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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den språkutvecklande undervisningen i SO : En kvalitativ studie om hur fyra verksamma SO-lärare i grundskolans mellanår arbetar med språkutveckling i de samhällsorienterande ämnena

Celep Agrali, Ebru January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how four different teachers in the social sciences subjects in elementary school work with language development. The research questions for this study are: In what way do teachers work on language development in their teaching within the socialsciences subjects? How do the teachers take regard to students’ language development? What are the teachers’ difficulties in working with language development in the social sciences subjects? What support do the teachers feel they need to be able to conduct language development teaching? Two methods have been used to answer the research questions. Four teachers were interviewed and observed. Lev Vygotskij’s sociocultural perspective was used for the theoretical point of the study. The result of this study shows that the language development education is contextual and also full of opportunities for interaction. It also shows that the teachers have an important role that benefits their pupils’ knowledge. The four teachers used similar methods in their work with language development of their pupils’. They usually try to work with focusing on the subject specific words and concepts that occur in the lesson. The difficulties that the teachers usually experience in language development teaching are that they find it difficult to come up with various activities that could be considered language development. They also mean that they have not learned to do language development activities in their teacher training. Something else that the teachers have recognized is about the pupils’ school language and the difficulty of developing that. The teachers mean that language teaching is the best basis for the pupils’ language development.

E-post och internkommunikation : en studie av upplevelser kring användandet av ny kommunikationsteknik

Nell, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
<p>Purpose/aim: To investigate individual experiences of how a new communication technology, e-mail, influences a) the structure of the internal communication – does it for example make networking any easier? – and b) the form of the persons everyday language.</p><p>Material/method: A theoretical framework gathered through a literature study and empirical data gathered through interviews with two persons.</p><p>Main results: Differences and similarities exist between the experiences studied in this paper. The most unexpected result is that the system of e-mail does not seem to be able to create new channels of communication. If anything, it reinforces the structure that already exist. An aspect of decisive importance is the original rules and norms concerning internal communication within the organization.</p>

E-post och internkommunikation : en studie av upplevelser kring användandet av ny kommunikationsteknik

Nell, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
Purpose/aim: To investigate individual experiences of how a new communication technology, e-mail, influences a) the structure of the internal communication – does it for example make networking any easier? – and b) the form of the persons everyday language. Material/method: A theoretical framework gathered through a literature study and empirical data gathered through interviews with two persons. Main results: Differences and similarities exist between the experiences studied in this paper. The most unexpected result is that the system of e-mail does not seem to be able to create new channels of communication. If anything, it reinforces the structure that already exist. An aspect of decisive importance is the original rules and norms concerning internal communication within the organization.

"a äter upp b" : hur gymnasieelever översätter mellanmatematiskt språk, symbolspråk och vardagsspråk

Karlbom, Joni, Norström, Mattias January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur gymnasieelever översätter mellan tre matematiska språkformer (symbolspråk, matematiskt språk och vardags-språk). Studien använde ett slags test, en kunskapsdiagnos, för att undersöka detta. Gymnasieelever från samma program i tre olika årskurser fick möjlighet att delta i studien. Diagnosen var uppdelad i tre översättningsområden: från matematiskt språk till symbolspråk, från symbolspråk till matematiskt språk och till sist från symbolspråk till vardagsspråk. Resultatet visar att gymnasieeleverna, oavsett årskurs, har problem med översättningarna. Bland annat använde eleverna fel operationstecken, missade att sätta ut väsentliga parenteser och blandade i vissa fall de olika språkformerna i samma mening. Eleverna lyckades bäst med översättningen från symbolspråk till matematiskt språk, och de allra flesta kände till symbolen för ”mindre än”. / The purpose of this study was to investigate how upper secondary school students translate between three mathematical language forms (symbolic language, mathematical language and everyday language). The study used a test (a diagnosis), to investigate this. Upper secondary school students belonging to the same program in three different grades were given the opportunity to take part in the study. The diagnosis was divided into three translation areas: from mathematical language to symbolic language, from symbolic language to mathematical language and finally from symbolic language to everyday language. The result shows that upper secondary school students, regardless of grade, have problems with the translations. Among other things, the students used the wrong operation signs, missed writing crucial parentheses and in some cases, they mixed the various language forms in the same sentence. The students were most successful with the translation from symbolic language to mathematical language, and the vast majority had knowledge of the "less than" - symbol.

Gånger lika med produkt – det är frågan : En studie om lärares användande av det informella vardagsspråket och det formella matematikspråket / Times equal to product – that is the question : A study about the teachers’ use of informal everyday language and formal math language

Ahlqvist, Evelina, Henriksson, Paulina January 2023 (has links)
This study was based on our common interest in teachers’ use of language in algebra teaching. The purpose of the study is to investigate the teachers’ use of concepts in algebra teaching and to gain in-depth knowledge of how the teachers use formal mathematical language and informal everyday language. To produce results for the study, five teachers were studied in two separate math lessons, which was followed up with an interview to answer the following research questions: (1) How do the teachers use formal and informal concepts in the teaching of algebra? (2) What impact do the teachers think their language use has on the student's learning and own language use? (3) What conscious language choices do teachers make to support students' conceptual learning and to connect informal and formal language use?  The first research question, which was answered with the help of the study's observations and interviews, showed that the participating teachers use both informal and formal concepts in algebra teaching, in a varied and coexisting way. Both the language of mathematics and everyday language were considered necessary to combine in order to make mathematics teaching understandable for the students.  The second and third research questions, which were answered using the study's interviews, showed that most of the participating teachers believed that their language use has a high impact on students. One participating teacher mentioned that many students speak as the teacher does and therefore, the teacher's language becomes crucial for the student's language development. To support the students, most of the participating teachers used to confirm and repeat the informal concept that emerged and linked to the formal concept. / Denna studie grundades i vårt gemensamma intresse för lärares språkbruk i algebraundervisningen. Studiens syfte är att undersöka lärares användning av begrepp i algebraundervisningen för att få fördjupad kunskap om hur lärare använder det formella matematikspråket respektive det informella vardagsspråket. För att framställa resultat till studiens syfte studerades fem lärare vilka observerades vid två separata lektionstillfällen, som följdes upp med en intervju för att besvara följande forskningsfrågor: (1) Hur använder lärare formella respektive informella begrepp i undervisningen om algebra? (2) Vilken påverkan anser lärare att deras språkbruk har på elevers inlärning och eget språkanvändande? (3) Vilka medvetna språkval gör lärare för att stötta elevers begreppsinlärning och för att koppla samman informellt och formellt språkbruk?  Första forskningsfrågan, som besvarades med hjälp av studiens observationer samt intervjuer, visade att de deltagande lärarna använder både informella och formella begrepp i algebraundervisningen, på ett varierande och samexisterande sätt. Både matematikspråket och vardagsspråket ansågs nödvändiga att kombinera för att göra matematikundervisningen begriplig för eleverna.  Den andra och tredje forskningsfrågan, som besvarades med hjälp av studiens intervjuer, visade att majoriteten av de deltagande lärarna ansåg att deras språkbruk har stor påverkan på eleverna. En av de deltagande lärarna nämnde att många elever pratar som lärare gör och därför blir lärares språk avgörande för elevers språkutveckling. För att stötta elever bekräftade och upprepade majoriteten av de deltagande lärarna de informella begrepp som uppkom och kopplade till de formella begreppen.

Att bygga en bro mellan två språk : En språkanalys av två matematikläromedel för årskurs 3 / Building a bridge between two languages : A linguistic analysis of two mathematics textbooks for grade 3

Agebjörn, Jennie, Stolt, Cecilia January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the study is to perform a linguistic analysis of mathematics textbooks. Mathematical text exercises are built up of linguistic structures which are significant for the pupil’s understanding of text exercises. Two different mathematics textbooks for grade three are analysed: Prima matematikand Tummen upp. The aim is to investigate how text exercises in mathematics textbooks are linguistically structured. The study analyses the style, form and content of the text and its relation to the reader. The result shows that the content of the text exercises is close to the pupil’s everyday reality, which ensures a close and strong relationship between the writer and the reader. Something which can entail difficulties for reading comprehension, however, is that the form consists of meaning-bearing mathematical terms which it can be difficult to relate to. Since the mathematical language and the everyday Swedish language meet in text exercises, it is important that they interact well with each other.

Le dialogue russe spontané : de la pragmatique à l’enseignement / Spontaneous dialogue in russian : from pragmatics to teaching

Simonneau, Ksénia 02 June 2010 (has links)
Le dialogue siège au cœur de l’activité de langage. Il doit donc être au cœur de l’enseignement des langues vivantes. Telle est la position centrale de la thèse, appliquée à l’enseignement du russe. Après le rappel des travaux sur le dialogue dans les traditions russe et française, la thèse analyse un important corpus enregistré de dialogues russes spontanés, et montre concrètement que son exploitation pédagogique passe nécessairement par une typologie des dialogues, à la fois linguistique et pragmatique. La thèse examine enfin, sous cet angle, une série de manuels existants et formule une série de propositions concrètes visant à construire une véritable didactique du dialogue. / Dialogue is at the very center of linguistic activity. It must therefore be at the center of the teaching of modern languages. This is the basic position of the present thesis, as applied to the teaching of Russian. After a survey of the existing works on dialogue in the Russian and French traditions, the thesis analyzes a large recorded corpus of spontaneous Russian dialogues and demonstrates concretely that in order to make use of it pedagogically it is necessary first to have a typology, both linguistic and pragmatic, of the dialogues. Finally the thesis examines, from this point of view, several existing handbooks, and formulates a certain number of concrete proposals whose aim is to achieve a real didactics of dialogue.

Språkutvecklande samhällskunskapsundervisning : En studie om hur lärarna i årskurs 4 arbetar i sin samhällskunskapsundervisning för att det ska bli språkutvecklande

Erdal, Sumeyra January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to investigate what adaptations grade 4 teachers four make to language-develop in the social science classroom. This includes the challenges that may arise and support teachers they need in order to achieve anguage development goals. Using qualitative methods, in the form on interview and observation. Questions that will try to be answered are; 1. How the teachers take into account students language development in the teaching of fourth grade social sciences? 2. What are the difficulties with developing language in social science? 3.What support does the teachers consider necessary for conducting a language-developing social science education? Research has shown that language development education is contextual and is rich with opportunities for interaction. The teacher plays an important role in creatinga context that benefits students, knowledge, linguistic and personal development. However, research has also shown that many teachers lack the skills necessaryto work with language and knowledge developmentin their lessons. In this study, teachers take into account the parents' pre-knowledge and linguistic background while working with different methods based on interaction to develop the student's subject and language ability. The adaptation of different abilities was the biggest difficulty reported by most teachers. Interviewed teachers have also recognized the difficulty of developing students' school languages. According to teachers, collegial learning, language teaching and language development tools, the best basis for language education is education.

El uso de tacos en el habla coloquial española : Un estudio comparativo entre géneros

Escriche Bjare, Mikael January 2021 (has links)
Resumen El uso de palabrotas en el habla coloquial, más bien conocido como el uso de tacos, ha aumentado considerablemente entre mujeres durante las últimas décadas. En esta tesina se han analizado las diferencias de su uso entre géneros y en qué consisten, el tema presentado cabe dentro de la diciplina sociolingüística, la cual estudia los aspectos comunicativos entre individuos. Inicialmente se destacan las definiciones y se explican los diferentes usos de las palabrotas dentro del habla coloquial.  El análisis se ha realizado a través de un método mixto. La primera parte consiste en un análisis del corpus COLAM (2015) del cual el material ha sido tratado de modo cuantitativo para poder averiguar la diferencia entre frecuencia y uso entre géneros.  Las frecuencias están presentadas en diagramas para poder probar la supuesta hipótesis de que existen diferencias entre los géneros al usar tacos en el habla coloquial.  En la segunda parte del análisis se ha aplicado un método cualitativo en el que el uso de tacos es ejemplificados y explicados con ayuda del corpus PRESEEA (2014).             El resultado de la segunda parte del análisis nos muestra las diferentes funciones y usos sociolingüísticos dentro del habla coloquial independiente de género.  Los resultados de este estudio muestran que existen diferencias entre géneros al usar tacos, mayormente en frecuencia y temas de las cuáles los chicos predominan el uso con temas sexuales. El presupuesto aumento entre chicas es probablemente debido a un cambio de actitud sobre lo considerado ofensivo durante las últimas décadas. / Abstract The use of curses in everyday language, better known as the use of” tacos” in Spanish has increased considerably among women the last decades. In this thesis gender diferencials have been analized and explained, the theme presented is within the subject of area of sociolinguistics which studies communicative aspects between individuals. Inlitially the defenitions are determined and different uses of curses in everyday language are explained.       The analysis is implemented through a mixed method, the first part consists of an analysis of the COLAM (2015) corpus in wich the material has been treated in a quantitative fashioning order to determine the differences in frequency and use among opposing genders. The frequencies are presented in charts to enable the test of the hypothesis that diferences between genders exist in the use of cursing in everyday language. In the second part of the analysis a qualitative method has been applied in which the use of ”tacos” is exemplified and explained using the corpus of PRESEEA (2014). The focus here is to show the diferent functions ans sociolinguistic uses whithin everyday language independent of genders.                                                                              The results of this study shows that gender diferences in the use of ”tacos” exists, and that the diferances mainly consists of the frequency and theme of which boys predominatly uses sexual themes. The presumed increase among girls is probobly due to a change in attitude towards whats considered to be ofensive use of  language during the last decades.

”En liksom väldigt naken, autentisk inblick i mental ohälsa” : En studie om hur begrepp kopplat till psykisk ohälsa uttrycks i poddar / “A kind of very naked, authentic insight into mental illness" : A study about how concepts linked to mental illness are expressed in podcasts

Segerfridh, Fillippa, Karlsson, Julia January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie har begrepp kopplat till psykisk ohälsa studerats utifrån uttryck i svenska underhållningspoddar. Syftet är att studera begreppens förekomst och innebörd samt att problematisera den begreppsliga användningen i vardagliga samtal. Vidare analyseras skillnader i hur kvinnor och män uttrycker sig kring begrepp som är kopplade till psykisk ohälsa. Studien har med inspiration från diskurspsykologiska och begreppsanalytiska metoder behandlat begrepp kopplat till psykisk ohälsa enligt följande teman: stress, ångest och oro, diagnostiska begrepp, övriga psykologiska begrepp, suicid och trauma. Resultatet visar att begreppen nämns i varierande grad i alla analyserade poddar och med förhållande­vis högre förekomst i poddar med endast kvinnor i jämförelse med endast män eller med både män och kvinnor. Vissa begrepp används mer frekvent än andra där exempelvis ångest och oro samt stress och diagnostiska begrepp används i högre grad än begreppen suicid och trauma. Begrepp kopplat till psykisk ohälsa används främst för att förstärka känslor samt beskriva beteenden och händelser snarare än att beskriva faktiska symptom på psykisk ohälsa. Detta gör att begreppen blir förändrade i sin innebörd vilket riskerar att skapa förvrängda sociala föreställningar om psykisk ohälsa. Begrepps­användningen kan därav problematiseras utifrån dess potentiella konsekvenser för individen, samhället och det sociala arbetet, där slutsatsen är att språket är avgörande för att förstå och förmedla psykisk ohälsa. / This study examines how concepts linked to mental illness have been expressed in Swedish entertainment podcasts. The purpose is to study the occurrence and meaning of the concepts and to problematize the conceptual use in everyday conversations. Furthermore, differences are analyzed in how women and men express themselves with concepts linked to mental illness. With inspiration from discourse psychology and concept analytical methods, the study has treated concepts linked to mental illness according to the following themes: stress, anxiety and unease, diagnostic concepts, other psychological concepts, suicide and trauma. The results show that the concepts are expressed to varied degrees in all analyzed podcasts and with a relatively higher occurrence in podcasts with only women compared to only men or with both men and women. Certain concepts are used more frequently than others, for example, anxiety and unease as well as stress and diagnostic concepts are used to a greater extent than the concepts of suicide and trauma. Concepts linked to mental illness are mainly used to amplify feelings and describe behaviors and events rather than describing actual symptoms of mental illness. This causes the concepts to change in their meaning, which risks creating distorting social ideas about mental illness. The use of the concept can therefore be problematized based on its potential consequences for the individual, society and social work, where the conclusion is that language is crucial for understanding and perceiving mental illness.

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