laura T. 08 1900 (has links)
Scénarios d’aveuglement dans la littérature d’Orhan Pamuk, d’Ernesto Sábato, et de José Saramago analyse trois œuvres importantes de trois auteurs contemporains : Mon nom est Rouge d’Orhan Pamuk ; « Rapport sur les aveugles » du roman Héros et tombes d’Ernesto Sábato ; et L’aveuglement de José Saramago. Malgré leurs différences, ces romans ont des points communs évidents, synthétisés dans la figure de l’aveuglement. Cette figure signale l’avènement, dans les textes, d’un régime de connaissance alternatif, centré moins sur le primat de la raison et du visuel que sur une nouvelle capacité cognitive, basée sur une logique spéciale du destin. L’aveuglement s’ouvre également sur une nouvelle compréhension de l’histoire, grâce à une capacité du récit de fiction qui passe par le point de fuite de la cécité. Pour Pamuk, l’aveuglement est le couronnement paradoxal d’une vision du monde, gravement mise en crise à la fin du XVIe siècle par le perspectivisme et le réalisme de la Renaissance, la voie d’entrée vers un monde imaginal qui n’est plus accessible à l’imaginaire occidental. Pour Sábato, il représente la variante renversée d’une quête de l’absolu qui passe par les antres de l’inceste, de l’enfer et du crime, tandis que le monde décrit par Saramago est un monde qui sombre sur la pente de la déchéance, en suivant une logique implacable. Il est l’équivalent de plusieurs formes de cécité qui menacent le monde contemporain, comme le fondamentalisme religieux, l’homogénéité préconisée par la société de masse, l’exclusion raciale, l’oppression idéologique. La thèse se divise en trois parties, La violente beauté du monde, Un mythe hérétique de la caverne et Une épidémie à cause inconnue, chacune d’entre elles analysant l’œuvre d’un auteur, mais établissant également des liens avec les autres chapitres. L’approche adoptée est interdisciplinaire, un croisement entre études littéraires, philosophie et histoire de l’art. Dans leur quête de nouveaux concepts et de nouvelles formes de pensée qui s’écartent du modèle rationnel dominant de la modernité, les trois auteurs partent de la présupposition que regarder les choses n’est pas du tout l’équivalent de voir les choses. Ils tentent d’articuler une logique du voir qui ressemble plutôt à la vision et à la clairvoyance qu’à la conformité logique. La figure de l’aveuglement sert de tremplin vers le monde imaginal (Pamuk), la pensée magique (Sábato) et la vision dystopique (Saramago) – des espaces ontologiquement différents où les auteurs mènent leurs attaques contre la rationnalité à tout prix. C’est précisément ces espaces que nous avons choisi d’explorer dans les trois romans. Nous soutenons également que ces trois textes proposent un nouveau régime de « connaissance » qui met en question les règles de pensée héritées de la Renaissance et surtout des Lumières, qui constituent un discours dominant dans la culture visuelle et philosophique moderne. / Blindness in the Literature of Orhan Pamuk, Ernesto Sábato, José Saramago examines three important texts by three well-known contemporary authors: My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk; the chapter « Report on the Blind » from the novel On Heroes and Tombs by Ernesto Sábato; and Blindness by José Saramago. The trope of blindness is a common theme in these novels, despite their significant differences. Blindness introduces an alternative regime of knowledge, centered less on the primacy of the rational and the visual than on a new cognitive capacity, grounded in a specific logic of destiny. It proposes new understandings of history, due to a fictionalizing capacity, which passes through the fault lines of blindness. For Pamuk, blindness represents the paradoxical culmination of a traditional, Islamic world view, which was challenged in the 16th century by the perspectivism and the realism of Renaissance. This conception is regarded as the royal road to an imaginal world that remains inaccessible to the western imaginary. In Sábato’s novel, blindness prompts the reversed version of a quest for absolute, which passes through incest, hell and crime. In the dystopic world depicted by Saramago, this trope is symptomatic of a continuous decay, which follows an implacable logic. It also points to the many forms of blindness that threaten the contemporary world, such as religious fundamentalism, the leveling produced by mass culture and mass society, racial exclusion, ideological oppression. The thesis is divided in three chapters: The Violent Beauty of the World, A Heretical Myth of the Cave and An Epidemic with an Unknown Reason. Each chapter examines one of the three novels, but connections and cross-links among the individual chapters are also established. My investigation provides an interdisciplinary approach, which relies on paradigms from literary studies, philosophy and art history. All three authors examined in the dissertation start from the assumption that looking is not equivalent to seeing. Their texts attempt to formulate a logic of seeing indebted to vision rather than to logical accuracy. The figure of blindness serves as a springboard towards the imaginal world (Pamuk), magical thought (Sábato) and dystopia (Saramago) – ontologically different spaces where the authors counter rationality with new modes of vision. The dissertation explores the articulation of these spaces in the three novels. It argues that these texts on blindness propose a regime of « knowledge » that challenges the dominant discourses on vision, rationality, and the mind – the legacy of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment – in modern visual culture and modern philosophy.

Image et survivance en anthropologie visuelle : Ernesto De Martino et l’ethnographie interdisciplinaire

Pisapia, Jasmine 07 1900 (has links)
Ce projet analyse le rôle des images – photographies, films, dessins – produites dans le cadre des recherches ethnographiques « interdisciplinaires » menées par l’anthropologue italien Ernesto De Martino en Italie méridionale dans les années 1950. Ces expéditions ont donné lieu à des documents multiformes puisqu’elles regroupent des chercheurs de formations différentes : historien des religions, ethnomusicologue, psychiatre, photographe, et occasionnellement cinéaste. Plus spécifiquement, il s’agit d’étudier le rôle des matériaux visuels dans la recherche sur le tarentisme, rituel de possession observé dans les Pouilles en 1959 par De Martino et son équipe, matériaux dont une partie constitue l’annexe photographique de son œuvre célèbre La terra del rimorso (1961). Nous portons également attention à l’atlas iconographique de son ouvrage sur la lamentation funèbre, Morte e pianto rituale nel mondo antico. Dal lamento pagano al pianto di Maria (1958), fruit d’une étude de terrain dans la région sud italienne de la Lucania (Basilicata). Tout en considérant les relations intermédiales entre les images, le texte, le son et le corps, ce mémoire identifie les rapports dialectiques entre les techniques d’enregistrement et les logiques répétitives, rythmiques et performatives des rituels en question. Chez De Martino, l’image est point de tension en matière de temporalité et de ressemblance : elle suggère une anthropologie de la « survivance » nous permettant de relever plusieurs correspondances avec l'oeuvre de l’historien de l’art Aby Warburg. / This project deals with the production of images in Italian anthropologist Ernesto De Martino’s 1950s “interdisciplinary ethnographies” in southern Italy. These expeditions, innovative for their time, involved a team of researchers (including a religious historian, ethnomusicologist, psychiatrist, photographer and, at times, a filmmaker) and gave rise to mixed-media documents. While the textual aspects of De Martino’s work have been studied in depth, my approach focuses on image-making practices: photography, film, drawings. Building largely on his famous work La terra del rimorso (1961) on tarantism – a possession ritual observed by De Martino’s team in Puglia in 1959 – as well as on the iconographic atlas of Morte e pianto rituale nel mondo antico. Dal lamento pagano al pianto di Maria (1958) – his study on mourning rituals led in the southern Italian region of Lucania (Basilicata) –, this thesis suggests that images, despite their ancillary status, formed a major part of De Martino’s fieldwork and transmitted much more than documentary knowledge. Not only does the visual haunt De Martino’s own text as a literary device, but it is also tightly connected to a series of intermedial elements (sound, objects, bodies) inherent to the ritual “apparatus” itself and its documentation process. It was thus possible to perceive a dialectical relationship between technological imagistic devices such as photography and film, which “reproduced” possession rituals, and those practices’ own repetition processes, temporal rhythms, and performativity. Lastly, these images also suggest an anthropology of “afterlife” by means of visual analogies passed through bodily gesture, reminiscent of Aby Warburg’s work.

Bounded Surface

Brown, Emilie Sayward 01 January 2008 (has links)
The relationship between surface, perception, and structure has occupied my graduate studies. Locating, transforming, and transcending the surface requires play with perceptive abilities not only of vision, but of touch, hearing, and the other senses as well. How do the interactions of sense with the qualities of a surface determine our perception of the world? What role does the extension of the senses play in one's ability to perceive surface and structure? Using sense information gleaned from surfaces, the tectonics of our world are made visible. Might this relationship be played backwards as well? Composed structures produce surfaces upon which limina can be sensed.This written accompaniment to the thesis works is intended to continue the exploration of the surface/ sense/ structure relationship. With the visual work as a basis, each section consists of two parts. This structure is a tool for producing sense information for the viewer concerning the visual work.The first part serves as a bridge between the particular visual work and the second part. Consisting of a page or so of text, the first part of each section is also intended to set a tone or position the reader for the second part. The second part is more formal and speaks about the ideas behind the produced object, and for the most part could be applied to any works in this thesis. My desire is that the adjacency of the pieces in each section will create a friction of sorts— an awareness of the surface between the two writings, and perhaps, between the writing and the objects.

The practice of memory in hypertext wor(l)ds

Klei, Alice van der January 2003 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Serões gramaticais: a gramática "científica" de Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro

Rodrigues, Ana Lúcia 20 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:34:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Lucia Rodrigues.pdf: 963901 bytes, checksum: 2f134da0123fe1dec50907f79d9af366 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-20 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This dissertation is in the line of research related to History and Description of the Portuguese Language, of the program of post-graduation studies of Portuguese Language of Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo and it has as an object of study the work Serões gramaticais, of Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro. The main objective of this research is to verify how much the author has adhered to the historical-comparative method when producing his grammar. The relevance of this work lies in the purpose of innovation on the part of the author, although he has not abandoned tradition totally. The investigation is supported by the theoretical assumptions of History of Linguistic Ideas, and the results thereof have shown that the historical, social, political, economic and educational moment has influenced Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro in the production of his grammar / Esta dissertação situa-se na linha de pesquisa da História e Descrição da Língua Portuguesa, do Programa de Estudos Pós-graduados em Língua Portuguesa da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, tendo por objeto de estudo a obra Serões gramaticais, de Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa visa a verificar em que medida o autor aderiu ao método histórico-comparativo, ao produzir sua gramática. A relevância deste trabalho reside no propósito de inovação por parte do autor, apesar de seu não total abandono da tradição. A investigação apóia-se nos pressupostos teóricos da História das Idéias Lingüísticas, tendo seus resultados mostrado que o momento histórico, social, político, econômico e educacional influenciou Carneiro Ribeiro na produção de sua gramática

A polêmica gramatical entre Rui Barbosa e Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro sobre a redação do Projeto do Código Civil

Arruda, Mariléa Giacomini 08 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:34:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marilea Giacomini Arruda.pdf: 652876 bytes, checksum: 4bfe744bd47933011a71157ed751a223 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-08 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This dissertation is situated in the research of Portuguese Language s History Description, and its theme is a study of the vices of language and its subject of the study it is a grammatical polemic between Rui Barbosa and Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro. This study aims to contribute to the linguistic studies of a past that is present in the portuguese language. Particulary: 1.depicting the political, social and cultural moment of in the beginning XIX century and in the ending XX century; 2. to examine the vices of language; 3. to describe the position of the grammarians. This essay is justified by the fact of the debaters have adopted a conception of language as a naturalist principle. The methodological procedure used was the theoretical descriptive and deductive. The theoretical support was sought and the analyse of the texts was followed according the linear reading of Réplica and Tréplica works. This research is grounded on the theoritical presuppositions on the Linguistic Ideas History as regards its purposes, the results pointed out that the historical, social, political and cultural moment influenced the polemists on the privileged theme vices of language. It has concluded that the studious have adopted a purist attitude resulting in the conception of language therefore they defending it of the vices that corrupt the Portuguese language / Esta dissertação situa-se na linha de pesquisa da História e Descrição da Língua Portuguesa, tendo por tema um estudo sobre os vícios de linguagem e por objeto de estudo a polêmica gramatical entre os estudiosos Rui Barbosa e Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro. O objetivo desta pesquisa visa contribuir com os estudos lingüísticos de um passado que se faz presente na língua portuguesa. Especificamente: 1. Descrever o momento político, social e cultural do final do século XIX e início do século XX; 2. Examinar os vícios de linguagem; 3. Descrever a posição dos gramáticos. Justificase esta investigação pelo fato de os debatedores adotarem uma concepção de língua enquanto princípio naturalista. O procedimento metodológico adotado para este trabalho foi o teórico-descritivo-dedutivo. Buscou-se o suporte teórico, selecionou-se o corpus, seguindo-se a análise de textos, de acordo com a leitura linear das obras Réplica e Tréplica. Este estudo, apoiado nos pressupostos teóricos da História das Ideias Linguísticas, obteve um resultado satisfatório, pelo fato de ter apontado que o momento histórico, social, político e cultural influenciou os polemistas no tema privilegiado, vícios de linguagem. Conclui-se que os estudiosos adotaram uma atitude conservadora e purista decorrente da concepção de língua, defendendo-a de vícios que corrompessem a língua portuguesa

Scénarios d’aveuglement dans la littérature d’Orhan Pamuk, d’Ernesto Sábato, et de José Saramago

Ilea, Laura T. 08 1900 (has links)
Scénarios d’aveuglement dans la littérature d’Orhan Pamuk, d’Ernesto Sábato, et de José Saramago analyse trois œuvres importantes de trois auteurs contemporains : Mon nom est Rouge d’Orhan Pamuk ; « Rapport sur les aveugles » du roman Héros et tombes d’Ernesto Sábato ; et L’aveuglement de José Saramago. Malgré leurs différences, ces romans ont des points communs évidents, synthétisés dans la figure de l’aveuglement. Cette figure signale l’avènement, dans les textes, d’un régime de connaissance alternatif, centré moins sur le primat de la raison et du visuel que sur une nouvelle capacité cognitive, basée sur une logique spéciale du destin. L’aveuglement s’ouvre également sur une nouvelle compréhension de l’histoire, grâce à une capacité du récit de fiction qui passe par le point de fuite de la cécité. Pour Pamuk, l’aveuglement est le couronnement paradoxal d’une vision du monde, gravement mise en crise à la fin du XVIe siècle par le perspectivisme et le réalisme de la Renaissance, la voie d’entrée vers un monde imaginal qui n’est plus accessible à l’imaginaire occidental. Pour Sábato, il représente la variante renversée d’une quête de l’absolu qui passe par les antres de l’inceste, de l’enfer et du crime, tandis que le monde décrit par Saramago est un monde qui sombre sur la pente de la déchéance, en suivant une logique implacable. Il est l’équivalent de plusieurs formes de cécité qui menacent le monde contemporain, comme le fondamentalisme religieux, l’homogénéité préconisée par la société de masse, l’exclusion raciale, l’oppression idéologique. La thèse se divise en trois parties, La violente beauté du monde, Un mythe hérétique de la caverne et Une épidémie à cause inconnue, chacune d’entre elles analysant l’œuvre d’un auteur, mais établissant également des liens avec les autres chapitres. L’approche adoptée est interdisciplinaire, un croisement entre études littéraires, philosophie et histoire de l’art. Dans leur quête de nouveaux concepts et de nouvelles formes de pensée qui s’écartent du modèle rationnel dominant de la modernité, les trois auteurs partent de la présupposition que regarder les choses n’est pas du tout l’équivalent de voir les choses. Ils tentent d’articuler une logique du voir qui ressemble plutôt à la vision et à la clairvoyance qu’à la conformité logique. La figure de l’aveuglement sert de tremplin vers le monde imaginal (Pamuk), la pensée magique (Sábato) et la vision dystopique (Saramago) – des espaces ontologiquement différents où les auteurs mènent leurs attaques contre la rationnalité à tout prix. C’est précisément ces espaces que nous avons choisi d’explorer dans les trois romans. Nous soutenons également que ces trois textes proposent un nouveau régime de « connaissance » qui met en question les règles de pensée héritées de la Renaissance et surtout des Lumières, qui constituent un discours dominant dans la culture visuelle et philosophique moderne. / Blindness in the Literature of Orhan Pamuk, Ernesto Sábato, José Saramago examines three important texts by three well-known contemporary authors: My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk; the chapter « Report on the Blind » from the novel On Heroes and Tombs by Ernesto Sábato; and Blindness by José Saramago. The trope of blindness is a common theme in these novels, despite their significant differences. Blindness introduces an alternative regime of knowledge, centered less on the primacy of the rational and the visual than on a new cognitive capacity, grounded in a specific logic of destiny. It proposes new understandings of history, due to a fictionalizing capacity, which passes through the fault lines of blindness. For Pamuk, blindness represents the paradoxical culmination of a traditional, Islamic world view, which was challenged in the 16th century by the perspectivism and the realism of Renaissance. This conception is regarded as the royal road to an imaginal world that remains inaccessible to the western imaginary. In Sábato’s novel, blindness prompts the reversed version of a quest for absolute, which passes through incest, hell and crime. In the dystopic world depicted by Saramago, this trope is symptomatic of a continuous decay, which follows an implacable logic. It also points to the many forms of blindness that threaten the contemporary world, such as religious fundamentalism, the leveling produced by mass culture and mass society, racial exclusion, ideological oppression. The thesis is divided in three chapters: The Violent Beauty of the World, A Heretical Myth of the Cave and An Epidemic with an Unknown Reason. Each chapter examines one of the three novels, but connections and cross-links among the individual chapters are also established. My investigation provides an interdisciplinary approach, which relies on paradigms from literary studies, philosophy and art history. All three authors examined in the dissertation start from the assumption that looking is not equivalent to seeing. Their texts attempt to formulate a logic of seeing indebted to vision rather than to logical accuracy. The figure of blindness serves as a springboard towards the imaginal world (Pamuk), magical thought (Sábato) and dystopia (Saramago) – ontologically different spaces where the authors counter rationality with new modes of vision. The dissertation explores the articulation of these spaces in the three novels. It argues that these texts on blindness propose a regime of « knowledge » that challenges the dominant discourses on vision, rationality, and the mind – the legacy of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment – in modern visual culture and modern philosophy.

Image et survivance en anthropologie visuelle : Ernesto De Martino et l’ethnographie interdisciplinaire

Pisapia, Jasmine 07 1900 (has links)
Ce projet analyse le rôle des images – photographies, films, dessins – produites dans le cadre des recherches ethnographiques « interdisciplinaires » menées par l’anthropologue italien Ernesto De Martino en Italie méridionale dans les années 1950. Ces expéditions ont donné lieu à des documents multiformes puisqu’elles regroupent des chercheurs de formations différentes : historien des religions, ethnomusicologue, psychiatre, photographe, et occasionnellement cinéaste. Plus spécifiquement, il s’agit d’étudier le rôle des matériaux visuels dans la recherche sur le tarentisme, rituel de possession observé dans les Pouilles en 1959 par De Martino et son équipe, matériaux dont une partie constitue l’annexe photographique de son œuvre célèbre La terra del rimorso (1961). Nous portons également attention à l’atlas iconographique de son ouvrage sur la lamentation funèbre, Morte e pianto rituale nel mondo antico. Dal lamento pagano al pianto di Maria (1958), fruit d’une étude de terrain dans la région sud italienne de la Lucania (Basilicata). Tout en considérant les relations intermédiales entre les images, le texte, le son et le corps, ce mémoire identifie les rapports dialectiques entre les techniques d’enregistrement et les logiques répétitives, rythmiques et performatives des rituels en question. Chez De Martino, l’image est point de tension en matière de temporalité et de ressemblance : elle suggère une anthropologie de la « survivance » nous permettant de relever plusieurs correspondances avec l'oeuvre de l’historien de l’art Aby Warburg. / This project deals with the production of images in Italian anthropologist Ernesto De Martino’s 1950s “interdisciplinary ethnographies” in southern Italy. These expeditions, innovative for their time, involved a team of researchers (including a religious historian, ethnomusicologist, psychiatrist, photographer and, at times, a filmmaker) and gave rise to mixed-media documents. While the textual aspects of De Martino’s work have been studied in depth, my approach focuses on image-making practices: photography, film, drawings. Building largely on his famous work La terra del rimorso (1961) on tarantism – a possession ritual observed by De Martino’s team in Puglia in 1959 – as well as on the iconographic atlas of Morte e pianto rituale nel mondo antico. Dal lamento pagano al pianto di Maria (1958) – his study on mourning rituals led in the southern Italian region of Lucania (Basilicata) –, this thesis suggests that images, despite their ancillary status, formed a major part of De Martino’s fieldwork and transmitted much more than documentary knowledge. Not only does the visual haunt De Martino’s own text as a literary device, but it is also tightly connected to a series of intermedial elements (sound, objects, bodies) inherent to the ritual “apparatus” itself and its documentation process. It was thus possible to perceive a dialectical relationship between technological imagistic devices such as photography and film, which “reproduced” possession rituals, and those practices’ own repetition processes, temporal rhythms, and performativity. Lastly, these images also suggest an anthropology of “afterlife” by means of visual analogies passed through bodily gesture, reminiscent of Aby Warburg’s work.

ROODA TEKTON e aprendizagem de física : uma proposta pedagógica pelo caminho da tomada de consciência

Moresco, Silvia Ferreto da Silva January 2003 (has links)
A dissertação de mestrado “A Tomada de Consciência Dentro de Uma Proposta Pedagógica de Física” faz parte de uma reflexão sobre minha trajetória como aluna, educadora e pesquisadora. O trabalho empírico foi realizado em uma sala de aula informatizada, com seis alunos do Instituto Estadual de Educação Ernesto Alves, da cidade de Rio Pardo, do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O estudo aqui apresentado foi realizado tendo, como suporte teórico, a Epistemologia Genética e, como suporte tecnológico, o ambiente virtual ROODA. Este estudo deixa evidente a atualidade e relevância da Epistemologia Genética em relação à transformação do fazer escolar. Nele são apresentadas situações didáticas efetivamente vivenciadas e observadas pela autora, durante a convivência com seus sujeitos de pesquisa. São, também, apresentadas as análises e interpretações teóricas, sob o enfoque construtivista, buscando verificar como ocorre a tomada de consciência dos conceitos físicos. Portanto, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar como ocorre a tomada de consciência dos conceitos físicos, a partir de atividades experimentais e teóricas, baseadas em desafios e apoiadas por um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. Para isso, adotou-se o método clínico adaptado à realidade da sala de aula e à técnica de observação participant A partir da análise dos dados coletados, verificou-se que a tomada de consciência dos conceitos físicos consiste em reconstruções, ou seja, de um esquema de ação, constrói-se um conceito. Esta definição ultrapassa a do senso comum, que a considera como uma simples iluminação que nada transforma ou acrescenta. Portanto, a tomada de consciência dos conceitos físicos consiste, basicamente, numa conceituação.

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