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NEGATIVT TV- OCH DATASPELSBRUK BLAND GYMNASIEELEVERFrederiksen, Richard January 2014 (has links)
Arbetet har sin bakgrund i att Malmö stad under de senaste åren delar ut datorer till bland annat eleverna i de kommunala gymnasieskolorna. Arbetet har även sin grund i forskningen kring TV- och dataspelsbruk. Arbetet syftar till att undersöka hur Malmös kommunala gymnasieskolor arbetar för att uppmärksamma negativt bruk av TV- och dataspel bland sina elever. Vidare att undersöka hur de kommunala gymnasieskolorna i Malmö arbetar för att stödja de elever som fastnar i ett negativt bruk av TV- och dataspel. Arbetet syftar även till att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma inom kommunala gymnasieskolor, definierar ett negativt bruk av TV- och dataspel. I studien användes en kvalitativa design med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuer har genomförts med fyra kuratorer som arbetar vid olika kommunala gymnasieskolor i Malmö. Resultatet i detta arbete har analyserats utifrån teorin kring socialkonstruktivism och diskuterats med tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet TV- och dataspelsbruk. Arbetet visar bland annat att de kommunala gymnasieskolorna inte har något specifikt arbete kring frågan om negativt TV- och dataspelsbruk, utan utgår från ett generellt förhållningssätt för att uppmärksamma negativa förändringar bland sina elever. Vidare erbjuder skolorna stöd i form av samtalskontakt till de elever som har ett negativt bruk av TV- och dataspel. Resultatet visar även att de intervjuade definierar ett negativt bruk av TV- och dataspel utifrån de eventuella konsekvenser som drabbar individen av dennes spelande. / This work has its origin in that the city of Malmö in recent years, have been handing out computers to e.g. students in the municipal high schools. The work also has its basis in research on TV- and computer game use. This work aims to investigate how Malmo's municipal high schools work to pay attention to negative use of TV- and computer games among their students. Furthermore, to investigate how the local high schools in Malmö work to support those students who get stuck in a negative use of TV- and computer games. The work also aims to examine how professionals in the municipal high schools, defines a negative use of the TV- and computer games. The study used a qualitative design with semi-structured interviews . Interviews were conducted with four counselors working at various municipal high schools in Malmö. The results of this work have been analyzed based on the theory of social constructivism and discussed with previous research in the subject area TV and computer game use. The work shows that the municipal high schools do not have any specific work on the issue of negative TV and computer games use, but is based on a general attitude to notice negative changes among their students. Further schools offers support in the form of dialog-contact with those students who have a negative use of the TV- and computer games. The result also shows that the respondents define a negative use of TV and computer games based on the possible consequences faced by the individual of his or her gambling.
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Environmental and Economic Impacts of Chemical Fertilizer Use: A Case Study of the North China PlainPowell, Jane Elizabeth 14 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Male eating disorders: experiences of food, body and selfDelderfield, Russell 12 1900 (has links)
No / This book takes a novel approach to the study of male eating disorders – an area that is often dominated by clinical discourses. The study of eating disorders in men has purportedly suffered from a lack of dedicated attention to personal and socio-cultural aspects. Delderfield tackles this deficiency by spotlighting a set of personal accounts written by a group of men who have experiences of disordered eating. The text presents critical interpretations that aim to situate these experiences in the social and cultural context in which these disorders occur.
This discursive work is underpinned by an eclectic scholarly engagement with social psychology and sociology literature around masculinities, embodiment and fatness, belonging, punishment, stigma, and control; leading to understandings about relationships with food, body and self. This is undertaken with a reflexive element, as the personal intersects with the professional. This text will appeal to students, scholars and clinicians in social sciences, humanities, and healthcare studies, including public health.
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O desequilíbrio excessivo da relação jurídica de consumo e sua correção por meio da cláusula geral de proibição de vantagem excessiva no Código de Defesa do ConsumidorAzevedo, Fernando Costa de January 2014 (has links)
La presente tesi ha come obiettivo analisare il concetto e le specie di squilibrio eccessivo della relazione giuridica di consumo, nonché la possibilitá di correzione di una delle specie di squilibrio eccessivo – l’esercizio abusivo della posizione giuridica dei fornitori – per mezzo della clausola generale di divieto di vantaggio eccessivo, previsto nel Codice di Difesa del Consumatore (Art. 39, V c/c art. 51, IV e §1°). Si tratta, in essenza, di uno studio sulla stessa relazione giuridica di consumo, ragione per la quale si impone, inizialmente, un’analisi con riferimento ai suoi pressuposti fatico-normativi, elementi costitutivi e caratteristica fondamentale (Parte I, Capitolo1) per, soltanto dopo, affrontare il tema degli “squilibri” (strutturale e eccessivo) esistenti in questo tipo di relazione giuridica (Parte I, Capitolo 2), quando si cerca di dimostrare che lo squilibrio eccessivo non si confonda con lo squilibrio strutturale (intrinseco), nella misura in cui questo è realtà costitutiva della stessa relazione giuridica di consumo, essendo, per questo, riconosciuta e tollerabile dal dirito; invece, lo squilibrio eccessivo è realtà che supera i limiti del “giuridicamente tollerabile” – cioè, dello stato di squilibrio strutturale – e, per questo motivo, necessita di essere correta da un mezzo dell’ordine giuridica ( nel caso brasiliano, dal sistema giuridico di protezione e difesa dei consumatori, centralizzato nei valori e norme costituzionali e sistematizzato nel Codice di Difesa del Consumatore – Legge n. 8.078, dell’11 settembre 1990). E per la correzione delle situazioni di squilibrio eccessivo della relazione di consumo generate dall’esercizio abusivo della posizione giuridica dei fornitori il legislatore brasiliano, attento alla necessità di comprensione del diritto privato come un sistema giuridico aperto (Parte II, Capitolo 3) ha costruito il Codice di Difesa del Consumatore come uno microsistema dotato di norme casistiche e di norme aperte (le cosidette “clausole generali”), distacandosi, tra loro, la clausola generale di divieto di vantaggio eccessivo, che si intende essere la “clausola fondamentale di correzione dell’abuso nelle relazioni giuridiche di consumo” (Parte II, Capitolo 4), allo stesso tempo in cui suo ambito di applicazione, fissato dallo stesso leggislatore (CDC, art. 51,§1º), contiene, dovuto alla sua grande generalità, l’ambito delle altre clausole generali di correzione e abuso, così come quelle di funzione sociale ed economica del diritto, buona-fede obiettiva, buone abitudine e lesione enorme, tutelando, infine, la globalità dei legittimi interessi dei consumatori – cioè, i loro interessi di natura patrimoniale e esistenziale – danneggiati dalla attuazione abusiva dei fornitori nel mercato di consumo. / A presente tese tem por objetivo analisar o conceito e as espécies de desequilíbrio excessivo da relação jurídica de consumo, bem como a possibilidade de correção de uma das espécies de desequilíbrio excessivo – o exercício abusivo de posição jurídica dos fornecedores – por meio da cláusula geral de proibição de vantagem excessiva, prevista no Código de Defesa do Consumidor (Art. 39, V c/c art. 51, IV e §1º). Trata-se, em essência, de um estudo sobre a própria relação jurídica de consumo, razão pela qual se impõe, inicialmente, uma análise acerca de seus pressupostos fático-normativos, elementos constitutivos e característica fundamental (Parte I, Capítulo 1) para, só então, enfrentar o tema dos “desequilíbrios” (estrutural e excessivo) existentes nesse tipo de relação jurídica (Parte I, Capítulo 2), quando se busca demonstrar que o desequilíbrio excessivo não se confunde com o desequilíbrio estrutural (intrínseco), na medida em que este é realidade constitutiva da própria relação jurídica de consumo, sendo, por isso mesmo, reconhecida e tolerável pelo direito; ao contrário, o desequilíbrio excessivo é realidade que ultrapassa os limites do “juridicamente tolerável” – isto é, do estado de desequilíbrio estrutural - e, por este motivo, precisa ser corrigida por meio da ordem jurídica (no caso brasileiro, pelo sistema jurídico de proteção e defesa dos consumidores, centralizado nos valores e normas constitucionais e sistematizado no Código de Defesa do Consumidor – Lei n. 8.078, de 11 de setembro de 1990). E para a correção das situações de desequilíbrio excessivo da relação de consumo geradas pelo exercício abusivo da posição jurídica dos fornecedores o legislador brasileiro, atento à necessidade de compreensão do direito privado como um sistema jurídico aberto (Parte II, Capítulo 3) construiu o Código de Defesa do Consumidor como um microsssistema dotado de normas casuísticas e de normas abertas (as chamadas “cláusulas gerais”), destacando-se, quanto a estas, a cláusula geral de probição de vantagem excessiva, que se entende ser a “cláusula fundamental de correção do abuso nas relações jurídicas de consumo” (Parte II, Capítulo 4), na medida em que seu âmbito de aplicação, fixado pelo próprio legislador (CDC, art. 51, §1º), abarca, por sua grande generalidade, o âmbito das demais cláusulas gerais de correção do abuso, como as de função social e econômica do direito, boa-fé objetiva, bons costumes e lesão enorme, tutelando, enfim, a globalidade dos legítimos interesses dos consumidores – isto é, seus interesses de natureza patrimonial e existencial – lesados pela atuação abusiva dos fornecedores no mercado de consumo. / The present thesis aims to analyze the concept and the species of excessive unbalance of the legal consumption relationship, as well as the possibility of correction of one of the species of excessive unbalance – the abusive use of the legal position of the suppliers – by the inclusion of the general clause of prohibition of unfair advantage, set out in the Consumer Defense Code (Art. 39, V c/c art. 51, IV and §1º). It is, essentially, a study on the legal consumption relationship itself, a reason for which it is imposed, initially, an analysis concerning its phaticnormative presumptions, constitutive elements and key characteristic (Part I, Chapter 1) for, only then, face the topic of “imbalances” (structural and excessive) existing in this type of legal relationship (Part I, Chapter 2), when willing to demonstrate that the excessive imbalance is not confounded with the structural imbalance (intrinsic), inasmuch as this is a constitutive reality of the legal consumption relationship itself, being, therefore, acknowledged and bearable by the law; on the contrary, the excessive imbalance is a reality which overcomes the limits of the “legally bearable” – that is, the structural imbalance status - and, for this reason, it has to be corrected by the law (in the Brazilian case, by the legal system of protection and defense of consumers, centered in the values and constitutional norms e ordered in the Consumer Defense Code – Law n. 8.078, from September 11th, 1990). And for the correction of excessive imbalance situations in the consumption relationship caused by the abusive practice of the legal position of the suppliers, the Brazilian legislator, attentive to the need of understanding of the private law as an open legal system (Part II, Chapter 3) created the Consumer Defense Code as a microsystem with cauistic norms and open norms (the so-called “general clauses”), highlighting, concerning these, the general clause of prohibition of unfair advantage, which is understood as the “key clause of abuse correction in the consumption legal relationships” (Part II, Chapter 4), inasmuch as in its scope of application, set by the legislator (CDC, art. 51, §1º), embraces, due to all things considered, the scope of the other general clauses of abuse correction, such as the law social and economic function, bona fide intentions, good manners and serious harm, tutoring, then, the whole of legitimate interests of the consumers – that is, their interests of property and existential nature – harmed by the abusive practice of suppliers in the consumer market.
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O desequilíbrio excessivo da relação jurídica de consumo e sua correção por meio da cláusula geral de proibição de vantagem excessiva no Código de Defesa do ConsumidorAzevedo, Fernando Costa de January 2014 (has links)
La presente tesi ha come obiettivo analisare il concetto e le specie di squilibrio eccessivo della relazione giuridica di consumo, nonché la possibilitá di correzione di una delle specie di squilibrio eccessivo – l’esercizio abusivo della posizione giuridica dei fornitori – per mezzo della clausola generale di divieto di vantaggio eccessivo, previsto nel Codice di Difesa del Consumatore (Art. 39, V c/c art. 51, IV e §1°). Si tratta, in essenza, di uno studio sulla stessa relazione giuridica di consumo, ragione per la quale si impone, inizialmente, un’analisi con riferimento ai suoi pressuposti fatico-normativi, elementi costitutivi e caratteristica fondamentale (Parte I, Capitolo1) per, soltanto dopo, affrontare il tema degli “squilibri” (strutturale e eccessivo) esistenti in questo tipo di relazione giuridica (Parte I, Capitolo 2), quando si cerca di dimostrare che lo squilibrio eccessivo non si confonda con lo squilibrio strutturale (intrinseco), nella misura in cui questo è realtà costitutiva della stessa relazione giuridica di consumo, essendo, per questo, riconosciuta e tollerabile dal dirito; invece, lo squilibrio eccessivo è realtà che supera i limiti del “giuridicamente tollerabile” – cioè, dello stato di squilibrio strutturale – e, per questo motivo, necessita di essere correta da un mezzo dell’ordine giuridica ( nel caso brasiliano, dal sistema giuridico di protezione e difesa dei consumatori, centralizzato nei valori e norme costituzionali e sistematizzato nel Codice di Difesa del Consumatore – Legge n. 8.078, dell’11 settembre 1990). E per la correzione delle situazioni di squilibrio eccessivo della relazione di consumo generate dall’esercizio abusivo della posizione giuridica dei fornitori il legislatore brasiliano, attento alla necessità di comprensione del diritto privato come un sistema giuridico aperto (Parte II, Capitolo 3) ha costruito il Codice di Difesa del Consumatore come uno microsistema dotato di norme casistiche e di norme aperte (le cosidette “clausole generali”), distacandosi, tra loro, la clausola generale di divieto di vantaggio eccessivo, che si intende essere la “clausola fondamentale di correzione dell’abuso nelle relazioni giuridiche di consumo” (Parte II, Capitolo 4), allo stesso tempo in cui suo ambito di applicazione, fissato dallo stesso leggislatore (CDC, art. 51,§1º), contiene, dovuto alla sua grande generalità, l’ambito delle altre clausole generali di correzione e abuso, così come quelle di funzione sociale ed economica del diritto, buona-fede obiettiva, buone abitudine e lesione enorme, tutelando, infine, la globalità dei legittimi interessi dei consumatori – cioè, i loro interessi di natura patrimoniale e esistenziale – danneggiati dalla attuazione abusiva dei fornitori nel mercato di consumo. / A presente tese tem por objetivo analisar o conceito e as espécies de desequilíbrio excessivo da relação jurídica de consumo, bem como a possibilidade de correção de uma das espécies de desequilíbrio excessivo – o exercício abusivo de posição jurídica dos fornecedores – por meio da cláusula geral de proibição de vantagem excessiva, prevista no Código de Defesa do Consumidor (Art. 39, V c/c art. 51, IV e §1º). Trata-se, em essência, de um estudo sobre a própria relação jurídica de consumo, razão pela qual se impõe, inicialmente, uma análise acerca de seus pressupostos fático-normativos, elementos constitutivos e característica fundamental (Parte I, Capítulo 1) para, só então, enfrentar o tema dos “desequilíbrios” (estrutural e excessivo) existentes nesse tipo de relação jurídica (Parte I, Capítulo 2), quando se busca demonstrar que o desequilíbrio excessivo não se confunde com o desequilíbrio estrutural (intrínseco), na medida em que este é realidade constitutiva da própria relação jurídica de consumo, sendo, por isso mesmo, reconhecida e tolerável pelo direito; ao contrário, o desequilíbrio excessivo é realidade que ultrapassa os limites do “juridicamente tolerável” – isto é, do estado de desequilíbrio estrutural - e, por este motivo, precisa ser corrigida por meio da ordem jurídica (no caso brasileiro, pelo sistema jurídico de proteção e defesa dos consumidores, centralizado nos valores e normas constitucionais e sistematizado no Código de Defesa do Consumidor – Lei n. 8.078, de 11 de setembro de 1990). E para a correção das situações de desequilíbrio excessivo da relação de consumo geradas pelo exercício abusivo da posição jurídica dos fornecedores o legislador brasileiro, atento à necessidade de compreensão do direito privado como um sistema jurídico aberto (Parte II, Capítulo 3) construiu o Código de Defesa do Consumidor como um microsssistema dotado de normas casuísticas e de normas abertas (as chamadas “cláusulas gerais”), destacando-se, quanto a estas, a cláusula geral de probição de vantagem excessiva, que se entende ser a “cláusula fundamental de correção do abuso nas relações jurídicas de consumo” (Parte II, Capítulo 4), na medida em que seu âmbito de aplicação, fixado pelo próprio legislador (CDC, art. 51, §1º), abarca, por sua grande generalidade, o âmbito das demais cláusulas gerais de correção do abuso, como as de função social e econômica do direito, boa-fé objetiva, bons costumes e lesão enorme, tutelando, enfim, a globalidade dos legítimos interesses dos consumidores – isto é, seus interesses de natureza patrimonial e existencial – lesados pela atuação abusiva dos fornecedores no mercado de consumo. / The present thesis aims to analyze the concept and the species of excessive unbalance of the legal consumption relationship, as well as the possibility of correction of one of the species of excessive unbalance – the abusive use of the legal position of the suppliers – by the inclusion of the general clause of prohibition of unfair advantage, set out in the Consumer Defense Code (Art. 39, V c/c art. 51, IV and §1º). It is, essentially, a study on the legal consumption relationship itself, a reason for which it is imposed, initially, an analysis concerning its phaticnormative presumptions, constitutive elements and key characteristic (Part I, Chapter 1) for, only then, face the topic of “imbalances” (structural and excessive) existing in this type of legal relationship (Part I, Chapter 2), when willing to demonstrate that the excessive imbalance is not confounded with the structural imbalance (intrinsic), inasmuch as this is a constitutive reality of the legal consumption relationship itself, being, therefore, acknowledged and bearable by the law; on the contrary, the excessive imbalance is a reality which overcomes the limits of the “legally bearable” – that is, the structural imbalance status - and, for this reason, it has to be corrected by the law (in the Brazilian case, by the legal system of protection and defense of consumers, centered in the values and constitutional norms e ordered in the Consumer Defense Code – Law n. 8.078, from September 11th, 1990). And for the correction of excessive imbalance situations in the consumption relationship caused by the abusive practice of the legal position of the suppliers, the Brazilian legislator, attentive to the need of understanding of the private law as an open legal system (Part II, Chapter 3) created the Consumer Defense Code as a microsystem with cauistic norms and open norms (the so-called “general clauses”), highlighting, concerning these, the general clause of prohibition of unfair advantage, which is understood as the “key clause of abuse correction in the consumption legal relationships” (Part II, Chapter 4), inasmuch as in its scope of application, set by the legislator (CDC, art. 51, §1º), embraces, due to all things considered, the scope of the other general clauses of abuse correction, such as the law social and economic function, bona fide intentions, good manners and serious harm, tutoring, then, the whole of legitimate interests of the consumers – that is, their interests of property and existential nature – harmed by the abusive practice of suppliers in the consumer market.
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Qualidade do sono em portadores de doença arterial coronariana crônica / Sleep Quality in Patients with Chronic Coronary Artery DiseaseEspinheira, Patrícia Farias Sá 20 September 2013 (has links)
Background: Sleep disorders have been considered risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including coronary artery disease (CAD). Therefore, poor sleep quality should be frequent complaint in patients with coronary disease. However, in patients with CAD, the prevalence of poor sleepers and factors associated were not properly investigated. Objectives: To evaluate the frequency and the factors associated with poor sleepers in patients with chronic CAD. Method: We used validated questionnaires to examine sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; PSQI), high risk of obstructive sleep apnea (Berlin Questionnaire; BQ), excessive sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale; ESS), angina-related health status (Seattle Angina Questionnaire; SAQ) and quality of life (Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short Form; SF-36) in 257 volunteers with stable CAD, mean age 62.5 ± 10.5 years. We categorized and compared good and poor sleepers, according to PSQI global score. Subsequently, adjusted analysis was performed to investigate the factors associated with poor sleepers and demographics, clinical characteristics, risk for obstructive sleep apnea, excessive sleepiness, angina-related health status and quality of life. Results: The majority of CAD patients (75.1%) were poor sleepers. The adjusted analysis indicated that older patients (OR 1.05, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.09; p = 0.004), women gender (OR 3.09, 95% CI 1.48 to 6.45; p = 0.003), lower ejection fraction (OR 1.04, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.06; p = 0.015), lower physical limitation (OR 1.03, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.05; p = 0.020), lower angina stability (OR 1.02, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.04; p = 0.027), worse angina-related quality of life (OR 1.03, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.05; p = 0.002) and lower vitality (OR 1.02, 95% CI 1.00 to 01.03; p = 0.042) were associated with poor sleepers.
Conclusion: Poor sleepers were highly frequency in chronic CAD patients. Patients with chronic CAD and poor sleepers present higher age, women gender, lower ejection fraction, higher physical limitation, lower angina stability, lower angina-related quality of life and lower vitality. / Introdução: Distúrbios do sono têm sido considerados fatores de risco para doença cardiovascular, inclusive para doença arterial coronariana (DAC). Portanto, qualidade do sono ruim deve ser queixa frequente em portadores de doença coronariana. Entretanto, em portadores de DAC, a prevalência de qualidade do sono ruim e os fatores associados não foram devidamente investigados. Objetivos: Avaliar a prevalência e investigar os fatores associados à qualidade do sono ruim em pacientes portadores de DAC crônica. Métodos: Foram utilizados questionários validados para examinar a qualidade do sono (Índice de Qualidade de Sono de Pittsburgh; PSQI), o alto risco para apneia obstrutiva do sono (Questionário de Berlim; QB), a sonolência excessiva (Escala de Sonolência de Epworth; ESE), o status funcional relacionado à angina (Questionário de Seattle sobre Crise de Angina; QSA) e a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (Questionário de Qualidade de Vida SF-36; SF-36), em 257 voluntários com DAC crônica, com idade média de 62,5 ± 10,5 anos. Os pacientes foram categorizados em dois grupos, boa qualidade do sono e qualidade do sono ruim, de acordo com a pontuação global do PSQI. Posteriormente, foi realizada a análise multivariada para investigar a associação entre qualidade do sono ruim e fatores demográficos, características clínicas gerais, risco para apneia obstrutiva do sono, sonolência excessiva, status funcional relacionado à angina e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes com DAC crônica (75,1%) apresentaram qualidade do sono ruim. A Análise multivariada indicou que pacientes com idade avançada (OR 1.05, IC 95% 1.02 - 1.09; p = 0,004), gênero feminino (OR 3.09, IC 95% 1.48 - 6.45; p = 0,003), menor fração de ejeção (OR 1.04, IC 95% 1.01 - 1.06; p = 0,015), maior limitação física (OR 1.03, IC 95% 1.00 - 1.05; p = 0,020), menor estabilidade da angina (OR 1.02, IC 95% 1.00 - 1.04; p = 0,027), pior qualidade de vida relacionada à angina (OR 1.03, IC 95% 1.01 - 1.05; p = 0,002) e menor vitalidade (OR 1.02, IC 95% 1.00 - 1.03; p = 0,042), foram associados à qualidade do sono ruim. Conclusão: Qualidade do sono ruim foi altamente frequente em pacientes com DAC crônica. Pacientes portadores de DAC crônica e pior qualidade do sono apresentam maior
probabilidade de serem mais idosos, do gênero feminino, apresentarem menor fração de ejeção, maior limitação funcional, menor estabilidade da angina, pior qualidade de vida relacionada à angina e menor vitalidade.
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Le contrat d'entreprise et la propriété intellectuelle : étude en droit français et syrien / The contract of enterprise and the intellectual property : compared study in french and syrien lawYoussef, Mohammed 12 June 2015 (has links)
La spécificité de l’objet de la PI imprime une singularité au régime du contrat d’entreprise. L’affirmation se constate aussi bien au sujet de la PLA qu’au sujet de la PIND et appelaient donc la recherche d’une théorie générale. Concernant la PLA, l’existence de droits moraux de l’auteur perturbe la relation contractuelle et justifie la mise en œuvre d’un formalisme important. L’objectif du législateur est alors de tenter de protéger l’auteur, envisagé comme la partie faible face au maître de l’ouvrage. Et quoique certaines exceptions aient été mises en place, elles demeurent insuffisantes. Une telle méthode « principe – exception » se révèle néanmoins alternativement inutile ou préjudiciable, de sorte qu’il conviendrait de convertir les exceptions en règle commune. À titre d’exemple, l’attribution initiale des droits d’auteur au maître de l’ouvrage dans le cadre de l’œuvre collective ou le logiciel devrait être généralisé. Si la protection apportée à l’entrepreneur dans le cadre du droit de la propriété littéraire et artistique apparaît ainsi excessive, elle est au contraire insuffisante dans le cadre du droit de la propriété industrielle. En effet, en dépit de fondements identiques, le contrat d’entreprise relatif aux droits de propriété industrielle est régi par les dispositions du Code civil, lesquelles ne protègent pas l’auteur ou le créateur. Ainsi, dans ce cadre, l’inventeur ne bénéficie pas d’un droit à la rémunération proportionnelle, car l’aspect économique domine toutes les étapes de la relation contractuelle, de l’obtention de la création à son exploitation. Néanmoins, les règles de l’attributions du droit à la création industrielle ne sont pas claires / The specificity of the subject of intellectual property entitled to a singularity of the contract of enterprise regime. The assertion is evident both on the literary and artistic property as about industrial property and therefore called the search for a general theory.Concerning the literary and artistic property, the existence of moral rights of the author disrupts the contractual relationship and justify the implementation of an important formalism. The aim of the legislator is then to try to protect the author, seen as the weak party to face the project Owner. And although some exceptions have been introduced, they remain insufficient. Nevertheless, such a method "principle - exception" proves alternately unnecessary or harmful, so the exceptions should be converted into common rule. For example, the initial attribution of copyright to the Owner project under the collective work or software should be generalized.If the protection provided to the contractor under the law of literary and artistic property thus appears excessive, it is insufficient otherwise under the law of industrial property. Indeed, despite identical basis, the contract of enterprise for industrial property rights is governed by the provisions of the Civil Code, which do not protect the author or creator. Thus, in this context, the inventor does not have a right to remuneration proportional because the economic aspect dominates all stages of the contractual relationship, obtaining creation to its exploitation. Nevertheless, the rules of the attribution of the right to creation industrial are not clear
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International standards for statistics on the government sector / Mezinárodní statistické standardy pro sektor vládních institucíValentová Půlpánová, Lenka January 2006 (has links)
The analysis of the government sector gained prominence after the World War II as the Keynesian theory attributed the government sector key importance in battling economic cycle and the post-war reconstruction and development involved state interventions on a large scale. In 1990s a strength-ened interest in the government sector was triggered by the need to coordinate fiscal policies and closely monitor fiscal health in the countries forming the Economic and Monetary Union. Finally, in the context of the recent global economic crisis, the government sector returned to the centre of the economic policy debate as fiscal policy was used as a main tool to fight the economic recession and subsequently sustainability of government finances became a pressing issue for many countries around the Globe. Increasing importance of the fiscal analysis and fiscal policymaking always generated and continues to generate demand for appropriate statistical data. The international statistical standards played a key role in meeting these requirements. This dissertation offers a comprehensive historical overview, a comparative analysis and evaluation of main internationally recognised statistical standards dealing with the government sector produced by the United Nations, the OECD, the European Communities (Eurostat), the IMF and the European Central Bank. It covers a period since the first international guidelines in late 1940s up to present. It analyses evolution of the statistical treatment of the government sector including its historical roots and gradual revisions and extensions to reflect changing needs and shifts in economic environment. The study compares individual standards with each other and across time and points out differences in basic definitions, concepts and classifications, the institutional coverage of the government sector, structure of government accounts and balancing items, integration of flow accounts with balance sheets and consolidation of transactions or stocks. The dissertation shows that the international statistical standards were successful in offering common statistical guidance, recommendations and best practices. The international organizations have proven to be well suited to deliver widely acknowledged standards. Their cooperation with national statistical agencies and engagement of the most competent experts in the field contributed to building credibility of these statistical systems, if properly applied. The comparative analysis also demonstrates a clear long-term effort of the international statistical community to enhance international harmonization. The application of the international statistical standards also improved quality and availability of government statistics as individual countries are in principle bound -- through their memberships in the international organizations -- to compile agreed data on the basis of a common methodology. This was in particular the case for EU countries for which provision of statistical data according to a given standard is legally binding, as the data are relevant for budgetary and surveillance procedures. As a special case, the history since early 1990s and current situation of statistics on the government sector in the Czech Republic is presented.
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Les créances de sécurite sociale et l'entreprise en difficulté : vers la contribution des organismes percepteurs au soutien de l'activité économiqueRonet, Delphine 24 November 2011 (has links)
Un affaiblissement des prérogatives de recouvrement et un renforcement de l’accompagnement : telle pourrait-être la synthèse de l’étude de l’évolution des rapports entre les organismes de sécurité sociale et les entreprises en difficulté. Progressivement, le sauvetage de l’activité a été érigé en premier objectif du droit des entreprises en difficulté ; le recouvrement des créances est relégué. Celui des créances de sécurité sociale n’échappe plus à cette dynamique. En effet, la solidarité nationale n’est plus nécessairement un vecteur de préférence suffisant, sous couvert des prérogatives exorbitantes des organismes percepteurs. Ces derniers plient sous le poids du principe d’égalité des créanciers. Des délais de grâce peuvent même leur être imposés lors des traitements amiables et de nouvelles mesures spécifiques contribuent également à amputer en toute ou partie leur recouvrement. Si les difficultés de l’entreprise affectent la perception des créances sociales (en temps et en montant), sa disparition sonne généralement le glas d’un paiement complet. La solidarité nationale reste tributaire de la bonne santé des entreprises, dont la remise sur pieds dépend souvent de l’attitude des créanciers sociaux. Voilà pourquoi ces derniers sont, en pratique et par l’effet de la réglementation, de plus en plus associés à la prévention-détection et au traitement de l’entreprise défaillante. Les outils mis à leur disposition ne cessent de se développer et de se diversifier. Leur implication auprès des entreprises en difficulté est d’autant plus envisageable que les limites qui pourraient leur être posées, sont en réalité assez faibles (responsabilité pour soutien abusif, aides d’Etat …). En définitive, le droit du recouvrement des créances de sécurité sociale a, en quelques années, tant évolué que l’on assiste désormais à un changement de paradigme dont l’un des enjeux est de placer les créanciers sociaux au cœur de cette mutation. / A weakening of the powers of recovery and a strengthening of support: you it could be the summary of the study of the changing relationship between social security institutions and enterprises in difficulty. Gradually, the rescue activity was erected in the first goal of the law firms in difficulty. Debt collection is relegated. The claims of social security more immune to this dynamic. Indeed, national solidarity is not necessarily a vector preferably sufficient, under the guise of exorbitant prerogatives organizations collectors. These bend under the weight of the principle of equality of creditors. Grace periods may even be imposed on them during treatment amicable and specific new measures, also contribute to amputate all or part of their collection. If the company's difficulties affect the perception of social claims (in time and amount), its disappearance usually sounds the death knell of a full payment. National solidarity remains dependent on the health of companies, including the re-establishment often depends on the social attitude of creditors. That's why they are in practice and the effect of regulation, increasingly associated with the prevention, detection and treatment of the failing firm. The tools available to them continue to grow and diversify. Their involvement with companies in trouble is all the more possible that the limits that might be asked, are actually quite low (liability for improper support, state aid ...). Ultimately, the debt collection law social security in recent years evolved as we are now witnessing a paradigm shift in which one of the challenges is to put creditors at the heart of this social change.
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An analysis of the prevention of police brutality in the Western CapeRushton, William 02 1900 (has links)
South Africa has been synonymous with police brutality for many years. This stigma remains till this day. The South African Police Service and the Government has tried in vain to change the image of the South African Police Service. This research was conducted to analyse the prevention of police brutality in the Western Cape, focusing on Cape Town. This will include the effects police brutality has had on the community, and the resulting breakdown of relations between the police and the community.
This study will compare statistics of police brutality related incidents from South Africa with that of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia and Nigeria. This comparison will indicate if South Africans do suffer more brutality cases at the hands of the police or is brutality by police officers a worldwide phenomenon. The research questions that were asked during this study are if police brutality is a problem, why does police brutality occur, how does it affect the community and what can be done to prevent police brutality.
This study used a mixed method of research methodology to attempt the answer the complex questions asked. This included survey questionnaires that were distributed to police officials, Community Police Forum members and the community around the Cape Town Central Business District. Semi structured interviews were held with members of the police’s departmental hearing section. Literature was also obtained regarding police brutality.
Prevention of police brutality strategies from the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia and Nigeria were obtained to compare these strategies and determine which have been successful and could be a benefit to the South African Police Service. The current strategies the South African Police Service have also put in place will be discussed which will include legislation, white paper on safety and security, the green paper on police practice and the National Development plan 2030.
Combining all the information obtained, this research will provide findings regarding the phenomenon of police brutality and possible recommendations that could assist with the prevention of police brutality. This in turn will help build a better relationship between the South African Police Service and its Citizens that they swore to protect and serve. / Criminology and Security Science / M. A. (Criminal Justice)
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