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The Strategic Direction of Swedish RegionalEnergy CompaniesSÖDERDAHL, JACOB January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish energy market consists of several different energy companies that possess different ownership structures. The strategical directions of the different energy companies are highly dependent on these ownership structures, due to the fact that the different owners decides the overall aim of the ownership which then is considered when creating a strategy. There are three dominant ownership structures for the energy companies within the Swedish energy market today which are; privately owned, governmentally owned and lastly energy companies owned by a municipality, often called regional energy companies. The strategical direction for the privately and governmentally owned energy companies are somewhat similar, where highprofitability often is prioritized combined with a sufficient sustainability. However, the strategical direction of the different regional energy companies differs greatly, depending on several different factors. The aim of this study is therefore to identify the strategical direction for 6 investigated regional energy companies, by examining different internal and external factors affecting this strategical direction.The study was based on 6 interviews with company representatives from each of the studied companies, where 5 of these representatives possessed the role as CEO and one possessed the role as senior advisor. These interviews was conducted in order to get a good understanding of the strategical direction of each company, and to identify the different internal and external factors affecting these.The results of this study identified several different external factors affecting the regional energy companies, which was then divided into 6 different categories; Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and lastly Legal. Different internal factors were also identified and categorized into five different areas, which were Politicians as owners, Aim of ownership, State of municipality, Risk management and Interpretation of municipal law. These factors was then used in order to identify the strategical directions of the studied regional energy companies, which differed substantially. However, there were areas within the different strategical directions that was similar to all investigatedcompanies. For example, all 6 investigated companies expressed the importance of aligning the energy companies and their offering with the changing customer demand that is highly connected to the increasing digitalization of the Swedish energy market.
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I den dominerande samhällssynen ses kriminalitet som ett avvikande beteende eftersom det går emot den rådande lagstiftningen och normerna. Det finns alltid människor som inte följer normerna och ses därför som avvikare. Vad är det som får vissa personer att bryta mot lagen? Denna fråga är komplex eftersom alla individer påverkas av yttre faktorer på olika sätt. Författarna är intresserade av hur yttre faktorer kan påverka människor till att begå brottsliga handlingar. Det finns en del tidigare forskning om detta ämne, bland annat om betydelsen av att växa upp i dysfunktionella familjeförhållanden och hur vännerna och skolan påverkar den enskilde individens kriminella beteende. Teoridelen utgår från symbolisk Beckers stämplingsteori om avvikelse samt inlärningsteorin som bland annat berör observationens betydelse för individens inlärning. Utifrån studiens syfte har den kvalitativa metoden valts i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer för att få en djupare förståelse av intervjupersonernas egna upplevelser. Det utfördes åtta intervjuer med före detta kriminella personer vid tre Kris (Kriminellas revansch i samhället) föreningar i Skåne. Resultatet och analysen belyser intervjupersonernas egna upplevelser kring det avvikande beteendet. De nämner bland annat otryggheten och den kärlekslösa uppfostran som en bidragande faktor som lett dem till kriminalitet. I diskussionen förs främst en reflektion kring resultat och analysavsnittet där författarnas egna kritiska funderingar lyftas fram. Det är omgivningens syn som sätter stämpeln på individen som avvikare, därför är det viktigt att studera individens omgivning för att förstå sig på dennes avvikande handlande. / In the dominant society's view crime sees as a deviant behavior because it goes against the prevailing laws and norms. There are always people who do not follow the standards in society and is therefore seen as outliers. What is it that makes some people go against the law? This issue is complex because all individuals respond in different ways when external factors influence them. The authors are interested in how external factors can influence people to commit criminal actions. There is some previous research on this topic that includes the importance of understanding how it is for a child to grow up in a dysfunctional family and how friends and school influence the individual's criminal behavior. The theoretical part is based on symbolic interactionism, Howard Beckers labeling theory about the deviant behavior and the learning theory that includes how observation is relevant to the individual's learning. Based on the purpose of the study the qualitative method is chosen in the form of semi-structured interviews to gain a deeper understanding of the interviewees' own experiences. Eight interviews were performed with former criminals at three different Kris (kriminellas revansch i samhället) organizations in Skåne. The results and analysis highlights the interviewees' own experiences about the deviant behavior. They mention, among other things, that the insecurity and unloving upbringing as a contributing factor that led them to crime. The discussion is primarily a reflection on the results and analysis section where the authors' own critical reflections is highlighted. It is the surrounding environment that put the divergent label on the individual, therefor it is important to study the individual's environment to understand his deviant behavior.
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Riskhantering i fastighetsbolag : Är riskhantering mer integrerat i verksamhetsstyrningen än vad fastighetsbolagen själva inser? / Risk management in real estate companies : Is risk management more integrated into business management than real estate companies themselves realize?Lord, Vanessa, Comnell, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Fastighetsbolag står inför betydande finansiella-, operativa- och strategiska risker, vilket gör effektiv riskhantering avgörande. De ökade ekonomiska utmaningar som kommer till följd av högre räntor och inflation har gjort att fastighetsbolagens redan höga risker har ökat ytterligare, vilket kräver välutvecklade strategier för att hantera dessa risker. Enligt flera forskare förväntas riskerna dessutom att bli både mer komplexa och öka i antal i framtiden. Detta gör det relevant och viktigt att studera hur riskhantering integreras i fastighetsbolagens verksamhetsstyrning, hur externa faktorer påverkar fastighetsbolagen och deras riskhantering, samt hur riskhanteringsprocessen utformas. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur riskhantering integreras i verksamhetsstyrningen för fastighetsbolag, där studien syftar till att kartlägga en konceptuell modell som integrerar de båda. Vidare är syftet också att undersöka vilka risker fastighetsbolag står inför och hur riskhantering är utformad för att studera hur externa faktorer påverkar fastighetsbolagens riskhantering. Metod: Det är en kvalitativ studie där empiriskt material samlats in genom intervjuer, dokument och webbplatser med en abduktiv forskningsansats. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från sex olika fastigshetsföretag. Studien baseras på vetenskapliga artiklar, litterära böcker, dokument, webbplatser och empiriska insamlad data. Slutsats: Fastighetsföretag bör sträva efter att integrera riskhantering i sin verksamhetsstyrning, vilket kan uppnås genom att ha en systematisk och sammanhållande process med tydligt definierade roller över ansvarsfördelningen för riskhantering, där risker ständigt ska kopplas till företagets olika mål. Fastighetsföretag måste betrakta risker från ett helhetsperspektiv snarare än på avdelningsnivå, där många risker påverkar varandra ömsesidigt och bör därför inte betraktas som separata. Vidare finns det ingen modell för riskhantering som passar alla fastighetsföretag då “one size does not fit all”. Genom att implementera studiens konceptuella modell som innehåller en checklista, kan företag anpassa denna modell till just deras specifika villkor och på så sätt integrera riskhanteringen i verksamhetsstyrningen. / Background: Real estate companies face significant finance- operational- and strategic risks, making effective risk management essential. The increased financial challenges that come as a result of higher interest rates and inflation have meant that the already high risks in real estate companies have increased even further, requiring well-developed strategies to manage these risks. According to several researchers, the risks are also expected to become both more complex and increase in number in the future. This makes it relevant and important to study how risk management is integrated into real estate companies' business management. In addition, how external factors affect real estate companies and their risk management and lastly how the risk management process is designed. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine how risk management is integrated into the business management in real estate companies, where the study aims to make a conceptual model that integrates both. Furthermore, the purpose is also to investigate what risks real estate companies face and how risk management is designed to be able to study how external factors affect real estate companies´risk management. Method: It is a qualitative study where empirical material was collected through interviews, documents and websites with an abductive research approach. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured interviews with respondents from six different real estate companies. The study is based on scientific articles, literary books, documents, websites and data collected from empirical sources. Conclusion: Real estate companies should strive to integrate risk management into their business management, which can be achieved by having a systematic and cohesive process with clearly defined roles across the distribution of responsibilities for risk management, where risks must constantly be linked to the company's various goals. Real estate companies must consider risks from a holistic perspective rather than at a departmental level, where many risks interact with each other and should therefore not be considered in isolation. Furthermore, there is no model for risk management that fits all real estate companies as “one size does not fit all”. By implementing the study's conceptual model, which contains a checklist, companies can adapt this model to their specific conditions and thus integrate risk management into business management.
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Etude des facteurs associés à la détresse psychologique lors de la transition des ainés vers la retraiteTajeddine, Samer 08 1900 (has links)
Les résultats ont été analysés à l'aide du logiciel SPSS / Problématique : La transition à la retraite est une étape importante dans la vie des aînés.
C’est une période de la vie caractérisée par plusieurs bouleversements tels que la fin du rôle de
travailleur, une diminution considérable du revenu et un changement du mode de vie qui
peuvent affecter le bien-être psychologique des retraités. Selon Atchley, le risque de détresse
psychologique augmente lorsque la transition vers la retraite entraine une discontinuité dans
les ressources internes et les ressources externes dont disposent les individus avant et après la
Objectifs : L’objectif de ce mémoire était d’examiner l’évolution des ressources internes et
externes des individus avant et après leur retraite et d’estimer l’influence de l’évolution de ces
facteurs sur la détresse psychologique des retraités.
Méthode : Les données proviennent de l’Enquête nationale sur la santé de la population
(ENSP), une enquête populationnelle longitudinale conduite par Statistique Canada.
L’échantillon était composé de 426 individus âgés de 55 ans et plus au moment de la retraite.
La détresse psychologique était mesurée par le K6 de Kessler. Les variables indépendantes
incluaient le sentiment de contrôle (facteur interne), le stress, le réseau social et le soutien
social (facteurs externes). Les données ont été analysées par des analyses de régression
Résultats : La détresse psychologique des retraités augmente en fonction de leur niveau de
détresse avant la retraite et du stress financier et général vécu après la retraite. Elle diminue en
fonction du sentiment de contrôle ressenti après la retraite et du changement dans le réseau
social et le sentiment de contrôle avant et après la retraite.
Conclusion : Contrairement à ce qui était prédit par le modèle d’Atchley, la discontinuité des
ressources internes et externes n’est pas nécessairement un facteur de risque de la détresse des
retraités car la situation des individus après leur retraite peut aussi affecter leur santé mentale / Rationale : Retirement is an important step in seniors’ life. It is a period characterized by
several changes such as the end of role of worker, a considerable decrease in income, and a
change in the way of living that may affect the psychological well-being of retirees. According
to Atchley, the risk of psychological distress increases when the transition to retirement leads
to discontinuity in internal and external resources which are available to individuals before
and after retirement.
Objectives : To examine the evolution of internal and external resources of individuals before
and after retirement and to estimate the influence of the evolution of these factors on
psychological distress of retirees.
Methods : Data come from the Canadian National Population Health Survey, a longitudinal
population-based survey conducted by Statistics Canada. The sample was made up of 426
retirees aged 55 and over at the time of retirement. Psychological distress was measured by
Kessler’s K6. Independent variables included the sense of control (internal factor), stress,
social network and social support (external factors). Data were analyzed by linear regression
Results : Psychological distress of retirees increases according to their level of distress before
retirement and to the financial and general stress experienced after retirement. It decreases
according to their sense of control felt after retirement and to the change in their social
network and sense of control before and after retirement.
Conclusion : Contrary to what was predicted by the model of Atchley, discontinuity of
internal and external resources is not necessarily a risk factor for distress of retirees since their
situation after retirement can also affect their mental health.
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Motivationsfaktorer för motionärer : En kvantitativ studie gällande om yngre och äldre motionärer motionerar av samma motivationsfaktorer på träningslokaler / Motivation factors for exercisers : A quantitative study on whether younger and older exercisers are exercising by the same motivation factors on training facilitiesBjörkdahl, Hanna, Jonsson, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Motivation har en betydande roll när det kommer till att människor väljer att motionera. Syftet med studien var att se om yngre motionärer mellan 18 och 30 år samt äldre motionärer på 65 år och uppåt motionerar på träningslokaler för samma motivationsfaktorer, samt att se vilken av de fem motivationsfaktorerna (fysiskt, psykiskt, socialt, må bra och yttre faktorer) som är viktigast och även om det finns några könsskillnader. Genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning har 40 respondenter från två olika träningslokaler i Karlstad, Friskis och svettis samt Livskraft deltagit och resultatet har visat att det inte finns några större skillnader mellan varken åldersgrupperna eller könen i urvalsgruppen. Utöver detta visade resultatet att ”må bra” faktorn var den viktigaste motivationen, tätt följt av den ”psykiska” som bland annat innefattar att klara av stress, bli glad och få bättre självförtroende; samt den ”fysiska” som innebär att man vill förbättra sitt utseende, komma i form och även vill att kroppen ska må bra. Det visar på att hälsa är viktigt för respondenterna, i form av att ”fysiskt” och ”psykiskt” har värderats högt. Resultatet visade även att det inte fanns något samband mellan kön och ålder i förhållande till motivationsfaktorerna samt att ”yttre faktorer” inte är lika relevant för respondenterna som de övriga motivationsfaktorerna. / Motivation plays a significant role when it comes to why people choose to exercise. The aim off the study was to see if young athletes between 18-30 years of age and older athletes of 65 years and older exercise on training facilities for the same motivation factors, and to see which of the five motivation factors (physical, psychological, social, feel good and external factors) is most important, and even if there are any gender differences. Through a quantitative survey 40 respondents from two different training facilities in Karlstad, Friskis och svettis and Livskraft have participated and the results have shown that there are no major differences between either age groups or gender in the selection group. In addition, the results showed that the “feel good”-factor was the main motivation, closely followed by the “psychological” that includes coping with stress, be happy and self-confident; and the “physical” which means that they want to improve their body appearance, getting in shape and also want the body to feel good. This shows that health is important for the respondents; in terms of that “physical” and “psychological” have been valued highly. The results also showed that there were no connection between gender and age in relation to motivation factors and the external factors are not as relevant to the respondents as the other motivational factors.
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Factores determinantes en las exportaciones peruanas de palta Hass a Estados Unidos en los periodos 2010-2011 y 2013-2014 en el marco Perú-Estados unidosMeza Marquez, Ana Stefanny, Osorio Ayala, Mercedes Graciela 02 1900 (has links)
La presente investigación analiza los factores determinantes que influyeron en las exportaciones peruanas de Palta Hass a Estados Unidos en los periodos 2010-2011 y 2013-2014, los cuales representan la mayor variación porcentual entre los años 2010 al 2017. Las exportaciones de palta hass peruana a Estados Unidos aumentaron de USD $316 miles en el 2010 a USD 30,174 miles en el 2011, con una variación de 9,499%. Seguido del periodo 2013-2014, donde las exportaciones aumentaron de USD 50,700 miles en el 2013 a USD 160,470 miles en el 2014, con un crecimiento porcentual de 228%. Al analizar estos dos momentos, se desea encontrar los factores determinantes que lograron este impacto en las exportaciones de palta hass y puedan ser retomadas o replicables a futuro.
Como parte de la investigación, se realizaron entrevistas a los actores involucrados como entidades de El Estado, Académicos, ProHass y empresas exportadoras peruanas de palta hass a Estados Unidos durante ambos periodos. La información analizada indica que durante el primer periodo 2010-2011, existe una mayor relevancia de factores internos sobresaliendo el factor eliminación del tratamiento de frío. A diferencia del segundo periodo, donde los factores externos poseen más relevancia, resaltando el factor baja en la producción de la competencia, México y California. / The present investigation analyzes the determining factors that influenced the Peruvian exports of Palta Hass to the United States in the periods 2010-2011 and 2013-2014, which represent the highest percentage variation between 2010 and 2017. Peruvian avocado exports have The United States increased from USD $ 316 thousand in 2010 to USD 30,174 thousand in 2011, with a variation of 9.499%. Followed by the period 2013-2014, where exports increased from USD 50,700 thousand in 2013 to USD 160,470 thousand in 2014, with a percentage growth of 228%. When analyzing these two moments, we want to find the determining factors that have achieved this impact in avocado hass exports and can be resumed or replicated in the future.
As part of the investigation, interviews were conducted with the actors involved such as the State, Academicians, ProHass and Peruvian companies exporting avocados to the United States during both periods. The analyzed information indicates that during the first period 2010-2011, there is a greater relevance of internal factors, excelling the factor of elimination of cold treatment as an outstanding factor. Unlike the second period, where external factors have more relevance, highlighting the factor of low in the production of the competition, Mexico and California. / Tesis
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Factores determinantes de la evolución de la exportación de pota congelada en el periodo 2009 – 2017 en el marco de TLC Perú y la República Popular ChinaBendezú Chávez, Kevin Andy, Ccama Leiva, Alejandra Pamela 16 April 2019 (has links)
La siguiente investigación consistió en realizar un análisis cualitativo a fin de detectar los factores determinantes en la evolución de la exportación de Pota congelada, con partida arancelaria 0307490000, en el marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) Perú - China en el periodo 2009 – 2017, tiempo en el cual la partida mencionada ha tenido una desgravación gradual, llegando a 0% al inicio del 2019. La exportación de pota congelada ha tenido un crecimiento significativo en el periodo 2017, respecto al 2016 al incrementarse en 24.2%, pasando de US $ 315.2 a 391.5 millones durante el 2017, consolidándose como el producto pesquero más importante con un 42.2% de participación.
Se realizó un análisis de campo utilizando fuentes primarias como entrevistas a empresas y entidades del estado, principales actores influyentes en la exportación de Pota congelada, además de expertos académicos. Se condujo una investigación de tipo descriptiva debido a que asocia conceptos o variables, teniendo como finalidad conocer la relación de los factores y sus categorías determinantes en la exportación de la partida arancelaria antes mencionada, hacia el mercado de la República popular de China, en el marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio.
Se concluyó que el factor más importante de la exportación de Pota congelada en el marco antes descrito, es el mercado y la demanda China, la cual determina el crecimiento o caída en las variaciones porcentuales de los índices de exportación; teniendo como segundo factor externo a la flota internacional y la competitividad como factor interno más relevante. / Tesis
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Analýza vybraných strategických plánů / The analyse of selected strategic documentsHoštičková, Edita January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis researches which activities state cities in their strategic or action plans. In the thesis is tested if these activities correspond with questions solved in analytical parts, especially SWOT analyzes. Selected cities are: Hodonín, Krnov, Nový Jičín, Sokolov, Havlíčkův Brod, Klatovy, Jindřichův Hradec, Žďár nad Sázavou, Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav, Otrokovice, Bílina, Rakovník, Dvůr Králové nad Labem, Česká Třebová and Varnsdorf. The main method used in this diploma thesis is the in-depth analysis of strategic and action plans. On the basis this method was found that the activities mostly correspond to the analytical part. But preferentially are realised projects, for which can be used funding from grants, some cities state it directly in their strategic documents. The researching cities focus on the transport, the public administration and the communication with the public and the recreation and the tourism. By contrast, neglected areas are health services, the environment and the culture. Based on the focus of their strategic plans, cities were divided into four groups, these groups were then tested on effects of various factors. Tested factors are the location and the author, nor one of them has been confirmed statistically significant influence on the orientation of...
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Förändras för att förbli : Hur omvärldsfaktorer påverkar den svenska reklambyråbranschen / Change to remain : How external factors affect the Swedish advertising agency industryFlorhed, Jonas, Tjernström, Matilda January 2013 (has links)
Omvärldsfaktorer som företag står utan makt att direkt påverka förändrar ständigt det affärslandskap där företag vistas. Framför allt har den tekniska utvecklingen ständigt varit en stark drivkraft till organisatorisk förändring, både historiskt sett men även i modern tid. Den tekniska utvecklingen för med sig förändrade beteenden hos konsumenter vilket tjänsteföretag måste ta hänsyn till vid utformandet av erbjudanden. För företag idag är det en utmaning att lyckas revidera sin egen verksamhet och kontinuerligt anpassa sina erbjudanden i takt med att marknaden och omvärlden ständigt förändras. Företag kan inte bortse från affärsutveckling om de vill förbli konkurrenskraftiga. Syftet med studien är därför att söka förståelse för hur omvärldsfaktorer påverkar och förändrar ett tjänsteerbjudande, och hur företag aktivt kan arbeta med att möta marknadens behov i såväl rådande som framtida affärsklimat. För att uppfylla studiens syfte har en empirisk undersökning genomförts på den svenska reklambyråbranschen. Den empiriska studien innehåller kvalitativa intervjuer med företrädare från både reklambyråer och reklamköpande företag. Reklambyråbranschens tjänsteerbjudande har analyserats i ett generellt perspektiv utifrån en teoretisk referensram där omvärldsfaktorer, tjänsteerbjudandets utformning och affärsutveckling varit centrala delar. Studiens resultat visar att tjänsteföretag kontinuerligt måste anpassa sina framtidsprognoser gällande omvärldsfaktorer, i synnerhet teknologisk innovation och förändrade konsumentbeteenden, till konkreta affärsmål för att vara konkurrenskraftiga. Omvärldsfaktorernas påverkan har enligt studien resulterat i att dagens tjänsteföretag måste vara väl insatt i kundens interna verksamheter, då samproduktion mellan köpare och säljare tenderar att bli en allt viktigare del i tjänsteerbjudandet. En ytterligare slutsats av omvärldsfaktorernas påverkan är att köpare av en tjänst idag styrs av emotionella värden i beslutsfattandet, vilket gör att den personliga affärsrelationen blir allt viktigare för tjänsteföretag för att vara attraktiva i köparens ögon. För framtida forskning ges en rekommendation att göra en komparativ studie där reklambyråbranschen jämförs med en närliggande konsultbransch för att ge ytterligare perspektiv på tjänsteerbjudandet som fenomen. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet
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Análise de estratégias e dos fatores externos na gestão estratégica de custos das companhias aéreas brasileiras / Analysis of the strategies and external factors in the strategic cost management of brazilian airlinesKajibata, Orlando Tadao 19 October 2012 (has links)
As variáveis que exercem influência em um setor podem torná-lo complexo e imprevisível. A complexidade de um setor, quando existente, é uma característica intrínseca e não pode ser evitada, sendo necessário que a empresa primeiramente compreenda e se adapte a essa complexidade a fim de obter vantagem competitiva frente a seus competidores. A imprevisibilidade também não pode ser evitada, entretanto pode ser também compreendida e atenuada. O setor de aviação é influenciado por diversas variáveis, sejam elas internas ou externas, o que o torna complexo e imprevisível. Principal exemplo de influência interna, a estratégia deve servir como um direcionador a todos dentro de uma organização, para que os objetivos delineados pelos executivos sejam alcançados. A definição da estratégia deve ser seguida de uma exaustiva análise da influência dos agentes externos ao setor, com o objetivo de compreendê-los e assim fazer com que os seus efeitos, quando negativos para a empresa, sejam os menores possíveis. Invariavelmente afetados pelas influências internas ou externas, sejam elas quais forem, estão os custos das companhias, que ao longo dos últimos 90 anos, passaram de um ordinário indicador de controle a uma ferramenta de auxílio às decisões estratégias, por meio da gestão estratégica de custos. No setor aéreo brasileiro, mais especificamente na aviação comercial, os custos passaram a ter maior importância a partir dos primeiros movimentos de desregulamentação do setor, iniciado em novembro de 1991, até a entrada no setor da companhia GOL, que trouxe um novo conceito para o país de gestão de custos, graças à retirada das últimas regulamentações ao controle das tarifas. Esse novo foco em custos iniciou uma nova etapa na competição das companhias aéreas no Brasil e introduziu a experiência de voar a novos passageiros, antes restritos ao transporte rodoviário por causa dos altos custos das passagens aéreas nos anos anteriores. A busca por custos mais baixos é comprovada com os resultados das análises, assim como a existência da diferenciação, principalmente no segmento internacional. O período de 2000 a 2010 foi marcado por diversos acontecimentos no mundo, como guerras, atentados terroristas, crises econômicas mundiais, todos esses com influência nos custos das companhias aéreas brasileiras. As análises de custo unitário demonstram a influência desses fatores, principalmente no custo de combustível, principal componente dos custos das companhias. / The variables that influence a sector can make it complex and unpredictable. The complexity of a sector, where it exists, is an intrinsic feature and cannot be avoided, being necessary for the company to first understand it and adapt it in order to gain competitive advantage against its competitors. The unpredictability cannot be avoided; however it can also be understood and mitigated. The aviation industry is influenced by several variables, whether internal or external, which makes it complex and unpredictable. Prime example of internal influence, the strategy should serve as a guide to all within an organization, so that the goals outlined by the executives are achieved. The definition of the strategy should be followed by an exhaustive analysis of the influence of external agents to the sector, in order to understand them and thus make their effects, while negative for the company, are as small as possible. Invariably affected by internal or external influences, whatever they are, are the costs of companies, which over the past 90 years, went from an ordinary control indicator to a tool to help decision strategies to be made, through strategic cost management. In the Brazilian airline industry, specifically in commercial aviation, the costs have been given greater importance from the first movement of deregulation, initiated in November 1991 until the entry into the industry the company GOL, which brought a new concept for country of management costs, mostly because of the withdrawal of the last regulations to control rates. This new focus on costs started a new stage in the competition of the airlines in Brazil and introduced the experience of flying to new passengers, previously restricted to road transport, because of the high cost of airline tickets in previous years. The constant search for lower costs is evidenced by the analyzes, as well as the existence of differentiation, more specifically in the international segment. The period from 2000 to 2010 was marked by several events in the world such as wars, terrorist attacks, global economic crisis, all of those with influence in the cost of Brazilian airlines. The unit cost analyzes demonstrate the influence of these factors, specially the cost of fuel, the main component of airlines costs.
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